NCP Chole
NCP Chole
NCP Chole
S> “I can’t Activity Short term: > monitor > to obtain baseline data Short term:
do simple intolerance Vital signs
things by r/t limited After 4 hrs of > assess > adequate proteins/ The patient shall
myself”, as range of NI, the pt. nutritional calories are needed for have maintained
verbalized by activity 2o s/p will be able status wound healing after functional
the patient. cholecystecto to maintain Cholecystectomy alignment of all
my functional > assess pt’s extremities and
O> the alignment of level of > aids in defining what avoid
patient may all mobility patient is capable of contractures
manifest: extremities without compromising the
and avoid health and wellness of
> Fatigue contractures the patient after Long term:
cholecystectomy which is
> Weakness necessary before setting The patient shall
Long term: realistic goals have verbalized
> Inability in > refrain understanding on
performing After 3 days from > patient with limited health teachings
ADLs without of NI, the pt. performing activity tolerance need to about risk factors
assistance will be able non-essential prioritize tasks in order and individual
to verbalize procedures not to compromise health treatment
>with clean understandin and to prevent regimen and
and dry g on health complications such as safety measures
wound teachings evisceration
dressing over about risk
RUQ factors and > monitor
individual patient’s > difficulties sleeping
>abnormal treatment sleep pattern need to be addressed
HR or BP regimen and and amount before activity
safety of sleep progression can be
>Pallor measures achieved achieved
over past few
>Dyspnea days
O> The Hyperther Short Term: > Assess >to obtain Short Term:
patient may mia underlying comparative
manifest: After 4 hours of condition and body baseline data and to The patient‘s
NI, the patient temperature assess contributing temp. shall have
>increase of temp. will factors. decreased from
temperature decrease from 38.5°C to 37.5°C
above normal 38.5°C to >Monitor and >to note for
(38.5°C 37.5°C recorded vital progress and
approx.) signs especially evaluate effects of Long Term:
Long Term: temperature hyperthermia
>skin is warm The patient shall
to touch After 2 days of >Assess >To evaluate effects have maintained
NI, the patient neurologic or degree of core
>with flushed will maintain response, noting hyperthermia temperature
skin core level of within normal
temperature consciousness and range.
>increase within normal orientation,
respiratory range. reaction to stimuli
rate and presence of
posturing or >to assist with
>unstable BP seizures measures to reduce
>seizures and body temperature or
convulsions >Remove restore normal body
>confusion unnecessary or organ function
clothing that could
only aggravate
heat >it supports
circulating volume
and tissue perfusion
>reduces metabolic
>Encourage demands or oxygen
increase fluid
intake if not
contraindicated >to promote surface
adequate rest >To meet metabolic
periods demands
>Advise high
calorie diet
antipyretics as
#3 Acute pain (Preoperative)
S> “masakit ang Acute Pain Short Term: >Establish rapport >to gain patient’s trust Short Term:
tahis s tiyan ko”, secondary
as verbalized by to After 4 hours >Assess patient >to be specific of the After 4 hours
the patient. cholecyste of NI, the quality onset, kind of pain of NI, the
ctomy patient will duration, location experienced patient shall
O> The patient be able to and intensity of pain. have
may manifest: verbalize a >Monitor and record >to obtain baseline verbalized a
>guarding decrease in vital signs. data decrease in
behavior on RUQ pain. >Provide comfort pain.
portion of the measure such as >to promote rest and
stomach Long Term: quite environment enhance the effects of
>nausea and using relaxation analgesics given Long Term:
vomiting After 2 days techniques, backrub,
>facial grimace of NI, the comfortable After 2 days
>unable to move patient will positioning >to assist patient and of NI, the
freely be able to >Provide individuals family to respond patient shall
> self focusing verbalize with opportunities to optimally to the have
>abdominal relief of discuss fear and individual’s pain verbalized
heaviness pain. acknowledge the experience relief of pain.
>narrowed focus difficulty of situation.
>expressive >Provide divertional >to divert focus of the
favor activities pt. to the pain.
disturbance >Administer pain >to decrease or totally
medication as diminish pain.
#4 Imbalanced Nutrition: less than body requirements
S= “I cant fall Disturbed Short term: >Instruct pt to perform >To ease pain felt Short term:
asleep easily sleep After 2-3 deep breathing After 2-3
especially at pattern r/t hours of NI, exercises hours of NI,
night”, as series of the pt will >To promote the pt. have
verbalized by acute pain demonstrate >Provide comfort feeling of comfort obtained a
the patient. in the site decreased measures such s and prevent nap of 3-4
of surgery. pain stretching of bed linens uneasiness hours
O= the patient sensation and changing of soiled
may manifested and will be clothing
the ff: able to >To promote
o Pain in the promote >Provide a cool and relaxation
site of sleep for 3-4 quiet environment conducive for
incision hours. sleeping Long term:
(pain >Promote proper After 1-2
Long term: hygiene or wound >To promote faster days of NI,
o Irritability After 1-2 cleaning. wound healing the pt
o Sleepless days of NI, manifested
nights the pt will >Perform visual >To relieve feeling sleeping
o Facial manifest imagery of pain. hours of 6-8
grimaces improvemen hours every
t of >To lessen night.
rest/sleep >Administer analgesics occurrence of pain
pattern. as prescribed
#6 Risk for infection r/t presence of surgical incision secondary to cholecystectomy
O> patientRisk for Short Term: >Assess >to obtain comparative Short Term:
may infection r/t underlying baseline data
manifest: presence of After 4 hours of condition and body The patient
surgical NI, the patient temperature shall have
>febrile incision 2o s/p will be able to >to assess verbalized
cholecystecto verbalize >Observe for causative/contributing understanding
>weakness my understanding localized signs of factors of health
of health infection on the teachings
>with teachings incision site. provided to
dizziness provided to > to note for progress prevent spread
prevent spread >Monitor and and evaluate for risk of of infection.
>Increase of infection. recorded vital infection
in WBC signs
>it supports circulating Long term:
>open >Encourage volume and tissue
wound Long Term: increase fluid perfusion and it aids in The patient
intake if not the elimination of shall have
>inadequa After 2 days of contraindicated microorganisms that exhibit
te acquired NI, the pt. will may contribute to the decrease risk of
immunity be able to occurrence of infection spread of
exhibit infection.
>malnutriti decrease risk >reduces metabolic
on for spread of >Promote demands or oxygen
infection adequate rest
periods >decreases the risk for
proper hygiene >to prevent infection
>Perform aseptic
technique >to decrease risk for
infection since prolong
>Encourage early immobilization can
ambulation contribute to the
accumulation of
secretions and may lead
to infection.