Hydorstatic Test Height
Hydorstatic Test Height
Hydorstatic Test Height
If the tank will be hydrostatically tested, the hydrostatic test height, Ht, shall be limited by one or more of the
following methods. The tank shall not be filled above the level determined by the lesser value of Ht determined below.
St= 24863.8194 lbf/in.2
tmin= 0.0622 in (As per the calculation)
E= 0.85
D= 12.7263 ft
After determining the controlling thickness of an entire shell course, Ht calculated as follows:
Ht = 40.72845
After determining the controlling thickness by for a locally thinned area, or at any other location of interest
within a shell course, Ht is calculated as follows
Ht = 39.72845
Ht is the height from the bottom of the shell course under consideration to the hydrostatic test height when
evaluating an entire shell course in feet
is the height from the bottom of the length, L, (see for the most severely thinned area in each shell
course to the hydrostatic test height in feet;
is the height from the lowest point within any other location of interest to the hydrostatic test height in feet
St is the maximum allowable hydrostatic test stress in pound force per square inch (lbf/in.2); use the smaller of
0.88Y or 0.472T for bottom and second courses; use the smaller of 0.9Y or 0.519T for all other courses
tmin is the minimum acceptable thickness, in inches for each course as calculated from the above equation;
however, tmin shall not be less than 0.1 in. for any tank course
Note-1 Depending on the specific gravity of the content used to determine tmin, Ht may be less than H. Testing the tan
may yield the corroded area.
Note-2 If Ht is less than H, owner/operator shall determine the consequence and acceptability of operating the tank to
maximum design liquid level. Repairs to shell sections above Ht shall comply with the requirements of 12.3.2.
Note-3 For reconstructed tanks, St shall be per the current applicable standard.
H is the height from the bottom of the shell course under consideration to the maximum liquid level when
evaluating an entire shell course, in feet (ft);
is the height from the bottom of the length L (see from the lowest point of the bottom of L of the
locally thinned area to the maximum liquid level, in feet (ft);
is the height from the lowest point within any location of interest to the maximum liquid level, in feet (ft);
r location of interest
he above equation;