Bioremediation Approaches
-In situ treatment
is more attractive and cost effective as it is not or less disruptive and does not involve excavation
and transport of contaminated soils. In situ bioremediation techniques have been successfully
used to treat chlorinated solvents, dyes, heavy metals, and hydrocarbons polluted sites (Folch et
al. 2013; Kim et al. 2014; Frascari et al. 2015; Roy et al. 2015). Notably, the status of electron
acceptor, moisture content, nutrient availability, pH and temperature are amongst the important
environmental conditions that need to be suitable for a successful in situ bioremediation to be
achieved (Philp and Atlas 2005). Unlike ex situ bioremediation techniques, soil porosity strongly
influences the application of in situ bioremediation to any polluted site.
- Biostimulation
The addition of natural organic substrates such as mulch and manure has shown to remove
perchlorate through stimulation of anaerobic degradation by microbes (USEPA, 2005).
Perchlorate reducing bacteria are ubiquitous, have the ability to reduce perchlorate to chloride
under anaerobic conditions using perchlorate as a terminal electron acceptor for growth and
energy in the presence of electron donor (Waller et al., 2004). The bioremediation process using
glycerine‐diammonium phosphate (DAP) successfully treated over 160,000 tonnes of soil from a
1000 acre Bermite site from Los Angeles, California containing 0.59–8.4 mg perchlorate/kg soil
to non‐detectable levels within seven month period, which is considered to be a safe and
economical treatment ($35 per tonne). The former Bermite site was used to manufacture various
explosives and related products including perchlorate during 1934–1987 (Evans et al., 2008).
- Bioventing
- Bioaugmentation
Introducing specific microorganisms to decontaminate the soils when indigenous microbes are
not efficient is considered a more acceptable approach to remediate the contaminated soils.
However, the strains for bioaugmentation should ideally have (i) superior ability to degrade the
target contaminants, (ii) easy to cultivate, (iii) fast growth, (iv) tolerance to the high
concentration of contaminant and (v) ability to survive in a wide range of environmental
conditions/stressors. Bioaugmentation has been proven to be successful for a wide range of
pollutants including pesticides such DDT, lindane, endosulfan, pentachlorophenol (PCP),
polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and total petroleum hydrocarbons (Abhilash et al., 2011;
Saez et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2014; Chen et al., 2015; Kuppusamy et al., 2016a,b). However,
predation, competition and toxins in soils can negatively affect the survival of introduced
microbes. In such cases, bioaugmentation using immobilized cells in carrier materials or
preadapted strains to the problem soil conditions may prove to be advantageous regarding
enhancing their survival in soils.
- Ex situ approaches
involve excavation and removal of contaminated soil for treatment either on the site or
transportation to a suitable place before treatment.
One of the major advantages of ex situ bioremediation techniques is that they do not require
extensive preliminary assessment of polluted site prior to remediation; this makes the
preliminary stage short, less laborious and less expensive. Due to excavation processes
associated with ex situ bioremediation, pollutant inhomogeneity as a result of depth, non-uniform
concentration and distribution, can easily be curbed by effectively optimizing some process
parameters (temperature, pH, mixing) of any ex situ technique to enhance bioremediation
process. These techniques allow modifications of biological, chemical and physico-chemical
conditions and parameters necessary for effective and efficient bioremediation. Importantly, the
great influence of soil porosity, which governs transport processes during remediation, can be
reduced when polluted soils are excavated. Ex situ bioremediation techniques are unlikely to be
used in some sites such as under buildings, inner city and working sites (Philp and Atlas 2005).
On the other hand, the excavation features of ex situ bioremediation tend to disrupt soil structure;
as a result, polluted and surrounding sites alike experience more disturbances. Moderate to
extensive engineering required for any ex situ bioremediation techniques implies that more
workforce and capital are required to construct any of the technique. In most cases, these
techniques require large space for operation. Generally, ex situ bioremediation techniques tend to
be faster, easier to control and can be used to treat wide range of pollutants (Prokop et al. 2000).
- Land farming
Land farming is amongst the simplest bioremediation techniques owing to its low cost
and less equipment requirement for operation. In most cases, it is regarded as ex situ
bioremediation, while in some cases, it is regarded as in situ bioremediation technique. This
debate is due to the site of treatment. Pollutant depth plays an important role as to whether land
farming can be carried out ex situ or in situ. In land farming, one thing is common, polluted soils
are usually excavated and/or tilled, but the site of treatment apparently determines the type of
bioremediation. When excavated polluted soil is treated on-site, it can be regarded as in situ;
otherwise, it is ex situ as it has more in common with other ex situ bioremediation techniques. It
has been reported that when a pollutant lies <1 m below ground surface, bioremediation might
proceed without excavation, while pollutant lying >1.7 m needs to be transported to ground
surface for bioremediation to be effectively enhanced (Nikolopoulou et al. 2013). Generally,
excavated polluted soils are carefully applied on a fixed layer support above the ground surface
to allow aerobic biodegradation of pollutant by autochthonous microorganisms (Philp and
Atlas 2005; Paudyn et al. 2008; Volpe et al. 2012; Silva-Castro et al. 2015). Tillage, which
brings about aeration, addition of nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) and irrigation
are the major operations, which stimulate activities of autochthonous microorganisms to enhance
bioremediation during land farming. Nevertheless, it was reported that tillage and irrigation
without nutrient addition in a soil with appropriate biological activity increased heterotrophic and
diesel-degrading bacterial counts thus enhancing the rate of bioremediation; dehydrogenase
activity was also observed to be a good indicator of biostimulation treatment and could be used
as a biological parameter in land farming technology (Silva-Castro et al. 2015). Similarly, in a
field trial, Paudyn et al. (2008) reported >80 % contaminant (diesel) removal by aeration using
rototilling approach at remote Canadian Arctic location over a 3-year study period; this further
demonstrates that in land farming technique, aeration plays crucial role in pollutant removal
especially at cold regions. Land farming is usually used for remediation of hydrocarbon-polluted
sites including polyaromatic hydrocarbons (Silva-Castro et al. 2012; Cerqueira et al. 2014); as a
result, biodegradation and volatilization (weathering) are the two remediation mechanisms
involved in pollutant removal. Land farming system complies with government regulations, and
can be used in any climate and location (Besaltatpour et al. 2011). The construction of a suitable
land farming design with an impermeable liner minimizes leaching of pollutant into
neighbouring areas during bioremediation operation (da Silva et al. 2012). Over all, land farming
bioremediation technique is very simple to design and implement, requires low capital input and
can be used to treat large volume of polluted soil with minimal environmental impact and energy
requirement (Maila and Colete 2004).
Although the simplest bioremediation technique, land farming like other ex situ bioremediation
techniques has some limitations, which include: large operating space, reduction in microbial
activities due to unfavourable environmental conditions, additional cost due to excavation, and
reduced efficacy in inorganic pollutant removal (Khan et al. 2004; Maila and Colete 2004).
Moreover, it is not suitable for treating soil polluted with toxic volatiles due to its design and
mechanism of pollutant removal (volatilization), especially in hot (tropical) climate regions.
These limitations and several others make land farming-based bioremediation time consuming
and less efficient compared to other ex situ bioremediation techniques.
- Biopiles
Although biopile systems conserve space compared to other field ex situ bioremediation
techniques, including land farming, robust engineering, cost of maintenance and operation, lack
of power supply especially at remote sites, which would enable uniform distribution of air in
contaminated piled soil via air pump are some of the limitations of biopiles. More so, excessive
heating of air can lead to drying of soil undergoing bioremediation, which will result in
inhibition of microbial activities, and promote volatilization rather than biodegradation
(Sanscartier et al. 2009).
- Windrows
As one of ex situ bioremediation techniques, windrows rely on periodic turning of piled polluted
soil to enhance bioremediation by increasing degradation activities of indigenous and/or transient
hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria present in polluted soil. The periodic turning of polluted soil,
together with addition of water bring about increase in aeration, uniform distribution of
pollutants, nutrients and microbial degradative activities, thus speeding up the rate of
bioremediation, which can be accomplished through assimilation, biotransformation and
mineralization (Barr 2002). Windrow treatment when compared to biopile treatment, showed
higher rate of hydrocarbon removal; however, the higher efficiency of the windrow towards
hydrocarbon removal was as a result of the soil type, which was reported to be more friable
(Coulon et al. 2010). Nevertheless, due to periodic turning associated with windrow treatment, it
may not be the best option to adopt in remediating soil polluted with toxic volatiles. The use of
windrow treatment has been implicated in CH4 (greenhouse gas) release due to development of
anaerobic zone within piled polluted soil, which usually occurs following reduced aeration
(Hobson et al. 2005).
Categories of bioremediation techniques:
Industrial soils can be polluted by a variety of sources, such as chemical spillages, or the
accumulation of heavy metals from industrial emissions. Agricultural soils can become
contaminated due to pesticide use or via the heavy metals contained within agricultural
A visible example of where bioremediation has been used to good effect can be found in
London’s Olympic Park. The grounds that held the 2012 Olympics had previously been
heavily polluted, after hundreds of years of industrial activity. Bioremediation cleaned 1.7
million cubic metres of heavily polluted soil to turn this brownfield site into one containing
sports facilities surrounded by 45 hectares of wildlife habitats. Groundwater polluted with
ammonia was cleaned using a new bioremediation technique that saw archaeal microbes
breaking down the ammonia into harmless nitrogen gas. The converted park marked the
London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games as the “greenest” and most sustainable games
ever held, only possible with bioremediation techniques.
While some soil cleaning techniques require the introduction of new microbes,
‘biostimulation’ techniques increase natural degradation processes by stimulating the growth
of microbes already present. Natural biodegradation processes can be limited by many
factors, including nutrient availability, temperature, or moisture content in the soil.
Biostimulation techniques overcome these limitations, providing microbes with the resources
they need, which increases their proliferation and leads to an increased rate of degradation.
In the UK, access to clean, potable water and modern sanitation is something we take for
granted. However, there are billions of people on Earth for which this is a luxury. The WHO
estimate that each year 842,000 people die as a result of diarrhoeal diseases, many of which
could be prevented if they had access to clean water and proper sanitation. Around 2.6 billion
people lack any sanitation, with over 200 million tons of human waste untreated every year.
Sewage treatment plants are the largest and most important bioremediation enterprise in the
world. In the UK, 11 billion litres of wastewater are collected and treated everyday. Major
components of raw sewage are suspended solids, organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus.
Wastewater entering a treatment plant is aerated to provide oxygen to bacteria that degrade
organic material and pollutants. Microbes consume the organic contaminants and bind the
less soluble fractions, which can then be filtered off. Toxic ammonia is reduced to nitrogen
gas and released into the atmosphere.
Advantages of bioremediation
- Bioremediation can often be carried out on site, often without causing a major disruption of
normal activities. This also eliminates the need to transport quantities of waste off site and
the potential threats to human health and the environment that can arise during transportation.
- Bioremediation can prove less expensive than other technologies that are used for clean-up
of hazardous waste.
Disadvantages of bioremediation
Bioremediation is limited to those compounds that are biodegradable. Not all compounds are
susceptible to rapid and complete degradation.
- There are some concerns that the products of biodegradation may be more persistant or
toxic than the parent compound. - Biological processes are often highly specific. Important
site factors required for success include the presence of metabolically capable microbial
populations, suitable environmental growth conditions, and appropriate levels of nutrients
and contaminants.
- It is difficult to extrapolate from bench and pilot scale studies to full-scale field operations.
- Bioremediation often takes longer than other treatment options, such as excavation and
removal of soil or incineration.
Bioremediation is far less expensive than other technologies that are often used to clean
up hazardous waste. There are a number of cost or efficiency advantages to
bioremediation which can be employed in areas that are inaccessible without