Repair and Rehabilitation of Concrete ST PDF
Repair and Rehabilitation of Concrete ST PDF
Repair and Rehabilitation of Concrete ST PDF
Faculty Advisor
Dr. Rajan Sen
Julio Johan Saire Yanez
Department of Civil engineering, University of South Florida, Tampa, US
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Rajan Sen
Department of Civil Engineering, University of South Florida, Tampa, US
Publish Pending
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
The repair of structures has been a very special issue in civil engineering
since ancient times. Throughout the history, the projects built by the human have
been damaged by the passage of time, natural disasters, and even by errors
during the construction. In this sense, the engineering field related for repairing
and rehabilitate structures has been focused to find methods and techniques to
do this important task. The Graduate level course Repair and rehabilitation of
structures, conducted by the Dr. Rajan Sen has been concentrated to bring real
This book tries to collect the main ideas, techniques, and methods used
by these prominent engineers in order to repair and rehab the large variety of
structures such as bridges, buildings, garages, hotels and other exciting kind of
structures. What is more, the book discuss about different types of construction
The author wishes to express his sincere gratitude to all the speakers of
the graduate level course Repair and Habilitation of Structures and the faculty
advisor Dr. Rajan Sen who gave freely of their time and expert knowledge in
providing frequent assistance during the spring 2018 at the University of South
Julio Saire
PREFACE ...................................................................................................................... IV
RESIDENTIAL FOUNDATIONS .................................................................................. 3
1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................... 3
1.2 Discussion ................................................................................................ 3
1.3 Sinkholes .................................................................................................. 4
1.4 Common Subsurface Investigation Methods ...................................... 6
1.5 Forms of Subsurface Remediation ....................................................... 7
1.6 Conclusion: ............................................................................................... 8
1.7 Reference: ................................................................................................ 8
CHAPTER II: REPAIR OF MASONRY PROBLEMS ............................................. 11
2.1 Masonry Cracking ................................................................................. 11
2.2 Moisture Leakage. ................................................................................. 14
2.3 Stucco Debonding/ Delamination. ...................................................... 16
2.4 Stucco cracking ..................................................................................... 17
2.5 Ungrouted cells ...................................................................................... 18
2.6 Missing rebar.......................................................................................... 19
2.7 Soft mortar .............................................................................................. 19
2.8 Efflorescence ......................................................................................... 20
2.9 Reference ............................................................................................... 20
CHAPTER III: CORROSION REPAIR ...................................................................... 23
3.1 The Importance Of Concrete Preservation. ...................................... 23
3.2 Industry Resources ............................................................................... 24
3.3 Concrete Corrosion ............................................................................... 25
3.4 Evaluation Existing Structures............................................................. 29
3.5 Concrete Repair Basics........................................................................ 37
3.6 Electrochemical Corrosion Mitigation................................................. 40
3.7 Reference ............................................................................................... 50
CONCRETE ELEMENTS ........................................................................................... 53
4.1 Corrosion of the Reinforcing Steel................................................... 53
4.2. Codes and References........................................................................ 54
4.3 Proposal or work scope: ....................................................................... 54
4.4 Case Study 01: Filter Beds Structure ................................................. 55
4.5 Case Study 02: Settling Tanks ............................................................ 58
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
I suggest using the same format and font for each slide because it allows
the public to follow the presentation without abrupt changes.
At the beginning of the presentation, the presenter mentioned that some
contributions were provided from different authors. I suggest to include
each contribution as a references.
I suggest the presenter to read the book “The Craft of Scientific
Presentations” by Michael Alley. This book is useful because it teaches
how to organize the slides and what type of fonts an author should use.
I suggest to include in the slides video links on how to perform each type
of test. This will facilitate the audience with a better understanding of what
he is presenting.
Reviewer Name: Julio Johan Saire Yanez Date 01/18/2018
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
1.2 Discussion
The building code assumes a bearing capacity of 2000 psf, but usually this value
is less in-situ hence the presenter recommends to take a less value of bearing
capacity before design the foundations.
Julio Saire
Moreover, trees during dry seasons could remove 100 gallon of water per day
causing shrinkage of the soil. The slope stability during construction is an
important factor when foundation is being placed. The presenter suggests
building houses far from ponds where foundations are in risk of settlement.
Lastly, the expansive clays are another reason why there are settlements
in Florida. The presenter established not every clay is expansive. Additionally,
expansive clays absorb water during wet season or release water over drought
season producing swelling or shrinkage of clay layers respectively. Those
changes introduce stresses over the foundations causing settlement. Moreover,
active clays could increase their ability to cause damage. It depends on their
thickness and other external agents such as water pipes in poor condition.
1.3 Sinkholes
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
Finally, the presenter demonstrated how a mini cone graph shows the
composition of the soil and its relationship with their strength site. The CPT
inspection test is useful to recognize a sinkhole. According to the graphs, abrupt
changes in the soil profiles could involve a sinkhole. The SPT boring showed a
soil profile where it is possible to analyze the composition of the soil.
Julio Saire
1.6 Conclusion:
1.7 Reference:
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
The presenter stated that cracking is the Mother Nature’s control joints.
The main cause of shrinkage cracking is the loss of moisture. This can be
identified as small cracks distributed through the wall. Even though those cracks
are not often noticeable (0.06 in or 0.15 cm), they should be treated as a real
cracks, because over time they can get worst.
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
The most common joints discussed by the presenter are Mechanical Slip
Connector, Sash Block with Preformed Gasket, Standard Raked Joint and
Michigan Keyed Joint.
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
There are two different ways to place the stucco. First, there is a lap
material between stucco and wall (which is not recommendable). Second, to
apply directly the stucco to the wall (recommended).
When there are large debonded stucco areas, the best way to repair it is
by removing and replacing.
Pinning in place:
Julio Saire
Do not:
Julio Saire
Cell blockage is a situation when the grout does not go down into block
cells. There are many reasons why grout does not go down into the block cell.
That involves the fluidity of the grout and the placing procedures during
construction. That is why; it is important to determine the location of un-grouted
cells. The most popular way to determine un-grouted cells is Thermal Imaging
(Used in large scale). Finally, Sounding the stucco is another way to identify a
hollow cell in the wall (used in small scale).
1) Opening in face
2) Remove the excess
grout to facilitate filling
3) Put form board on
4) Fill the void area
5) Top space between
existing grout and new
grout should be
packed with non-
shrink grout 2”
(Beers D, 2018)
Julio Saire
The presenter stated that soft mortar is not a simple problem of stucco
strength, it involves a hydration problem. For example, Florida has the potential
of drained up the water from the mortar easily. As a result, re-hydration is a big
issue because the water needs to get back to the wall. The presenter
recommends to used Frog spray to cure the stucco.
Julio Saire
2.8 Efflorescence
Efflorescence is the content of salt in the block. The water in the block
brings the content salt to the wall surface. The main reason why efflorescence
happens is because there is water that gets into the wall somewhere.
2.9 Reference
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
Concrete Preservation.
Concrete in Society
Based on the presenter research, concrete is the most used product in the
construction world. The concrete production makes up to six billion tons per year.
Further, concrete requires cement, aggregates, concrete production and steel
The cement production encompasses one billion tons per year. In addition,
the cement production involves an equivalent weight of CO2 production. Other
emission such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and volatile
organic compound are also produced by cement production.
Sustainable development
Julio Saire
The focus of the Concrete Repair Industry is to put guidelines and promote
information about concrete maintenance.
Julio Saire
Guide to concrete
repair. (ACI 546R-14)
(Ball C., 2018)
Code requirements
for evaluation. Repair
and rehabilitation of
concrete building
(ACI 562-13)
Julio Saire
Chloride-Induced Corrosion
Julio Saire
1. Moisture : (Water)
2. Electrolyte : (Concrete)
3. Metallic Path : (Steel)
Julio Saire
According to the picture, the
corrosion damage does not occurs
just in marine environments, but
also it happens in urban
environments. This building has
been carbonated-attacked by the
Carbonated wall
(Ball C., 2018) presence of carbon dioxide in the
Julio Saire
In order to do a structural
condition assessment, it is important
to identify areas of visual damage:
1. Exposed steel
2. Types of environment?
3. Are there cracks?
4. Are rust stains on the surface?
5. Take Notes
Delamination surface
(Ball C., 2018)
Julio Saire
A Delamination is inter-
planar separation along the steel. In
other words Delamination are areas
where concrete has lost bond with
rebar and delaminated concrete
which has not yet spalled. There is a
Guide to perform test and that is
ASTM D4580. The most common
method to identify in-situ is Sounding
Substructure with Delamination
(Ball C., 2018)
3.4.3 Infrared Thermography
Infrared Thermography is a
rough way to do structural condition
assessments. This method picks up
the heat of the structure. Also, the
number samples are limited because
it depends on environment conditions.
Spalls can be identified because of the
difference in the temperature.
Thermic image of Bridge substructure
(Ball C., 2018)
3.4.4 Depth Cover
In order to do a structural
assessment, it is important to
determine the depth of cover. By
comparing the depth of rebar with the
result of chloride and carbonation, we
can determine the factual rebar
Julio Saire
Concrete Cover
(Ball C., 2018)
Case study: Concrete Silo cover Depth. Radar. Based on the figures, it can be
(Ball C., 2018)
concluded that the concrete cover is
varying in the structure. It implies that
the structure ii is suffering damage.
Julio Saire
Additionally, it is possible to
determine if the reinforcing has been
affected by the chloride content. By
comparing the chloride penetration depth
Concrete Cores and the concrete’s cover.
(Ball C., 2018)
3.4.8 pH Testing
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
1. Structural integrity
2. Ultra-sonic test
3. Sensors reading the velocity of
the waves
Clinker Storage Silos
(Ball C., 2018)
Sonic/Ultrasonic Testing
Beam Assessment
(Ball C., 2018)
Roof slab assessment
(Ball C., 2018)
The ultra sonic testing allows The ultra sonic testing allows to
determines the level of structural determine the level of structural
integrity. Based on the figure, there integrity, cover and the average of the
are sifnificant areas of deterioration, compressive strength.
some would not have been detected
by conventional sounding.
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
Test Procedure
1. Drill in
2. Push in dry gas (nitrogen)
3. Measure how much air is
coming out
4. If there is moisture in tendons,
hydrogen has been picked up.
(Balls C.,2018)
Post -Tech Testing scale
(Balls C.,2018)
Concrete Repair
(Balls C.,2018)
Julio Saire
Another achievement is to
make the substructure last long as the
new deck.
(Balls C.,2018)
Concrete Repair
1. Determine removal
2. Abrasive blasting to clean
subtrate and reinforcing
3. Remove concrete to undercut
an expose reinforcing steel and
provide uniform repair depth
4. Saw cut perimeter to provide
(Balls C.,2018) vertical edge.
Julio Saire
Recommendation :
Substructure Corroded
Pier Corrosion
(, 2016)
Julio Saire
Galvanic Series
Electrochemical cell
Galvanic Series (Balls C.,2018) (Balls C.,2018)
Julio Saire
Galvanic Protection
Cathodic Prevention
Julio Saire
Case Study: Corrosion control (Lucy Tower Multi Story CAR Park Lincoln)
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
1. Visual observation
Spalled Areas.
(Balls C.,2018)
(Balls C.,2018) Reduced cross-section.
3. Cover Depth
Make a cover survey
Verify the cover depth
(Balls C.,2018)
Julio Saire
5. Carbonation
Verify the level of carbonation
using the phenolphthalein.
Determines the carbonation
(Balls C.,2018)
6. Chloride Profile
Having concrete cores, it is
possible to suit a chloride
profiles and determines the
chloride content and other
(Balls C.,2018)
7. Corrosion potentials
Determines the corrosion
potentials in elements.
Make sure about the
difference of the potential in
the element.
Establish a scale for
8. Repair Strategy
Remove and replace concrete
Incorporate galvanic anodes
Use ICRI procedures.
(Balls C.,2018)
Julio Saire
9. Concrete Removal
Make sure the corroded
concrete has been removed
from the element.
(Balls C.,2018)
(Balls C.,2018)
(Balls C.,2018)
(Balls C.,2018)
Julio Saire
Tidal Jacket
Pile Exposure
(Balls C.,2018)
(Balls C.,2018)
This cathodic protection implies painting the surface of the structure with
zinc paint. According to the presenter, this method is commonly used by the
Florida department of transportation because its advantages. Usually, this
method lasts 15 to 20 years.
Julio Saire
Impressed Current
(Balls C, 2018)
STUDY CASE : Balcony Repair and Protection (Impressed current)
Dac- Anode
(Balls C.,2018)
Black Coating in balconies
(Balls C.,2018)
Julio Saire
Historic Structures
(Balls C.,2018)
This method wants to do a
Re-alkalization of the structure.
(Balls C.,2018)
Julio Saire
3.7 Reference
[1] Ashworth, V. (1993). ‘‘Some basic design and operating parameters for
cathodic protection.’’ Cathodic protection: Theory and practice, V.
Ashworth and C. Googan, eds., Ellis Horwood, Chichester, U.K., 1– 16.
[2] Bertolini, L., Bolzoni, F., Cigada, A., Pastore, T., and Pedeferri, P. (1993).
‘‘Cathodic protection of new and old reinforced concrete structures.’’
Corros. Sci., 35, 1633–1639.
[3] Chris Ball, (2018). Repair of Masonry Problems [PowerPoint
presentation]. Retrieved from CANVAS.
[4] Fontana, M. G. (1988). Corrosion engineering, 3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill, New
[5] Sagues, A. A., Kranc, S. C., Al-Mansur, A. K. M., and Hierholzer, S.
(1994). ‘‘Factors controlling corrosion of steel-reinforced concrete
substructure in seawater.’’ Final Rep. FL/DOT/RC/0537-3523, National
Technical Information Service, Springfield, Va.
Online Resources
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
Code requirement
for Environmental
Building Code
Concrete Structure
for Structural
adopted as a Code
standard in 2001
and was referenced as a guide prior to
(, 2018) 2001. (, 2018)
a. Data Collection
Data collection implies to make a research about precedents of the project.
Sometimes, those precedents include plans, construction reports and, related
studies. Having correct information enhances the taking decision–making
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
Cracking around pipe (Reinhart, 2018) Cracks above pipeline (Reinhart, 2018)
c) Structural testing
Julio Saire
d) Report
According to the concrete coring and petrographic tests, the concrete
compressive strength was 3450 psi which it is a good quality indicator. On the
other hand, the carbonation test demonstrated ¾ in of concrete depth
carbonation. This is a good indicator because the concrete cover was 1 ½ in.
Finally, the presenter made a concrete repair proposal. This proposal will add at
least five years of service to the structure.
Julio Saire
The second case study two illustrates the concrete repair process in a Settling
Tanks. In order to complete this task, the presenter follow procedure described
a) Data collection :
b) Visual Inspection: Each key point was recorded and taken into account.
Water Stop embedded (Reinhart, 2018) Steel Section loss (Reinhart, 2018)
c) Structural Testing:
Julio Saire
In this case study, the presenter made a visual inspection and he considered
a prompt restoration, because the damage was in the outer part of the tank and
it could carry several structural problems.
d) Report :
The presenter developed a restoration plan including anodic protection,
removing, and replacing damaged concrete.
Remove damage concrete (Reinhart, 2018) Cast new grout (Reinhart, 2018)
Julio Saire
a) Data collection
The presenter established that chemical fumes damaged the concrete
structure. The chemical cocktail included hydrofluosolic (HFS).
b) Visual inspection
c) Structural Testing
In this case study, the presenter made a visual inspection and he considered
to repair directly, because it was an undeniable concrete deterioration.
Julio Saire
d) Report
This corrosion issue in this project involved different stages. As a result, the
presenter split the corrosion process reparation in differences phases. Those
phases are illustrated with figures below.
e) Construction process:
Julio Saire
a) Data Collection
According to the presentation, it was important to recover the information
provided by the owner. For example, in this case study, the steel reinforcement
were steel strands. This kind of reinforcement is rarely used in this type of
structures but for repair purposes is important to consider.
b) Visual inspection
The presenter developed an integral visual inspection taking into account
spalls and cracks. This kind of damage was repaired conducting the same repair
processed explained before.
4.8 Reference
Julio Saire
Online Resources
[1] ACI 318-14 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (2014).
American Concrete Institute Accessed
February 2018.
[2] ACI 350/350R Code requirement for Environmental Engineering Concrete
Structure – adopted as a Code /standard in 2001 and was referenced as
a guide prior to (2001). American Concrete Institute, Accessed February 2018.
[3] Carbonation (2003). Xypex , http://www.xype Accessed February
[4] Guide for Surface Preparation for the Repair of Deteriorates Concrete
resulting from reinforcing steel corrosion, guide line No. 314.1R (2008).
International Concrete Repair Institute, Accessed
February 2018.
[5] Selecting and Specifying Concrete surface preparation for sealer, coating,
Polymer Overlays, and Concrete Repair, Guideline No 310.2R (2013).
International Concrete Repair Institute,, Accessed
February 2018.
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
USF ID : U83049840
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
Visual observation is the most simple way and cost effective way for
detecting defects in structure. Based on the presenter experience, this method
could identify effectively the structure issues if it is used properly. The presenter
recommends using some techniques to identify issues; such as crack mapping,
measuring crack width and length, taking photos.
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
The localized concrete removal is the last method to identify what is the
problem into the beam. This approach always requires an intrusive inspection of
the beam, which implies a concrete removal. The presenter established a
carefully attention during this repair process. The quality control and the
contractor expertise take a relevant importance during the repair process.
Julio Saire
PT Girder Repaired via Form and Pump Appearance of PT Repair via Form and
(Conley M, 2018) Pump (Conley M, 2018)
5.4.4 Carbon fiber wrapping
Julio Saire
This method is used to repair damaged tendons. The main damage occurs
during concrete placing. Furthermore, during tendons repairing is totally required
shoring in adjacent bays in order to prevent collapse. The damaged zone should
be removed to find the broken tendon. Once the tendon has been found, it has to
be stressed and patched.
To analyze this case study properly, the presenter proposed a few steps
to be followed. They will be described in this case study in South Florida, US.
The presenter suggested taking notes about the whole structure. In this
punctual case study, the structure is a parking garage of five levels. It includes
slab spans of 24’ and post tensioned beam of 16” wide and 36” deep. The vertical
elements are concrete columns of 24” wide and 24” deep.
Julio Saire
In order to solve this problem, there were discussing some ways to repair
it. First, Epoxy Injection into cracks. This option was a temporary solution and it
does not solve the real issue. Another approach was De-stressing the
posttensioned beam and demolishing it. This approach involves a huge budget
that is why it was rejected. The last approach was the Jacketing. As it was
discussed above, this process has esthetic and monetary advantages.
Julio Saire
Shear Design
Flexural Design
Good looking
Issue repaired
Increase in the elements dimensions.
Julio Saire
To analyze this case study properly, the presenter proposed a few steps
to be followed. They will be described for this case study in Central Florida, US.
The presenter suggested taking notes about the whole structure. In this
punctual case study, the structure is a parking garage of five levels. It includes
slab spans of 18’ and post tensioned beam of 16” wide and 36” deep. The vertical
elements are concrete columns of 36” wide and 24” deep.
Cracking in PT Beam
(Conley M, 2018)
Julio Saire
Once the concrete issue were detected was fundamental to determine the
repair option. The presenter had a variety of good approaches to solve this
problem. First, forming and pumping. This approach was not selected because it
does not correct the real concrete issue. Second, demolishing the existing beam,
and reconstructing a new beam. This solution was so expensive and it took long
time. Finally, by carefully removing poorly consolidated concrete around
Posttensioned tendons and patching the member with a fine aggregate repair
material. That was the approach selected because it requires a short time and it
looks good on the structure.
Julio Saire
5.7 Reference
Online Resources
Text Books
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
Duke University
Professional Ethics & Engineering
Julio Saire
83 -ethics
Julio Saire
The presenter explained that this type of engineering uses the steps of the
investigation in a contrary way. This statement is correct because when analyzing
the effect of a failure in the structures, it starts by analyzing the current situation
of a fallen structure. Then, it is processed to make tests to the materials, and to
the construction documents to be the case. -
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
6.4 Reference
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
USF ID : U83049840
Julio Saire
In the last years, the interest in this profession has increased in the United
States. As a result, insurance companies, government agencies have taken into
account the role of forensic engineering. For example, in urban areas there are
residential buildings that collapse, then forensic engineers acts by determining
the causes of the failure. It is then when the aforementioned institutions take a
role, in the case of the insurance company, the cost of the damages, and in the
case of the government, the effects, and how they can be solved.
characteristic. The materials, the type of structure, location, documents, and the
plans are fundamental to know the reasons why a structure fails.
Julio Saire
Within the forensic engineering, there are a certain number of steps that
must be met in order to obtain the most optimal results:
More information
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
More information
Julio Saire
7.3 Reference
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
Number of Bridge constructed in year Lowest Bridge Rating Vs. Decade Built
Decade (Jacobsen J, 2018) (Jacobsen J, 2018)
On the other hand, as can be seen in the graph. There has been a great
explosion in the bridge’s construction in the eighties. Due to this, the structure
maintenance office will have an important role in the next decades because those
bridges will reach their design life. As time pass by, these bridges they will need
routine repairs or new bridges are going to be constructed.
Julio Saire
Until 2010, about 180 bridges in Florida have reached 50 years of design.
Likewise, in the next 20 years (2038), about 261 more bridges will reach 50 years
of design. This will imply a great challenge for the structure maintenance office.
Finally, the national bridge inventory was able to categorize the state of
bridges in Florida. The results were that two bridges are in poor conditions and
another 40 bridges in fair conditions. This record places Florida as the second
state with the least deficiency in bridge structures. Around 96 percent of the
bridge inventory is in satisfactory conditions. Furthermore, the future of bridge
structures in Florida will be quite challenging and will require new tools to deal
with that challenge.
In 2017, the state of Florida was declared as the state with the least
deficiencies in its bridge structures. This is mainly due to the fact that Florida does
not use de-icing salts due to the warm climate. Second, Florida uses high
performance concrete structures in its structures. Finally, Florida has a proactive
maintenance and inspection program.
Julio Saire
a) Routine inspections on bridges are very
common; they take place each 2 years.
b) It is important for verifying the structure
of the bridge above water and
(Jacobsen J, 2018)
INSPECTION a) The type of critical fractures is very
common in bridges. In fact, the repair
office should take care of these bridges
by restoring them.
b) Could be originated by ship collision or
several corrosion damage.
(Jacobsen J, 2018)
INSPECTION a) Interim or emergency inspections should
be carried out on bridge structures to
prevent the spread of cracks.
b) This inspection takes place in beam
girder, decks or piles.
(Jacobsen J, 2018)
ELECTRICAL FOR MOVABLE a) It is important that the mechanical and
electrical installations be verified in the
mobile components of bridges.
b) It is common that electrical facilities has
been damaged over the time in bridges
because the effect of environmental
(Jacobsen J, 2018)
Julio Saire
(Jacobsen J, 2018)
Prioritized and
Routine Design planned for Pay Item
Maintenance Engineering five years quantity based
Periodic or Construction
Major Repair Inspection Lump Sum
Desing Build
Julio Saire
The District Structures Maintenance Office made an analysis about this case
study and determined the use of Grabb-It Cable Splice to restore the beam and
put in service. The first step was splice the strands until they reach the enough
tension to carry the design load. Once this step has been completed, the
remaining strands should be clean in order to cast concrete in place again.
Julio Saire
Once the damaged areas have been cleaned, it was time to start with the
casting procedure. This included the element forming and the concrete casting.
During the casting, the bottom beam flange was casted with very rapid setting
concrete material. This type of concrete has some relevant features for example;
it requires a small size of aggregates. Second, it can reach a compressive
strength of 2000 psi in 2 hours. Third, the workability of this concrete is 15
Forming for Beam Restoration Restoring Bottom Beam Flange with Very
(Jacobsen J, 2018) Rapid Setting Concrete Material
(Jacobsen J, 2018)
Additionally, some cracks were noticeable along the beams. Those cracks
have been repaired using Epoxy. This procedure avoids the chloride penetrations
but also the carbonation of the concrete. Finally, the presenter explained about
the repair decision. He mentioned that this structure was not a brand new
structure. That is why the best option was repairing instead of replacing it.
Epoxy injected Cracks (Jacobsen J, 2018) Final shape of repair (Jacobsen J, 2018)
Julio Saire
Another important corrosion repair example was the Cortez Bridge. The
restoration of this bridge was performed in 2014. This bridge was constructed in
1956 with a service life of 50 years. This bridge is iconic because was one of the
first bridges in Florida with pre-stressed concrete. The beams are a combination
of pre-stressed and posttensioned. This structure has been affected as a
consequence of the environment. This one is extremely aggressive, the presence
of salt by water (salt water splashing), air, and vehicle tracking.
The condition of the Cortez Bridge in 2013 was very critical. Nor only the
superstructure, the deck, concrete beams had lot of deficiencies but also the span
steel, and the beam bearing was corroded producing displacement of the bridge
deck. What it is more, the substructure had another issues such as a bridge pilling
deterioration and the seawall deficiencies.
Julio Saire
Another damaged area in the Cortez Bridge was the Beam Bearings. As
can be seen in the picture, the chloride ion attack and the splashing zone were
the main reason why bearing were corroded. This critical condition in the beam
bearing produced a rust on their whole body; moreover, it creates an uneven ride
on bridge and stress to adjacent beams.
Julio Saire
The previous Non - CP Jacket used in the piles were in vain. The steel
corrosion took place and increase the damaged in the steel over the time. In fact,
the section reduction was very notorious because many strands were broken
once the jackets were retired. It was completely needed a temporary crutch bent
for stability under the deck. As can be seen in the picture, the cross section of the
pile was diminished to reach a critical section.
Corroded rebar into the jacket(Jacobsen J, Temporary crutch bent for stability.
2018) (Jacobsen J, 2018)
The system used for the piles restoration was the typical CP Structural Pile
Jacket. This system included steel rebar and anodes to avoid the corrosion
process. Indeed, a structural jacket includes a Fiberglass jacket, rebar, and a
grout who allows the flux of chloride ions throughout itself.
Julio Saire
Another big problem into the repair process of the Cortez Bridge was the
pre-stressed and post tensioned beams. The procedure involved removing the
damaged area and replacing with new concrete.
To repair the Bearing plates was completely needed raising the bridge.
This procedure was required due to the advance corrosion conditions in the
bearing plates. Consequently, a series of hydraulic jacks were required to raise
the bridge in order to replace the bearing plates.
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
The Sunshine Skyway Bridge is one of the most important bridges into the
Florida DOT inventory. By its importance, the sunshine skyway bridge requires a
special attention by this office. What is more, this structure has a special
committee to make assessments about their structural behavior, and current
This committee realized that some AASHTO girders have been developing
shear cracks. Even though this type of cracks does not represent a structur al
critical condition, the chloride ion penetration could end up in corrosion.
The strategy to repair the AASHTO girders was using Carbon fiber
Reinforced Polymer. As can be seen in the illustrations, the repair strategy
involved the application of epoxy and carbon fiber. This procedure had been
performed in both faces of the beam to prevent the propagations of the cracks.
Julio Saire
As a first step, the operators delimited the damaged area and applied the
epoxy on the beam. It was required the use of bolts to guarantee the adhesion of
the carbon fiber into the beam.
The carbon fiber should be placed after the epoxy has been applied. This
procedure requires avoiding air bubbles to enhance the adhesion of CFRP to the
Once the CFRP is applied, it is important protect it using coating for UV protection.
Julio Saire
(Jacobsen J, 2018)
Construct bridges
with dense, un- Implement a
cracked concrete “Preventive”
focused inspection
with proper
reinforcement and maintenance
cover. program.
Form a bridge
Focus on long
Committee” to term Corrosion
have a vision for Prevention
the long term
health of signature
8.6 Reference
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
9.1 Introduction
Julio Saire
9.3 Concrete
Julio Saire
Among the main characteristics of the fill materials are the uniformity of
the soil type, the low compactability, drainage, and the acceptable moisture
content. On the other hand, the materials that make up the subgrade can be
inorganic, cohesive, little cohesive and flowable fill. As an example, organic
materials and plastic floors are poor materials for the subgrade conformation. For
this reason, it is important to correctly analyze the properties of the soils to ensure
the conformation of the subgrade.
Julio Saire
During the conformation of the Subgrade there are some points that must
be taken into account. First, organic matter is a type of soil that is not good as a
foundation because of its high plasticity. Therefore this type of soil must be
removed. Second, pasture soils must also be removed because they suffer
swelling when they supply water and can generate faults in concrete slabs. Third,
the accumulations of water inside the subgrade can generate an unstable
platform for the concrete slabs, and this can trigger a failure in the concrete slab.
Fourth, during the conformation of the Subgrade it is very usual for grade stakes
to be forgotten in the subgrade. The grade stakes can generate leaks in the
concrete slab, these leaks can generate cracks in the concrete slabs and damage
the structure.
Julio Saire
As the subgrade is compacted, workers are required to give the final finish
for two main reasons. The first is to improve the quality of the foundation, second
for a better placement of the concrete. For example, in the images below a worker
is observed improving the surface of the foundation.
Julio Saire
9.3.3 Shrinkage
However, the main factors that control the contraction of concrete are the
water-to-cement ratio, cement type, cement fineness and the rock-to-sand ratios.
Julio Saire
9.3.4 Curling
The concrete slabs curl due to the variation of humidity throughout the
thickness of the slab. Likewise, there is a different response to the contraction of
concrete with reference to the thickness of the slab. Moreover, Curling describes
the distortion of a concrete slab when the edges of the slab curl up or down due
to temperature or moisture differentials at the top and bottom surfaces. As the
slab begins to harden, if the top or bottom surface changes size relative to the
other the slab will curl toward the contracted, shortened, or shrunken side.
Indeed, all three terms describe the same condition. One side, often the top
surface, will lose moisture more quickly, so a common scenario is for the edges
of the slab to curl up slightly.
Julio Saire
For example, in the cases below, the slabs limit the contraction of the slab.
However, the concrete is prone to shrinkage. Then, crack in the entrance corners
occur. This situation could be prevented using diagonal stirrup into the concrete
Julio Saire
Saw cuts are a way to provide joints in concrete. Concrete saw cuts should
be made with a predetermined spacing to control cracking due to shrinkage. It is
really important to cut concrete once you have obtained sufficient strength to
prevent it from fracturing, but before the cracks can be initiated internally. The
time of the saw cuts is essential to avoid cracks in the concrete before cutting.
The determination of when to cut concrete depends on the type of additives, the
temperature, the design of the mixture and the type of aggregate.
Julio Saire
Construction joints are created when work is finished for the day. This type
of juts must at least be located at 5 feet from another parallel board. The
construction joints can use materials such as wood, metal and other materials
that can allow work to continue later.
Julio Saire
As seen in the examples below, the joints in the concrete slabs are very
important because they can trigger serious structural problems.
The incoming corners in the pavements generate fissures due to the loads
induced to the structures and by the vulnerable geometric arrangement of the
concrete slab.
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
Plastic shrinkage cracks appear in the surface of fresh concrete soon after
it is placed and while it is still plastic. These cracks appear mostly on horizontal
surfaces. They are usually parallel to each other on the order of 1 to 3 feet apart,
relatively shallow, and generally do not intersect the perimeter of the slab. Plastic
shrinkage cracking is highly likely to occur when high evaporation rates cause the
concrete surface to dry out before it has set.
Plastic shrinkage cracks are unsightly but rarely impair the strength or
durability of concrete floors and pavements. The development of these cracks
can be minimized if appropriate measures are taken prior to and during placing
and finishing concrete.
Plastic shrinkage cracks are caused by a rapid loss of water from the
surface of concrete before it has set. The critical condition exists when the rate
of evaporation of surface moisture exceeds the rate at which rising bleed water
can replace it. Water receding below the concrete surface forms menisci between
the fine particles of cement and aggregate causing a tensile force to develop in
the surface layers. If the concrete surface has started to set and has developed
sufficient tensile strength to resist the tensile forces, cracks do not form. If the
surface dries very rapidly, the concrete may still be plastic, and cracks do not
develop at that time; but plastic cracks will surely form as soon as the concrete
stiffens a little more.
Julio Saire
Drying shrinkage can lead to surface crazing (map type / pattern cracking)
on walls and slabs. A series of shallow, closely spaced, fine cracks are usually
visible. These cracks are typically 1/8 of an inch deep and are rarely any bigger
than that size. These cracks also form enclosed irregular hexagonal shapes,
which are typically no more than 1 ½ inches across in length. In addition, they
may be as small as ½ or 3/8 of an inch across in length.
These cracks can be formed due to many reasons. For instance, the most
common case is inadequate curing of the concrete. This is caused when
environmental conditions such as, low humidity, extremes in ambient
temperature, direct sunlight, and high evaporations are applied to the surface of
the concrete during the hydration period. The next issue is when the concrete mix
is too wet. This will cause an excessive amount of floating water on the concrete
surface to depress the fine and coarse aggregate in the mix. Finishing operations
can also be a problem when the surface of the concrete is bleeding and water
remains on the exterior. For example, when using a steel trowel to smooth the
surface of the concrete this can bring up excessive amounts of water and cement
fines. Thus, the excessive amounts of water and cement fines brought up to the
surface will combine with the water that is currently bleeding. As a result, this will
produce a high water to cement ratio at the surface, thus creating a weak layer.
Julio Saire
9.6.4 Crazing
Pattern cracking, also called map cracking and craze cracking, appears as
a network of random cracking on the concrete’s surface. The cracking is usually
shallow (less than 1/8-inch deep) and not a structural issue. It’s seldom a
durability problem but more of a cosmetic one.
Julio Saire
9.6.5 Dusting
When you run your finger over a concrete surface and it collects a coating
of concrete dust, you have picked up loose powder that has formed as the surface
has disintegrated. It is called dusting or chalking. The surface will be soft and
easily scratched. Dusting is most noticeable with floors because they experience
traffic and wear.
Julio Saire
9.6.6 Spalling
The pop outs cracking occurs principally as a result of the use of poor
quality aggregates. It is important that the aggregates have the characteristics of
design and above all that they comply with the specifications. Additionally, prior
to making the concrete mixes and placing the concrete, it is required that the
deleterious materials be removed. This is necessary to predict this type of cracks
in the concrete. Likewise, to prevent the pop outs cracking it is necessary that the
concrete be cured. The guidelines established by the ACI must be followed to
avoid fractures and loss of strength.
Julio Saire
9.6.7 Blistering
Blistering are empty spaces that exist on the surface of the concrete.
Typically, the blistering process takes place in hard troweled surface. There are
two theories that explain blistering. The first says that Entrapped air voids rise in
sticky concretes and are trapped under a dense troweled surface. The second,
Bleed water gets trap and form voids. To prevent this abnormality in the concrete,
it is required that the concrete mixes do not be over sanded mixes. Second, avoid
the delay finishing operations until bleed water has dissipated. Third, avoid
blessing slab with water. Finally, reduce air content to suit application.
9.6.8 Discoloration
(Tu. D,2018) (,2018)
Julio Saire
Cold joints are created when concrete is poured against concrete that has already
hardened to some degree. This condition results in a weakened bond between
the existing and the newly poured concrete.
9.6.10 Bleeding
Bleeding in fresh concrete refers to the process in which the free water in
the mixture is pushed up to the surface due to the sedimentation of heavier solid
particles such as cement and water. Some bleeding is normal, but excessive
bleeding can be problematic. The way you work that bleeds water can affect the
durability of your products.
(,2018) (,2018)
Julio Saire
9.6.11 Scaling
Julio Saire
9.7 Reference
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
The project includes a large single story 60 space garage with a 16-story
apartment tower in the center. This project is located in Boca Raton, near to the
Atlantic Ocean in Southeast Florida. The structure was made of reinforced
concrete and is approximately 50 years old. The beauty of this project is the
number of different types of repairs required to put the building in service again.
The first step to put the structure back into service is to carry out a series
of diagnostic evaluations in order to know the current state of the structure. It is
essential to start the evaluations taking note of the current issues. In this project,
water leaks from the garden of the first floor to the garage were causing the
intrusion of chloride ions into the concrete slab. It should be mentioned that during
the last 50 years, the waterproof system of the concrete slab had not been
renewed. This type of information was essential to determine the origin of the
structural issues in the slab.
Panels and Gutters (Karin,C 2018) Gutter at movement joint (Karin,C 2018)
Julio Saire
Spalled joist bottom (Karin,C 2018) Damaged joist and slab (Karin,C 2018)
The chloride ions content tests were between 2.3 and 2.5 pounds of
chloride ions per cubic yard of concrete. This meant that there was a corrosion
effect on the concrete elements. This can be verified by looking at the current
condition of the concrete beams. Leaks, cracks and corrosion indicated the
excessive presence of chloride ions. As a result, the total deck replacement was
Chloride Sample Locations (Karin,C 2018) Chloride Ions Curve (Troconis, 2002)
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
In order to start the restoration work, it was necessary to prop up the old
slab to demolish it progressively. The first thing that was determined was the
vertical shoring design. The images show a symmetrical arrangement of the
circular tubes. This allows a symmetrical distribution of the loads of the ground.
As the demolition of the slab must be done by sections, this bracing design is the
most adequate
Demolition shoring design (Karin,C Field and wall shoring (Karin,C 2018)
As can be verified in the lateral shoring design, the first proposal was to
implement wooden boards with two steel nails that could be able to withstand
lateral loads. Faced with this design dilemma, the designers asked another
opinion to another shoring contractor. In this case, this company suggested to
install steel tubes to resist lateral loads. This design was more reliable during the
construction that is why it was implemented on site to continue the scheduled
Julio Saire
Steel diagonal tubes limited the effects of lateral loads. As can be seen in
the images, the configuration of the diagonal shoring allowed the demolition
activities of the concrete slab. Likewise, this arrangement of the shoring allowed
carrying out the work safely. It was observed that the metal tubes were added to
the side of the first design of wood shoring. The presenter stated that it is
important to carry out all repairs with safety, taking care of the workers' lives.
Once the structure was shored with the metal tubes, demolition can be
carried out with heavy machinery. As the images show, the demolition must be
progressive and part-by-part. This is important because the replacement of the
concrete slabs will be progressive as well. The shoring provided initially played a
very important role as it allowed progressive demolition to and safely.
Julio Saire
When the demolition of the concrete slab was completed, the construction
area had to be cleaned to proceed with the post-tension works of concrete slabs.
The images show the demolition process of the concrete slab affected by chloride
ions. Likewise, the process of cleaning the land after the demolition is shown. The
preacher established that the work area must be free of debris to proceed with
the construction of the next slab.
In certain areas of the project, some old structures had to remain standing
because of their functionality and architecture. However, in order to carry out the
restoring of the concrete elements, it was necessary to chip it out carefully. For
example, in the figures steel number five is shown resting on a concrete column
of the first level. Finally, the most complicated structure for its repair was the
cochere, which had to be supported on hydraulic jacks to be able to repair it.
Julio Saire
During the demolition of the Port Cochere it was found that the
reinforcement used was of 11 inches diameter. This type of steel is very difficult
to work with. The main reason is that it cannot bend easily. In that sense, it had
to devise metal joints that allow the transmission of stress loads in the reinforcing
steel bars. As seen in the images you can see the steel junction of the Port
Cochere beams with new steels for the construction of the new concrete slab.
Concrete placing in Slab (Karin,C 2018) Curing compound after Concrete Placing
Julio Saire
According to ICRI, the surfaces of the concrete structures that are going
to be reinforced with carbon fiber must be completely repaired. That is why the
beams of the port Cochere had to be carefully repaired, removing imperfections
from the surface and leaving it free of debris.
Once the surface of the beam is completely clean, the carbon fiber must
be saturated with epoxy to improve the adhesion to the concrete elements.
Likewise, the concrete element must be saturated prior to the placement of the
carbon fiber. This procedure must be done with rollers to improve the distribution
of the epoxy over the entire surface of the element.
Julio Saire
When the concrete elements have been properly saturated, the first layer
of carbon fiber can be placed. During the entire procedure, the formation of air
balloons between the concrete element and the carbon fiber should be avoided.
This can avoid rolling out bubbles.
Julio Saire
In addition to the problematic of this case study, it was that the structural
system consisted of soffit beams and keystone joists, a hybrid of prestressed
components and cast-in place components. This type of system was very popular
in the 70's but with the passage of time began to have structural problems. That
is how they began to detach concrete pieces from the bottom of the beams. This
increased the risk of the building and had to perform actions that improve this
Damaged soffit beam. (Karin,C 2018) Chunk of concrete from soffit beam.
(Karin,C 2018)
Julio Saire
As can be seen in the images, the placement of carbon fibers was not very
difficult. However, after the placement of the carbon fiber, the pull-out test had to
be carried out. The results obtained were disappointing. During the carbon fiber
placement, the theory of the chemical reactions described by Svante Arrhenius
had not been taken into account. This implied, take corrective measures such as
the removal of all the material applied to the concrete elements.
Pull-off test site (Karin,C 2018) Failure Pull Off Test (Karin,C 2018)
Julio Saire
This project took place on Fisher Island in Miami. This project included two
towers for the ventilation of the building. The system used for ventilation is the
water source heat pump. One of the towers is responsible for heating the water
and introducing it to the building. The other tower cools the water and releases
the heat to the atmosphere.
The first step to verify the repair of the towers was to analyze the current
conditions of the structure. The most striking during this process was to see that
there are decorative columns with the presence of chloride contamination. This
had triggered fissure and spall in the concrete. The images show how the cracks
were expanding along the columns.
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
Initially it was verified that there was damage to the beams. However,
inspections were made on the concrete in the nearby area and an attack of
chloride ions was found on the concrete slab. To proceed with the restoration, the
entire concrete slab and the steel that had been attacked by the chloride ions had
to be replaced.
Then, the entire concrete slab was removed with a 15-pound hydraulic
hammer. The corroded steel was also replaced with new steel to improve the
performance of the concrete slab.
New steel reinforced in the slab Placing concrete in the new slab
(Karin,C 2018) (Karin,C 2018)
Julio Saire
This case study was developed in South Beach in Miami. The problem
focused on the penetration of chlorine ions into the reinforcing bars in the pool of
a luxurious residence. The structure was made with post tension bars and its age
was 15 years.
During the first inspections on the walls of the pool, a chloride ion
contamination was found in the first 2 inches of concrete. This had affected the
rebar and had promoted corrosion. Chloride ions came from the chlorine that was
poured into the pool. Likewise, the structure of the pool did not have a waterproof
Julio Saire
Then, the coating of the walls of the pool was removed and a waterproof
system applied. When the whole set was ready, concrete was applied under
pressure. This procedure should be carried out with great care and under the
supervision of an engineer. This procedure must be supervised to avoid the
formation of air bubbles that can weaken the walls of the pool and thus promote
the entry of the chloride ions to the reinforcing bars.
Finally the floor was removed to place a new layer of concrete on it. This
to avoid the penetration of chloride ions to the lower levels. This entire concrete
placement process had to be done very carefully using curing compounds to
improve the curing of the concrete.
Concrete during casting (Karin,C 2018) New deck of the pool (Karin,C 2018)
Julio Saire
This case study is located in Fort Lauderdale Beach and involved the
restoration of a balcony in a two-story condominium. These types of structures
usually have several owners, which generates discomfort when you want to
reconstruct any part of the building. During the initial observations, it could be
seen that the conditions of the reinforcement beams were destroyed due to the
passing of the years and the loss of concrete cover.
Julio Saire
As can be seen in the images, the number of negative steel bars on the
top of the slab was increased. That allowed resisting greater loads since this
concrete slab was a cantilever. Finally, the concrete slab was covered with paint
that returned the harmony with the whole condominium.
Julio Saire
The presence of cracks in the slab was very worrying for the inhabitants
of the residence. Then the origin of the cracks had to be verified by making a
general survey of the condition of the slab. The images show the cracks due to
the punching shear effect. These cracks were spread in the structure and should
be solved quickly.
As the preliminary tests of the slab-column, joints were carried out. It was
verified that there were concrete spaces that could not be filled. This was because
the 11-inch bars did not allow the penetration of the concrete mixture. This
generated empty space that triggered cracks and failures by punching shear.
Julio Saire
The effect of the punching shear indicates that the dimensions of a column
are small that generate the penetration of the columns in the concrete slab.
Because of the effect of punching shear, helical piles had to be added to improve
the strength of the new concrete elements that were added. The columns would
increase the size of your section to be able to resist many more loads and to
avoid the punching shear effect.
In addition, the concrete slab had to be reinforced and shear walls placed
next level down. To be able to do this, metallic elements had to be placed to help
the transmission of cutting forces between the earthenware and the new
structure. On the other hand, shear walls of RC and PT were placed to increase
shear strength.
Julio Saire
The images show the type of metal reinforcement of the structures. The
roof beams are reinforced with simple steel and post tensioned cables. This
allowed improving the resistance of the slab. Moreover, this rebar disposition
avoided the propagation of cracks due to the punching shear effect.
Bottom Slab reinforcement (Karin,C 2018) Steel Reinforcement beam (Karin,C 2018)
Julio Saire
Despite the control measures taken by the contractor, some cracks took
place in the connections of the column. However, they were quickly solved by
applying epoxy in the cracks. Finally, the upper slab was ready for the placement
of the new concrete slab. The images show the disposition of the reinforcing
10.8 Reference
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
11.1 Introduction
Likewise, another important project in which sika was part was part of the
last decade, was the Hoover Dam Bypass segmental bridge. Sika was very
involved in the admixtures of the concrete and the epoxies. As a segmental
bridge, this structure required to seal the joints between the concrete segments.
Hoover Sam Bypass Bridge (Illig G,2018) Carbon fiber strengthening (Illig G,2018)
Julio Saire
What is more, Sika also participated in the project called Segmental Artery
Bridge in Boston. Epoxy was also used to join the concrete segments of the
bridge. Lastly, Sika also has products that seal joints and cracks. These products
were used in the Empire state building to solve a roof leaking problem.
Julio Saire
Marine Enviroment
fall on urban areas.
Julio Saire
The spalls may be due to multiple reasons; the main ones will be described
Julio Saire
There are many causes for corrosion to take place. One of them is the
decrease of the pH in the Concrete. Likewise, the penetration of chloride ions in
the concrete generates that this passive film will also be destroyed. When the
reinforcing steel is oxidized, oxide is generated around it. This material produced
through an electrochemical reaction, generates a change in volume which ends
up generating spalls on the surface of the concrete,
Volume Change.
Electrochemical Reactions.
Corrosion Signs.
Corrosion products.
Corrosion location.
Leakage in the joints.
Chloride penetration.
Losing in rebar section.
Julio Saire
The next step after removing the unsound concrete is cleaning rust and
scale from rebar. This process is extremely important for two reasons. The first
is to prevent corrosion from continuing. Second, to improve the adhesion of
reinforcing steel to concrete. Needle guns and sand blasting are commonly used
for cleaning rebar.
Julio Saire
After leaving the reinforcing steel clean, it is required to prime rebar and
substrate. This process prevents the propagation of corrosion and improves the
adhesion of reinforcing steel to concrete. It is important to apply at least two layers
of bonding agent in the steel during the rehabilitation of the structure to improve
its behavior. The concrete surface should be rough enough to increase the
bonding. The method of application will depend on the type of repair concrete
element. For example, slab elements (right figure) requires to scrub coat over the
reinforcement in order to increase the bonding. Finally, the concrete surface
should be adequate to apply this type of products. As a result, there are Concrete
surface profiles (CSP) that measure the concrete surface before placing the
The repair process of spalls includes the selection of the materials that will
have to be used. However, there are different types of admixtures such as
Polymer, silica fume, corrosion inhibitor, expanding or carbon fibers. These
materials must be correctly selected depending on the characteristics of the
Julio Saire
1. Corrosion in reinforcement.
2. Removing damaged concrete.
3. Forming elements.
4. Placing concrete.
Sewer pump station (Illig G,2018)
Julio Saire
1. Flexible seal
2. Changing in Volume
3. Avoid water penetration
Julio Saire
CASE STUDY: Tampa Airport short term parking garage. (Illig G,2018)
Fine Crack
1. 1 mil = 1/1000 in
2. The viscosity of the epoxy is
one mill and the crack in the
sample is almost 4 mils.
Julio Saire
Surface preparation
Surface Restoration
Crack Seal
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
On the other hand, carbon fiber is a material that also has very good
qualities. This material has a great initial cost, however it has a low installation
cost. This is beneficial during the construction, since the application of the carbon
fibers should only be done under easy conditions. This non-metallic element is
non-corrosive. This means that there is no volumetric change or damage due to
corrosion. What's more, the weight of carbon fiber is incredibly lighter than steel.
As a result, this material is also very beneficial when reinforcing a structure.
Julio Saire
Fiber carbon application (Illig G,2018) Carbon fiber placing (Illig G,2018)
Julio Saire
The first step they made was to re-create prestressed concrete beams in
the FDOT laboratories. This allowed recreating the conditions in which the beams
were located on the bridge. Additionally, the beams were reinforced with carbon
fibers with a "U" shape. This arrangement of carbon fibers allowed a shear
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
Condition Survey
1. Inadequate steel
2. Nassau, Bahamas
3. Carbon fiber strips,
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
1. Spalls
2. Concrete wall deterioration
3. Erosion
4. Lose of concrete cover
1. Exposed aggregate
2. Increase mechanical bonding.
3. Inspection during construction.
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
1. Pile deterioration
2. Corrosion in the steel
3. Spalls
Corrosion damage (Illig G,2018)
Concrete delamination
1. Spalls
2. Steel corrosion
3. Delamination
4. Steel exposed
5. Chloride ions penetration
Spalling in deck (Illig G,2018)
Concrete delamination
1. Spalls
2. Steel corrosion
3. Delamination
4. Steel exposed
Julio Saire
Competitive Tender
Julio Saire
1) Problem
2) Corrosion
3) Spalling
4) Delamination
5) Deterioration.
1) Corrosion in columns
2) Delamination of concrete
3) Rusting in steel
Julio Saire
Floating work platform for column repairs Hydra Platform for beam repairs under
(Illig G,2018) deck (Illig G,2018)
Rebar Corrosion Protection (Illig G,2018) Rebar Corrosion Protection (Illig G,2018)
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
Pier Cap Repairs (Before) (Illig G,2018) Pier Cap Repairs (After) (Illig G,2018)
Abutment Repairs (Before) (Illig G,2018) Abutment Repairs (After) (Illig G,2018)
Pile Cap Repairs (Before) (Illig G,2018) Pile Cap Repairs (After) (Illig G,2018)
Pile Cap Repairs (Before) (Illig G,2018) Pile Cap Repairs (After) (Illig G,2018)
Julio Saire
11.6 Reference
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
The project that will take place should be described in detail. In this way,
the address and the the location should be provided clearly. The project
developed by the company is “Box Culvert replacement on CR 630- Pol County”
The developed project was in bad shape after several year without maintenance.
The concrete walls showed corrosion, and there was a detrimental issue in the
concrete. Therefore, the Polk County decided to carry out a project to replace it.
Julio Saire
The request of proposals are document, which contents each detail of the
project and are public documents published in the website of the counties. The
proposal has a certain amount of time for replying and the company that is
interested should be aware about this. What it is more, each company should be
prepared to fill out the requirements on time.
Julio Saire
On the other hand, this document include the list of the subcontractors in
there. Naming contractors is totally needs because it shows to the client the
companies involved in the project. This serves as a guarantee of the type of the
works that should be developed. Finally, this part will required the constant
interaction between clients a the company.
Julio Saire
The scope of the work is considered the main core of the project. This very
detail document includes each activity that should take place in the project. The
language used in this document should be limited to exact description of the
works. The use of expansive language could get to the company in trouble during
the execution of the project. In order to establish correctly the boundaries
conditions of the work, the content of the scope should be clear.
Julio Saire
The cost negotiation it is a checkpoint once the company won the previous
contest. This step in the project cycle is important because the client and the
company stablish the number of task that should take place in the project. This
involves the number of meetings with the staff, the number of hours of each
activity and over all the changes in the previous scope. That is why the
importance of the cost negotiations during the scope definitions.
It is important to remember that the clients always are correct. In fact, when
the project will start there are activities that the client has their own way to carry.
Usually, these activities involve unpredicted costs. In this way, it is completely
need the definition of these activities in order to avoid error and less profits for
the company. The document before the beginning of the work is the called notice
to proceed. This document must be in place to carry out the contract and the
Julio Saire
The client expects the work done in a certain amount of time. These
requirements should meet with the company who will work for it. In order to
accomplish the requirements it is important to develop a plan submittal and a
design schedule. Doing these documents, the company and the client will be
notified about the timeframes and the percentage of advance of the project.
12.8 Design
The design of the project it is process that carry out different phases.
These phases take time to complete. Therefore, these periods will take place
according to the timeframes stablished before.
Julio Saire
12.9 Construction
During the construction of the project, the company should provide advices
about the timeframes and the advances in the project; this process allows
carrying out correctly each part of the project. During this step, the contractor and
the client could ask about clarifications and inquiries about the development of
the project.
Julio Saire
12.10 Closeout
Once the works have been carried out and each part of the project has
been executed. The client could ask to the company for the services in order to
close out the project.
In this part of the project cycle, the company should compare the works
done and the works stablished in the plans. As each project is not perfect at all,
some activities, takes place because the company or the client need over the
construction. These activities should be stablished in the document called close
out, punch list and As-built drawing. This is important to take into account each
detail and in order to quantify and know where the money and the time where
Julio Saire
12.11 Reference
[1] American Concrete Institute – Committee 440 (2017). Guide for the Design
and Construction of Externally Bonded FRP Systems for Strengthening
Concrete Structures, ACI 440.2R-17, ACI, Farmington Hills, MI, USA.
[2] ACI 318, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete
(ACI 318-17) and Commentary (ACI 318R-14), ACI Committee 318,
American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 2005
[3] Mindess S A, Young F J and Darwin D (2003), Concrete, 2nd edn,
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
[4] Rob Race (2018). Inspecting, Scoping, and Designing Public Sector
Projects. [PowerPoint presentation]. Retrieved from CANVAS.
[5] Richard Harrison (2018). Inspecting, Scoping, and Designing Public
Sector Projects. [PowerPoint presentation]. Retrieved from CANVAS.
[6] Wikipedia (2018). Request for proposal. Retrieved from
[7] Yu C W and Bull J W (ed), (2006) Durability of Materials and Structures in
Building and Civil Engineering, Whittles Publishing, CRC Press, Taylor &
Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL.
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
On the other hand, the Carter Karin’s presentation was completely fruitful
for my background. The method, material, and techniques developed in the
project called: “Large Scale Plaza deck restoration” near to the Atlantic Ocean
left several learned lessons and tremendous experience rehabilitating concrete
structures. The project developed items such as Concrete removal, shoring of
slabs, and performing chloride-ion penetration profiles. Furthermore, this project
has similarities with the conditions in my hometown; the urban planning and the
disposition of houses presents boundary conditions to perform abrupt changes in
the structures. Moreover, my hometown has an archeological importance in
South America; which is a limitation for restorations. However, Carter Karins’
presentation, developed incredible methods to deal with this type of limitations.
That is why; I considered this presentation very successful and fruitful for me.
Julio Saire
is more, the materials used are available in South America. I am convinced that
this branch of engineering will be a market with high probabilities of success in
the South American countries and I will be able to take advantage of these
Julio Saire
Julio Saire
Cusco, Peru.
Stone Masonry Structures after
500 years.
Julio Saire