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Human Physiology/Homeostasis 1

Human Physiology/Homeostasis
Human Physiology — Cell physiology →

Homeostasis — Cells — Integumentary — Nervous — Senses — Muscular — Blood — Cardiovascular — Immune — Urinary — Respiratory
— Gastrointestinal — Nutrition — Endocrine — Reproduction (male) — Reproduction (female) — Pregnancy — Genetics — Development —

The human organism consists of trillions of cells all working together for the maintenance of the entire organism.
While cells may perform very different functions, all the cells are quite similar in their metabolic requirements.
Maintaining a constant internal environment with all that the cells need to survive (oxygen, glucose, mineral ions,
waste removal, and so forth) is necessary for the well-being of individual cells and the well-being of the entire body.
The varied processes by which the body regulates its internal environment are collectively referred to as

What is Homeostasis?
Homeostasis in a general sense refers to stability, balance or equilibrium. It is the body's attempt to maintain a
constant internal environment. Maintaining a stable internal environment requires constant monitoring and
adjustments as conditions change. This adjusting of physiological systems within the body is called homeostatic
Homeostatic regulation involves three parts or mechanisms: 1) the receptor, 2) the control center and 3) the effector.
The receptor receives information that something in the environment is changing. The control center or integration
center receives and processes information from the receptor. And lastly, the effector responds to the commands of
the control center by either opposing or enhancing the stimulus. This is an ongoing process that continually works to
restore and maintain homeostasis. For example, in regulating body temperature there are temperature receptors in the
skin, which communicate information to the brain, which is the control center, and the effector is our blood vessels
and sweat glands in our brain.
Because the internal and external environment of the body are constantly changing and adjustments must be made
continuously to stay at or near the set point, homeostasis can be thought of as a synthetic equilibrium.

Positive and Negative Feedback

When a change of variable occurs, there are two main types of feedback to which the system reacts:
• Negative feedback: a reaction in which the system responds in such a way as to reverse the direction of change.
Since this tends to keep things constant, it allows the maintenance of homeostasis. For instance, when the
concentration of carbon dioxide in the human body increases, the lungs are signaled to increase their activity and
expel more carbon dioxide. Thermoregulation is another example of negative feedback. When body temperature
rises (or falls), receptors in the skin and the hypothalamus sense a change, triggering a command from the brain.
This command, in turn, effects the correct response, in this case a decrease in body temperature.
• Home Heating System Vs. Negative Feedback'
When you are at home, you set your thermostat to a desired temperature. Let's say today you set it at 70 degrees. The
thermometer in the thermostat waits to sense a temperature change either too high above or too far below the 70
degree set point. When this change happens the thermometer will send a message to the "Control Center", or
thermostat, Which in turn will then send a message to the furnace to either shut off if the temperature is too high or
kick back on if the temperature is too low. In the home-heating example the air temperature is the "NEGATIVE
Human Physiology/Homeostasis 2

FEEDBACK." When the Control Center receives negative feedback it triggers a chain reaction in order to maintain
room temperature.
• Positive feedback: a response is to amplify the change in the variable. This has a destabilizing effect, so does not
result in homeostasis. Positive feedback is less common in naturally occurring systems than negative feedback,
but it has its applications. For example, in nerves, a threshold electric potential triggers the generation of a much
larger action potential. Blood clotting and events in childbirth are other types of positive feedback.
• 'Harmful Positive Feedback'
Although Positive Feedback is needed within Homeostasis it also can be harmful at times. When you have a high
fever it causes a metabolic change that can push the fever higher and higher. In rare occurrences the body
temperature reaches 113 degrees and the cellular proteins stop working and the metabolism stops, resulting in death.
Summary: Sustainable systems require combinations of both kinds of feedback. Generally with the recognition of
divergence from the homeostatic condition, positive feedbacks are called into play, whereas once the homeostatic
condition is approached, negative feedback is used for "fine tuning" responses. This creates a situation of
"metastability," in which homeostatic conditions are maintained within fixed limits, but once these limits are
exceeded, the system can shift wildly to a wholly new (and possibly less desirable) situation of homeostasis.
Homeostatic systems have several properties
• They are ultra-stable, meaning the system is capable of testing which way its variables should be adjusted.
• Their whole organization (internal, structural, and functional) contributes to the maintenance of balance.
• Physiology is largely a study of processes related to homeostasis. Some of the functions you will learn about in
this book are not specifically about homeostasis (e.g. how muscles contract), but in order for all bodily processes
to function there must be a suitable internal environment. Homeostasis is, therefore, a fitting framework for the
introductory study of physiology.
Where did the term "Homeostasis" come from?
The concept of homeostasis was first articulated by the French scientist Claude Bernard (1813-1878) in his studies of
the maintenance of stability in the "milieu interior." He said, "All the vital mechanisms, varied as they are, have only
one object, that of preserving constant the conditions of life in the internal environment" (from Leçons sur les
Phénonèmes de la Vie Commune aux Animaux et aux Végétaux, 1879). The term itself was coined by American
physiologist Walter Cannon, author of The Wisdom of the Body (1932). The word comes from the Greek homoios
(same, like, resembling) and stasis (to stand, posture).

Cruise Control on a car as a simple metaphor for homeostasis

When a car is put on cruise control it has a set speed limit that it will travel. At times this speed may vary by a few
miles per hour but in general the system will maintain the set speed. If the car starts to go up a hill, the systems will
automatically increase the amount of fuel given to maintain the set speed. If the car starts to come down a hill, the
car will automatically decrease the amount of fuel given in order to maintain the set speed. It is the same with
homeostasis- the body has a set limit on each environment. If one of these limits increases or decreases, the body
will sense and automatically try to fix the problem in order to maintain the pre-set limits. This is a simple metaphor
of how the body operates—constant monitoring of levels, and automatic small adjustments when those levels fall
below (or rise above) a set point.
Human Physiology/Homeostasis 3

Pathways That Alter Homeostasis

A variety of homeostatic mechanisms maintain the internal environment within tolerable limits. Either homeostasis
is maintained through a series of control mechanisms, or the body suffers various illnesses or disease. When the cells
in the body begin to malfunction, the homeostatic balance becomes disrupted. Eventually this leads to disease or cell
malfunction. Disease and cellular malfunction can be caused in two basic ways: either, deficiency (cells not getting
all they need) or toxicity (cells being poisoned by things they do not need). When homeostasis is interrupted in your
cells, there are pathways to correct or worsen the problem. In addition to the internal control mechanisms, there are
external influences based primarily on lifestyle choices and environmental exposures that influence our body's ability
to maintain cellular health.
• Nutrition: If your diet is lacking in a specific vitamin or mineral your cells will function poorly, possibly
resulting in a disease condition. For example, a menstruating woman with inadequate dietary intake of iron will
become anemic. Lack of hemoglobin, a molecule that requires iron, will result in reduced oxygen-carrying
capacity. In mild cases symptoms may be vague (e.g. fatigue), but if the anemia is severe the body will try to
compensate by increasing cardiac output, leading to palpitations and sweatiness, and possibly to heart failure.
• Toxins: Any substance that interferes with cellular function, causing cellular malfunction. This is done through a
variety of ways; chemical, plant, insecticides, and/or bites. A commonly seen example of this is drug overdoses.
When a person takes too much of a drug their vital signs begin to waver; either increasing or decreasing, these
vital signs can cause problems including coma, brain damage and even death.
• Psychological: Your physical health and mental health are inseparable. Our thoughts and emotions cause
chemical changes to take place either for better as with meditation, or worse as with stress.
• Physical: Physical maintenance is essential for our cells and bodies. Adequate rest, sunlight, and exercise are
examples of physical mechanisms for influencing homeostasis. Lack of sleep is related to a number of ailments
such as irregular cardiac rhythms, fatigue, anxiety and headaches.
• Genetic/Reproductive: Inheriting strengths and weaknesses can be part of our genetic makeup. Genes are
sometimes turned off or on due to external factors which we can have some control over, but at other times little
can be done to correct or improve genetic diseases. Beginning at the cellular level a variety of diseases come from
mutated genes. For example, cancer can be genetically inherited or can be caused due to a mutation from an
external source such as radiation or genes altered in a fetus when the mother uses drugs.
• Medical: Because of genetic differences some bodies need help in gaining or maintaining homeostasis. Through
modern medicine our bodies can be given different aids, from anti-bodies to help fight infections, or
chemotherapy to kill harmful cancer cells. Traditional and alternative medical practices have many benefits, but
like any medical practice the potential for harmful effects is present. Whether by nosocomial infections, or wrong
dosage of medication, homeostasis can be altered by that which is trying to fix it. Trial and error with medications
can cause potential harmful reactions and possibly death if not caught soon enough.
The factors listed above all have their effects at the cellular level, whether harmful or beneficial. Inadequate
beneficial pathways (deficiency) will almost always result in a harmful waiver in homeostasis. Too much toxicity
also causes homeostatic imbalance, resulting in cellular malfunction. By removing negative health influences, and
providing adequate positive health influences, your body is better able to self-regulate and self-repair, thus
maintaining homeostasis.
Human Physiology/Homeostasis 4

Homeostasis Throughout the Body

Each body system contributes to the homeostasis of other systems and of the entire organism. No system of the body
works in isolation, and the well-being of the person depends upon the well-being of all the interacting body systems.
A disruption within one system generally has consequences for several additional body systems. Here are some brief
explanations of how various body systems contribute to the maintenance of homeostasis:

Nervous System
Since the nervous system does not store nutrients, it must receive a continuous supply from blood. Any interruption
to the flow of blood may bring brain damage or death. The nervous system maintains homeostasis by controlling and
regulating the other parts of the body. A deviation from a normal set point acts as a stimulus to a receptor, which
sends nerve impulses to a regulating center in the brain. The brain directs an effector to act in such a way that an
adaptive response takes place. If, for example, the deviation was a lowering of body temperature, the effector acts to
increase body temperature. The adaptive response returns the body to a state of normalcy and the receptor, the
regulating center, and the effector temporarily cease their activities. Since the effector is regulated by the very
conditions it produced, this process is called control by negative feedback (fig. 2). This manner of regulating
normalcy results in a fluctuation between two extreme levels. Not until body temperature drops below normal do
receptors stimulate the regulating center and effectors act to raise body temperature. Regulating centers are located in
the central nervous system, consisting of the brain and spinal cord (fig. 3a, 3b). The hypothalamus is a portion of the
brain particularly concerned with homeostasis; it influences the action of the medulla oblongata, a lower part of the
brain, the autonomic nervous system, and the pituitary gland.
The nervous system has two major portions: the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system (table 3).
The peripheral nervous system consists of the cranial and spinal nerves. The autonomic nervous system is a part of
peripheral nervous system and contains motor neurons that control internal organs. It operates at the subconscious
level and has two divisions, the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. In general, the sympathetic system brings
about those results we associate with emergency situations, often called fight or flight reactions, and the
parasympathetic system produces those effects necessary to our everyday existence.

Endocrine System
The endocrine system consists of glands which secrete hormones into the bloodstream. Each hormone has an effect
on one or more target tissues. In this way the endocrine system regulates the metabolism and development of most
body cells and body systems. To be more specific, the Endocrine system has sex hormones that can activate
sebaceous glands, development of mammary glands, alter dermal blood flow and release lipids from adipocytes and
MSH can stimulate melanocytes on our skin. Our bone growth is regulated by several hormones, and the endocrine
system helps with the mobilization of calcitonin and calcium. In the muscular system, hormones adjust muscle
metabolism, energy production, and growth. In the nervous system, hormones affect neural metabolism, regulate
fluid/electrolyte balance and help with reproductive hormones that influence CNS development and behaviors. In the
Cardiovascular system, we need hormones that regulate the production of RBC's, which elevate and lower blood
pressure. Hormones also have anti-inflammatory effects and stimulate the lymphatic system. In summary, the
endocrine system has a regulatory effect on basically every other body system.

Integumentary System
The integumentary system (the skin) is involved in protecting the body from invading microbes (mainly by forming
a thick impenetrable layer), regulating body temperature through sweating and vasodilation, or shivering and
piloerection (goose bumps), and regulating ion balances in the blood. Stimulation of mast cells also produce changes
in blood flow and capillary permeability which can effect the blood flow in the body and how it is regulated. It also
helps synthesize vitamin D which interacts with calcium and phosphorus absorption needed for bone growth,
Human Physiology/Homeostasis 5

maintenance, and repair. Hair on the skin guards entrance into the nasal cavity or other orifices preventing invaders
of getting further into our bodies. Our skin also helps maintain balance by excretion of water and other solutes (i.e.)
the keratinized epidermis limits fluid loss through skin. It also provides mechanical protection against environmental
hazards. We need to remember that our skin is integumentary; it is our first line of defense.

Skeletal System
As the structural framework for the human body, the skeletal system consists mainly of the 206 or so bones of the
skeletal system but also includes cartilages, ligaments, and other connective tissues that stabilize and interconnect
them. Bones work in conjunction with the muscular system to aid in posture and locomotion. Many bones of the
skeleton function as levers, which change the magnitude and direction of forces generated by skeletal muscle.
Protection is a pivotal role occupied by the skeletal system, as many vital organs are encased within the skeletal
cavities (cranial, and spinal "or dorsal"), and bones form much of the structural basis for other body cavities (ex:
thoracic and pelvic cavities). The skeletal system also serves as an important mineral reserve. For example, if blood
levels of calcium or magnesium are low and the minerals are not available in the diet, they will be taken from the
bones. Also, the skeletal system provides calcium needed for all muscular contraction. Finally, red blood cells,
lymphocytes and other cells relating to the immune response are produced and stored in the bone marrow.

Muscular System
The muscular system is one of the most versatile systems in the body. The muscular system contains the heart, which
constantly pumps blood through the body. The muscular system is also responsible for involuntary (e.g.
goosebumps, digestion, breathing) and voluntary (e.g. walking, picking up objects) actions. Muscles also help
protect organs in the body's cavities.

Cardiovascular System
The cardiovascular system, in addition to needing to maintain itself within certain levels, plays a role in maintenance
of other body systems by transporting hormones (heart secretes ANP and BNP) and nutrients (oxygen, EPO to
bones,etc.), taking away waste products, and providing all living body cells with a fresh supply of oxygen and
removing carbon dioxide. Homeostasis is disturbed if the cardiovascular or lymphatic systems are not functioning
correctly. Our skin, bones, muscles, lungs, digestive tract, and nervous, endocrine, lymphatic, urinary and
reproductive systems use the cardiovascular system as its "road" or "highway" as far as distribution of things that go
on in our body. There are many risk factors for an unhealthy cardiovascular system. Some diseases associated are
typically labeled "uncontrollable" or "controllable." The main uncontrollable risk factors are age, gender, and a
family history of heart disease, especially at an early age.

Lymphatic System
The lymphatic system has three principal roles. First is the maintenance of blood and tissue volume. Excess fluid that
leaves the capillaries when under pressure would build up and cause edema. Secondly, the lymphatic system absorbs
fatty acids and triglycerides from fat digestion so that these components of digestion do not enter directly into the
blood stream. Third, the lymphatic system is involved in defending the body against invading microbes, and the
immune response. This system assists in maintenance, such as bone and muscle repair after injuries. Another defense
is maintaining the acidic pH of urine to fight infections in the urinary system. The tonsils are our bodies "helpers" to
defend us against infections and toxins absorbed from the digestive tract. The tonsils also protect against infections
entering into our lungs.
Human Physiology/Homeostasis 6

Respiratory System
The respiratory system works in conjunction with the cardiovascular system to provide oxygen to cells within every
body system for cellular metabolism. The respiratory system also removes carbon dioxide. Since CO2 is mainly
transported in the plasma as bicarbonate ions, which act as a chemical buffer, the respiratory system also helps
maintain proper blood pH levels, a fact that is very important for homeostasis. As a result of hyperventilation, CO2
is decreased in blood levels. This causes the pH of body fluids to increase. If acid levels rise above 7.45, the result is
respiratory alkalosis. On the other hand, too much CO2 causes pH to fall below 7.35 which results in respiratory
acidosis. The respiratory system also helps the lymphatic system by trapping pathogens and protecting deeper tissues
within. Note that when you have increased thoracic space it can provide abdominal pressure through the contraction
of respiratory muscles. This can assist in defecation. Remember the lungs are the gateway for our breath of life.

Digestive System
Without a regular supply of energy and nutrients from the digestive system, all body systems would soon suffer. The
digestive system absorbs organic substances, vitamins, ions, and water that are needed all over the body. In the skin,
the digestive tract provides lipids for storage in the subcutaneous layer. Note that food undergoes three types of
processes in the body: digestion, absorption, and elimination. If one of these is not working, you will have problems
that will be extremely noticeable. Mechanics of digestion can include chemical digestion, movements, ingestion
absorption, and elimination. In order to maintain a healthy and efficient digestive system, we have to remember the
components involved. If these are disturbed, digestive health may be compromised.

Urinary System
Toxic nitrogenous wastes accumulate as proteins and nucleic acids are broken down and used for other purposes.
The urinary system rids the body of these wastes. The urinary system is also directly involved in maintaining proper
blood volume (and indirectly blood pressure) and ion concentration within the blood. One other contribution is that
the kidneys produce a hormone (erythropoietin) that stimulates red blood cell production. The kidneys also play an
important role in maintaining the correct water content of the body and the correct salt composition of extracellular
fluid. External changes that lead to excess fluid loss trigger feedback mechanisms that act to inhibit fluid loss.

Reproductive System
The Reproductive System is unique in that it does little to contribute to the homeostasis of the organism. Rather than
being tied to the maintenance of the organism, the reproductive system relates to the maintenance of the species.
Having said that, the sex hormones do have an effect on other body systems, and an imbalance can lead to various
disorders (e.g. a woman whose ovaries are removed early in life is at much higher risk of osteoporosis).

The living bodies have been characterized with a number of automated processes, which make them self-sustainable
in the natural environment. Among these many processes are that of reproduction, adjustment with external
environment, and instinct to live, which are gifted by nature to living beings.
The survival of living beings greatly depends on their capability to maintain a stable body temperature irespective of
temperature of surrounding environment. This capability of maintaining body temperature is called
Body temperature depends on the heat produced minus the heat lost. Heat is lost by radiation, convection, and
conduction, but the net loss by all three processes depends on a gradient between the body and the outside. Thus,
when the external temperature is low, radiation is the most important form of heat loss. When there is a high external
temperature, evaporation is the most important form of heat loss. The balance of heat produced and heat lost
Human Physiology/Homeostasis 7

maintains a constant body temperature. However, temperature does vary during the day, and this set point is
controlled by the hypothalamus.
Body temperature is usually about 37.4°C, but does vary during the day by about 0.8°C. The lowest daily
temperature is when the person is asleep. Temperature receptors are found in the skin, the great veins, the abdominal
organs and the hypothalamus. While the ones in the skin provide the sensation of coldness, the hypothalamic (central
core) temperature receptors are the most important. The core body temperature is usually about 0.7-1.0°C higher
than axillary or oral temperature.
When body temperature drops due to external cold, an important component of protection is vasoconstriction of skin
and limb blood vessels. This drops the surface temperature, providing an insulating layer (such as the fat cell layer)
between the core temperature and the external environment. Likewise, if the temperature rises, blood flow to the skin
increases, maximizing the potential for loss by radiation and evaporation. Thus, if you dilated the skin blood vessels
by alcohol ingestion this might give a nice warm glow, but it would increase heat loss (if the external temperature
was still low). The major adjustment in cold is to shiver to increase heat production.
Besides the daily variation in body temperature, there are other cyclic variations. In women, body temperature falls
prior to ovulation and rises by about 1°C at ovulation, largely due to progesterone increasing the set point. Thyroid
hormone and pyrogens also increase the set point. The basal metabolic rate is about 30 calories/sq m/h. It is higher in
children than in adults, partly as a result of different surface area to body mass ratio. Due to this relationship, young
children are more likely to drop their temperature rapidly; there is greater temperature variation in children than in
adults. It is increased by thyroid hormone and decreased by thyroid hormone lack. Different foods can affect BMR
and the Respiratory Quotient of foods differ. Carbohydrate 1.0; Protein = 1.0; Fats = 0.7.

Body Composition

Extracellular Fluid Cellular Fluid

Volume plasma – 3 litres 30 litres

interstitial – 10 litres

Osmolality (mOsm) 290 290

140 15
Na + (mmol/l)

Ca 2+ (mmol/l) < 10 -6

110 10
Cl - (mmol/l)

30 10


4 150
K + (mmol/l)

1.5 15
Mg 2+ (mmol/l)

2 40
PO4 3+ (mmol/l)

pH 7.4 7.1

Potential Difference (mV) -70

The blood pressure in large arteries is about 120/80 mmHg. By the time this comes to the capillaries it has partly lost
its pulsatile nature and has a pressure of about 35 mmHg. The pressure falls rapidly along the capillary to 15 mmHg
at the venous end. This hydrostatic pressure tends to force fluid out of the capillary into the interstitium but balance
Human Physiology/Homeostasis 8

is maintained by the colloid osmotic pressure (due to protein, principally albumin) of 26 mmHg. Net water
movement is small (about 2%) and thus colloid osmotic pressure is the same at the arterial and venous end of the
At the arterial end of the capillary there is a net outward force of about 11 mmHg while at the venous end the net
inward force is about 9 mmHg (ie. -9). There is an imbalance between water movement out and movement back in
which leads to an imbalance of about 3 litres/day, which is removed as lymph. There is some albumin in the
interstitial tissue and it varies in different organs but the concentration may be up to 10 or 20% of plasma. This gives
an interstitial oncotic pressure which causes movement of fluid into the interstitium. However the bulk movement of
water is not the way nutrients get to cells. Nutrients diffuse down their concentration gradient as the capillary is very
permeable to all small molecules.
The extracellular volume is approximately thirteen litres in a seventy kg person. Ten litres are in the interstitial space
and three litres in plasma. The capillaries are the interface between the two compartments and are permeable to most
substances with a molecular weight less than 20,000. Thus nutrients can readily diffuse across the wall and go from
blood to cell. Despite the high permeability of the capillary water is maintained inside due to the oncotic pressure
and only about 2% of the plasma flowing through the capillary moves across the wall.
The blood volume is about 5 litres of which about 3 litres are plasma and about 2 litres red blood cells. The red blood
cell volume (haematocrit) is about 43% and the relationship between plasma and blood volume and haematocrit is
Blood Volume = Plasma Volume 100/(100 - Ht). Most of the blood is usually in the veins (70%).
Capillaries differ in their permeability throughout the body. Brain capillaries are relatively impermeable. In order of
less permeability:
Brain < Muscle < Glomerulus < Liver sinusoids.
The capillaries, while having a large surface area, only contain about 7% of the blood volume. The arteries and
arterioles contain about 15%. Most of the blood is in the veins.

Body Fluid Distribution

The cell membrane is a bilipid layer that is permeable to water and lipid soluble particles. However, it is
impermeable to charged particles. It is the osmolality controlling factor. Osmolality in the cell and interstitial fluid
are the same but the anionic and cationic compositions differ. Made of albumin, the capillary membrane is
permeable to everything except proteins. The membranes in different tissues differ. There are fenestrae to promote
better flow of fluids. Particles weighing over 40,000 have low permeability. It is the oncotic pressure controlling
factor. Capillaries in the brain are relatively impermeable while capillaries in liver sinusoids and glomeruli are
extremely permeable.

Water (litres) Sodium (mmol) Potassium (mmol)

Total 43 3700 4000

Intracellular 30 400

Bone - 1500 300

Extracellular 13 1820 52

Plasma 3 420 12

Interstitial 10 1400 40

Usual Intake 1.5 180 70

Range 0.7-5 5-400 50-400

Human Physiology/Homeostasis 9

Dehydration and Volume Depletion

Plasma osmolality is about 290 mosmol/l contributed mainly by sodium (140 mmol/l) and it's accompanying anions.
In dehydration water is lost from the body. The rise in osmolality that occurs in the plasma (also sodium rises) causes
water to initially move out of the cells along the osmotic gradient. Thus cell volume is initially reduced but cell
homeostatic processes subsequently return it towards normal by taking up solute.
In dehydration water is removed from the plasma and thus haematocrit and albumin which have not been lost will
have a higher concentration. In volume depletion water and electrolytes are both lost and thus there will be little
effect on either sodium concentration or osmolality. As osmolality is not altered there will be no force to pull water
out of the cells and cell volume is not affected.
In volume depletion due to blood loss the haematocrit acutely is the same but the resultant fall in blood pressure
causes fluid to come out of the interstitium into the vascular compartment and albumin and haematocrit both
decrease. When there is volume depletion due to electrolyte and water loss by vomiting or diarrhoea there will be
little or no effect on plasma osmolality or sodium concentration. However there will be a small increase in
haematocrit and plasma albumin because the volume is lost from the extracellular space and as blood cells and
albumin are not lost this increases the concentration.
In volume depletion forces are activated that retain sodium and water in the body. The sodium retention works to a
major extent by the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system which is activated by a fall in blood pressure caused by
volume depletion. In dehydration, the high osmolality activates ADH secretion which causes water retention. As
there is also volume depletion, this activates the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system which causes sodium to be
retained. This retention would tend to cause a rise in sodium concentration which is already high but the water
retention would correct this. There is no effective receptor that monitors and controls Na concentration by altering
sodium excretion. Sodium retaining hormones are predominantly regulated by the volume and blood pressure.
Initially in blood loss the haematocrit is not altered but falls as fluid comes in from the interstitial space.

Water Balance
Vasopressin is the principal compound controlling water balance by decreasing water output by the kidney. It
perceives the need by monitoring plasma osmolality and if this is high, vasopressin is secreted. Vasopressin is
formed in the hypothalamus and travels down axons to the posterior pituitary where it is stored.
Plasma osmolality is the usual factor regulating vasopressin release but other factors alter the release. Pain and
emotion release vasopressin together with the other posterior pituitary hormone oxytocin. Alcohol inhibits the
release of vasopressin and thus causes a diuresis. A low plasma volume also releases vasopressin which in high
concentration can cause vasoconstriction. These different factors can overcome the usual physiological control of
Osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus monitor the plasma osmolality and send a signal down the axon that releases
vasopressin from the posterior pituitary gland. Vasopressin travels by the blood to the kidney and binds to a receptor
on the basolateral membrane and by a series of cellular events alters the permeability of the luminal membrane to
water, thereby increasing the water permeability of the collecting duct and due to osmotic gradients created in the
kidney causes water to be retained by the body (ie. an antidiuresis) which provides the other name for vasopressin of
antidiuretic hormone.
Vasopressin released by the pituitary binds to a receptor on the basolateral membrane and activates adenyl cyclase
which increases cyclic AMP levels in the kidney. This by a series of reactions, some of which involve calcium, cause
microfilaments to contract and insert preformed water channels (aquaporins) into the luminal membrane increasing
water permeability.
A high plasma osmolality is the important physiological stimulus causing vasopressin release. Urea in plasma in a
normal person only has a concentration of 6 mmol/l and thus contributes to only a small part of plasma osmolality.
Human Physiology/Homeostasis 10

Even if plasma urea is elevated to 30 mmol/l it would not have a significant effect on vasopressin release as
membranes (including those of the osmoreceptor cells) are permeable to urea. If there is excessive ADH water is
retained and the osmolality and sodium concentration would fall (hyponatraemia). If there is no ADH water is lost
and osmolality and sodium concentration would rise klkølk (hypernatraemia). While ADH is released if the plasma
volume falls the most important factor to restore volume is retention of sodium by the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone
and other salt retaining systems.

Sodium Balance

Amount Concentration

Amount in body 3700 mmol

Intracellular 400 mmol 15 mmol/l

Extracellular 1800 mmol 140 mmol/l

Plasma 420 mmol 140 mmol/l

Interstitial 1400 mmol 140 mmol/l

Bone 1500 mmol

Amount in diet

Hunter Gatherer 20 mmol/day

Western 180 mmol/day

Japanese 300 mmol/day

Obligatory Need < 5 mmol/day

Sodium is an important cation distributed primarily outside the cell. The cell sodium concentration is about 15
mmol/l but varies in different organs and with an intracellular volume of 30 litres about 400 mmol are inside the cell.
The plasma and interstitial sodium is about 140 mmol/l with an extracellular volume of about 13 litres, 1800 mmol
are in the extracellular space. The total body sodium, however, is about 3700 mmol as there is about 1500 mmol
stored in bones.
The usual sodium intake of an Australian diet is about 180 mmol/d but varies widely (50-400 mmol/day) depending
on habit and cultural influences. The body has potent sodium retaining mechanisms and even if a person is on 5
mmol Na+/day they can maintain sodium balance. Extra sodium is lost from the body by reducing the activity of the
renin angiotensin aldosterone system which leads to increased sodium loss from the body. Sodium is lost through the
kidney, sweat and faeces. In states of sodium depletion aldosterone levels increase and in states of sodium excess
aldosterone levels decrease. The major physiological controller of aldosterone secretion is the plasma angiotensin II
level which increases aldosterone secretion. A high plasma potassium also increases aldosterone secretion because
besides retaining Na+ high plasma aldosterone causes K+ loss by the kidney. Plasma Na+ levels have little effect on
aldosterone secretion.
A low renal perfusion pressure stimulates the release of renin, which forms angiotensin I which is converted to
angiotensin II. Angiotensin II will correct the low perfusion pressure by causing constriction of blood vessels and by
increasing sodium retention by a direct effect on the proximal renal tubule and by an effect operated through
aldosterone. The perfusion pressure to the adrenal gland has little direct effect on aldosterone secretion and the low
blood pressure operates to control aldosterone via the renin angiotensin system.
In addition to aldosterone and angiotensin II other factors influence sodium excretion. Thus in high sodium states
due either to excess intake or cardiac disease (+ others) atrial peptide is secreted from the heart and by a series of
actions causes loss of sodium by the kidney. Elevated blood pressure will also tend to cause Na+ loss and a low
Human Physiology/Homeostasis 11

blood pressure usually leads to sodium retention. Aldosterone also acts on the sweat ducts and colonic epithelium to
conserve sodium. When aldosterone has been activated to retain sodium the plasma sodium tends to rise. This
immediately causes release of ADH which causes water to be retained, thus retaining Na+ and H2O in the right
proportion to restore plasma volume.

Potassium Balance

Amount Concentration

Amount in body 4000 mmol

Intracellular 3000 + mmol 110 mmol/l

Extracellular 52 mmol 4 mmol/l

Plasma 12 mmol 4 mmol/l

Interstitial 40 mmol 4 mmol/l

Bone 300 mmol

Amount in diet

Hunter Gatherer 200 – 400 mmol/day

Western 50 – 100 mmol/day

Obligatory Need 30 – 50 mmol/day

Potassium is predominantly an intracellular ion and most of the total body potassium of about 4000 mmol is inside
the cells and the next largest proportion (300-500 mmol) is in the bones. Cell K+ concentration is about 150 mmol/l
but varies in different organs. Extracellular potassium is about 4.0 mmol/l and with an extracellular value of about 13
litres, 52 mmol (ie. less than 1.5%) is present here and only 12 mmol in the plasma.
In an unprocessed diet potassium is much more plentiful than sodium and is present as an organic salt while sodium
is added as NaCl. In a hunter gatherer K+ intake may be as much as 400 mmol/d while in the Western diet it is 70
mmol/d or less if a person has a minimal amount of fresh fruit and vegetables. Processing of foods replaces K+ with
NaCl. While the body can excrete a large K+ load it is unable to conserve K+. On a zero K+ intake or in a person
with K+ depletion there will still be a loss of K+ of 30-50 mmol/d in the urine and faeces.
If there is a high potassium intake, eg. 100 mmol, this would potentially increase the extracellular K+ level 2 times
before the kidney could excrete the extra potassium. The body buffers the extra potassium by equilibrating it within
the cells. The acid base status controls the distribution between plasma and cells. A high pH (ie. alkalosis >7.4)
favours movement of K+ into the cells whilst a low pH (ie. acidosis) causes movement out of the cell. A high plasma
potassium increases aldosterone secretion and this increases the potassium loss from the body, restoring balance.
This change of distribution with the acid base status means that the plasma K+ may not reflect the total body content.
Thus a person with an acidosis (pH 7.1) and a plasma K+ of 6.5 mmol/l could be depleted of total body potassium.
This occurs in diabetic acidosis. Conversely a person who is alkalotic with a plasma K+ of 3.4 mmol/l may have
normal total body potassium.
Human Physiology/Homeostasis 12

Calcium and Phosphate Balance

Amount Concentration

Amount in body

Interstitial (0.9%) 270 mmol 9 mmol/l

Cytoplasm <1 mmol 10-6 mmol/l

Cell organelles 270 mmol 9 mmol/l

Extracellular (0.1%) 30 mmol 2.2 mmol/l

Plasma 7 mmol 2.2 mmol/l

Interstitial 23 mmol 2.2 mmol/l

Bone (99%) 27.5 mol (1.1 kg)

Amount in diet 1200 mg/day 40 mmol/day

Amount absorbed 300 mg/day 10 mmol/day

Amount excreted 300 mg/day 10 mmol/day

Obligatory Need 100 mg/day 3 mmol/day

Bone => Plasma 500 mmol/day

Calcium is a very important electrolyte. 99% or more is deposited in bone but the remainder is importantly
associated with nerve conduction, muscle contraction, hormone release and cell signalling. The plasma concentration
of Ca++ is 2.2 mmol/l and phosphate 1.0 mmol/l. The solubility product of Ca and P is close to saturation in plasma.
The concentration of Ca++ in the cytoplasm is < 10-6 mmol/l but the concentration of Ca++ in the cell is much
higher as calcium is taken up (and is able to be released from) cell organelles.
In the Australian diet there is about 1200 mg/d of calcium. Even if it was all soluble it is not all absorbed as it
combines with phosphates in the intestinal secretions. In addition absorption is regulated by active Vitamin D and
increased amounts increase Ca++ absorption. Absorption is controlled by Vitamin D while excretion is controlled by
parathyroid hormones. However, the distribution from bone to plasma is controlled by both the parathyroid
hormones and vitamin D. There is a constant loss of calcium by the kidney even if there was none in the diet. The
excretion of calcium by the kidney and its distribution between bone and the rest of the body is primarily controlled
by parathyroid hormone.
Calcium in plasma exists in 3 forms. Ionized, non ionized and protein bound. It is the ionized calcium concentration
that is monitored by the parathyroid gland and if low, parathyroid hormone secretion is increased. This acts to
increase ionized calcium levels by increasing bone reabsorption, decreasing renal excretion and acting on the kidney
to increase the rate of formation of active Vitamin D, and thereby increase gut absorption of calcium.
The usual amount of phosphate in the diet is about 1 g/d but not all is absorbed. Any excess is excreted by the kidney
and this excretion is increased by parathyroid hormone. Parathyroid hormone also causes phosphate to come out of
bone. Plasma phosphate has no direct effect on parathyroid hormone secretion. However if it is elevated it combines
with Ca++ decreasing the ionized Ca++ in plasma, thereby increasing parathyroid hormone secretion.
Human Physiology/Homeostasis 13

Case Study
Heat stroke and Heat exhaustion
If you have ever performed heavy manual labor or competed in an athletic event on a sweltering hot day, chances are
you may have experienced symptoms of heat exhaustion. Typically these include an elevated core body temperature
(above 104F or 40C), profuse sweating, pale color, muscle cramps, dizzines, and in some extreme circumstances,
fainting or loss of consciousness.
Heat exhaustion occurs as a consequence of disruption of the body's own system of thermoregulation, the means by
which it adjusts temperature. Sweating is the principal means through which the body cools itself down, but
diverting blood from other regions toward the skin also serves this purpose. Although sweat allows excess heat to
dissipate as the moisture reaches the skin surface, it can also have dangerous implications for blood pressure and
volume. As sweating increases, blood volume can drop precipitously, meaning that the brain and other body systems
are at risk for insufficient oxygen and nutrient supplies. Furthermore, diverting blood away from other systems and
towards the skin compounds the changes in blood volume and blood pressure induced through sweating.
Heat stroke is a far more serious condition. This happens when the body's temperature rises out of control due to the
failure of the thermoregulating system. If the body is unable to reduce its temperature due to outside or physical
influences, the brain will start to malfunction. Delirium and loss of consciousness set in. The center of the brain
controlling the sweat glands will stop functioning, halting the production of sweat. This causes the body's
temperature to rise even faster. Furthermore, with the increase of the body's temperature, the metabolic process will
speed up causing even more heat in the body. If left untreated this will result in death. One of the easiest ways to spot
heat stroke is the skin. If it is flushed due to the increase of blood flow but dry because the sweat glands have
stopped secreting, the individual will need prompt medical attention.

Other Examples
• Thermoregulation
• The skeletal muscles can shiver to produce heat if the body temperature is too low.
• Non-shivering thermogenesis involves the decomposition of fat to produce heat.
• Sweating cools the body with the use of evaporation.
• Chemical regulation
• The pancreas produces insulin and glucagon to control blood-sugar concentration.
• The lungs take in oxygen and give off carbon dioxide, which regulates pH in the blood.
• The kidneys remove urea, and adjust the concentrations of water and a wide variety of ions.
Main examples of homeostasis in mammals are as follows:
• The regulation of the amounts of water and minerals in the body. This is known as osmoregulation. This happens
primarily in the kidneys.
• The removal of metabolic waste. This is known as excretion. This is done by the excretory organs such as the
kidneys and lungs.
• The regulation of body temperature. This is mainly done by the skin.
• The regulation of blood glucose level. This is mainly done by the liver and the insulin and glucagon secreted by
the pancreas in the body.
Most of these organs are controlled by hormones secreted from the pituitary gland, which in turn is directed by the
Human Physiology/Homeostasis 14

Review Questions
Answers for these questions can be found here
1. Meaning of Homeostasis:
A) contributor and provider
B) expand
C) same or constant
D) receiver
2. What is the normal pH value for body fluid?
A) 7.15-7.25
B) 7.35-7.45
C) 7.55- 7.65
D) 7.00-7.35
E) 6.5-7.5
3. An example of the urinary system working with the respiratory system to regulate blood pH would be
A) When you hold your breath the kidneys will remove CO2 from your blood
B) If you exercise a lot your urine will become more acidic
C) If you have emphysema the kidneys will remove fewer bicarbonate ions from circulation
D) If you hyperventilate the kidneys will counteract the alkalinity by adding hydrogen ions into the blood stream
E) None of the above-the urinary system never works with the respiratory system
4. The urge to breathe comes in direct response to:
A) How long it has been since you last took a breath
B) The oxygen concentration of your surrounding environment
C) The buildup of nitrogen within your blood stream
D) The pH of your blood
E) The buildup of blood pressure that occurs when you don't breathe
5. In response to a bacterial infection my body's thermostat is raised. I start to shiver and produce more body heat.
When my body temperature reaches 101 degrees, I stop shivering and my body temperature stops going up. This is
an example of:
A) Negative feedback
B) A malfunctioning control system
C) Positive feedback
D) A negative impact
6. Which of the following is an example of a positive feedback?
A) Shivering to warm up in a cold winter storm
B) A cruise control set on your car applies more gas when going up a hill
C) You sweat on a hot summer's day and the blood vessels in your skin vasodilate
D) You get cut and platelets form a clot. This in turn activates the fibrin clotting system and more blood forms clots
7. Where is the body's "thermostat" found?
A) Within the nervous system, in the Hypothalamus
B) Within the integumentary system, in the skin
Human Physiology/Homeostasis 15

C) Within the brain, in the corpus callosum

D) Within the Urinary system, in the kidneys
8. What system has little to contribute to the homeostasis of the organism?
A) Urinary System
B) Reproductive System
C) Respiratory System
D) Nervous System
9. Select the phrase(s) below that best describe(s) homeostasis.
A) Fluctuating within a homeostatic range
B) Maintaining a constant internal environment
C) Dynamic equilibrium
D) Deviating

Review Answers
• 1=C
• 2=B
• 3=C
• 4=D
• 5=A
• 6=D
• 7=A
• 8=B
• 9=B

• Control Center or Integration Center: receives and processes information from the receptor
• Effector: responds to the commands of the control center by either opposing or enhancing the stimulus
• Homeostasis: refers to stability, balance or equilibrium
• Negative Feedback: a reaction in which the system responds in such a way as to reverse the direction of change
• Positive Feedback: a response is to amplify the change in the variable
• Receptor: receives information that something in the environment is changing
Article Sources and Contributors 16

Article Sources and Contributors

Human Physiology/Homeostasis  Source: http://en.wikibooks.org/w/index.php?oldid=1970951  Contributors: Adrignola, AmWengert, Andybee, BigSmoke, BrendaJohnson, Brentwaldrop,
BriannaLenford, Bunnynerd, Dallas1278, Daniel575, Danseyffert, Darklama, Diberri, ElizabethDurham, General Tojo, Hoggle, Horn Eaas, Iamunknown, Jami 7, Jaredjohnson, Jimmy, Mseliw,
Never2late, Osandyoo, Provophys, Read-write-services, Red4tribe, Reece, RiRi82, Robisabi, Sethwoodworth, Shaleneroberts, Smootswiki, Stephanie greenwood, Sterlingsilver, Steve3562,
TATENSMOM, Tammishamo, Thatgadgetgirl, Unknownfigure01, VSimonian, Valerie795, Vkghai, Whiteknight, Winn, YMS, 168 anonymous edits

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http:/ / creativecommons. org/ licenses/ by-sa/ 3. 0/

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