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Quantum Problem Set #5 Matthew Hickman

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Quantum Problem Set #5

Matthew Hickman
1. We are tasked to find the correlation function

C(t) = hxH (t)xH (0)i

for the groundstate of the harmonic oscillator.

If we recall from the last problem set, the solution for xH (t) for the harmonic oscillator is as follows:
pH (0)
xH (t) = xH (0) cos(ωt) + sin(ωt)

This implies  
pH (0)
hxH (t)xH (0)i = h xH (0) cos(ωt) + sin(ωt) xH (0)i

= hx2H (0)i cos(ωt) + hpH (0)xH (0)i

We can evaluate this using the definitions of the x and p operators in terms of the raising a lowering
operators. We recall that r
a† + a

~mω † 
p=i a −a
⇒ x2H (0) = (a† a† + aa† + a† a + aa)
⇒ hx2H (0)i = h0| (a† a† + aa† + a† a + aa) |0i
Everything dies except the term from aa† , so this just becomes
~ ~
h0|0i =
2mω 2mω
Using the same technique we can evaluate hpH (0)xH (0)i. Using the raising and lowering operators we
can express px as
i~ †
(a − a)(a + a† )
= (a† a + a† a† − aa − aa† )
⇒ hpH (0)xH (0)i = h0| (a† a + a† a† − aa − aa† ) |0i

And again everything dies except the aa term, so we get
−i~ −i~
h0|0i =
2 2
We can plug this all back into the original equation we had for C(t) and we obtain
~ i~ sin(ωt) ~
C(t) = cos(ωt) − = (cos(ωt) − i sin(ωt))
2mω 2 mω 2mω
= exp(−iωt)
2. We are given at the commutator of A and B is a c-number.
a. Want to show that [A, f (B)] = [A, B]f 0 (B).
First we expand f(B) in terms of some power series
f (B) = cn B n

Now we can prove by induction the fact that [A, B n ] = n[A, B]B n−1 . First we start with the base
case of n = 1 which is obviously true since [A, B 1 ] = [A, B]. Now we can try and prove the n+1 case,
assuming by the induction hypothesis that the n case is true. We write

[A, B n+1 ] = [A, B(B n )]

Here we can use the following commutator identity

[A, BC] = [A, B]C + B[A, C]

which was proved on a previous problem set. Using this we can evaluate

[A, B(B n )] = [A, B]B n + B[A, B n ]

But we can expand this further under the induction hypothesis that [A, B n ] = n[A, B]B n−1 .

= [A, B]B n + Bn[A, B]B n−1

Since [A, B] is a c-number it commutes with everything, so we can simplify this to

= [A, B]B n + n[A, B]B n = (n + 1)[A, B]B n

So it holds for the n+1 case, therefore by induction since I showed it held for the n=1 case, and n
being true implies n+1 is true, this identity hold for all n ≥ 1 in the integers.
We can now plug this identity into our original problem, using the power series representation for f (B).
[A, f (B)] = [A, cn B n ]

Then we can use the bilinearity of the commutator to simplify this to

= cn [A, B n ] = [A, B] cn nB n−1 = [A, B]f 0 (B)
n n

∴ [A, f (B)] = [A, B]f 0 (B) if [A, B] ∈ C

b. We now want to show eA eB = eA+B+ 2 [A,B]

i. We will check this equation by expanding up to quadratic order on each side. We will start with the left.

A2 B2 A2 B2
eA eB ≈ 1 + A + 1+B+ =1+A+ +B+ + AB + O(3)
2 2 2 2

We can now expand the left hand side up the quadratic order. We also know [A, B] is a C-number, so
it plays by the normal rules of exponential addition, so we can write the right hand side as

(A + B)2
[A,B] [A,B] [A, B]
eA+B+ 2 = eA+B e 2 ≈ 1 + A + B + 1+
2 2

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A2 + AB + BA + B 2
= 1+A+B+ 1+
2 2
A2 + AB + BA + B 2 + AB − BA
=1+A+B+ + O(3)
A2 + B 2
= 1 + A + B + AB + + O(3)
So we see that the right hand side and left hand side agree up to quadratic order.
ii. We will now define two functions with µ ∈ C.

f (µ) = eµA eµB

1 2
g(µ) = eµ(A+B)+ 2 µ [A,B]

First we want to evaluate ∂µ .
= AeµA eµB + eµA BeµB
It doesn’t matter which side of eµA we stick the A, because [A, f (A)] = 0 for some function f , the
same goes for B.
Now we want to evaluate ∂µ . This is a little trickier, but since we know that [A, B] ∈ C we can rewrite
it as 2
g(µ) = eµ(A+B) e 2 µ [A,B]

∂g 1 2 1 2 1 2
⇒ = eµ(A+B) e 2 µ [A,B] (A + B) + eµ(A+B) e 2 µ [A,B] µ[A, B] = (eµ(A+B) e 2 µ [A,B] )(A + B + µ[A, B])
= g(µ)(A + B + µ[A, B])
Again remembering that [A, B] is just a C-number, so it commutes with everything. Also we are
free to stick (A + B) on either side of eµ(A+B) since [A + B, f (A + B)] = 0, thinking of A + B as a
single operator. We are also allowed to stick (A + B) on the right of eµ[A,B] since it’s just a number
remembering [A, B] ∈ C.
iii. Now we want to show that both f (µ) and g(µ) satisfy the following differential equation

= h(µ)(µ[A, B] + A + B)

For g(µ) this is trivial, just look above. We’ll have to massage the expression we got for ∂µ to get it
in this form.
= AeµA eµB + eµA BeµB = eµA AeµB + eµA eµB B
= eµA AeµB − eµA eµB A + eµA eµB A + eµA eµB B = eµA [A, eµB ] + eµA eµB A + eµA eµB B
We can use what we proved in part i to simplify this even further

= eµA [A, B]µeµB + eµA eµB A + eµA eµB B

= eµA eµB (µ[A, B] + A + B) = f (µ)(µ[A, B] + A + B)

So we see that both f (µ) and g(µ) satisfy this differential equation, and they both agree at µ = 0, thus
by uniqueness of solutions to first order differential equations they are the same. Noticing when µ = 1
we have proven the identify we wanted for this problem.
∴ eA eB = eA+B+ 2 [A,B] if [A, B] ∈ C

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c. We now want to show 2
h0|x2 |0i
h0| eikx |0i = e− 2 k

i. First we will verify this identity to 2nd order in k.

h0| eikx |0i = h0| 1 + ikx + |0i + O(k 3 )

= h0|0i + ik h0| x |0i − h0| x2 |0i + O(k 3 )
In the ground state of the harmonic oscillator, the expectation value of x is 0 (symmetric wavefunction.)
So this is just
1− h0| x2 |0i + O(k 3 )
Now we can expand out the right hand side of the identity to k 2 order, but that is trivial, it is simply

1 2
h0|x2 |0i k2
e− 2 k =1− h0| x2 |0i + O(k 3 )
So we see that the identity agrees to k 2 order.
ii. We will now use raising and lowering operators to fully verify this identity. First though we can recall
from the first problem that
h0| x2 |0i =
k2 ~
1 2 2
⇒ e− 2 k h0|x |0i = exp −
Now, let’s figure out the left hand side of the equation.
r !
h0| eikx |0i = h0| exp ik (a + a† ) |0i

By what we just proved, since [a† , a] = −1 we can rewrite this as

r ! r !  
~ † ~ ~
= h0| exp ik a exp ik a exp −i2 k 2 [a† , a] |0i
2mω 2mω 4mω

We can think of the exp with an a in it acting to the right, so only the 1 term from the exponential
survives on the ground state. Similarly we can think of the exp with the a† in it acting to the left,
when it does it’s a lowering operator, and again only the constant term survive, so we get
2 ~ † 2 ~ 2 ~
h0| exp k [a , a] |0i = h0|0i exp −k = exp −k
4mω 4mω 4mω

So they are equal.

h0|x2 |0i
∴ h0| eikx |0i = e− 2 k

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3. We will now consider the coherent state
/2 λa†
|λi = e−|λ| e |0i

where λ ∈ C.
a. Want to show this is a normalized state.
∗ 2 † 2 ∗ †
⇒ hλ|λi = h0| eλ a e−|λ| eλa |0i = e−|λ| h0| eλ a eλa |0i

We can use the identity we used in the last problem to make this easier to handle. First we make use
of the fact that
[λ∗ a, λa† ] = |λ|2 [a, a† ] = |λ|2
So we can use the fact that
1 1
eA eB = eA+B+ 2 [A,B] = eA+B e 2 [A,B]
∗ † ∗
a+λa† 1 ∗
a,λa† ] †
+λ∗ a |λ|2 /2
⇒ eλ a eλa = eλ e 2 [λ = eλa e
Now we can simplify this further by using the fact that
eλ(B+A) = eB eA e− 2 [B,A]

By changing around the identity.

+λ∗ a |λ|2 /2 † ∗ 1 †
,λ∗ a] |λ|2 /2 † ∗ 2
⇒ eλa e = eλa eλ a e− 2 [λa e = eλa eλ a e|λ|
2 † ∗ 2
⇒ hλ|λi = e−|λ| h0| eλa eλ a e|λ| |0i
∗ †
Again, we can think of the eλ a acting to the right, leaving only a constant term, and eλa acting to
the left, leaving again only a constant term.
2 2
= e−|λ| e|λ| h0|0i = 1

∴ hλ|λi = 1

b. Now we wonder if the |λi states are orthogonal by evaluating

a −(|λ0 |2 +|λ|2 )/2 λa† 0 2
+|λ|2 )/2 0∗
a λa†
hλ0 |λi = h0| eλ e e |0i = e−(|λ | h0| eλ e |0i

We can work on simplifying the expression we have inbetween the |0i states. Using the previous identity
we can obtained † 0∗ 1 0∗
eλa +λ a e 2 λ λ
We can again apply the identity we proved, but instead move the exponential with the 21 [a, a† ] term
to the other side. We’re allowed to this because it’s a C-number, and that commuted with everything,
which means the rules of normal exponential addition apply.
† 0∗ λ0∗ λ
a − 12 λ0∗ λ[a† ,a] † 0∗
a λ0∗ λ
= eλa eλ e e 2 = eλa eλ e

We can then plug this back into what we originally had for the expression.
0 2 † 0∗
+|λ|2 ) a λ0∗ a
⇒ hλ0 |λi = e−(|λ | h0| eλa eλ e |0i

We can think of the exponential with the λ0∗ a acting to the right, since it’s a lowering operator it only
leaves the constant term in the exponential, the same goes for the a† acting to the left. So we are only
left with
−(|λ0 |2 + |λ|2 )
0 2 2 0∗
e−(|λ | +|λ| )/2 eλλ h0|0i = exp + λλ0∗
And we notive that if λ = λ0 we are left with one as we would expect from the previous problem.

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c. We now want to show that
a |λi = λ |λi
We’ll start by writing out the actual expression for this, that is
/2 λa†
= ae−|λ| e |0i

But this can be reqritten by “adding zero”

2 † † † 2 † †
= e−|λ| /2
(aeλa − eλa a + eλa a |0i = e−|λ| /2
([a, eλa ] + eλa a |0i

The lowering operator acting on |0i gives zero, so we can ignore it now. We can also evalutate this
commutator since [a, a† ] = 1.
2 †
= e−|λ| /2 (λeλa [a, a† ]) |0i
/2 λa†
= λe−|λ| e |0i = λ |λi

d. We can find hni = hλ| a† a |λi

hλ| a† a |λi = (a |λi) a |λi = (λ |λi)† λ |λi

= hλ| λ∗ λ |λi = |λ|2

Now we want to find h∆n2 i = hn2 i − hni .

hn2 i = hλ| a† aa† a |λi

= hλ| λ∗ aa† λ |λi = |λ|2 hλ| aa† |λi

= |λ|2 hλ| aa† − a† a + a† a |λi
= |λ|2 hλ| [a, a† ] + a† a |λi = |λ|2 (1 + hλ| a† a |λi) = |λ|2 (1 + |λ|2 )
p p
⇒ h∆n2 i = |λ|2 (1 + |λ|2 ) − |λ|4 = |λ|

Note: These two answers are exactly what one would expect from a Poisson distribution with µ = |λ|2 .

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4. We now consider a 1D scattering where the potential is an attractive potential well, that is

V (x) = −v0 δ(x)

Where the incoming particle has an energy E > 0.

a. We will now find the transmission and reflection amplitudes (t(E), r(E)).
To the left of the potential well we have two waves,

ψL (x) = Aeipx/~ + Be−ipx/~

And to the right, we only have a single outgoing wave

ψR (x) = Ceipx/~

We’ll simply take A = 1 to make this problem easier, then the task is just to find what B and C are.
We now take a look at the Schodinger equation which says in the position basis

−~2 d2 ψ(x)
− v0 δ(x)ψ(x) = Eψ(x)
2m dx2
We can now integrate this entire equation over some small interval.
Z  2 2 
−~ d ψ(x)
− v0 δ(x)ψ(x) = Eψ(x) dx
− 2m dx2

Taking the limit as  → 0, and assuming E is finite (a good assumption I would think.)

−~2 0 0
⇒ (ψ (0) − ψL (0)) − v0 ψ(0) = 0
2m R

0 0 −2mv0
⇒ ψR (0) − ψL (0) = ψ(0)
We can now plug in what we had originally for ψR (x) and ψL (x).

ip −2mv0
⇒ (C − 1 + B) = C
~ ~2
⇒C −1+B =i C
⇒C 1− i +B =1
We can also use the fact that ψ(x) has to be continuous at x = 0.

⇒1+B =C ⇒B =C −1

Combining these we get  

C 1− i+1 =2
1 p~
⇒C= mv0 =
1− p~ i p~ − mv0 i
mv0 i
p~ − mv0 i

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We can then remember that p = 2mE and that after setting A = 1 the transmission coefficient is C
and reflection coefficient is B.

⇒ t(E) = √
2mE~ − mv0 i
mv0 i
r(E) = √
2mE~ − mv0 i
We now have enough information to construct the S matrix. It should have the form

Where A represents the incoming wave from the left, B the incoming wave from the right, C the
outgoing wave to the left, and D the outgoing wave to the right. These can be expressed in terms of
the reflection and transmission amplitudes. That is
r(E) t(E)
t(E) r(E)

They’re the same because this potential well is symmetric. Writing it out fully, the S matrix is
√ !
mv i√ 0 2mE~ √
√ 0i 2mE~−mv0 i
S= 2mE~ mv0 i
√ √
2mE~−mv0 i 2mE~−mv0 i

We can check unitarity by evaluating out SS † .

 √  √ 
1 −mv0 i
SS † = √mv0 i 2mE~ √ 2mE~
2mE~2 + m2 v02 2mE~ mv0 i 2mE~ −mv0 i

2mE~2 + m2 v02
1 0 1 0
= =
2mE~2 + m2 v02 0 2mE~2 + m2 v02 0 1
Also check S † S
 √  √ 
1 −mv0 i 2mE~
S†S = √ √mv0 i 2mE~
2mE~2 + m2 v02 2mE~ −mv0 i 2mE~ mv0 i

2mE~2 + m2 v02
1 0 1 0
= =
2mE~2 + m2 v02 0 2mE~2 + m2 v02 0 1
So therefore S is unitary!
b. If we look again at t(E) √
t(E) = √
2mE~ − mv0 i
−mv 2
It has a pole when E = 2~2 0 . If we remember this is the bound state energy of the potential well.
That’s about as much significance as I can think of this. For negative energy we have a bound state,
and there’s only one bound state of the delta potential well.

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