(Gate 2001)
1. The conversion for a second order, 4. The mean conversion in the exit stream,
irreversible reaction (constant volume) for a second-order, liquid phase reaction in
B , in batch mode is given by a non-ideal flow reactor is given by
1 k 2C Ao t k2CAot
1 k 2C Ao t
1 k 2C Ao t
(A) 1 k C
0 2 Ao t
E (t )dt
(k C t )2
(C) 2 Ao + (D)
k2C Aot (B) 1 k C
0 2 Ao t
E (t )dt
1 k2C Aot (1 k2C Aot ) 2
2. The reaction rate constants at two
(C) 1 k C t 1 E (t ) dt
0 2 Ao
6. The first-order, gas phase reaction (D) may be greater or less than
2 B is conducted isothermally
in batch mode. The rate of change of 10. A pulse tracer is introduced in an ideal
conversion with time is given by CSTR (with a mean residence time ) at
time t = 0. The time taken for exit
dx A concentration of the tracer to reach half of
(A) k1 (1 x A ) 2 (1 2 X A ) its initial value will be
dx A
k1 (1 X A ) 2 (1 05 X A ) (A) 2 (B) 0.5
(C) /0.693 (D) 0.693
dx A
(C) k1 (1 X A )
dt 11. A batch adiabatic reactor at an initial
dx A k1 (1 X A ) temperature of 373 K is being used for the
(D) reaction A B . Assume the heat of
dt (1 X A )
reaction is -1 kJ/mol at 373 K and and the
heat capacity of both A and B to be constant
(Gate 2002) and equal to 50 J/ mol K . The temperature
rise after a conversion of 0.5 will be
7. For an ideal plug flow reactor the value of
the Peclet number is (A) 50 C (B) 100 C
(C) 200 C (D) 1000 C
(A) 0 (B) ∞
(C) 1 (D) 10
12. In the hydrodealkylation of toluene to
benzene, the following reaction occur
8. The extent of a reaction is
C7 H 8 H 2 C6 H 6 CH 4
(A) Different for reactants and products
2 C6 H 6 C12 H10 H 2
(B) Dimensionless
Toluene and hydrogen are fed to a reactor in
(C) dependent on the stoichiometric a molar ratio 1:5 . 80% of the toluene gets
coefficients converted and the selectivity of benzene
(D) all of the above (defined as moles of benzene formed/ moles
of toluene converted ) is 90% . The
fractional conversion of hydrogen is
9. An exothermic reaction takes place in an
adiabatic reactor . The product temperature (A) 0.16 (B) 0.144
(choose the correct option)……………..the
reactor feed temperature (C) 0.152 (D)0.136
(A) k
1 X A
X A (1 X A )
(B) k
1 X A
(C) k (A) CSTR followed by a PFR
(1 X A ) 2
(B) CSTR followed by a PFR followed by
X A (1 X A ) 2
(D) k C Ao CSTR
(1 X A ) 2
(C) PFR followed by a CSTR followed by a
15. A CSTR is to be designed in which an PFR
exothermic liquid phase first order reaction Common data questions
of the type A R is taking place. The The following gas phase reactions are
reactor is `to be provided with a jacket in carried out isothermally in a CSTR
which coolant is flowing. Following data is
A 2R r1 k1 pA k1 20 mol / (sec.m3bar )
C Ao 5 kmol / m3 ; X A 0.5; feed temperature A 3S r2 k2 pA k2 40 mol / (sec.m3bar )
Total pressure = 1 bar, FAo= 1 mol/sec; feed
reactor temperature 40o C
is pure A
19. Following isothermal kinetic data are 21. The rate of ammonia synthesis for
obtained in a basket type of mixed flow
the reaction N2 3H2 2NH is given by
reactor for a porous catalyst. Determine the r 0.8pN p H3 0.6p NH
. If the reaction is
role of pore diffusion and external mass 2 2 3
transfer process.
represented as, 0.5N2 1.5H2 NH , the
k k
1 x
g (D) CA 0.83 CA 0
( B) k
1 0.5 x
1 26. A second order liquid phase reaction A
k k 2 → B is carried out in a mixed flow reactor
(C ) k
g operated in semi-batch mode (no exit
1 1 1 stream). The reactant A at concentration
( D) CAF is fed to the reactor at a volumetric flow
k k k
eff g rate of F. The volume of the reacting
mixture is V and the density of the liquid
mixture is constant. The mass balance for A
24. For a packed bed reactor, the presence
of a long tail in the residence time
distribution curve is an indication of
(A) Ideal plug flow dt
(D)Channeling d VCA
(C) FCA kC2A V
(B) CA 1.2 CA 0
1 x 0.125CR. A stream containing only P enters
(C) CA 0.83 CA 0
1 x
1 0.33 x (A) 0.80 (B) 1.33
(C) 1.60 (D) 2.67
(A) 2 rR = rS = rT
(B) 2 rR = rS = – rT
31. An irreversible aqueous phase reaction
(C) rR = 2 rS = 2 rT
A B P is carried out in an adiabatic
mixed flow reactor. A feed containing 4 (D) rR = 2 rS = – 2 rT
(A) 0 (B) 20
(C) 33 (D) 50
respectively, If k1 and k2 are equal at all 49. The exit gage distribution in a stirred
temperatures and the gas phase mass
reactor is given by E t 1 e t / . Fluid
transfer resistance is negligible, then
elements e1 and e2 enter the reactor at times
(A) t1 = t2 at all temperatures t = 0 and t = 0 > 0, respectively. The
(B) t1 = t2 at high temperatures probability that e2 exits the reactor before e1
(C) t1> t2 at high temperatures
(D) t1< t2 at high temperatures 1
(A) 1 / 2 (B) e- θ / τ
(A) Tci T
H VkC A0
54. The first order reaction of A to R is run
UA in an experimental mixed flow reactor. Find
the role played by pore diffusion in the run
(B) Tci T
H VkC A0
given below. CAO is 100 and W is fixed.
Agitation rate was found to have no effect
(C) Tci T
ekt on conversion.
(D) Tci T
UAt 4 2 0.8
6 4 0.4
52. The following liquid phase reaction is
taking place in an isothermal CSTR (A) Strong pore diffusion control
C (B) Diffusion free
2 A
D (C) Intermediate role by pore
Reaction mechanism is same as the diffusion
stochiometry given above. Given k1 = 1 min-
1; k = 1 min-1; k = 0.5 lit / (mol)(min); C
(D) External mass transfer
2 3 AO
= 10 mol / liter, CBO = 0 mol / liter and CB =
10 mol / liter, the solution for F / N (flow 55. A packed bed reactor converts A to R by
rate/reactor volume in min-1) yields first order reaction with 9 mm pellets in
strong pore diffusion regime to 63.2% level.
(A) 6.7 (B) 6 and 0.5 If 18 mm pellets are used what is the
(C) 2 and 4/3 (D) 8
(A) 0.39 (B) 0.61
53. A pulse of concentrated KC1 solution is
(C) 0.632 (D) 0.865
introduced as tracer into the fluid entering a
reaction vessel having volume equal to 1 m3
and flow rate equal to 1 m3/min. The 56. The following rate-concentration data are
concentration of tracer measured in the calculated from experiment. Find the activation
fluid leaving the vessel is shown in the energy temperature (E/R) of the first order
figure given below. The flow model reaction.
parameters that fit the measured RTD in dp CA –rA T
terms of one or all of the following mixing
elements, namely, volume of plug flow 1 20 1 480
reactor, Vp, mixed flow volume, Vm, and 2 40 2 480
dead space, Vd, are 2 40 3 500
(A) Vp = 1/6 m3, Vm = 1/2 m3,Vd= 1/3m3 (A) 2432.8 (B) 4865.6
(B) Vp = Vm = Vd = 1/3 m3 (C) 9731.2 (D) 13183.3
(C) Vp = 1/3 m3,Vm = 1/2 m3,Vd = 1/6m3
(D) Vm = 5/6 m3, Vd = 1/6 m3
n1 E1 n2 E2 n3 E3
(Gate 2008)
2 25 1 35 3 45
59. The time at which the concentration of B 62. The elementary liquid phase series
will become zero is given by the following parallel reaction scheme
equation: A→B→C
1 1
(A) (B) The steady state concentration profile is
kk ' k ' k k '
CA 2 r 2
1 1 1 0 1
(C) (D) CAS 4 R
k k ' k k k '
(A) 5/7 (B) 1/4 66. The volumetric flow rate of the liquid
(C) 1/2 (D) 2/7 through the reactor (in L / min) is
(C) 3 (D) 4 1 dN j 1 dN j
(C) (D)
V dt V dt
Linked Answer Questions 68 and 69:
71. The half-life of a first order liquid phase
The liquid phase reaction A→ P is to be
reaction is 30 seconds. Then the rate
carried out at constant temperature in a
constant, in min-1, is
CSTR followed by a PFR in series. The
overall conversion of A achieved by the
(A) 0.0231 (B) 0.602
reactor system (CSTR + PFR) is 95%. The
CSTR has a volume of 75 liters. Pure A is (C) 1.386 (D) 2.0
fed to the CSTR at a concentration CAO = 2
mol/liter and a volumetric flow rate of 4 72. For a solid-catalyzed reaction, the
liters/min. The kinetics of the reaction is Thiele modulus is proportional to
given by
rA 0.1C2A int rinsic reaction rate
liter.min A
diffusion rate
68. The conversion achieved by the CSTR is diffusion rate
int rinsic reaction rate
(A) 40% (B) 50%
(C) 60% (D) 80% int rinsic reaction rate
diffusion rate
69. The volume of the PFR required (in diffusion rate
liters) is D
int rinsic reaction rate
(Gate2009) Data:
Inlet concentration of A = 4.0 k.mol/m3
70. For a homogeneous reaction system, Density of reaction moisture (independent
where of temperature = 1200 kg / m3. Average heat
Cj = is the concentration of j at time t capacity of feed stream (independent of
Nj = is the number of moles of j at time t temperature = 2000 J/kg.k Heat of reaction
V = is the reaction volume at time t (independent of temperature)
t = is the reaction time. = –120 kJ / mol of A reacting
0 t 1
75. The rate constant (k) for this
(A) 1 t 1
reaction at 50°C is exp t 1
2 2
0 t 2
80. The value of K in mole / litre is
(B) 1 t 2
exp t 2
(A) 11 (B) 9
0 t 1 (C) 5 (D) 2
(C) 1 t 1
exp t 1
1 2 81. If the same reaction is conducted in a
series of two CSTRs with residence times 1s
0 t 2 and 0.2s, then the inlet concentration of A,
(D) 1 t in mole / liter, required to attain an outlet
exp t 2
2 1 concentration of A of 1 mole / liter, is
kkm k km
(A) k 0 (B) k 0
k km kkm
k km
(C) k 0 (D) k0 k km
(A) Ea = E0.5 (B) Ea = 0.5 E 87. The 5 liter CSTR is replaced by five
CSTRs is series. If the capacity of each new
(C) Ea = 2 E (D) Ea = E2 CSTR is 1 liter, then the overall conversion
(in %) is
85. The following figures show the outlet
tracer concentration profiles (c vs. t) for a (A) 65 (B) 67
pulse input. (C) 73 (D) 81
(Gate 2012)
88. The half-life of an n order reaction in a
batch reactor depends on
Match the figures in Group I with the (A) Only the rate constant
reactor configurations in Group II.
(B) Only the rate constant and the order
Group I Group II
P Figure 1 I PFR of the reaction
Q Figure 2 II CSTR (C) Only the rate constant and the initial
R Figure 3 III PFR and CSTR in reactant concentration
IV PFR and CSTR in
(D) Only the rate constant and the initial reactor temperature is Tmax to minimize the
reactant concentration, and the order of
total reactor volume the variation of reactor
the reaction
temperature (T) with axial distance from the
inlet (z) should be
89. Consider the reaction scheme shown
C. Both the reactions are
first order. The activation energies for
k1 and k2 are 80 and 20 kJ / mol
respectively. To maximize the yield of B, it is
preferable to use
(A) Rate (A) 0.06 (B) 0.28
1 K A PA K B PB K c PC
(C) 0.42 (D) 0.64
(B) Rate PA PB
seconds. A first order liquid phase reaction isothermal CSTRs in series, the % reduction
(k = 0.25 s – 1) is carried out in this reactor in total volume, to the nearest integer,
under steady state and isothermal is____
conditions. The mean conversion of the
reactant at the exit of the reactor, up to 2
digits after the decimal point, is Common Data Questions 99 – 100
Liquid reactant A decomposes as follows:
95. An isothermal liquid phase zero order
reaction A→B (k = 0.5 mol/m3-s) is carried
out in a batch reactor. The initial
concentration of A is 2 mol/m3. At 3
seconds from the start of the reaction, the
concentration of A in mol/m3 is_____
An aqueous feed of composition CA0 = 30
mol/m3, CR0 = 2 mol/m3, and CS0= 1 mol/m3
96. The overall rates of an isothermal
enters a CSTR in which the above reactions
catalytic reaction using spherical catalyst
occur. Assume isothermal and steady state
particles of diameters 1 mm and 2 mm are
rA1 and rA2 (in mol (kg-catalyst) – 1 h – 1),
respectively. The other physical properties
99. If the conversion of A is 80 %, the
of the catalyst particles are identical. If pore
concentration of R in the exit stream in
diffusion resistance is very high, the ratio
mol/m3, to the nearest integer, is______
rA2/rA1 is___
aP 2
aP 2 CA varies in the range 0.5 – 50 mol/m3.
(C) r0 T
(D) r0 T
For very high concentration of A, the
1 bPT
1 bP
T reaction order tends to:
109. The impulse response to a tracer It is observed that when the recycle ratio R
pulse experiment for a flow reactor is given = 0.5, the exit conversion XAf = 50% When
below: the recycle ratio is increased to R = 2, the
new exit conversion (in percent) will be:
function of temperature (T) for different (B) Since the reaction rate is much greater
values of the rate of reaction ( in mol ms ) than the diffusion rate , Scenario 2
denoted by the numbers to the left of each
curve. This figure can be used to determine occurs
the rate of the reaction at a particular (C) Since the reaction rate is much lower
temperature, for a given conversion of A. than the diffusion rate, Scenario 1 occurs
(D) Since the reaction rate is much lower
than the diffusion rate, Scenario 2
hollow cylinder. During an experiment, one 0.40, then the value of YQ at 60oC is
such cylinder is suspended in the reactant ________rounded off to second decimal
stream. If the observed rate of reaction is place)
0.39 mol (m2 of catalyst surface )-1 min-1 ,
then the rate of reaction in mol (kg of
catalyst)-1 min-1 is _________(rounded off
to three decimal places).
1 B 22 A 43 C
2 B 23 D 44 D
3 B 24 B 45 A
4 A 25 C 46 D
5 A 26 D 47 C
6 C 27 C 48 D
7 B 28 C 49 B
8 C 29 A 50 C
9 B 30 B 51 B
10 D 31 B 52 B
11 B 32 D 53 C
12 C 33 D 54 A
13 D 34 A 55 D
14 A 35 C 56 B
15 C 36 A 57 A
16 C 37 B 58 A
17 C 38 D 59 A
18 D 39 A 60 A
19 A 40 C 61 C
20 A 41 A 62 D
21 B 42 C 63 B
64 A 87 C 110. (A)
65 C 88 D 111.0. 72
66 A 89 B 112. (B)
67 C 90 B 113. 2
68 C 91 C 114. (C)
69 B 92 C 115. 28.5
70 C 93 C 116. 0.2667
74 B 97 120. (A)
75 C 121. 0.80
76 B 122. 0.6
99 20
77 D 123. 1.0
100 90
78 A 124. 20.4
101. A
79 A 125. 4
102. D
80 B 126. (C)
103. B
81 C 127. (A)
104. C
82 A 128. 0.81
105. D
83 B 129. 50%
106. A
84 B 130. 6
107. B
85 A 131. 0.0385
108. (B)
86 B 132. 0.4
109. (C)