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Weeks 11 Thru 20 Below

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The worksheets focus on reviewing various math concepts like multiplication, division, addition, subtraction through different problem types and requiring students to show their work/strategies.

The worksheets review concepts like multiplication, division, addition, subtraction through word problems and other math questions. They also include array representations, number lines, and other visual aids.

Examples of math problems include word problems about quantities of objects, multiplication sentences represented with arrays, division problems shown on number lines, and graphing/chart questions.

Name 11


Solve. Tim cleaned out his closet. He Solve. Write the multiplication sentence What multiplication sentence

found 15 t-shirts. He found 20
more pants than t-shirts. How 10x9= to represent each set of pictures. does the array show?

= __x__=__
many pants and t-shirts did Tim
find in all?

517+52= 80x2= = __x__=__ ___x___=___

Solve. Jill planted a flower garden. She Solve. Draw an array that represents Solve and show what strategy
the multiplication sentence. you used.
planted 26 flower bulbs. 6 were
426 584 723 50 30 70 4x3= 6x5=

tulips, 13 were iris and there rest

+3 1 2 +204 + 1 05 were lilies. How many of the
bulbs were lilies? x 7 x 4 x 4

Solve. Mrs. Rose bought school supplies Solve. Relate the addition sentence to What multiplication sentence

for her class. She bought 70
80x1= the multiplication sentence. does the array show?

pencils, 75 packs of paper and 25

more folders than packs of paper.
How many school supplies in all? 20x5= 8+8+8= __x__=__
715+144= 70x2= 5+5+5+5= __x__=__ ___x___=___
Solve. Mike bought dog food for his pack Solve. Draw an ARRAY that represents Solve and show what strategy
the multiplication sentence. you used.
of dogs. He bought 47 pounds of
527 746 652 30 50 80 11x3=

puppy food and 27 more pounds

+1 3 1 +1 42 +200 of adult food than puppy food.
x 3 x 5 x 9
How many pounds of dog food did
he buy in all?

Solve. There were 100 students in the Use base 10 blocks to solve. Draw a picture that represents What multiplication sentence
school. 26 were in Kindergarten the multiplication sentence. does the array show?

848+120= and 1st . 2nd grade had 19. How 5x20= 2x6=

many students in all are in grades

3, 4 and 5?

419+430= ___x___=___
©Lucky Little Learners 2018
Name 12


Ali had 57 pieces of clothes for Solve. Write the multiplication sentence What multiplication sentence How many groups of 3 are in 24?

40x2= to represent each set of pictures. does the array show? Write a multiplication equation
her dolls. She had 35 dresses and
and show strategy.
12 shirts. How many pairs of

shoes and pants did she have? = __x__=__

The postman delivered 54 pieces
20x3= = __x__=__ ___x___=___ ___x___=___
Solve. Draw an array that represents Solve and show what strategy Use the repeated subtraction
of mail. 16 pieces went to an the multiplication sentence. you used. strategy to solve the division
apartment building and 18 went to
60 90 50 5x8= 2x7= equation. Show your work.

the mall. How many pieces were 15÷5=

delivered to houses? x 5 x 4 x 3 15 -___=___
___- 5 =___
Ms. Tom folded 35 red pages, 38 Solve. Relate the addition sentence to What multiplication sentence How many groups of 6 are in 12?

30x5= does the array show? Write a division equation and

green pages and 20 more white the multiplication sentence.
show strategy.
pages than green pages. How

7+7+7+7= __x__=__
many pages in all did Ms. Tom

Lora donated 100 children’s books

60x1= 3+3+3= __x__=__ ___x___=___ ___÷___=___
Use Fact Family strategy to solve
Solve. Draw an ARRAY that represents Solve and show what strategy
to the school and 100 to the the multiplication sentence. you used. the division equation.
library. She donated 50 less
60 20 90 4x6= 5x5= ___x___=___

magazines than children’s books to

the library. How many items did x 2 x 5 x 3 ___x___=___
she donate in all?
The zoo had 41 different exhibits. 5 Use base 10 blocks to solve. Draw a picture that represents Complete the number line to
What multiplication sentence
solve the equation and show
exhibits were reptiles, 15 were the multiplication sentence. does the array show?
reptiles, 10 were mammals and the 4x30= 3x5=
strategy. 3x7=21

rest were birds. How many bird 7

exhibits are there?

___x___=___ 0 21
©Lucky Little Learners 2018
Name 13


Solve. Write the multiplication sentence What multiplication sentence How many groups of 2 are in 14? The farmer had 8 plants in each

10x2= to represent each set of pictures. does the array show? Write a multiplication equation
and show strategy.
row. How many rows are needed
to make 40 plants?
= __x__=__

70x3= = __x__=__ ___x___=___ ___x___=___ ___÷___=___
Solve. Draw an array that represents Solve and show what strategy Use the repeated subtraction The baker made 3 dozen(12)
the multiplication sentence. you used. strategy to solve the division cookies for the party. How many
50 10 60 4x4= 3x15= equation. Show your work.
24÷8= total cookies did she bake?

x 2 x 5 x 3 24 -___=___
___- 8 =___
___-___=___ ___x___=___
Solve. Relate the addition sentence to What multiplication sentence How many groups of 7 are in 28? There were 12 octopus in the tank.

90x2= the multiplication sentence. does the array show? Write a division equation and
show strategy.
They were 3 different colors.
How many octopus of each color

8+8+8= __x__=__
are there?

6+6+6+6= __x__=__
60x3= 3+3+3= __x__=__ ___x___=___ ___÷___=___
Use Fact Family strategy to solve
Solve. Draw an ARRAY that represents Solve and show what strategy Sonya has 20 pairs of shoes. How
the multiplication sentence. you used. the division equation.20÷4= many shoes does she have in all?
80 90 40 3x6= 2x9= ___x___=___

x 5 x 4 x 2 ___x___=___
___÷___=___ ___x___=___
Use base 10 blocks to solve. Draw a picture that represents What multiplication sentence Complete the number line to Tim brought 2 boxes of donuts to
the multiplication sentence. does the array show? solve the equation and show
5x20= 2x10=
strategy. 12x3=36
the meeting. There were 12
donuts in each box. How many

12 total donuts did he bring to the


___x___=___ 0 36 ___x___=___
©Lucky Little Learners 2018
Name 14


Write the multiplication sentence What multiplication sentence How many groups of 9 are in 27? There are 11 students in the Fill in the missing portion.
to represent each set of pictures. does the array show? Write a multiplication equation
classroom. Each students needs 2

9 x __=18
and show strategy.
pencils for the exam. How many
= __x__=__

pencils in all are needed for the


= __x__=__ ___x___=___ ___x___=___ ___x___=___ 5 x 5=__

Draw an array that represents Solve and show what strategy Use the repeated subtraction Sue bought 5 boxes of markers. Fill in the missing portion.
the multiplication sentence. you used. strategy to solve the division Each box had 8 different colors.
8x5= 40 ÷ __=10
equation. Show your work.
2x7= How many markers did Sue buy in

22÷11= all?

___-___=___ ___x___=___
__ x 6=18
Relate the addition sentence to What multiplication sentence How many groups of 6 are in 24? The rancher was selling 6 cows of Fill in the missing portion.
the multiplication sentence. does the array show? Write a division equation and
each breed. There were 7

5 x __=25
show strategy.
different breeds of cows. How

6+6+6+6= __x__=__ many cows did the rancher sell?

9+9+9= __x__=__ ___x___=___ ___÷___=___ ___x___=___ 36 ÷ __=6
Draw an ARRAY that represents Solve and show what strategy Use Fact Family strategy to solve They were 35 days of school Fill in the missing portion.
the multiplication sentence. you used. the division equation.
8÷2= before summer. How many

2x12= 3x7= ___x___=___ weeks of school before summer?

__ x 2=6

Hint: there are 5 days in a school week

___÷___=___ ___÷___=___ 42 ÷ __=6
Draw a picture that represents What multiplication sentence How many groups of 4 are in 40? Mom made cupcakes for my Fill in the missing portion.
the multiplication sentence. does the array show? Write a division equation and

__ x 3=18
classroom. She made 5 cupcakes
show strategy.
in each of the 4 different colors.

How many total cupcakes did my

mom make for my classroom?

___x___=___ ___÷___=___ ___x___=___ 7 x __=14

©Lucky Little Learners 2018
Name 15


What multiplication sentence How many groups of 8 are in 32? The school bought 10 boxes of Fill in the missing portion. Apply Associative Properties
does the array show? Write a multiplication equation
copy paper. There were 8 packs

2 x __=18
and show strategy.
of paper in each box. How many
8x(2x3) = (8x__)x__

total packs of paper were


___x___=___ ___x___=___ ___x___=___ 14 ÷ 7=__ 2x(4x5) = (2x__)x__

Solve and show what strategy Use Fact Family strategy to solve There were 12 kids going on the Fill in the missing portion. Apply Distributive Properties
you used. the division equation.
84÷7= field trip. Half of the students 8x6
10x5= ___x___=___ were girls. How many boys were
15 ÷ __=5

on the trip? (8 x __) + (8 x __)

___÷___=___ ___÷___=___
__ x 4=24 ____ + ____
What multiplication sentence How many groups of 8 are in 40? A round cake will serve 10 people. Fill in the missing portion. Apply Commutative Properties
does the array show? Write a division equation and How many cakes will be needed

5 x __=50 5x7= __x__

show strategy.
for 40 people?

___x___=___ ___÷___=___ ___÷___=___ 12 ÷ __=2 3x4= __x__

Solve and show what strategy Use Fact Family strategy to solve The family went on a 5 day trip. Fill in the missing portion. Apply Identity Properties
you used. the division equation.24÷3= Each day of the trip they drove 4
6x6= ___x___=___ __ x 5=35 10 x 1 =__

hours. How many total hours did

they drive on the trip?
___÷___=___ ___x___=___ 20 ÷ __=5 __ x 12= 12
What multiplication sentence How many groups of 2 are in 16? The bucket held 21 cups of sugar. Fill in the missing portion. Circle the property that is
does the array show? Write a division equation and applied to this problem?

__ x 1=11
They needed 3 cups for each

show strategy.
batch of cookies. How many

batches of cookies can they make

in all? Associative

20 ÷ __=4
___÷___=___ Commutative
___x___=___ ___÷___=___ Identity
©Lucky Little Learners 2018
Name 16


Use Fact Family strategy to solve There were 3 candies in each Fill in the missing portion. Apply Associative Properties Make each statement true.

48 ÷ 8= ___
the multiplication equation.
goodie bag. We made 10 goodie
___x___=___ bags. How many candies did we
5 x __=25 1x(2x4) = (1x__)x__

use in all?
___÷___=___ is the same as
___÷___=___ ___x___=___ 30 ÷ 6=__ 6x(3x2) = (6x__)x__
___ x 8= 48
Use Fact Family strategy to solve Brian had 36 eggs to sell in all. Fill in the missing portion. Apply Distributive Properties Make each statement true.
55÷5= 6x7 16 ÷ 2= ___
the division equation. How many dozen(12) eggs did he
___x___=___ have to sell?
12 ÷ __=12

(6 x __) + (6 x __)
___x___=___ is the same as
___÷___=___ __ x 4=16 ____ + ____
6x7=___ ___ x 2= 16
How many groups of 2 are in 16? The farmer needed 6 bales of hay Fill in the missing portion. Apply Commutative Properties Make each statement true.
Write a division equation and

9x8= __x__ 55 ÷ 11= ___

to feed his sheep for 1 week. How

3 x __=21
show strategy.
many bales of hay would he need

to feed his sheep for 8 weeks?

is the same as
___÷___=___ ___x___=___ 12 ÷ __=6 __x__= 11x3 ___ x 11= 55
Use Fact Family strategy to solve The girl had 20 hair bows. She Fill in the missing portion. Apply Identity Properties Make each statement true.
54 ÷ 9= ___
the division equation.
had 4 different colors. How many
___x___=___ __ x 5=5 8 x 1 =__

hair bows were in each color?

___x___=___ is the same as

___÷___=___ ___÷___=___ 10 ÷ __=5 __ x 6= 6 ___ x 9= 54
Use Fact Family strategy to solve There were 10 people at the piano Fill in the missing portion. Circle the property that is Make each statement true.

24 ÷ 4= ___
the multiplication equation. being applied to this

__ x 7=14
concert. Each row held 5 people.
___x___=___9x6= How many rows were needed for problem?

all the people? 22 x 1 = 22 is the same as

___÷___=___ Associative

___÷___=___ ___÷___=___ 14 ÷ __=7 Distributive

___ x 4= 24
©Lucky Little Learners 2018
Name 17


We sold 7 plates of cookies at the Fill in the missing portion. Apply Associative Properties Make each statement true. Solve quickly.
bake sale. There were 9 cookies
99 ÷ 9= ___ 5 x 2 = __
on each plate. How many cookies
5 x __=35 5x(6x2) = (5x__)x__

did we sell in all?

is the same as
___x___=___ 8 ÷ 2=__ 1x(4x7) = (1x__)x__
___ x 9= 99 18 ÷ 9 = __
Brian had 20 chickens. He had all Fill in the missing portion. Apply Distributive Properties Make each statement true. Solve quickly.
the chickens in 5 chicken coops.
2x(3+2) 21 ÷ 3= ___
How many chickens were in each
22 ÷ __=2 6 x 3 = __

coop? (2 x __) + (2 x __)

is the same as
__ x 8=8 ____ + ____
2x5=___ ___ x 3= 21 14 ÷2 = __
The builder needed 8 loads of Fill in the missing portion. Solve quickly.
Apply Commutative Properties Make each statement true.

7x6= __x__ 18 ÷ 6= ___ 12 x 4 = __

wood for each shed. He was
building 8 sheds. How many loads
6x __=12

of wood does the builder need for

all the sheds? is the same as
___x___=___ 70 ÷ __=10 __x__= 12x5 ___ x 6= 18 12 ÷ 2 = __
The race car used 60 gallons of Fill in the missing portion. Apply Identity Properties Make each statement true. Solve quickly.
gas. It used 6 gallons during
__ x 8=56 12 x 1 =__ 72 ÷ 9= ___
4 x 4 = __

every lap. How many laps did the

race car go around the track in
all? is the same as
___÷___=___ 36 ÷ __=3 __ x 7= 7 ___ x 9= 72 24 ÷3 = __
There were 5 rows of apple trees. Fill in the missing portion. Circle the property that is Make each statement true. Solve quickly.

30 ÷ 5= ___ 2 x 3 = __
being applied to this

__ x 7= 7
Each row had 8 trees. How many
trees were in the apple orchard in problem?

all? 5x(2x4) = (5x2)x4

is the same as
___x___=___ 90 ÷ __=9 ___ x 5= 30 18 ÷ 9= __ ©Lucky Little Learners 2018
Name 18


Fill in the missing portion. Apply Associative Properties Make each statement true. Solve quickly. The teacher has 8 stickers to use

88 ÷ 8= ___ 7 x 6 = __ each day this week. If she gives

5 x __=25 6x(2x3) = (6x__)x__

2 stickers to each student, how

many students get stickers this

is the same as week?
16 ÷ 2=__ 2x(4x8) = (2x__)x__
___ x 8= 88 18 ÷ 3 = __ ___÷___=___
Fill in the missing portion. Apply Distributive Properties Make each statement true. Solve quickly. Brian had 32 roosters and 32
4x(2+6) 21 ÷ 7= ___ hens. There were 8 chicken

20 ÷ __=10 7 x 11 = __ coops for all the chickens. How


(4 x __) + (4 x __) many chickens were in each

is the same as coop?
__ x 12=12 ____ + ____
4x8=___ ___ x 7= 21 14 ÷2 = __ ___÷___=___
Fill in the missing portion. Solve quickly. Emily was playing basketball. She
Apply Commutative Properties Make each statement true.

5x3= __x__ 15 ÷ 5= ___ 12 x 3 = __

got 2 points for every basket. She

4 x __=12 made 8 baskets the first half and 4


baskets the second half. How many

is the same as points did Emily score for the

__x__= 9x8 ___ x 5= 15 21 ÷ 3 = __

game? ___+___=___
10 ÷ __=1 ___x___=___
Fill in the missing portion. Apply Identity Properties Make each statement true. Solve quickly. The wedding party had 20 adults
81 ÷ 9= ___ and 12 children. They went to a

__ x 9=27 8 x 1 =__ 4 x 7 = __

restaurant for dinner. Each table

is the same as seats 4 people. How many tables

would they fill at the restaurant?
27 ÷ __=3 __ x 4= 4 ___ x 9= 81 30 ÷3 = __ ___÷___=___
Fill in the missing portion. Circle the property that is Make each statement true. Solve quickly. We were mailing party invitations.

50 ÷ 5= ___
applied to this problem? Each invitation needed 2 stamps.

__ x 7=35 2 x 9 = __
There were 8 invitations going to

6x(2x4) = (6x2)x4 boys and 7 invitations going to

is the same as girls. How many stamps do we

20 ÷ __=2 _________ ___ x 5= 50 80 ÷ 8= __ ___+___=___

need in all?

©Lucky Little Learners 2018
Name 19


Make each statement true. Solve quickly. The farmer was planting an equal How many students voted for

18 ÷ 9= ___ 2 x 6 = __
number of pants in each of the 5 oranges?
rows. If she planted 30 blueberry

bushes and 20 black berry bushes,

is the same as how many berry bushed were in
How many more people like

___ x 9= 18 20 ÷ 2= __
each row? strawberries compared to grapes?

Make each statement true. Solve quickly. Kelli went to the gym. For 2 days. Complete the graph to the right

14÷ 2= ___ There were 9 machines. She used using the information below and

7 x 1 = __ all the machines 3 times. Kelli did answer the question.


the same thing both days. How

is the same as many machines were used in 2
25 starfish 40 octopus
15 jellyfish 30 seahorse

___ x 2= 14 25 ÷5= __
___x___=___ How many more octopus are
___+___=___ there compared to seahorse?
Solve quickly. We had 20 pieces of orange and How many students voted for
Make each statement true.

16 ÷ 4= ___ 7 x 3 = __ 20 pieces of apple. There were 10 chocolate and mint?


people on the team. How many

pieces of fruit does each team
is the same as member get? How many less votes did mint get

___ x 4= 16 15 ÷ 3 = __
___+___=___ than cookie dough?

Make each statement true. Solve quickly. The bus ride is 1 hour long. Alan Complete the graph to the right
20 ÷ 5= ___ rides the bus every day of the using the information below and

9 x 2 = __ week to school in the morning and answer the question.


is the same as afternoon. How many hours a

week is he on the bus?
2 yellow 8 blue
4 green 6 red
___ x 5= 20 12 ÷4 =__ ___x___=___
How many people voted for red?

Make each statement true. Solve quickly. There were 80 venders at the How many students voted for

10 ÷ 1= ___ craft fair. They needed to set up math?

6 x 4 = __ an equal number in each of the


row and needed 8 flags to mark

is the same as each row. How many rows were Which subject got the least votes?

___ x 1= 10 30 ÷ 5= __
©Lucky Little Learners 2018
Name 20


Solve quickly. Apply Identity Properties The rancher had an equal number Fill in the missing portion. Make each statement true.

8 x __= 16 27 ÷ 9= ___
of pigs in each of the 8 pens. If

6 x 4 = __ 8 x 1 =__
he had 10 baby pigs and 6 adult

pigs, how many pigs are in each

pen? is the same as
12 ÷3= __ __ x 6= 6 99 ÷ __= 11 ___ x 9= 27
Make each statement true. There were 12 hair bows in the What multiplication sentence Complete the graph to the right

12÷ 2= ___ drawer. They were 2 different does the array show? using the information below and
answer the question.

colors. How many bows of each

color are there? 12 cows 6 chickens
is the same as 17 pigs 3 goats

___ x 2= 12 ___x___=___
How many cows are on Hackberry
Use Fact Family strategy to solve Solve quickly. Fill in the missing portion. Make each statement true. Use the repeated subtraction
the multiplication equation.
14 ÷ 7= ___ strategy to solve the division

8 x 2 = __ __ x 6=18 is the same as

7x3= equation. Show your work.

___x___=___ 15÷5=
___÷___=___ 30 ÷6= __ 7 ÷ __= 7 ___ x 7= 14 ___-___=___
They collected 12 eggs. They Fill in the missing portion. Make each statement true. Use Fact Family strategy to solve Ann baked 6 trays of cookies.

__ x 6=12 20 ÷ 5= ___
the multiplication equation.
gathered them from 3 chicken There were 6 cookies on each

coops. How many eggs were in tray. She was giving the cookies
each coop? ___÷___=___ away on plates of 3. How many
is the same as ___x___=___ plates did she have to give away?

25 ÷ __=5 ___ x 5= 20 ___x___=___

Make each statement true. Solve quickly. Fill in the missing portion. How many students ate chicken?

16 ÷ 4= ___ 5 x __= 55
4 x 10 = __

How many less students had

is the same as hotdogs than chicken?

___ x 4= 16 35 ÷5 = __ 24 ÷ __=12 ©Lucky Little Learners 2018

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