Jsa For The Installation of I Eam
Jsa For The Installation of I Eam
Jsa For The Installation of I Eam
Now undertake the JSA and record in the table below. Use prompts on JSA Prompt Sheet and Hazard Checklist PA-HSEC-02-040-002-F03.
Part 3: Contingency Plans. Standard PPE,S : First aid kit must be present at the area and the Hse personnel is the first response in case of
Part 4: Review. After the job has been completed, JSA leader should note: any hazards, which were identified in the original JSA? Any practices
that need to be captured in the OMS? List action items, changes, and transfer any changes to the Change Management system.
File: 10.30
Step Describe Job Step Potential Hazards Hazard Controls
No (Copy from part 2 of form) (Use Hazard Checklist)
1 Mobilization of workers & Operation of mobile crane Using checklist before use it shall check mobile
equipment crane.
Main hook inspection shall be done by third party
Crane operated by competent, authorised, license
Holder person.
2 Unloading of I-beam Slipping/Tripping Use the right method of lifting and hook proper
Rigging equipment shall be use inspected.
Unskilled person perform this activity Ensure skilled person shall be perform this activity
by feeding them proper training. (Induction &
toolbox talk).
Weather condition According weather condition work shall be done
3. Installation of I-Beam Improper installation of I-Beam Crane operated by competent, authorised, license
holder person.
Main hook inspection shall be done by third party
Operated shall follow all rigging activity.
Swing of boom by follow the rigger.
Before operation of crane check list is not Before operation of crane checklist shall be follow
follow & check list shall be updated.
SIMOPS Ensure no parallel works or SIMOPS to be occur/
whenever there is a person working at elevated
area no other person must work underneath.
Ensure that crane swing zone area clear and
Ensure that no worker walk and sand under the
suspended load & used tag line with load.
Ensure rigging plan was provided and properly
coordinate to the rigging supervisor.
Ensure that stand by plat form to be provided for
sling remover, no person shall be allow to stepped
at the I-Beam / cross at the I-Beam.
Unauthorised person shall not involved in the job,
shall not come to closure to the area.
Ensure standby vehicle available at area at the all
Ensure presence of mind during lifting activity.
4. Working at Height includes scaffold Inadequate erection of scaffold Scaffold shall be erection by competent person
erection Scaffold contain, sill sole bolt, base plate, braces,
toe board, complete plat form with secured planks,
Step Describe Job Step Potential Hazards Hazard Controls
No (Copy from part 2 of form) (Use Hazard Checklist)
mid rail & top rail
Use of shortcut access Always every person shall use safe access of
Unbalance surface of post stand Scaffold shall be erected by proper balance,
levelling and smooth surface
Damage martial use Sound material shall be used
Poor house keeping Keep good house keeping as to save falling and
tripping hazards by proper training to personnel by
toolbox talk.
Unskilled workers worked on scaffold Workers will be aware about such activity by
conducted toolbox talk.
Worker carry ID card with stamp.
Worker shall not allow work at height without
green card.
Fall of workers and materials For purpose of decent & ascent will be use scaffold
safe access.
All workers will be trained about worked at height
at scaffold.
Tripping hazards Ensure that the materials shall be place in proper
location that it will not create tripping hazards.
Ensure that a drop zone shall be established to
manage the hauling of the materials and restrict
Step Describe Job Step Potential Hazards Hazard Controls
No (Copy from part 2 of form) (Use Hazard Checklist)
Ensure that the area at bottom of the scaffold is
Poor lighting/night work Ensure that no work shall be done on the scaffold
at night unless approved by BHPB.
Ensure that all Tee section should be welded at the
beam. A plank shall be provided for workers to
walk on. No one should walk on the ceramic tiles.
The area under the scaffold should be secured and
Ensure all tools and materials should not be thrown
up to the worker.
No one should adjust or modify the scaffold unless
he is a certified scaffolder.
No materials shall be place in area that will create
tripping hazard
5. Demobilisation Elevated area left unsecured and untidy Ensure that area left safe and sound eliminating
materials that are not required at elevated area after
finishing the shift.
After performed such activity keep good house