Pullout Capacity of Block Anchor
Pullout Capacity of Block Anchor
Pullout Capacity of Block Anchor
Naser Al-Shayea1
Civil Engineering Department, KFUPM, Box 368, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia;
PH (966 3) 860-2480; FAX (966 3) 860-2879; e mail: nshayea@kfupm.edu.sa
The block anchor was found to have higher pullout capacity than a plate anchor. The
results show that the moisture condition significantly affects the pullout capacity of
the block anchor. The pullout capacity of the block anchor embedded in unsaturated
(wet) sand is about double that for the block embedded in dry sand, while that for the
block embedded in saturated sand is only about one half of that for the block
embedded in dry sand. These findings have very significant implications in the
analysis and design of the block anchor embedded in unsaturated sand. Also, these
have contributions to the hazard risk assessment of block anchors embedded in sand
subjected to variations in degree of saturation.
Review of literature reveals that many research studies have been conducted on the
capacity of vertical anchor. Many studies were found to study anchor plate, including
Hueckel (1957), Ovesen and Stromann (1972), Neely, et al. (1973), Das (1975),
Akinmusuru (1978), Dickin and Leung (1983), and Ghaly (1997). But only few
studies were found for block anchor, Bowles (1997) and Duncan and Mokwa (2001).
Eleven researches were lab experimental works, one was a review work, and one was
field experimental work.
This paper investigates the pullout capacity of block anchors embedded in sand using
small scale laboratory models, with three different moisture conditions of the soil
(dry, saturated, and saturated-then-gravity-drained). Experimental results are
compared with those from analytical analyses.
2.1 Theories of lateral earth pressure
There are three well-known analytical theories dealing with the passive earth
pressures, namely: Rankine theory (smooth structure), Coulomb theory (rough
structure), and Log spiral theory (curved failure surface). The theoretical value of
lateral earth pressure is dependent on the theories used and on the assumptions made
relative to the nature of the structure, the soil, and the soil-structure interface.
Figure 1. Block anchor with acting forces.
The passive and active forces (Pp and Pa) are inclined by p and a, respectively to
the normal-to-the-surface of the block side, where, p is the angle of friction between
soil and passive side surface of the block, and a is the angle of friction between soil
and active side surface of the block. The horizontal components of the passive and
active forces (Pp,h and Pa,h) are: Pp,h = Pp * cos p ,and Pa,h = Pa * cos a.
The vertical components of the passive and active forces (Pp,v and Pa,v) are the
effective friction forces ( F p and Fa ) at the passive and active side surfaces of the
block anchor, respectively, and they are: Pp,v = Pp * sin p , and Pa,v = Pa * sin a.
Coulomb’s theory considers friction between the soil and the structure.
Notice that this friction is between the soil and the vertical sides of the structure. The
angle of friction between soil and structure is . Considering the value, Coulomb’s
theory gives a higher value of passive pressure and a lower value of active pressure
as compared to Rankine’s theory, which likely produces overestimation
(conservative), Bowles (1997).
As an approximation, Singh (1967) suggested the following values for : (1) = 1/3
for smooth structure (wall), (2) = 2/3 for ordinary retaining wall, (3) = 3/4
for rough walls with well-drained backfill, and (4) = 0 when the backfill is
subjected to vibrations, where is the effective angle of internal friction of the soil.
The range of values of between fine sand and concrete is 15-25º, Bowles (1997)
and Das (1995). All values of suggested above are for the maximum value ( max).
The actual value is the mobilized friction angle ( mobilized), which is less than the
corresponding maximum value. The value of mobilized is governed by the following
a. Maximum possible value of the friction ( max), which depends on the roughness of
the interface and the properties of the soil.
b. Relative shear displacement along the interface; which mobilize the interface
c. Vertical equilibrium of the forces acting on the structure.
d. Weight of the anchor (light vs. heavy).
The angles for the horizontal friction t and b are taken to be equal to max, and the
angles for the vertical friction p and a are taken to be equal to mobilized. Notice that
Ovesen and Stromann (1972) considered a to be equal to the angle of internal
friction of the soil ( ).
The mobilized friction angle ( mobilized) can be found from the equilibrium of forces
acting on the block shown in Figure 1. For light-weight anchor, the vertical
components of the passive and active forces (Pp,v - Pa,v) is greater than the weight of
the block and the soil above it (Wb + Ws), and therefore slip does not occur on the
interface between the block and the soil. This condition causes uplift of the anchor,
making the normal force (N) equals zero. By summing forces along the vertical
direction, with N = 0, yields:
Wb + Ws
moblized = sin 1
Pp Pa
Based on the shape of the anchor, there are two types: long/continuous (plane
strain, 2-D problem) and short (3-D problem). Theories of lateral earth pressures
(Rankine, Coulomb, and Log spiral) were developed for 2-D situation. The
conditions at the ends of the structure are quite different from those at the center,
which have significant influence on the passive resistance. Ovesen (1964) found that
the passive earth pressure against short structures is higher than those predicted by
conventional theories (Rankine and Coulomb theories), and the difference can be
quite significant. Hansen (1966) developed a method for correcting the results of
conventional pressure theories for shape (or 3-D) effects. For short anchors, the
ultimate resistance should be multiplied by a correction factor (M) to account for 3-D
effects. For a plate anchor, M is given as:
1.6 F 0.4( K p K a ) E 3 F 2
M = 1 + (K p K a ) 0.67 1.1E 4 + + (2)
1 + 5( B / h) 1 + 0.05( B / h)
where, E = 1 – h/(d+h),
F = 1 – (B/S)2, and
S = center-to-center distance between two anchors.
The above equation considers both the embedment factor (E) and the shape factor
(F). The value of E is 0.5 for d = h. The value of F is 0.0 for long/continuous anchor,
and is 1.0 for single short anchor.
The ultimate capacity of block anchor (Pu) can be found from the equilibrium
of forces acting on the block shown in Figure 1. By summing forces along the
horizontal direction and multiplying the lateral earth pressure (passive and active) by
the 3-D correction factor (M) given in Equation (2), yields:
Pu = M ( Pp ,h Pa ,h ) + Ft + Fs + Fb (3)
For Coulomb and Log spiral theories, Fb = 0 (as N = 0). The allowable capacity of
block anchor is Pall = Pall / FS, where, FS is a factor of safety of 1.2 to 1.5, as
suggested by Bowles (1997).
3.1. Material Characterization
3.1.1 Soil
The sand used in this research was selected to be the fraction of beach sand
that passes sieve #30 and is retained in sieve #100. Various tests were made to
characterize this sand according to the respective ASTM Standards. The grain size
distribution curve of this sand indicated that D10, D30, and D60 are 0.18mm, 0.29mm,
and 0.38mm, respectively. The coefficient of uniformity (Cu) equals 2.11, and the
coefficient of concavity/curvature (Cz) equals 1.23. According to Unified Soil
Classification System (USCS), this sand is categorized as poorly-graded clean sand
(SP). This sand has a specific gravity (Gs) of 2.679, and maximum and minimum
densities of 1889.58 kg/m3 and 1662.78 kg/m3, respectively.
The above dry density was used for permeability and strength tests, as well as for
analytical computations. The coefficient of permeability, at that was found to be
0.01476 cm/s (1.476x10-4 m/sec); i.e., within the range of medium permeability of
fine sand.
Both direct shear tests and triaxial shear tests were performed to determine the angle
of internal friction ( ) of this cohesionless sand. Direct shear tests were performed on
dry sand at four different of normal loads; 20 kgf (196.1 N), 40 kgf (392.3 N), 80 kgf
(784.5 N), and 160 kgf (1569.6 N). The resulted angle of internal friction ( ) is 44.9o.
Three sets of drained CD triaxial tests were performed on sand at three different
moisture conditions; dry, wet, and saturated. Tests were made at confining pressures
( c) of 25, 50, 100, and 200 kPa, so low to resemble those at shallow depths. A cycle
of unloading and reloading was made for each test. Figure 2 shows typical plots for
the deviator stress versus the axial strain for dry, wet, and saturation conditions of
sand. The resulted angle of internal friction ( ) is 43.5o, a little lower than that from
the direct shear test. For wet condition, the resulted apparent cohesion is about 17
kN/m2, which is attributed to capillarity effects.
To assess the stiffness of the sand at shallow depths; the initial modulus (E0), the
secant modulus (E50), and the dilatancy angle ( ) were obtained from the results of
triaxial tests at low confining pressure, and tabulated in Table 1. At a given confining
pressure, the moduli are largest at wet condition, and smallest at saturated condition;
while the dilatancy angle is largest at dry condition, and smallest at wet condition.
Maximum friction angle between soil and concrete and between soil and steel
were determined using the direct shear apparatus. Concrete or steel specimen having
a dimension of 6 cm length, 6 cm width, and 1 cm thickness was placed in lower half
of shear box, and sand at density of 1774 kg/m3 was placed at the upper half. The
angle of friction between soil and concrete were found to be 38.0o. The angle of
friction between soil and steel were found to have an average value of 28.7o. This
represents the value for max.
Table 1 Moduli of Elasticity and
Moisture Condition
Confining Pressure = 100 kPa
Dilatancy Angle
Deviator Stress (kPa)
3.1.3 Cable
The soil-cable interface friction was tested to determine friction resistance of a cable
having the same length as the cable used for pullout tests of the block anchor. The
pullout test was performed on the cable using similar apparatus and procedure for
block anchor pullout tests. The cable was embedded in the sand box at a depth of
225mm (the same depth of the cable for the block anchor). Measurements indicated
that the maximum friction was only 32 N corresponding at a displacement of 0.5
mm. This is only about 2.4 % of the load for block anchor, its effect on the pullout
load is neglected.
3.2 Model Preparation
Tests were made in a box, which is 1200mm long, 800mm wide and 600mm high.
The box walls are watertight plexi-glass and are stiffened by steel bracing to sustain
soil pressure. At the bottom of the box, a network of perforated ½ in PVC pipes
enclosed with geotextile was installed for supply and drainage of water to allow
testing at various moisture conditions. The box was filled with sand by pluviation
method by an automated sand-laying machine to produce uniformly dense,
homogenous, isotropic and reproducible sand; deposited by free-falling dry sand
from a height of fall of about 1m. The showering continues in lifts until the bottom
300mm of the box is filled with sand to the desired elevation. The block anchor, with
the two pressure transducers attached at bottom and the plate mounted on the top, is
placed on the deposited sand at a distance 800mm from the front wall of the sand box
(passive side) and in the middle between the two sides of sand box. The cable is
stretched to the loading device, hooked at the load cell. Then, sand deposition is
resumed until the box is filled with sand.
To reconstitute the model for the next test, the measuring devices were disconnected,
the soil was excavated carefully down to 100mm below the bottom of the block
anchor, the anchor block is taken, then the model is rebuilt.
For testing at saturation condition, water was gradually supplied to the sand through
network of pipes at the bottom of the box, until the water spills from the top of the
box. The valve was closed and the sand was kept saturated, for pullout testing of
anchor at saturation condition.
For testing at wet/unsaturated condition, the sand is first saturated, then water was
drained out through the pipes at the bottom of the box until the water reaches the
bottom 100mm. The valve was closed and the pullout testing of anchor was made
while the sand is at wet/unsaturated condition. To assess moisture conditions, soil
samples were taken from random positions at depths between 15 cm and 30 cm from
the surface. The water content (w) was found to be 12.5 %, which corresponds to a
degree of saturation of 65.6%.
To measure the vertical pressure at the interface between soil and the bottom of the
block anchor, two pressure transducers were used, one at the front-bottom and one at
the back-bottom of the block anchor. The pressure transducers have diameter of 5
mm, maximum pressure of 200 psi.
Movements (vertical and horizontal) of the anchor placed inside the soil were
monitored by four vertical and two horizontal LVDT's placed at an aluminum plate
mounted on the block and extended above the surface. To minimize the earth
pressure on this plate, its stem is oriented such that the 4mm thickness faces the
direction of pulling.
Load cell, LVDT's, and pressure transducer were calibrated before being used. Data
logger was used to simultaneously record all ten measurements, consisting of one
load cell, seven LVDT's (four vertical and three horizontal) and two pressure
transducers. After each test, all data recorded were transferred to PC for post-
Testing involves pulling the anchor until failure. Sets of pullout tests were made on
block anchors at dry, wet and saturation conditions of sand. For comparison
purposes, a set of pullout tests were made on plate anchors at dry sand condition.
During testing, readings of various devices were monitored, and deformations of
sand surface were visually observed, mapped (measurement of length, width and
height were taken), and photographed. Failure conditions of the soil surface were
observed at both the front of the anchor (passive side) and at the back of the anchor
(active side).
The effect of moisture condition of sand is presented for dry, wet and
saturated condition. Figure 3 shows typical the load-displacement relationship for
block anchor embedded in sand at dry, wet and saturated conditions. The
displacement represents the actual displacement of the block anchor, which was
obtained after correcting the measured displacement by the horizontal LVDT at the
end of the cable from cable elongation and other connection displacements.
For the dry condition, the values of the ultimate pullout load and the corresponding
displacement are 1310 N and 16.71 mm, respectively. For the wet condition, the
values of the ultimate pullout load and the corresponding displacement are 2298 N
and 28.3 mm, respectively. For the saturated condition, the values of the ultimate
pullout load and the corresponding displacement are 705 N and 21.07 mm,
respectively. As a comparison, results from testing plate anchor in dry sand give the
ultimate pullout load and the corresponding displacement to be 1200 N and 16.54
mm, respectively. It can be seen that the thickness of the block increases the ultimate
load increases, due to the fact that the friction at the sides and top of the anchor
contribute to the pullout capacity.
Figure 4 depicts the variation of the pullout loads versus moisture condition. It shows
that the wet condition gives the highest pullout load, approximately 70 % higher than
that for dry condition. This is due the increase of the bulk density and the present of
apparent cohesion caused by the capillarity force. Saturated condition shows
approximately 50 % reduction in pullout load compared to the dry condition, which
is due to low effective unit weight.
The values of mobilized for Coulomb theory are 11.2°, 7.7°, and 11.4° for dry, wet,
and saturated conditions, respectively, for concrete block. The corresponding values
for Log spiral theory are: 10.9°, 7.3°, and 11.0°. For steel plate in dry sand, values of
mobilized are 2.2°, and 2.1° for Coulomb and Log spiral theories, respectively.
The correction factor (M) to account for the 3-D effect, equation (2), is given in
Table 2. Figure 5 presents results of the analytical solutions according to equation
(3), with Ft = 0 (as it was observed that the top soil moves with the block not relative
to it).
The vertical displacements measured using four LVDT's indicate uplifting and tilting
of the block anchor towards the passive side. Pressure transducers at the bottom of
the anchor block indicate uplifting of the block, although the one at the passive side
is highly contaminated by the vertical component of the passive pressure.
3000 2500
Sand Condition
Dry Wet
Saturated 2000
Pullout Capacity (N)
Pullout Load (N)
0 10 20 30 40
Horizontal Displacement (mm) 0 20 40 60 80 100
Degree of Saturation (%)
Figure 4. Pullout capacity of anchor
Figure 3. Load-displacement curves
block vs. degree of saturation of
for anchor block in sand of different
moisture conditions.
Table 2. The correction factor (M)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Typical failure conditions of the soil surface are presented in Figure 6 for dry and
wet conditions. At the passive side, a bulging area was seen on the soil surface in
front of the anchor for every test except for the wet condition. At the active side, an
elliptic depression was found at the back of the anchor for dry condition. For
saturated condition, a settlement of soil behind the anchor was observed. For
wet/unsaturated condition, cracks were observed at both the passive side and the
active side, with width varying between 1 and 5mm.
1. The moisture condition of the soil highly affects the pullout capacity of the block
anchor. The wet condition gives the highest pullout capacity value, and the
saturated condition gives the lowest.
2. Thickness of anchor contributes to the pullout capacity through friction forces.
This contribution is not so significant as compared to the passive resistance.
3. Pullout capacity of block anchor by Rankine’s theory, corrected for the 3-D effect
with the frictions contributions, shows close agreement with experimental
4. The pressure below the block at the passive side is higher than that at the active
5. Vertical displacement indicated that there is an uplifting and tilting of the block
6. Horizontal displacements, needed to develop the maximum pullout capacity, were
16.71, 28.3, and 21.07 mm for dry, wet, and saturated conditions, respectively.
7. Failure manifested itself by a bulged area on the surface of the sand located at the
passive side, and by a depression in the active side, for dry condition. For wet
condition, cracks appeared at both passive and active sides.
The author acknowledges the support of King Fahd University of Petroleum &
Minerals. Also, the help of Mr. Al Sidqi Hasan and Mr. Hasan Zakaria is
(a) Dry (b) Wet/Unsaturated