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Yukler et al. ,Vol. 2, No. 4,2018


Ahmet Irfan Yukler*, Memduh Kurtulmus**, Ezgi Dogan***,
* Nisantasi University, Engineering Faculty, 1453 Agaoglu Maslak, 34398 Sarıyer/İstanbul

** Marmara University Applied Science High School, Goztepe Campus, Istanbul, 34722

*** OZMETAL A.S.-ESAB TR Distributor, Umraniye, Istanbul, 34775


‡ Corresponding Author; Ahmet İrfan Yükler, Nisantasi University, Engineering Faculty, 1453 Agaoglu Maslak, 34398
Sarıyer/İstanbul Tel: +2122101010

Received: 05.12.2018 Accepted:28.12.2018

Abstract - The importance of fusion welding technology has been widely recognized in the manufacturing process of various
steel structures such as ships, bridges, construction machines, power plants, and automobiles. However, a significant
disadvantage of fusion welding is that it often generates unacceptable levels of geometric imperfections such as shrinkage and
distortion. Angular distortion is a major problem and most pronounced among different types of distortion in the butt welded
plates. This angular distortion is mainly caused by the non-uniform extension and contraction through thickness direction due
to the temperature gradient. The principal factors affecting the degree of welding angular distortion are: material properties
(the thermal expansion coefficient, the thermal conductivity and the specific heat), weld groove geometry, joint type and
welding procedures (welding current, arc voltage, welding speed, shielding gas chemical composition, gas flow rate, welding
gun angle, time gap between successive passes and number of passes). All these factors are explained in the paper.

Key Words - Welding, distortion, Angular distortion, Welding parameters

1. Introduction

Welding involves highly localised heating of joint edges

to fuse the material, non-uniform stresses are set up in the
component because of expansion and contraction of the
heated material. The magnitude of thermal stresses induced
into the material can be seen by the volume change in the
weld area on solidification and subsequent cooling to room
temperature. If the stresses generated from thermal
contraction exceed the yield strength of the parent metal,
localised plastic deformation of the metal occurs. Plastic
deformation causes a permanent reduction in the component Figure 1. Angular distortion of a butt weld.
dimensions and distorts the structure. Distortion occurs in six
main forms. One of them is the angular distortion as shown in
The angular distortion consists of the rotation of the
Figure 1(1). structure around the welding line (2). The angular distortion
occurs in a butt joint when the transverse shrinkage is not
uniform in the thickness direction (3). A research asserted
that the elastic contraction on the top is larger than at the
bottom and this causes the angular distortion (4). Figure 2
shows an example of a transverse through thickness
shrinkage force gradient (5). Bending distortion occurs for
the same causes of angular distortion, yet, it is defined by
both the longitudinal shrinkages and the base metal’s
longitudinal cross-section instead of the transversal.
Yukler et al. ,Vol. 2, No. 4,2018

Rotational distortion is an in-plane angular distortion due to 2.2. Weld groove geometry and joint type
the localized thermal expansion and shrinkage.
The thermal conductivity is a measure of heat flow in the
material. Thermal conductivity increases slightly as
temperature of the material increases. Higher thermal
conductivity results in a uniform heat distribution along the
plate’s thickness and width. With that, the thermal gradients
responsible for shrinkage stresses are reduced, decreasing the
weld distortion (9). The lower thermal conductivity causes a
steeper temperature gradient which increases the distortion.
Therefore weld distortions were highly sensible to the
thermal conductivity (10).
The specific heat of a material is defined as the heat
Figure 2. Development of angular distortion in butt welding capacity per unit of mass of a certain material. The heat
of a single “V” Groove (5). capacity measures the ratio between transferred heat to or
A: Centroid of the weld metal, B: Centroid of the transversal from the material and its temperature change. Higher values
cross-section, F:Transverse shrinkage forces and RF: of specific heat reduce the peak temperature achieved during
Resultant shrinkage force. welding (1). The shrinkage forces are proportional to the
peak temperature achieved in the plate (7).
Phase transition effect is proven to affect the residual
2. Factors Which Affect Angular Distortion stresses and distortions on some steel grades. The maximum
The principal factors affecting the degree of welding temperature reached and the metal’s cooling rate produce
angular distortion (6) are: material properties, weld groove dissimilar martensitic fractions for different steel grades. The
geometry, joint type, amount of restraint, and welding phase transformation has little effect on distortion for low
procedure. All these factors are explained below. carbon steels while on the other hand, it has a rather
significant effect on distortion for mid and high carbon steels.
2.1. Effects of material properties It is known that when cooling rate is fast enough, the
austenite transforms to martensite. This transformation
The mechanical and thermal properties of the base metal increaes the material’s total volume. This increase in volume
are of high importance in which concerns to weld distortion. partially cancels the transverse shrinkage, reducing weld
The most important base metal properties which influence on distortion in mid and high carbon steels. The increase in
weld distortion are the yield strength, the Young’s Modulus, volume creates compressive stresses and reduces the residual
the thermal expansion coefficient, the thermal conductivity stresses for mid and high carbon steels (11).
and the specific heat.
The Young’s Modulus is linked to base material’s
rigidity and decreases when increasing the temperature. If at
high temperatures the yield strength is too high, there’s an
inability of the thermal strains to produce plastic
deformations i.e. only elastic strains would be present and
zero plastic strains produced. The high-temperature yield
strength of a material affectes its angular distortion. Angular
distortion increased with high-temperature yield strength. The
yield strength of high strength steels are higher than mild
steels at high temperatures. Therefore high strength steels
have lower distortion resistance compared to mild steels (7).
The same trend was found in aluminium alloys (8).
Higher coefficient of thermal expansion means higher
amount of expansion, when heated and greater subsequent
contraction when cooled. High coefficient of thermal
expansion tends to increase the shrinkage of the weld metal
and the metal adjacent to the weld. Thus increases
The thermal expansion coefficient, is a property that
quantifies the physical expansion of a material when heated
up. Higher coefficient of thermal expansion means higher
amount of expansion, when heated and greater subsequent Figure 3. (a) A butt joint with greater top side shrinkage
contraction when cooled. High coefficient of thermal force (TSF) due to greater weld deposition at the top side; (b)
expansion tends to increase the shrinkage of the weld metal A butt joint with near equal top side shrinkage force (TSF)
and the metal adjacent to the weld. Thus distortion increases and bottom side shrinkage force (BSF) (12).
with the thermal expansion(7).

Yukler et al. ,Vol. 2, No. 4,2018

Figure 3 shows the effects of the top side shrinkage

force (TSF) and bottom side shrinkage force (BSF) on
angular distortion of a butt weld(12). The figure shows two
weld cross sections schematically. Both plates were 12 mm
thick and welded with submerged arc welding (SAW)
process. Figure 4a shows that the plates was welded from
one side. This weldment indicates greater top side shrinkage
force (TSF) due to larger weld deposition at the top side
leading to higher angular distortion. The plate shown in
Figure 4b was welded from both sides. The topside shrinkage
force (TSF) and bottom side shrinkage force (BSF) are nearly
equal in this weldment. Therefore less angular distortion
occurred in the weld.

Weld groove geometry has a significant influence on

weld distortion as the amount of weld metal varies with
groove angle and weld penetration depth. The distance of the
weld metal’s centroid to the cross-section neutral axis also
changes according to the groove geometry used, affecting the
final distortion. Therefore, different shrinkage values can be
obtained for different groove geometries. Experiments and
numerical simulations concluded that the weld groove shape Figure 4. Angular distortion of three aluminium alloys
has an important influence on the residual stresses for four different weld groove angles(5).
distribution in thicker plates. Plates welded with a X groove
shape have nearly equal amount of weld metal on both sides.
The contraction forces are also similiar. They also possess
higher tensile residual stresses in the weld metal and higher
compressive residual stresses in the HAZ. Therefore a X
weld show less distortion than a V shaped groove weld (13).
The use of a narrow weld groove instead of a conventional V-
groove also decreases the angular distortion (14). Plates
welded with a U shaped groove require more weld metal than
plates welded with a V shaped groove, however, a U shaped
groove approaches the centroid of the weld from the neutral
axis of the plate, diminishing the weld distortion (15).
Figure 5. Effect of groove angle on angular
Another weld groove characteristic is the groove angle. distortion(17).
The angular distortion was proved to increases with the V
groove angle due to the increase in the shrinkage force as a
wider weld pool is formed during welding. Figure 4 shows
the angular distortion results obtained by welding three
different aluminium plates, each with four different V weld
groove angles (5). Experimental data showed that the 60º V
shaped groove angle displays the lower angular distortion.
Similar results were oıbtained for steel plates(16). The result
of an another research is shown in Figure 5 (17). The angular
distortion in single V-groove butt welded joints decreased
with the increase in included angle, which was due the
change in transverse shrinkage along the thickness of the
specimen. The findings of these investigations and the
obtained graphics are in conflict as shown in Figure 4 and 5.
Figure 6. The effect of heat input on angular distortion
for single V-groove (SVG), bevel groove (BG) and double V
Groove or X groove(DVG) butt joints(18).

An experimental work was carried out by welding mild

steel plates using CO2 arc welding process to reveal the effect
of heat input and the weld groove with respect to angular
distortion(18). The bevel angle was 22.5o and the groove
angle was 45o in single V-groove (SVG) and double V

Yukler et al. ,Vol. 2, No. 4,2018

Groove or X groove(DVG) in the experiments. The effect of 2.3. Welding Parameters

heat input on angular distortion is displayed in Figure 6.
DVG has the lowest distortion at every energy input. Bevel The primary welding parameters (welding current,
groove caused higher angular distortions. It is seen that welding speed and arc voltage) directly determine the
angular distortion is maximum in bevel groove welded joints welding heat input and weld bead geometry(25) and thus
as compared with the single V-groove and double V-groove determine the angular distortion. The other welding
welded joints, and it is minimum for double V-groove welded parameters affect the primary welding parameters and affect
joint [19]. Angular distortion in bevel-groove butt welded the angular distortion indirectly(6). The effective welding
joints decreases with increase in bevel angle similar to the parameters are listed below:
single v- groove butt joints(20). • Welding current
• Arc voltage
• Welding speed
• Gas flow rate
• Shielding gas chemical composition
• Welding gun angle
• Time gap between successive passes
• Number of passes

2.3.1. Welding current

Figure 7. The profile and contracting stresses which
develop during the solidification in (A) TIG and (B) A-
TIG welded joint of austenitic stainless steel welds (21)

Figure 7 shows the cross-sections of TIG and A-TIG

welds of 5 mm thick stainless steel 304 plates(21). The plates
were welded from side. The width on the welding side (Top
side) is larger than the bottom part. There is a significant
variation in bead width of the welds. The top width of the A-
TIG weld is narrow than the TIG weld. In the upper part of
the TIG weld greater contraction stress was formed than the
the bottom part. Therefore a big angular distortion angle was
obtained in this weld. The difference between upper and Figure 8. Effect of welding current in TIG welding(26)
bottom part width was small. Therefore the generated stresses
on both sides are nearly equal. Hence, less distortion occurred
in this weld (21). This example proved that the weld profile Figure 8 represents the direct effect of the welding
was very important on angular distortion.). The value of current on distortion(26). From the figure it is found that,
angular distortion of the weldment depends on several when current is low the distortion is also low. This may be
factors, including (a) the the shape and dimensions of weld due to low bead width and low D/T ratio resulting from the
bead and (b) the plate thickness (22). The ratio of weld low current (27). The distortion increases with the increase in
depth(D) to plate thickness(T) determines the angular current. This is attributed to increase in bead width and D/T
distortion angle(22). If D/T is 0.5 it causes maximum ratio with the heat input. The increase in the bead width
angular distortion. The angular distortion angle decreases as results in an increase in the distortion due to higher shrinkage
the D/T ratio change from the critical value. Each welding on the weld bead upper side. Further increase in the current
process has a characteristic weld profile. Proper welding results in an increase in the heat input and a decrease in bead
process must be chosen to eliminate big angular distortions. width and D/T ratio. These variations decreased the distortion
A-TIG welding causes less distortion than than the TIG angle as shown in Figure 8. In a conventional electric arc
process(23). Friction stir welding is superior than gas metal welding process increasing the weld current to improve the
arc welding and submerged arc welding(24). penetration capability causes the weld shape to become
excessively wide with a relatively minor increase in depth.
With the increase in joint gap, the angular distortion This weld bead geometry results a greater angular distortion
increases (6). It is due to the fact that for a sound welding angle(28).
joint, as the joint gap increases, the number of passes has to
be increased which results in more amount of metal deposited Pulsed current welding technology has been widely
in the V-groove. As the number of passes increases the heat used in fabrication of structures such as aircraft, vehicles,
input per unit length increases. The distortion increases(6) ships, bridges, and pressure vessels or pipes. The parameters
because of the increased heat input. used for pulsed welding are pulse frequency, pulse spacing,
amplitude ratio and duration ratio(29). The pulse parameters
can actually control the thermal characteristics and the weld
bead geometry(30). Therefore, the distortion is affected by
pulsed welding parameters. During pulsed GTAW, higher

Yukler et al. ,Vol. 2, No. 4,2018

pulse frequency or smaller pulse spacing can enhance the 2.3.3. Welding speed
energy density of the welding heat source, thereby reducing
the angular distortion of austenitic stainless steel weldments.
Greater pulse amplitude ratio and duration ratio can reduce
the temperature difference between the fusion zone and
unaffected base metal zone in the weldment, and thus
decreases the angular distortion(31). Figure 9 shows the
effect of pulse frequency on angular distortion and residual
stress of 316L stainless steel pulsed TIG weldment(32). The
results indicated that the angular distortion and residual stress Figure 11. Effect of welding speed on distortion(26).
decrease with the increase of the pulse frequency.
It has been observed from the Figure 11 that there has been a
decrease in angular distortion degrees with an increase in
welding speed. The reason for this can be attributed to the
fact that at high welding speed, heat input will be low
resulting in a decrease in angular distortion(34). The
interaction effects are negligible in case of welding speed.

2.3.4. The shielding gas

Figure 9. Effect of pulse frequency on angular

distortion and residual stress of pulsed TIG weldment(32).

2.3.2. Arc voltage Figure 12. Effect of nitrogen in shielding gas on the
angular distortion of TIG and A-TIG welds(38).

The shielding gas chemical composition ant flow rate of

it in gas metal arc welding(35-37), TIG(38,39) and
FCAW(40) effect the weld bead geometry and angular
distortion forming. The effect of nitrogen content of the
shielding gas on the angular distortion of austenitic stainless
steel TIG and A-TIG welding is given in Figure 12. Nitrogen
added to the argon-base shielding gas decreased the angular
distortion of the weldment. A-TIG welds are superior than
TIG welds due to the weld bead geometry obtained in this
Figure 10. Effect of welding voltage on angular process. Figure 13 shows the variation in the amount of weld
distortion(33). distortion with weld pass for types of shielding gases and
different combinations of TIG welding shielding gases
Figure 10 shows the effect of arc voltage on angular supply(39). Argon shows the highest heat input, and thus
distortion(33). The upper weld width enlarges with the highest welding distortion occurred with this gas. The Ar +
voltage(25). The amount of weld metal increases with the 67% He gives welding distortion similar to Argon shielding
voltage and the distortion increases as its sequence. In at 13 liter/minute gas flow rate. When the gas flow rate
electric arc welds the arc voltage increases with the arc decreased to 9 liter/minute in this gas mixture less distortion
length(25). Therefore, welders must avoid to weld with an happened. This result is in harmonious relationship with
unnecessary weld arc length. other research findings(26,34).

Yukler et al. ,Vol. 2, No. 4,2018

the plate and the plate temperature is lower as compared to

that when time is less. So some of the heat applied to the
plate during the next pass will be utilize in preheating the
plate. Hence the net heat added to the plate is less compared
to when the plate temperature is high. When time is longer, a
large amount of heat is lost by the plate and the temperature
is lower compared to when time gap is shorter. So, the heat
applied to the plate during the next pass will result in a
marginal rise in temperature of the plate, and hence, angular
distortion is less(6).

Figure 13. Comparisons of angular distortion of butt

weld with the type of gas and type of gas supply in TIG

2.3.5. Welding gun angle

Figure 15. Effects of time gap between successive passes on

angular distortion(41).

2.3.7. Number of passes

Figure 14. The effect of torch angle on angular Specimens of ASTM A36 structural steel were welded
distortion(27). using V-groove butt-joints. During the welding process, the
angular distortion was measured after each welding
It has been observed from the Figure 14 that there has been operation. Four constant heat inputs were employed in the
an increase in angular distortion from 2.2 degrees to 3.02 experiments by adjusting the current, voltage and wire feed
degrees with an increase in torch angle from 45 to 90 speed. The number of passes needed to complete the weld
degrees(27). The reason for this can be attributed to the fact decreased with increasing the the heat input. The cumulative
that for steeper torch angle, the depth of penetration in the angular distortion of each experiment was shown in Figure
plate is slightly greater than that for a shallow angled torch. 16(42). The welding operation finished with 14 passes in
Thus, the heat amount input in the weld bead, giving non- E1(0.7 kJ/mm heat input) group. The distortion increased
uniform distribution leads to distortion which is more in with the number of the pass. In E4 group the weld completed
steeper torch angle positions and less in shallow torch angle in 5 passes. The angular distortion produced in a given weld
positions. There however existed a region between minimum pass was roughly same for all experiments of group,
and maximum value of currents in which the angular regardless of heat input used in each group. For example
distortion was found to be first increased and then decreased. equal distortion was obtained in 5 passes for each test group.
The reason might be interaction effects of other welding Figure 16 indicates that angular distortion increases with the
parameters(27). number of welding passes. Welding with high energy input
and less number of passes causes smaller distortion. Kumar’s
findings(6) reinforces this result.
2.3.6. Time gap between successive passes

Angular distortion decreases with the increase in time gap

between successive passes as indicated in Figure 15(41). It is
clear that distortion decreases with increase in time gap
between the passes. When time is longer more heat is lost by

Yukler et al. ,Vol. 2, No. 4,2018

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