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Artificial Seawater PDF

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Journal of the Indian Fisheries Association

21, 1991, 1-4




Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Versova, Bombay-400 061

Larvae ofMacrobraclliumrosenbergiiwere successfully reared in artificial sea water prepared in fresh ground water.
The water was circulated through a biological filter by means of air-lift pumps for a period !)f one week to remove the
undissolved particles prior-to use in the hatchery operation. The experiinents w~re initiated during 1989 and the hatchery
has been working on pilot scale since June, 1990. The larvae in all the experiments were fed with egg-custard, Moina and
Artemia nauplii. The survival rate varied from 5 to 52% in the 12 experiments. These fmdings can add to the development
of hatcheries .in the inland areas which can further boost the popularisation of giant freshwater prawn farming.

Table I Major, minor and trace slats used
The farming of giantfreshwater prawn, to prepared one ton of artificial
Macrobrachium rosenbergii is getting immense seawater of 35 ppt.
popularity due to its ready demand in domestic as
well as in export markets. Besides this, India has Major salts (kg) Quantity
vast potential resources in the maritime and
inland states. The seed is the main constraint to Sodium chloride (NaCl) 27.59
popularise the .farming of freshwater prawns. The Magnesium sulphate (MgS04 • 7Hp) 6.89
culture is mainly dependent on the availability of Magnesium chloride ( MgC1 2 .6Hp) 5.39
natural seed which varies from season to season due Calcium chloride (CaCI 2 .2Hp) 1.37
to the seasonal environmental changes, increasing
Potassium chloride (KCl) 0.599
levels of aquatic pollutants and indiscriminate
fishing of the brood stock during breeding season. Sodium bicarbonate (NaHC03) 0.209
The hatcheries are in a very primitive stage and a
few hatcheries are working on pilot scale in some Minor salts (g)
ofthemaritimestates. In Thailand, Taiwan and other Strontium chloride (SrCl 2 .6Hp) 19.84
countries the hatcheries are even working in the Manganese sulphate (MnS04 .Hp) 3.96
inland areas (New et al., 1982; Ling and Costello, Sodium phosphate (NaHl04 • 7Hp) 3.96
1979 and New 1988, 1990). In the present study,
efforts were made to rear M. rosenbergii larvae in
Lithium chloride (Li CI) 0.992
artificial sea water on pilot scale to establish Sodium molybdate (N~ Mo04 • 2~0) 0.992
hatcheries in the inland states. Sodium thiosulphate (Na2Sp3 .5Hp) 0.992


The hatchery consisted of three 1500 litre capacity Potassium bromide (KBr) 26.875
LDPE (low density polyethylene) rectangualr tanks Aluminium sulphate [Al 2(S04) 3 .18Hp] 0.859
for preparation and storage of artificial sea water. Rubidium chloride (RbCl) 0.148
One biological filter was set up to recirculate Zinc sulphate (ZnS04.7Hp) 0.095
the artificial sea water. There were ten 400 litre
Cobalt sulphate (CoS04 .7Hp) 0.089
capacity fibreglass tanks for hatching and
larval rearing. Potassium iodide (KI) 0.089
Cupric sulphate (CuS04• 5Hp) 0.089
Preparation of artificial seawater : Artificial
seawater was prepared by mixing six major salts, six
minor salts and seven trace salts (Spotte, 1979). Artificial seawater was prepared in three stages over a
The quantities of major , minor and trace salts period of three days. All the six major salts were
were calculated to prepare 1000 litres of artificial mixed at a time on the first day .. Minor salts were
sea water at a salinity of- 35 _ppt (Table 1) added on the second day and the trace salts on the


third day. Thorough aeration was provided to gradually raised to 15 ppt and maintained until the
disperse all the clements evenly throughout the first postlarva was observed. Following this, the
solution and further checking the precipitation of salinity was reduced to 13 ppt and maintained until all
the salts. the larvae metamorphosed into post larvae.
Food and Feeding : The larvae were fed with
Filteration: The water was filtered through a filter
egg custard, Moina micrura and Artemia
bed which consists of coarse to fine sand in gradation
nauplii. The feed was given five times a day at 0600,
from bottom to surface. The total height of the filter
1000, 1400, 1800 and 2200 hours. The amount of
bed was 15 em consisting of three layers of 5 em each
egg custard varied from 0.1 to 1.0 g per 1000
of gravel, coarse and fin~ sand which have particles
larvae per time, Artemia nauplii 5 to 10 per larva
sizes of 2 to 5 mm, O.lto 0.5 mm and 0.05 to 0.1 mm
per feed and Moina 2 to 6 per larva per feed. One
respectively (Fig.l).The artificial seawater from the
day's feed consisted of 2 times Moina, 2 times egg
storage tank was pumped into the biological filter by
custard and 1 time Artemia nauplii in the first 6
means of two 25 mm diameter air lift pumps and the
trials and in the last 6 trials 2 times Moina, 2 times
water was recirculated for a period of one week
Artemia nauplii and 1 time egg custard.
before using it for experimental work. The used
water was also recirculated through the J>hysieo-chemical parameters : To monitor the
biological filter without any treatment to remove water quality, physico-chemical parameters viz.
the ammonia and other metabolites to be reused in water temperature, salinity,pH were recorded
the larval rearing operation. daily while dissolved oxygen, total alkalinity,
ammonia (NH 3 -N) , nitrite (NO.~-N) and nitrate
F".nt sord
(NO,-) were analysed at an interval of every five days.
{O.Ito Q_5rrJn) Water· <JlWiity management : The water quality
was scrupulously maintained. To avoid fouling of
water, debris accumulated at the bottom oft he rearing
tank resulting from the leftover feed, excreta of the
larvae were removed by siphoning daily. 40 to 50%
of the total water required for the larval rearing
operation was renewed every day maintaining the
Fig. 1 : Biological filtcration :,ystcm same temperature and salinity which were existing in
the larval rearing tanks.
Prepa.-ation of b..ackishwater· : The 35 ppt
artificial seawater was pumped into a 1500 li Ires RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
capacity tank to prepare desired salinity (13 to
Twelve rearing trials were conducted in three
15 ppt) by mixing freshwater drawn from an open
series during the two breeding seasons, 1989
well. The brackishwater is used for hatching and
and 1990. The results of these trials and the range of
rearing of M. rosenbergii larvae.
physico-chemical parameters are depicted in
Brood stock : Brooders were collected by cast Tables II and III. The results in these trials have
netting from Shivaji tank, Thane ( Maharashtra) shown wide variations. The survival in trials lto3 (1st
and transferred to the hatchery in 300 litre series) varied from 5.0 to 9.2%. These three trials
capacity cylindrical fibre glass tanks. were conducted in clear water -cum-green water
Hatching: The berried females with dark grey colour system. In all the three trials larvae were affected by
eggs were transferred into the 400 litre capacity tanks the rotifer, Brachionus plicati lis at stage VII and VIII,
which were filled with 8ppt filtered brackishwater. and a sudden fall of larval population is noticed within
After hatching, the stage- I larve were transferred to 3 to 4 days after appearance of Brachinous plicatilis
the 400 litre capacity rearing tanks at a stocking as also observed by Lee (1982) in the green water
density of 15 to 30 larvae per litre. systems due to the blooms of rotifer, Brachimnous
calicyflorus. All 9 trials in 2nd and 3rd series (4
Larval rear·ing : Nine larval rearing trials were to 12 ) were conducted in clear water system. In the
conducted in clear water and three in clear second series, survival varied from 12. 4 to 17.8% in
water-cum-green water. The larvae from the hatching trials 4 to 6, whereas in the trials 7 and 8 survival was
tanks were transferred into the rearing tanks filled 42 and 52% respectivey. In the third series (9 to 12)
with 13ppt brackishwater: The salinity was survival varied from 38.9 to47.2%o. In these six trials

Table II :Results of experimems conducted in artificial sea water during 1989 and 1990

Series Trial Water Temp. Stnge ll~rv~e Post l11rvae Time to Rearing Survivill
("C) Total No. No.tLitre Totnl No. No./litre get 1st period (%)
post (days)

J 1 25.5-27.0 4,500 15 264 0.8& 36 68 5.7

2 25.5-27.0 4,500 15 225 0.75 38 69 5.0
3 25.5-27.0 5,400 18 495 1.65 38 72 9.2

II 4 26.5-27.0 6,000 20 742 2.47 28 52 12.4

5 26.5~27.0 6,000 20 1065 3.55 29 54 17.8
6 26.5-27.0 7,500 25 1170 3.90 31 57 15.0
7 26.5-27.0 7,500 25 3150 10.50 31 59 42.0
8 26.5-27.0 7,500 25 3900 13.00 28 56 52.0

Til 9 26.0-26.5 7,500 25 3540 11.80 29 68 47.0

10 26.0-26.5 7,500 25 3195 10.65 32 65 42.6
11 26.0-26.5 9,000 30 3446 11.49 34 66 38.9
12 26.0-26.5 9,000 30 3680 12.27 34 67 40.9

Table III: Vt~riations in different physico -chcmiwl parameters of artificial sellwater in various trials
conducted during 1989 and 1990.

Scric< Tri<'ll Water Temp. Salinity pH DO Total NH-N

N01 -N NO-N
("C) (ppl) (ppm) Alkalinity (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)

I 1 25.5-27.0 13-15 7.6-8.8 5.5-8.8 118-145 0.02-0.09 0.03-0.12 0.4-1.9

2 25.5-27.0 13-15 7.7-8.9 5.3-8.6 116-146 0.02-0.10 0.02-0.16 0.4-2.2
3 13-15 7.7-R.'d 5.9-8.6 118-144 0.02-0.08 0.02-0.1 0 0.4-1.8

II 4 26.5-27.0 13-15 7.6-8.4 6.6-7.5 117-130 0.02-0.06 0.03-0.08 0.3-1.2

5 26.5-27.0 13-15 7.6-8.2 6.6-7.8 115-132 0.01-0.05. 0.02-0.07 0.3-1.2
6 26.5-27.0 13 .. 15 7.7-8.3 6.4-7.6 114-130 0.01-0.04 0.02-0.07 0.3-1.1
7 26.5-27.0 13-15 7.7-8.2 6.6-7.9 115-135 0.02-0.06 0.03-0.09 0.4-1.3
8 26.5-27.0 13-15 7.6-8.3 7.6-7.8 116-136 0.02-0.06 0.03-0.09 0.4-1.4

III 9 26.0-26.5 13-15 7.6-8.2 6.5-7.8 114-132 0.01-0.05 0.02-0.08 0.3-1.2

10 26.0-26.5 13-!5 7.7-8.2 6.7-7.6 115-130 0.02-0.05 0.03-0.09 0.3-1.2
.ll 26.0-26.5 B-15 7.8-8.3 6.5-7.8 114-129 0.01-0.04 0.02-0.07 0.2-1.0
12 26.0-26.5 13-15 7.7-8.2 6.6-7.7 113-131 0.01-0.05 0.02-0.08 0.3-1.1

(7 to 12 ) the larvae were fed twice with Artemia cost effective, further experiments. are under
nauplii. Thus the results show that by progress by using brine and other commercial
enhancing the quantity ofArtemia nauplii in the feed grade salts. The results of this study suggest
and adopting clear water system, survival can be new dimensions in the .field of inland aquaculture.
increased to optimum levels, as also reported by The technology developed can easily be adopted
AQUACOP (1982). for estabiishing the pilot hatcheries for giant
The minimum and maximum water temperatures prawn in the inland states.
were 25.5 and 27.0"C; 26.5 and 27.0°C; and
26.0 and 26SC in I, II and Ill series respectively. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Salinity was maintained constant at 13 to 15 ppt The authors are grateful to Dr. V.R.P. Sinha, Director,
in all the three series. The minimum pH ranged CIFE (Deemed University), Bombay for suggesting
from 7.6 to 7.8 and the maximum varied from 8.1 the topic, providing {acilities and for permitting them
to 8.9; in I, II and III series. pH was shown high to publish this pa'pcr.
due to the abundance of phytoplankton in the
l series.
The range of minimum dissolved oxygen level
AQUACOP. 1982. Mass production of juveniles of
·varied from 5.3 to 5.9 ppm; 6.4 to 6.7 ppm and 6.5 to
freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rose11bergii•in
6.7 ppm in series I, II and III respectively and the
French Polynesia: Predevelopment · phase results.
maximum DO mnged from 8.6 to 8.8 ppm; 7.5 to 7.9 Proc. Symp. Coastal Aquaculture.! :·71-75;
ppm and 7.6 to 7.8 ppm in I, II and III series
respectively The lowest and highest ranges of DO Lee, C. L. 1982. Progress in developing standardised
levels were observed in series I due to the abundance system for production of juvenile Macrobrachium
of rotifers and phytoplunkton respectively. The rosenbergii (de Man) at Mardi, Malacca. In: M. B.
range of minimum total alkalinity varied from 116 to New (Ed.), Giant Prawn Farming, Developments in
118 ; 114 to 117 and 113 to 115 ppm in series I, II Aquaculture and Fisheries Science, Vol 10 Elsevier,
and III respectively and the maximum ranged from . Amesterdam, 115-122.
144 to 146 ; 130 to 136 and 129 to 132 ppm in I, Ling, S.W. and Costello, '.il'.Jv 1979. The Culture of
II and III series respectively. Freshwater Prawn: A Review. In : T.V.R. Pillay and
The minimum level of ammonia in all the three series Wm. A. Dill (Eds.), Advances in Aquaculture;
ranged from 0.01 to 0.02 ppm. and the Fishing News Book ltd., Farnham, Surrey, Bngland,
maximum varied from 0.08 to 0.1 ppm; 0.04 to 299-305.
0.06 ppm and 0.04 to 0.05 ppm in series I, II New, M.B. 1988. Freshwater Prawns : Status of
and III respectively. The minimum level of nitrite Global Aqlli\culturc 1987. FAO World Food Day
in all the three series ranged from 0.02 to 0.03 Pvblications series (Network of AquacultUre
ppm and the maxhnum varied from 0.10 to 0.1:6; Centres in Asia and the PaCific), Technical M<mual
0.07 to 0.09 and 0.07 to 0.09 ppm in I, II and III No.6: 72 pp.
series respectively. The ammonia and nitrite hHve
New. M.B. 1990. Freshwater Prawn Cuiture. A
shown wide variations in I seritos due to the
review. Aquaculture, 88 (2): 99~143.
abundanceof phytoplankton which was also noticed
by Lee (1982) in the green water system. The nitrate New, M.B., Singholka, s. and Vonu;ayun, P. 1982.
has also shown similar fluctuations. Minimurn levels Current Status of Freshwater Prawn Farming in
uf nitrate _v<Aried from 0.2 to 0.4 ppm and the Thaih.1Ild. In : M.B. New (Ed.), Giant Prawn
maximum ranged from 1.8 to 2.2; 1.1 to 1.4 nnd 1.0 Farming, Developments in Aquaculture and
to 1.2 ppm in series I, II and III respectively. Fi!ihcrics Science, Vol.lO, Elsevier, Ar.ast~rdam,
The present series of experiments were comJucleu 333-349.
by using analytical grade salts which enhanced the Spou~~, S.1979. Hsh and !nvert~bmte Culture. John
production cost, and so to make the technology more Wiley & Sons, Inc. 89-103.

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