Acute Pyelonephritis: (Pick The Date)
Acute Pyelonephritis: (Pick The Date)
Acute Pyelonephritis: (Pick The Date)
9.Administer >Aids in lowering
antipyretic as down
ordered or temperature
prescribed by the
[Pick the date] Acute Pyelonephritis
7. Provide >Prevents
information to contamination of
patient about the urinary
health an lifestyle meatus with the
measures to colonic bacteria
prevent from the anus.
including perineal >Hand washing is
hygiene measures the single most
such as wiping effective practice
from front to to prevent spread
back, hand of
[Pick the date] Acute Pyelonephritis
washing microorganisms.
before/after using
the toilet, wearing >Cotton
cotton underwear underwear are
and emptying the absorbent.
bladder every 2- Moisture
3hrs and enhances
immediately after proliferation of
sexual microorganism.
>Urinary stasis in
the bladder
proliferation of
and to prevent
contamination of
the urinary
meatus by colonic
bacteria from the
“Palaging sumasakit ang acute renal sensory neurons 1 hour of nursing >Assess pain, >To know the 30minu
tagiliran ko.” inflammatory process intervention the including location, severity , 1 hour
Tissue injury client’s painscale quality, duration development and nursing
OBJECTIVE: will decreases from and intensity. progression of pain interve
>patient awake on bed in Stimuli 8/10 to 3/10. and disease and to the clie
lying position at semi- obtain baseline data painsca
fowler position Noxious stimuli trigger and compared with was
>conscious and coherent release of biochemical the client’s previous decrea
>responsive to physical mediators(e.g. pain symptoms. from 8
and verbal stimuli prostaglandins, 3/10.
>irritated histamine,bradykinin) >Assess nonverbal >Non verbal cues
>anxious cues.e.g. may be both Client
>with narrowed focus Inflammation abdominal physiologic and verbali
>with sleep disturbance guarding, psychologic and relief o
>dilated pupils sensitization of tachycardia, maybe used in
>with facial grimace nocireceptors diaphoresis. conjunction with
>with weakness and verbal cues to
fatigue transmits pain sensation evaluate
>diaphoresis extent/severity of
>pale Response(pain perceived the problem.
>with abdominal
guarding behavior sympathetic
> with tenderness in left nervous system response: >Assess and review >Helpful in
CVA factors that establishing diagnosis
>v/s are follows: PR,RR,BP aggravate or and treatment needs.
T-38.4degree alleviate pain.
celcius(febrile) Diaphoresis
RR-22 cpm > Provide non- >Reduction of
PR-103 bpm Dilated pupils stimulating, calm anxiety, tension that
BP-130/70mmHg and quiet can promote
>facial mask of pain (facial environment and relaxation and
encourage client comfort and distract
[Pick the date] Acute Pyelonephritis
analgesics and
[Pick the date] Acute Pyelonephritis
medications as
indicated e.g >Relieves pain,
analgesics and promotes general
antibiotics. comfort and rest.
>Encourage oral
intake. Provide
water and other >to prevent
occurrence of deficit
fluid needs to a
minimum amount
daily ( up to
2.5L/day or
determined by
health care
provider for client’s
age,weight, and
supplemental fluids
like PNSS 1L as fluid > To promote
[Pick the date] Acute Pyelonephritis
laboratory studies.
> Determines
replacement needs
Dependent: and effectiveness of
>Administer therapy.
Antiemetics and
antipyretics as >Used to control
indicated nausea and vomiting
in acute attack and to
relieve fever.