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Safety: JOB Analysis

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Ditch Witch® Horizontal Directional Drill


Jo Jo
Jo Jo
Jo Jo

Jobsite Classification: Recommended Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

□ Electric Safety glasses
□ Natural Gas Hearing protection
□ Crystalline Silica Dust Electrically insulated boots & gloves
□ Other Hard hat
High visibility vest/clothing


Fluid injection while checking Check for leaks with engine off. If system is pressurized, use
for leaks. cardboard- not your hand-to check for leaks.
Perform all maintenance and repairs with engine off.
Rotating or moving parts
Wear proper PPE.
Crushing weight while working Be sure to use the cylinder locks or drill frame support, if
under area that's supported by provided, prior to working under a supported area.
a stabilizer or cylinder
Loading & unloading the drill Keep yourself and all bystanders at a safe distance. Load drill at
Struck by
from trailer low throttle.
Ensure proper weight distribution. (Ten to fifteen percent of total
trailer weight must be on the tongue.)
Loss of vehicle control, trailer
sway Ensure tow vehicle is rated for the weight of the trailer and
Transporting drill on trailer equipment. Consider any additional weight (downhole tools,
water, mud, etc.)
Tiedown machine properly.
Unstable drill or loose
parts/equipment Secure any loose components
Arrange for traffic control.
Working near traffic, struck by
Wear proper PPE, such as high visibility clothing.
Preparing jobsite
Whiteline proposed excavation area. Then, call your local One-
Striking existing utility while Call to have underground utilities located before digging.
Verify locates and expose any utilities in the planned path.
Complete a risk assessment to ensure slope and conditions are
Machine rollover while conducive to a safe working environment.
mobiling on an incline
Follow proper procedures in operator's manual while on inclines.
Setting up the drill Have utilities located and verified prior to beginning work.

Operate only from the proper operator station or platform, if

Striking existing utility while
provided, while driving the anchors.
driving anchors
Wear proper PPE, such as electrically insulated boots and
gloves, when within 10' of an electric line.

Always complete your own Job Safety Analysis based on the job and jobsite. You should always read
and understand the operator’s manual before operating any equipment.

For additional information, please e-mail safety@ditchwitch.com or visit ditchwitch.com/safe.

Ditch Witch® Horizontal Directional Drill


Locate and verify existing utilities prior to excavation. Only use
soft excavation to verify the utility will not be damaged.

Expose the utility to the depth of the intended bore path.

Always track drill head at least every half to full length of pipe.
Striking existing utility while
drilling or backreaming Maintain two-way communication with tracker.

Know emergency procedures.

Consider the size of the backreamer and ensure there is

sufficient clearance during pullback.
Keep everyone at least 10' away from the drill while it is

Wear proper PPE.

Ensure that the ESID is set up and functioning properly.

Know emergency procedures.

• If you are on the drill, do not move. Remain on drilling
machine. Warn others nearby that an electric strike
occurred and to stay back. Contact electric company.
Striking electric line
Reverse drilling direction. Do not touch pipe with
hands or hand-held tools. Follow ESID procedures in
operator’s manual. Do not resume drilling or allow
Drilling near or around anyone into area until given permission by the electric
existing utilities company.
• If you are off the drill or bonded equipment, do not
touch any equipment connected to the drilling unit.
Stay where you are unless you are wearing electric
insulating boots. If you leave, do not return to area or
allow anyone into area until given permission by
electric company.
Immediately shut off engine and remove any ignition sources.

Warn others that a gas line has been cut and that they should
leave the area. This may include nearby homes or buildings.

Know emergency procedures.

• Immediately shut off engine and remove any ignition
Striking gas line sources. Warn others that a gas line has been cut and
that they should leave the area. This may include
nearby homes or buildings. Leave jobsite as quickly
as possible. Immediately call your local emergency
phone number and utility company. If jobsite is along
a street, stop traffic. Do not return until given
permission by emergency personnel and utility
Calibrate beacon
Striking existing utility due to
Start shift/job with fresh batteries
lost or inaccurate tracking
Check all interference along planned bore path
Utilities that will be crossed during drilling and backreaming
Crossing existing utility Striking existing utility
must be exposed and watched by a spotter.
Drilling parallel to existing More frequent tracking and potholing is needed to ensure the
Striking existing utility
utility tolerance zone is not encroached.

Always complete your own Job Safety Analysis based on the job and jobsite. You should always read
and understand the operator’s manual before operating any equipment.

For additional information, please e-mail safety@ditchwitch.com or visit ditchwitch.com/safe.

Ditch Witch® Horizontal Directional Drill


A pre and/or post bore inspection may be needed.

All residential and commercial sewer lines must be located prior

Drilling near or around Crossbore- gas line installed to beginning work.
existing sewer lines through a sewer line
Notify occupants about the gas line and ask them to call if they
start having problems with their sewer lines.
Ensure all guarding is in place.

Set up drill to minimize amount of pipe exposed outside of the

entry pit.
Drilling Moving or rotating parts
Set up a barrier around the front of the machine.

Keep bystanders away from machine and rotating parts while

All hands and clothing need to be away from the pipe and
Manually loading/unloading moving parts before any movement is engaged after the pipe
Moving or rotating parts
drill pipe has been set.
Follow proper procedures in the operator's manual.

Be sure that all parts are stopped, not moving before loading
pipe, and pipe guide is in place.
Electric strike, moving parts,
Using add-a-pipe Workers should not manually load pipe while drilling is in
ejected pipe

Once the pipe is placed in the loader, workers should step back
at least 10 feet.
Stop rotation when the drill head surfaces.

Use lockout/tagout process, such as DrillLok or tracker control,

to lock out the drill from the exit pit before breaking joints,
Rotating or moving parts changing tools and connecting product.
Breaking joints and Do not enter any pit until the rotation and thrust is disabled and
changing tools verified.
Always use the appropriate breakout devices such as quick
wrenches, hydratongs or EZ Connect. Never use pipe
Struck by pipe wrench wrenches, machine power, backhoes, etc. to loosen or tighten
downhole tools.

Be sure all pins and keepers are installed in the box prior to
Crushing weight while lifting.
changing pipe box
Have proper lifting device and keep pipe box evenly distributed.
Changing pipe boxes
Check surroundings for any overhead power lines and maintain
Arcing or contacting overhead required OSHA distance.
electric lines

Stay away from any product being installed.

Swivel kinks causing product Inspect swivel prior to use.

Pulling back product
to whip
Pull reamer up to the borehole before rotating.

Always complete your own Job Safety Analysis based on the job and jobsite. You should always read
and understand the operator’s manual before operating any equipment.

For additional information, please e-mail safety@ditchwitch.com or visit ditchwitch.com/safe.

Ditch Witch® Horizontal Directional Drill


Always complete your own Job Safety Analysis based on the job and jobsite. You should always read
and understand the operator’s manual before operating any equipment.

For additional information, please e-mail safety@ditchwitch.com or visit ditchwitch.com/safe.

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