Exploring Transfer Learning For Crime Prediction
Exploring Transfer Learning For Crime Prediction
Exploring Transfer Learning For Crime Prediction
Abstract—Crime 1
2017 IEEE
2017 IEEE International
International Conference
Conference on
on Data
Data Mining
• Human Mobility: Human mobility provides useful each region in the near future of other boroughs in the city
informa- tion, such as residential stability, which is related to police departments, and then assists them take actions to
to urban crime. We extract three features from this source, prevent crimes.
i.e., check- ins from the POI dataset, and pick-up & drop-off
points from the taxi trajectories dataset, which denote the
number of people arriving at or departing from the target
• 311 Public-Service Complaint Data: 311 is NYC’s gov-
ernmental non-emergency service number, allowing people
to complain about things by making a phone call, which
shows the citizens’ dissatisfaction with government service,
thus it is highly related with crime.
B. An Analysis on spatio-temporal Pattern
In this subsection, we investigate spatio-temporal patterns
in crime data. To be specific, we focus on: (i) intra-region
temporal patterns and (ii) inter-region spatial patterns. We
could summarize the observations from our preliminary study
as follows:
For a region, we observe intra-region temporal patterns:
(1) for two adjacent time slots, they are likely to share
similar crime numbers; and (2) with the increase of Fig. 1. The Overall of the crime prediction system.
differences between two time slots, the crime difference has
the propensity to increase. IV. C ONCLUSION
For different regions within a borough, we note inter-region In this paper, we propose a novel framework STF, which
spatial patterns: (1) two spatially close regions have similar captures temporal-spatial patterns and leverages transfer learn-
crime numbers; and (2) with the increase of spatial distance ing for crime prediction. STF leverages cross-domain urban
between two regions, the crime difference tends to increase; datasets, e.g., public security data, meteorological data, point
and (3) for regions from different boroughs, they do not of interests (POIs), human mobility data and 311 complaint
follow above mentioned two inter-region spatial patterns. data.
The above observations provide the groundwork for our There are several interesting research topics, such as (1)
proposed transfer learning framework for crime prediction. Where: mining where is the hotspot for a specific category
III. F RAMEWORK O VERVIEW of crime such as robbery, (2) When: knowing which hours
are safe or unsafe for certain crimes, (3) Who: mining who
Figure 1 shows that the framework of our method com- are likely be criminals through user portrait on online social
prises of three major components: (i) feature extraction, (ii) network, (4) How: identifying the process of how an offense
transfer learning based framework, and (iii) crime prediction, happens, and (5) Why: exploring why an offense happens at a
as follows. specific time in a specific region. We will leave these as future
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