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JEE Assignments

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Vidyamandir Classes

JEE Advanced Final Practice Assignment

Physical Chemistry Class-XIIth
1. If the reaction A  B 
 P is exothermic to the extent of 30 kcal/mole and activation energy for the forward
reaction is 294 kJ/mole. Then activation energy for the backward reaction in kcal/mole is :
(A) 324 (B) 264 (C) 100 (D) 40

2. A solid particle having spherical shape is assumed to react only on its surface. However the amount of reactant
contained in it is determined by its volume. Consider the following rate law for a solid particle shrinking due to
reaction   kS [where S = Surface area]
The order of the above reaction will be :
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2/3 (D) 3/2

3. A sample of rock from South America contains equal moles of U238 and Pb206. The age of rock is :
(t1/ 2 for U 238  4.5  109 year) .
(A) 4.5 109 year (B) 9  109 year (C) 13.5  109 year (D) None of these

4. The graph of log t1/ 2 v/s log[A] is given below for the reaction :
A 
 product
The rate law for the reaction is :
d[A] d[A]
(A)  k (B)   k[A]
dt dt
d[A] d[A]
(C)   k[A]2 (D)   k[A]3
dt dt
5. Consider the following reaction occurring in gas phase : CHCl3 (g)  Cl 2 (g) 
 HCl(g)  CCl 4 (g)
The rate law for the reaction is experimentally found as : Rate = k[CHCl3] [Cl2]1/2
Step - 1 : Cl 2 (g) 
 2Cl(g) Step - 2 : Cl(g)  CHCl3 (g) 
 HCl(g)  CCl3 (g)
Step - 3 : Cl(g)  CCl3 (g) 
 CCl 4 (g)
Based on this information, what conclusion can be drawn about this proposed mechanism :
(A) Step 1 is RDS (B) Step 2 is RDS
(C) Step 3 is RDS (D) RDS cannot be identified

6. A mixture of 2 gases ‘R’ and ‘X’ is kept in container at 300 K. X is inert and ‘R’ decomposes according to the
 2A(g)  3B( )  4C(s)
following first order reaction: R(g) 
Initial pressure of the reaction in a experiment is recorded as 210 torr. After 10 min, pressure is 330 torr and after
a very long times 430 torr. The half life of ‘R’ is : [Given : Vapour Pressure of C = 20 torr under given condition)
(A) 15 min (B) 10 min (C) 12 min (D) Data insufficient

A A 16 A
7. A radioactive substance z x undergoes  decay to produce Z8 y . If 1 gm atom Zx produced 67.2 L of He
gas at 1 atm and 273 K conditions in 34.65 hour then the disintegration constant of Zx in (hour–1) is :
(A) 2  102 (B) 4  102 (C) 8  10 2 (D) 3.6  10 3

VMC | Chemistry 1 JEE Advanced Final Practice Assignment

Vidyamandir Classes
Paragraph for Questions 8 - 10
Consider the interconversion of nitrosotriacetoamine into nitrogen, phoron and water

The reaction is 1st order in both directions, with an equilibrium constant of 104, the activation energy for the forward
reaction is 57.45 kJ/mol. Assuming Arrhenius pre-exponential factor of forward reaction 1012 sec 1 .

8. What is expected forward rate constant at 300 K, if we initiate this reaction starting with only reactant ?
(A) 102 (B) 106 (C) 108 (D) 104

9. If the change in entropy of the reaction is 0.07 kJ K 1mol1 at 1 atm pressure. The temperature upto which
forward reaction would not be spontaneous is :
(A) T  285.7 K (B) T  200 K (C) T  340.2 K (D) T  200 K

10. The rate constant for backward reaction at 300 K is :

(A) 10–2 (B) 102 (C) 104 (D) None of these


11. A radioactive element “A” decays by the following sequence and half life as shown below :
 2
A 
 B  C
30 min 2days

Which is/are correct ?

(A) after 2 hr A will be less than 10% of the initial amount.
(B) Amount of B present at any time is less than 90% of initial amount of A.
(C) Atomic numbers of A and C are same.
(D) The mass number of B is greater than A
1 k k
12. For a reaction mechanism A 2  2A (fast) ; A  B  Product (slow)

Which of the following relations are correct ?

1/ 2
k  k1
(A) Rate  k 3  1  [A 2 ]1/ 2 [B] (B) Rate  k 3  k eq [A 2 ]1/ 2 [B]
 k2  k2
1/ 2
d[B] d[A] k 
(C)  k 3 k eq1/ 2 [A 2 ]1/ 2 [B] (D)  k3  1  [A 2 ]1/ 2 [B]
dt dt  k2 
A  product  B 
B k
13. A   product

Two reactions with half life periods TA and TB (in min) and kA(min–1) and k B (mol L1 min 1 ) . If half life periods
are equal at the start of the reaction, the reaction rate ratio at the start of reaction would be [assuming initial
concentrations of A and B are same] [Given : ln2  0.693 ]
k A TA
(A) 2k A TA (B) 1.386 (C) (D) 0.693
14. For given parallel reaction
1 k (sec 1 )
A 
 2B  3C

2 k (sec 1 )
A 
 4D  E
Which of the following is/are correct for % yield of mole in product mixture?
40k1 80k 2 60 k1 10k 2
(A) %B  (B) %D  (C) %C (D) %E
k1  k 2 k1  k 2 k1  k 2 k1  k 2

VMC | Chemistry 2 JEE Advanced Final Practice Assignment

Vidyamandir Classes
15. Match the following
Column I Column II

(A) CH3COOC2 H5  NaOH 
 CH3COONa  C2 H5 OH (P) 
nd k  Ae RT
(2 order)

(B) 2H 2 O2 
 2H 2 O  O 2 (1st Order) (Q)

(C) Au (R) Rate = r0e–kt

2NH3 
 N 2  3H 2 (zero order)

(D) t1/2 is constant w.r.t. to conc. of

 Glucose + Fructose (1st order)
Sucrose + H 2 O  (S)

16. Match the following

Column I Column II
(A) Rate constant has the same unit as the rate of reaction. (P) First order reaction
(B) Reactions having apparent molecularity more than three (Q) Zero order reaction
(C) Reactions having molecularity two but order of reaction is one (R) Complex reaction
For a reaction, A  B the rate of reaction doubles as the
(D) (S) Pseudo unimolecular reaction.
concentration of A is doubled

17. For reaction A 
 B , following data observed.
Time 0 5 15
A  1 2 4
 
Determine the order of reaction
18. For a chemical reaction, A 
 Products , rate increases 4 times when catalyst is used. The difference in
Activation energy (in kJ / mol) of without & with catalysts at 300K is X. Find 2X?

232 208
19. 92 U 
 82 Pb
Calculate difference between number of  particles and  particle emitted in the process.

20. A freshly prepared radioactive sample of half life 60 min emits radiation of intensity which is 64 times the
permissible safe level. Calculate the minimum time (in hrs) after which it would be possible to work safely with
the source.

21. Under same condition initial conc. of 2.772 M of reactant A becomes one-fourth in 100 sec and in 50 sec through
first order and zero order kinetics respectively. Calculate the value of Z. (Where Z  0 )
k0 = rate constant for zero order kinetics.
k1 = rate constant for 1st order kinetics.
22. For first order reaction the time required for 93.75% of reaction completion is x times to the time required for half
of the reaction. The value of (x) is __________.

VMC | Chemistry 3 JEE Advanced Final Practice Assignment

Vidyamandir Classes

23. The reduction potential of water at 25C , in a buffer of pH = 10 is :
(Assuming partial pressure of H2 gas at 25C = 1 atm)
(A) +0.5910 V (B) –0.5910 V (C) –0.8274 V (D) +0.8274 V

24. Statement : I  H 2 O() is a

Electrochemical cell corresponds to reaction H  (aq)  OH  (aq) 
concentration cell.
Statement : II In above reaction H2 gas can be used at same pressure and same pH of solutions at both
the electrodes.
(A) Statement-I is True, Statement-II is True and Statement-II is a correct explanation for
(B) Statement-I is True, Statement-II is True and Statement-II is NOT a correct explanation for
(C) Statement-I is True, Statement-II is False.
(D) Statement-I is False, Statement-II is True.

25. pKa of a weak monobasic acid HA is 10. The limiting ionic conductances of H  and A  ions are 350 Scm2

mol1 and 40 S cm2 mol1 respectively. The molar conductance of 102 M aq . solution of HA will be :

(A) 3.9  102 Scm 2 mol1 (B) 3.9  104 Scm 2 mol1

(C) 3.9  101 Scm 2 mol1 (D) 3.9  103 S cm 2 mol1

Zn 2 (aq) H (g)
26. For the following cell at 298 K, Zn HCl (aq) 2 Pt, with E cell  0.701V and
0.01M 1L 1atm

E0   0.76 V. Which of the following amounts of NaOH will just make the pH of cathodic compartment
Zn 2  |Zn
to be equal to 7.0.
(A) 0.4 g (B) 4g (C) 10 g (D) 2g

27. The conductivity of 0.01 M HA is 3.8  105  1cm 1 and conductivity of solution formed by mixing 100 cm3

of 0.01 M HA and 1 cm3 of 1M NaOH is 80.0  10 5  1cm 1 . Calculate    , if    50 1cm / mol1

A Na 

(A) 76.2  105  1 cm 2 mol1 (B) 76.2  105  1 cm 2 mol1

(C) 30.0  10 5  1 cm 2 mol 1 (D) 30.0  1 cm 2 mol 1

28. Consider the four different cells

Ag | Ag  (Ag 2 CrO 4 , saturated sol.) || Ag  (0.1M)| Ag.
E cell  xV and K sp,Ag 2CrO 4  'p '

Ag | Ag  (AgCl saturated sol.) || Ag  (0.1M)|Ag,

E cell  xV and K sp AgCl  'q '

Ag | Ag  (Ag 3 PO4 saturated sol.) || Ag  (0.1M) | Ag,

E cell  xV and K sp,Ag 3PO 4  'r '

Pt | H 2 (g),1bar| H  (1M) || (Ag 2SO 4 saturated sol.) Ag  | Ag

E cell  xV and K sp,Ag 2SO 4  's '
The correct option for solubility product for all the four cases is (by considering all cells are in equilibrium stage).
(A) s  q p r (B) s  p  q r (C) r s q  p (D) r q  p s

VMC | Chemistry 4 JEE Advanced Final Practice Assignment

Vidyamandir Classes
29. Choose the correct statement(s) from the following :
(i) Van’t Hoff factor for 0.001 N CH3COOH(  0 = 350 S cm2 mol–1 & k = 4 × 10–5 S cm–1) is 39/35
(ii) If  0 of KCl, LiCl and KNO3 are 150, 115 & 145 S cm2 mol–1 then that of LiNO3 will be
110 S cm2 mol–1.
(iii) In general with increase in concentration, specific conductance increases and reaches a maximum & then
decreases with further increase in concentration.
(A) (i), (ii) and (iii) (B) (i) and (ii) (C) Only (i) (D) Only (ii)

Paragraph for Questions 30 - 31

According to Kohlrausch law at infinite dilution each ion makes a definite contribution towards molar conductance of
electrolyte irrespective of the nature of the other ion with which it is associated and  0m   0   0 although at infinite
dilution, all electrolytes dissociate completely but their conductance differ from each because of the difference in their
mobilities, defined as the distance travelled by an ion per sec under a potential gradient of 1V/m.
30. The degree of dissociation of pure water at 55°C is 2.8 × 10–8. Then the specific conductance of water (in mho
m–1) at this temperature will be : [Given  0   349.83 mho cm2mol–1 ;  0 198.5 mho cm 2 mol1 ]
H OH 
(A) 7.4  10 8 (B) 3.2  104 (C) 7.2  106 (D) 8.5  105

31. A dilute solution of NaCl is placed between two Pt electrodes which are 8.5 cm apart. A potential difference of
7.5 volt is applied across the electrodes, what will be the distance travelled by Na  in1 Hr ?
[Given :  0  70Scm 2 mol1 ]
Na 
(A) 2.3 cm (B) 4.8 cm (C) 3.5 cm (D) 7.8 cm

Paragraph for Questions 32 - 33

People having amalgam filling in their teeth face various problems. If Al comes in contact with an amalgam filling it
causes a sharp tooth pain. The amalgam filling, an alloy of Ag, Sn and Hg acts as cathode of tiny galvanic cell. Al behaves
as anode and saliva acts as electrolyte. When the Al and amalgam come in contact, an electric current passes from Al to the
filling, which is sensed by the nerves in the tooth. Al is oxidized at anode and O2 gas is reduced to H2O at cathode
[Given : E   1.66 V  E  1.23 V
A3 |A O 2 , H  |H 2O

32. Net cell reaction taking place when amalgam is in contact with Al foil.
(A) 2H 2  O2 
 2H 2 O
(B) 4Al  3O2  12H  
 4Al3  6H 2 O
(C) 4Al  3O2  6H 2 O  4OH  
 4[Al(OH)4 ]
(D) 4Al  3O 2 
 2Al2 O3

33. E experienced by the person with dental filling of Ag, Sn and Hg amalgam is :
(A) –2.89 V (B) –0.93 V (C) + 2.89 V (D) 0.43 V


34. The standard electrode potentials E° of the following half cell reactions are :
(i) MnO4  8H   5e  
 Mn 2  4H 2 O E  1.51 V
(ii) Sn 2 
 Sn 4   2e E  –0.15 V

(iii) Cr2 O72   14H   6e 

 2Cr 3  7H 2 O E  1.33 V

(iv) Ce3 
 Ce4   e E  –1.61 V
The oxidizing power of the various species are related as :
(A) Cr2 O72   MnO 4 (B) Ce 4  Sn 4  (C) Ce4   MnO 4 (D) MnO4  Sn 4

VMC | Chemistry 5 JEE Advanced Final Practice Assignment

Vidyamandir Classes

35. Given : E  0.80 V ; E    2.73 V ; E   0.34 V ; E   0.79 V ;

Ag  |Ag Mg 2  |Mg Cu 2  |Cu Hg 2  |Hg
Select the incorrect statements
(A) AgNO3 can be stored in copper vessel (B) Cu(NO3)2 can be stored in magnesium vessel
(C) CuCl2 can be stored in silver vessel (D) HgCl2 can be stored in copper vessel

36. Which is/are correct match about conductometric titration ?

(A) (B)

(C) (D)


37. Match the column

Column I Column II

(A) Zn | Zn 2  (1M) || Zn 2  (2M)| Zn (P) Spontaneous cell reaction

Pt H 2 (g) HCl (1M) || H 2SO 4 (1M) H 2 (g) Pt

(B) (Q) Working cell representation
1 atm 1atm

Concentration of cation in cathodic compartment

(C) Cu | Cu 2  (0.01M) || Ag  (0.1M) | Ag (R)
increases upto equilibrium conc.

(D) Ag | AgCl | KCl(0.1M) || Ag  (0.01 M)| Ag (S) Concentration cell.

Given : E  0.34 V E  0.8 V, K sp (AgCl)  1010 ]

Cu 2  |Cu Ag  |Ag


38. 100 ml of 0.005 M CuSO4 solution is electrolysed by passing a current of 0.02 amp with a current efficiency of
80% for 200 min. Calculate pH of solution after completion of electrolysis.

39. Pt, H 2 (g)|10 4 M NaOH ||CH 3COOH(1M)  CH3COONa(1M)| H 2 (g), Pt.

1 atm 1 atm
 2.303 RT 
Calculate the value of 10  E cell Given   0.06 pK a (CH3COOH)  5
 F 

VMC | Chemistry 6 JEE Advanced Final Practice Assignment

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40. 30.11  1022 unit cell of K2S is dissolved in 10 L water. K2S has antifluorite structure. The freezing point of the

solution becomes [K f (water)  1.86 K kg mol1 , Tf (H 2 O)  273.19]

(A) 272.78 K (B) 272.034 K (C) 272.87 K (D) 272.9 K
41. Coagulation occurs when
(A) Electrolyte added to Lyophobic colloidal solution.
(B) Two oppositely charged colloids mixed.
(C) Electrophoresis take place.
(D) All of these

42. 1 molal urea solution freezes at 1.86°C and depression in freezing point of 0.01 molal aqueous CH3 COOH
solution is 0.02046°C. The pH of CH3COOH solution is:
(Assume molality equal to molarity)
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 3.2 (D) 4.2
43. The Henry’s law constant for solubility of gas A in water at 25°C is 10 atm. The % by volume of gas A is 50% in
gaseous mixture. The number of moles of A, dissolved in 100 mol of water at 10 atm pressure and 298 K is :
(A) 5  10 4 (B) 10  104 (C) 5  10 2 (D) 10  102

44. Which is incorrect statement?

(A) Colourless crystal like NaCl appear to be coloured due to F-centre
(B) In Frenkel defect, density of crystal remains constant
(C) In Pyroelectricity electric current is produced when a crystal is subjected to mechanical stress
(D) Above curie temperature ferromagnetism disappears in Fe.

Paragraph for Questions 45 - 47

Coagulation is the process by which dispersed phase of a colloid is made to aggregate and separate from dispersed
medium. Coagulation value is defined as millimoles of electrolyte required to cause coagulation of one litre colloidal
solution. Higher is coagulation power of electrolyte smaller will be the coagulation value of electrolyte.
45. Which ion has highest coagulation value?
(A) K+ (B) Ca2+ (C) Al3+ (D) Sn4+
46. For the coagulation of 200 ml of As2S3 solution, 10 ml of 1M NaCl solution is required. What is the coagulating
value of NaCl?
(A) 200 (B) 100 (C) 50 (D) 25
47. For the coagulation of As2S3, which of the following will have maximum coagulating power?
(A) NaCl (B) CaCl2 (C) AlCl3 (D) K4[Fe(CN)6]

Paragraph for Questions 48 - 50

Spinel is a mineral MgAl2O 4 having general formula MM2O4 where divalent ions occupy the tetrahedral voids and
trivalent ions in octahedral voids and lattice is made up of oxide ion present in CCP arrangement. Only 1/8 of tetrahedral
and 1/2 of octahedral void are occupied. (Assume ideal arrangement of particles)

48. The packing fraction of MgAl2O4 unit cell is :

(A) 0.768 (B) 0.786 (C) 0.74 (D) 0.68

49. The % of Mg in MgAl2O4 is

(A) 16.9 % (B) 38% (C) 12.5% (D) None of these

If 50% octahedral voids occupied by Al3 and 12.5% tetrahedral void occupied by Mg , then formula of
compound is:
(A) MgAl2O4 (B) Mg4Al 3O4 (C) Mg2Al 2O5 (D) None of these

VMC | Chemistry 7 JEE Advanced Final Practice Assignment

Vidyamandir Classes
Paragraph for Questions 51 - 52

51. If we create vacuum and maintain it in container A at 25° C then :

(A) Water will be completely vaporized in the container A
(B) There will be no vaporization in the container A
(C) The equilibrium will establish in between water vapour and liq. H2O and vapour pressure of water will
remain same as it would be in presence of atmospheric pressure.
(D) The equilibrium in water H2O(g) and H2O(l) will establish but vapour pressure of H2O(g) will be more
than as it would be in presence of atmospheric pressure.

52. Which of the following statement is correct regarding container B ?

(A) water will migrate from Glass (i) to Glass (ii) and no equilibrium will establish
(B) water will migrate from Glass (i) to Glass (ii) and equilibrium will establish after some time.
(C) water will migrate from Glass (ii) to Glass (i) and no equilibrium will establish
(D) water will migrate from Glass (ii) to Glass (i) and equilibrium will establish after some time.

53. A body centered cubic lattice is made up of hollow spheres of B. Spheres of solid A are present in hollow spheres
of B. Radius of A is half of radius of B. What is the ratio of total volume of spheres of B uncoccupied by A in a
unit cell and volume of unit cell ?
7 3 7 3 7
(A) (B) (C) (D) None of these
64 128 24

54. Mg crystallizes in a lattice represented as   120   60 and

  90. There is one more atom in this lattice which can be located
by moving 1/3rd distance along AC and then upward 0.8165a. The
solid has density of 2.0 g/cc and b = 1.663a then the approximate
distance between nearest atoms will be :
(A) 3Å (B) 4Å
(C) 5Å (D) 6Å


 
55. When 1 mole benzene (Pbenzene  42 mmHg) and 2 mole toluene (PToluene  36 mmHg) are mixed. Then select
correct statement(s) :
(A) Mole fraction of C6H6 in vapour phase is 7/19
(B) Mole fraction of C6H6 in liquid phase is 1/3
(C) Total vapour pressure of mixture is 38 mmHg
(D) Benzene and toluene form ideal solution.
56. Which is true regarding colloidal solution ?
(A) The boiling point of colloidal solution is smaller than the true solution under similar conditions.
(B) Colloidal particles can be coagulated by addition of strong electrolyte.
(C) Brownian movement is shown by colloidal solution
(D) Sodium salt of fatty acids form colloids at higher concentration.

VMC | Chemistry 8 JEE Advanced Final Practice Assignment

Vidyamandir Classes
57. Which of the following statements is/are false for physisorption ?
(A) High temperature is favourable for adsorption
(B) It needs activation energy.
(C) It is reversible.
(D) Extent of adsorption increases with increase in pressure.
58. Select the correct statements :
(A) Fe(OH)3 sol can be used for coagulation of As2S3 sol
(B) Aqueous gold sol is negatively charged sol.
(C) Langmuir adsorption is a single layer phenomenon.
(D) Activity of an enzyme is pH dependent
59. 2.5 gm of a monobasic acid HA in 100 gm water lowers the freezing point by 0.2325 K. If 0.75 gm of same acid
requires 15ml M NaOH solution for complete neutralization. Which is/are correct statement ?
(K f  1.86 K kg mol 1 ; K B  0.52 K kg mol 1 )
(A) Molecular weight of acid is 250 (B) Degree of ionization of acid is 25%
(C) Vant Hoff factor of HA is 1.25 (D) Difference is B.P. and M.P. is 100.2975° C
60. Which is/are correct statement ?
(A) Flocculation value is a measure of protective power
(B) Brownian movement is related to the stability of colloids.
(C) When AgNO3 is added to excess of KI then negative charge colloid results.
(D) Coagulation takes place due to electrophoresis.
61. Consider following solutions :
(i) 1 M aqueous glucose solution
(ii) 1 M aqueous sodium chloride solution
(iii) 1 M aqueous ammonium phosphate solution
(iv) 1 M benzoic acid in benzene
Select correct statements for the above solutions.
(A) All are isotonic solutions (B) III is hypertonic of I, II and IV
(C) IV is hypotonic of I, II and III (D) II is hypotonic of III but hypertonic of I and IV
62. Two liquids A and B form an ideal solution. The solution has a vapor pressure of 700 torr at 80°C. It is distilled

  in the condensate is 0.75 and

till 2/3rd of the solution is collected as condensate. The mole fraction of A X 'A

that of the residual liquid has mole fraction of A (X A ) is 0.30. If the vapour pressure of the residual liquid at
80°C is 600 torr. Which of the following is/are true ?
(A) The composition of the original liquid was XA = 0.6
(B) The composition of the original liquid was XA = 0.4
(C) PA0  torr (D) PB0  500 torr
63. In a F.C.C. unit cell, atoms are numbered as shown below. Identify the pair in which distance
between the atoms is same. [Atoms 2, 3, 4 are present face centre]
(A) (1 & 4) and (1 & 3) (B) (1 & 2) and (4 & 3)
(C) (1 & 2) and (1 & 4) (D) (1 & 2) and (2 & 3)
64. The HCP and CCP structure for a given element would be expected to have :
(A) The same co-ordination number (B) The same volume of unit cell
(C) the same packing fraction (D) The same effective number of atoms per unit cell

65. A solution having osmotic pressure 5 atm (X) is separated by a SPM from another solution having osmotic
pressure 6 atm (Y)
(A) Solution X is hypertonic with respect to Y and solvent flows from X to Y
(B) If additional pressure on Y is increased by 1 atm that of X by 0.5 atm, solvent flow from Y to X
(C) Additional pressure of 1 atm when applied on solution Y stops net flow of solvent across SPM
(D) If concentration of (non-dissociative or associative) solute in X is 0.1 M than in Y it can be 0.12 M.

VMC | Chemistry 9 JEE Advanced Final Practice Assignment

Vidyamandir Classes
66. A solution is prepared by dissolving 1.5 g of a monoacidic base into 1.5 kg of water at 372 K, which showed a
depression in freezing point by 0.165°C. When 0.496 g of the same base titrated, after dissolution, required 40 ml
of semimolar H2SO4 solution. If Kf of water is 1.86 K kg mol–1, then select the correct statement(s) out of the
following (assuming molarity = molality) :
(A) The pH of the solution of weak base is 11.90.
(B) Ionisation constant of the base is 8  102 .
(C) The osmotic pressure of the aqueous solution of base at 372K is 2.7 atm (approx).
(D) The base is 10% ionized in aqueous solution.


67. Match the following

Column I Column II
Vapour pressure of binary solution of two miscible and volatile liquids
(A) (containing 1 mole of each) when half of the liquid solution goes into (P) PA0 PB0
vapour phase.
(B) Vapour pressure of binary solution of two miscible and volatile liquids. (Q) PA0  PB0

(C) Vapour pressure of binary solution of two immiscible and volatile liquids. (R) PB0   A (PA0  PB0 )

Vapour pressure of binary solution having non-volatile solute (B) and PA0  P
(D) (S)  B
volatile solvent (A). PA0

68. Match the following

Column I Column II

(A) Acetone + CHCl3 (P) Smi x  0

(B) C2 H 5OH  H 2 O (Q) Vmix  0

(C) CH3OH  CCl4 (R) H mix  0

(D) n-hexane + n-heptane (S) Vmix  0

(T) Minimum boiling azeotropes

69. Match the following

Column I (Crystal system) Column II (Types of Bravais lattice)

(A) Rhombohedral (P) Primitive only

(B) Orthorhombic (Q) Primitive and body centred only
(C) Tetragonal (R) Primitive and end centred only
(D) Hexagonal (S) Primitive, body centred, end centred and face centred

70. Match the following

Column I (Term) Column II (Related property)

(A) Coagulation (P) Associative colloids

(B) Dialysis (Q) Protective colloids
(C) CMC (R) Purification of colloids
(D) Gold number (S) Electrolyte
(T) Preparation of colloids

VMC | Chemistry 10 JEE Advanced Final Practice Assignment

Vidyamandir Classes
71. Match the following
Column I (Crystal structure) Column II (Arrangement)
(A) Rock salt (NaCl) (P) C.N : 6 : 6
(B) Fluorite (CaF2) (Q) C.N : 8 : 8
(C) ZnS (R) Fraction of tetrahedral void occupied
(D) CsCl type (S) C.N. : 8 : 4

72. Metal element “M” of radius 50 nm is crystallized in FCC format and made cubic crystal such that face of unit
cell is aligned with face of cubical crystal. If total number of metal atoms of “M” at all faces of cubic crystal is
6  1030 , then area of one face of cubical crystal is (A  1016 ) m 2 . Then the value of A is :

73. 526.3 ml of 0.5 M HCl is shaken with 0.5g of activated charcoal and filtered. The concentration of the filtrate is
reduced to 0.4 M. What is the amount of adsorption (x/m) ?
74. For ABC ABC ABC ….. closed packed structure if the distance between two successive tetrahedral void is ‘X’
2Y 2
and distance between two successive octahedral voids is ‘Y’ in a unit cell then
1 1 1
75. For body centred orthorhombic unit cell of atoms (M = 20 amu) a  nm, b  nm, c  nm . Find the value
2 5 10
of density in the form of .
76. To 250 ml of water, x g of acetic acid is added. If 11.5% of acetic acid is dissociated, the depression in freezing
point comes out 0.416. What will be the value of x?
Given : Kf(water) = 1.86 K kg–1 mol–1 and density of water is 0.997 g ml–1.

VMC | Chemistry 11 JEE Advanced Final Practice Assignment

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JEE Advanced Final Practice Assignment
Physical Chemistry Class XIIth

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


15 16 17 18 19 20 21

A -P ; B - P R S ; C - P Q; D - P R S A - Q ; B - R ; C - S; D - P 2 7 4 6 3

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36


37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47

A - P Q S ; B -P Q S ; C - PQ; D – PQS 2 3 B D B C C A C C

48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58


59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67


68 69 70

A - PRS ; B - PQT ; C - PQT; D - P A -P ; B - S ; C - Q; D - P A -S ; B - R ; C - P; D - Q

71 72 73 74 75 76

A -P ; B - S ; C - R; D - Q 1 4 4 4 3

VMC | Chemistry 12 JEE Advanced Final Practice Assignment

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