1 Jig - Fixture
1 Jig - Fixture
1 Jig - Fixture
Tool design
• Tool design is the process of designing and developing the
tools, methods and techniques necessary to improve
manufacturing efficiency and productivity.
• It gives industry the machines and special tooling needed
for today's high-speed, high-volume production.
• It does this at a level of quality and economy which will
insure that the cost of the product is competitive.
• Since no single tool or process can serve all forms of
manufacturing, tool design is an ever changing, growing
process of creative problem solving .
Lower manufacturing costs while maintaining quality and
increased production:
• Provide simple, easy-to-operate tools for maximum
• Reduce manufacturing expenses by producing parts at the
lowest possible cost.
• Design tools that consistently produce parts of high quality.
• Increase the rate of production with existing machine tools.
• Design the tool to make it foolproof and to prevent
improper use.
• Select materials that will give adequate tool life.
• Provide protection in the design of the tools for maximum
safety of the operator.
Jig & Fixture are provided to convert standard m/c tools into
specialised m/c tool.
➢ Large scale production with the help of semi-skilled
➢ Small scale production when interchangeability is
➢ Workpiece is difficult to hold even by skilled operator.
Fixture: A device fixed to the worktable of a machine and
locates the work in an exact position relative to the
cutting tool.
Jig: A device that holds the work and locates the path of
the tool.
• A Jig is defined as the device which holds and positions
the workplace, locates or guides the cutting tool related
to the workplace and usually is not fixed on the machine
Differentiate between Jigs and Fixture
• From the construction point of view, jigs are lighter in
• Jigs hold the work piece, locate and guide the tool.
• They are used for particularly drilling, taping operations.
• The fixtures hold the work and position the work but do not guide
the tool .
• They are generally heavier and are bolted rigidly on the machine
• They are utilized for holding the work in milling, grinding, planing
or turning operation.
• Jigs and fixtures are special equipment used as holding
devices in quantity production of components requiring
high quality of manufacture.
• For job production, we require mainly universal machines
and standard tools. Special set-ups are required only
• But in batches and mass production, extensive use is
made of special purpose machines, special tools,
equipment, jigs and fixtures and dies.
Materials Used
Materials commonly used in jigs and fixtures are:
(i) Cast iron: Damping capacity of cast iron makes it a very important
material in the manufacture of jigs and fixtures. For heavy jigs, it is always
economical to have C.I. body. Also complicated and detailed machining
can be avoided.
(ii) Mild steel: Mild steel with less silicon content is good for locating
materials, guide pins, dowels, etc., because of its case hardening quality
which is of higher order. Moreover, even in the case of jig body, this may
be used, since it is easy to fabricate by welding.
(iii) Cast steel: Though of less occurrence, still it has some applications.
These combine the strength of steel and shapabilty of a casting.
(iv) High alloys: Alloys of aluminium and magnesium are used when
lightness of the tool is the main consideration.
High Speed Steels (HSS), High Tensile Steels, Carbon Steels, Die Steels
Design Considerations or
A. Compulsory B. Optional
Design Considerations
(i) First consideration is that the jig/Fixture should be strong
enough to withstand the load and forces coming on it.
• It must resist breakage as well as deflection or distortion of the
jig body that may affect the accuracy of the work.
• Slight bending or distortion of the jig parts which may result
from normal clamping force may not be visible, but they are
extremely dangerous and the cumulative effect of all the
deflections may cause a great change.
• Some calculations are necessary, even though rigorous stress
analysis may prove time wasting to many designers. Sufficient
safety factor should be taken into consideration since the
accurate predetermination of the forces are rather difficult.
Design Considerations
(ii) Location of the job:
• The particular locating points or surface to be used in each operation
on a particular workpiece should first be thought of.
• As far as possible, location should be done on a previously machined
surface of workpiece or part.
• Locating points should normally be opposite to clamping points to
prevent any distortion of the work.
• The job should be located to restrict its motions in all the directions (six
motions). Of course, complete restriction of movement can be done
with the aid of locating surfaces and clamping forces.
• Since the locating points are, continuously under pressure of the job,
wear of the locating surfaces will take place. In all cases, the locating
surfaces should be hardened and ground.
Design Considerations
(iii) The design should allow the operator to handle them with
ease and minimum labour. The work is to be loaded and
unloaded intermittently. To achieve the purpose of
time-economy, the loading and unloading should take
minimum possible time.
Design Considerations
(iv) Clamping: Clamps are meant of physically holding the job
in the jig body.
• Clamping should be positive and should be able to prevent any
directional movement of the part.
• Clamps should be so placed that they can be easily
manipulated. They should allow only normal movements of the
hands and therefore should not cause unbalance of the body.
• Clamps should preferably be quick-acting. The clamping force
should not be so great as to cause deflection or deformation of
the part.
• The clamps should not be placed on thin breakable surfaces.
Design Considerations
• Jig or fixture should be as light as possible and the weight
if possible, should be kept below 15 kg since they are to be
handled often.
• But it should be robust in construction and should have the
least vibration effect due to cutting force.
• It should also provide adequate resistance to overturning
• This has necessitated their manufacture out of plates by
welding or by fabrication from channels and angle
Design Considerations
(vi) Provisions for handling the jig should be incorporated.
Even sometimes the jigs are to be carried by overhead
cranes from one workstation to another. So lifting
arrangements should be provided for heavy Jig.
(vii) Jig feet: Usually a jig is placed on four legs at the four
corners of the base. These are sometimes referred to as jig
feet. They can be made either integral with the jig body or
screwed-in-type or welded structure. The jig feet are also
hardened and ground to have flat bottom. Number of jig feet
required are three at the minimum, though preferably they
should be four in number.
Design Considerations
(viii) Provision for chip space and chip removal :
Sufficient space should be left for accumulation of chips.
The construction should also allow the operator to remove
the chips from time to time.
Blowing of chips from tools is a very poor practice since the
blown-off chips may come over the machined surface and
leave scratch marks on it.
Usually the bottom of the bushing should be far enough
from the part to permit the chips to come out during drilling.
Design Considerations
(ix) Provision for fool-proofing:
The jig or fixture should be designed in such a way as to
accommodate the job in one and only one position thus
preventing loading in wrong way.
This also ensures that the subsequent machining operations
are performed on the same surfaces and at the same
This enables employment of unskilled and semiskilled labour
who can perform the operations without having detail
knowledge of the working of the parts to be made.
Design Considerations
(x) Provision for indexing the job should be there if necessary,
Such are required in jobs on which several equispaced
similar operations are to be performed.
(xi) Provision for tool guides such as jig bushings and cutter
setting devices, as in fixtures, should be made.
(xii) Ejector devices: Since one of the requirements for time
economy to reduce the unloading time, ejectors may be
used wherever possible for quick and self unloading.
(xiii) Fixtures are generally fixed on the machine table and so
there should be arrangements for fixing with the table.
(xiv) Easiness of manufacture, with the aim of economy and
low production cost.
Design Considerations
or Principles
A. Compulsory
1. Location
2. Clamping
3. Tool Guidance
4. Accuracy
5. Six degree of freedom
6. Fool-proofing
3-2-1 Principle
Principles or basic rules for location :
i. Analysis of operations required and sequence of the
same to know the surface which can be regarded as a
datum for location.
ii. Generally, the first operation should produce machined
surface, holes, etc., that are utilised for location in all
subsequent operations.
iii. Locating points or surfaces are to be arranged on the
side of the work, which requires to be very accurate.
Principles or basic rules for location:
iv. If the dimensions of the work given with respect to some
surface or holes, previously machined, the location
should be done from that surface or the hole.
v. Sometimes extra parts are provided on the work for
location purposes which are to be utilised. Such parts
are to be machined afterwards.
vi. To give the workpiece a sound footing on the jig or
fixture. locating surfaces must restrict all possible
motions of the job.
Principles or basic rules for location:
vii.Locating should easy, quick and accurate
viii.Locating pin should be Strong (stress), rigid
(deformation) & hard (as under go wear) also wide apart.
ix. While locating, the designer must keep the part
tolerance in mind. As a general rule, the tool tolerance
should be between 20 % and 50 % of the part tolerance.
x. Foolproof locating: Foolproofing is a means the tool
designer uses to insure that the part will fit into the tool
only in its correct position.
Location Methods
Location Methods
Flat and Round Head Buttons
• Flat head buttons are recommended
for locating finished flat surfaces.
• Round head buttons are used for
locating rough surfaces.
• For accurate location, of flat surfaces
round head buttons are not suitable,
since the button surface wears
rapidly. Also the thrust force exerted
on the job by the tool may indent the
surface, thus spoiling the finish.
Location Methods
Flat and Round Head Buttons
The job may be located on the jig or fixture
base with respect to two surfaces
The location of the work with sharp corner
and of right-angled faces. In such cases, the
corner of the work should be kept free from
contact with the jig providing suitable
Location Methods
Flat and Round Head Buttons
• The pin heads are made of mild steel
suitably case hardened to prevent wear
due to rubbing.
The principles for making the pins;
• In the Fig., undercut has been provided
to ensure flashing of the bottom face of
head with the location surface of the
• In the Fig. a chamfer at the corner and a
radius of the locating pin have been
provided for easy and ensured location.
Location Methods
Location on Supporting Points
Location Methods
Location on Supporting Points
• Also the three supports should be spared such that the
centre of gravity of the work and the resultant clamping force
lie within the triangle joined by the three supports. All clamps
are placed so as to act opposite to the work supports.
• Sometimes it is necessary to adjust
the, height of one or more locating
supports. This is the case when the
surface of location is uneven and
varies from work to work. A typical
case has been shown in Fig.
Solid Supports
Adjustable Supports
Equalizing Supports
Location Methods
Various Types of Adjustable Locators
A set screw has been used for tightening the locating pin after
necessary height adjustment.
Location Methods
Various Types of Adjustable Locators
Location Methods
Various Types of Adjustable Locators
Location Methods
Various Types of Adjustable Locators
Equalizing Supports
Pin Locators
Location Methods
Location of Internal Cylindrical Surfaces
➢ Location of jobs with respect to internal
cylindrical surfaces are commonly done with
cylindrical pins.
➢ But, the difficulty of using solid pins is that,
unloading is difficult due to insertion of chips
into the spaces between pin and the hole.
➢ So, pins are cut away to leave space for the
chips. This reduces area of contact and
hence frictional work while loading without
hampering the accuracy.
Location Methods
Location of Internal Cylindrical Surfaces
➢ Locating a part from a hole or pattern is the most effective way to
accurately position work.
➢ Nine of the twelve directions of movement are restricted by using a
single pin, and eleven are restricted with two pins. When possible, it is
logical to use holes as primary part locators.
Location Methods
Location of Internal Cylindrical Surfaces
➢ Conical pins are used for automatic centering of the hole.
➢ In the Fig. 6.29 we have used a fixed locator on one end,
while the other end is provided with adjustable locator with
arrangement to compensate for slight variation in length of
the workpiece located.
Location Methods
Location by 'V' Blocks and Cylindrical Locators
Location Methods
Location by 'V' Blocks and Cylindrical Locators
➢ Supposing that the two hole centers on the workpiece are
with a dimension of L±δ i.e., the. maximum distance is (L+δ )
and the minimum distance is (L-δ).
➢ If the two pins are rigidly placed at a nominal distance L, then
except a few cases, (i.e. the work pieces having exact centre
distance) loading and unloading trouble will be there.
➢ Also proper location will be impossible. So to provide the
allowance (2δ) in the centre distance of pins, one of the pins
is made of either lesser diameter or of the diamond cut shape
Location Methods
Location by 'V' Blocks and Cylindrical Locators
Fig. shows case exact centre
distance L. Right-hand pin diameter
being less than the. other by 2δ,
Location Methods
Location by 'V' Blocks and Cylindrical Locators
➢ In such cases, the angular position of the job is not
exact for all settings as would be clear in the following
➢ Following Fig. shows the possible deviation of line of
hole centres from line of pin centres, which may occur
in practical cases of location.
Location Methods
Location by 'V' Blocks and Cylindrical Locators
➢ Fig. shows the
effectiveness of location
with the help of diamond
pin locator along with
cylindrical pin locator. So
the diamond pins cut from
same size pins may be
used to improve this
angular setting accuracy.
Location Methods
Location by 'V' Blocks and Cylindrical Locators
➢ The diamond pin may now be rotated through 900 so that
the maximum size is in the direction of hole centre lines or
set in a direction important for proper location.
➢ Shape of the diamond cut pin may be of the following
➢ The clamping system must hold the workpiece against the
cutting forces without causing damage to it.
a) Position of the clamps
➢ Clamping must be at thick sections of the workpiece to
avoid distortion due to clamping forces; suitable support
must be introduced if the workpiece is too thin to resist
deformation by the clamping forces.
➢ The clamps must be positioned so that they can be
operated easily and safely by the operator, and where
they can most effectively prevent movement of the
b) Strength
➢ The clamping system should be capable of holding
the workpiece rigidly against forces developed and
vibration during the operation.
➢ Clamping force depend upon cutting force & way the
part positioned.
➢ The clamp force should not damage or denting of
the workpiece.
c) productivity
➢ The clamping time:
minimised by using hand
knob, tommy bars, knerled
screws, handwheels, and
d) Operator fatigue
➢ Reduced by using Pneumatics or hydraulic clamping.
➢ Save clamping time
➢ Use of Power clamping facilitates tighting or loosening of
many clamps simultaneously.
e) Workpiece variation:
Types of Clamping
➢ Screw , screw and Strap clamps
➢ Latch clamps
Types of Clamping
screw clamps
The common defects of screw clamps are:
(a) The workpiece surface may be indented screw pressure.
(b) The job may be dislocated under the tightening action of the screw.
Also, if there are a number of screw clamps, the whole operation takes lot
of time.
(c) The clamping force depends upon the amount of tightening and is not
constant. Such screw clamps are provided with levers, or hand wheels for
application of the tangential force for rotating the screw.
Types of Clamping
screw clamps
Types of Clamping
Types of Clamping
Types of Clamping
Types of Clamping
Types of Clamping
Types of Clamping
Types of Clamping
Types of Clamping
Types of Clamping
Types of Clamping
Types of Clamping
Types of Clamping
Types of Clamping
Types of Clamping
Draw backs of Wedge type
(a) In order to prevent loosening during machining
operation, tile wedge angle should be small and
consequently, the lift per unit length of the wedge is small.
(b) A small force applied to the wedge creates a very
great clamping force, which may distort the job.
(c) The job location may be disturbed.
Condition far self-locking
Types of Clamping
Cam, eccentric and toggle clamps
Types of Clamping
Cam, eccentric and toggle clamps
Types of Clamping
Cam, eccentric and toggle clamps
Types of Clamping
Cam, eccentric and toggle clamps
Types of Clamping
Cam, eccentric and toggle clamps
Types of Clamping
Pneumatics or Hydraulic clamps
Types of Clamping
Pneumatics or Hydraulic clamps
Drill Jig
The following are the requirements of a good drill jig:
1. Quick and accurate location of the workpiece.
2. Easy loading and unloading of the workpiece and
prevention of wrong loading.
3. Prevention of bending or movement of the workpiece
during drilling.
4. Ample chip clearance with facilities for swarf removal
and cleaning.
5. Light weight to minimise operator fatigue due to
repeated handling.
6. Prevention of loss of loose parts by chaining them to the
jig body.
7. Clearance for overshoot of the drill.
Drill Jig Bushing
For guiding the tools, such as drills, core drills, reamers,
etc., tool guiding devices called drill bushes are used.
➢ Chip clearance: Chip clearance as shown in Fig. (iii) is the space
between the drill bush end and the work surface, necessary in drill jig.
➢ It allows the chips to collect inside the jig and prevents the chips to come
out through the bush along with the drill.
➢ As a result, excessive wear of the drill bush and entanglement of the tool
with the bush is prevented.
➢ If the clearance is zero between the bush end and the work, the total
effect is same as drilling a deep hole causing difficulty in chip removal.
➢ The usual clearance h ranges between 1/3 d to d where d is the
diameter of the drill.
(iii) Slip Bush
These are used when several different drill holes are to be made at the same
The bushes are renewable and right bushing can be placed in position.
Also this type is necessary for tapping purposes.
Use of counter boring tools also requires such bushes.
(iv) Screwed in Bush
Fig. shows the sketch of a screw bush, the parts being,
1-flange, 2-pilot end, and 3-screwed part.
In order to prevent misalignment of the central axis, the
screwed part is preceded by the pilot end which retains
alignment of the axis.
Special bushes
Material for Bushes:
Types of Jigs
1. Plate or Templet Jig
2. Channel Jig
3. Local Jig
4. Solid Jig
5. Post Jig
6. Angular Post Jig
7. Pot Jig
8. Turnover (Open) Jig
9. Latch Jig
10.Box Jig
11.Indexing Jig
12.Modular Jig
Types of Jigs
1. Plate or templet Jig
Fig. shows a typical plate jig which is sighted or located,
and clamped directly on the workpiece and bolted in
Types of Jigs
Channel jig
The channel jig shown in fig. is a slightly more elaborate jig
made from channel section.
Types of Jigs
The local jig is a plate jig that is bolted to the facing to be
machined; the workpiece is located and clamped to a base
that is suitable for a number of operations (see fig.).
Types of Jigs
Fig. shows a solid jig that is made from a block of steel; in
the example shown, the workpiece is clamped by a button
clamp, and burr grooves are provided so that the workpiece
can be easily removed. (Two grooves are required because
one burr will be produced at the point of drill entry, and a
second burr is produced at the point of drill break-through.)
Types of Jigs
The post jig shown in
fig. is used to locate the
workpiece from its bore
by means of a post
which is also used to
locate the drill plate.
The swing washer
enables the drill plate to
be removed without
removing the hand nut.
Types of Jigs
The post jig shown in fig. is used for drilling and reaming; a ‘C'
washer is used in this example to obviate the need to remove
the hand nut.
Types of Jigs
Fig. shows an angular post jig of welded construction. The drill
bush is extended and shaped to prevent drill run, and yet
allow removal of the workpiece.
The clamping nut is of the quick action type because the
smallness of the workpiece bore demands that the nut be
removed for loading and unloading of the workpiece.
Types of Jigs
Fig. illustrates a pot jig in which the workpiece is located from
its outside in a bush, and the drill bush is located on a post;
the workpiece is supported at the point of drilling, and swarf
clearances are provided; the drill plate is located to line up
with the swarf clearance grooves.
Types of Jigs
The pot jig shown in fig. 5. 17 is a similar type, but the
workpiece is only placed in the pot to support the flange, and
the drill plate is located directly in the workpiece bore.
Types of Jigs
Fig. 5.18 shows a turnover (or open)
jig; this type is used when the
foregoing types are unsuitable
because of the workpiece shape. The
jig is seated on the four foot-nuts when
locating and clamping the workpiece,
and inverted to the position shown
when machining. This type is easy to
load, and swarf clearance is no
problem; the main disadvantage
associated with this type is the lack of
support given to the workpiece
beneath the point of cutting.
Types of Jigs
The latch jig shown in fig.
When the latch carries the drill bushes, it must be positively located
(faces 'X' and slot ‘Y') so that the bush bores are vertical whatever the
workpiece height; the latch is clamped by nut 'A' and the workpiece by
screw 'B'.
Types of Jigs
The box jig is used when holes
are required to be machined in
several faces in a small
The box is closed and clamped
by the latch (in the example
shown, this latch is positively
located because it carries drill
Suitable feet are provided to
give good seating when drilling
all faces, and suitable swarf
clearance ports are
Types of Jigs
Indexing Jig
Sometimes indexing arrangements are to be made in
the jigs and fixtures to provide equiangular movement.
Usually, an index disc is used, where the required
number of holes are made and a pin is inserted into the
hole for indexing.
Types of Jigs
Indexing Jig
The Fig. shows an indexing arrangement on a round job
for making holes at 60° angular spacing.
College of Engineering Pune (COEP)
Design Steps
1. Type of Operation
2. Type of M/c on which operation will perform
3. Tool type
4. Path of tool
5. Job position
6. Base support
7. Location
8. Clamping
9. Tool Guidance
10. If requires secureness to the machine
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College of Engineering Pune (COEP)
College of Engineering Pune (COEP)
College of Engineering Pune (COEP)
College of Engineering Pune (COEP)
College of Engineering Pune (COEP)
College of Engineering Pune (COEP)
College of Engineering Pune (COEP)
College of Engineering Pune (COEP)
Economic Analysis in Jigs and Fixtures
Let us assume:
N-Number of pieces manufactured per year
C-First cost of the jig or fixture
I-Annual rate of-interest on investment, percent
T -Annual allowances for taxes, percent
D-Annual allowance for depreciation, percent
M-Annual allowance for repairs, percent
S-Yearly cost of set-up
a-Saving in labour cost per unit
t-Percentage of overhead applied on labour saved
H-Number of years required for amortization of investment out of
Then the number of pieces required per year to pay for the jig or
fixture is given by:
a 1 t
C = -----------------
N .a1 t C I T M S
H-Number of years required for amortization of investment out of
Example 1
First cost of a fixture is Rs. 2500 and one run is made per
year. Saving in labour cost per unit is Rs. 2, Percentage of
overhead is 50 % on labour saved and the annual allowance
for repairs and depreciation percent amount to 10 % and
50% respectively. Bank rate of interest per annum is 6 %
and the annual rate of taxes is 4 %. Yearly cost of set-up is
Rs. 300 per run. Find out N
Example 2
Initial cost of a fixture is Rs. 3000 and two run is made per
year. Saving in labour cost per unit is Rs. 3, Percentage of,
overhead is 50 % on labour saved and the annual allowance
for repairs and depreciation, percent, amount to 15 % and
40% respectively. Bank rate of interest per annum is 7 % and
the annual rate of taxes is 5 %. Cost of set up is Rs. 250. Find
out number of pieces required per year to pay for the jig or
fixture and number of year required.
N-Number of pieces manufactured per year
C-First cost of the jig or fixture
I-Annual rate of-interest on investment, percent
M-Annual allowance for repairs, per cent
T -Annual allowances for taxes, percent
D-Annual allowance for depreciation, percent
S-Yearly cost of set-up
a-Saving in labour cost per unit
t-Percentage of overhead applied on labour saved
H-Number of years required for amortization of investment out of
The number of pieces required per year to pay for the jig or fixture
is given by:
a 1 t N .a1 t C I T M S
a 1 t N .a1 t C I T M S
a1 t
3000 (0.07 0.05 0.40 0.15) 500
3(1 0.50)
N 557 .78 558 per year
N .a1 t C I T M S
558 31 0.50 3000 0.07 0.05 0.15 500
H 2.49 2.5 Years
Types of Fixtures
1. Plain Milling
2. Reciprocating
3. Inline or string
4. Gang milling
5. Plain Vice
6. Indexing
7. Universal
8. Modular
College of Engineering Pune (COEP)
In this method two cutters are
mounted on the arbor so that two
faces are machined simultaneously;
the setting block is used to position
the table relative to one of the cutters
This method is illustrated by fig. 6.4;
three or more cutters are
mounted on the arbor so that several
faces can be machined at once.
In this system cutting takes
place during table movement
to the left and also during
table movement to the right
Complicated profiles can be
milled by holding the
workpiece in a fixture that
incorporates a profile plate,
and holding the cutter in a
special holder with a roller
follower, and the profile on the
profile plate be followed by
hand feed.
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College of Engineering Pune (COEP)
Modular Fixture
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College of Engineering Pune (COEP)
College of Engineering Pune (COEP)
College of Engineering Pune (COEP)
College of Engineering Pune (COEP)