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Basic Concepts
Second Edition (2.002.)

Mkbael 1.. Sbult:r

SdIooI of 0 • Il E • '. .
Comdl U..lou>il.J

FI"', ""'10
Cqa "'L,il "1 Ft, Wc
OGblE,. U....iIy


U.1. EJemental BaI.ACes

À ' i <II ba"....... oa biuIoticai ~ C*I eas.dy Ile "TÛlaI wbeD me cunpoUbom 0(
MIbArWs. producu. Ind ccüuLv matenaI .-e knowa. Usmlly, dcctroo-ptOCOII te'__
llre mj'Uitcd III add.itiœ 10 CkiikDlll1 M ! _ 10 ck:k:&w:i1X cbe MOktûcMDUllC coctf- ..... IS
in bioIe.:t-. Acalrafc dnmniUllOll oIlhc eOlllpœitioa of eelll.lw -nal il • maj«
pobk"," V--.om; ÎfI ccllu.IM~p""_ wull cillfemu l)'pes 01 fXPIlÏ- WC: 5bowll in
TIIbIe 7.J." lypICal c:c:l\ul.. compœi'iœ c:. be represented as OI,A.,J One mole' oC
bIoIotal lMIeral Îli dermed .. Ibt _ 1 eonuining 1 JDm .... 01 . . . . web Ils
Condder me followinl simplirle'd bio&o,ical ~"CBiOG. in whJdl DO C:lI.~Ull1ac
produets olhc:r ttwJ H:O and CO~ are ~rd.

Sec. 7.3 Stoichîometric Calcul.dons 209

"~~ "
.. "
"" ~1=j::l
A ;:nHl;i:l~


~ H~~<{ ~~~ t


~~;; ~

'{ {'1'1 ~~
.• H'I l
- :





-'­ ~
::l~~ i

" -...... _­

0 ""Cl.::>
~"". O"''''!'''1~

- -- - 0-­

f• % !:~!2

"" .......
"'I.., .. ",!,,\ "'!.., ...

: ~
"" "
0-" •

~ i~ii~

u ::jr;!f .$:~
,.. t
.6 •
;• !
DO- 1

l- Ii


~ 1 J
0 mJ


il j jJH!Hll'lHH 1
• ~ ... 'Ii';' Ul.:iU

'" •
wbere CH..O. represent! 1 mole of arbohydnlle and CH"O~. stands for 1 mole of œllu­
lar maJe:rial. Simple elementaJ balances on C. H. 0, and N yield the followina equations:

C, I_c+e
H, 1II+3b""ca+2d
,,+ 2a -cP +d + 2e
'"N, (7.4)

'. 1lIe respÎr.!II0l'Y quotient (RQ) is

RQ __ • (7.5)

Equations 7.4 and 7.5 constilUœ five equalions fOf five unknowns a, b, c, d, and t. Witb
a rneasured value of RQ, Ihnc equalions can be wlved ID deltrmi.ne lhe slOic:hiornetrk:

7.3~ Degree of Reduction

ln more complu ructions.u in the fOmlltiOll of cxuacellular produets. an additionailCo­

lchiometric coefficient is .dded. requinng more informadoo. AllO, elenxntal balanœs
proville no însight inUl lhe enerJflics of. reaction. Consequently, die coocept of u,rte Q/
m1uction has beeo deveklped and UIN fot proton-elcetron bliaPc:e.s in biorucûool. The
dqree of reduction, y. for OfJanÎC: cornpounds may be dcfined 1$ the nwnber of equiva·
lents of availablc elecuons per gram atom C. l'be aVllilablc clecuons are tbose lhIl woWd
Ile ll'ansfClTt'd to oxygen upon oxiohrlon of 1 compound tO~, H:O. and NH J • l'be de­
vee.s of reduction for sorne key clement! are C _ 4. H _ l, N .. -3. 0 _ -2, P _ 5, and
S _ 6. The ~ of reduction of any elenxnl iD a compound is equal to the valeuce of
!his clemmL For e.umple, 4 is the VlIlence of carbon in CO:z and -3 is tile valence of N iD
NH J • DeplU reductioo fot.....nous organJc compounds are Ii,-cn in 1àbIe 7.4. l'be fol­
lowinll are eumple.s ofbow to cakulalc tile degree of reduction for substrllet.

Medlanc(CH..): 1{4)+4(1)-8, y-81l-S

G1UCOse(CJfl~'>: 6(.&)+ 12(1)+6(-2)-24, .,-2416-4

Ethanol (C:H,OH): 1(4)+6(1)+1(-1)-11, 1_1212_6
A hiah de&ttt of reduction IIldicate.s • low dcgrec of oxidation. Thal is,
Yat, > 'h.ott > 1.-·
Consider Ihe lCTObic production of a single extraedJul1t product.

ou_oo. _....._
CH.O, +00: +bl\"H 1 -----t cCHQO,N, + dCH ,O,N, +eH 10+ /00 1 (7.6)

The degrecs of reducrion or subsuate, btom.n. and prodUCt an:

1, _4+111_2n

Sec.7.J 211

TABlE 1.. o.g... of Reduc:lion ancIW.lghl of One C.rbon Equlv.l.nt 01 an. Mole
01 SorM Sub&lr.tet ,,'Id 8icHn...

"""","'" !-toI«..... formula

"'_ ,A"
fledllttioll, 1

.....~Jhl, '"

'-su.' ~.65(N,)

, .•, (HNO,l


14. J


M.... iool <,I<,A
lMtio: 0I:1d
O~_ CJl,A
••• ""

••• ""
Glue",,", ..:id <,1<,,0,
],67 D.'
SlICciaic Idd
,,... ,,~

Otrk ",id c.H.o, D~
Fumic ",ici
0",11.:: ",Iel
C,MA .,.

WRlI pemliuioo.. fi'om 8. Alti...... Md F" ),.by4U.... ,. t .laII ÜIpt«"'" fINi "MN'cA "''lI:<" H<1N/.
boI>oM:. M"'mill .... lnt.. S", yort. 1913.

T, .. 4+.r-2)'-3:

NOIe thal for~. H10. and l'.'1I J the degTee oC reduClion is zero.
Equmon 1.6can lead 10 e~tal balances on C. H. O. and N. an l\'aiJable ekcU'Oll
b..huw::e. an energy balance. and a lOUIlJIU5 balance. or !he equaùons. only five will !:le
inckpmdenL If all the equaDoll5 lIl"e wrilleo, then!he utnl equations C&Il bc: use<! 10 check
lhe COIUi$tency of an uperimental data seL Because the amount of Willer Cormcd Of used
in wch reaclioll$ is difflCUlIlo dctenninc and waler is prescnJ in JI'CllI exCU5. the hyttro.
gen and oxygen balmccs an: dimcult 10 use. For such Il data sel. wc would lypically
cboosc a carllon. li mlroltcn, and an availablc--clcctroo balaDee. Thus.
c+d+I-1 (1.10)


'1,+d'(,"'y.-4a (1,12)

Whh partial experimcnlal dal8, il is possible 10 solve lh.is sel of cquations. Meawrc'
menls of RQ and Il yield c:ocfflcient would. for exampk, allow the calcul.lion al the ~­
mainina coefficients. Il should bc: llOICd that the coc:fficienL c. is Ym (on a moIar besis)
and d i5 Y1'Q" (a1so on _ mollll'" basb).

212 Stoicltiomeuy of Microbi.l Growth al'ld Prod~ FormllJol'I Ch.p.7

An enelJY baJance fOf" lCrobic arowth is
a..c-r. +QodY, :z: aoy, - Ot4a (1.13)
If QQo me heat evolved per equivalent of lvailable electrons trlmfnTed co oxyam il con­
IIlU1t. eq. 7.13 is nor independenl of eq. 1.12. RecaIl ÙIIl an observed regularity is 26.9j:
kcaUa: equivalent of oYliloble elecrrons tr'lIn""erred tO o~ygen, whicb allows the prediction
of hc:u evalulion bl.sed on cslimltCS of oxyaen consumptioa..
Equations 1.12 and 1.1) a1so allo"' csrinwes of lbe fraetioaaJ allocation of .vailalHc
clectrons or cneraY for an OJl&tÛe $uMrratc. Equation 1.12 tan !le rewritlen as

1"C1. +d'f, + 4a (1.141)

y, Y. y,

whcre t is me fraction of available elecuons in the OrJanie SUb$ltIlC mol il tranlfe=d 10
cn,yam ~ is the fraction of 1\1tilablc clcctron$ ÙIIl il ineorporared inlo biomass, and ~ is
the fraction of lIvaiLable clCCll'Ons dun is iocOi ponlled inla exttaeellular plOduClS.


""ume lhaI upmmmw menu~rromls for 1 cenain lXJanlsm h.'l: shawn lbal cells can
COCMfllwo-rblrds (wW'I) of Ille subslnllC: l:lrbon (alUnI: or "1lIOOie) 10 bi(lml$6,
.. Calculau: Ille slOiclliomeuil: roefficimu for the fotlo-in. bôolOficaJ ~...oon.;

Hexldearle: Cl~"'-+-oO: -+-bNH j _ ctc....HuNO...Ol.1)-+-dH:O ... eCO:

Glucose: CtHllo. -+- Il 0: -+- Il NH) _ oiC...H'.Jfl<u.0I,:} -+-d Hz{) -+- eC<l,
b. Calcul1lte die yield coel'lkienl,l YM <& ctw œlll, subsll1lle). Y~ <& dw cdII. 0,) for borb
~ôICtions. Comme", 0II1he difl'~.


.. For he.ud«:ane.

amounl ol"cwboo in 1 moleof sub5nIe. 16(12) .. 192,

atl1O\Qll of carbon COll'l:1ICd 10 biomus. 192(213) .. 128,

1lIeft. 128 .. c(4.4K 12,: (' • 2.42.

1mOU'" ofc..-bon COll'l:tted 10 Co, .. 192 - 128.64.

e. ~.)3

14b • c(0.86)( 14)

Il .. (2042)(0.86) .. 2.08~
The hydl'Olfll tul~ is
l"l: l, ... Jb .. 7.3<' ... 2d
d .. 12AJ

Stoichlomllric Calculllions
Sec. 7.3

The OJtYlCft blLonec: yields

20( 16). 1.2c( 16) ... 21( 16)", dl: 16)

Il_ 12.427

amowJt of~Alboa iD 1 mole ofiub$ll'ale .. 72 1

amounl oftartMln cOIl\Iened 1() biomau. 72(213) .. 481

Then, 4ll"4.~12);('_0.909.

_ m of I;lII\>on Wllvmed 10 CO:l- n -q .. 24 1

The IlÙroFn balUlel: y"lds

6(16) ... 2( 16)<1" 1.2(16)(".,. 2(16)r'" 16d

~ .. 2.42(MWh.-"
Y:I'II- '226 .. 0.98 p«lls/, subsU'uc

~ .. 2.42(MW\,
vo, 12.43(MWlo,

YXIO, - (12.43)(32) .. 0.557 Jdw cdW. 0 1

F(Ir JhaI;oR.

0-461 cd
X,,'" (0.909)(91.34)
110 ...
l1J sub:s
'" te /, nie

, "10,'" (0.909)(91.34) ...

'" d
~"~I 0 1

,,. Stolchlomellry of Mic,obilll Growth.nd Producc Formation Chlp.7

1.. HEO -'CA

o HO

vaiJab e lectroDs in 1 mole of g cose i 2 . 'l'he ceDu '

avaUa ,le electrnn i = 2 . L ) =76 gdw ceLWmol.
predicled growilh yield coefficient i.s Y :: 761180 =O. d llsJ glucO'se.
o measu:re valu Df for aembÏl: gOO\\1h DD glucD 0.38 la 0.5 glg
Tabb~ 6.1).
e yield

th aJ m n

ln - yXI - 0.5 d je ds

'fi .S

n of e 01 m imaJ, Eeld


Sec, 7.4 Ti eoretic 1 Prediction afYle d Coe lcien ',S 2

.. lûk f(lr~ the llWlimum yi.!:1d if;
)'00,/1" ·180 _0. 49 , ethmol/'lluroK

ln pnctio;e. dww muimJll y;elds are noc obIaillll.'d. TM produc:l yi.!:ld' wc ~boul ~ 10 9~
of !he muinW valves. becaux !he IlUQtIH is tonV'l'rted ÎlIlo biomasf lIIld other rneubolic
b~'_prodllC15 (e'l-llycerol (Ir aceme).


Simpk melbods 10 dc:lermÎfle ÛlC' reaction $Ioiclûomeuy for bioreaclors arc reviewed. The5C'
metbods lue! to ÛlC' poMibilily of pro:Iictinc yicld coefficlenls for vlll'Îous fermentations
usinz a '..netY ofsub5tnlle$. Br couplJnc these cqullions loCJtpcrimenlaU)' mcaslirable pa.
rameten. sllCb as lbe re5piruOf)' quotient. we can lofer 1 pell dellibout the proarcss of 1
fermentation. SlICb cticulltiœ5 canllsowl$l in initill proteu dcsicn cquilions br IIlow.
inc the prediction oflbe lJllOUll( of Q,l,)'JCll requiml (and consequenlly bell cel1eralcd) for 1
ccnain con''U'Sion 0{ 1 panicu11r" 5tIb$lr1Ile. 1be prediction of )'icld coefficients is llOl CJt8Ct,
bC'ause unIalown Of unlc::c:oulllcd (Ir mctlbolic paLltw1rs and producu arc present.
NOfletbdess, JlICh calcuillions pr1)'o'idc usefuJ fll'St C5timllcs of JlICb paramelc::rs.


ATl(Js$O!O. B.• AM) F. MAvl'1'\.ll'(A,. Bj~ &ti"uru., wtd BÎOI~/o11HtlI'ldbool. MaemiJ.

I-.Ine., Ne.-York., 1983.
BAU.... J. E.. AND D. F. 0UJs. B,'odI~ &tI_t'rUt, F>UUlt>mmlab. 2t:I e.L McGn.w_HilI Book
eo.. NcwYork, 1916.
Eu:I($O!O. L E.. /\ND D. Y.-C. FtNo. H~ "" AMmbifê FmfOt'fllll1lhtu. Marœl Dcltkcr. lne.•
New York. 1911. (RYe chaplen deIJ wiItI blomc:fJt:lies., SlOidùomo:uy. and yield:l..)
--:-. 1. G. Ml'lUVlCH, .uiD V. K.. EIOSHII'C. Applieallon 0( Mas! lad EaefJy Bilanœ Rc(1lWirin
in FermentaliolI. BioucMf>L Bibm,. 20:1309'. 1975.
Mtt.'U\'JC'H, l G~ Mau lIld ~y BalUlCe far Microbial ProdllCl S)'fldlcsis: Biochcmicalllld QlI­
nnJ A ~ BioJtduwL BiDt'fr,.
25:1267. 19&3.
R.œu. J. A.. EIIu'tria QIId Kfnnla iIf BiOftduwioD. Ebc\ier Socnce Publisbina. New YI;ri:.


Stolc::hlomelrv of Mic::robial GtoWlh end PtoduÇ{ Formation o.ep.1


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