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Elpisah, Hartini



JAM Hartini
17, 3 STKIP Pembangunan Indonesia Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
Received, May 2019
Revised, June 2019
July 2019 Abstract:This study aims to analyze the effect of the application of leadership style on the
August 2019
Accepted, August 2019 teacher’s performance and the dominant leadership style on the teacher’s performance. The
method used in this research is multiple regression analysis methods with SPSS. The object
of this research is Junior high school in North Galesong District, Takalar District. This study
used a sample of 47 people. The results showed that the leadership style had a positive and
significant effect on the teacher’s performance, and the dominant leadership style that
influencedthe teacher’s performance was delegative leadership style. This finding is an
input for the principal to be able to understand the characteristics and enhance harmony
with teachers for the achievement of educational goals.

Keywords:leadership,performance,teacher, principal, Junior high school.

Cite this article as: Elpisah and Hartini. 2019. Principal Leadership Style and Its Effect on
Teachers Performance. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen, Volume 17, Number 3, Pages 506–514.
Malang: Universitas Brawijaya. http://dx.doi.org/10.21776/ub.jam.2019.017.03.15

Education is one of the re- Education Quality Improvement Movement. How-

sources with the greatest in- ever, improving the quality of education is still far
fluence on people’s lives from the expectations of all parties (Ministry of
(Wachira et al., 2017). In the National Education)
context of efforts to educate One important factor in improving the educa-
human life, the real effort is tion quality is educators or teachers. The teacher
needed to improve, improve, can direct and educate students in the classroom
Journal of Applied
change knowledge, skills and through learning processes, both academically, skills,
Management (JAM) attitudes and behavior of a authenticity, emotional maturity, and morally and
Volume 17 Number 3, person or group through the spiritually (Gumilar and Munzir, 2018). Danim (2002)
September 2019
Indexed in Google Scholar educational process with suggests that in general, a teacher has three respon-
guidance, teaching and re- sibilities, namely the teacher as a teacher, the teacher
search activities (Agustina et as a guide and the teacher as the class administra-
al., 2016). Efforts to improve tor. Based on Law Number 14 of 2005 article 1
the educationquality carried paragraph 1 it is explained that the teacher is a pro-
out effectively will require fessional educator with the main task of teaching,
Corresponding Author: innovative and ongoing ef- educating,guiding, directing, evaluating,training, and
Elpisah, STKIP Pembangunan
Indonesia Makassar, Sulawesi forts. This was announced by evaluating students in early childhood education for-
Selatan, Indonesia, DOI: http:/ the Minister of National Edu- mal channels, secondary education, andbasic edu-
2019.017.03.15 cation in 2002 through the cation (Ministry of National Education ).


Principal Leadership Style and Its Effect On Teachers Performance

Some schools with the status of public schools Siagian (2002) states that the introduction of
in North Galesong District, especially the Junior High leadership style lies in an understanding of certain
School level, tend to have the ability to provide ser- characteristics that can be used in certain situations
vices to the community if accompanied by efforts in running an organization. A leader who occupies a
to continue to improve themselves for the imple- position can create effective leadership when using
mentation of educational goals. In carrying out op- a situational leadership style by adjusting to differ-
erations, educational institutions are led by a princi- ent conditions. Effective principal leadership can help
pal which in carrying out their duties as a leader is school success and behavior and academic perfor-
certainly influenced by the applied leadership style. mance (Dotson, 2008; Gumilar and Munsir, 2018).
Therefore, the focus of this study is to examine the To determine an effective leadership style, efforts
principal leadership style which consists of four com- are needed in applying the principles that will make
ponents, namely: 1) Leadership style directives gen- individuals have a good leadership spirit (Somech
erally describe that all activities are centered on the and Wenderow, 2006). Effective leadership allows
leader, and little freedom of others to create and act all teachers or employees to participate in various
is permitted. 2) The participatory style in which the activities that will affect the performance of indi-
leadership style departs from a consultative style viduals and organizations (Mullen, 2004).If the prin-
that can develop into mutual trust between leaders cipal is able to pay attention to the characteristics
and subordinates. Leaders are more likely to trust of its members such as the formation of a future
the ability and skills of staff to complete the job de- image, determine the goals that can be achieved,
scription that they provide as their responsibility. 3) and show enthusiasm in achieving organizational
Consultative style is a leadership style that provides goals, teachers will view that educational goals are
opportunities for other parties (consultation) and in- the main goals so that they have great enthusiasm
teracts with subordinates. 4) Delegative style gives and ambition to optimize high performance
authority and encourages staff’s ability to take the (Mehdinezhad and Mansouri, 2016). Because of the
initiative because they are considered to have the level of efficiency, ability, and performance of indi-
skills, discipline and are trusted to assume responsi- viduals at work can determine organizational suc-
bility for exerting its ability to determine decision- cess (Haerani et al., 2018). Furthermore, Luthans
making steps (Salusu, 2000). Thus there are sev- (2005) states that performance is quantity and quality.
eral factors related to a leadership style that need Someone in doing work produces them. However,
to be considered simultaneously French (Winardi, if the principal is not effective in leading, then the
2000). opposite happens. School leadership is the process
Siagian (1999) states that leadership is an ac- of directing and guiding teachers, students, and par-
tivity undertaken to influence others to work together ents to achieve educational goals (Wachira et al.,
in achieving goals. According to Nawawi (2003), 2017). Lack of principal understanding and concern
that leadership consists of five functions, namely regarding teacher characteristics will affect the
the instruction function, participation function, teacher’s performance (Agustina et al., 2017).
delegative function, consultative function, directing Teacher’s performance is the work achieved
or directive function whereas Thoha (2003) and by a teacher in carrying out his duties and responsi-
Wahjosumidjo (1994) stated that leadership style is bilities in educational institutions to achieve educa-
a method used by someone in order to carry out tional goals (Baharuddin and Zakaria, 2018).
their duties as a leader where the basic behavior in Teacher’s performance is influenced by several
decision making is divided into four that are direc- factors, one of which is the leadership of the princi-
tive leadership style, participative leadership style, pal who moves his subordinates to perform well
consultative leadership style, and leadership delegative (Conscience and Sarino, 2017; Rukmana, 2018).
style. Therefore, in this study, researchers used the According to Mulyasa (2007),the teacher’s perfor-
four leadership styles as independent variables. mance can be measured through indicators based

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Elpisah, Hartini

on main competencies, namely pedagogical com- years so that the implementation of learning is not
petence, personality competence, social compe- effective, if the planning of learning is less than op-
tence, and professional competence. In improving timal it will result in decreased test results. In addi-
teaching skills and the quality of learning, the tion, each principal change period uses a different
teacher’s role is to find more effective methods in leadership style that is influenced by the personality
transferring knowledge that can be stored in the of the leader, and some apply a directive leadership
minds of students (Mehdinezhad and Mansouri, style, participative leadership style, consultative lead-
2016). ership style, and delegative leadership style.
In the world of education, the teacher’s per-
formance is one important factor that is interesting METHOD
to be discussed and researched (Conscience and This research was conducted in December
Sarino, 2017). Some researchers have found em- 2018 in several junior high schools with the status
pirical evidence that principal leadership has a posi- of public schools located in North Galesong Dis-
tive and significant influence on teacher’s perfor- trict, Takalar District, South Sulawesi. Researchers
mance in schools (Conscience and Sarino, 2017; chose state schools concerning Chen’s (2017) find-
Gumilar and Munzir, 2018; Lisyanti (2008) found ings, which found that there were no significant dif-
that the four principal leadership styles are direc- ferences between the teaching performance of pub-
tive leadership styles, participative leadership styles, lic and private school teachers. This research is ex
Consultative leadership style, and delegative lead- post facto. Ex post facto research is a research
ership style simultaneously influence teacher’s per- model that had occurred before the study was con-
formance in schools, but the results of the study are ducted (Arikunto, 2010). This study uses a quanti-
refuted by the findings of Sumiarsih (2017) who tative approach to examine population or samples
found that participatory leadership styles do not af- with proportional random sampling technique.
fect teacher’s performance in schools, which is in The population in this study were all teachers
line with research from Afrizal (2015) that among who served in junior high schools with the status of
the four leadership styles, directive leadership has public schools in North Galesong District both teach-
no effect on performance. ers who had civil servant status and honorary de-
Based on the research gap above, the research- tails of Junior High School 1 Galesong Utara with
ers chose to examine the effect of principal leader- 58 people, Junior high school 2 North Galesong with
ship on teacher’s performance as the basis and rea- the number 57 people, and Junior High School 3
son for this research. Another reason that teacher’s North Galesong with 44 people.
performance has not been maximized can be influ- The population in this study amounted to 159
enced by several factors, including low awareness Junior high school teachers. The population is a gen-
of the duties and responsibilities as a teacher. There eralization area that consists of objects/subjects that
are still complaints from the public about the state have certain characteristicsand qualities that are
of teachers in the Takalar District. Teachers are determined and conclusions drawn (Sugiyono, 2013).
indicated to tend to have decreased morale, and The sample used is part of the population. If the
teaching is not according to a predetermined schedule population is more than 100 people, a sample of 25-
which ultimately has an impact on the output of 30% of the population can be determined (Arikunto,
alumni produced (Baharuddin and Zakaria, 2018). 2006). Therefore, this study takes 30% of the total
On the other hand, Rukmana (2018) states that population as follows
teacher’s performance is still far from the expecta-  Junior high school 1 Galesong Utara 58/159 x
tions of all parties, the fact is that in the learning 48 = 17,4
process, there are still many teachers making les-  Junior high school 2 Galesong Utara 57/159 x
son plans, syllabus, minimum completeness criteria 48 = 17.1
values, and grades list, by tracing from previous


Principal Leadership Style and Its Effect On Teachers Performance

 Junior high school 3 Galesong Utara44/159 x study to obtain the data needed in this study. A lit-
48 = 13.2 erature study is done by studying the literature re-
lated to the subject matter under study to obtain a
Thus, the sample used was 47 people consist- theoretical foundation.
ing of 17 Junior High School 1 Galesong North teach- The analytical method used is qualitative and
ers, 17 Junior High School 2 Galesong North teach- quantitative. Qualitative analysis by using descrip-
ers, and 13 Junior High School 3 Galesong North tive statistical analysis to get a picture of the data
teachers. collected. Quantitative analysis through inferential
The type of data in the form of primary data is statistical analysis with a formula wherein this study
data obtained directly from respondents, and sec- using a multiple regression formula using the SPSS
ondary data is data obtained from various sources program.
both literature, literature review, and journals that
are relevant to the variables used in this study. Data RESULTS
collection techniques through questionnaires, inter- Validity test
views, observation, and literature study. Data col-
The teacher’s performance variable (Y) is com-
lection methods using questionnaires aim to obtain
posed of four indicators, where each indicator con-
data from respondents, in this case, is the teacher.
sists of two questions each. While the directive lead-
Data collection was carried out for two months,
ership style (X1), participatory leadership style (X2),
from November to December 2018. Interviews
consultative leadership style (X3), delegative lead-
through direct dialogue with the informants that have
ership style (X4) are composed of three indicators
been determined, namely Junior high school teach-
each and each indicator consists of two questions
ers in North Galesong District. Observations were
each. Validity test was carried out on 20 respon-
made through direct observation of the object of
dents and the results are as follows:

Table 1 Validity Test

No. Variable Indicator r-count r-table Information

1. Leadership style Directive(X1) X1.1.1 0.676 0.4 Valid
X1.1.2 0.559 0.4 Valid
X1.2.1 0.859 0.4 Valid
X1.2.2 0.559 0.4 Valid
X1.3.1 0.564 0.4 Valid
X1.3.1 0.678 0.4 Valid
2. Leadership style Participatory (X2) X2.1.1 0.803 0.4 Valid
X2.1.2 0.462 0.4 Valid
X2.2.1 0.668 0.4 Valid
X2.2.2 0.641 0.4 Valid
X2.3.1 0.598 0.4 Valid
X2.3.2 0.573 0.4 Valid
3. Leadership style Consultative (X3) X3.1.1 0.606 0.4 Valid
X3.1.2 0.560 0.4 Valid
X3.2.1 0.824 0.4 Valid
X3.2.2 0.480 0.4 Valid
X3.3.1 0.825 0.4 Valid
X3.3.2 0.776 0.4 Valid
4. Kepemimpinan Delegative(X4) X4.1.1 0.575 0.4 Valid
X4.1.2 0.633 0.4 Valid

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Elpisah, Hartini

X4.2.1 0.520 0.4 Valid

X4.2.2 0.521 0.4 Valid
X4.3.1 0.774 0.4 Valid
X4.3.2 0.777 0.4 Valid
5. Teacher’s performance (Y) Y.1.1 0.697 0.4 Valid
Y.1.2 0.745 0.4 Valid
Y.2.1 0.665 0.4 Valid
Y.2.2 0.619 0.4 Valid
Y.3.1 0.637 0.4 Valid
Y.3.2 0.684 0.4 Valid
Y.4.1 0.604 0.4 Valid
Y.4.2 0.630 0.4 Valid
Source: Primary Data (2019)

Based on the results of the analysis in the above an instrument that can be trusted to be used as a
table, all items stated to be valid are proven by r data collection tool (Arikunto, 2010). The reliability
count values greater than r table 0.4. test results are shown in the following Table 2.
Based on the analysis results in the Table 2, it
Reliability Test shows that all items have an alpha coefficient greater
Reliable instrument when used multiple times than alpha Cronbach’s 0.60. Thus, the instrument
and obtaining the same results. The reliability test is was declared reliable.

Table 2 Reliability Tests

No.Variable Alpha Cronbach’s Item Information

1. Leadership styleDirective(X1) 0.750 6 Reliabel
2. Leadership styleParticipatory (X2) 0.667 6 Reliabel
3. Leadership styleConsultative (X3) 0.678 6 Reliabel
4. Leadership styleDelegative (X4) 0.701 6 Reliabel
5. Teacher’s performance (Y) 0.814 8 Reliabel
Source: Primary Data (2019)

Normality test Inflation Factor) value for Leadership style Direc-

From the results of data processing with the tive (X1) is 1,078, Participatory Leadership style
normality test through the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (X2) is 1,010, Consultative Leadership style (X3) is
in the SPSS program, data obtained by distribution 1,051, and Leadership style is Delegative (X4) with
are located in a straight line and the Asymp value. a value of 1,120 where the VIF value of each vari-
Sig> 0.05 then it is stated that the data has a normal able is not more than 10. While the value of Toler-
distribution. Normality test aims to determine whether ance for X1 is 0.928, X2 is 0.990, X3 is 0952, and
the data are normally distributed or not normally dis- X4 is 0893 shows the correlation between indepen-
tributed. dent variables has a value of Tolerance more than
0.2. Therefore, it is stated that there are no
Multicollinearity Test multicollinearity symptoms from the model used,
which is described in the following Table 3.
Based on multicollinearity test results among
fellow independent variables, the VIF (Variance


Principal Leadership Style and Its Effect On Teachers Performance

Hypothesis testing nitude of the influence of four leadership styles on

Based on the results of the analysis with mul- teacher performance by 87.1% while the rest (100%
tiple regression analysis techniques in testing the - 87.1% = 12.9%) influenced by other factors out-
hypothesis the coefficient of determination (R side the variable under study.
Squared) of multiples (R) of 0.871 shows the mag-

Table 3 Regression Coefficients


Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients

Model T Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) -1.953 .480 -4.068 .000
X1 .145 .057 .202 2.564 .014
X2 .217 .066 .252 3.302 .002
X3 .733 .093 .613 7.881 .000
X4 .534 .095 .453 5.642 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Y

Based on the results of the analysis above, we teacher ’s performance in the District of
get the multiple linear regression equation, that is: Galesong Utara.
2. Participatory leadership style variable (X2) ob-
Y = -1.953 + 0.145X1 + 0.217X2 + 0.733X3 + tained the calculated value of 3.302> from t
0.534X4. table 2.01 with a significance level of 0.002
<0.05. Thus, Participatory leadership style posi-
From the F (Fisher) test results of the Anova tively and significantly influences Junior High
table shows an F count of 32,884 with a significance School’s teacher ’s performance in North
level of 0,000 <at a probability error rate of 0.05 Galesong District.
(0,000 <0.005). The calculated F was 32,884 greater 3. Consultative leadership style variable (X3) ob-
than the F table (32,884> 2,594). Thus, the four prin- tained a calculated value of 7.881> from t table
cipal leadership styles namely Leadership style Di- 2.01 with a significance level of 0.000 <0.05.
rective (X1), Participatory Leadership style (X2), Thus, the Consultative leadership style has a
Consultative Leadership style (X3), and Delegative positive and significant effect on Junior High
Leadership style (X4) together (simultaneously) School’s teacher’s performance in Galesong
have positive and significant effects on teacher’s Utara District.
performance Junior high school in Galesong Utara 4. The delegative leadership style variable (X4)
District. obtained a calculated value of 5,642> from t
Based on the results of the partial test analysis table 2.01 with a significance level of 0.000
(t-test) of the four independent variables obtained <0.05. Thus, delegative leadership style posi-
partial regression coefficient values as follows: tively and significantly influences Junior High
1. Variable leadership style Directive (X1) obtained School’s teacher ’s performance in North
a calculated value of 2,564> from t table 2.01 Galesong District.
with a significance level of 0.014 <0.05. Thus, The results of the analysis show that the
the leadership style of the Directive positively delegative leadership style (X4) which has the great-
and significantly influences Junior High School’s est influence on the improvement of teacher’s per-

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Elpisah, Hartini

formance is indicated by the t value of 5.642 with a it out. The results of this study are relevant to
significant level of 0.000 <0.05 and the r2 is the empirical evidence from Somech and
biggest among the four principal leadership styles Wenderow (2006), who found that the Direc-
that are equal to r2 = 0.613 or 61.3 % contribution tive and Participatory leadership style influences
made by delegative leadership style (X4) to the im- teacher ’s performance. Whereas research
provement of Junior high school teacher’s perfor- from Afrizal (2015) is different from this find-
mance in Galesong Utara District, Takalar District. ing, which states that the leadership style of
the Directive does not affect performance.
DISCUSSION 2. Leadership style Participatory (X2) has a posi-
The influence of principal leadership style on tive and significant effect on Junior High
Junior High School’s teacher’s performance in School’s teacher’s performance in Galesong
North Galesong District, Takalar District through Utara District. These findings are in line with
the results of simultaneous regression analysis has the statement of Hasibuan (2007) that Partici-
a positive and significant effect on teacher’s per- patory leadership style is carried out persua-
formance where F arithmetic> F table (32,884> sively, creating harmonious cooperation, foster-
2,594). This shows that the four leadership styles ing loyalty, and participation of subordinates.
contributed to the improvement of teacher’s per- The results of research support this study by
formance. The fourth leadership style is one of the Somech and Wenderow (2006) who found that
motivational factors given by a leader in addition to Participatory style influences teacher’s perfor-
other factors that also influence the teacher’s per- mance. The results of this study are different
formance. The results of this study are in line with from the findings from Sumiarsih (2017), who
empirical studies from (Conscience and Sarino, found that the Participatory leadership style does
2017; Gumilar and Munzir, 2018; Lisyanti, 2008) not affect the teacher’s performance in schools.
which find that the four principal leadership styles 3. Leadership style Consultative (X3) has a posi-
are Directive leadership styles, Participatory lead- tive and significant effect on Junior High
ership styles, Consultative leadership styles, and School’s teacher’s performance in Galesong
delegative leadership styles have positive effects and Utara District. This is reinforced by the find-
significantly affect teacher ’s performance in ings of Gumilar and Munzir (2018) finding that
schools. However, this finding is refuted by the find- the Consultative leadership style has a positive
ings of Heryanto (2016), who found that the leader- and significant effect on teacher’s perfor-
ship style principal did not significantly influence the mance. In line with Thoha (2003) which states
teacher’s performance. This finding is supported by that a leader sets goals and states various gen-
a statement from Mullen (2004) that effective lead- eral provisions after going through a process of
ership enables all teachers or employees to partici- discussion and consultation with subordinates.
pate in various activities that will affect the perfor- 4. Leadership style delegative (X4) has a positive
mance of individuals and organizations. and significant effect on Junior High School’s
Partially the results of the regression analysis teacher’s performance in Galesong Utara Dis-
show that the four leadership style principals have trict. The results of this study are in line with
positive and significant effects as described below: Thoha (2003) that in delegative leadership, a
1. Leadership style Directive (X1) has a positive leader discusses the problems experienced by
and significant effect on Junior High School’s subordinates and then delegates’ decision mak-
teacher ’s performance in the District of ing with subordinates. This finding is in line with
Galesong Utara. This finding is supported by the findings from Chen (2017) that delegative
Thoha (2003) that decision making related to leadership style has a strong influence on
all work is the responsibility of the leader, and teacher’s performance in schools.
he only gives orders to his subordinates to carry Based on the results of the analysis found that


Principal Leadership Style and Its Effect On Teachers Performance

the most dominant delegative leadership style influ- sure teacher’s performance. Secondly, this research
ences Junior high school teacher’s performance in is limited to state-run Junior High School schools in
the North Galesong District. Thus, the Junior High one district. Researchers can further develop vari-
School teachers want a leadership style that is flex- ables and other models that can affect teacher’s
ible and able to motivate without pressure from the performance, and further research is also expected
leader, free to express opinions and given freedom to increase the number of samples from schools with
and freedom to determine steps based on their ini- various levels of education both public and private.
tiative and creativity in carrying out tasks related to
their work. The Principal delegates his authority to REFERENCES
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