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Operations Manual

Radian Research, Inc.

RM-10, RM-12, RM-15
Portable Metronic Standard



60-600 VAC
48-62 Hz
0.00001 Wh/PULSE
0.05% Wh(0.1% VAR/Q)


RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual 11
Revision 007-12/98

ii RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual

1.0 Product Introduction ........................................... 6

1.1 RM-10 Portable Watthour Standard ......................................................................... 7
1.2 RM-12 Portable Watthour Standard ......................................................................... 7
1.3 RM-15 Portable Multifunction Standard ................................................................. 7

2.0 Configurations Available (RM-10, RM-12, RM-15) ......... 8

2.1 RM-10 Models ......................................................................................................... 8
Figure 2.1 RM-10 Metronic Portable Watthour Standard ....................................... 8
2.2 RM-12 Models ......................................................................................................... 9
Figure 2.2 RM-12 Metronic Portable Watthour Standard ....................................... 9
2.3 RM-15 Models ....................................................................................................... 10
Figure 2.3 RM-15 Metronic Portable Multifunction Standard ............................. 10

3.0 Specifications .................................................. 11

3.1 Accuracy ................................................................................................................. 11
3.2 Input ....................................................................................................................... 12
3.3 Output .................................................................................................................... 12
3.4 Normal Operating Conditions ................................................................................ 13
3.5 Influences Affecting Accuracy ................................................................................ 14
3.6 Protection ............................................................................................................... 14
3.7 Burden Values ........................................................................................................ 14
3.8 Physical Description .............................................................................................. 14
Figure 3.8a RM-10 & RM-12 Physical Dimensions ............................................. 15
Figure 3.8b RM-15 Physical Dimensions ............................................................. 15

4.0 Operations Overview ........................................... 16

4.1 Auxiliary Power ...................................................................................................... 16
4.2 Current Input .......................................................................................................... 17
Table 4.2 Current Autoranging Points ................................................................... 18
4.3 Potential Input ....................................................................................................... 18
Table 4.3 Potential Autoranging Points ................................................................ 18
4.4 Remote Reset Switch Input .................................................................................... 19
4.5 Percent Registration Calculation ............................................................................ 20
4.6 Pulse Output .......................................................................................................... 21
Table 4.6 Pulse Frequency Table (pulses per second) ........................................... 22

5.0 Service & Routine Maintenance ............................ 23

5.1 Fuse Replacement .................................................................................................. 23

i i
RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual
iii 3 iii3

5.2 Cleaning ................................................................................................................. 24

5.3 Repair ..................................................................................................................... 24
5.4 Case Removal ......................................................................................................... 24
5.5 Recalibration .......................................................................................................... 25

6.0 Recalibration ................................................... 26

Figure 6.0a Typical Radian Calibration Report ..................................................... 27
Figure 6.0b Digital Switch Location ..................................................................... 28
Table 6.0 Typical Recalibration Sheet ................................................................... 30

7.0 Test Board Retrofit ............................................. 31

7.1 Current Inputs ........................................................................................................ 31
7.2 Potential Input ....................................................................................................... 32
7.3 Auxiliary Power Input ............................................................................................. 32
7.4 Display ................................................................................................................... 32

8.0 VARhour/Qhour Models ........................................ 34

8.1 Potential Gating ..................................................................................................... 34
8.2 Stability .................................................................................................................. 34
8.3 Function Select ...................................................................................................... 35
8.4 I/O Control/Communications Port ......................................................................... 35
Figure 8.4a I/O Port Pin Description .................................................................... 36
Figure 8.4b Drive Options ...................................................................................... 36
Figure 8.4c Mode Select Options ......................................................................... 37
Figure 8.4d Display Control Options .................................................................... 38

9.0 200 Amp Models ............................................... 39

Figure 9.0 Paralleling the Three Current Inputs .................................................... 39

10.0 Test Accessories ............................................... 40

10.1 RM-1S Remote Reset Switch ................................................................................. 40
Figure 10.1 RM-1S Remote Reset Switch ............................................................ 40
10.2 RM-1N Solid State Meter Interface ........................................................................ 40
Figure 10.2 RM-1N Solid State Meter Interface ................................................... 42
10.3 RM-1H Optical Pickup for Infrared LED ................................................................. 43
Figure 10.3 RM-1H Infrared Optical Pickup ......................................................... 43
10.4 RM-DS Meter Disk Sensor ..................................................................................... 44
Figure 10.4a RM-DS/f Meter Disk Sensor (field mount version) ......................... 44
Figure 10.4b RM-DS/s Meter Disk Sensor (shop mount version) ........................ 45
Figure 10.4c RM-DS/sm Meter Disk Sensor (suction mount version) ................. 45

44 iv RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual


10.5 RM-KYZ Pulse Input Adapter ................................................................................. 46

Figure 10.5 RM-KYZ Pulse Input Adapter ............................................................ 46
10.6 RM-1P Electronic Light Valve ................................................................................ 47
Figure 10.6 RM-1P Electronic Light Valve ........................................................... 47
10.7 RM-PCA Computer Adapter and PCA-Link™ Meter Test Software ........................ 48
Figure 10.7a RM-PCA Computer Interface Adapter .............................................. 48
Figure 10.7b PCA-Link™ Meter Test Software ...................................................... 49
10.8 RM-1D Frequency Divider ...................................................................................... 50
Figure 10.8 RM-1D Frequency Divider ................................................................. 51
10.9 RM-1A Photo Counter Interface ............................................................................. 51
Figure 10.9 RM-1A Photo Counter Interface ........................................................ 53
10.10 RM-OA Optical Adapter ......................................................................................... 53
Figure 10.10 RM-OA Optical Adapter ................................................................... 53
10.11 RM-TC Transit Container ....................................................................................... 54
Figure 10.11 RM-TC Transit Container Features .................................................. 54

11.0 Testing Applications ........................................... 55

11.1 Closed Link Testing (RM-10 and RM-15 only) ...................................................... 55
Figure 11.1 Fundamental Closed Link Meter Test Circuit using the
RM-10 or RM-15 ................................................................................................... 55
11.2 Open Link Testing (RM-10, RM-12, and RM-15) .................................................. 56
Figure 11.2 Fundamental Open Link Meter Test Circuit using the
RM-10, RM-12 or RM-15 ...................................................................................... 56
11.3 Testing Applications Using Radian Products ......................................................... 57
Figure 11.3a Field Testing a Solid State Meter .................................................... 57
Figure 11.3b Field Testing an Induction Meter ..................................................... 58
Figure 11.3c Testing a Meter via KYZ Output ....................................................... 59
Figure 11.3d PCA-Link™ Software and the RM-PCA ........................................... 60
Figure 11.3e Interfacing a Solid State Meter to the Optics of a Test Board ........... 61
Figure 11.3f Interfacing a Solid State Meter to an Open Collector Input ............. 62

12.0 Warranty & Calibration Service .............................. 63

RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual v 5v5

Product Introduction

1.0 Product Introduction

The RM-10, RM-12 and RM-15 make up the Radian family of autoranging
portable watthour standards. Each model provides full autoranging capa-
bility for the Potential Input, Auxiliary Power Input and Current Input.
Totally autoranging inputs, a feature pioneered by Radian, make it impos-
sible to damage the unit by applying a signal to the wrong input. Each
model provides extreme linearity coupled with extreme stability. In addi-
tion, high resolution and repeatability permits rapid and accurate single
revolution testing both in the field and in the lab with the appropriate opti-
cal pickup.

The RM-10, RM-12 and RM-15 provide a true watthour display with a Kh
of 1 for their entire operating range. This feature, introduced by Radian,
allows for a much simpler percent registration calculation. Models with
VARhour, Qhour and VAhour capabilities are available for testing the
newer multifunction solid state meters.

The RM-10, RM-12 and RM-15 can be used to upgrade older test boards
and load boxes to provide the accuracy required for testing solid state
meters. A full line of test accessories to use with these standards are also
available from Radian. These accessories can be used for field and shop
testing of solid state and induction meters.

The RM-1N is a solid state counter which automatically starts and then
stops the test after it has counted the desired number of pulses from the
meter. To further enhance testing automation, a communications I/O port
is available for computer access to the standard’s display. Application of
PCA-Link™ Meter Test Software coupled with the RM-PCA Computer
Interface Adapter will eliminate the need for manual record keeping.

Throughout this manual information that pertains to all three models will
be labeled as RM-10/12/15. If information only pertains to a specific
model(s) then it will be specified in the text (i.e. RM-15).

6 RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual

Product Introduction

1.1 RM-10 Portable Watthour Standard

The RM-10 Metronic Portable Watthour Standard is a highly advanced

electronic standard for use wherever high to extreme accuracy and stabil-
ity are desirable or required.

In addition to its autoranging capabilities, the RM-10 features three sum-

ming current inputs which can be used to perform closed link testing. A
test current of 150 amps maximum can be used by applying 50 amps to
each of the inputs. A 200 amp version is available where a maximum of
66.6 amps can be applied to each input.

The RM-10 is also available in a Watthour/VARhour configuration or in a

Watthour/VARhour/Qhour configuration. The multifunction capability is
needed to appropriately test multifunction billing parameters on solid
state meters.

1.2 RM-12 Portable Watthour Standard

The RM-12 provides high accuracy coupled with a high current input for
use wherever test currents will exceed 50 amps. The RM-12 features one
current input which is rated at 0.2 to 100 amps.

1.3 RM-15 Portable Multifunction Standard

The RM-15 is the most versatile portable standard available providing as

many as 16 different measurement functions. The RM-15 is well-suited
for test applications that require multiple measurements with high accu-
racy and stability.

In addition to its autoranging capabilities, the RM-15 features three sum-

ming current inputs which can be used to perform closed link testing. A
test current of 150 amps maximum can be used by applying 50 amps to
each of the inputs.

RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual 7

Configurations Available

2.0 Configurations Available (RM-10, RM-12, RM-15)

2.1 RM-10 Models

RM-10-01 Portable Watthour Standard

RM-10-02 Portable Watthour 200 Amp Standard
RM-10-03 Portable Watthour Standard with I/O Communications Port
RM-10-06 Portable Watthour/VARhour Standard
RM-10-07 Portable Watthour/VARhour/Qhour Standard
RM-10-08 Portable Watthour/VARhour 200 Amp Standard
RM-10-09 Portable Watthour/VARhour/Qhour 200 Amp Standard
*The RM-10-02, -03, -06, -07, -08 and -09 Models are provided with an I/O Communications Port



60-600 VAC
48-62 Hz
0.00001 Wh/PULSE
0.05% Wh(0.1% VAR/Q)



Figure 2.1 RM-10 Metronic Portable Watthour Standard

8 RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual

Configurations Available

2.2 RM-12 Models

RM-12-01 Portable Watthour Standard

RM-12-03 Portable Watthour Standard with I/O Communications Port


60-600 VAC
48-62 Hz
0.00001 Wh/PULSE
0.1% Wh



Figure 2.2 RM-12 Metronic Portable Watthour Standard

RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual 9

Configurations Available

2.3 RM-15 Models

RM-15-02 Portable Wh/kW, VAh/kVA (RMS responding) Standard

RM-15-04 Portable Wh/kW, VAh/kVA, VARh/kVAR, mVh/V, mAh/A
(RMS responding) Standard
RM-15-12 Portable Wh/kW, VAh/kVA, RMS/AVG Responding Standard
RM-15-13 Portable Wh/kW, VAh/kVA, VARh/kVAR, RMS/AVG
Responding Standard
RM-15-14 Portable Wh/kW, VAh/kVA, VARh/kVAR, mVh/V, mAh/A,
RMS/AVG Responding Standard
*All RM-15 Models are provided with an I/O Communications Port



60-600 VAC
48-62 Hz
0.00001 Wh/PULSE
0.05% Wh(0.1% OTHER)



Figure 2.3 RM-15 Metronic Portable Multifunction Standard

10 RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual


3.0 Specifications
Unless otherwise noted, specifications apply to the RM-10, RM-12 and
RM-15 standard models and their respective configurations.

3.1 Accuracy


All errors are in percent of reading at any combination of the normal operating
conditions. Note that stability is included within the maximum accuracy specifications
for Watthours, VARhours and Qhours. *Power factor is referenced to Watthours and
it is also assumed that voltage is the reference vector.

At Unity Power Factor* (0°): ±0.01% typical, ±0.05% maximum
At 0.5 Lag Power Factor* (-60°): ±0.02% typical, ±0.05% maximum
At Power Factor* P< 0.5
(F between -60° and -90°): ±0.05%/P maximum

At 0.0 Lag Power Factor* (-90°): ±0.025% typical, ±0.1% maximum
At 0.866 Lag Power Factor* (-30°): ±0.035% typical, ±0.1% maximum

At Unity Power Factor* (0°): ±0.035% typical, ±0.1% maximum
At 0.5 Lag Power Factor* (-60°): ±0.025% typical, ±0.1% maximum

All errors are in percent of reading at any combination of the normal operating
conditions. Note that stability is included within the maximum accuracy specifications
for Watthours. *Power factor is referenced to Watthours and it is also assumed that
voltage is the reference vector.

At Unity Power Factor* (0°): ±0.025% typical, ±0.1% maximum
At 0.5 Lag Power Factor* (-60°): ±0.03% typical, ±0.1% maximum
At Power Factor* P< 0.5
(F between -60° and -90°): ±0.1%/P maximum

RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual 11


All errors are in percent of reading at any combination of the normal operating conditions.
Note that stability is included within the maximum accuracy specifications for all measure-
ment functions. All other measurement functions other than Watthours and VARhours have
an accuracy of ± 0.1% maximum. *Power factor is referenced to Watthours and it is also
assumed that voltage is the reference vector.

At Unity Power Factor* (0°): ±0.01% typical, ±0.05% maximum
At 0.5 Lag Power Factor* (-60°): ±0.02% typical, ±0.05% maximum
At Power Factor* P< 0.5
(F between -60° and -90°): ±0.05%/P maximum

At 0.0 Lag Power Factor* (-90°): ±0.025% typical, ±0.1% maximum
At 0.866 Lag Power Factor* (-30°): ±0.035% typical, ±0.1% maximum

3.2 Input
Input Terminal: BNC, digital display gate

3.3 Output
Output Terminal: BNC

Pulse Values: Watthour/VARhour/Qhour 0.00001
Watthour/VARhour/Qhour 0.00002 (200 Amp Ver.)

Pulse Value: Watthour 0.00001

Pulse Values: Watthour Wh 0.00001
Kilowatt (1 sec. scan) kW 0.00001 (outputs in Wh’s)
VARhour VARh 0.00001
KiloVAR kVAR 0.00001 (outputs in VARh’s)
VAhour (Avg/Rms) VAh 0.00001
KiloVA(Avg/RMS) kVA 0.00001 (outputs in VAh’s)
MilliVOLT hour (Avg/Rms) mVh 0.0001
MilliAMP hour (Avg/Rms) mAh 0.0001
Volts (Avg/Rms) V 0.0000001 (outputs in mVh’s)
Amps (Avg/Rms) A 0.0000001 ( outputs in mAh’s)

12 RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual


• Volts (RMS/Avg) displays in Volts but pulse outputs are in millivolt hours.
• Amps and mAh’s act in the same manner as Volts and mVh’s.
• mVh (RMS/Avg) displays in millivolt hours and outputs in mVh’s.
• Kilowatts displays in kW but outputs in watthours. The same applies to
VARhours/kVAR; and VAhours/kVA.

Please note that the standard’s display for millivolt hour (mVh) or milliamp hour (mAh)
will be off by a factor of 10. This can be compensated for by multiplying the display’s
readout by 10. The number of output pulses are correct.

The percent of nominal VARhour and Qhour output can be calculated by using the
following formulas:

% OUTPUTVARhour = 1 − pf 2 × 100

% OUTPUTQhour = . 5( pf + 3 × 1 − pf 2 ) × 100 *

*(pf of 1.0 to 0.0 lag)

3.4 Normal Operating Conditions

Input Potential: 60 to 600 VAC (Autoranging) at 60 Hertz
60 to 500 VAC (Autoranging) at 50 Hertz
Input Current: 0.2 to 50.0 Amperes (Autoranging) RM-10 and RM-15
0.2 to 100.0 Amperes (Autoranging) RM-12
Power Factor: Any (see accuracy definition)
Ambient Temperature: 20° to 30° C (68° to 86° F)
Relative Humidity: 0 to 95%
Auxiliary Power Voltage: 80 to 600 VAC (Autoranging)
Frequency: 48 to 62 Hz (Watthours)
50 or 60 Hz (VARhour/Qhour only)
For Varhour and Qhour correction
at other frequencies refer to page 38.
Orientation: Any
Recalibration Interval: 365 days
Warm-up: 30 seconds
Shock and Vibration: Any which is nondestructive

RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual 13


3.5 Influences Affecting Accuracy

Temperature: ±0.001%/°C typical, ±0.003%/°C maximum (Watthours)
-20° to 70° C (-4° to 158° F)
±0.003%/°C typical, ±0.001%/°C maximum (VARhour/
Qhour only)
-20° to 70° C (-4° to 158° F)

3.6 Protection
Isolation: Complete: Inputs/Output/Power/Case/Control
Dielectric Withstand: 2.3 kVrms, 60 Hz, 60 seconds
Surge Withstand: IEEE 472 and ANSI 37.90
Fuses: Schurter #0342516 or Radian #3001000

3.7 Burden Values

Potential Input: Impedance Input
Voltage Burden (V2/R)
1M W 120 V 0.014 VA
240 V 0.06 VA
480 V 0.23 VA
600 V 0.36 VA

Current Input: Impedance Input Burden(I2R) Burden(I2R/3)

Current single input 3 inputs in parallel
0.001W 0.2 A 0.00004 VA 0.000013 VA
0.5 A 0.00025 VA 0.00008 VA
5A 0.025 VA 0.008 VA
50 A 2.5 VA 0.8 VA
150 A DO NOT USE 7.5 VA

Auxiliary Power: 3.5 W for RM-10-01 and RM-12-01

4.0 W for multifunction RM-10 and RM-15
<10 VA for all units

3.8 Physical Description

Size: 190.5 mm (7.5") (216 mm,8.5" for RM-15) High
139.7 mm (5.5") Wide
139.7 mm (5.5") Deep excluding latches and strap

14 RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual


Weight: 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs); 3.6 kg (8 lbs) shipping weight

2.9 kg (6.4 lbs); 4.1 kg (9 lbs) shipping weight for RM-15
Shipping Dimensions: 305 mm (12") High
248 mm (9.75") Wide
248 mm (9.75") Deep
Display: 12.7 mm (0.5") LCD, 6 digits
Readout in Watthours, VARhours, Qhours (RM-10)
Readout in Watthours (RM-12)
Readout for all measurement functions (RM-15)


Figure 3.8a RM-10 & RM-12 Physical Dimensions

Figure 3.8b RM-15 Physical Dimensions

RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual 15

Operations Overview

4.0 Operations Overview

4.1 Auxiliary Power

Auxiliary power is required to power the electronic watt converter, cur-

rent to frequency converter, display and transformers. It may be derived
from the same signal as the potential input providing that there is suffi-
cient volt-amperes available. Auxiliary power may also be supplied inde-
pendent from the potential input source. The voltage can range from 80 to
600 VAC at any frequency from 48 to 500 Hz. If the auxiliary power is
derived from the same potential source as the potential input, no fuses
should be between the terminals of the unit under test and the RM-10/12/
15. The auxiliary power and power to any load source must be fused inde-
pendently of the potential input.

The power supply for the RM-10/12/15 is a very advanced switching

power supply which is inherently capable of converting the available input
power to regulated power over the entire operating range. The converter is
so effective at this that the input may be changed freely between the
ranges of 80 and 600 volts during operation without a measurable effect
upon operation. There are no moving components or relay contacts so
reliability is dramatically improved over older designs with rotary
switches or autoranging relays.

Because of an absence of ranges to be selected, either manually or auto-

matically, it is very unlikely that a fuse will ever be blown. Fuse replace-
ment may be required if the display fails to indicate. Press the panel reset
once if the display is not lit, then verify the AC power is on the auxiliary
power terminals with a voltmeter. If power is present, consult Section 5.1
“Fuse Replacement” for fuse replacement instructions. The fuses are
mounted underneath the connection terminals and are accessible exter-

For self-powered applications, such as field testing with a load box, best
accuracy is obtained if the power wiring to the auxiliary power and to the
load box is routed independent of the signal wiring to the potential input.
Both should be routed separately to the meter under test then to service
power. This avoids the voltage drop induced in the wire to the auxiliary

16 RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual

Operations Overview

power from being sensed by the potential input. This performance im-
provement applies to all types of standards.

The potential input must be fused independently if fusing is present. Many

commercial load boxes do not fuse potential and auxiliary power indepen-
dently. Significant improvements in accuracy (as much as 0.25%) can be
obtained by correcting such a deficiency. This problem is less for the
RM-10/12/15 than for other standards because of the low burden, but
should be investigated.

For laboratory and Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) use (incor-

porated within test panels), the RM-10/12/15 auxiliary power is best con-
nected to any convenient AC source which is independent of the potential
signal. The source used may be any voltage between 80 and 600 VAC. For
optimum performance use a twisted pair cable and do not group in the
same bundle as the current leads. For retrofit into older test boards it is
advisable to power the RM-10/12/15 from an external 120 volt source as
the test board may generate severe transients.

4.2 Current Input

The RM-10 and RM-15 have three separate and isolated current inputs.
All are identical and interchangeable, and may be paralleled for lower bur-
den (rarely necessary) or put in series to increase sensitivity. This con-
figuration facilitates easy and accurate closed link testing (Section 11.1)
when used with test boards and load boxes with multiple floating current
outputs. For most existing load boxes connect the current leads to any one
of the current inputs and ignore the other two current inputs. Leave the
unused current inputs floating (open). NEVER short an unused current
input on any type of watthour standard.

The current input of the RM-10 and RM-15 is autoranging and covers the
entire range from 0.2 amperes to 50 amperes in five ranges on only a
single input and to 150 amperes with the three inputs in parallel. The five
ranges keep the watt converter of the RM-10 and RM-15 close enough to
full scale so that full rated accuracy is obtained over this 750:1 range.

RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual 17

Operations Overview

The RM-12 has one autoranging current input and covers the entire
range of 0.2 amperes to 100 amperes in five ranges. The five ranges
keep the watt converter close enough to full scale so that full rated ac-
curacy is obtained over this 500:1 range.

The display is also ranged such that the display always registers in wat-
thours. Hysteresis is provided at the ranging threshold points. The unit
is designed for the input current to be set prior to the start of a test to
preclude ranging during the course of a test. Tests performed with load
boxes or in test panels are performed in this way. Small additional er-
rors will occur on unstable loads, but this additional error is typically
less than 0.002% for each range change within a 30 second test. Fol-
lowing are the ranging points for the current axis:

Range 1 Range 2 Range 3 Range 4 Range 5
0 - 0.433 - 1.732 -
Increasing Current 6.926 - 27.7A 27.71 - 50A
0.432A 1.731A 6.925A

Decreasing 0 356 - 1 425 - 22 80 -

Table 4.2 Current Autoranging Points

4.3 Potential Input

The potential input of the RM-10/12/15 is entirely autoranging from a

range of 60 to 600 VAC. Following are the ranging points for the poten-
tial axis:

Range 1 Range 2 Range 3
Increasing Voltage 0 - 152V 153 - 263V 264 - 600V

Decreasing Voltage 129 - 0V 248 - 130V 600 - 249V

Table 4.3 Potential Autoranging Points

For retrofit and replacement of mechanical standards it is customary to

parallel, with jumpers, the potential input and auxiliary power input of
the RM-10/12/15. Phasing of these jumpers is unimportant. Slightly
better performance will be achieved if the auxiliary power and load box
power leads are run separately from the potential input leads back to the

18 RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual

Operations Overview

under test. The voltage drop in the lines created by the auxiliary power
burden will therefore not be sensed by the potential input leads. If paral-
leling the two inputs at the RM-10/12/15, a heavier wire, such as 14
gauge, is recommended.

When retrofitting the RM-10/12/15 into a load box, eliminate the poten-
tial gating switch and use the Radian Research RM-1S Remote Reset
Switch. In the design of the RM-10/12/15 the control means selected to
start and stop the indication of energy is by far the more accurate method
of controlling the register. Potential gating has an inherent random error
which is a maximum of 1/120 of a second or about .02% on a 36 second
test and about .2% on a 3.6 second test.

The potential input is totally autoranging so there is no need to select a

voltage range. Since both the potential and auxiliary power do not require
an operator selection of range, the usual fuse replacement and reliability
problems associated with this function are eliminated. Both of these in-
puts are fused with the fuses being underneath the input terminals. Refer
to Section 5.1 for replacement.

Phasing must be observed when connecting the potential. If the phasing is

wrong, reverse power flow will not be indicated and the instrument will
not register. If no energy is registering, check the phasing and also verify
with a voltmeter and a clamp-on type ammeter that the signals are actually

4.4 Remote Reset Switch Input

The “Input” connector on the RM-10/12/15 is for connection of a control

input to gate the display on and off and to reset it. This input connection
replaces both the reset switch and the click switch or photocounter con-
trol which gates the potential input. Gating the register rather than the po-
tential input is definitely more accurate on any standard since the
measurement circuitry then gets a flying start on the measurement. Poten-
tial gating has only been done historically because of a lack of alterna-

RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual 19

Operations Overview

The most common input is the Radian RM-1S Remote Reset Switch. It
connects directly to the “Input” connection of the RM-10/12/15 by means
of a BNC shielded connector. A momentary push of the button starts the
counter. A second push stops it after the test duration (frequently 10 revo-
lutions), freezing the last reading for as long as desired, and a third push
will reset the counters to zero for the next test.

Removal of the switch will, within fifteen seconds, permit the unit to en-
ter the continuous run mode, where it may be gated by the potential input.
In this mode the unit will behave identical to older electronic and me-
chanical standards. This would normally be done in retrofit applications
where changing an existing photocounter or test board to display gating
might not be a justifiable expense. Radian recommends the RM-1A Photo
Counter Interface for retrofit applications. This adapter will permit older
test boards to do single or two revolution testing in many applications.

The “Input” will also accept a normally closed contact or normally on

transistor open collector from any source. The common of the “Input” is
fully isolated from the internal common of the standard to eliminate noise
or hipot problems. A momentary pulse (open) lasting between .05 and one
second will trigger the input. The display circuit will sense the leading
edge of the contact open. The “Input” control has no effect on the pulse
output. Gating of the potential input does, of course, effect both the
display and the output.

4.5 Percent Registration Calculation

The LCD output of the RM-10/12/15 is used to calculate the percent

registration of the meter under test. The formula by which this is ac-
complished is much simpler than the conventional calculation. The
output of the RM-10/12/15 reads out in watthours, with a Kh of 1.00
on all ranges. The RM-10/12/15 is also accurate enough and linear
enough that correction factors for the standard are not necessary.
Hence, the simple calculation of percent registration. The formula to
be used is:

20 RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual

Operations Overview

where “%REG” is the percent registration, “Kh” is the watthour constant

of the meter under test, “REV” is the number of revolutions of the test,
“DISPLAY” is the displayed value in watthours and “EL” is the number of
elements energized with the same current on the meter under test.

For two and one half element meters (two elements, three current leads
for four wire circuits), use the value of four for the “EL” in the above cal-

For one and one half element meters (residential Form 2S meters) a fac-
tor of one is used for a standard test and 0.5 elements for a closed link
(two current elements on the RM-10 or RM-15) test.

4.6 Pulse Output

The pulse output is available on the RM-10/12/15 display panel as a

BNC shielded connector labeled “Output.” The extreme resolution of
the RM-10/12/15 yields an output with a calibration of 10
microwatthours per pulse (0.00001 watthours per pulse or 100,000
pulses per watthour). This calibration is the same on all voltage and
current ranges.

Table 4.6 Pulse Frequency Table lists the frequencies which are ob-
tained at typical operating voltages and currents. All the values are
reduced by 50% at 0.5 power factor. All values are multiplied by the
number of current inputs used (EL).

The output frequency may be calculated at any voltage, current and

power factor by the following formula:

RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual 21

Operations Overview

where 3600 is the number of seconds in an hour and 0.00001 is the num-
ber of watthours per pulse.

To reach the maximum frequency out when designing an interface to a

commercial counter or systems interface to the RM-10/12/15, a pull-up
resistor of 1000 ohms or less is recommended so that the capacitance of
the connecting cables can be overcome without losing counts. If a cable
run of more than six feet is necessary, lower the pull-up resistor
valueaccordingly. The RM-10/12/15 can sink a maximum of 50 milliam-
peres, permitting a pull-up resistor limitation of 100 ohms minimum at
five volts. If the available power supply cannot supply the current for low
resistor values, consider using low capacitance cable for long runs. For
test board interface development work, there is no substitute for a close
inspection of the output waveform at maximum frequencies with an oscil-
loscope to verify that there are absolutely no problems with pulses being

The frequencies which are obtained, ranging from 666.7 to 666.667 Kilo-
hertz in Table 4.6, are beyond the input capabilities of some calibration
equipment. A variable divide down device makes interface with the older
calibration equipment straightforward. The RM-1D Frequency Divider
available from Radian Research can solve this problem.

@1.0 pf 120v 240v 480v

0.20a 666.7 1333.3 2666.7
0.25a 833.3 1666.7 3333.3
0.50a 1666.7 3333.3 6666.7
1.00a 3333.3 6666.7 13333.3
2.00a 6666.7 13333.3 26666.7
2.50a 8333.3 16666.7 33333.3
5.00a 16666.7 33333.3 66666.7
10.00a 33333.3 66666.7 133333.3
15.00a 50000.0 100000.0 200000.0
20.00a 66666.7 133333.3 266666.7
25.00a 83333.3 166666.7 333333.3
45.00a 150000.0 300000.0 600000.0
50.00a 166666.7 333333.3 666666.7

Table 4.6 Pulse Frequency Table (pulses per second)

22 RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual

Service & Routine Maintenance

5.0 Service & Routine Maintenance

The RM-10/12/15 Metronic Portable Watthour Standards are virtually
maintenance free. The use of a highly advanced all hermetic referencing
system reduces drift an order of magnitude and therefore permits yearly
recalibrations with no degradation in performance. The elimination of all
contacts, switches and tap selections on the primary side of the input
transformers significantly improves reliability by eliminating both service
components and the opportunity for operator error. Other than cleaning of
the outside surface and the yearly recalibration, no routine maintenance is
required. Yearly recalibration may be deleted if 0.1% accuracy is speci-

5.1 Fuse Replacement

Fuse replacement is not very likely because of the elimination of primary

side switching. However, fuses are included and are accessible without
disassembly. There are four fuses: two potential input and two auxiliary
power. Fuse replacement is performed as follows:

1. Test for blown fuses. Approximately 14 to 17 Kohms of impedance on

the potential input circuit is normal; approximately .08 amperes of cur
rent draw is normal at 120 VAC of the auxiliary power.

2. Replace both fuses on a circuit if one is bad.

3. Remove the terminal knobs of the circuit with bad fuses.
4. Remove the stainless steel set screws underneath each of the two terminals with
a 1/8 inch Allen (hex key) wrench.
5. Remove the fuses underneath by turning the RM-10/12/15 upside down and
shaking the fuses out.
6. Replace the fuses with 5 x 20 mm 1 ampere medium blow fuses. Schurter
#0342516 or Radian #3001000 are recommended. If the unit blows the fuses
again, the unit needs to be serviced.

RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual 23

Service & Routine Maintenance

5.2 Cleaning

Cleaning of the RM-10/12/15 may be performed with a clean, dry lint-

free cloth dampened slightly with a mild window cleaner. The areas
around the top terminals should be buffed dry with another cloth which is
completely clean and totally dry. This is to maintain dielectric with com-
plete assurance for voltages of 480 volts and higher.

5.3 Repair

Repair is recommended to be performed by Radian Research. We have

excellent automated testers with which every internal module can be
tested quickly to original factory specifications. A final calibration and
quality control inspection to original factory specifications is performed
quickly and thoroughly.

5.4 Case Removal

Removal of the case is required to obtain access to the digital decade

switches to set calibration. Since the unit is readily subject to damage
when out of the case, it is recommended that the change in calibration be
determined prior to case removal. For instance, suppose that it is deter-
mined that the unit is running 0.007% slow and that the records show that
the present setting of the calibration is +0.034%. The new number must
be 0.007% higher to correct for the slow output. The RM-10/12/15 can
therefore be removed from the case and the switches changed to +0.041.

To remove the case first ease the leather strap off of the strap retainers.
Secondly, remove the retainers by inserting a 3/64" Allen (hex key)
wrench through the hole and carefully remove the strap retainer so as not
to damage the paint. The RM-10/12/15 can then be slid carefully out of
the case by pulling on the lip of the black thermoplastic top panel (DO
NOT use a screwdriver to pry the RM-10/12/15 from the case). After
recalibration reassemble in the reverse order being careful to replace the
internal insulating paper. The internal insulating paper is best wrapped
around the RM-10/12/15 and then slid into the case with it. The internal

24 RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual

Service & Routine Maintenance

paint can withstand the rated hipot voltage but the insulating paper pro-
vides insurance against a breakdown due to scratches.

5.5 Recalibration

Recalibration is recommended yearly. If 0.1% accuracy is acceptable the

unit need never be recalibrated. A periodic cross check against another
RM-10/12/15 is recommended to preclude the possibility of a failure in

RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual 25


6.0 Recalibration
Recalibration is recommended at yearly net intervals. We highly recom-
mend the use of Radian’s recalibration service as a very cost effective
alternative to manual recalibration by the utility. Our RM-703 Automated
Test System has a repeatability of better than 0.001% and an accuracy
limited by available calibration from the National Institute of Standards
and Technology. Our RM-703 Automated Test System collects a data
point on an Radian standard every thirty seconds on up to sixteen stan-
dards simultaneously, collecting literally thousands of data points on an
overnight run. When using this service, and economics permit, prudence
would dictate having a dedicated RM-10 or an RM-11 primary standard
which is checked by NIST or NRC (National Research Council in Canada).
With this instrument it is feasible to sample test units at various points as
a “backup” test.

Historically, watthour standards have had to run at each power setting for
considerable periods of time to be calibrated. This has been due to two
interacting effects within the input transformers. The high burden of first
generation electronic watthour standards causes heating in the input trans-
formers. The accuracy of the transformers and stability of the electronics
renders a sensitivity to this heating which must stabilize out for data to be
taken. The RM-10/12/15 has such low input burden that this heating is
very small. The electronically compensated transformers and advanced
references of the RM-10/12/15 are highly immune to heating even if it
were not small. Our extremely accurate and cost effective automated
recalibration system permits highly accurate data points to be taken within
a few seconds of each other (See Figure 6.0a).

26 RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual



MODE........................... WATTHOURS

DATE............................ 27-Oct-94

SERIAL NUMBER......... 6272




120 120 240 240 480 480 600 600

0.5 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.006
1.0 0.000 0.001 -0.002 0.003 -0.002 0.004 -0.001 0.006
2.0 -0.002 -0.002 -0.003 0.000 -0.003 0.002 -0.002 0.004
2.5 -0.001 -0.002 -0.004 0.001 -0.004 0.002 -0.002 0.005
3.0 -0.003 -0.002 -0.003 0.000 -0.004 0.002 -0.002 0.005
5.0 0.000 0.000 -0.001 0.001 -0.002 0.004 0.001 0.006
6.0 0.000 0.000 -0.002 0.002 -0.002 0.004 -0.001 0.006
10.0 -0.001 -0.003 -0.001 0.002 -0.001 0.002 -0.001 0.005
12.0 0.000 -0.001 -0.001 0.001 -0.001 0.004 0.000 0.006
15.0 0.000 0.001 -0.002 0.002 -0.002 0.003 0.001 0.006
20.0 0.001 0.001 -0.001 0.002 -0.002 0.005 0.000 0.007
25.0 0.000 -0.001 -0.001 0.003 -0.001 0.005 0.001 0.006
30.0 0.000 0.000 -0.001 0.002 -0.001 0.005 0.000 0.006
40.0 0.001 0.001 -0.001 0.002 -0.002 0.005 0.000 0.007
45.0 0.001 0.001 -0.001 0.004 -0.002 0.005 0.001 0.007
50.0 0.001 0.001 -0.002 0.002 -0.002 0.005 0.000 0.007

AVERAGE 0.000 0.000 -0.002 0.002 -0.002 0.004 0.000 0.006

MAXIMUM 0.002 0.001 0.000 0.004 0.001 0.005 0.001 0.007

MINIMUM -0.003 -0.003 -0.004 0.000 -0.004 0.002 -0.002 0.004

AVERAGE -0.001 0.003
MAXIMUM 0.002 0.007
MINIMUM -0.004 -0.003

Figure 6.0a Typical Radian Calibration Report

RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual 27


The watthour calibration of the RM-10/12/15 is changed by the setting of

two ten-position digital switches located on the bottom printed circuit
board of the standard. The switches have 199 possible settings between
+0.099 and -0.099%. As referenced to Figure 6.0b, Switch 1 changes the
second calibration digit to the right of the decimal point and Switch 2
changes the third calibration digit to the right of the decimal point. Switch
3 changes the registration from negative (left position) to positive (right
position). To adjust to 100.000% registration, mathematically subtract the
percent error of the standard from the number derived by reading the three
switches. To illustrate the process of recalibrating a Radian standard using
the digital switches, the following four examples are given:

SW 1

SW 2

SW 3

Figure 6.0b Digital Switch Location

28 RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual


1. Initial switch settings are SW1=3, SW2=2 and SW3=right (+0.032) and the per-
cent error of the standard is –0.005%. Therefore, the standard is running at
99.995% registration or 0.005% slow. To adjust to 100.000% registration the
new switch settings would be SW1=3, SW2=7 and SW3=right (+0.037). [+0.032
– (–0.005) = +0.037]

2. Initial switch settings are SW1=3, SW2=2 and SW3=right (+0.032) and the per-
cent error of the standard is +0.005%. Therefore, the standard is running at
100.005% registration or 0.005% fast. To adjust to 100.000% registration the
new switch settings would be SW1=2, SW2=7 and SW3=right (+0.027). [+0.032
– (+0.005) = +0.027]

3. Initial switch settings are SW1=1, SW2=8 and SW3=left (–0.018%) and the per-
cent error of the standard is –0.007%. Therefore, the standard is running at
99.993% registration or 0.007% slow. To adjust to 100.000% registration the
new switch settings would be SW1=1, SW2=1 and SW3=left (+0.011). [–0.018 –
(–0.007) = –0.011]

4. Initial switch settings are SW1=0, SW2=1 and SW3=right (+0.001%) and the
percent error of the standard is +0.004%. Therefore, the standard is running at
100.004% registration or 0.004% fast. To adjust to 100.000% registration the
new switch settings would be SW1=0, SW2=3 and SW3=left (–0.003). [+0.001 –
(+0.004) = –0.003]

Historically, calibration factors have been used instead of adjusting stan-

dards. The primary intent was to maintain a calibration history. Units with
substantial drift could be detected by virtue of a continuously changing
calibration factor with time. The problem with readjustment was that po-
tentiometers and other screw adjustments became more unstable me-
chanically after adjustment than before. The digital decade switches of the
RM-10/12/15 cannot be bumped or jarred from their setting in transporta-
tion or handling and the switches themselves provide the calibration his-
tory. The switch settings should definitely be recorded with the date at the
time of each recalibration. A typical sheet may look as follows:

RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual 29


Date Setting Notes

3/06/94 +.032 NEW UNIT, AS RECEIVED

Table 6.0 Typical Recalibration Sheet

A recalibration is normally performed at 120 VAC, 5 amperes and unity

power factor. A reason for checking for power factor error and for error
on each range is to check against the very remote possibility of a failure
which may have occurred which is not apparent at the reference point.

To verify full accuracy on every internal range it is sufficient to check the

RM-10/12/15 approximately every factor of two on current and voltage:
0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 ampere checks as well as 80, 120, 240
and 480 volt checks will assure that all ranges are properly functioning.
The RM-10/12/15 should be within 0.025% at all unity power factor
points and within 0.05% at all 0.5 power factor points.

Gang testing is the most economical method of calibration verification on

RM-10/12/15 Standards. A number of standards are powered with auxil-
iary power in parallel, potential inputs in parallel and currents in series
(unused currents inputs are open of course). The “Input” connections on
the RM-10/12/15 registers are paralleled using one RM-1G cable per
RM-10/12/15 so that one RM-1S Remote Switch controls all
RM-10/12/15 Standards. Optionally, an RM-109 Digital Watthour Com-
parator may be used in place of the RM-1S. If testing other types of stan-
dards along with RM-10/12/15 Standards then the RM-109 Comparator is

30 RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual

Test Board Retrofit

7.0 Test Board Retrofit

The retrofit of an RM-10/12/15 Metronic Portable Watthour Standard to
an existing test board is an economical way of achieving dramatic im-
provements in performance. The basic accuracy of a test board, properly
retrofitted so as to eliminate any existing instrument transformers, is lim-
ited only by the accuracy of the RM-10/12/15 itself. Radian test accesso-
ries, such as the RM-1N, RM-1H, RM-DS and RM-1S can be added to
successfully test solid state and induction meters. Note that with these
Radian test accessories, it is not necessary to use the test board’s counter
or optics.

If you are not thoroughly familiar with the internal operation of your test
board send us a copy of the schematic of the test board before attempting
installation. Send it to:

Test Board File

Radian Research, Inc.
3852 Fortune Drive
Lafayette, IN 47905

When retrofitting an RM-10/12/15 into an existing test board there are

four factors to consider: current inputs, potential input, auxiliary power
input and watthour display. Each item is explained in the following sec-

7.1 Current Inputs

The current inputs are to be connected directly in series with the meter
under test. This frequently means that there are four or five different cur-
rent leads to be rendered common to a single current input on the
RM-10/12/15. Jumpering of the unused lower current outputs to the 50
ampere output at the output of the test board is the most convenient way
to accomplish this. For an initial installation you may use your old stan-
dard to sum the four currents to one by seriesing the RM-10/12/15 with
the common of the old standard.

RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual 31

Test Board Retrofit

7.2 Potential Input

The potential input is to be connected directly across the meter under test.
For test tables equipped with four potential outputs for dual coil standards
usually the desired voltage exists across two of these. Significant gains in
accuracy will be obtained by bypassing any internal potential transform-
ers. The potential input transformer of the RM-10/12/15 is far more ac-
curate than any potential transformer used in commercial test tables.

7.3 Auxiliary Power Input

The auxiliary power input is to be connected to any available fixed power

source. The auxiliary power input cannot be connected to the potential
signal since potential gating would turn the RM-10/12/15 off after every
test. If the RM-10/12/15 registers counts on changing ranges of the test
board, power the RM-10/12/15 from a source not connected to the test

7.4 Display

The display reads out in watthours which is more convenient but different
than “revolution” readouts. The readout in watthours is simpler to use and
to learn than the revolution readouts, particularly where there are a variety
of types of meters to be tested.

The following installation procedure will significantly reduce the possi-

bility of improper connection or misapplication in retrofitting an

1. Power the RM-10/12/15 by connecting a continuous source of 120 or 240 VAC

power to the auxiliary power terminals. Run a test or two with the old standard
and observe that the display of the RM-10/12/15 remains on continuously.

2. Connect one RM-10/12/15 current circuit in series with the common of the cur-
rent circuit of the old standard. Run a test or two with the old standard and ob-
serve that the test board performs normally.

32 RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual

Test Board Retrofit

3. Connect the RM-10/12/15 potential in parallel with the potential of the old stan-
dard. The accuracy of the RM-10/12/15 may be degraded with a mechanical
standard in parallel on potential gating due to inductive kickback, but functionality
should be observed. Run a test or two with the old standard and observe normal
4. The RM-10/12/15 should be operating. If it is not, try reversing the potential or
current. If the RM-10/12/15 is still not registering power, check for nominal volt-
age and current at its terminals. Make sure that there is nothing connected to the
INPUT connector of the RM-10/12/15 if you are using potential gating.
5. Remove the old standard and run one or two tests. Try all voltages used on your
test board and verify that the potential voltage on the RM-10/12/15 is identical to
the test voltage.

Further assistance is available from the factory. When consulting the fac-
tory, sending a copy of the schematic of the particular test board is very

The RM-1A Photo Counter Interface is available from Radian Research to

eliminate the inherent errors of potential gating and thereby achieve the
inherent ability of the RM-10/12/15 to perform single revolution testing.
Note that the RM-1A is necessary only if the test board’s counter is still
being used. The RM-1A is not needed if the test board’s counter has been
replaced with the RM-1N Solid State Meter Interface.

RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual 33

VARhour/Qhour Models

8.0 VARhour / Qhour Models

8.1 Potential Gating

Potential gating, a time honored approach which today should be avoided

because of more accurate approaches, is fundamentally incompatible with
the VARhour or Qhour function. All Radian standards are designed for
gating of the register rather than the potential, thus making a VARhour or
Qhour standard practical. The Radian RM-1A Photocounter Interface is
recommended to eliminate the need for potential gating for applications
where the hardware or procedures already exist; such as with older test
board designs.

8.2 Stability

The stability of the VARhour and Qhour function of the RM-10 and
RM-15 is significantly improved over that of older VARhour circuits. The
stability is improved by eliminating electrolytic capacitors from the sig-
nal path and by using all hermetically sealed reference components. The
capacitors used are the most stable type film capacitors known. 90 day
recalibration and avoidance of temperature excursions beyond 10 to 40
degrees Celsius are recommended to attain the highest possible stability.
Recalibration should be performed at 120 Volts, 5 Amperes and 100%
output. The phase error of the VARhour or Qhour circuit is small enough
that it never needs to be calibrated.

Stability of the VARhour or Qhour function is enhanced considerably by

avoiding temperature extremes. There is a hysteresis of about 0.02% by
going from temperature extremes for long periods (greater than 12 hours)
and then returning to room temperature. The hysteresis set can be elimi-
nated by temperature cycling (-20, +70, -10, +60, +0, +50, +10, +40, +20 °C).

34 RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual

VARhour/Qhour Models

8.3 Function Select

To change from one measurement parameter (ie: Watthours, VARhours or

Qhours) to another, simply press the “Select” pushbutton on the RM-10
or RM-15 top panel (Figure 2.1 & 2.3). Annunciators on the custom liq-
uid crystal display indicate the measurement mode of the standard.

8.4 I/O Control / Communications Port

On all multifunction RM-10 and RM-15 Standards an Input/Output port is

located in the upper right corner of the top panel. The I/O port can func-
tion as a direct control port or as an intelligent communication port.

In the direct control mode the I/O port can be used to: (1) select the
measurement mode and (2) cycle the display from one mode to another
(ie: free run, stop or reset). Detailed technical information on the direct
control mode of the I/O port is presented on the following two pages.

In addition to the direct control mode, the I/O port can be used as an intel-
ligent computer communication interface. In this mode any PC-compat-
ible computer can be used to do the following:

1. Select the measurement mode

2. Cycle the display from one mode to another
3. Read the display value
4. Input and read the serial number of the standard
5. Input and read the last calibration date of the standard

6. Input and read other record keeping data

The Radian Research RM-PCA Computer Interface Adapter connects to

the I/O port and to the serial port of a computer. The RM-PCA provides
access to the standard’s display through the PCA-Link™ Meter Test Soft-

Contact our headquarters for more detailed technical information.

RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual 35

VARhour/Qhour Models

Pin Description:

Pin 1 (black) : Common

Pin 2 (green) : Display Control
Pin 3 (red) : VARhour Control
Pin 4 (white) : Qhour Control

Figure 8.4a I / O Port Pin Description

Drive Options:

Figure 8.4b Drive Options

36 RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual

VARhour/Qhour Models

Mode Select Options:

To select a mode, the control line must be pulled to common (need to

sink 3 mA at no more than 0.7V).

Figure 8.4c Mode Select Options

Display Control Options:

The display control is accomplished by making a connection between pins

1 and 2. This connection signals the display to enter the display gate
mode. The connection can be accomplished with a normally-closed relay,
an open collector output or a driven output. To cycle the display this cir-
cuit must be opened for at least 10ms. The rising edge is the timing

Low (closed) = 1mA at less than 0.7 volts

High (open) = 4.5 volts (pulled up internally)

RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual 37

VARhour/Qhour Models

Figure 8.4d Display Control Options

zVarhour correction formula for RM standard calibated at 60 Hertz but used at a different
frequency: Actual Frequency
Varhour Actual = Varhour RM x
z Varhour correction formula for RM standard calibrated at 50 Hertz but used at a different
frequency: Actual Frequency
Varhour Actual = Varhour RM x
z Qhour correction formula for RM standard calibrated at 60 Hertz but used at a different
frequency: cos ( o + 60 )

Qhour Actual = Qhour RM x

1+3 f 2
( ) )(
cos [ o + tan-1 ( 3 60f ) ] )
z Qhour correction formula for RM standard calibrated at 50 Hertz but used at a different
frequency: cos ( o + 50 )
Qhour Actual = Qhour RM x
1+3 f 2

50 ( ) )(
cos [ o + tan-1 ( 3 50f ) ] )
Varhour Actual = the corrected Varhour accumulation Varhour RM = the RM standard’s Varhour accumulation
Qhour Actual = the corrected Qhour accumulation Qhour RM = the RM standard’s Qhour accumulation
f = frequency o = phase angle difference between voltage and current

38 RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual

200 Amp Models

9.0 200 Amp Models

The RM-10/15 Standard has a 50 ampere per input current specification
(150 amperes total). The RM-10/15 is also available in a 200 ampere con-
figuration. To achieve the 150 or 200 ampere current input capacity the
three current inputs must be paralleled (Figure 9.0).

Use #4 or larger cable making sure that the total length of the three cur-
rent paths are equal. Tightly bundle the leads and route as indicated in Fig-
ure 9.0. The routing is important as at high current inputs the magnetic
field created can affect the accuracy of the unit. Also, make sure the cur-
rent input knobs are securely tightened.

The specifications of all 200 Ampere models are identical to the standard
150 Ampere models with the following exception:

OUTPUT PULSE VALUE = 0.00002 watthours per pulse

Figure 9.0 Paralleling the Three Current Inputs

RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual 39

Test Accessories

10.0 Test Accessories

10.1 RM-1S Remote Reset Switch

The RM-1S Remote Reset Switch is a normally closed push button

switch. The RM-1S will connect directly to the “Input” BNC of a Radian
standard or to the RM-1S Input of the RM-1N Solid State Meter Interface.
The switch of the RM-1S is hermetically sealed to provide increased reli-
ability during field use. The push-button has tactile feel to provide instan-
taneous feedback of switch actuation.

Application: Used to reset the display of a Radian standard and re-arm

the RM-1N
Switch: Normally closed contact; momentary open
Size: Handle; 19 mm (.75") dia. x 79 mm (3.1")
RM-1S Cable; 1727 mm (68") Length
RM-2S Cable; 2743 mm (108") Length
Weight: RM-1S, .12 kg (.26 lbs)
RM-2S, .15 kg (.33 lbs)

Figure 10.1 RM-1S Remote Reset Switch

10.2 RM-1N Solid State Meter Interface

The RM-1N is a lightweight, compact electronic counter designed to

meet numerous field and shop testing applications. In the field, the
RM-1N will provide for totally automated testing of both solid state and
induction meters. The RM-1N controls the test by automatically starting
the display of the Radian standard and then stopping the display after it has
counted a specified number of pulses. In the shop, the RM-1N will inter-
face any solid state meter with existing calibration equipment.

40 RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual

Test Accessories

In field testing applications the output of the RM-1N is used to gate the
display of any Radian standard. The rate of output to input pulses can be
set by selecting the appropriate input pulse divisor. The RM-1S Remote
Reset Switch is used to reset the Radian Standard’s display and re-arm the
RM-1N’s counter. The RM-1N can operate either on battery or AC power.
These plus other features allow for convenient and cost effective field
testing of solid state and induction meters.

When testing solid state meters, the input pulses to the RM-1N are re-
ceived via the RM-1H Infrared Optical Pickup. The RM-1H senses pulses
from the infrared calibration LED found on most solid state meter de-
signs. These infrared pulses are then sent to the pulse input of the RM-1N
to be counted.

When testing induction meters, the RM-DS Meter Disk Sensor is used to
reflectively sense disk rotations. The RM-DS will sense disk rotation and
send pulses to be counted to the input of the RM-1N electronic counter.

Both solid state and induction meters can be tested from the KYZ output
with the RM-KYZ Pulse Input Adapter. The RM-KYZ will sense the
meter’s KYZ pulses and send pulses to be counted to the pulse input of
the RM-1N.

The RM-1N is used to interface a solid state meter to existing shop cali-
bration equipment. The input pulses are received via the RM-1H Optical
Pickup. The output pulses of the RM-1N are fed into the optics assembly
of a calibration test board. This interface to the test table’s optics is done
via the RM-1P Electronic Light Valve. The output of the RM-1N can also
be interfaced directly to a test table’s open collector input (if available).

RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual 41

Test Accessories

Inputs: Pulse Input; for RM-1H, RM-KYZ or RM-DS

RM-1S Input; to reset RM-1N and Radian standard
Max. Input Freq.: 60 pulses per second
Outputs: Open Collector Output; for interface to Radian standard or
open collector input of test board
RM-1P Output; for connection to RM-1P Electronic Light
Accuracy: .0001% transfer error for life
Input Power: Internal 9V battery or 120V AC adapter (provided with unit)
Size: 112 mm (4.4") H x 83 mm (3.25") W x 45 mm (1.75") D
(excluding BNCs)
Weight: .26 kg (.57 lbs); .9 kg (2 lbs) shipping weight
Counter: 4 digit (pushwheel type)
Battery Type: 9V alkaline
Use Radian #800001, Duracell MN16004B2 or Eveready
Battery Life: Approximately 400-500 hours of operation


RM -1N

Figure 10.2 RM-1N Solid State Meter Interface

42 RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual

Test Accessories

10.3 RM-1H Optical Pickup for Infrared LED

The RM-1H Infrared Optical Pickup is used to sense the infrared pulses
from the calibration LED found on most solid state meters. The pulses
from the RM-1H are fed into the input section of the RM-1N Solid State
Meter Interface or RM-109 Digital Watthour Comparator. With the
RM-1H and the RM-1N or RM-109, testing of solid state watthour meters
is done automatically. The wide angular displacement of this sensor al-
lows for fast, noncritical alignment. Also, automatic gain control circuitry
of the RM-1H assures operation in all ambient sunlight conditions. The
RM-1Hv is available for those solid state meters that provide a visible
calibration LED.

RM-1H Application: Senses pulses from infrared calibration LED; input pulses
to RM-1N or RM-109
Peak Sensitivity
Wavelength: 980nm
Size: Case; 30 mm (1.2") H x 57 mm (2.25") W x 23 mm (.9") D
Cable; 1803 mm (71") Length
Weight: .09 kg (.19 lbs)

RM-1Hv Application: Senses pulses from visible calibration LED; input pulses to
RM-1N or RM-109
Peak Sensitivity
Wavelength: 680nm
Size: Case; 30 mm (1.2") H x 57 mm (2.25") W x 23 mm (.9") D
Cable; 1803 mm (71") Length
Weight: .09 kg (.19 lbs)

Figure 10.3 RM-1H Infrared Optical Pickup

RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual 43

Test Accessories

10.4 RM-DS Meter Disk Sensor

The RM-DS Meter Disk Sensor is a reflective pickup assembly used to

sense the disk rotation of an induction type meter. The pulses generated
by the RM-DS are fed into the input section of the RM-1N Solid State
Meter Interface or the RM-109 Digital Watthour Comparator. With the
RM-DS and the RM-1N or RM-109, testing of induction type meters is
done automatically and with a high degree of accuracy as compared to
using a conventional push-button or snap switch.

Application: Senses disk rotation of an induction meter. The signal


is conditioned and sent to the RM-1N or RM-109

Supply Voltage: 9 volts DC to 24 volts DC
Current Consumption: 30mA
Max. Detection Distance: 100 mm (4")
Size: Case; 30 mm (1.2") H x 57 mm (2.25") W x 23 mm (.9")
Cable; 2032 mm (80") Length
Weight: .13 kg (.29 lbs) RM-DS only
Field Mount Version: Pickup Assembly; 95 mm (3.75") H x 71 mm (2.8") W x
44 mm (1.75") D, .1 kg (.22 lbs)
Shop Mount Version: Base; 51 mm (2.0") dia. x 9.7 mm (.38"), .17 kg (.38
lbs) with Flexible Arm
Flexible Arm; 8 mm (.32") dia. x 465 mm (18.3")Shop
Suction Mount Version: Pickup assembly; 57.7 mm (2.27") H x 44 mm (1.73")
W x 44 mm (1.73") D, .05 kg (.12 lbs.)

Figure 10.4a RM-DS/f Meter Disk Sensor (field mount version)

44 RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual

Test Accessories

Figure 10.4b RM-DS/s Meter Disk Sensor (shop mount version)

Figure 10.4c RM-DS/sm Meter Disk Sensor (suction mount version)

RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual 45

Test Accessories

10.5 RM-KYZ Pulse Input Adapter

The RM-KYZ Pulse Input Adapter is used to sense the KYZ output pulses
of induction type or solid state meters. The pulses received from the
meter’s KYZ output are conditioned and fed into the input section of the
RM-1N Solid State Meter Interface or the RM-109 Digital Watthour
Comparator. With the RM-KYZ and the RM-1N or RM-109, testing of
KYZ equipped meters is done automatically.

Application: Senses pulses from the KYZ output of a meter. The signal is
conditioned and sent to the RM-1N or RM-109. For proper
operation, meter output must be a true 3 wire Form C output.
Max. Pulse Input
Frequency: 60 pulses per second
Size: Case; 30 mm (1.2") H x 57 mm (2.25") W x 23 mm (.9") D
Cable; 1905 mm (75") Length
Weight: .13 kg (.29 lbs)

Figure 10.5 RM-KYZ Pulse Input Adapter

46 RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual

Test Accessories

10.6 RM-1P Electronic Light Valve

The RM-1P Electronic Light Valve is used to interface the output of the
RM-1N Solid State Meter Interface or the RM-109 Digital Watthour
Comparator with the optics of a calibration test board. The RM-1P will
operate with both incandescent and infrared optic assemblies. To trigger
incandescent source optics, the RM-1P uses a super luminous LED. This
red visible light LED must be aligned with the sensing assembly of the test
table’s optics. To trigger infrared (modulated or non-modulated) source
optics, the RM-1P uses an infrared sensor and emitter combination. With
the use of the RM-1P with the RM-1N and RM-1H, solid state meters can
effectively be interfaced to older test board designs.

Application: Interface with optics of calibration test board

Emitter for
Incandescent Optics: Superluminous LED with 5000mcd luminous intensity
and peak emission wavelength of 660nm
Sensor/Emitter for
Infrared Optics: Infrared sensor with peak sensitivity wavelength of
960nm. Two sets of infrared emitter LED’s with peak
emission wavelength of 950nm.
Size: Case; 61 mm (2.4") H x 97 mm (3.8") W x 23 mm (.9") D
Rod; 356 mm (14") Length
Clamp Assembly; 89 mm (3.5") H x 38mm (1.5") W
x 19 mm (.75") D
Cable; 1219 mm (48") Length
Weight: .25 kg (.55 lbs)

Figure 10.6 RM-1P Electronic Light Valve

RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual 47

Test Accessories

10.7 RM-PCA Computer Adapter and PCA-Link™ Meter Test Software

PCA-Link™ Meter Test Software automates field testing and eliminates the
need for manual record keeping by metering personnel. All meter test vari-
ables are entered with minimal key strokes from a single screen. Multiple
test configurations may be created and saved to memory. Each configura-
tion contains user-definable fields to record any additional test informa-
tion. Examples may include: customer account number, service connection
code, voltage checks, current checks, etc. This flexible format allows for
customized test configurations as well as increased efficiency.

PCA-Link™ will display the standard’s reading on

the computer screen at the conclusion of each
test. The percent registration is automatically cal-
culated for Light Load, Full Load, Power Factor
and kW Demand. Test results may be saved for “As
Found,” “As Left” and “Individual Elements.” Test
results are saved on the computer’s hard disk ac-
cording to the meter serial numbers. Data is in
ASCII file format so that it can be uploaded into
and processed by commercial software pack-
ages such as Lotus® 1-2-3, Microsoft® Excel
or Word.

PCA-Link™ operates with the RM-PCA Com-

puter Interface Adapter. The RM-PCA is an in-
telligent cable assembly which interfaces the
serial port of a computer to the I/O port of a
Radian standard. Popular Radian test accesso-

ries, such as the RM-1N, RM-1H, RM-KYZ,

RM -PCA RM-DS and RM-1S, can be effectively used
ADAPTER with the RM-PCA and PCA-Link™ Software.
PCA-Link™ Software, RM-10 Standard and Ra-
dian test accessories can be used to upgrade
older test boards and load boxes. This upgrade
will not only automate testing but will also pro-
vide the accuracy required for testing solid state
Figure 10.7a RM-PCA Computer
Interface Adapter

48 RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual

Test Accessories

PCA-Link™ comes complete with a simple install program and a fully il-
lustrated operations manual. The manual provides step-by-step procedures
for conducting a complete test using PCA-Link™ with Radian test acces-

Application: Interface a Radian standard to a personal computer

Size: 97 mm (3.8") H x 61 mm (2.4") W x 23 mm (.9") D
Weight: .18 kg (.39 lbs)
Cable: 9 Pin Serial Port; 203 mm (8"), 4 Pin Lemo; 1829 mm (72")
Battery Type: 9 Volt alkaline
Use Radian #800001, Duracell MN16004B2 or Eveready
Battery Life: Approximately 1700-1800 hours of operation

Figure 7.6b PCA-Link™ Meter Test Software

Main Menu and Test Screen

RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual 49

Test Accessories

10.8 RM-1D Frequency Divider

The RM-1D Frequency Divider is designed primarily to reduce the output

frequency of the RM-10/12/15 to interface to older equipment. The
RM-1D can also be used for other scaling operations by creating an out-
put with no diode drops for compatibility with all logic types.

The output pulse rate of the RM-10/12/15 standard is 10 microwatthours

per pulse (0.00001 watthours per pulse) which is high enough resolution
for the most demanding single revolution or high accuracy testing re-
quirements. The calibration factor goes up proportionally to the divide
ratio selected:
Ratio Kp in Watthours/Pulse
2 0.00002
10 0.00010
20 0.00020
100 0.00100
200 0.00200
1000 0.01000
2000 0.02000
10000 0.10000

The Output of the RM-1D is an open collector. It will interface to all

commercial test equipment designed to accept an open collector input. It
will not drive a commercial counter such as those from Fluke, Hewlett-
Packard or Phillips because they have no internal pull-up. A one Kohm
pull-up resistor and a 1.5 to 5 volt D.C. source will work to provide the
signal to commercial counters. We recommend that the counter input be
set on D.C. with a slight positive threshold shift. Using the counter on
A.C. works fine for high frequency outputs but may cause errors on very
low frequency outputs or on the start of a test.

Accuracy is not directly affected by using the RM-1D. Indirectly, accu-

racy (resolution) is degraded to some degree any time a frequency divider
is used. However, this degradation is unavoidable if the instrument being
used is incapable of accepting a high frequency.

50 RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual

Test Accessories

Application: Divides the pulse output frequency of Radian standard

SPECIFICATIONS Size: 112 mm (4.4") H x 83 mm (3.25") W x 45 mm (1.75") D
(excluding BNCs and knob)
Weight: .18 kg (.39 lbs)
Cable: Female BNC to Female BNC; 610 mm (24"), .05 kg (.11 lbs)
Battery Type: 3 Volt lithium
Use Radian #800000, Duracell 123A or Panasonic Br- 2/3 A 3V
Battery Life: Approximately 600-800 hours of operation

Figure 10.8 RM-1D Frequency Divider

10.9 RM-1A Photo Counter Interface

The RM-1A Photo Counter Interface permits direct control of the register
of one or more RM-10 Metronic Watthour Standards. This permits use of
equipment which had been previously designed for potential gating to use
the superior register gating input of the RM-10. By using the RM-1A higher
accuracy, single revolution testing, multiple RM-10 testing and ease of ret-
rofit can be had in a variety of applications.

RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual 51

Test Accessories

The “Input” of the RM-1A is connected directly to a floating normally open

contact by means of the included cable. If this same contact has previously
been used to potential gate another standard then remove the two potential
wires from the contact and permanently connect them to each other. No
other wires should be connected to theses contacts. The RM-1A senses the
closure of the contact attached to the “Input” and initiates a pulse at its out-
put. It also senses the opening of this contact and initiates another pulse to
stop the register.

The “Input” contact is generally derived from an older photocounter. The

signal necessary to sense the contact closure is supplied by the RM-1A with
no external source being required.

The “Output” of the RM-1A is connected to the RM-10 “Input” with the
included BNC cable. The RM-10 register is then directly controlled by the
contact connected to the “Input.”

The operation of the RM-1A is dependent on the three cycle Input of the
RM-10. To initiate a test, press the “Reset” button of the RM-10 and begin
the test. The RM-10 register will start when the contact connected to the
“Input” of the RM-1A is closed and will stop when it is opened. Press the
“Reset” button again to initialize the RM-10 for another test.

Application: Converts relay contact signal (open/close) to a display


gating signal for a Radian standard.

Size: 112 mm (4.4") H x 83 mm (3.25") W x 45 mm (1.75") D
(excluding BNCs and pushbutton)
Weight: .57 kg (1.26 lbs)
Cables: Female BNC to Female BNC; 1219 mm (48"), .08 kg (.17 lbs)
Female BNC to 2 Spade Lugs; 1981 mm (78"), .08 kg (.17 lbs)
Battery Type: 3 Volt lithium
Use Radian #800000, Duracell 123A or Panasonic Br- 2/3 A 3V
Battery Life: Approximately
Figure 2000
11.1 Testing hoursStandard
a Radian of operation

52 RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual

Test Accessories

Figure 10.9 RM-1A Photo Counter Interface

10.10 RM-OA Optical Adapter

The RM-OA Optical Adapter is used with solid state meters whose infra-
red calibration pulse is emitted from the optical communications port.
The RM-OA magnetically couples to the communication port of solid
state meters. The suction cup of the RM-1H is attached to the clear poly-
carbonate cover of the RM-OA. The RM-OA incorporates a rare earth
permanent magnet for exceptional holding power over the life of the

Application: Magnetically couples to solid state meters’ optical

communication port for the RM-1H suction cup
Magnet: Rare earth
Lens: Scratch resistant polycarbonate
Size: 35 mm (1.38") dia. x 23 mm (.9")
Weight: .05 kg (.1 lbs) -OA




Figure 10.10 RM-OA Optical Adapter

RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual 53

Test Accessories

10.11 RM-TC Transit Container

The RM-TC Transit Container is an excellent packaging solution for safe

shipment of Radian standards. Applications may include internal company
shipments of Radian standards as well as for shipments back to Radian Re-
search for recertification services. The RM-TC provides absolute protec-
tion of your Radian standard in the most extreme environmental, shipping
and handling conditions. The RM-TC’s composition consists of a structural
foam resin making it resilient to denting, cracking or corrosion. To further
ensure the integrity of your Radian standard during shipment, the RM-TC is
also watertight, airtight, dust-proof and rustproof. Internally, the RM-TC
uses industrial grade photographic cushions for maximum shock protection
of your Radian standard.

Application: Transit container for shipment of Radian Standard.


Exterior Dimensions: 273 mm (10.75") L x 248 mm (9.75") W x 178 cm (7") D

Interior Dimensions: 241 mm (9.5") L x 191mm (7.5") W x 165 mm (6.5") D
Weight: 1.8 kg (4 lbs); 2.25 kg (5 lbs) shipping weight
Color: Charcoal Black
Foam: Industrial grade photographic foam
Watertight: To 30' (27 m) O-ring is easily replaced if damaged

Pressure Purge Valve

Heavy-Duty Positive
Locking Latches

Fold Down Handle Molded Handle

Pad Lockable Lid

Heavy-Duty Hinges

Sits Horizontally
or Vertically
Unbreakable Structural
Foam Resin Shell

O-Ring Sealed

Figure 10.11 RM-TC Transit Container Features

54 RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual

Testing Applications

11.0 Testing Applications

11.1 Closed Link Testing (RM-10 and RM-15 only)

Three sets of input terminals are provided for the purpose of closed link
testing. Figure 11.1 illustrates the principle behind the method. The input
transformers of the RM-10 and RM-15 have three identical input wind-
ings, arbitrarily labeled A, B and C. Each of these is put in series with a
separate floating current source. Because the current sources and the
separate inputs of the RM-10 and RM-15 are isolated from each other,
there is no need to open the potential link or make a connection to the
opened link. The advantages to this extend beyond the necessity of using
meters without links to discourage power diversion.

The current sources cannot be wound on a common core because the

loads being driven are not nearly identical enough. Two or three separate
cores are necessary to create the high impedance current sources to make
this technique work.






0.2-50.0 AMPERES

80-600 VAC 48-62


0.05% Wh(0.1% VAR/Q)




Figure 11.1 Fundamental Closed Link Meter Test Circuit using the RM-10 or RM-15

RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual 55

Testing Applications

11.2 Open Link Testing (RM-10, RM-12, and RM-15)

As illustrated in Figure 11.2, the RM-10, RM-12 and RM-15 can also be
used to conduct an open link test. For the RM-10 and RM-15, it is neces-
sary to only use one of the three sets of current inputs. When using only
one input it does not matter whether input A, B or C is used. However, for
increased sensitivity all three current inputs could be connected in series.
Note that if all three inputs are connected in series then the RM-10 or
RM-15 will run three times as fast compared to using only one input.




240 V



0.2-50.0 AMPERES

80-600 VAC 48-62


0.05% Wh(0.1% VAR/Q)




Figure 11.2 Fundamental Open Link Meter Test Circuit using the RM-10, RM-12 or RM-15

56 RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual

Testing Applications

11.3 Testing Applications Using Radian Products

Following are simplified diagrams showing Radian products used in vari-

ous test applications.

Figure 11.3a Field Testing a Solid State Meter

RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual 57

Testing Applications

Figure 11.3b Field Testing an Induction Meter

58 RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual

Testing Applications

Figure 11.3c Testing a Meter via KYZ Output

RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual 59

Testing Applications

Figure 11.3d PCA-Link™ Software and the RM-PCA

60 RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual

Testing Applications

Figure 11.3e Interfacing a Solid State Meter to the Optics of a Test Board

RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual 61

Testing Applications

Figure 11.3f Interfacing a Solid State Meter to an Open Collector Input

62 RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual

Warranty & Calibration Service

12.0 Warranty & Calibration Service

Radian Research warrants each of our products to be free from defects in
material and workmanship. Our obligation under this warranty is to repair
or replace any instrument or component therein which, within two years
after shipment, proves to be defective upon examination. Radian will pay
local domestic surface freight costs for return shipment of the product
back to the customer.

In addition, all Radian Metronic Watthour Standards are warranted to be

substantially stable in calibration over time. If within one year after fac-
tory calibration the standard does not meet its specifications, we will re-
pair and recalibrate the unit at our cost. Our calibration records retain the
value of each of the three reference elements to six decimal positions.

For a period of ten years, we warrant any fully autoranging reference stan-
dard from catastrophic failure caused by failure to range properly. This
warranty is voided by disassembly of the unit beyond removal of the case
for recalibration.

If warranty service is required, write or call your local Radian Research

representative or contact our headquarters in Lafayette, Indiana. You will
be given prompt assistance and shipping instructions.

An optional five year extended warranty and calibration service is

available on all Radian standards. Contact your local Radian representative
or our headquarters for details.

Radian Research, Inc. maintains a complete state-of-the-art recalibration

and repair facility in Lafayette, Indiana. Estimates for repairs are available
by contacting our headquarters. All recalibrations, which are certified
traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology are per-
formed on the Radian RM-703 Automated Calibration System. The
RM-703 Calibration System is referenced by Radian RM-11 Primary
Standards with a short-term repeatability of 0.001% or better.

RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual 63

64 RM-10,12,15 Operations Manual
Radian Research, Inc.
3852 Fortune Drive
Lafayette, IN 47905
Tel: 765-447-0535
Fax: 765-448-4614
Web Site:

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