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Introduction To Phased Array Ultrasonic Technology Applications-Déverrouillé (001-162) PDF

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The document discusses phased array ultrasonic technology and its applications.

Adjustable ultrasonic parameters discussed include pulser settings, general settings, and digitizer settings.

Practical guidelines for probe design mentioned include case dimensions, element labeling and numbering, connector and wiring details, and tolerances.



Introduction to Phased Array
Ultrasonic Technology Applications
Olympus Guideline
Introduction to
Phased Array Ultrasonic
Technology Applications
Olympus Guideline


Advanced Practical NDT Series

Introduction to Phased Array Ultrasonic Technology Applications: Olympus Guideline
Series coordinator: Noël Dubé

Technical reviewers and advisers:

Dr. Michael D. C. Moles (Olympus, Canada)

Colin R. Bird (TWI Ltd, UK)
Pamela Herzog (USAF, USA)
Tim Armitt (Lavender International Ltd., UK)
Petru Ciorau (OPG, Canada)
Ron Roberts (Iowa State University, USA)
Mark Davis (Davis NDE, Inc.)
Layout, graphics, editing, proofreading, and indexing: Olympus Technical Communications Service.

Published by: Olympus, 48 Woerd Avenue, Waltham, MA 02453, USA

Marketing and distribution: Olympus

This guideline and the products and programs it describes are protected by the Copyright Law of the
United States, by laws of other countries, and by international treaties, and therefore may not be
reproduced in whole or in part, whether for sale or not, without the prior written consent from
Olympus. Under copyright law, copying includes translation into another language or format.

The information contained in this document is subject to change or revision without notice.

Olympus part number: DUMG068D

© 2004, 2005, 2007, 2017 by Olympus

All rights reserved. Published 2004.

Printed in the United States of America

Second printing 2005. Third printing 2007. Fourth printing 2017

ISBN 0-9735933-0-X

Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

Introduction to phased array ultrasonic technology applications : R/D Tech guideline
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-9735933-0-X

1. Ultrasonic testing. 2. Nondestructive testing. 3. Materials--Testing. I. R/D Tech

TA417.4.I58 2004 620.1'1274 C2004-904731-0

To the best of our knowledge, the information in this publication was accurate at the time of first
printing (2004); however, the Publisher does not assume any responsibility or liability for the accuracy
or completeness of, or consequences arising from, such information. This book is intended for
informational purposes only. Final determination of the suitability of any information or product for
use contemplated by any user, and the manner of that use, is the sole responsibility of the user. The
Publisher recommends that anyone intending to rely on any recommendation of materials or
procedures mentioned in this publication should satisfy himself or herself as to such suitability, and
that he or she can meet all applicable safety and health standards.

All brands are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners and third party entities.
Table of Contents

Foreword ................................................................................................ xi

Preface .................................................................................................. xiii

Acknowledgements ............................................................................ xv

Introduction ............................................................................................ 1
References to Introduction ..................................................................................... 6

1. Basic Concepts of Phased Array Ultrasonic Technology .......... 9

1.1 Principles ........................................................................................................... 9
1.2 Delay Laws, or Focal Laws ........................................................................... 13
1.3 Basic Components of a Phased Array System ........................................... 16
1.4 Basic Scanning and Imaging ......................................................................... 16
References to Chapter 1 ........................................................................................ 21

2. Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data ....................... 23

2.1 Physics of Ultrasonics—Definitions ............................................................ 23
2.2 Some Common Velocities and Wavelengths .............................................. 25
2.3 Sound Pressure Formulas ............................................................................. 29
2.4 Example of Temperature Effects .................................................................. 39
2.5 Circular Transducers ..................................................................................... 39
2.6 Beam Divergence ........................................................................................... 46
2.7 Rectangular Probes ........................................................................................ 48
2.8 Focused Sound Fields .................................................................................... 51
2.9 Time-Frequency Response ............................................................................ 57
2.10 Probe Classification Based on BW (Damping) .......................................... 59
2.11 Ultrasonic Beam Interaction with Test Piece / Reflectors ........................ 61
2.12 Attenuation .................................................................................................... 66
2.13 Defect Sizing Using Diffraction and Mode-Conversion Techniques ..... 68
2.13.1 TOFD (Time-of-Flight Diffraction) ................................................... 68
2.13.2 Relative Arrival Time Technique (RATT) ........................................ 78

Table of Contents v
2.13.3 Absolute Arrival Time Technique (AATT) ...................................... 80
2.13.4 Mode-Converted Techniques ............................................................ 81
2.13.5 Pitch-and-Catch and Tandem Techniques ....................................... 86
2.13.6 Satellite Pulse-Echo Technique .......................................................... 87
2.14 Testing Round Parts ...................................................................................... 88
2.15 Measuring the Lengths of Small Defects ................................................... 90
2.16 Reliability of Ultrasonic Inspection ............................................................ 92
References to Chapter 2 ........................................................................................ 94

3. Probes and Ultrasonic Field Formula ......................................... 97

3.1 Piezocomposite Materials ............................................................................. 97
3.1.1 Matching Layer and Cable Requirements ....................................... 98
3.1.2 Backing Material .................................................................................. 98
3.2 Piezocomposite Manufacture ....................................................................... 99
3.3 Types of Phased Array Probes for Industrial Applications ................... 103
3.4 Linear Arrays ................................................................................................ 108
3.4.1 Active Aperture ................................................................................. 108
3.4.2 Effective Active Aperture ................................................................. 109
3.4.3 Minimum Active Aperture .............................................................. 110
3.4.4 Passive Aperture ............................................................................... 110
3.4.5 Elementary Pitch ............................................................................... 111
3.4.6 Element Gap ....................................................................................... 112
3.4.7 Element Width ................................................................................... 112
3.4.8 Maximum Element Size ................................................................... 112
3.4.9 Sweep Range ...................................................................................... 112
3.4.10 Steering Focus Power ....................................................................... 113
3.4.11 Gain Compensation .......................................................................... 114
3.4.12 Beam Length ...................................................................................... 114
3.4.13 Beam Width ....................................................................................... 115
3.4.14 Focal Depth ........................................................................................ 116
3.4.15 Depth of Field .................................................................................... 117
3.4.16 Focal Range ........................................................................................ 117
3.4.17 Near-Surface Resolution .................................................................. 118
3.4.18 Far-Surface Resolution ..................................................................... 118
3.4.19 Lateral and Axial Resolution ........................................................... 118
3.4.20 Angular Resolution ........................................................................... 119
3.4.21 Main Lobe .......................................................................................... 119
3.4.22 Side Lobes .......................................................................................... 119
3.4.23 Grating Lobes .................................................................................... 120
3.4.24 Beam Apodization ............................................................................ 121
3.4.25 Grating Lobe Amplitude .................................................................. 121
3.5 Dynamic Depth Focusing ........................................................................... 122
3.5.1 DDF Beam Divergence ..................................................................... 123
3.5.2 DDF Advantages ............................................................................... 124
3.6 Probe on the Wedge ..................................................................................... 125

vi Table of Contents
3.6.1 Wedge Delay ...................................................................................... 125
3.6.2 Index Point Length ............................................................................ 126
3.6.3 Index Point Migration ....................................................................... 127
3.7 Beam Deflection on the Wedge .................................................................. 127
3.7.1 Azimuthal Deflection ....................................................................... 128
3.7.2 Lateral Deflection .............................................................................. 128
3.7.3 Skew Deflection ................................................................................. 128
3.7.4 Active Axis Offset ............................................................................. 129
3.7.5 Passive Axis Offset ............................................................................ 129
3.8 2-D Matrix Phased Array Probes ............................................................... 130
3.9 Focal Law Calculator ................................................................................... 133
3.10 Standard Array Probes ............................................................................... 137
3.11 Other Array Features .................................................................................. 138
3.11.1 Sensitivity ........................................................................................... 138
3.11.2 Impedance .......................................................................................... 138
3.11.3 Cross Talk ........................................................................................... 138
3.12 Phased Array Simulation Software (PASS) ............................................. 138
3.13 Probe Design ................................................................................................ 139
3.13.1 Physics Guidelines ............................................................................ 140
3.13.2 Practical Guidelines .......................................................................... 143
3.14 Ultrasonic Setup Details ............................................................................. 144
3.14.1 Pulse Width ........................................................................................ 145
3.14.2 Band-Pass Filters ............................................................................... 145
3.14.3 Smoothing .......................................................................................... 146
3.14.4 Digitizing Frequency ........................................................................ 147
3.14.5 Averaging ........................................................................................... 148
3.14.6 Compression ...................................................................................... 148
3.14.7 Repetition Rate (PRF, or Pulse Repetition Frequency) ................ 149
3.14.8 Acquisition Rate ................................................................................ 149
3.14.9 12-Bit Data Versus 8-Bit Data .......................................................... 150
3.14.10 Setup File .......................................................................................... 150
3.14.11 Data File Size ................................................................................... 151
3.15 Probe Identification ..................................................................................... 152
3.16 Probe Characterization and Periodic Checking ...................................... 153
3.16.1 Probe Characterization ..................................................................... 153
3.16.2 Tolerances ........................................................................................... 155
3.16.3 Curved Wedges ................................................................................. 156
3.17 Olympus Probes for the OmniScan .......................................................... 157
References to Chapter 3 ...................................................................................... 161

4. Scanning Patterns and Views .................................................... 163

4.1 Scanning Patterns ......................................................................................... 163
4.1.1 Bidirectional Scan .............................................................................. 164
4.1.2 Unidirectional Scan ........................................................................... 164
4.1.3 Linear Scan ......................................................................................... 165

Table of Contents vii

4.1.4 Skewed Scan ....................................................................................... 166
4.1.5 Helical Scan ........................................................................................ 167
4.1.6 Spiral Scan .......................................................................................... 168
4.1.7 Beam Directions ................................................................................. 169
4.1.8 Other Scanning Patterns ................................................................... 170
4.1.9 Time-Base Scanning .......................................................................... 171
4.2 Ultrasonic Views (Scans) ............................................................................. 172
4.2.1 A-Scan ................................................................................................. 174
4.2.2 B-Scan .................................................................................................. 176
4.2.3 C-Scan ................................................................................................. 177
4.2.4 D-Scan ................................................................................................. 178
4.2.5 S-Scan .................................................................................................. 178
4.2.6 Polar Views ......................................................................................... 179
4.2.7 Strip Charts ........................................................................................ 180
4.2.8 Multiple Views and Layouts ........................................................... 181
4.2.9 TOFD (Time-of-Flight Diffraction) ................................................. 184
4.2.10 Combined TOFD and Pulse-Echo (PE) .......................................... 186
4.2.11 Combined Strip Charts ..................................................................... 187
4.2.12 Olympus TomoView Cube Views .................................................. 188
References to Chapter 4 ...................................................................................... 190

5. Applications .................................................................................. 193

5.1 Olympus Instruments ................................................................................. 194
5.2 On-Site Equipment Checking ..................................................................... 198
5.3 Active Element Integrity Checking ........................................................... 199
5.4 Ray Tracing ................................................................................................... 200
5.5 Aerospace ...................................................................................................... 201
5.5.1 Inspection of Titanium Billets .......................................................... 201
5.5.2 Inspection of Friction Stir Welds ..................................................... 205
5.5.3 Inspection of Fastener Holes ........................................................... 209
5.5.4 Inspection of Landing Gear Using Manual Phased Arrays ........ 211
5.5.5 Corrosion Mapping of Aircraft Fuselage ....................................... 213
5.6 Energy ............................................................................................................ 213
5.6.1 Dissimilar Welds Inspection of BWR Core Shroud ...................... 214
5.6.2 High-Speed Inspection of Stainless Steel and Carbon Steel Pipe
Welds ................................................................................................... 216
5.6.3 Inspection of PWR Main Coolant Piping Weld Made of Wrought
Stainless Steel Using Phased Arrays .............................................. 219
5.6.4 Reactor Vessel Nozzle-to-Shell Weld .............................................. 220
5.6.5 CANDU Feeder Tube Cracking ...................................................... 222
5.6.6 Detection of Stress Corrosion Cracking in Welded Rotor or Single
Block Rotor ......................................................................................... 224
5.6.7 Detection of SCC in Disc Keyway and Anti-Rotation Key in Low-
Pressure Turbine Rotor ..................................................................... 224
5.6.8 Boresonic Inspection: Detect and Size SCC in the Rotor Body ... 225

viii Table of Contents

5.6.9 Detection and Sizing of SCC in Low-Pressure Turbine
Components ....................................................................................... 226
5.6.10 Detection and Sizing of SCC in Disc Rim-Blade Attachment—GE
Style ..................................................................................................... 228
5.6.11 Detection and Sizing of Fatigue Cracks in Blade Roots—Axial Entry
Style ..................................................................................................... 229
5.7 Pressure Vessel Construction Weld Inspection ....................................... 230
5.7.1 Inspection Codes for Pressure Vessels ........................................... 231
5.7.2 PV-100: Linear Scanning Using TOFD and PE .............................. 233
5.7.3 PV-200: Versatile Phased Array and TOFD System ..................... 235
5.7.4 PV-300: Premium Inspection System Using Ultrasonics, Phased
Arrays, and Eddy Current Arrays .................................................. 237
5.7.5 Typical Pressure Vessel Mechanics ................................................. 239
5.8 Pipeline Phased Arrays ............................................................................... 243
5.8.1 Standard Pipeline Zone Discrimination ........................................ 243
5.8.2 Seamless Pipe Girth Welds .............................................................. 249
5.8.3 Risers and Tendons ........................................................................... 250
5.8.4 Small Diameter Piping ...................................................................... 252
5.9 Miscellaneous Applications ........................................................................ 254
5.9.1 In-Service Inspection of Pipe for Stress Corrosion Cracking ...... 254
5.9.2 Seam Weld Inspections of Coiled Tubing for Offshore
Petrochemical Applications ............................................................. 255
5.9.3 T-Weld Inspection of Bridge Structure ........................................... 257
5.10 Mills and Manufacturing ........................................................................... 258
5.10.1 ERW Pipes Using Phased Arrays ................................................... 258
5.10.2 Volumetric Phased Array Inspection of Bars ................................ 261
5.10.3 Phased Array Inspection of Full-Body Pipe (In-line) .................. 266
5.10.4 Phased Array Inspection of Copper Canister Weld for Nuclear
Waste Fuel .......................................................................................... 270
5.10.5 Phased Array Inspection of Heavy Forgings ................................ 272
5.11 Railroad Transportation ............................................................................. 272
5.11.1 Axle (with or without Wheel) ......................................................... 272
5.11.2 Rail Inspection ................................................................................... 273
5.11.3 Wheel Inspection ............................................................................... 274
5.12 Portable Phased Array Applications ........................................................ 277
5.12.1 Construction Welding: T-Joints ....................................................... 278
5.12.2 Construction Welding: Butt Weld Inspections .............................. 279
5.12.3 Small Diameter Austenitic Welds ................................................... 280
5.12.4 Hydrogen-Induced Cracking (HIC) ............................................... 281
5.12.5 Tie-Ins for Pipeline Welds ................................................................ 283
5.12.6 Flange Corrosion Under Gasket ..................................................... 283
5.12.7 Component Testing: Thread Inspection ........................................ 284
5.12.8 Component Testing: Spindle Inspection ........................................ 286
5.12.9 Aerospace: Laser Weld Inspection .................................................. 287
5.12.10 Aerospace: Composite Inspection ................................................ 288

Table of Contents ix
5.12.11 Aerospace: T-Joint Composite ....................................................... 290
5.12.12 Power Generation: Turbine Blade Root Inspection .................... 292
5.12.13 Petrochemical Industry: Nozzle Inspection ................................ 292
5.12.14 Compressor Blade ........................................................................... 294
5.12.15 Austenitic Welds ............................................................................. 295
References to Chapter 5 ...................................................................................... 297

6. Conclusions and Recommendations ........................................ 299

6.1 Advantages of Phased Arrays .................................................................... 299
6.2 General Phased Array Solutions to Inspection Problems ...................... 300
6.3 Implementing Phased Array Technology ................................................. 302

Appendix: Unit Conversion ............................................................. 305

Glossary ............................................................................................... 307

References ............................................................................................ 315

List of Figures ..................................................................................... 323

List of Tables ....................................................................................... 339

Index ..................................................................................................... 341

x Table of Contents

For a project of the scope of the Introduction to Phased Array Ultrasonic Technology
Application: Olympus Guideline, the contribution and support of knowledgeable
people is of tremendous help. The following are a few lines from worldwide-
recognized institutes and companies that offered their recommendations about
the guideline content and presentation.

The Welding Institute (TWI) Ltd

Industrial application of phased array ultrasonic technology has come of age. Many
companies and engineers are employing this new and advantageous technology in a
multitude of applications. There has been a need over the last few years for literature on
the correct use and application of phased array technology. This book meets that need in
published literature and provides a valuable introduction to ultrasonic phased array
technology for professional engineers and managers wishing to gain a thorough
understanding of its capabilities and methods of application.
Colin R. Bird
Principal Consultant NDT

US Air Force
The knowledge and interest in phased array inspection capabilities has expanded
considerably over the past few years, and is expected to continue to expand. This book
gives an excellent overview of the broad spectrum of phased array inspection capabilities,
and a good look at the variety of equipment and uses that have been created.
Pamela Herzog
Materials Engineer
AF NDI Office

Foreword xi
Lavender International NDT Ltd.
Ultrasonic phased array instruments and applications have been evolving rapidly within
the last decade; however, there is a desperate need for reference text to inform and educate
engineers on the fundamental principles involved. The intention of this book is to briefly
address many aspects of ultrasonic phased array technology as an informative guide,
rather than a sequential learning program. To that end, the reader will be confronted with
many concepts that likewise will promote numerous questions relating to conceptual
applications of the technique. It gives me great pleasure in recommending this text as
essential reading for all those interested in learning phased array principles from trainee
practitioner to those with NDT level-3 management perspectives.
Tim Armitt
Director, Senior Lecturer
ASNT and EN473 level 3
Lavender International NDT Ltd., UK

Ontario Power Generation (OPG)

The R/D Tech Guideline1 is a necessary step to fill in the information gap for
conventional practitioners (technicians and engineers) to use the new phased array
ultrasound technology.
The book is well balanced between theory, basic features, and main applications. The
chapter dedicated to phased array probes includes a very useful practical guide for probe
design. The back-to-basics chapter provides useful formulas, tables, and graphs for a
proper application of phased array ultrasound technology.
Petru Ciorau
Senior Technical Expert, UT Phased Array Technology
Inspection and Maintenance Services, Ontario Power Generation, Canada

Iowa State University

This book addresses multiple needs of the NDE engineering community. For the
practicing ultrasonic NDE technician first encountering phased array technology, this
book provides an explanation of ultrasonic phased array operation in terms of familiar
ultrasonic principles. For the advanced engineer already familiar with principles of phased
array technology, this book provides a useful reference defining scan configurations and
measurement parameters upon which R/D Tech instrument operating software is based.
Insight is given into a wide spectrum of issues encompassed in phased array application,
from probe design to data presentation.
Ron Roberts
Senior Scientist
Center for Nondestructive Evaluation, Iowa State University, USA

1. Editor’s note at fourth printing: R/D Tech Guideline was the document subtitle at the time
of first printing; it is now referred to as Olympus Guideline.

xii Foreword

R/D Tech1, as a world leader in ultrasound and eddy current nondestructive

test equipment, has developed advanced techniques to diagnose and evaluate
the fitness for service of critical components.

Refineries, planes, turbines, nuclear pressure vessels and primary circuits,

steam generators, railways, and highway bridges are aging, while new
products are being built to ever-increasing standards of quality. As part of
this trend, NDT (nondestructive testing) must shift from qualitative
assessment to quantitative evaluation. Missed cracks and false calls may lead
to catastrophic failures, loss of life, costly and unnecessary repairs, and the
loss of production capacity or forced outages.

The reliability and credibility of the NDT techniques used is the number one
priority for inspection companies involved in life assessment or periodic
inspection of critical components. They are faced with very difficult
inspections such as anisotropic structures, limited probe access, or other

Other inspection challenges are posed by the new manufacturing facilities

designed with built-in NDT systems to perform inspections 24 hours a day
and 7 days a week. They are asking us to build systems capable of detecting
small defects, regardless of their orientation and at very high scanning
speeds. Data analysis and reporting must be optimized for real-time
inspections, remote analysis, and third-party evaluation. In many cases, the
results must be provided in near real time.

The NDT issues mentioned above have triggered the development of a new
technology: phased array ultrasound. R/D Tech, in cooperation with its
customers, pioneered the development of the phased array ultrasonic
technology in the middle of the 1990s. Over the last decade, the phased array
technology has reached a commercially mature status for NDT applications.

1. Editor’s note at fourth printing: R/D Tech operated at the time of first printing; it was later
acquired by Olympus and now operates under the new name.

Preface xiii
The phased array technology is an advanced ultrasonic inspection tool that is
capable of providing reliable quantitative data for the life assessment and
fitness for service of vital components in transportation, power generation,
petrochemical, aerospace, defense, and pipeline industries, just to name a few
important economic sectors. The phased array technology is also used for
assuring the quality of new products in pipes, vessels, and other major

The advances in microelectronics, computer processing power, remote data

transfer, and micromachining of phased array probes have allowed R/D Tech1
to manufacture battery-operated, portable phased array equipment, and to
standardize ultrasonic phased array kits (probes, blocks, wedges,
miniscanners) for specific applications.

Ultrasound technicians, through their skill, education, training, and

certification, are an integral part of inspection reliability. In order to be rated
as a qualified inspection technique, the phased array ultrasonic technology
requires formal training and certification of personnel.

This guideline is R/D Tech’s first step to help fill the lack of information
between conventional and phased array UT technology. This guideline is
focused on terminology, principles, useful formulas, tables, and charts. It
gives an overview of the phased array technology, including examples of
inspection applications. The guideline is an introduction to phased array
technology applications, not a training manual.

Our website offers you an opportunity to communicate with our specialists,

as well as to make your comments and suggestions in order to improve this

I hope the first edition of this phased array ultrasonic technology guideline
will help enrich your ultrasound terminology knowledge, familiarize you
with the phased array inspection tools, and reduce your training time to meet
the new challenges brought by the twenty-first century.

Alain Allard
President and CEO
R/D Tech
August 2004

1. Editor’s note at fourth printing: R/D Tech operated at the time of first printing; it was later
acquired by Olympus and now operates under the new name.

xiv Preface

Technical Reviewers and Advisers

R/D Tech1 would like to express a special appreciation to the advisers that
have contributed to the review of the successive versions of Introduction to
Phased Array Ultrasonic Technology Applications: R/D Tech Guideline. R/D Tech
thanks them for the time and consideration they have put into this advisory
task. Their involvement in this project is greatly appreciated.

A great thank-you to our advisers:

• Colin R. Bird
The Welding Institute, UK
• Pamela Herzog
• Tim Armitt
Lavender International, UK
• Petru Ciorau
Ontario Power Generation, Canada
• Ron Roberts
Iowa State University, USA
• Mark Davis
Davis NDE, Inc., USA

R/D Tech was honored to enlist well-recognized advisers from Europe and
North America to participate in the realization of the first phased array book
of the NDT community. The broad scope of Introduction to Phased Array
Ultrasonic Technology Applications made this task a real challenge. All along the
lengthy writing and revision process, we received excellent reaction and

1. Editor’s note at fourth printing: R/D Tech operated at the time of first printing; it was later
acquired by Olympus and now operates under the new name.

Acknowledgements xv
support from our advisers. They helped guide R/D Tech in the completion of
this work. Their contribution touched many aspects: general review,
improvement and additions to some sections, and validation of the equations
and formulas. In short, they allowed Introduction to Phased Array Ultrasonic
Technology Applications: R/D Tech Guideline1 to reach the level of quality
everyone expected.

R/D Tech wishes to acknowledge the special contribution of Ontario Power

Generation (OPG), Canada. During the 1995–2004 period, OPG has made an
important contribution to the development of the phased array technology at
R/D Tech. Their strong expertise and continuous support helped R/D Tech in
the development of specific phased array hardware and software functions,
such as the ones found in the OmniScan instrument and the TomoView

R/D Tech Personnel

R/D Tech wishes to thank all personnel involved in the development,

manufacturing, sales, and marketing of phased array ultrasonic technology
applications and to especially thank everyone at R/D Tech who contributed to
the production of this guideline.


R/D Tech also wants to acknowledge the catalyst role of many customers who
have challenged the company with specific inspection problems. The research
and development these challenges have inspired has contributed to the
advancement of the phased array ultrasonic technology during the last

1. Editor’s note at fourth printing: The document subtitle is now Olympus Guideline.

xvi Acknowledgements

The development and application of phased array ultrasonic technology as a

stand-alone technique has reached a mature phase at the beginning of the
twenty-first century.

Phased array ultrasonic technology moved from the medical field1 to the
industrial sector at the beginning of the 1980s.2, 3 By the mid-1980s,
piezocomposite materials were developed and made available to
manufacture complex-shaped phased array probes.4-13

By the beginning of the 1990s, phased array technology was incorporated as a

new NDE (nondestructive evaluation) method in ultrasonic handbooks14, 15
and training manuals for engineers.16 The majority of the applications from
1985 to 1992 were related to nuclear pressure vessels (nozzles), large forging
shafts, and low-pressure turbine components.

Advances in piezocomposite technology,28, 29 micromachining, microelectron-

ics, and computing power (including simulation packages for probe design
and beam-component interaction), contributed to the revolutionary develop-
ment of the phased array technology. Functional software was also developed
as computer capabilities increased.

The phased array ultrasonic technology for NDT (nondestructive testing) use
was triggered by the following power generation inspection problems:

1. The need to detect cracks located at different depths with random

orientations using the same probe in a fixed position
2. The requirement to improve SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) and sizing
capability for dissimilar metal welds and centrifugal-cast stainless steel
3. The requirement to increase the scanner reliability
4. Increased accessibility requirements for difficult-to-reach PWR/BWR
(pressurized water reactor / boiling water reactor) components
5. Decreased setup and inspection time (productivity)

Introduction 1
6. Detection and sizing of small SCC (stress corrosion cracking) in turbine
components with complex geometries
7. A requirement to decrease the amount of radiation the personnel is
exposed to
8. A requirement to increase the accuracy in detection, sizing, location, and
orientation of critical defects, regardless of their orientation
9. The need to provide a quantitative, easy-to-interpret report for fitness for
purpose (also called “engineering critical assessment,” or “life
assessment/disposition-inspection interval strategy”)

Other industries—such as aerospace, defense, petrochemical, and manufac-

turing—required similar improvements, though specific requirements vary
for each industry application. However, the requirements center round sev-
eral main characteristics of phased array ultrasonic technology:

1. Speed. The phased array technology allows electronic scanning, which is

typically an order of magnitude faster than conventional raster scanning.
2. Flexibility. A single phased array probe can cover a wide range of
applications, unlike conventional ultrasound probes.
3. Electronic setups. Setups are performed by simply loading a file and
calibrating. Different parameter sets are easily accommodated by pre-
prepared files.
4. Small probe dimensions. For some applications, access is a major issue, and
one small phased array probe can provide the equivalent of multiple
single-transducer probes.

R/D Tech1 has been developing phased array technology for more than a
decade. Since the beginning of the 1990s, R/D Tech has implemented the
concept of standardization and transfer of the technology.

The phased array ultrasonic technology reached a commercially viable status

by 1997 when the transportable phased array Tomoscan FOCUS instrument
could be operated in the field by a single person, and data could be
transferred and remotely analyzed in real time.

Many papers have been published on phased array NDT applications.17-24

For example, the EPRI NDE Center has organized three seminars pertaining
to phased array technology.25-27

1. Editor’s note at fourth printing: R/D Tech operated at the time of first printing; it was later
acquired by Olympus and now operates under the new name.

2 Introduction
The portable, battery-operated, phased array OmniScan instrument is a
quantum leap in the ultrasonic technology. This instrument brings phased
array capabilities to everyday inspections such as corrosion mapping, rapid
crack detection, imaging, and special applications. The new technology must
be validated and endorsed by regulatory bodies, insurance companies, and
standardization organizations. As part of the validation process, operators
must demonstrate that they can handle the phased array ultrasonic

Training and certification of personnel will be one of the major tasks to

generalize the use of the phased array technology, along with performance
demonstration and technology transfer process.

R/D Tech has issued this guideline as a first step to fill the gap in phased array
ultrasonic technology information and to provide an overview of its many

The guideline includes the following:

• Chapter 1, “Basic Concepts of Phased Array Ultrasonic Technology”

Describes the phased array ultrasonic technology principles and
illustrates the main hardware components, type of beam forming and
scanning patterns (linear, sectorial, dynamic depth focusing, 3-D), phased
array advantages, defect discrimination, pattern recognition and
advanced imaging, and basic system requirements.
• Chapter 2, “Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data”
Describes the most commonly used formulas in phased array ultrasonic
technology and illustrates the basic requirements to build setups and
analyze defects (Snell’s law, attenuation, defect sizing, mode-converted
techniques, couplant influence, gain compensation with refracted angle,
reflectivity laws from different reflectors, ultrasonics setting formulas).
• Chapter 3, “Probes and Ultrasonic Field Formula”
Presents the properties of piezocomposite materials, types of phased
array probes and their properties, the main field features, guidelines to
design a phased array probe, and the minimum features required for
• Chapter 4, “Scanning Patterns and Views”
Describes the main scanning patterns, data acquisition methods, and the
most important views used when inspecting with the phased array
ultrasonic technology.
• Chapter 5, “Applications”
Consists of the following sections:
— “Olympus Instruments” (scanners, probes, hardware, software)

Introduction 3
— “On-Site Equipment Checking”
— “Active Element Integrity Checking”
— “Ray Tracing”
— “Aerospace”
— “Energy”
— “Pressure Vessel Construction Weld Inspection”
— “Pipeline Phased Arrays”
— “Miscellaneous Applications”
— “Mills and Manufacturing”
— “Railroad Transportation”
— “Portable Phased Array Applications”
The applications describe R/D Tech’s solutions for specific inspection
problems brought up by our customers.
• Chapter 6, “Conclusions and Recommendations”
Sums up the main ideas of this guideline and makes specific
recommendations to enhance your knowledge about the phased array
• Appendix: “Unit Conversion”
Provides the metric-English conversions for units used in this book.
• “Web Site Forum”1
Presents the web-hosted discussion forum where you can browse to find
or post added information.
• “Glossary”
Lists abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols used in the guideline, along
with short definitions.
• “References”
Is selective to the main R/D Tech manuals and technical papers.
Additional standards for probes and ultrasonic flaw detectors (systems)
are also mentioned. Major EPRI workshops and worldwide NDT
conferences are mentioned at the end of the section.

As the title suggests, this book is an introduction to the phased array ultrasonic
technology; this R/D Tech guideline2 is not a training manual. Specific
problem-solving examples, with different degrees of difficulty, will be issued

1. Editor’s note at fourth printing: Web Site Forum existed at the time of first printing, but
has since been removed. For information on current online discussions, please contact
2. Editor’s note at fourth printing: The document subtitle is now Olympus Guideline.

4 Introduction
in the upcoming R/D Tech training manuals (beginner, level II, advanced, and

This guideline is the first book issued by R/D Tech to help people, particularly
those using conventional ultrasound, comprehend the phased array
ultrasonic technology.

As mentioned in chapter 6, “Conclusions and Recommendations,” and in

“Web Site Forum,”1 your support and comments are important. They will
help improve on phased array ultrasonic technology and NDT inspection
equipment to better fulfill the industry requirements.

R/D Tech is waiting for your input, so the second edition of this guideline will
feature contents more adapted to your needs and expectations.

We hope this book will be a worthy contribution to the development of

phased array ultrasonic technologies and becomes an integral part of your
NDT references.

Noël Dubé
Business Development Vice-President
R/D Tech

1. Editor’s note at fourth printing: Web Site Forum existed at the time of first printing, but
has since been removed. For information on current online discussions, please contact

Introduction 5
References to Introduction

1. Somer, J. C. “Electronic Sector Scanning for Ultrasonic Diagnosis,” Ultrasonics,

vol. 6 (1968): p. 153.
2. Gebhardt, W., F. Bonitz, and H. Woll. “Defect Reconstruction and Classification
by Phased Arrays.” Materials Evaluation, vol. 40, no. 1 (1982): pp. 90–95.
3. Von Ramm, O. T., and S. W. Smith. “Beam Steering with Linear Arrays.”
Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 30, no. 8 (August 1983): pp. 438–452.
4. Erhards, A., H. Wüstenberg, G. Schenk, and W. Möhrle. “Calculation and
Construction of Phased Array-UT Probes.” Proceedings 3rd German-Japanese Joint
Seminar on Research of Structural Strength and NDE Problems in Nuclear Engineering,
Stuttgart, Germany, August 1985.
5. Hosseini, S., S. O. Harrold, and J. M. Reeves. “Resolutions Studies on an
Electronically Focused Ultrasonic Array.” British Journal of Non-Destructive Testing,
vol. 27, no. 4 (July 1985): pp. 234–238.
6. Gururaja, T. T. “Piezoelectric composite materials for ultrasonic transducer
applications.” Ph.D. thesis, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park,
PA, May 1984.
7. McNab, A., and I. Stumpf. “Monolithic Phased Array for the Transmission of
Ultrasound in NDT Ultrasonics.” Ultrasonics, vol. 24 (May 1984): pp. 148–155.
8. McNab, A., and M. J. Campbell. “Ultrasonic Phased Array for Nondestructive
Testing.” NDT International, vol. 51, no. 5: pp. 333–337.
9. Hayward, G., and J. Hossack. “Computer models for analysis and design of 1-3
composite transducers.” Ultrasonic International 89 Conference Proceedings, pp. 532–
535, 1989.
10. Poon, W., B. W. Drinkwater, and P. D. Wilcox. “Modelling ultrasonic array
performance in simple structures.” Insight, vol. 46, no. 2 (February 2004): pp. 80–
11. Smiths, W. A. “The role of piezocomposites in ultrasonic transducers.” 1989 IEEE
Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings, pp. 755–766, 1989.
12. Hashimoto, K. Y., and M. Yamaguchi. “Elastic, piezoelectric and dielectric
properties of composite materials.” 1986 IEEE Ultrasonic Symposium Proceedings,
pp. 697–702, 1986.
13. Oakley, C. G. “Analysis and development of piezoelectric composites for medical
ultrasound transducer applications.” Ph.D. thesis, The Pennsylvania State
University, University Park, PA, May 1991.
14. American Society for Nondestructive Testing. Nondestructive Testing Handbook.
2nd edition. Vol. 7, Ultrasonic Testing, pp. 284–297. Columbus, OH: American
Society for Nondestructive Testing, 1991.
15. Krautkramer, J., and H. Krautkramer. Ultrasonic Testing of Materials. 4th fully rev.
ed., pp. 194–195, 201, and 493. Berlin; New York: Springer-Verlag, c1990.
16. DGZfP [German Society for Non-Destructive Testing]. Ultrasonic Inspection
Training Manual Level III-Engineers. 1992.

6 Introduction
17. Harumi, K., M. Uchida, and H. Okada. Ultrasonic Defect Sizing - Japanese Tip Echo
Handbook. 2nd version. Edited by K. Harumi, Y. Ogura, and M. Uchida. Translated
by D. C. Moles and N. Miura. JSNDI (Japanese Society for Non-Destructive
Inspection), 1989.
18. Schelengermann, U. “Sound field structure of plane ultrasonic sources with
focusing lenses.” Acustica, vol. 30, no. 6 (1974): pp. 291–300.
19. Schelengermann, U. “The characterization of focusing ultrasonic transducers by
means of single frequency analysis.” Materials Evaluation, vol. 38, no. 12 (Dec.
1980): pp. 73–79.
20. Wüstenberg, H., E. Schenk, W. Möhrle, and E. Neumann. “Comparison of the
performances of probes with different focusing techniques and experiences.” 10th-
WCNDT Proceedings, vol. 7, pp 563–567.
21. Wüstenberg, H., J. Kutzner, and W. Möhrle. “Focusing probes for the
improvement of flaw size in thick-walled reactor components.” [In German.]
Materialprüfung, vol. 18, no. 5 (May 1976): pp. 152–161.
22. Singh, G. P., and J. L. Rose. “A simple model for computing ultrasonic beam
behavior of broad-band transducers.” Materials Evaluation, vol. 40, no. 7 (1982):
pp. 880–885.
23. Fowler, K. A., H. C. Hotchkiss, and T. V. Yamartino. “Important characteristics of
ultrasonic transducers and their factors related to their applications.”
Panametrics, USA, 1993.
24. Hotchkiss, F. H., D. R. Patch, and M. E. Stanton. “Examples of ways to evaluate
tolerances on transducer manufacturing specifications.” Materials Evaluation,
vol. 45, no. 10 (1987): pp. 1195–1202.
25. Murphy, R. V. “Focussed Ultrasonic Probes for Contact Inspection.” Materials
Evaluation, vol. 38, no. 9 (1980): pp. 53–58.
26. Onozawa, M., and Y. Ishii. “The industrial application of improved narrow-beam
probes for ultrasonic inspection.” British Journal of Non-Destructive Testing, vol. 28,
no. 1 (1986): pp. 23–26.
27. Beck, K. H. “Ultrasonic transducers focusing for inspection of cylindrical
material.” Materials Evaluation, vol. 49, no. 7 (July 1991): pp. 875–882.
28. Fleury, G., and C. Gondard. “Improvements of Ultrasonic Inspections through the
Use of Piezo Composite Transducers.” 6th Eur. Conference on Non Destructive
Testing, Nice, 1994.
29. Ritter, J. “Ultrasonic Phased Array Probes for Non-Destructive Examinations
Using Composite Crystal Technology.” DGZfP, 1996.

Introduction 7
Chapter Contents

1.1 Principles ......................................................................................................... 9

1.2 Delay Laws, or Focal Laws ......................................................................... 13
1.3 Basic Components of a Phased Array System.......................................... 16
1.4 Basic Scanning and Imaging ....................................................................... 16
References to Chapter 1.......................................................................................... 21

8 Chapter Contents
1. Basic Concepts of Phased Array Ultrasonic

This chapter describes the principles pertaining to ultrasound, the concepts of

time delays (or focal laws) for phased arrays, and Olympus phased array

1.1 Principles

Ultrasonic waves are mechanical vibrations induced in an elastic medium

(the test piece) by the piezocrystal probe excited by an electrical voltage.
Typical frequencies of ultrasonic waves are in the range of 0.1 MHz to
50 MHz. Most of the industrial applications require frequencies between
0.5 MHz and 15 MHz.

Most conventional ultrasonic inspections use monocrystal probes with

divergent beams. The ultrasonic field propagates along an acoustic axis with
a single refracted angle. The divergence of this beam is the only “additional”
angle, which might contribute to detection and sizing of misoriented small

Assume the monoblock is cut in many identical elements, each with a width
much smaller than its length (elevation [ e < W ]) [for definitions, see
“Glossary” on page 307]. Each small crystal may be considered a line source
of cylindrical waves. The wavefronts of the new acoustic block will interfere,
generating an overall wavefront.

The small wavefronts can be time-delayed and synchronized for phase and
amplitude, in such a way as to create an ultrasonic focused beam with steering

The main feature of phased array ultrasonic technology is the computer-

controlled excitation (amplitude and delay) of individual elements in a
multielement probe. The excitation of piezocomposite elements can generate

Basic Concepts of Phased Array Ultrasonic Technology 9

an ultrasonic focused beam with the possibility of modifying the beam
parameters such as angle, focal distance, and focal spot size through software.
The sweeping beam is focused and can detect in specular mode the
misoriented cracks. These cracks may be located randomly away from the
beam axis. A single crystal probe, with limited movement and beam angle,
has a high probability of missing misoriented cracks, or cracks located away
from the beam axis (see Figure 1-1).


F3, β3, Φ3
F1, β1, Φ1

F2, β2, Φ2

Figure 1-1 Detection of misoriented cracks by monocrystal (left) and multielement probes
(right). The beam is divergent and unidirectional for the monocrystal probe, while it is focused
and multiangled for the phased array probe. Cracks of most orientations can be detected by
the phased array probe.

To generate a beam in phase and with a constructive interference, the various

active probe elements are pulsed at slightly different times. As shown in
Figure 1-2, the echo from the desired focal point hits the various transducer
elements with a computable time shift. The echo signals received at each
transducer element are time-shifted before being summed together. The
resulting sum is an A-scan that emphasizes the response from the desired
focal point and attenuates various other echoes from other points in the

• During transmission, the acquisition instrument sends a trigger signal to

the phased array instrument. The latter converts the signal into a high-
voltage pulse with a preprogrammed width and time delay defined in the
focal laws. Each element receives one pulse only. This creates a beam with
a specific angle and focused at a specific depth. The beam hits the defect
and bounces back.
• The signals are received, then time-shifted according to the receiving
focal law. They are then reunited together to form a single ultrasonic
pulse that is sent to the acquisition instrument.

10 Chapter 1
Probes Incident wave front
Emitting Pulses
Acquisition Phased array
unit unit Flaw

Reflected wave front

Receiving Echo signals

Acquisition Phased array

unit unit Flaw

Delays at reception

Figure 1-2 Beam forming and time delay for pulsing and receiving multiple beams (same
phase and amplitude).

The beam focusing principle for normal and angled incidences is illustrated
in Figure 1-3.

a b

Delay [ns]
Delay [ns]

PA probe PA probe

Resulting wave surface

Figure 1-3 Beam focusing principle for (a) normal and (b) angled incidences.

Basic Concepts of Phased Array Ultrasonic Technology 11

The delay value on each element depends on the aperture of the phased array
probe active element, type of wave, refracted angle, and focal depth.

There are three major computer-controlled beam scanning patterns (see also
chapters 3 and 4):

• Electronic scanning: the same focal law and delay is multiplexed across a
group of active elements (see Figure 1-4); scanning is performed at a
constant angle and along the phased array probe length (aperture). This
is equivalent to a conventional ultrasonic transducer performing a raster
scan for corrosion mapping or shear wave inspection. If an angled wedge
is used, the focal laws compensate for different time delays inside the
• Dynamic depth focusing, or DDF (along the beam axis): scanning is
performed with different focal depths. In practice, a single transmitted
focused pulse is used, and refocusing is performed on reception for all
programmed depths (see Figure 1-5).
• Sectorial scanning (also called azimuthal or angular scanning): the beam is
moved through a sweep range for a specific focal depth, using the same
elements; other sweep ranges with different focal depths may be added.
The angular sectors may have different values.

Active group
(virtual probe aperture)

1 128

Scanning direction

Figure 1-4 Electronic scanning with normal beam (virtual probe aperture = 16 elements).

12 Chapter 1
a 140 b
FD = 15


FD = 15
Time delay [ns]

80 FD = 30
FD = 30

40 FD = 60 FD = 60


0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
Element number

Figure 1-5 Delay values (left) and depth scanning principles (right) for a 32-element linear
array probe focusing at 15-mm, 30-mm, and 60-mm longitudinal waves. Direct contact, no
angled wedge.

1.2 Delay Laws, or Focal Laws

The focal law delay for probes without wedge—in direct contact with the test
piece—, which were programmed to generate longitudinal waves, has a
parabolic shape for depth focusing. The delay increases from the edges of the
probe towards the center. The delay will be divisible in half when the focal
distance is doubled (see Figure 1-5). The element timing has a linear increase
when the element pitch is increasing (see Figure 1-7).

Phased array probes installed on the wedge provide delay laws with different
shapes, based on Fermat’s principle of minimum arrival time along a specific
path (see Figure 1-6). Other types of phased array probes (matrix or conical,
for example) may require advanced simulation for delay law values and for
beam feature evaluation (see chapters 3 and 5).

If the beam deflection is sectorial (azimuthal), and the probe has no wedge,
the delay on identical elements will depend on the element position in the
active aperture and on the generated angle (see Figure 1-8). The delay value
increases with refracted angle and with element number.

Basic Concepts of Phased Array Ultrasonic Technology 13


1 450


Time delay [ns]


Experimental setup
e2 > e2
L-waves - 5,920 m/s
F 200
Focal depth = 20 mm
Linear array n = 16 elements
150 Delay for element no. 1


e3 > e2 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5
Element pitch [mm]

Figure 1-6 Delay dependence on pitch size for the same focal depth.

60 degrees

30 degrees
Time delay [ns]

500 F15/60
F1 400 F15/45
F2= 2 F1 F15/30

45 degrees

0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
Element number

Figure 1-7 Example of delay dependence on refracted angle and element position for a
phased array probe on a 37° Plexiglas wedge (H1 = 5 mm).

14 Chapter 1

LW-no wedge
1200 ____F1 = 15 mm 60º
_ _ _F2= 30 mm

1000 45º


Delay [ns]
F2= 2 F1 30º
Δβ1 600

Δβ2 15º

1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29
Element number

Figure 1-8 Example of delay dependence on generated angle, and element position and focal
depth for a probe with no wedge (longitudinal waves, refracted angle in steel: 15–60°).

If the phased array probe is on a wedge, the delay value depends on element
position and programmed refracted angle.

The delay has a parabolic shape for the angle given by Snell’s law (45° in
Figure 1-7). For angles smaller than one provided by Snell’s law, the delay on
elements increases from the back towards the front of the probe. For greater
angles, the delay is higher for the back elements, because the beam generated
by the front elements follows a longer path in the wedge, and thus they have
to be excited first.

In all cases, the delay value on each element must be accurately controlled.
The minimum delay increment determines the maximum probe frequency
that can be used according to the following ratio:


Basic Concepts of Phased Array Ultrasonic Technology 15

1.3 Basic Components of a Phased Array System

The main components required for a basic scanning system with phased
array instruments are presented in Figure 1-9.

Computer UT PA instrument Motion Control

(with TomoView (Tomoscan III PA) Drive Unit
software) (MCDU-02)

Test piece Phased array probe Scanner/manipulator

inspected by
phased arrays

Figure 1-9 Basic components of a phased array system and their interconnectivity.

1.4 Basic Scanning and Imaging

During a scan with mechanical device, data is collected based on encoder

position. The data is displayed in different views for interpretation.

Typically, phased arrays use multiple stacked A-scans (also called “B-scans,”
see details on chapter 4) with different angles, time of flight and time delays
on each small piezocomposite crystal (element) of the phased array probe.

The real-time information from the total number of A-scans, which are fired
for a specific probe position, are displayed in a sectorial scan or S-scan, or in a
electronic B-scan (see chapter 4 for more details).

Both S-scans and electronic scans provide a global image and quick
information about the component and possible discontinuities detected in the
ultrasonic range at all angles and positions (see Figure 1-10).

16 Chapter 1
a PA probe b

Figure 1-10 Detection of four side-drilled holes (SDH): (a) sectorial scanning principle;
(b) S-scan view using ±30°.

Data plotting into the 2-D layout of the test piece, called “corrected S-scans,”
makes the interpretation and analysis of ultrasonic results straightforward.
S-scans offer the following benefits:

• Image display during a scan

• True depth representation
• 2-D volumetric reconstruction
Advanced imaging can be achieved by a combination of linear and sectorial
scanning with multiple-angle scans during probe movement. S-scan displays
in combination with other views (see chapter 4 for more details) lead to a
form of defect imaging or recognition. Figure 1-11 illustrates the detection of
artificial defects and the comparison between the defect dimensions
(including shape) and B-scan data.

Figure 1-11 Advanced imaging of artificial defects using merged data: defects and scanning
pattern (top); merged B-scan display (bottom).

Basic Concepts of Phased Array Ultrasonic Technology 17

A combination of longitudinal wave and shear wave scans can be very useful
for detection and sizing with little probe movement (see Figure 1-12). In this
setup, the active aperture can be moved to optimize the detection and sizing

Figure 1-12 Detection and sizing of misoriented defects by a combination of longitudinal

wave (1) and shear wave sectorial scans (2).

Cylindrical, elliptical or spherical focused beams have a better signal-to-noise

ratio (discrimination capability) and a narrower beam spread than divergent
beams. Figure 1-13 illustrates the discrimination of cluster holes by a
cylindrical focused beam.

Figure 1-13 Discrimination (resolution) of cluster holes: (a) top view (C-scan); (b) side view

18 Chapter 1
Real-time scanning can be combined with probe movement, and the data
merged into a single view (see Figure 1-14). This feature offers the following

• High redundancy
• Defect location
• Accurate plotting
• Defect imaging

a b c

a+b+ c

Figure 1-14 Multiple scan patterns and merged data to show potential imaging techniques
for defects.

Figure 1-15 shows sectorial plans in the volume. Each slice presents a section
of the defect at a different position. Such slices compare to metallographic
multiple slices during defect sizing and characterization.

Basic Concepts of Phased Array Ultrasonic Technology 19

Figure 1-15 Multiple scan patterns and merged data to show potential imaging techniques
for defects.

More details regarding the general concepts of phased array ultrasonic

principles may be found in references 1 to 9.

20 Chapter 1
References to Chapter 1

1. American Society for Nondestructive Testing. Nondestructive Testing Handbook.

2nd edition. Vol. 7, Ultrasonic Testing, pp. 284–297. Columbus, OH: American
Society for Nondestructive Testing, 1991.
2. Spies, M., W. Gebhardt, and M. Kröning (IZFP Saarbrücken). “Recent
Developments in Phased Array Technology.” [In German.] NDT of Welds
Conference, Bamberg, Sept. 7–9, 1998.
3. Wüstenberg, H., A. Erhard, and G. Schenk. “Some Characteristic Parameters of
Ultrasonic Phased Array Probes and Equipments.” The e-Journal of Nondestructive
Testing, vol. 4, no. 4 (April 1999). NDTnet,
4. Wüstenberg, H., A. Erhard, and G. Schenk. “Scanning Modes at the Application
of Ultrasonic Phased Array Inspection Systems.” WCNDT, paper idn 193, Rome,
Oct. 2000.
5. Gros, X. E, N. B. Cameron, and M. King. “Current Applications and Future
Trends in Phased Array Technology.” Insight, vol. 44, no. 11 (Nov. 2002).
6. Bird, C. R. “Ultrasonic phased array inspection technology for the evaluation of
friction stir welds.” Insight, vol. 46, no. 1 (January 2004): pp. 31–36.
7. Lafontaine, G., and F. Cancre. “Potential of UT Phased Arrays for Faster, Better,
and Lower Cost Inspections.”
8. Lamarre, A., M. Moles, and F. Cancre. “Use of state-of-the art phased-array
ultrasound for the inspection of Friction Stir Welds (FSW).”
9. R/D Tech. “Ultrasound Phased Array.” The e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing,
vol. 7, no. 5 (May 2004). NDTnet,

Basic Concepts of Phased Array Ultrasonic Technology 21

Chapter Contents

2.1 Physics of Ultrasonics—Definitions .......................................................... 23

2.2 Some Common Velocities and Wavelengths ............................................ 25
2.3 Sound Pressure Formulas ........................................................................... 29
2.4 Example of Temperature Effects ................................................................ 39
2.5 Circular Transducers.................................................................................... 39
2.6 Beam Divergence.......................................................................................... 46
2.7 Rectangular Probes ...................................................................................... 48
2.8 Focused Sound Fields .................................................................................. 51
2.9 Time-Frequency Response .......................................................................... 57
2.10 Probe Classification Based on BW (Damping) ......................................... 59
2.11 Ultrasonic Beam Interaction with Test Piece / Reflectors ....................... 61
2.12 Attenuation.................................................................................................... 66
2.13 Defect Sizing Using Diffraction and Mode-Conversion Techniques .... 68
2.14 Testing Round Parts ..................................................................................... 88
2.15 Measuring the Lengths of Small Defects .................................................. 90
2.16 Reliability of Ultrasonic Inspection ........................................................... 92
References to Chapter 2.......................................................................................... 94

22 Chapter Contents
2. Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data

This chapter is a brief review of the main formulas used in conventional

ultrasonics and in advanced sizing. Specific tables and graphs are useful for
phased array ultrasonics (to detail the focal law sectorial scanning range,
location of mode-converted signals, gain loss, gain compensation with angle,
axial and lateral probe resolution, and beam features).

2.1 Physics of Ultrasonics—Definitions

Ultrasonic waves are characterized by:

• Particle deviation, ε [m]

• Frequency, f [MHz = 106 s-1]
• Velocity (speed), v (see Table 2-1) [km/s; mm/µs]
• Wavelength, λ = v ⁄ f (see Table 2-2) [mm]
• Angular velocity, ω [rad/s-1]
• Acoustic impedance, Z = v • ρ [kg/m2 s = rayl]
• Intensity of acoustic power, J = 0.5 Zω 2 ξ 2 [W/m2]
• Intensity (amplitude) ratio [dB]
• Sound pressure, P [Pa = N/m2]
• Attenuation coefficient, αattenuation [dB/mm]

The following types of waves may be generated in a solid:

• Longitudinal (compression)
• Transverse (shear)
• Creeping (head)
• Surface (Rayleigh)

Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data 23

• Guided (Lamb)
• Edge (diffracted)

Note: Longitudinal wave is the only mode that can generally be

propagated through liquids and gases.

Solids support many different types of wave modes, unlike liquids and gases.
The two main types are longitudinal (L-waves) and shear waves (S-waves).
L-waves have the particle motion and propagation in the same direction,
while shear waves have particle and propagation at right angles to each other.
The other wave modes listed here are typically combinations of these two
basic modes. For example, Lamb waves are normally bulk waves in plates
using both L and S characteristics. Surface waves are usually a special form of
S-wave. Diffracted waves are either L-waves or S-waves (see section 2.13).

The formulas for longitudinal, transverse, and surface waves are:

E( 1 – μ) 0.5
v L = ------------------------------------------ (2.1)
ρ ( 1 + μ ) ( 1 – 2μ )

E 0.5
v T = ------------------------ (2.2)
2ρ ( 1 + μ )

( 0.87 + 1.12μ )
v S = ------------------------------------ v T (2.3)
(1 + μ)


E: modulus of elasticity (Young’s modulus) [N/m2]

μ: Poisson’s ratio [ ( E – 2G ) ⁄ 2G ]
ρ: mass density [kg/m3]

The surface (Rayleigh) velocity is about 0.92 × shear wave velocity.

24 Chapter 2
2.2 Some Common Velocities and Wavelengths

The velocities and acoustic impedance for the most common used materials
are presented in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1 Velocities and acoustic impedance for frequently used and tested materials
at 20°C.

Mass Velocity Velocity Acoustic

Material density (LW) (SW) impedance

kg/m3 m/s m/s 106 kg/m2 s

Liquid couplant / wedge material

Water (20°C) 1,000 1,480 - 1.48

Heavy water 1,104 1,400 - 1.55

Glycerin (Hamikleer) 1,260 1,920 - 2.42

Motor oil 870 1,740 - 1.51

Acrylic resin 1,180 2,730 1,430 3.22

Lucite 1,180 2,680 1,260 3.16
Plexiglas 1,270 2,730 - 3.51

Polystyrene 1,056 2,340 - 2.47


Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data 25

Table 2-1 Velocities and acoustic impedance for frequently used and tested materials
at 20°C. (Cont.)

Mass Velocity Velocity Acoustic

Material density (LW) (SW) impedance

kg/m3 m/s m/s 106 kg/m2 s

Component material

Aluminum 2,700 6,320 3,130 17.06

Brass 8,560 4,280 2,030 36.64

Copper 8,930 4,660 2,260 41.61

Gold 19,320 3,240 1,200 62.60

Inconel 8,500 5,820 3,020 49.47

Iron cast–slow 6,950 3,500 2,200 25

Iron cast–fast 7,350 5,600 3,200 40

Monel 8,830 5,350 2,720 47.24

Steel 1020 7,710 5,890 3,240 45.41

Steel, austenitic 7,910 5,740 3,090 45.40

Titanium 4,500 6,070 3,110 27.32

Tungsten 19,250 5,180 2,870 99.72

Zircaloy 6,500 4,686 2,360 30.46

Source: ASNT, Nondestructive Testing Handbook, 2nd edition, vol. 7, Ultrasonic Testing (Columbus, OH: American
Society for Nondestructive Testing, 1991), p. 836–839.

The wavelengths for the most frequently used couplants, wedge materials,
and inspected test pieces are presented in Table 2-2.

26 Chapter 2
Table 2-2 Wavelengths for the most commonly used couplants, wedges, and materials in
industrial ultrasonic inspection at 20°C.

Wavelength (mm)
(MHz) Longitudinal Shear waves


1 1.5 -

2 0.75 -

4 0.4 -

5 0.3 -

10 0.15 -

Glycerin (Hamikleer)

1 1.9 -

2 0.95 -

4 0.48 -

5 0.38 -

10 0.19 -


1 2.7 -

2 1.35 -

4 0.75 -

5 0.54 -

10 0.27 -

Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data 27

Table 2-2 Wavelengths for the most commonly used couplants, wedges, and materials in
industrial ultrasonic inspection at 20°C. (Cont.)

Wavelength (mm)
(MHz) Longitudinal Shear waves


1 2.3 -

2 1.15 -

4 0.58 -

5 0.46 -

10 0.23 -


1 5.9 3.2

2 3 1.6

4 1.5 0.8

5 1.2 0.6

10 0.6 0.3


1 6.1 3

2 3 1.5

4 1.5 0.8

5 1.2 0.6

10 0.6 0.3

28 Chapter 2
2.3 Sound Pressure Formulas

Sound pressure is critical in modeling inspection procedures. The following

section gives numerical approaches for modeling. It also includes some
aspects of refraction at interfaces, which is essential in modeling ultrasonics.

A co-phasal plane wave has a given phase of the oscillation (ω) moving
parallel to itself. The wavefront may be spherical or cylindrical (see Figure

z1 z1


Figure 2-1 Examples of propagation for spherical (point source) and cylindrical (line source)

The sound pressure at a point for spherical waves depends on distance

according to the following law:

P z
 -----2- = ----2 (2.4)
 P 1 spherical waves z1

The sound pressure for cylindrical waves changes as a function of the


Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data 29

P z 2 0.5
 -----2- =  ---- (2.5)
 P 1 cylindrical waves  z 1

The ultrasonic waves have the following properties:

• Reflection. Energy returning off an interface where the acoustic

impedances of the mating materials differ due to inherent acoustic
velocity and density values ( α = α′ — or angle of incidence = angle of
• Refraction. A change in the direction of propagation when a wave passes
from one medium to another of differing velocity (Snell’s law:
sin α- = ----
---------- - ).
sin β v2
• Attenuation. Reduction in amplitude, density, or energy as the result of
friction absorption and scattering (basically loss of sound as it travels
through a material, generally more pronounced as grain size increases).
See also section 2.12, “Attenuation,” page 66.
• Dispersion. Separation of a wave into waves of different frequencies (can
be useful in specialized analysis of materials using frequency response
• Interference. Superposition of two or more waves of the same frequency
resulting in a single wave (constructive wave fronts accumulating into
one wave front).
• Diffraction. The ability of waves to spread around edges of small
dimensions (such as the tips of cracks).
• Polarization. Associated with wave propagation in certain media where
the displacement direction of the wave disturbance varies in time
(directional property of wave vibration).
• Mode-conversion. Change of the vibration mode.

The main reflected/refracted combinations for longitudinal and shear waves

in steel are presented in Figure 2-2. Solids can support both L-waves and
S-waves (as well as other modes), and these are illustrated in Figure 2-2 (3). If
the incident angle is above the “second critical angle,” the shear wave is
totally reflected. In most cases, extra wave modes (plate or diffracted, for
example) are not included for clarity.

30 Chapter 2
29° 29°

61° 29°

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8

29° 61° 61° 61°


9 10 11

Figure 2-2 Possible events from longitudinal and shear wave reflection/refraction in steel, with
different interfaces (2nd medium) [red line is LW; blue line is SW]: (1) LW at normal incidence
steel-air; (2) LW at 29° steel-air; (3) LW at 61° steel-air; (4) LW on the wedge-steel; (5) LW
from steel to the wedge; (6) LW at first critical angle 1; (7) LW at second critical angle 2; (8) LW
generating creeping waves; (9) SW at normal incidence (honey/viscose resin as couplant)
steel-air; (10) SW at 29° steel-air; (11) SW at 61° steel-air.

The reflection coefficient (R) is given by formula (2.6):

( Z2 – Z1 )
R = ----------------------
- (2.6)
( Z1 + Z2 )

The transmission (refracted) coefficient (T) is given by formula (2.7):

2Z 2
T = ----------------------
- (2.7)
( Z1 + Z2 )

The influence of the couplant in transmission is given by formula (2.8) [see

Figure 2-3 for an example]:

( 4Z 1 ⁄ Z 3 )
T couplant = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (2.8)
[ ( Z 1 ⁄ Z 3 + 1 ) cos θ + ( Z 1 ⁄ Z 2 + Z 2 ⁄ Z 3 )sin 2 θ ]
2 2

Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data 31


θ = 2πt couplant ⁄ λ couplant

T couplant = transmission coefficient through couplant
Z1 = acoustic impedance of medium 1 (wedge)
Z2 = acoustic impedance of the test piece
Z3 = acoustic impedance of the couplant



Figure 2-3 Reflection and transmission coefficients for immersion (left) and direct contact
(wedge) [right], taking the couplant layer into account.

The optimum couplant thickness is less than λ/2, and ideally only a few
microns. For a couplant thickness of λ/4, the gain loss is about 5 dB.

The amplitude variation (dB or %FSH) is defined as:

ΔA = 20log 10  ------
 A 2

See Figure 2-4 for details.

32 Chapter 2
Amplitude (%FSH)*

dB = 20 log10 (A1/A2)
x dB


*FSH = full screen height UT half path

Figure 2-4 Relationship between the amplitudes of two signals.

The relationship between the amplitude variation in % of FSH (full screen

height) and the dB reading is presented in Figure 2-5.

For example, if a small crack signal has an amplitude of 40% from the
reference level (which is, say, 100% of FSH) of an EDM (electrical discharged
machining) notch, the crack amplitude is –8 dB below this level.

Amplitude height [% FSH]


ΔG = –8dB

-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
Amplitude variation [dB]

Figure 2-5 Graph representation between amplitude ratio and dB value. Example for 40% of
FSH vs. 100% of FSH; ΔG = −8 dB.

Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data 33

The transmission loss (in dB) of a wave from medium 1 to medium 2 is given
by formula (2.9):

Z1 Z2
ΔG transmission = – 20 log 10 ----------------------- (2.9)
( Z1 + Z2 )

The reflection loss (in dB) at the boundary between medium 1 and medium 2
is given by formula (2.10):

( Z2 – Z1 )
ΔG reflection = – 20 log 10 ----------------------- (2.10)
( Z1 + Z2 )

Snell’s law will be affected by the velocity dependence on temperature. The

graphs in Figure 2-6 to Figure 2-9 should be corrected for actual velocities at
the test piece temperature. These temperature variations increase with a
refracted angle. The velocity variations due to temperature (see Figure 2-10 to
Figure 2-13) must be taken into account to avoid any error in detection, sizing,
and positioning.




Angle in steel [degrees]




10 S-waves

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Angle in Rexolite [degrees]

Figure 2-6 Snell’s law for a Rexolite wedge on mild steel.

34 Chapter 2



Angle in steel [degrees]





10 S-waves

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Angle in Plexiglas [degrees]

Figure 2-7 Snell’s law for a Plexiglas wedge on mild steel.




Angle in steel [degrees]




10 S-waves

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Angle in water [degrees]

Figure 2-8 Snell’s law for immersion–mild steel.

Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data 35




Angle in aluminum [degrees]





10 S-waves

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Angle in water [degrees]

Figure 2-9 Snell’s law for water-aluminum.

The graphs in Figure 2-10 to Figure 2-13 show typical temperature effects on
refracted angles. These types of results are important in industrial
applications since components are often at a different temperature to the ideal
or calibration values. Actual angles can be calculated using Snell’s Law.

36 Chapter 2




L-waves velocity [m/s]








20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Temperature [Celsius degrees]

Figure 2-10 Velocity variation in a Plexiglas wedge in relation to temperature.



H2O – water

Velocity [m/s]


D2O – heavy water



20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Water temperature [Celsius degrees]

Figure 2-11 Velocity variation in water and heavy water in relation to temperature.

Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data 37




Velocity [m/s]




25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
Temperature [Celsius degrees]

Figure 2-12 Velocity variation of longitudinal waves in steel in relation to temperature.



Velocity [m/s]





25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
Temperature [Celsius degrees]

Figure 2-13 Velocity variation of shear waves in steel in relation to temperature.

38 Chapter 2
2.4 Example of Temperature Effects

As mentioned earlier, temperature can be an important factor in inspections if

the refracted angles are outside a reasonable range. The following example
shows how real refracted angles can be calculated.

Situation: An annular array probe is used in combination with a specially

designed mirror to inspect a small bore piping weld. The probe system is
immersed in water at 60°C. The sweep range was calibrated at 20°C. The
sweep range is from 30° to 60°. What is the actual sweep range at 60°C?

Answer: Input the correction for velocities for 60°C from Figure 2-11 (water)
and Figure 2-13 (T-waves—steel). The new velocity values will give you the
sweep range in steel at 60°C as lying between 28.4° to 54.4°.

2.5 Circular Transducers

The sound pressure produced by a circular transducer possesses variations

along the propagation axis (acoustic) and along the axis perpendicular to it.
The ratio between probe diameter D and wavelength λ provides an answer to
the location of maxima and minima, beam divergence, and beam diameter.
For a free-field propagation (same medium, no interaction with defects, no
reflection), the distance in front of the probe is divided into three regions (see
Figure 2-14).

These results are strictly applicable to one test medium only, and for normal
beam applications. In practice, conventional ultrasound produces a range of
angles due to beam divergence and wedge refraction effects. However, these
are small compared with phased array beam sweeping.

1. Near-field zone, for 0 ≤ z ≤ N 0

2. Transit-field zone, for N 0 ≤ z ≤ 3N 0

3. Far-field zone, for z > 3N 0


( D probe
2 – λ2)
N 0 = ---------------------------------
( 4λ )

is the near-field length. Near-field length depends on probe frequency and

medium velocity. For probes with D probe ⁄ λ > 10 , the near-field length can be

Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data 39

approximated by formula (2.11):

D probe f
N 0 = ------------------
- (2.11)

Near field Transit field Far field

N0 3N0

Distance z

N 0/2 N0 2N 0 3N 0 4N 0 5N 0 6N 0

Figure 2-14 Sound region definition in xz plane for a circular probe (top) and the pressure
variation on the acoustic axis with distance (bottom) [disc-shaped transducer under continuous
and constant excitation]. Note that this figure is for a theoretical monofrequency crystal with a
sinusoidal pulse.

If the monofrequency crystal is excited by an electric signal with a different

duration, the sound pressure has a different shape3 (see Figure 2-15).

40 Chapter 2
Excitation signal Sound pressure Amplitude shape

a oscillation at Fc

Low damp

Medium damp 1

d Medium damp 2

High damp

Time [μs] Normalized distance z/N0

Figure 2-15 Sound pressure dependence on pulse shape (duration) excitation for plane disc-
shaped crystal.3

The sound pressure on the z-axis is given by formula (2.12):

π D probe 2
 -------------- 
P ( z ) = P 0 2 sin  --- - + z 2 – z  (2.12)
 2 
λ 

where: P0 = the sound pressure on the probe surface (z = 0).

The sound pressure in the far field may be approximated by formula (2.13):

P 0 πD probe 2 P 0 S probe
P ( z ) ≈ -------------------------- = -------------------- (2.13)
4λz λz

where: Sprobe = probe surface area

Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data 41

Equivalent near-field length in different materials is given by formula (2.14):

N 01 v 1
N 02 = --------------
- (2.14)

Note: This is for contact mode with no coupling path length.

The effective near-field length (see Figure 2-16) is given by formula (2.15):

cos β 2
N eff = N 0  ------------ (2.15)
 cos α


medium 1



β medium 2

Figure 2-16 Effective probe diameter and effective near-field length given by refraction law on
planar and curved surfaces.

Figure 2-16 shows the shortening of the near-far field transition under angled
transmission during immersion testing due to the narrowing effective

For longitudinal waves, the effective near-field length follows the curve
shown in Figure 2-17.

42 Chapter 2



Focusing steering power






0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Refracted angle [degrees]

Figure 2-17 Dependence of effective near-field length on refracted angle; longitudinal waves
refracted from a 0° to 60° range.

The near-field length values for the most commonly used circular probes are
presented in Table 2-3.

Table 2-3 Near-field length for circular crystals (in millimeters).

Frequency Crystal diameter (mm)
(MHz) 5 6 10 12 20 24
Water; LW; v = 1.5 mm/µs
1 4.2 6 17 24 68 96
2 8.4 12 34 48 136 192
4 17 24 68 96 272 384
5 21 30 85 120 340 480
10 42 60 170 240 680 920
Steel; LW; v = 5.9 mm/µs
1 1 1.5 4 6 16 24
2 2 3 8 12 32 48
4 4 6 16 24 64 96
5 5 7. 20 30 80 120
10 10 15 40 60 160 240
Steel; SW; v = 3.2 mm/µs
1 2 3 8 12 32 48
2 4 6 16 24 64 96
4 8 12 32 48 128 192
5 10 15 40 60 160 240
10 20 30 80 120 320 480

Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data 43

Table 2-3 Near-field length for circular crystals (in millimeters). (Cont.)
Frequency Crystal diameter (mm)
(MHz) 5 6 10 12 20 24
Copper; LW; v = 4.7 mm/µs
1 1.3 2 5 8 20 32
2 2.6 4 10 16 40 64
4 5 8 20 32 80 128
5 6.5 10 26 40 104 160
10 13 20 52 80 208 320
Aluminum; LW; v = 6.3 mm/µs
1 1 1.4 4 6 16 24
2 2 3 8 12 32 48
4 4 6 16 24 64 96
5 5 7 20 30 80 120
10 10 14 40 60 160 240

For circular oscillators, the sound pressure on the transverse axis (x) depends
on the beam divergence angle, according to formula (2.16) for the far field

2P z J 1 ( X )
P ( z, γ ) = ----------------------
- (2.16)


J 1 ( X ) = the first degree Bessel’s function

X = π ( D ⁄ λ ) sin γ

γ = divergence angle

Note: For angles of less than 10°,

sin γ ≈ tan γ ≈ γ [ in rad ] [1 rad = 57.3°].

The sound profile in space is given by isometrics and cross sections at specific
distances of sound pressure/amplitude (see Figure 2-18).

44 Chapter 2



−20 dB

−6 dB


x Zero 25
J1 (X) = 0

Near-field length N0


Φ-ΔdB crossing
J1 (X) = 0

Figure 2-18 Isometric (top), top view isobars display (middle), and cross section of sound
pressure in the near field (bottom) from a circular probe.

Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data 45

2.6 Beam Divergence

The beam divergence angle in the far field depends on the probe diameter
and frequency. The value for a specific dB drop is given in Table 2-4.

Table 2-4 Half-angle beam divergence constant: γ–Δ dB = arcsin (kλ/Dprobe).

Δ dB value kfree field

–1.5 0.37

–3 0.51

–6 0.70

–10 0.87

–12 0.93

–24 1.09

Zero crossing 1.22

(J1 = 0)

The half-angle beam divergence for pulse-echo is linked with the half-angle
beam divergence of the free-field using formula (2.17):

γ ( 2Δ dB ) pulse-echo = γ ( Δ dB ) free field (2.17)

The beam diameter for circular probes at a specific dB drop is obtained by

measuring the beam width at the appropriate dB drop (see Figure 2-19).

46 Chapter 2
–3 dB

–6 dB

Normalized amplitude –20 dB

-10 0 10

X = πD γ / λ

–20 dB
–6 dB


Φ–20 dB

Φ–6 dB
γ–20 dB
Φ−ΔdB = 2Kfree-fieldλz/D

Figure 2-19 Normalized amplitude dependence on divergence angle (top) and beam diameter
dependence on distance and dB drop of normalized amplitude for a circular probe (bottom).

The beam spread at −6 dB and −20 dB for disc-shaped and rectangular-

shaped probe surface is presented in Table 2-5.

Table 2-5 Beam spread of disc-shaped and rectangular-shaped probes.

Probe Δ dB Beam spread

γ –6 dB = arcsin  --------------
−6 dB  D 
γ –20 dB = arcsin  --------------
−20 dB  D 

Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data 47

Table 2-5 Beam spread of disc-shaped and rectangular-shaped probes. (Cont.)

Probe Δ dB Beam spread

λ –6 dB = arcsin  --------------
−6 dB  D 
λ –20 dB = arcsin  --------------
−20 dB  D 

The half angle spread in degrees at –6 dB drop in steel is presented in Figure


35 2 MHz
Half-angle beam spread [degrees]

30 5 MHz
25 10 MHz
5 10 15 20 25
Crystal diameter [mm]

Figure 2-20 6 dB half-angle beam spread for longitudinal waves in carbon steel.

2.7 Rectangular Probes

Piezoelectric crystal and piezocomposite materials can also be cut as

rectangular elements with a specific width/length ratio (Wprobe/Lprobe).

The sound pressure is no longer symmetrical, but elliptical in the far field (see
Figure 2-21). Its shape depends on the Wprobe/Lprobe ratio and the sound
pressure equation is given by formula (2.18):

48 Chapter 2
sin X 1 sin X 2
p rectangular = p 0  --------------  -------------- (2.18)
 X  X  1 2


X 1 = π ( L ⁄ λ ) sin γ length

X 2 = π ( W ⁄ λ ) sin γ width

L crystal = crystal length

W crystal = crystal width

γ length = half-angle beam divergence on length direction (xz plane)

k Δ dB λ
γ length = ----------------
- (2.19)
L crystal

γ width = half-angle beam divergence on width direction (yz plane)

k Δ dB λ
γ width = -----------------
- (2.20)
W crystal

ΦΔ dB (width)

Φ−Δ dB (length)
γ length

Figure 2-21 Beam divergence and shape for a rectangular probe.

The half-angle beam divergence has a higher value for the width of the probe
(where W crystal < L crystal ).

Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data 49

For a square crystal, the half-beam divergence in a free-field is equal to:

γ ( –6 dB )L = arcsin ( 0.44λ ⁄ L crystal ) (2.21)

γ ( –6 dB )W = arcsin ( 0.44λ ⁄ W crystal )

γ ( –20 dB )L = arcsin ( 0.74λ ⁄ L crystal )

γ ( –20 dB )W = arcsin ( 0.74λ ⁄ W crystal )

The maximum pressure and the longest near-field length is achieved for a
square probe ( L probe = W probe ). The near-field length formula is shown in
equation (2.22):10

k  L probe 2 f
N rectangular = -------------------------
- (2.22)


k = near-field correction factor (see Figure 2-22)

Lprobe = probe length (mm)
Wprobe = probe width (mm)
f = frequency (MHz)
v = velocity in the test piece (mm/µs)

The effective near-field length is shorter, if the probe is mounted on the

wedge, as shown in formula (2.23):

k (L probe cos β ⁄ cos α) 2 f L wedge v test piece

N effective-rectangular on wedge = -----------------------------------------------------------
- – ------------------------------------- (2.23)
4v v wedge

50 Chapter 2



Near-field correction factor k






0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Width / length ratio

Figure 2-22 Near-field length correction factor for a rectangular probe.9

2.8 Focused Sound Fields

The beam divergence in the far field (Fraunhofer region) and the pressure
fluctuation in the near field (Fresnel region) have negative effects on defect
evaluation and lateral resolution. Lateral resolution depends on beam width
(see Figure 2-23).

Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data 51

Probe movement Echodynamics over two defects UT results with LPAP
a b c

–6 dB

Lateral resolution
Δd < 1 mm
Δd = Φ–6 dB / 4

Figure 2-23 Lateral resolution discrimination of two adjacent defects: (a) probe movement;
(b) echo dynamics of two defects; (c) ultrasonic data to resolve volumetric defects (same depth
and same angle of detection) spaced apart by a distance of less than 1 mm.

Φ –6 dB
Δd = ---------------
- (2.24)

Formula (2.24) provides the discrimination or lateral resolving power. If the

code requirements demand a constant lateral resolution over the inspected
range (depth), the ultrasonic beam spread must be independent of the
ultrasonic path length. Another requirement may be to increase the
sensitivity in the near field. The solution may be the controlled focusing of the
beam. A focused beam has a smaller diameter than the probe diameter at the
focal point. By focusing the beam, the sound pressure is compressed in the
near-field zone. Focusing may be obtained through curved crystals, special
mirrors, phased arrays, or through the addition of a concave/convex lens (see
Figure 2-24).

a b c

v1 > v2

d e

v1 < v2

Figure 2-24 Examples of focusing the ultrasonic beam: (a) concave lens (v1 > v2);
(b) concave mirror in water; (c) with a wedge and a concave lens for angled beam; (d) convex

52 Chapter 2
lens (v1 < v2); (e) concave crystal; (f) conical lens.7, 8 Note that axion lenses do not make a
point focal spot.

The theory of focused beams is detailed in references 14–16 and 20–23.

A summary of the theory is presented below:

• The ultrasonic beam may be focused by geometrical means only

for z < N 0 .
• A focused beam is characterized by the focusing factor or normalized
focus depth:

F ac
S ac = -------
- (2.25)

with 0 ≤ S ac ≤ 1 and F ac < N 0 , and F ac is the actual focal depth.

• An optical focus point is defined by:

F opt = ------------------------------------------------- (2.26)
1 – ( v test piece ⁄ v lens )

with R = lens curvature radius

• The optical focusing factor is defined by:

F opt
S opt = ---------
- (2.27)

• At any point along the acoustic axis, F ac < F opt .

• The focused beam may be classified as:5

a) strong focusing for 0.1 ≤ S ac ≤ 0.33

b) medium focusing for 0.33 < S ac ≤ 0.67

c) weak focusing for 0.67 < S ac ≤ 1.0

• Most of the industrial applications that work with focused beams

use S ac < 0.6 .

• The sound pressure of a spherical curved circular crystal is given by:1

Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data 53

2P 0
P ( z, R, D, λ ) = -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (2.28)
( 1 – z ⁄ z 0 ) sin { [ ( z – h ) + ( D 2 ⁄ 4 ) ] 0.5 – ( z – hv 2 ⁄ v 1 ) }


2 0.5 { h 2 [ 1 – ( v2 ⁄ v1 ) 2 ] + z 2 }
h = R –  R2 – D
------- ; z 0 = -----------------------------------------------------------
 4 2h [ 1 – ( v 2 ⁄ v 1 ) ]

• The relationship between Sac and Sopt is given by the equation:6

( S ac – 0.635S ac 2 + 0.2128S 3 )
S opt = ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- (2.29)
( 1 – S ac )

• The dependence of Sopt on Sac is presented in Figure 2-25.

• The constituents of a focused beam are illustrated in Figure 2-26.

The depth of field depends on Sac, according to the formulas above (see also
Figure 2-27).

54 Chapter 2


Optical focusing factor for Sopt



0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Acoustic focusing factor Sac

Figure 2-25 Dependence of Sopt on Sac for 0.2 ≤ Fac / N0 ≤ 0.8.

Amplitude [dB]

–6 dB

Depth of field

UT path z (mm)

zlower Fac zupper

Figure 2-26 Definition of focal depth and depth of field (focal length).

Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data 55

Zupper (–6 dB)/N0

Normalized axial distance z/N0


0.5 Zlower (–6 dB)/N0

Sac = Fac/N0

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Acoustic focusing factor Sac=Fac/N0

Figure 2-27 Dependence of depth of field on acoustic focusing factor.

For S ac < 0.6 , the depth of field is computed with the following formula:

F ac 2
L –6 dB = 7λ  --------------- (2.30)
 D probe

The beam diameter at –6 dB drop is given by:

S ac D probe λF ac
Φ –6 dB = ----------------------
- or --------------
- (2.31)
4 D probe

These formulas may be translated into the following statements:

• A higher-frequency probe with an identical diameter will produce a

narrower beam than a probe with a lower frequency.
• The field depth is shorter for a smaller Sac.
• The beam diameter is smaller for a smaller Sac.

56 Chapter 2
• A constant lateral resolution over a large ultrasonic range can be achieved
only by probes with different Sac values; this inconvenience is eliminated
by phased array probes (annular, linear, matrix) working with dynamic
depth focusing (DDF) [see chapter 3].




Increased sensitivity [dB]






0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Acoustic focusing factor

Figure 2-28 Increased sensitivity for an annular array probe (spherical focused) with
Dprobe / λ = 15 in detecting small inclusions with diameter of less than 1 mm in titanium billets.

2.9 Time-Frequency Response

The radio frequency (RF) signal from a specific reflector is used to measure
the following time-response features (see Figure 2-29):

Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data 57

a 5

kA = A5/A7

3 –20 dB
9 Vpp
Amplitud e [mV, % FSH]

2 c
–20 dB
4 d

b Δτ–20 dB

0 Time of flight [μs] 5

Figure 2-29 RF signal characteristics: (a) Vpp = 700 mV; (b) Στ–20 dB = 3.25 µs; (c) peak
number PN = 10; (d) cycle number CN = 5; (e) damping factor kA = 1.4.

a) Peak-to-peak amplitude (Vpp): the maximum deviation (in volts or %)

between the largest positive and the largest negative cycle
amplitudes of the RF signal.
b) Pulse duration, or waveform length (Δτ–20 dB): represents the
waveform duration for a cutoff at –20 dB from positive and negative
maximum amplitudes.
c) Peak number (PN): the number of peaks from the RF signal which
cross the –20 dB negative and positive cutoffs.
d) Cycle number (CN): the number of peaks divided by two (or the
number of wavelengths).
e) Damping factor (dA): the ratio between the maximum amplitude and
the next highest positive amplitude.
The RF signal is converted into a frequency-response [formula (2.32)] through
a fast Fourier transform (FFT), which is characterized by the following
features (see Figure 2-30):

• Peak frequency (fpeak): the maximum occurring frequency value of the

• Lower frequency (fL –6 dB): the frequency value on the left portion of the
peak frequency, determined by the –6 dB drop horizontal line.
• Upper frequency (fU –6 dB): the frequency value on the right portion of the
peak frequency, determined by the –6 dB drop horizontal line.

58 Chapter 2
• Center frequency (fc): the frequency evaluated by the arithmetic or
geometric mean11 of the lower and upper frequencies.

( f L –6 dB + f U –6 dB )
- or f c = ( f L –6 dB • f U –6 dB ) 0.5
f c = ---------------------------------------------- (2.32)

• Bandwidth (relative) [BWrel]: the frequency range within given limits.

( f U –6 dB – f L –6 dB )
BW rel [ % ] = 100% • ---------------------------------------------- (2.33)
Amplitude [% FSH/mV]

–6 dB

fL fpeak fU Frequency (MHz)

Figure 2-30 FFT response of a 5-MHz phased array probe;

fc = (2.539 + 7.813) MHz / 2 = 5.2 MHz;
BWrel = (7.813 – 2.539) MHz / 5.2 MHz × 100% = 54%.

2.10 Probe Classification Based on BW (Damping)

See Figure 2-31 for a description.

• Narrow bandwidth (15–30%) best for detection

• Medium bandwidth (31–75%) detection and sizing
• Broad (wide) bandwidth (76–110%) best for sizing
These are general guidelines for ferritic materials and some others. The actual
guidelines depend on crack morphology and orientation. These guidelines
are true for planar normal incidence, but are not typically valid for austenitic
detection and sizing of branched cracks in austenitic and/or dissimilar

Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data 59

BW = 15–30%

5–7 cycles
low-damped / narrow bandwidth Detection — DGS method on FBH

BW = 31–75%

2–3 cycles
medium-damped / medium bandwidth
Detection and sizing — ASME method on SDH

BW = 76–110%

1–1.5 cycles
high-damped / broad bandwidth

Tip-echo sizing — TOFD method-phase reversal

Figure 2-31 Probe classification based on relative bandwidth.

Pulse shape (duration) has a direct effect on axial resolution (with fixed angle
and stationary probe). Axial resolution is the ultrasonic capability of
resolving two adjacent defects separated along the acoustic axis through a
small Δz ultrasound path. For good axial resolution, reflectors should produce
peak amplitudes that are separated by more than 6 dB (peak-valley).

Phased array probes typically have a broad bandwidth, and the

piezocomposite material which phased array probes are made of provides
high sizing performance. Piezocomposite material also provides high power
and good detection, which makes the best compromise.

The axial resolution formula can be given by the following relationship (see
also Figure 2-32):

v test piece [ mm ⁄ μs ] • Δτ –20 dB [ μs ]

Δz = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (2.34)

60 Chapter 2
Axial resolution
Δz=vtest piece • Δτ -20db / 2

Δz Full rectification



z [ UT half path ]

Figure 2-32 Axial resolution: principle (left); poor and good resolution (right).

Additional information regarding probe features and test block

characteristics can be found in references 14–18, 42, 46, 50–52, 54–57, 59,
and 105.

2.11 Ultrasonic Beam Interaction with Test Piece / Reflectors

Regardless of whether the inspection is performed in immersion or contact,

and whether the probe is a monocrystal or a linear phased array, the
interaction between the ultrasound beam and the test piece is governed by the
detectability region.

The detectability region is the area where one can detect and size specific
defects—such as dimensions—with enough gain and with a signal 6 dB
greater than competing noise signals, including front surface ring-down or
initial components of backwall signals.

The detectability region is defined by the following curves or boundaries (see

Figure 2-33):

a) backwall (BW) reflectivity curve: this defines the maximum energy the
probe may receive by specular reflection;
b) near-surface resolution (NSR) [or the dead zone]: this defines the
minimum distance a defect may be separated from the main bang
signal or the interface (immersion) signal, and still be resolved; the
higher the gain of the receiver, the longer the dead zone;
c) attenuation curve (ATTN): the gain in reserve (Greserve) is the
maximum gain the electronic instrument can provide. Starting from

Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data 61

that point, the gain is reduced due to attenuation in the test piece; the
loss due to attenuation is governed by the equation:

ΔG attenuation = 2αUT path [dB]

d) noise level (NOISE) and the useful gain (Guseful): once the probe is
plugged into the ultrasonic instrument and coupled with the test
piece, the electronic noise level increases; this noise has a stochastic
distribution, with contributions from the probe, wedge, cable,
couplant and test piece structure; its amplitude has an identical law
to BW, but the starting point is determined by the Guseful.
Outside the detectability region, any defects are undetectable, due to dead-
zone influence, increased noise level, and exhaustion of the electronic gain in
the amplifier due to attenuation or/and defects being too close to the

An ideal disc-shaped reflector (flat-bottomed hole, FBH), perpendicular to the

beam, has an amplitude given by the DGS method for defects smaller than the
beam, and centered:1

P 0 probe ( πD FBH D probe ) 2

P FBH = ----------------------------------------------------------
- (2.35)
16λ 2 z 2

If the normalized features are used:

z = D [Distance] , H reflector
------ -------------------- = G [amplifier Gain] ;
N0 H probe

- = S [reflector normalized Size] ,
D probe

generates the DGS diagram.

The reflectivity diagram for the DGS method in the far field leads to the
following simple rules:

• double the distance, and the amplitude decreases by −12 dB;

• double the reflector size, and the amplitude increases by +12 dB.

62 Chapter 2
Detectability region

Defect size (mm)

Gain (dB)



Ultrasound half path

Figure 2-33 Definition of the detectability region.

Sensitivity settings depend on the reference reflector and its signal-to-noise

ratio (SNR). When using the TCG (time-of-flight corrected gain) feature, first
establish the SNR for the worst detection case.

The signal-to-noise ratio is the difference in decibels (dB) between the

amplitude of a reference reflector and the average amplitude of the noise
given by electronic, coupling, probe, and test piece contributions. The SNR is
evaluated for a specific setup, target size, and UT path [see formula (2.36) and
Figure 2-34].

Ampl. target
SNR = 20 log 10  -------------------------- (2.36)
 Ampl. noise 

A practical minimum value for SNR is 10 dB or a 3:1 ratio.

Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data 63

S N R > 10 dB

1 2 3

Figure 2-34 SNR evaluation for TCG feature. SNR typically should be greater
than 3:1 (10 dB).

The most commonly used reflectors for sensitivity setting are illustrated in
Figure 2-35. Specific reflectivity reflectors (depending on ultrasonic beam
path, frequency, and reflector size) for small reflectors, whose size is less than
the beam width, are given in Table 2-6.



SDH spherical EDM-N hor

Figure 2-35 The most commonly used reflectors for sensitivity setting.

The following relationship [see formula (2.37)] between the two artificial
reflectors, flat-bottomed holes (FBH) and side-drilled holes (SDH), may be
used for equivalent amplitudes when z > 1.5N 0 .

D FBH = ( 0.2λ 2 zD SDH ) 0.25 (2.37)

64 Chapter 2
The equivalent FBH diameter versus a spherical-bottomed hole is given by
the relationship in formula 2.38:

D FBH = 0.56 ( λD sphere ) 0.5 (2.38)

Table 2-6 Reflectivity pattern for small reference reflectors.

Reflector type Reflectivity law (far field)

FBW (counter-bore) λ -1 UT path


SDH (lack of penetration) 0.5 λ -1 UT -1.5

½D SDH path

FBH normal (smooth crack) D 2 FBH λ -2 UT path


Edge from misoriented -1.5  ------------------------------------

0.5a 0.5
K ( ε ) λ -1.5 UT path
crack12  a – UT path cos ε

Elliptical EDM notch –normal H notch λ -1.5 UT path


Small sphere (porosity) D sphere λ -1 UT path



UTpath = half path

λ = wavelength
DSDH / FBH / sphere = diameter of (SDH, FBH, or sphere)
Hnotch = notch height
a = crack edge curvature radius
K(ε) = diffraction coefficient
ε = angle between incident ray and crack surface

Figure 2-36 presents the amplitude dependence level on defect size for
different reflectors: FBH, SDH, notch, sphere, and detected by shear waves,
longitudinal waves, and creeping waves.

Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data 65




0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Amplitude variation [dB]

–20 FBH

Notch T

Notch L
Notch creeper


Size/lambda ratio

Figure 2-36 Amplitude dependence on normalized defect size for: sphere; FBH; SDH-SW;
N-LW; N-SW; N-Cr.

2.12 Attenuation

Attenuation of ultrasonic waves is caused by absorption and scattering (see

also definition on page 30). The attenuation depends on frequency (f), grain
size ( Φ grain ) , wave type, and anisotropy coefficient.

Attenuation = constant absorption f + constant scattering f 4 (2.39)

The scattering depends on the ratio between the grain size and wavelength:

• for Φ grain < λ  Rayleigh scattering

• for Φ grain ≈ λ  stochastic scattering

• for Φ grain > λ  diffuse scattering

When testing coarse-grained parts, the frequency must be chosen according

to the following formula:

λ min > 6Φ grain (2.40)

Attenuation dependence on frequency for the most commonly used

couplants/wedges and for steel are presented in Figure 2-37 to Figure 2-39.

66 Chapter 2
1.6 0,5


Attenuation in glycerine [dB/mm]


Attenuation in Rexolite [dB/mm]

1.2 0,35


0.8 0,2


0.4 0,05
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 4 6 8 10 12
Frequency [MHz] Frequency [MHz]

Figure 2-37 Attenuation dependence on frequency for glycerin/Hamikleer and Rexolite.


Attenuation [dB/mm]




6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Frequency [MHz]

Figure 2-38 Attenuation in 2.25 Cr-Mo steel for longitudinal waves.

Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data 67




Attenuation TW steel [dB/mm]






5 6 7 8 9 10
Frequency [MHz]

Figure 2-39 Attenuation in steel for shear waves.

Accurate crack sizing with L-waves or S-waves is based on TOFD or tip-echo

back scattering diffraction (see section 2.13 below).

2.13 Defect Sizing Using Diffraction and Mode-Conversion


2.13.1 TOFD (Time-of-Flight Diffraction)

TOFD is now becoming a standard technique for both power generation and
petrochemical industries. TOFD can also be performed by phased array
probes; TOFD is simply a procedure that uses two probes in pitch-and-catch
mode. The main difference between power generation and petrochemical
applications is that power generation applications typically use raster TOFD,
while the petrochemical industry and other industries use linear TOFD.
Raster TOFD collects more data and is more accurate, while linear TOFD is

68 Chapter 2
faster. Most of the weld caps in power generation are removed, which permits
raster scanning.

Note: Linear scanning is single-axis scanning parallel to the weld. Raster

scanning is an x-y back-and-forth scanning motion.

TOFD detects and records signals diffracted from defect tips for both
detection and sizing. The TOFD data is displayed in a gray-scale B-scan.
Modifications to this standard setup are possible.

Four types of waves are used in TOFD:

• The lateral wave: A sub-near-surface longitudinal wave generated from

the wide beam of the probe.
• The backwall reflection: A longitudinal wave reflected from the backwall.
• The reflected wave: A longitudinal wave reflected by a lamellar planar
• The tip diffracted wave: A circular wave diffracted by the edge of a defect.
Both longitudinal and shear waves are normally generated, but L-waves
are typically used for TOFD.

The TOFD method is based on the following principles:

• Pitch-and-catch setups are in LW configuration (see Figure 2-40).

• The probes are high-damped (1.5 λ, or white-black-white, with
BWrel > 90%) and high-frequencied (> 6 MHz).
• The beam divergence is large enough to produce lateral waves and a
backwall reflection, so the entire wall thickness is displayed between the
lateral waves and backwall (skipped) signals.
• The probes are typically centered over the weld center line.
• For walls thicker than 75 mm, double TOFD pairs should be used.
• Wedge delay, velocity in the test piece, lateral wave TOF, backwall TOF
value, thickness, and PCS (probe center separation) must be known
(though some can be deduced).
• Upper-tip and lower-tip echoes have phase reversal (see Figure 2-40 for
an illustration of the physics).
• Additional defect image recognition can be performed with mode-
converted (LT, TL) signals.

Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data 69

• A preamplifier is often required to display the digital signals from defect
edges, which are −20 dB to −30 dB lower than a 3 mm side-drilled hole
signal at the same range.
• Maximum amplitudes of diffracted signals are obtained at about 70°.
• L-waves are preferred to T-waves for their “first-hit” arrival at the defect
edges; they are also less attenuated by test piece structure.
• Linear scanning is performed in a single scan, parallel with the weld
center line.
Assuming the defect is symmetrically placed between probes, the following
formulas are used to measure defect height h (2a) and the upper ligament (d):

T lat. wave = PCS

---------- = ----- (2.41)
vL vL

2 ( S 2 + d 2 ) 0.5
T upper tip = -------------------------------- (2.42)

[ S 2 + ( d + h ) 2 ] 0.5-
T lower tip = 2
--------------------------------------------- (2.43)

T backwall = 2 ( S 2 + t 2 ) 0.5
------------------------------ (2.44)

70 Chapter 2
Lateral wave

Tip diffraction

Back-wall reflection



Lateral Upper Lower Back wall

wave tip tip

Figure 2-40 Principle of TOFD and the phase sign of four major signals. The defect is
assumed to be symmetrically located between the probes. The phase of each RF signal is
marked with “+” and “–”.

Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data 71

Figure 2-41 Detection and sizing of a lack of fusion by TOFD D-scan. Phase reversal of upper
and lower defect edges is displayed in gray levels.

TOFD limitations

• Defects located at upper surface and inner surface are difficult to detect
due to the dead zone of the lateral wave and because of the dead zone of
the backwall signal (see Figure 2-42).

72 Chapter 2
TOFD dead zones

Figure 2-42 TOFD dead zones due to lateral waves and backwall. Dead zone size depends
on frequency, pulse length, probe center separation, material thickness, and velocity. Errors
can occur with TOFD if the defect is not symmetrically placed between the two probes.

• Defect location in a linear D-scan has some errors due to TOF locus (see
Figure 2-43), since time of arrival of diffracted waves depend on defect
position relative to the probes. The location of the defect is estimated by
an additional B-scan over the defect position (when probes are moving
transverse to the weld).
• Defect interpretation and defect pattern recognition require advanced
training and analysis experience.
• Pressure vessel with shells thickness greater than 75 mm require
multipass scanning with different PCS.
• Low signal-to-noise ratio.
• Signals sensitive to coarse-grained material.
• Geometry and coupling problems may hamper the propagation of the
lateral wave.
• Amplitude is not related to defect size or importance.

Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data 73

Transmitter Receiver

t0 t0
t‘1 t1

Transmitter Receiver

t1 t2 d

Figure 2-43 TOFD errors in lateral location and upper ligament caused by the TOF locus of

In spite of these limitations, TOFD is the most accurate UT technique for crack
sizing (both length and specifically height). TOFD was accepted as an
alternative to assess the weld quality of pressure vessels in ASME Code
Case 2235.

For improved reliability of defect detection, Olympus has proposed a

combination of TOFD and pulse-echo, so a real-time display with image
recognition is available on a specific layout. Figure 2-44 (a) to Figure 2-44 (h)
show typical defects and their corresponding TOFD displays.

74 Chapter 2
Toe crack

(a) For the toe crack, the lateral wave is disrupted and the bottom of the crack visible. This can
be characterized as a surface-breaking crack, and depth measured.

Incomplete root penetration


(b) For the incomplete root penetration, the top and bottom diffracted signals are
distinguishable, while the uninterrupted lateral and backwall signals indicate a buried defect.

Lack of root penetration


(c) For the lack of root penetration, the backwall is perturbed but not broken, while the top
diffracted signal is visible. This indicates a surface-breaking defect.

Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data 75

Side wall lack of fusion


(d) The lack of sidewall fusion shows no lateral or backwall perturbation, so shows a buried
defect. The bottom diffracted signal is clear, but the top diffracted signal is partly buried in the
lateral wave.


(e) The porosity shows as a series of point defects with associated hyperbolic tails. Multiple
porosity is difficult to analyze, but easily characterized. Note that the backwall signal is not
displayed in this TOFD image.

Transverse crack - upper surface

(f) The transverse defect shows essentially as a point defect, similar to porosity.

76 Chapter 2
Concave root


(g) The concave root defect perturbs the backwall signal (showing it is surface breaking), while
the tip is visible.

Lack of fusion - interpass


(h) The interpass lack of fusion shows as a single reflected signal of high amplitude, but would
not be detectable on the pulse-echo channels.

Lateral wave

Near-surface defect Buried defect

Region of porosity
(difficult to detect)


Figure 2-44 TOFD imaging of defects in weld.

Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data 77


• Single pass
• Real-time A-scans, B-scans, and C-scans
• High-accuracy sizing: TOFD
• High SNR: focused-beam phased array ultrasounds
• High accuracy in defect positioning
• Easy reporting

2.13.2 Relative Arrival Time Technique (RATT)

The relative arrival time technique (RATT) is a sizing technique based on time-
of-flight readings, not on amplitude echo dynamic. This technique is also
called satellite pulse observation time technique (SPOT).

The RATT (see Figure 2-45) has the following features:

• The crack size is less than the beam spread (divergence).

• The evaluation is relative to the corner trap time-of-flight (TOF) signal.
• The crack corner trap and the crack tip are detected by the same angle at
the same position of the probe.
• The relative ultrasound path between the crack corner trap and the crack
tip signals is measured with ΔUT.
• The crack height is determined by:

h crack = -----------------------
- = --------------------------
- (see Figure 2-45). (2.45)
cos β cos β

Corner “trap”

UT1 β Crack tip


UT 2
Hcrack= (UT2–UT1)/cosβ

Figure 2-45 RATT crack height evaluation based on relative measurement of ultrasound path
between crack tip and crack corner trap signals.

If the ultrasound beam has enough divergence (a longer ultrasound path and

78 Chapter 2
higher refracted angles), then the tip of the crack is detected by the direct
beam and by the skip beam (see Figure 2-46). The RF signals are phased-
reversed for direct detection and in phase with the corner-trap signal for skip

Tipdirect Corner trap Tipskip

Figure 2-46 RF display of the crack tip by direct and skip beam.

The height factor dependence on the refracted angle is presented in Figure

2-47. One can conclude that ΔUTRATT decreases when the refracted angle is
increased. The best separation is achieved for “steeper” refracted angles, such
as 30° to 35°.

UT2 = 72 mm
2.6 UT1 = 70 mm
β = 53˚
Crack height factor kRATT = 1/cosβ

ΔUTRATT = 2 mm
2.4 kRATT = 1/cosβ
kRATT = 1.66
2.2 Hcrack = 1.66 • 2 mm
Hcrack = 3.3 mm





20 30 40 50 60 70

Refracted angle β [˚]

Figure 2-47 Crack height factor for RATT and a sizing example.

Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data 79

2.13.3 Absolute Arrival Time Technique (AATT)
The absolute arrival time technique (AATT), also called pulse arrival time
technique (PATT), has the following features (see Figure 2-48):

• Crack height possibly greater than the beam width.

• Probe movement and two angles required for optimum ultrasonic path
• Reading corrected for angle and ultrasound path.
• The probe is scanned manually over the crack area to detect the root
corner signal and maximize the crack tip signal.

UT1 β1 β1

H crack
H crack = UT2 • cosβ2-UT1 • cosβ1

Figure 2-48 Crack height measurement principle using AATT.

Note: In phased array ultrasonics, the beam can sweep over the crack
facets using an S-scan and the height is evaluated (see Figure 2-49).
Similar approaches use electronic B-scans or raster scans.

80 Chapter 2
a b
tipskip detected at 72.5º, Hdirect= 7 mm

tipskip detected at 43.5º Hskip= 6.9 mm




Crack tip Corner


Figure 2-49 Example of AATT sizing of a fatigue crack with phased array probe in static
position and beam sweeping over the crack: (a) principle; (b) sizing a 7.1 mm crack with the
skip tip; (c) sizing a Hcrack = 10.2 mm crack; HAATT = 9.9 mm.

A reliable crack sizing capability based on tip-echo techniques depends on

suitable specimen thickness, phased array probe frequency, damping, and
bandwidth, as well as material quality.

More details regarding tip-echo sizing can be found in references 14–19, 62,
64, 68, and 108.

2.13.4 Mode-Converted Techniques

Defect detection based on mode-converted (MC) techniques is illustrated in
Figure 2-50 to Figure 2-52. In these figures, blue waves are shear waves, and
red waves are longitudinal waves. The many mode conversions are clearly

Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data 81


L-L-Tc T-T-L

30-70-70 Creeping
CE1 waves CE-2

T-L-L Cr-T-Cr

Figure 2-50 Detection of inner surface-breaking cracks using MC techniques.

T-L skip T-L down T-L up T-L down L-T-Cr

Figure 2-51 Techniques for detection of outside and inner surface-breaking cracks using
mode conversion.

82 Chapter 2





Figure 2-52 Detection of embedded linear defects using MC techniques.

The creeping-wave technique1-4 is the most common MC application for

detection and confirmation of ID surface-breaking defects. The technique
may be used to detect and size linear defects from OD to ID regions. This
capability is based on the characteristics of the “creeper” probe, which
generates the following types of waves (see Figure 2-53):

• Direct creeping waves (OD surface)

• Direct SW of 34°
• Direct LW of 70°
• Indirect MC SW of 31°
• Indirect MC creeping waves (ID surface)

Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data 83

Creeping L-OD

70º L

Indirect 31º T
Direct 34º T
Creeping L-ID

Figure 2-53 Type of waves generated by “creeper” probe.

The creeping waves have a short surface propagation (2 mm to 13 mm). The

propagation occurs within 2 to 3 wavelength thicknesses and depends on
plate/pipe parallelism (±5°). The shear wave may mode-convert at the back
surface to a longitudinal wave at 70°, and be reflected by a vertical defect as a
70° longitudinal wave. This MC detection is called “collateral echo no. 1”
(CE 1). Creeping wave detection/confirmation echo is called “collateral echo
no. 2” (CE 2). Their ultrasonic path in LW calibration depends on thickness
(see Figure 2-54).



CE 2
Ultrasonic path [mm]






CE 1

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Thickness [mm]

Figure 2-54 Ultrasound path dependence on thickness for CE 1 (30°-70°-70°) and for CE 2
(creeping waves).

A combination of longitudinal wave detection and MC confirmation is

obtained for angles between 55° and 62° (see Figure 2-55). Sizing is based on

84 Chapter 2
the LL doublet, and the ligament is evaluated by CE 1 and CE 2 amplitudes. A
vertical defect with a ligament greater than 4 mm will reflect only the
doublets and CE 1. The signal amplitude of CE 1 varies linearly with crack
height. However, if the defect is inclined, CE 1 amplitude is no longer linear.

60˚ LW 60˚ LW
doublet doublet

CE 1 (30-70-70) CE 1 (30-70-70)

CE 1 L L CE 1


Figure 2-55 Detection, confirmation, and sizing of a fatigue crack by LL doublet and CE 1
(30°-70°-70°) for a 60° LW probe; left = crack signals; right = EDM notch signals; ligament =
5 mm; height = 11 mm.

Another MC sizing method is the delta technique (see Figure 2-56). The delta
technique consists of a combination of a 60° shear wave and a 0° longitudinal
wave. The height measurement can be calculated from formula (2.46):

( t – h crack )
TOF Δ60 = -------------------------------------------------------------
- (2.46)
v T [ ( 1 ⁄ cos β ) + ( v T ⁄ v L ) ]

Due to the beam spread, the 60° shear wave detects the crack tip because of a
direct hit and of a reflection at the backwall. For steel, the crack height is
given by formula (2.47):

h Δ60T = t – 0.8 CRT TW (2.47)

where CRTTW is the shear wave time of arrival from the screen.

Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data 85

Crack tip Crack leg Crack tip


Figure 2-56 Principle of Δ60° technique and an example of ID-connected crack sizing; note
the crack tip detection by skip.

2.13.5 Pitch-and-Catch and Tandem Techniques

Detection and sizing of vertical defects by MC techniques may be possible
using the pitch-and-catch method with multiple depth zones. Phased arrays
are an ideal tool for detection and sizing, because they generate a range of
shear-wave and longitudinal-wave angles, which may mode-convert on
vertical defects (see Figure 2-57).

Figure 2-57 Detection of four vertical FBH with a phased array pitch-and-catch mode-
converted setup in a 100-mm test piece. Blue lines show shear waves, and red lines show
longitudinal waves.

86 Chapter 2
Mode-converted techniques are very useful for narrow gap welds on thick
plates. The most common defect is the sidewall lack of fusion (see Figure

A more traditional approach is the “tandem” technique using 45° shear waves
(Figure 2-58, right). Tandem techniques work well with phased arrays.

Figure 2-58 Detection of side lack of fusion in a narrow gap weld by MC techniques with a
single (left) and double (pitch-and-catch) probe (right).

2.13.6 Satellite Pulse-Echo Technique

Another mode-converted technique consists of sizing the volumetric rounded
inclusions (cylindrical voids) with T-T/T-S-T satellite pulses14, 17 (see Figure

Δt void =  π --------- +  ---- D void

1 1
 2v T  v s


Δtvoid = time-of-flight difference between T-T and T-S-T signals (see

Figure 2-59)

Dvoid = void diameter

vT = shear-wave velocity

vs = surface-wave velocity (Rayleigh’s)

For steel, a simplified formula is: D void = 0.7ΔUT path , with the ultrasonic
path calibrated in shear wave half distance.

Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data 87




Figure 2-59 Mode-converted detection and sizing of cylindrical voids; principle (left); ultrasonic
B-scan display of SDH of DSDH = 0.6 mm (right). Blue lines show shear waves, and red lines
show longitudinal waves.

2.14 Testing Round Parts

Focal law calculations will be inaccurate due to curvature of the component

and couplant variations under the wedge. This is caused by the acoustic
velocity in liquid coupling media being approximately one quarter the
velocity of steels, thus calculated time delays for optimum focusing will be
compromised. Profiling the wedge to mate the component curvature will be
beneficial; however, this will require recalculating the focal laws taking into
account the new geometric profile of the wedge in order to satisfactorily
accomplish the desired focusing effect.

Testing round parts (pipes, cylinders) by contact or immersion requires

special setups.

It is recommended, for contact inspections, that if the shoe is not shaped the
wedge length (Lwedge) correspond to the following relationship:

L wedge
R part > ---------------- (2.49)

The practical height between the wedge extremes and the part must be
smaller than 0.5 mm (see Figure 2-60). Wedges must provide sufficient
contact area to generate consistent refracted beams in the component. For
convex surfaces, typically couplant will leak out, and the value of 0.5 mm is a
practical mismatch value.

88 Chapter 2
0.5 mm


Figure 2-60 The relationship between wedge length and part radius.

The ultrasonic beam path and the reflected angle on the inner surface are
changed when performing an ultrasonic inspection of axial seam welds (or
wrought pipe) [see Figure 2-61, where D is the pipe outside diameter].


ϕskip ϕ defect

Figure 2-61 Ultrasonic examination of an axial weld pipe.

Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data 89

β max = sin -1  1 – -------
 2D

where βmax is the maximum refracted angle.

The reflected angle on the inner surface (ε) may be found from a standard
nomogram1 or by the following relationships:

sin ε = --------------------------- sin β (2.51)
( 1 – 2t ⁄ D )

ϕ = π – (β + ε) (2.52)

where ϕ is the radial angle.

h defect = OB – 0.5 ( D – 2t ) (2.53)

where OB is the distance from the tube center to the top of the defect.

2.15 Measuring the Lengths of Small Defects

Images produced using phased array data collection are echo-dynamic

envelopes of the peak response received from an A-scan waveform at
incremental points along the axis of beam travel. This can be assimilated by
utilizing the peak memory function of many contemporary digital A-scan
flaw detectors. Data collected by the PA instrument correlates signal
amplitude into an amplitude-related color palette allowing the data to be
viewed as if the A-scan was observed looking down onto the top edge of the
display. This concept is commonly utilized in a number of immersion systems
and similarly applied using gray-scale palette in TOFD data imaging.

Estimation of flaw size is therefore a product of gauging amplitude change by

moving cursors across the colored echo-dynamic image. The following points
have to be considered:

• Is the reflector diffuse or specular (scatters sound or acts like a smooth

• Is the image a result of pure reflection or tip diffraction?
• Has the image been formed as a result of mode-converted waves?
• What is the width of the focused beam in the direction of beam travel?
• Was dynamic depth focusing applied or not?

90 Chapter 2
All of the above considerations contribute to amplitude discrepancies during
sizing; the list is not exhaustive but still subject to common factors that affect
conventional pulse-echo sizing techniques.

Phased array applications do, however, offer more reliable and reproducible
sizing than that obtained from manual A-scan ultrasonic applications, which
is principally due to the following:

• Focused beams can be much narrower than conventional divergent

beams resulting in higher precision during sizing.
• Phased array images compress numerous individual A-scans, allowing
the NDT technician to observe all this data in one image.
• Coupling with arrays tends to be more consistent than when scanning
with conventional probes.
• Collection of raw digital data in the form of phased array images allows
offline sizing and software tools to be used to manipulate, merge, and
filter data for enhanced evaluation.

Figure 2-62 shows images generated and sized from a 2-mm diameter
spherical SDH using different amplitude thresholds.

Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data 91

–1 dB/1.5 mm –2 dB/2 mm

–3 dB/2.6 mm –6 dB/3.8 mm

Figure 2-62 Length sizing of a 2-mm diameter SDHspherical using different dB amplitude drops
from echo-dynamic single-peak curves.

2.16 Reliability of Ultrasonic Inspection

The minimum defect size reliably detected by ultrasonic waves depends on a

number of factors, including noise, the probe frequency, and surface
roughness, as well as the defect itself:

• D min > ---
• h min > 3R t

The couplant layer should have a thickness of a few microns or λ/2. An

amplitude increase of 6 dB to 10 dB is produced by a couplant layer
optimized to λ/4.13

Sources of errors in defect sizing are listed in Table 2-7.15, 16

92 Chapter 2
Table 2-7 Example of source of errors; results are from CEGB [UK], after a 6-year
experimental program during 1980’s.15, 16

Description Error type / practical value

Systematic undersizing Systematic; resolution of the probe

beam; 2–3 mm. Also depends on type
of defect, probe characteristics, etc.
For example, the maximum
amplitude sizing technique typically
undersizes 2–3 mm, while the 6 dB
drop technique has only random
sizing errors.

Range calibration Random/systematic; ±1 mm

Probe angle and index Random; ±1° for angle; ±1 mm for


Probe position measurement Random; ±2 mm for manual; ±1 mm

for automatic

Screen reading (UT path) Random; ±1 mm

Beam width Random; ±1°

More information regarding the reliability of ultrasonic inspection can be

found in references 65, 68, 69, and 114–121. For phased arrays, the errors
from index point, beam angles, and couplant are minimal. The main errors
are range calibration and defect characterization errors.

Main Formulas and Ultrasonic Reference Data 93

References to Chapter 2

1. Krautkramer, J., and H. Krautkramer. Ultrasonic Testing of Materials. 4th fully rev.
ed., pp. 194–195, 201, and 493. Berlin; New York: Springer-Verlag, c1990.
2. DGZfP [German Society for Non-Destructive Testing]. Ultrasonic Inspection
Training Manual Level III-Engineers. 1992.
3. EPRI. Ultrasonic advanced sizing course. 1987.
4. Davis, J. M. Advanced Ultrasonic Flaw Sizing Handbook. USA: The Art Room
Corporation, 1998.
5. Schelengermann, U. “The characterization of focusing ultrasonic transducers by
means of single frequency analysis.” Materials Evaluation, vol. 38, no. 12 (Dec.
1980): pp. 73–79.
6. Wüstenberg, H., E. Schenk, W. Möhrle, and E. Neumann. “Comparison of the
performances of probes with different focusing techniques and experiences.” 10th-
WCNDT Proceedings, vol. 7, pp 563–567.
7. Murphy, R. V. “Focussed Ultrasonic Probes for Contact Inspection.” Materials
Evaluation, vol. 38, no. 9 (1980): pp. 53–58.
8. Onozawa, M., and Y. Ishii. “The industrial application of improved narrow-beam
probes for ultrasonic inspection.” British Journal of Non-Destructive Testing, vol. 28,
no. 1 (1986): pp. 23–26.
9. Gros, X. E, N. B. Cameron, and M. King. “Current Applications and Future
Trends in Phased Array Technology.” Insight, vol. 44, no. 11 (Nov. 2002).
10. Poguet, J., J. Marguet, F. Pichonnat, and Laurent Chupin. “Phased Array
Technology.” The e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing, vol. 7, no. 5 (May 2004).
NDTnet, http://www.ndt.net/v07n05.htm.
11. Krimholtz, R., D. Leedom, and G. Matthaei. “New equivalent circuits for
elementary piezoelectric transducers.” Electronics Letters, vol. 6 (June 1970):
pp. 398–399.
12. JIS Z 2350:2002: Method for measurement of performance characteristics of
ultrasonic probes.
13. McGrath, B. A., R. K. Chapman, and I. Einav. “A study of changes in ultrasonic
probe performance due to the thickness of the couplant layer.” 12th WCNDT,
Amsterdam, 1988.
14. Gruber, J. G. “Defect identification and sizing by the ultrasonic satellite pulse
technique.” SwRI, USA, 1979.
15. Chapman, R. K. “Code of practice on the assessment of defect measurement
errors in the ultrasonic NDT of welds.” CEGB, UK, Report STN-87-2013-R, July
16. Gardner, W. E., ed. Improving the Effectiveness and Reliability of Non-Destructive
Testing. Chapters 4 and 8. Oxford; New York: Pergamon Press, 1992.
17. Jacques, F., F. Moreau, and E. Ginzel. “Ultrasonic backscatter sizing using phased
array-developments in tip diffraction flaw sizing.” Insight, vol. 45, no. 11 (Nov.
2003): pp. 724–728.

94 Chapter 2
Chapter Contents

3.1 Piezocomposite Materials ........................................................................... 97

3.2 Piezocomposite Manufacture ..................................................................... 99
3.3 Types of Phased Array Probes for Industrial Applications ................. 103
3.4 Linear Arrays .............................................................................................. 108
3.5 Dynamic Depth Focusing.......................................................................... 122
3.6 Probe on the Wedge ................................................................................... 125
3.7 Beam Deflection on the Wedge................................................................. 127
3.8 2-D Matrix Phased Array Probes ............................................................. 130
3.9 Focal Law Calculator ................................................................................. 133
3.10 Standard Array Probes .............................................................................. 137
3.11 Other Array Features ................................................................................. 138
3.12 Phased Array Simulation Software (PASS) ............................................ 138
3.13 Probe Design ............................................................................................... 139
3.14 Ultrasonic Setup Details ............................................................................ 144
3.15 Probe Identification.................................................................................... 152
3.16 Probe Characterization and Periodic Checking ..................................... 153
3.17 Olympus Probes for the OmniScan ......................................................... 157
References to Chapter 3........................................................................................ 161

96 Chapter Contents
3. Probes and Ultrasonic Field Formula

This chapter describes the main aspects of probes and arrays used in phased
array and ultrasound inspections.

3.1 Piezocomposite Materials

One of the main technical issues for large-scale applications of phased array
technology in the late 1970s and mid-1980s was the manufacturing process
and acoustic insulation between array elements. The high cross-talk
amplitude between elements and the challenge to cut curved-shaped
piezoelectric materials led to a setback in industrial development. The
common piezoelectric materials are listed in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1 Main properties of commonly used piezoelectric materials.1, 7

Symbol / Quartz BaTiO3 PbNb2O6 PZT-4 PZT-5A PVF2
d33 (pC/N) 2.3 190 85 289 400 20
g33 10-3 Vm/N 57 12.6 42.5 26.1 26.5 190
d33 g33 10-15 N/m 133 2394 3612 7542 10,600 3,800
kt 0.095 0.38 0.32 0.51 0.49 0.1
k 5 1700 225 1300 1700 11
Z (106 Rayl) 15.2 25.9 20 30 29 4
Mechanical Q 2,500 24 500 80 3–10

The amount of acoustic energy transferred to the load (test piece) reaches a
maximum when the acoustic impedance is matched between the probe and
the test piece. Some applications require an immersion technique and some
use direct contact with aluminum and/or steel. Most shear-wave and
longitudinal-wave applications for weld inspections require phased array
probes mounted on a wedge. Impedance matching between the probe/wedge
and the test piece may be achieved by mechanical (matching layer) or

Probes and Ultrasonic Field Formula 97

electrical (fine tuning with the KLM model) methods. The main properties of
matching layers are listed in section 3.1.1, “Matching Layer and Cable

3.1.1 Matching Layer and Cable Requirements

The key points of matching layer and cable requirements are:

• Optimization of the mechanical energy transfer

• Influence on the pulse duration
• Contact protection for piezocomposite elements (wear resistance)
• Layer thickness of λ/4
The maximum electrical efficiency is obtained when the probe is matched to
the electrical impedance of both the transmitter and the receiver. The KLM
model6 takes into account all the steps along the transmission line of electrical

A good cable should have the following properties:

• Minimum gain drop due to cable length

• Low impedance—the ideal is 50 Ω
• Elimination/reduction of the cable reflections (cable speed: 2/3 vlight)
• Mechanical endurance for bending, mechanical pressure, accidental
• Water resistance for all wires
• Avoidance of internal wire twists
A high value of d33 g33 represents a good transmitting-receiving energy. A
low mechanical Q means that the transducer has a higher bandwidth and
better axial resolution. The damping material placed behind the crystal can
increase the bandwidth value. The main properties of the backing material
are listed in section 3.1.2, “Backing Material.”

3.1.2 Backing Material

The key features of backing material are:

• Attenuation of high-amplitude echoes reflected back from the crystal face

(high acoustic attenuation)
• Influence on pulse duration (damping)

98 Chapter 3
3.2 Piezocomposite Manufacture

Piezocomposite materials were developed in the mid-1980s, primarily in the

United States, in order to improve the ultrasonic imaging resolution in
biomedical applications.

Piezocomposites used for transducers are fabricated using a 1-3 structure. A

piezocomposite is made of uniformly oriented piezoelectric rods embedded in
an epoxy matrix, as depicted in Figure 3-1. The piezo-ceramic embedded in a
polymer resin has a 1-D connectivity (that is, it is oscillating in one dimension
towards the test piece), while the polymer has a 3-D connectivity.

For example, PZT (lead zirconate titanate ceramic), in combination with

different polymer resins, has a higher d33 g33 value than its original parent
material (see Table 3-2).

Table 3-2 Values of d33 g33 for different combinations between PZT and polymer resins.1

1-3 PZT-polymer matrix d33 g33 (10–15 N/m)


PZT + silicone rubber 190,400

PZT rods + Spurs epoxy 46,950

PZT rods + polyurethane 73,100

PZT rods + REN epoxy 23,500

The properties of 1-3 piezocomposite materials can be derived from Smith’s

effective medium theory model3 and finite element model (FEM)2 [see Figure

Probes and Ultrasonic Field Formula 99

Z (3)

Poling direction

Y (2)

Polymer matrix Ceramic post

X (1)

Figure 3-1 The 1-3 composite coordinates according to Smith’s theory.3, 5

Based on the assumption that the field quantities associated with the x(1)
direction must be equal to those quantities associated with the y(2) direction,
the following main piezocomposite features can be computed:

• Thickness mode electromechanical coupling (kt)

• Thickness mode velocity (vl3)—Figure 3-2
• Effective characteristic impedance (for thickness mode) [Zl3]—Figure 3-3

The following advantages are obtained from a 1-3 piezocomposite probe:

• Very low lateral mode vibration; cross-talk amplitudes typically less than
−34 dB to 40 dB
• Low value of quality factor Q—Figure 3-4
• Increased bandwidth (80% to 100%)
• High value of electromechanical coupling
• Higher sensitivity and an increased SNR versus normal PZT probes
• Easy dice-and-fill technology for machining Fermat aspherically focused
phased array probes and complex-shaped probes
• Constant properties over a large temperature range
• Easy to change the velocity, impedance, relative dielectric constant, and
electromechanical factor as a function of volume fraction of ceramic
• Easy to match the acoustic impedance of different materials (from water
to steel)

100 Chapter 3
• Reduction of the need for multiple matching layers
• Manufacturing costs comparable to those of an equivalent multiprobe
• Possibility of acoustic sensitivity apodization through the variation of the
ceramic volume fraction across the phased array probe aperture (length)




L-waves velocity [m/s]





10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Procent ceramic [%]

Figure 3-2 Dependence of longitudinal velocity on ceramic concentration.

Probes and Ultrasonic Field Formula 101



Acoustic impedance [kg/m2 s]




10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Volume fraction ceramic [% ]

Figure 3-3 Acoustic impedance dependence on volume fraction of PZT.

Figure of merit M ; Quality factor Q




Figure of merit — M

2 Quality factor — Q

5 10 15 20 25 30
Volume fraction ceramic [%]

Figure 3-4 Figure of merit M and quality factor Q dependence on PZT volume for a 1-3
piezocomposite rod of 0.45-mm diameter.

More information regarding piezocomposite materials and their properties

can be found in references 3–13 and 31.

102 Chapter 3
3.3 Types of Phased Array Probes for Industrial Applications

The phased array probes used for industrial applications and their types of
focusing/beam deflections are listed in Table 3-3 and presented in Figure 3-5
to Figure 3-9.

Table 3-3 Typical phased array probes widely available.

Type Deflection Beam shape Figure

Annular Depth – z Spherical Figure 3-5

1-D Linear planar Depth, angle Elliptical Figure 3-6

2-D matrix Depth, solid Elliptical Figure 3-7


2-D segmented Depth, solid Spherical/ Figure 3-8

annular angle elliptical

1.5-D matrix Depth, small Elliptical Figure 3-9

solid angle

Figure 3-5 Annular phased array probes of equal Fresnel surfaces.

Figure 3-6 1-D linear phased array probe.

Probes and Ultrasonic Field Formula 103

Figure 3-7 2-D matrix phased array probe.

Figure 3-8 1.5-D matrix phased array probe.

Figure 3-9 Rho-theta (segmented annular) phased array probe.

Other types of phased array probes are presented in Figure 3-10 to Figure

104 Chapter 3
Figure 3-10 1-D circular phased array probes (“daisy probes”).

transmit-receive mode

curved interface

oc i

Figure 3-11 Cluster phased array probe for small diameter pipe/tube inspection showing
typical beam angles (R/D Tech U.S. patent 2004/0016299AL).

Courtesy of Lockheed Martin AS and USAF, USA

Figure 3-12 2-D matrix conical phased array probe (R/D Tech U.S. patent 10-209,298).

Probes and Ultrasonic Field Formula 105

a b

c d

Figure 3-13 Mechanically focused phased array probes: (a) toroidal convex prefocused;
(b) annular concave; (c) linear concave; (d) linear convex.

Examples of focusing patterns for the commonly used probes are presented in
Figure 3-14 to Figure 3-16.

Figure 3-14 Spherical focusing (1-D depth) pattern and simulation of the beam profile for an
annular phased array probe.

106 Chapter 3

x-z plane x-y plane




Figure 3-15 Cylindrical focusing pattern (2-D; depth and angle) of linear phased array probe
for detecting a SCC at the inner surface and a fatigue crack at mid-wall; simulation of beam
profile for both depths.

Figure 3-16 Spherical/elliptical focusing pattern (3-D solid angle) of segmented annular
phased array probe and beam simulation at two depths and two angles. Note the noise
increase due to the grating lobes.

Probes and Ultrasonic Field Formula 107


y 1

Figure 3-17 Elliptical focusing pattern (3-D solid angle) of 2-D matrix phased array probe and
beam simulation for two depths and two angles.

3.4 Linear Arrays

Linear arrays are the most commonly used phased array probes for industrial
applications. Their main advantages are:

• Easy design
• Easy manufacturing
• Easy programming and simulation
• Easy applications with wedges, direct contact, and immersion
• Relatively low cost
• Versatile
The characteristic features of linear arrays are detailed in sections 3.4.1,
“Active Aperture,” to 3.4.25, “Grating Lobe Amplitude.”

3.4.1 Active Aperture

The active aperture (A) is the total probe active length. Aperture length is given
by formula (3.1) [see also Figure 3-18]:

A = n • e + g • (n – 1) (3.1)


A = active aperture
g = gap between two adjacent elements. A practical value is e < λ ⁄ 2 .

108 Chapter 3
n = number of elements
λ = wavelength


p g

Figure 3-18 Active and passive aperture.

3.4.2 Effective Active Aperture

The effective active aperture (Aeff ) is the projected aperture seen along the
refracted rays (see Figure 3-19).

A • cos β
A eff = ------------------------R (3.2)
cos α I

Probes and Ultrasonic Field Formula 109


Aeff = A • cosβR / cosα I


Figure 3-19 Effective aperture definition.

3.4.3 Minimum Active Aperture

The minimum active aperture (Amin) is the minimum active aperture to get an
effective focusing at the maximum refracted angle.

F ( v R2 – v I2 • sin 2 β R ) 0.5
A min = 2 ------------------------------------------------- (3.3)
f • v R • cos 2 β R


vI = velocity in first medium (water, wedge)

vR = velocity in test piece
f = ultrasound frequency
F = focal depth for maximum refracted angle
βR = maximum refracted angle in the test piece

3.4.4 Passive Aperture

The passive aperture (W) is the element length or probe width (see Figure 3-18).
Recommended passive aperture is determined by probe frequency and the
focal depth range:

W = 1.4 [ λ ( F min + F max ) ] 0.5 (3.4)

110 Chapter 3
Its contribution to the focal depth (near-field length) is given (for nonfocused
probes) by formula (3.5):

( A 2 + W 2 ) ( 0.78 – 0.27W ⁄ A )
N 0 = ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- (3.5)

A good practical estimation is given by formula (3.6):

0.25A 2
N 0 ≈ ----------------- (3.6)

The passive aperture contributes to sensitivity and defect length sizing. The
maximum efficiency for a linear array probe is obtained with W passive = A .

The passive aperture also affects the beam-diffracted pattern and the beam
width (see Figure 3-20). Generally, design phased array probes with
W passive ⁄ p > 10 and/or keep W passive = ( 0.7 to 1.0 )A (applicable to
nonfocused probes).

W c)



6 dB
6 dB

Figure 3-20 Influence of passive aperture width on beam width and shape: (a) deflection
principle and beam dimensions; (b) beam shape for W = 10 mm; (c) beam shape for
W = 8 mm, 5 MHz shear wave, pitch p = 1 mm; n = 32; F = 50 mm in steel.

3.4.5 Elementary Pitch

The elementary pitch (p) is the distance between the centers of two adjacent

p = e+g

Probes and Ultrasonic Field Formula 111

3.4.6 Element Gap
The element gap (g) [kerf] is the width of acoustic insulation between two
adjacent elements.

3.4.7 Element Width

The element width (e) is the width of a single piezocomposite element. The
general rule is keep p < 0.67 • λ ; to avoid grating lobes at large steering

e design < ---

New modelling from the UK (see reference 10) and our PipeWIZARD probe
design proved the element pitch may be larger than the wave length, but the
steering capabilities are limited.

3.4.8 Maximum Element Size

The maximum element size (emax) is the width of a single piezocomposite
crystal, and depends on the maximum refracted angle.

0.514 • λ
e max = ---------------------- (3.7)
sin α R

3.4.9 Sweep Range

The sweep range (αs) is the difference between the maximum and minimum
refracted angles of the focused beam in the test piece (see Δβ in Figure 3-21).

112 Chapter 3

Δβ Δβ

Figure 3-21 Definition of sweep range for direct contact (longitudinal wave) and wedge
(shear/longitudinal wave) inspection.

3.4.10 Steering Focus Power

The steering focus power [ F ( β R ) ⁄ F 0 , where βR is the refracted angle] is the
focal depth dependence on the sweep angle (see Figure 3-22).

F ( βR ) cos β R 2
--------------- =  --------------- (3.8)
F0  cos α 0


Steering focus power






0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Refracted angle

Figure 3-22 Steering focus power dependence on refracted angle.

Probes and Ultrasonic Field Formula 113

3.4.11 Gain Compensation
An example of gain compensation due to sweep range (effective aperture) is
presented in Figure 3-23.

Note: When using a refracting wedge, the value referred to is the

refracted angle given by Snell’s law for the specific wedge material and

0 0
-60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 20 30 40 50 60 70


Amplitude variation [dB]

Amplitude variation [dB]





-15 -5
Refracted angle [degrees] Angle in steel S-waves [degrees]

Figure 3-23 Amplitude dependence on steering angle for longitudinal waves in steel (–60° to
+60°)[left], and shear waves with a sweep range: 20° to 70° with a central ray refracted angle
of 45° (right).

The cross section of a beam, which is circular at normal incidence, will

become elliptical at high-refraction angles. The beam dimensions depend on
the active and passive apertures, according to the relationships explained in
the following sections.

3.4.12 Beam Length

Beam length ( ΔY –6 dB ) is the length of the beam in a C-scan display at a specific
depth (z) in a plane perpendicular to the incident plane (parallel with the
passive aperture—see Figure 3-20).

0.884UT path λ
ΔY –6 dB ≈ ---------------------------------- (3.9)
W passive

114 Chapter 3
3.4.13 Beam Width
Beam width ( ΔX –6 dB ) is the length of the beam in a C-scan display at a specific
depth (z) in the incident plane (parallel to the active aperture—see Figure

0.884UT path λ
ΔX –6 dB ≈ ---------------------------------- (3.10)
A cos β

Relations (3.9) and (3.10) are valid for ultrasound paths outside the focal
depth ( UT path ≠ F ). The formulas predict the beam width to within 15% to

The beam width is measured based on echo dynamics from a SDH. Beam
length is evaluated based on echo dynamics from the FBH profiles (see Figure

Figure 3-24 Beam length evaluation on FBH placed on a step block.

Beam width is important for height sizing and for the detection of small
defects (see Figure 2-45 on page 78 and Figure 2-48 on page 80, for example).
The beam width depends on focal depth and the refracted angle (see Figure

Probes and Ultrasonic Field Formula 115

18 Linear phased array probe
16 7 MHz
p = 0.8 mm
n = 32
Rexolite -26
F = 30 mm
Beam width [mm]
10 30º

8 40º

10 20 30 40 50 60

Figure 3-25 Beam width dependence on refracted angle and depth.

3.4.14 Focal Depth

The focal depth is the distance along the acoustic axis for the maximum
amplitude response (see chapter 2, Figure 2-24, page 52).

There are four types of focusing options (see Figure 3-26):

• On the z-axis (variable depth) Projection

• On the x-axis (constant depth, angular) True depth
• On the UT path (xz plane) Half path
• On a specific line equation in the xz plane Focal plane

116 Chapter 3
Projection (z) True depth (x) Half path Focal plane
(x2 + z2)0.5 z = ax + b


Figure 3-26 Types of focusing for linear phased array probe.

3.4.15 Depth of Field

Depth of field ( L –6 dB ), or focal length, is the length measured at the −6 dB drop
along the acoustic axis, taking the focal depth as a reference point.

3.4.16 Focal Range

The focal range is the scanning distance either in depth or in ultrasonic path for
multichannel focal laws or with sweep angles (see Figure 3-27). The cutoff
lower value is normally −6 dB; for some applications, the cutoff value is −3 dB
(see also chapter 2, Figure 2-25 on page 55 and Figure 2-26 on page 55).

F1 F2 F3

–6 dB

Focal range
Ultrasound path (mm)

Figure 3-27 Focal range definition for −6 dB cutoff (pulse-echo).

Probes and Ultrasonic Field Formula 117

3.4.17 Near-Surface Resolution
Near-surface resolution (dead zone) is the minimum distance from the scanning
surface where a reflector (SDH, FBH) amplitude has more than a 6-dB
resolution compared with the decay amplitude from the main bang (initial
pulse) for normal beam (see Figure 3-28). The dead zone increases along with
the gain increase.

3.4.18 Far-Surface Resolution

Far-surface resolution is the minimum distance from the inner surface where
the phased array probe can resolve the amplitude ( ΔA > 6 dB ) to specific
reflectors (SDH or FBH) located at a height of 1 mm to 5 mm from the
flat/cylindrical backwall (see Figure 3-28).



> 6 dB

> 6 dB

d ns-ΔG d fs-BW

Figure 3-28 The near-surface and far-surface resolution definitions.

3.4.19 Lateral and Axial Resolution

Lateral resolution and axial resolution are defined below. Note that the phased
array probe is moving for lateral resolution and is static for axial resolution. A
shorter pulse duration and smaller beam length increases both resolutions.

Lateral resolution:

ΔX –6 dB
Δd = ------------------

Axial resolution:

v test piece Δτ –20 dB

Δz = -----------------------------------------

118 Chapter 3
where Δτ –20 dB is the time resolution at a –20 dB drop-off.

3.4.20 Angular Resolution

The angular resolution is the minimum angular value between two A-scans
where adjacent defects located at the same depth are resolvable (see Figure

Figure 3-29 Angular resolution and detection of three 0.5-mm SDHs spaced apart by 0.8 mm
and 1.2 mm. SDHs are located at z = 25.7 mm. Principle (a); angle-corrected true depth (b);
and echo dynamic (c).

3.4.21 Main Lobe

The main lobe is the acoustic pressure directed towards the programmed

3.4.22 Side Lobes

Side lobes are produced by acoustic pressure leaking from probe elements at
different and defined angles from the main lobe.

Probes and Ultrasonic Field Formula 119

3.4.23 Grating Lobes
Grating lobes are generated by acoustic pressure due to even sampling across
the probe elements (see Figure 3-30).

Their locations are given by formula (3.11):

β grating = sin -1 ( mλ ⁄ p ) (3.11)


m = ± 1, ± 2, ± 3,…



Steering angle

Figure 3-30 Directivity plot for a phased array probe: M = main lobe; S = side lobes;
G = grating lobes. βgrating is shown in orange; the main lobe, in yellow.

Note: Probe design optimization is achieved by:

• Minimizing the main lobe width

• Suppressing the side lobes
• Eliminating the grating lobe(s)

120 Chapter 3
3.4.24 Beam Apodization
Beam apodization is a computer-controlled feature that applies lower voltage to
the outside elements in order to reduce the side lobes.

Note: The Tomoscan FOCUS beam apodization is performed during the

receiving stage. The gain applied to each element of the probe can be
adjusted individually, but the pulse voltage is kept the same for each

3.4.25 Grating Lobe Amplitude

Grating lobe amplitude depends on pitch size, number of elements, frequency,
and bandwidth (see Figure 3-31 and Figure 3-32).

1 MHz G
a) p = 9; n = 8

3 MHz p=6; n = 1 2 M


5 MHz

S p = 3.6; n = 20

Figure 3-31 Grating lobe dependence on: (a) frequency; (b) pitch size and number of
elements (same aperture of 72 mm).

Probes and Ultrasonic Field Formula 121

BW = 20% BW = 70%


Figure 3-32 Influence of damping (BWrel) on grating lobes for a 1-MHz probe focusing at
z = 60 mm (simulation using PASS).

Grating lobes may be reduced though:

• Decreased frequency
• Reduced pitch size
• Increased bandwidth, which spreads out the grating lobes
• Reduced sweeping range (addition of a wedge)
• Subdicing (cutting elements into smaller elements)
• Randomized element spacing (using irregular element positioning to
break up the grating lobes)

3.5 Dynamic Depth Focusing

Dynamic depth focusing (DDF) is a programmable, real-time array response on

reception by modifying the delay line, gain, and excitation of each element as
a function of time (see Figure 3-33). DDF replaces multiple focal laws for the
same focal range by the product of the emitted beam with separate “focused
beams” at the receiving stage. In other words, DDF dynamically changes the
focal distance as the signal returns to the phased array probe. DDF
significantly increases the depth-of-field and SNR.

122 Chapter 3
Emission Reception Pulse-echo


Acquisition time

Figure 3-33 Dynamic depth focusing (DDF): (a) principle-resulting beam by product;
(b) comparison between standard phased array focusing (top) and DDF on the depth-of-field
(bottom). Note the detection of two SDHs in the near-surface zone by DDF that are missed by
standard phased array focusing.

3.5.1 DDF Beam Divergence

The DDF beam divergence on acoustic axis ΔX –6 dB (SDH) is the beam width
measured using the echo-dynamic amplitude from side-drilled hole reflectors
when the DDF board is enabled.

A comparison of DDF with the standard phased array probes is presented in

Figure 3-34. Note the narrow beam of the DDF compared to standard phased
array focusing.

Probes and Ultrasonic Field Formula 123

a Scan axis b

Echo-dynamic envelope

–6 dB

ΔX–6 dB (SDH) Scan axis [mm]

Beam dimension at –6 dB (m)


SPAF = 50 mm




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Reflector depth (mm)

Figure 3-34 Beam divergence: (a) principle; (b) longitudinal waves at 0°; (c) comparison
between standard phased arrays (SPAF) and DDF.

3.5.2 DDF Advantages

DDF has the following advantages:

• The depth-of-field generated by an optimized DDF is improved by a

factor of four in practical applications with respect to standard focusing.
• The beam spot produced by DDF is always as small as the one produced
by standard focusing, or smaller.
• The use of DDF creates very small beam spreads. Half angles as small as
0.30 and 0.14 degrees were obtained with linear and annular array
• DDF diminishes the beam spread without altering the dimension of the
beam obtained with the standard phased array.

124 Chapter 3
• The SNR DDF is greater than the SNR SPAF .
• File size is greatly reduced because only one A-scan is recorded at each
mechanical position.
• Effective PRF is increased because only one A-scan is needed to cover a
long sound path instead of multiple pulses from individual transducers.
All of these properties make the use of DDF suitable for applications such as
boresonic, titanium billet, and blade root inspections8 (see chapter 5,

3.6 Probe on the Wedge

Linear phased array probes are mostly used in combination with a wedge.
The probe-wedge features are detailed in section 3.6.1, “Wedge Delay,” to
section 3.6.3, “Index Point Migration.”

3.6.1 Wedge Delay

Wedge delay ( D w ) is the time of flight (µs) for specific angles in the wedge (full

The computation is detailed in Figure 3-35.

1. Find the ray angle for a specific refracted angle from Snell’s law:

v wedge sin β R
α i = sin -1  ------------------------------
 v test piece 

2. Find the height of the middle of the phased array probe (virtual emitting

E h = ( L 1 + L 2 ) • sin ω = [ H 1 + p ⁄ 2 • ( n – 1 ) ] • sin ω (3.12)

3. Find the ultrasound path (P) in the wedge:

P wedge = -------------
cos α i

4. Find the wedge delay:

Probes and Ultrasonic Field Formula 125

D wedge = ------------ (3.13)

L1 Wedge


P αi
ω Hi


Figure 3-35 Wedge elements for computation of wedge delay and index.

3.6.2 Index Point Length

Index point length ( I i ): the length from the back (or front) of the wedge to the
exit point of a specific angle (see Figure 3-35).

I i = ( L 1 + L 2 ) • cos ω – H w • tan ω + P • sin α i (3.14)


ω = wedge angle
Hi = height in the middle of the first element
Hw = wedge height—back
P = ultrasound path in wedge (half path)
αi = incident angle of ultrasonic ray in the wedge
βR = refracted angle in test piece
Eh = height of middle of phased array probe (for virtual emitting point)
p = element pitch
L1 = distance from the middle of first element to the emitting point

126 Chapter 3
L2 = distance from the emitting point to the intersection with
horizontal line (wedge contact surface)
Ii = index point length
vR = ultrasonic velocity in test piece
vw = ultrasonic velocity in wedge

3.6.3 Index Point Migration

Index point migration [ ΔI ( α i ) ] : index point change with respect to angle of
beam in wedge (see Figure 3-36).



Wedge index [mm]




30 40 50 60 70
Refracted angle [degrees]

Figure 3-36 Sample plot of migration of the index point with refraction angle for a linear
phased array probe. TomoView software compensates for this migration.

3.7 Beam Deflection on the Wedge

This section describes the various types of beam deflection that are possible
when using phased arrays. This subject is unique to phased arrays, due to the
beam steering capability.

Probes and Ultrasonic Field Formula 127

3.7.1 Azimuthal Deflection
Azimuthal (or sectorial) deflection is defined as beam sweeping along the wedge
length [see Figure 3-37 (A)] in the xz plane (the passive aperture is parallel
with the wedge width) [see Figure 3-38 (a)].

3.7.2 Lateral Deflection

Lateral deflection is defined as beam sweeping along the wedge width [see
Figure 3-37 (B)] in the yz plane (the passive aperture is parallel with wedge
length) [see Figure 3-38 (b)]. The deflection is performed at a constant
refracted angle given by the wedge angle.

3.7.3 Skew Deflection

Skew deflection is defined as beam sweeping with the active aperture parallel
with the wedge width and tilted [see Figure 3-38 (c)]. This could also be
described as an azimuthal deflection with an out-of-plane tilt.

Figure 3-37 Wedge dimensions: (A) length; (B) width; and (C) height.

128 Chapter 3
Figure 3-38 Beam deflection on the wedge: (a) sectorial/azimuthal; (b) lateral;
(c) sectorial/azimuthal with a roof (skewed).

3.7.4 Active Axis Offset

Active axis offset is defined as the offset of the middle of the first element along
the active axis (transducer array axis), relative to the reference point (see
Figure 3-39).

3.7.5 Passive Axis Offset

Passive axis offset is defined as the offset of the middle of the first element
along the passive axis (the axis that is perpendicular to the transducer array
axis), relative to the reference point (see Figure 3-39).

Probes and Ultrasonic Field Formula 129

Figure 3-39 Active (left) and passive (right) offset definition.

3.8 2-D Matrix Phased Array Probes

Two-dimensional phased array probes are used to inspect in pitch-and-catch

and/or in pulse-echo mode. The main advantages of 2-D matrix probes are:

• Potential for deflecting the beam in 3-D space

• Potential for focusing in spherical, elliptical, or linear patterns
• Potential for focusing at different depths and skew angles using the same
• Two-plane steering capability available for simultaneous variation of both
the refracted angle and skew angle of the ultrasonic beam
The main elements of the 2-D matrix probe are listed in Figure 3-40.

130 Chapter 3
Primary plane • Frequency (f), wavelength (λ)
• number of elements, primary axis (n p )
• number of elements, secondary axis (n s )
• Total number of elements, (n = n p x n s )
• Primary aperture (A p )
• Secondary aperture (A s )
• Primary pitch (p p )
• Secondary pitch (p s )

Secondary plane

• Primary steering capability:

sin θp = 0.5 λ / p p
• Secondary steering capability:
pp sin θs = 0.5 λ / p s


Figure 3-40 2-D matrix phased array probe and its main features.

Simulation of a 2-D matrix phased array probe beam focusing on a cylindrical

part is presented in Figure 3-41.

Figure 3-41 Beam simulation for 2-D matrix probe on cylindrical part; left, ray tracing; right,
beam profile.

An example of delay values for a 2-D matrix phased array probe of

32 elements (4 × 8) for a skew of −15° and a refracted angle of 45° LW in steel,
F = 50 mm, is presented in Figure 3-42.

Probes and Ultrasonic Field Formula 131



Time delay [ns]




1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31

Element number

Figure 3-42 Delay values for a 2-D matrix phased array probe of 8 × 4 elements in pulse-echo

An example of a pitch-and-catch configuration for a 2-D matrix probe is

presented in Figure 3-43. More details about the applications of 2-D probes
are presented in chapter 4, “Scanning Patterns and Views.”

Col 2 Col 2
4 Col 1 Col 1

Fi min
oc max

Fi max

oc i

oc i

oc :0˚

Figure 3-43 Examples of pitch-and-catch configuration using a 2-D matrix probe on a wedge
with a roof: 4 × 2 array (left) and 6 × 4 array (right).

132 Chapter 3
3.9 Focal Law Calculator

The focal law calculator is the vital phased array tool that calculates the specific
delays for all active elements in a customized calculation, which includes
beam deflection, probe features, wedge characteristics, and test piece
properties. Based on these calculated values, the hardware will enable the
firing sequence.

Figure 3-44 represents the focal law programming for an annular array probe
placed in 20 mm of water and focused on a steel plate at a range of 10 mm to
100 mm.


10 mm

100 mm

Figure 3-44 Inspection scenario (left) and focal laws for annular array probe immersed in
20 mm of water (right).

The actual beam profile from z = 15–50 mm is presented in Figure 3-45.

Probes and Ultrasonic Field Formula 133


F = 40 mm

Figure 3-45 Beam profile of annular array probe from 15 mm to 50 mm in steel (F = 40 mm;
beam diameter = 1 mm).

An example of the focal laws calculated for a 2-D matrix probe on a

28° Rexolite wedge with a 10° roof angle is presented in Figure 3-46.

134 Chapter 3
Figure 3-46 Example of focal law computation for a 2-D matrix probe of 16 × 4 elements.

fc = 5 MHz
n = 16
A = ~32 mm
W = 1.4 mm
Rexolite wedge (80 mm × 30 mm);
ω = 33°
F = 50 mm

Figure 3-47 Linear phased array probe characteristics and inspection visualization for a
sweep range of 30° to 60°, resolution of 2°, and focusing at 50 mm.

Another example of focal law computation for an annular array on a pipe is

Probes and Ultrasonic Field Formula 135

presented in Figure 3-48. Ray tracing visualization of ultrasounds in the
component is presented in Figure 3-49.

Figure 3-48 Example of focal law computation for a linear phased array probe on a pipe,
OD × t = 400 mm × 100 mm.

fc = 5 MHz
n = 32
A = ~32 mm
W = 10 mm
Rexolite wedge (60 mm × 30 mm);
ω = 36°
F = 50 mm

Figure 3-49 Linear phased array probe characteristics and inspection visualization for a
sweep range of 30° to 60°, resolution of 2°, and focusing at 50 mm.

136 Chapter 3
Figure 3-50 shows another visualization tool, ray tracing, to inspect a weld
with a counterbore.

Figure 3-50 Simulation of pipe weld inspection using ray tracing and S-scans.

3.10 Standard Array Probes

An overview of phased array probes is presented in Table 3-4.

Table 3-4 Probe classification overview.

Probe type Beam Beam shape Remarks


Plan linear A, L, DDF Cylindrical Most commonly used

Plan circular A, L, DDF Cylindrical, For tubes and

elliptical cylindrical parts;
mirror reflection

Annular D, DDF Spherical Normal beams for

forging inspections

2-D matrix A, L, DDF Elliptical Weld inspections

Rho-theta A, DDF Spherical/ Special applications

elliptical in aeronautics;
complex design,
complex setup

*A = azimuthal or sectorial; L = linear; DDF = dynamic depth focusing;

D = depth

Probes and Ultrasonic Field Formula 137

3.11 Other Array Features

Other phased array probe features include sensitivity, electrical impedance,

and cross-talk amplitude.

3.11.1 Sensitivity
Sensitivity ( S e ) : the ratio between the output and input voltages for a specific

S e = 20log 10 ( V out ⁄ V in ) [ dB ]

3.11.2 Impedance
Impedance ( Z fc ) : the impedance measured at the center frequency (resonant
value). Impedance may be evaluated by the KLM model.

3.11.3 Cross Talk

Cross talk between elements: the dB value of the signal between two elements,
which may be adjacent or spaced apart. The acceptable value of cross talk is
around −30 dB to −40 dB.

3.12 Phased Array Simulation Software (PASS)

Software program developed by the Laboratory of Acoustics at the University

of Paris. It is used to visualize the probe design, generate focal laws and beam
features, and solve complex probe setups and/or inspection scenarios. The
ultrasonic field results (.mnp files) can be analyzed in Olympus TomoView

An example of focal point visualizing for an annular probe beam simulation

is presented in Figure 3-51.

138 Chapter 3
Focal depth [mm]


Delay [ns]



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Element number

Figure 3-51 Example of PASS simulation for an annular array probe made out of 8 rings—
Fresnel zones—that focus from 10 mm to 100 mm (left); delay values for two focus depths

3.13 Probe Design

For each specific task, probe design should take into account the following

• Compact design, high-quality case, good shock absorbance, good

protection from the elements
• Capability of steering the beam through the appropriate sweep range
generating no grating lobes with longitudinal waves using direct contact
• Possibility of steering the beam from 0° to 70° for linear arrays in
longitudinal wave mode and from 28° to 85° in shear waves mode with
the probe on a wedge, or through the appropriate sweep range
• High bandwidth (BW > 75%), that is, pulse duration as short as possible
(see Figure 3-52 as a guideline for a 1.5 λ probe)
• Possibility of using mode-converted and tandem techniques
• Small sensitivity variation (less than ±2 dB in manufacturing conditions)
between probe elements
• Small variation of reference gain (less than ±3 dB) between different
probes from the same family
• Watertight case and cable
• Radiation-resistant (106 R/h) for nuclear applications

Probes and Ultrasonic Field Formula 139

• Easy to label and identify
• Flexibility for using the phased array probe on multiple projects, and not
only in shear wave or longitudinal wave modes

Pulse duration Δτ–20dB [microseconds] 1.6




0.6 Δτ-20dB



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Center frequency [MHz]

Figure 3-52 Recommended value for pulse duration of 1.5 λ probe.

3.13.1 Physics Guidelines

This section presents some considerations and a possible line of reasoning
when designing a probe. It is not intended as a universal recipe for probe

1. If the test piece is isotropic, check if f max = v test piece ⁄ 6D grain (where
Dgrain is the grain diameter); this will avoid excessive attenuation and
structure noise due to a higher frequency.
2. Find out the maximum sweep range: include a wedge with a refracted
angle in the middle of the sweep range; this determines the maximum
pitch size.
3. Calculate the angle for grating lobes and avoid the grating lobes by
setting p < λ ⁄ 2 .
4. Check if unavoidable grating lobes can generate spurious indications.

140 Chapter 3
5. Check if the pitch exceeds the value of the wavelength when it is used
with a wedge, a high frequency (f > 6 MHz), and a high bandwidth
(BWrel > 85%).
6. Find out the optimal focal depth for the maximum refracted angle
(minimum effective aperture); this determines the real aperture of the
7. Find out the near-field length.
8. Check if F max < N 0 .
9. Find out the minimum and maximum focal depths; this determines the
passive aperture size.
10. Check if A > W passive and W passive > 8p .

11. Find out the number of elements: n = A ⁄ p .

12. Specify the BW and Δτ –20 dB values, the cable length, the cross-talk value,
or specific elements for the probe as a single entity.
13. Evaluate other factors from the KLM model: cable length influence,
electrical impedance, and sensitivity.
14. Evaluate the gain losses from the contact surface (see Figure 3-53) and
inner surface roughnesses (see Figure 3-54).
15. Evaluate the gain loss due to attenuation in the wedge and in the test
piece (use the graphs from section 2.12, p. 66).
16. Evaluate the useful gain in reserve and the SNR for your reflector (worst-
case scenario).
17. Draw the detectability curves for the start and finish angles.
18. If the SNR is less than 10 dB, you may consider one of the following
options: increasing or decreasing the frequency, increasing the aperture
size, and prefocusing the probe.
19. Perform steps 1 through 16 once more. If the SNR is greater than 10 dB,
then find the beam dimensions.
20. Evaluate the axial and lateral resolutions.
21. Run a simulation to confirm the results.

Note: Optimization of probe design may be affected by geometric

constraints and environmental conditions (radiation, underwater,
pressure, temperature, moisture).

Probes and Ultrasonic Field Formula 141

125 250 500
Amplitude variation [dB]

2.25 MHz ASME
-14 3.5 MHz
5 MHz
-16 7.5 MHz
10 MHz
0 5 10 15
Roughness Ra [microns]

Figure 3-53 Sensitivity drop due to contact surface roughness. Couplant: glycerine; reference
reflector: SDH with a 2-mm diameter.

142 Chapter 3
10 MHz
TW -42º
25 t = 20 mm
F = 20 mm
Noise amplitude [dB] 20 β = 28º – 70º
7 MHz


10 5 MHz

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Roughness Ra [microns]

Figure 3-54 Noise increase due to inner surface roughness. Couplant: glycerine. Reference
reflector: EDM notch of 12 mm × 1.5 mm.

3.13.2 Practical Guidelines

Besides the above design based on physics, the phased array probe design
should include the following functional features:

• Case dimensions
• Cable orientation (top, side, back, front)
• Engraving of the position of specific elements (first element, middle, last)
• Engraving of the probe ID, serial number (see Figure 3-60)
• Connector type and wiring matrix
• Wedge ID, height of the first element, wedge refracted (and roof) angle
• Working temperature range
• Acoustic impedance matching (material, velocity, density)
• Tolerances on main features (center frequency, BW, Δτ –20 dB , impedance,
sensitivity, cross talk) for all elements and for probe as a part
• Check frequency of individual elements
• Experimental setup and QA standards and procedures

Probes and Ultrasonic Field Formula 143

Designing a phased array probe is more complicated than it may seem; expert
advice is recommended for any unusual applications.

3.14 Ultrasonic Setup Details

Ultrasonic parameter adjustment and optimization of the acquisition

sequence are performed at different stages:

• Setup mode
• Acquisition mode
• Analysis mode
Examples of adjustable ultrasonic parameters in TomoView 2.2 are presented
in Table 3-5.

Table 3-5 Generic ultrasonic settings for a phased array instrument.

• Voltage
• Pulse width
Pulser • Rectification
• Band-pass filters
• Smoothing

• Gain/channel
• Gain/focal law
• Booster gain
• Ultrasonic start
• Ultrasonic range
• Gate start and range
• Units (half-path, time, depth,

• Digitizing frequency
• Averaging
Digitizer • Acquisition rate
• Compression

Some hints on optimizing the ultrasonic settings are given in the following

144 Chapter 3

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