Leigh Quang Thesis PDF
Leigh Quang Thesis PDF
Leigh Quang Thesis PDF
Spring 2012
Leigh Jian Quang
Approved: __________________________________________________________
Abraham M. Lenhoff, Ph.D.
Professor in charge of thesis on behalf of the Advisory Committee
Approved: __________________________________________________________
Stanley I. Sandler, Ph.D.
Professor in charge of thesis on behalf of the Advisory Committee
Approved: __________________________________________________________
Norman J. Wagner, Ph.D.
Chair of the Department of Chemical Engineering
Approved: __________________________________________________________
Babatunde A. Ogunnaike, Ph.D.
Interim Dean of the College of Engineering
Approved: __________________________________________________________
Charles G. Riordan, Ph.D.
Vice Provost for Graduate and Professional Education
There were many people who have helped me during my time at the
humbling period of my life, but the support from my peers was instrumental in making
this work possible. I am grateful and honored to have had the opportunity to
collaborate with so many diligent and exceptional people in the chemical engineering
department. I will always remember the unique camaraderie among everyone in the
First, I would like to thank the members of the Lenhoff and Sandler
Professor Stan Sandler for their critique of this thesis. I would like to thank Dr.
Rachael Lewus for her helpful experimental insights in protein phase behavior. She
was able to answer many of my conceptual questions during the early stages of my
work, which helped me tremendously in getting the big picture of my project. I also
thank Dr. Jaeoon Chang for discussions on the patch-antipatch model for proteins and
learning the technical aspects of simulation. I would like to thank Dr. Chris Gillespie
who provided me his source code for the atomistic B22 calculations. I like to
acknowledge the support from Steve Traylor, Anvar Samadzoda, and Dr. Kelley
Kearns. They were always there to discuss not only the technical aspects of my
research, but also a wide variety of nontechnical topics ranging from sports to politics.
It was always refreshing to be able to talk about things outside of research.
Sometimes it is easy to forget that there is a world beyond graduate school. Russ
Burnett and Vinit Choudhary were both helpful for their constructive feedback on my
work. Although my project was outside of their area of expertise, they were still able
This work would not have been possible without support from outside of
Foundation for providing the funding for this project. I also thank Dr. Sandeep Patel
classmates at the University of Delaware. I would like to give special thanks to Nima
Nikbin and Stephen Edie for putting up with me during my last two months in
1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 1
2.6 Discussion................................................................................................ 54
2.7 Conclusions ............................................................................................. 55
CALCULATION OF B22 ................................................................................. 56
Table 2.2: Physical properties of water used in the continuum models. .................. 20
Table 3.1: Proteins studied for patch-antipatch analysis and their physical
properties. ................................................................................................ 62
Table 3.3: Absolute and relative frequencies of lysozyme well depths for
different sampling. ................................................................................... 78
Table 3.4: Absolute and relative frequencies of chymosin B well depths for
different sampling. ................................................................................... 79
Table 3.7: Refined orientations for lysozyme identified from the local
sampling in 0.10 radian around the central orientation in Table
3.4. The resulting angular configurations are significantly more
attractive than the originally sampled orientations. ................................. 85
Table 3.9: B22 calculated from 106 randomly sampled configurations based on
excluded volume contribution and both excluded volume and
short-range attraction. The value is the sphere equivalent
diameter determined from the empirical correlation of Neal and
Lenhoff (141). The error in the Monte Carlo estimate is calculated
from equation 3.16................................................................................... 88
Figure 1.1: Theoretical colloidal phase diagram adapted from Foffi et al. (6). .......... 3
Figure 2.1: () Binodal, () spinodal, and () B22 data for ribonuclease A in
ammonium sulfate system at 23°C, pH 7. The dotted rectangle
encloses the region where B22 and phase behavior data overlap.
Results were taken from Dumetz et al. (45, 85). .................................... 19
Figure 2.2: Schematic of the modeling pathways used to relate B22 and phase
behavior with the continuum models. .................................................... 21
Figure 2.3: Comparison of B22 predictions from the () Flory-Huggins model
with () experimental B22 data. .............................................................. 25
Figure 2.5: B22 predictions from Flory-Huggins model calculated from values
of () m=503 and () m=615 compared with original predictions
from () m= 559 and () experimental B22 values. ............................... 27
Figure 2.6: Predicted critical point from the Flory-Huggins model for ()
m=503, ( ) m=559, and () m=603 relative to the ()
experimental binodal boundary. ............................................................. 29
Figure 2.7: Predicted binodal boundaries from the Flory-Huggins model for
() m=279 compared with () experimental results. ............................ 30
Figure 2.8: Comparison of B22 predictions from the () Haas-Drenth model
with () experimental B22 data. .............................................................. 33
Figure 2.9: Phase behavior predictions from experimental B22 values with the
Haas-Drenth model compared with () experimental binodal
data. The Haas-Drenth model does predict () the binodal
boundary to exist within the overlap region. The predicted ()
critical point occurs at an ammonium sulfate concentration of 1.02
M and a protein concentration of 177 mg/ml. ........................................ 34
Figure 2.10: B22 predictions from the Haas-Drenth model calculated from
values of () m=503 and () m=615 compared with original
predictions from () m= 559 and () experimental B22 values. ........... 35
Figure 2.11: Predicted binodal boundaries from the Haas-Drenth model for
() () m=279 compared with the original predictions from
m=559 and the () experimental results. ............................................... 37
Figure 2.12: Plot of the Yukawa potential in reduced units for b* values of (–)
5, (–) 10, (–) 20, and (–) 30. The (–) hard-sphere repulsion occurs
at r*=1.0. Increasing b* corresponds to a decrease in the range of
attraction. ................................................................................................ 40
Figure 2.13: Comparison of the (–) 140-35 Lennard-Jones potential with the (–
) Yukawa potential for b* = 22. ............................................................. 41
Figure 2.14: Computed B222 from the Yukawa potential for b* values of ()
25, () 35, and () 45. .......................................................................... 44
Figure 2.15: Phase behavior predictions from the osmotic virial equation based
on B222 calculated from the Yukawa potential. Predictions were
made for b* values of () 25, () 35, and () 45 and compared
with the () experimental binodal data. ................................................. 45
Figure 2.16: Binodal predictions based on b*=35 compared with the ()
experimental binodal data. Osmotic virial predictions were made
from the experimental B22 values with an assumed error of ()
+2 10-4 mol ml/g2 and () -2 10-4 mol ml/g2. The results are
compared with the predictions from the () original B22 data set. ........ 47
Figure 2.17: Binodal predictions based on b*=45 compared with the ()
experimental binodal data. Osmotic virial predictions were made
from the experimental B22 values with an assumed error of ()
+2 10-4 mol ml/g2 and () -2 10-4 mol ml/g2. The results are
compared with the predictions from the () original B22 data set. ........ 48
Figure 2.18: B222 computed from the square well potential for values of ()
1.05, () 1.20, () 1.50, and () 2.10. ................................................. 50
Figure 2.19: B222 computed from the 140-35 Lennard-Jones potential. ..................... 51
Figure 2.20: Plot of the ten Wolde-Frenkel potential for values of (–) 10, (–)
20, (–) 30, and (–) 50. ............................................................................ 52
Figure 2.21: B222 computed from the ten Wolde-Frenkel potential for values
of () 10, () 20, and () 30. ............................................................... 53
Figure 3.6: Well depth as a function of the angles for the orientation listed in
entry 1 of Table 3.5. The largest change occurs when is
decreased by -0.02 radian, which indicates that the originally
sampled orientation is not the optimum alignment. ............................... 84
Figure 3.7: Histogram of the computed Iin for the 106 randomly sampled
configurations for lysozyme. The inset shows an enlarged view
of the high-Iin tail of the distribution. ..................................................... 89
Figure 3.8: Histogram of the computed Iin for the 106 randomly sampled
configurations for chymosin B. The inset shows an enlarged view
of the high-Iin tail of the distribution. ..................................................... 90
Figure 3.9: Iconfig computed from the DCUHRE routine as a function of for
lysozyme patch-antipatch pair 4 in Table 3.7. Iconfig increases
monotonically as increases due to the increase in the
hypervolume of the integration. ............................................................. 92
include amorphous aggregates, gels, dense liquids, and crystals. The major solution
variables that dictate the type of dense phase that is formed are pH, temperature, type
large parameter space and rich variety of phase transitions possible, protein phase
behavior is through the osmotic second virial coefficient B22, a dilute-solution property
initially to relate experimental B22 data and phase diagrams of proteins by appealing to
existing thermodynamic models, with the expectation that a simple continuum model
could provide a useful mechanistic framework for predicting protein phase behavior.
The first approach attempted was to relate protein interactions and phase behavior
within the Flory-Huggins theory of polymer solutions. The second approach utilized
the model of Haas and Drenth, which is based on the free energy of mixing for hard
spheres. Finally, phase equilibrium was predicted from virial coefficients using the
osmotic virial equation. A qualitative relationship was found between B22 and phase
behavior from these continuum models; however, quantitative agreement could not be
obtained. The isotropic assumption shared among these models in addition to the
interactions cannot be neglected, demonstrating the need for more detailed molecular-
level models.
complementarity between protein surfaces. Previous work used simple Monte Carlo
integration for the calculation of B22 from atomistic models of proteins. However, the
B22 for lysozyme and chymosin B. This method involves a combination of numerical
The overall B22 for the proteins studied was separated into three components:
contributions from the excluded volume, from the patch-antipatch pairs, and from
background configurations. The excluded volume component was found to be
adequately determined using simple Monte Carlo integration. The contributions from
adaptive integration routine. The background component to B22 was also calculated by
simple Monte Carlo integration in which the regions of the configuration space
The calculations performed that account for the full protein structure
difference in the interaction behavior of the two proteins studied was found to be
relation of the results to experimental data is limited by the omission of accounting for
the specific hydration of proteins. Hydration effects are known to affect, and usually
atomistic models that omit these important features are inadequate in providing a
Chapter 1
phases that proteins can form in solution. It encompasses the formation of amorphous
aggregates, gels, dense liquids, and crystals. The types of dense phases formed are
parameter space and rich variety of phase transitions possible, protein phase behavior
is a complex phenomenon.
occur during processing and storage, which can raise serious efficacy and safety
processes because of their low cost. One specific form of phase separation of wide
structure by x-ray diffraction; however, the growth of high-quality crystals is often the
well. The onset of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease has been
Understanding the conditions and mechanisms that lead to formation of
protein dense phases from solution is therefore crucial to predicting and ultimately
invaluable in a wide variety of applications. This work aims to contribute towards this
endeavor by utilizing and evaluating quantitative models that construct the pathway
proteins have led to interpretion of protein phase behavior within the framework of
results were questioned by Phillies (2), but Taratuta et al. confirmed them by
salt types, and salt concentrations (3). It was later observed that the liquid-liquid
phase separation was actually metastable with respect to the solid-liquid transition (4),
6). Similar phase behavior was also observed experimentally for several different -
crystallins (7–10). The similarities in the metastability of the liquid-liquid phase
separation for both proteins and colloids suggest that protein phase behavior follows
context of the theoretical phase diagram for colloidal systems experiencing short-
ranged interactions (5, 6) (Figure 1.1). The colloidal phase diagram is most directly
dimensional plane where the colloid concentration is plotted on the ordinate and the
Figure 1.1: Theoretical colloidal phase diagram adapted from Foffi et al. (6).
supernatant fluid. Within this region lies the metastable liquid-liquid coexistence
envelope (bounded by the binodal curve) in which the protein partitions into a dilute
and more concentrated liquid phases. Inside this liquid-liquid coexistence region is
the spinodal boundary beyond which phase separation occurs instantaneously through
spinodal decomposition. Thus, knowing the relative locations of the phase boundaries
feature of protein phase behavior. A correlation exists between the metastable liquid-
liquid coexistence and crystallization (11). Liquid-liquid phase separation has been
suggested to significantly change the kinetic pathway for crystal nucleation (12, 13).
Specifically, the free energy barrier for crystal nucleation is drastically reduced near
the liquid-liquid critical point due to critical density fluctuations. Therefore, knowing
the location of the liquid-liquid coexistence region can have implications for selecting
interactions between protein molecules, which are still not completely understood.
What is known is that the interactions include contributions from van der Waals
to the charges that some amino acid residues carry on the protein surface.
Solvation forces, which are associated with water structuring around the
effects (15, 16). The hydrophobic effect results from the presence of nonpolar patches
on the surface, with which water molecules are unable to form hydrogen bonds. To
minimize the free energy, the nonpolar regions associate with one another, driving
water molecules away from the surface to more extensive formation of hydrogen
bonds in the bulk of the solution. Hydration effects may occur in hydrophilic regions
on the solute molecules, where hydrogen bonding with adjacent water molecules may
result in a steric and hence effectively repulsive barrier to association with other solute
molecules. Solvation forces are still poorly understood and a quantitative explanation
is presently lacking.
(PEG) (17). Depletion interactions are a result of an entropic effect; when two protein
overlap. Consequently, the polymer molecules cannot penetrate into the space
between the protein molecules, resulting in effective attraction due to the osmotic
shape of the protein molecule and the heterogeneous properties of the protein surface.
The shape anisotropy of proteins has a profound effect on the van der Waals
attractions. Computations have shown that shape anisotropy has an appreciable effect
on the magnitude and orientational distribution of van der Waals interaction energies
which are usually repulsive. At high concentrations of salt, electrostatic forces are
screened and short-ranged van der Waals forces and hydrophobic interactions tend to
drive the precipitation of protein from solution. The phenomenon where proteins
become less soluble as more salt is added is known as salting-out. One explanation
for this behavior is that the salt ions alter the hydrogen bonding network of the layer of
water that shields the protein surface hydration layer (19). Consequently, protein
interactions. Different ions have been found to have varying impacts on protein phase
series (20), which is an empirical ranking of the ability of different ions to disrupt the
hydration layer.
effects on phase behavior is still incomplete, but much progress has been made in the
past fifteen years (21–26). It was long believed that the Hofmeister effect was due to
the influence of the ion on the hydrogen bonding network of bulk water, but
experimental results suggest that this influence does not extend beyond the first
significantly to the ability of a specific ion to salt out proteins from solution.
Two recent developments have emerged that have led to the development
from dispersion forces between ions and protein molecules (24, 30–33). The
polarizabiltity of the ion is the unique physical characteristic that determines the ion’s
interactions has been shown to qualitatively capture the reverse Hofmeister behavior
exhibited by lysozyme (34, 35), where the salting-out trend follows the opposite order
observations (36).
binding to the hydrophobic regions of the protein surface. Efforts to model this effect
interactions incorporating effects of ion binding have also yielded predictions that are
the microscopic and macroscopic properties is the potential of mean force (PMF). The
indirect forces from the other species, which include the solvent and ions (42, 43).
Another way of interpreting the PMF is that it is the free energy required to bring two
solution. In principle, specifying the PMF fixes the thermodynamic properties of the
system. However, the intermolecular interactions of proteins are quite complex and
alternative approach is to start with simple idealized models with a few parameters
based on the physics of the system, and fit the parameters to correlate experimental
proteins has led to theoretical efforts to relate the phase behavior and intermolecular
interactions of proteins within the framework of model colloids (44, 45). It is well
known from theory (46), experiment (47), and simulation that the phase behavior of
colloidal dispersions is sensitive to the range of the interaction between the particles.
similar phase behavior, idealized colloidal models can serve as a starting point for
one-component system and model the effective interactions between proteins with a
simple form of the pair potential. Within this framework, the solvent is treated as a
continuum background and the protein molecules are represented as hard spheres
including the adhesive hard sphere (48–51), square-well (52–55), Yukawa (6, 56, 57),
and modified Lennard-Jones (12, 58) potentials. While the forms of these potentials
are different, each of these models has parameters for the interaction strength,
interaction range, and particle diameter. In these models, the interaction range is the
dominant parameter that controls the shape and location of the phase boundaries (58).
Large values of the range parameter lead to phase diagrams that have a stable vapor-
liquid phase separation, which is analogous to a liquid-liquid phase transition for the
colloidal system. As the range parameter becomes sufficiently small, this transition
becomes metastable with respect to the solid-liquid phase transition. In addition, it has
been shown that these isotropic potential models follow an extended law of
corresponding states (59). The consequence of this is that the thermodynamic phase
to the details of the interaction potential if they are scaled by the proper parameters.
Figure 1.2: Cartoon of simple isotropic model of proteins. Protein molecules are
represented as perfect spheres of diameter and the interactions
depend only on the center-to-center distance r.
interactions and has been applied to proteins comes from DLVO theory (14, 15, 60,
61). In this theory the particles are modeled as ideal spheres with a homogeneous
charge distribution that interact via short-ranged van der Waals attraction and long-
with a uniform dielectric constant. The potential function that reflects this framework
where uHS is the hard-sphere excluded volume contribution to the potential, uvdW is the
contribution from the van der Waals attraction, and uelec is the contribution from the
electrostatic repulsion. Within the DLVO framework, the salt screens the electrostatic
The advantage of DLVO theory is that the model parameters can be directly related to
the solution conditions and physical properties of the system. The van der Waals
contribution is characterized by the Hamaker constant and the size and the separation
distance between the two spheres. The Coulombic repulsion is governed by pH,
which determines the net charge of the protein, and the solution ionic strength, as well
into the relationship between interactions and the phase behavior of proteins.
protein. The phase diagrams from these simple models are in qualitative agreement
physically related to the solution conditions (pH, temperature, ionic strength), which
are known to determine the protein-protein interactions and therefore phase behavior
(62, 63). Consequently, the parameters of these simple models cannot be determined
a priori and can only be used to fit experimental data (62, 63). In addition, the
metastable critical point for protein systems has been shown to be sensitive to the
symmetric potentials (64, 65). Thus, simple intermolecular potentials can only be
used as empirical models and cannot be used to predict protein phase behavior for a
the experimental phase behavior data for lysozyme and -crystallin (66–68), but the
model is unable to quantitatively predict phase behavior that agrees with experiment.
There are several problems with DLVO theory that limits its predictive capability for
the phase behavior of proteins. First, the model does not account for other important
solvation forces that are known to be significant, such as hydrophobic interactions and
hydration effects. Omission of these forces is one of the reasons that DLVO theory
failed to describe phase behavior for some proteins such as apoferritin (69) and
hemoglobins (HbS and HbA) even qualitatively (70). In addition, DLVO theory does
not properly take into account specific ion effects because the theory treats ions as
point charges in solving the Poisson-Boltzmann equation (32, 60). Consequently, the
model cannot explain the varying salting-out abilities of different ions at high salt
the salting-in behavior of some proteins. This discrepancy is due to the assumption of
repulsive. However, the distribution of charges carried by the titratable amino acids
electrostatic interactions with increasing salt concentration leads to increasing stability
have been used to predict the phase behavior of proteins. These models emphasize
with varying degrees of success. An embedded charge model has been used to
account for the charge anisotropy of proteins (71), but the phase diagrams predicted
from this representation were found to agree only qualitatively with experiment (72).
One class of models that have been used for colloids and have been used to represent
the anisotropy of the short-ranged attractions of proteins are patch models (73–78).
Patch models represent protein molecules as spheres that carry attractive regions on
the surface to account for orientationally local strong interactions. Patch models have
through the osmotic second virial coefficient, B22. B22 is a dilute solution property that
PMF via the statistical mechanical expression for B22 which, accounting for
Here W is the PMF, r12 is the center-to-center distance, and are the spherical
angles representing the location of the second molecule relative to the first, and , ,
are the Euler angles denoting the rotation of the second molecule (81).
Extensive computations explicitly accounting for the full structural details
of proteins have shown that due to the Boltzmann weighting of the PMF, a few highly
These attractive regions can serve as contacts for crystal formation, which suggest a
plausible correlation with crystallization (85) and protein phase behavior (45, 86–88).
For example, when B22 is positive, the protein molecules on balance repel one another
and remain stable in solution. As B22 becomes negative, the protein interactions are
net attractive and may lead to the formation of condensed phases. The region of
slightly negative B22 values known as the crystallization slot (-1×10-4 to -8×10-4 mol
formation of protein crystals (88). If B22 is too negative, the strong attractions may
prevent the protein molecules from rearranging and forming the specific contacts that
1.5 Objective and Thesis Outline
The objective of this thesis is to quantitatively relate protein-protein
phase behavior at different solution conditions. The motivation stems from the need
for providing a rational methodology for the design and optimization of bioseparation
proteins is a nontrivial task; it can be expensive in terms of time, labor, and supply of
protein due to the difficulty of characterizing the various dense phases, time to attain
true equilibrium, and the wide range of possible solution conditions. In addition, if
crystallization conditions are not known for a protein, measurement of the solid-liquid
phase boundaries is not possible since crystals are needed. Consequently, complete
phase diagrams have been measured for only a few proteins (89). Therefore,
developing predictive models of protein phase behavior is essential and can have
The following chapters aim to elucidate the path from molecular structure
levels of coarse-graining, from simple spheres to a full atomistic structure. The level
of structural representation directly impacts the ability to model protein interactions
(PMF), which ultimately allows the prediction of bulk solution properties such as B22
and phase behavior. The conceptual path from molecular structure to thermodynamic
properties is illustrated in Figure 1.3. In this thesis, models that represent proteins at
various levels are explored to evaluate their capability of providing the link between
In Chapter 2, an attempt is made to model protein solutions within the
for polymer and colloidal systems. This was done by quantitatively evaluating the
relationship of measured B22 and phase behavior data for a model globular protein
using these models. In addition, phase equilibrium is modeled from the osmotic virial
anisotropy of protein-protein interactions on the molecular level and how this feature
impacts the prediction of B22. The anisotropy arising from the shape complementarity
between protein surfaces and the charge distribution is analyzed within the context of
summarizing the findings from this work and recommendations are made for future
Figure 1.3: Schematic of the conceptual path from molecular structure to
thermodynamic solution properties of proteins, which includes the
osmotic second virial coefficient B22 and phase behavior.
Chapter 2
predictive models (12, 53, 56, 66–68), a continuum-level approach is explored here to
demonstrated a correlation between the osmotic second virial coefficient, B22, and
phase diagrams found from experiments (45, 86, 87). Therefore, there is evidence to
suggest that B22 may offer a reasonable quantitative measure of the effective
interactions between protein molecules. That is, the evidence suggests that the overall
chapter is to use experimental B22 data to quantitatively predict the phase diagrams of
simple continuum model with few parameters can provide a useful mechanistic
The models investigated in this work were the Flory-Huggins model (90),
the Haas-Drenth model (91–93), and the osmotic virial equation (94). These models
were used to calculate values of B22 and the phase behavior for ribonuclease A in
ammonium sulfate solutions at pH 7 and 23°C and to compare the calculated values to
experimental data obtained by Dumetz et al. (45, 86) (Figure 2.1). The B22 values for
this system were measured using self-interaction chromatography (95, 96) and the
dilute boundary of the liquid-liquid coexistence region of the phase diagram was
obtained by a microbatch technique. This particular system was chosen because the
B22 values partially overlap the binodal curve over the range of 0.90 M to 1.25 M
ammonium sulfate (Figure 2.1). It was therefore possible to make a direct correlation
of B22 data with phase behavior within this salt range using the models listed above. It
should be noted that B22 is often difficult to measure at salt concentrations in which
phase separation is observed since the attractions are very strong. As a result, B22 data
rarely overlap phase behavior data for proteins over the same range of salt
concentration, if at all. This difficulty makes relating complementary sets of data with
used for relating B22 and phase behavior within the framework of the continuum
models is briefly described. For each model, the theoretical foundation is introduced
and the equations that govern phase equilibrium are presented. These equations
provide the modeling structure used for relating B22 and phase behavior. Next, results
of the correlations between experimental B22 and phase behavior data for ribonuclease
A for each of the models are presented and discussed. Finally, conclusions are drawn
on the capability of these continuum models to relate protein interactions and phase
behavior based on the results for ribonuclease A.
Figure 2.1: () Binodal, () spinodal, and () B22 data for ribonuclease A in
ammonium sulfate system at 23°C, pH 7. The dotted rectangle
encloses the region where B22 and phase behavior data overlap.
Results were taken from Dumetz et al. (45, 86).
2.2 Modeling Structure
The physical parameters for ribonuclease A and the solvent (water) used
for this study are presented in Table 2.1 and Table 2.2, respectively. The specific
Property Value
MW (g/mol) 18.02
(g/ml) 0.998
V (ml/mol) 18.06
A schematic of the modeling structure that was followed for relating B22
and phase behavior using the three continuum models is shown in Figure 2.2. With
the Flory-Huggins and Haas-Drenth models, the phase behavior can be predicted
directly from B22 values at each salt concentration, or vice versa. In using phase
behavior to calculate B22, the larger salt range available in the phase behavior data can
be taken advantage of to predict B22. By following this path, B22 predictions can be
made for salt concentrations beyond the experimental range of the B22 data. However,
using measured B22 data to find phase behavior predictions is restricted to the window
of conditions for which both B22 and phase diagrams are available. Consequently,
phase behavior calculations cannot be made at higher salt concentrations due to the
For the osmotic virial equation, only one approach was followed, in which
experimental B22 data were used as inputs to predict the corresponding phase behavior.
The reason this path was chosen is that B22 data are needed to compute higher virial
coefficients necessary for the osmotic virial equation to relate interactions and phase
calculate virial coefficients could not be utilized because of the need to calculate both
Figure 2.2: Schematic of the modeling pathways used to relate B22 and phase
behavior with the continuum models.
2.3 Flory-Huggins Model
2.3.1 Theory
The Flory-Huggins model of polymer solutions is derived from simple
lattice theory for fluids and has historically been used to predict the phase behavior of
of uniform lattice sites that can be occupied by either one solvent molecule or a
interconnected subunits in which the chain is free to adopt any configuration. Each
monomer is allowed to occupy any one lattice site as long as the monomers remain
model was deemed worth exploring. The excess free energy of the system has been
derived as (97)
where 1 and 2 refer to water and protein, respectively, xi is the mole fraction of species
i, and i is the volume fraction of species i. The m parameter reflects the degree of
polymerization of the polymer relative to the size of the solvent molecule and can be
calculated as the ratio of the molar volumes of the polymer to the solvent
where Vi is the molar volume of species i. Based on the physical parameters listed in
Tables 2.1 and 2.2, a value of 559 was set for the m parameter. The parameter is an
adjustable parameter that represents the effective interaction between the solute and
For the Flory-Huggins model, it can be shown that liquid-liquid phase
equilibrium is modeled by
where 2 is the specific volume of the protein in units of volume/mass. The spinodal
region of the phase diagram can be determined by the criterion for thermodynamic
From the criterion given by equation 2.7, the spinodal curve from the Flory-Huggins
model is
The critical point of the phase diagram occurs at the maximum of the spinodal curve
and therefore can be determined by setting the derivative of equation 2.8 with respect
to the volume fraction 2 equal to zero. From this procedure it can be shown that the
The critical B22 is obtained by substituting equation 2.10 into equation 2.6, which
2.3.2 Results
The B22 predictions made from experimental phase behavior data using the
Flory-Huggins model are presented in Figure 2.3. The model predictions correctly
capture the qualitative trend of decreasing B22 values with increasing salt
concentration, but the results differ quantitatively from the experimental values. The
by the experimental measurements for the entire B22-phase behavior overlap region
(0.90 M to 1.25 M). In addition, the steep slope observed in the experimental B22 data
experimental B22 data was also followed using the Flory-Huggins model. The model
critical point, which is located at 1.22 M ammonium sulfate (Figure 2.4). The critical
point represents the threshold for phase coexistence, with phase separation not
observed at salt concentrations less than that at the critical point. The critical point
predicted by the model indicates that phase separation occurs only at salt
concentrations beyond the overlap region for which both B22 and phase behavior data
are not available. As a result, binodal calculations could not be performed using the
model due to the lack of experimental B22 values at the higher salt concentrations.
Despite this limitation, the location of the critical point suggests that the Flory-
Huggins model does not predict phase equilibrium over the same salt range as the
experimental data, and hence does not adequately describe the phase behavior.
Figure 2.3: Comparison of B22 predictions from the () Flory-Huggins model
with () experimental B22 data.
Figure 2.4: Critical point predicted by the Flory-Huggins model compared with
() experimental binodal data. The critical point is located at a salt
concentration of 1.22 M. The location of the critical point
demonstrates that the equilibrium phase boundary is located at
higher salt concentrations.
parameter that was perturbed was the m parameter, which characterizes the size of the
protein, which is directly related to the specific volume of the protein 2. The m
parameter was adjusted by 10% from the original value of m=559 used for
ribonuclease A and B22 values were then recalculated from the model. The predicted
B22 values for the small adjustments in m are presented in Figure 2.5. Perturbing the m
parameter causes a shift in the predictions; decreasing m causes the B22 predictions to
shift to higher values whereas increasing m causes them to shift to lower values.
However, tuning the m parameter does not lead to a significant change in the slope of
the B22 predictions. Thus, based on the results from the sensitivity analysis, there does
not appear to be a value of m that would lead to B22 predictions that match the
Figure 2.5: B22 predictions from Flory-Huggins model calculated from values of
() m=503 and () m=615 compared with original predictions from
() m= 559 and () experimental B22 values.
The effect on the phase behavior predicted from B22 data using adjusted
values of the m parameter was also investigated. As previously mentioned, the model
yielded a critical point that was located at higher salt concentrations than the
experimental data suggest. For the Flory-Huggins model, the critical point location
depends solely on the value of the m parameter, as shown in equations 2.9 and 2.10.
Figure 2.6 shows the effect of changing m by 10% from the original value (m=559)
on the location of the critical point. Increasing m shifts the critical point towards
shifts the critical point towards lower salt concentrations and higher protein
data. The m parameter was subsequently decreased by 50% of the original value used,
to a value of 279. The predicted binodal curve was calculated since phase coexistence
shifted to lower salt concentrations, for which B22 interaction data were available
(Figure 2.7). However, it does not appear that there is a physically reasonable value of
m that would lead to predicted phase behavior from B22 data that matches the
not performed.
Figure 2.6: Predicted critical point from the Flory-Huggins model for () m=503,
( ) m=559, and () m=603 relative to the () experimental binodal
Figure 2.7: Predicted binodal boundaries from the Flory-Huggins model for ()
m=279 compared with () experimental results.
2.4 Haas-Drenth Model
2.4.1 Theory
The Haas-Drenth model is based on the free energy of mixing for hard
spheres in a solvent and has been used to describe the protein-water phase diagram.
The free energy per unit volume in this model is given as (91–93, 98)
where is the molecular volume of the protein, m represents the size of the protein
the volume fraction of protein, and c is the protein volume fraction in the crystal
(usually taken to be 0.50). Based on the physical parameters listed in Tables 2.1 and
2.2, a value of 559 was set for the m parameter. The first term of equation 2.12
and third terms together represent the contribution from the entropy of mixing for hard
spheres (14, 15). Liquid-liquid coexistence for this model is obtained from the two
equilibrium conditions
where MW is the molecular weight of the protein.
thermodynamic stability given by equation 2.7 to the free energy model in equation
2.12. The critical point occurs at the maximum of the spinodal curve and therefore, by
taking the derivative of the equation for the spinodal curve, it can be shown that the
The critical B22 is obtained by substituting equation 2.17 into equation 2.15, which
2.4.2 Results
The B22 predictions made from experimental phase behavior data using the
Haas-Drenth model are presented in Figure 2.8. Similar to the predictions from the
However, the predictions are still quantitatively different from the experimental
values. The model predicts values of B22 that are on the same order of magnitude as
the data, but seems to underpredict the attractions at higher salt concentrations. In
addition, the steep slope observed in the experimental B22 data is an important feature
Figure 2.8: Comparison of B22 predictions from the () Haas-Drenth model with
() experimental B22 data.
reverse path in which phase behavior was predicted from experimental B22 data was
also followed. The predicted equilibrium binodal boundary and critical point are
description of the phase behavior than the Flory-Huggins model. Phase separation is
predicted to occur in the small overlap salt range of the experimental data. The
predicted binodal phase boundary also decays more sharply when compared with the
experimental data. While the phase behavior results appear to be reasonable, the
experimental data show that the actual critical point occurs at a lower salt
concentration than that predicted by the model, which is at 1.02 M ammonium sulfate.
Therefore, it would seem that the Haas-Drenth model does not predict phase
Figure 2.9: Phase behavior predictions from experimental B22 values with the
Haas-Drenth model compared with () experimental binodal data.
The Haas-Drenth model does predict () the binodal boundary to
exist within the overlap region. The predicted () critical point
occurs at an ammonium sulfate concentration of 1.02 M and a protein
concentration of 177 mg/ml.
value of m=559 used for ribonuclease A and B22 values were then recalculated. The
predicted B22 values for the adjusted values of m are presented in Figure 2.10. Similar
to the Flory-Huggins model, decreasing m causes the B22 predictions to shift to higher
values whereas increasing m causes the predictions to shift to lower values. However,
tuning the m parameter does not lead to a change in the slope of the B22 predictions.
Thus, there does not appear to be a value of m that would lead to B22 predictions that
Figure 2.10: B22 predictions from the Haas-Drenth model calculated from values
of () m=503 and () m=615 compared with original predictions
from () m= 559 and () experimental B22 values.
The effect on the phase behavior predicted by the Haas-Drenth model for
adjustments in the value of the m parameter was also explored. The location of the
critical point of this model depends primarily on the specific volume of the protein 2,
which in turn is directly related to the m parameter. Increasing m shifts the critical
point towards higher salt concentrations and lower protein concentrations, whereas
decreasing m shifts the critical point towards lower salt concentrations and higher
protein concentrations. Since the original calculations did not predict phase separation
order to shift the predicted boundary in the direction of lower salt concentration. The
m parameter was subsequently decreased by 50% of the original value used to a value
of 279. The resulting binodal curve from this adjustment compared with the original
prediction is shown in Figure 2.11. The adjustment did not shift the boundary
significantly enough to capture the correct phase behavior over the entire salt range.
Thus, it appears that there is no physically realistic value of m that would lead to phase
Figure 2.11: Predicted binodal boundaries from the Haas-Drenth model for ()
() m=279 compared with the original predictions from m=559 and
the () experimental results.
2.5 Osmotic Virial Equation
2.5.1 Theory
The osmotic virial equation was derived by McMillan and Mayer to
where is the osmotic pressure, R is the molar gas constant, and c is the protein
B22 term; however, in order for the model to predict phase separation, it must include
at least the term in the osmotic third virial coefficient B222, which represents three-
Predicting fluid phase equilibrium requires that the third virial coefficient
B222 be specified. B222 can be theoretically calculated using a simple model of the
attractive Yukawa potential was chosen as the PMF model because it has been used to
describe colloidal interactions (6, 56). The Yukawa potential was originally derived
interactions (101), but it has been modified to model the short-ranged attractions that
dominate phase separation in protein solutions. This Yukawa potential consists of a
is the particle diameter, and b is a parameter that characterizes the range over which
the attraction occurs in units of inverse length. The potential can be rewritten in terms
characteristic values. If reduced variables are defined as b*=b, r*=r/, and u*=u/,
A plot of the Yukawa potential for different values of the range parameter b* is shown
in Figure 2.12.
B222 was calculated from experimental B22 data for different values of b*.
To determine a starting value for these calculations, b* was chosen such that the
procedure, a value of b*=22 for the Yukawa potential was found to approximately
Figure 2.12: Plot of the Yukawa potential in reduced units for b* values of (–) 5,
(–) 10, (–) 20, and (–) 30. The (–) hard-sphere repulsion occurs at
r*=1.0. Increasing b* corresponds to a decrease in the range of
Figure 2.13: Comparison of the (–) 140-35 Lennard-Jones potential with the (–)
Yukawa potential for b* = 22.
The procedure for calculating B222 from B22 involved the following steps:
1) The reduced interaction range parameter b* was fixed and the molecular diameter,
where NA is Avogadro’s number and u(r) is the Yukawa potential. The experimental
B22 values were used as inputs into equation 2.24 and the corresponding values were
3) Values of the parameter from step 2) were used to calculate B222 values from the
where rij is the intermolecular separation between particle i and j and f(rij) is the Mayer
The model for the third virial coefficient represented by equation 2.25 assumes that
the molecules are spherically symmetric, the interactions are pairwise additive and
multibody interactions are neglected. To compute B222 using the Yukawa potential in
equation 2.25, the method of Alder and Pople (103) for calculating third virial
coefficients for potentials with hard-sphere cores was utilized. This method was
previously used by Graben and Present to calculate third virial coefficients for the
Sutherland potential (104). The computed third virial coefficients were compared
with the results of Naresh and Singh (105), who utilized the Mayer sampling
technique to calculate the virial coefficients for the Yukawa potential. All calculations
and data analysis were performed using appropriate numerical tools in Matlab (see
2.5.2 Results
The computed B222 values are presented in Figure 2.14. Different trends
were observed in the behavior of B222 for different b* values as a function of salt. For
b*=25, B222 initially increases with increasing salt concentration but then sharply
decreases to negative values. This trend has been observed in the behavior of third
virial coefficients for other potential models (102). For b*=35, B222 is positive
throughout the salt range of interest, but the values appear to plateau around 1.25 M,
which suggests that the values would begin to decrease at higher salt concentrations.
When b* is further increased to a value of 45, B222 increases over the entire salt range.
Thus, it can be inferred that as b* increases, B222 predicted from the Yukawa potential
The phase diagram predictions from the experimental B22 data using the
osmotic virial equation are presented in Figure 2.15. Phase separation was predicted
by the model for B222 values calculated using b* values of 22 or greater in the Yukawa
B222 values are needed in order for the osmotic virial equation to predict phase
separation. Phase behavior calculations with the model were made for b* values of
25, 35, and 45, corresponding to decreasing interaction distances. Calculations were
not performed for higher values of b* because such short interaction ranges were
considered physically unrealistic. The phase behavior predictions follow the correct
none of the values of b* yield phase behavior that matches the experimental data. In
each case, phase separation is not predicted at lower salt concentrations, for which it is
observed experimentally.
Figure 2.14: Computed B222 from the Yukawa potential for b* values of () 25,
() 35, and () 45.
Figure 2.15: Phase behavior predictions from the osmotic virial equation based
on B222 calculated from the Yukawa potential. Predictions were
made for b* values of () 25, () 35, and () 45 and compared with
the () experimental binodal data.
The sensitivity of the phase equilibrium predictions from the osmotic
The original experimental B22 values were adjusted by either +2 10-4 mol ml/g2 or
-2 10-4 mol ml/g2 and corresponding B222 values were recalculated for fixed values
b*. The phase diagrams were subsequently recalculated from the osmotic virial
model. The resulting phase diagram predictions for b* values of 35 and 45 are
presented in Figures 2.16 and 2.17, respectively. Decreasing the B22 values by -2 10-4
mol ml/g2 causes the predicted equilibrium phase boundary to fall back to lower
protein concentrations, which essentially means that the binodal curve becomes
broader. This trend is to be expected because decreasing B22, i.e., increasing the
strength of attraction, would lead to the protein being less soluble in solution and
However, it does not appear that the predictions are sufficiently sensitive to B22
changes that errors in B22 would account for the discrepancy between the predicted
Figure 2.16: Binodal predictions based on b*=35 compared with the ()
experimental binodal data. Osmotic virial predictions were made
from the experimental B22 values with an assumed error of ()
+2 10-4 mol ml/g2 and () -2 10-4 mol ml/g2. The results are
compared with the predictions from the () original B22 data set.
Figure 2.17: Binodal predictions based on b*=45 compared with the ()
experimental binodal data. Osmotic virial predictions were made
from the experimental B22 values with an assumed error of ()
+2 10-4 mol ml/g2 and () -2 10-4 mol ml/g2. The results are
compared with the predictions from the () original B22 data set.
potential did not match experiment, other potential of mean force models were
explored to determine if they could lead to better phase behavior results. These
models included the square-well potential, 140-35 Lennard-Jones potential, and the
ten Wolde-Frenkel potential. The square-well potential was chosen because of its
simplicity and the fact that since the interactions between proteins are very short-
ranged, a potential of mean force model of this form may be adequate to describe the
interaction. The 140-35 Lennard-Jones potential (78) was used because this isotropic
because it has been used to account for both direct and for solvent-induced interactions
between globular proteins (12). The same methodology as that for calculating B222
from the Yukawa potential was utilized for these potential models.
where is the parameter that characterizes the range of attraction. B222 for the square-
where x is defined as
A plot of B222 values calculated from equation 2.28 for different values of is
presented in Figure 2.18. For low values of , B222 initially remains fairly flat but then
decreases sharply as the salt concentration increases. When is sufficiently large, B222
instead increases monotonically within the salt range of interest. The results suggest
that the B222 values determined from higher values of would be more suitable for
calculating phase equilibrium since positive values of B222 are needed for the osmotic
Figure 2.18: B222 computed from the square well potential for values of () 1.05,
() 1.20, () 1.50, and () 2.10.
B222 was also computed from the 140-35 Lennard-Jones potential, which is
given by
A plot of the resulting B222 values is presented in Figure 2.19. The computed B222
values are mostly negative over the range of salt concentration and decrease sharply at
and is given as
where is the parameter that controls the range of attraction. As increases, the
interaction range decreases and vice versa. A plot of the potential for different values
qualitatively reproduce the phase behavior of proteins (12), so this value was used as a
starting point in the B222 calculations. The parameter was then adjusted and the
Figure 2.20: Plot of the ten Wolde-Frenkel potential for values of (–) 10, (–) 20,
(–) 30, and (–) 50.
Figure 2.21: B222 computed from the ten Wolde-Frenkel potential for values of
() 10, () 20, and () 30.
values calculated from the above potential of mean force models. However, the
resulting B222 values did not lead to phase separation with the osmotic virial equation.
The inability to predict phase coexistence suggests that these potential models are not
adequate for describing the interactions for ribonuclease A. However, the problem
may arise from the need to include higher-order virial coefficients to obtain better
2.6 Discussion
The discrepancies between the model predictions and experimental data
may be the result of the simplifying assumptions inherent in the continuum models.
The lattice representation used by Flory-Huggins theory allows the polymer chain to
adopt any random configuration, which is unrealistic for proteins since they are known
assumes that each monomer interacts equally with the solvent molecules and that the
represents the interactions as being isotropic since the theory does not account for
strongly attractive regions of the polymer chain. The Haas-Drenth model treats
protein molecules as interacting hard spheres where with no regions that display
strong attractions. The framework of hard spheres also implies the assumption of
isotropic interactions. The inability of the osmotic virial equation predictions to match
calculating B222 from B22 data. B222 was determined by assuming pairwise additivity
Another possible reason for the inability to predict phase behavior could
be the form of the potential of mean force used to calculate B222. The Yukawa
potential is a simple isotropic potential model that would not be expected to
other potential models that were utilized to calculate B222, which included the square-
well potential, 140-35 Lennard-Jones potential, and ten Wolde-Frenkel potential, did
not result in B222 values that led to prediction of phase equilibrium. Furthermore,
improvements in predicting phase behavior with the osmotic virial equation may
virial coefficients from PMF models is a difficult task and therefore may not be an
prediction and experiment could be the orientation-averaged nature of B22. While B22
PMF (82), the orientational averaging essentially washes out the molecular details of
2.7 Conclusions
Isotropic interactions are commonly assumed in the models used, and may
be the reason for the limited quantitative capabilities of the models to predict protein
phase behavior. Therefore, based on the work that has been done with the continuum
colloidal particle interactions and has recently been applied to proteins are patch
models (74). These models have been used to simulate colloidal phase behavior and
the results from these models have been shown to be different from those resulting
from isotropic models. The use of patch models to model protein-protein interactions
Chapter 3
3.1 Introduction
physical basis of this anisotropy stems from the nonuniform charge distribution,
protein surface. Anisotropic interactions are responsible for the wide range of solution
atomistic detail with explicit solvent are not presently computationally tractable. A
Several classes of patch models have been proposed to account for the
models applied for proteins was the aeolotopic model developed by Lomakin et al. for
describing the phase behavior of -crystallin (75). In this model, the protein molecule
is represented as a sphere of which the surface includes a number of attractive spots.
Neighboring protein molecules are said to make contact when the interactions are
Lomakin et al. found that by including this directionality in modeling the interactions,
the predicted fluid-fluid coexistence curve broadens and more closely matches
experimental measurements than does the isotropic square-well model. Sear (76) later
developed a conical site model for globular proteins in which the particle is modeled
as a hard sphere and interactions occur between paired sites. Using Wertheim
perturbation theory to predict phase behavior, he found that this model was capable of
predicting a metastable fluid-fluid phase transition. Kern and Frenkel (73) proposed a
patch model for colloidal particles in which the specific directional interactions
molecules. Their model offered greater flexibility in the number of patches, patch
coverage, and range of patch-patch interactions. Liu et al. (79) later extended the Kern
The various patch models that have been used to represent proteins have
different characteristics, but they do share common features. They generally represent
each protein molecule as a hard sphere with specific attractive regions on the surface.
In most of the models studied, each patch on one sphere can interact equally with all
other patches on surrounding spheres. The interactions between these regions are
strongly attractive and short-ranged with respect to the particle size. Most work with
patch models has described the patch-patch attractions using the square-well potential,
but there have been studies that have used different potential models (77, 78, 108).
Patch models involve a larger parameter set, which includes the number of patches,
patch size, patch arrangement, and range and strength of patch-patch interactions.
Thus, patch models offer greater flexibility and potential for describing the rich variety
of dense phases and their phase boundaries observed experimentally for proteins.
Similar to isotropic models, patch models are able predict a metastable fluid-fluid
transition region for short-ranged interactions (73, 76, 77, 109, 110). However, the
number of patches is one of the key parameters that controls the phase diagram (79,
111–115). For patch models, it has been shown by theory and simulation (79, 109,
113, 114) that decreasing the number of patches shifts the critical point to lower
experimental data for lysozyme and -crystallin (73, 75, 109). This result indicates the
importance of patchiness in modeling phase behavior for proteins. Patch models also
orientationally ordered or disordered (108, 110, 116–120). The types of stable crystal
certainly non-uniform. Incorporating anisotropy through patch models has been useful
molecular details of proteins. First, these models assume that the protein molecules
are spheres, which is a major simplification since even globular proteins are not
perfectly spherical. In addition, most studies of patch models have assumed symmetric
patch distributions where each patch can interact equally with all other patches. In
reality, the attractive regions are non-uniformly distributed on the protein surface.
specific attractions that play an important part in determining solution properties, such
as the osmotic second virial coefficient B22, and that control protein crystallization
(82). Therefore, current patch-patch models cannot truly describe the structure of any
real protein solid phase. So far, there have been no studies that have explored the
effect of non-uniform patch distribution on the structure of crystals and other dense
phases. Theoretical examination of protein phase behavior with patch models could
One model that takes a step in this direction is the patch-antipatch model developed by
interactions that arise from complementary regions on the protein surface. In this
model, the protein is represented as a sphere decorated with patches and corresponding
isotropic interaction, there are strong interactions that occur only between patch-
antipatch pairs, which reflect the specific pairwise attractions between geometrically
in which
where Np is the number of patch-antipatch pairs and uiso and uPAm,n are the isotropic
unique patch m interacts only with its corresponding antipatch n. The patch-antipatch
the relative orientations of the patch and antipatch m andn, respectively, and on the
size of the patches p. The virtue of this model over other patch models is that it
protein interactions.
Figure 3.1: A cartoon of a “patch-antipatch” model of protein molecules. The
“patch” is colored in blue and the corresponding “antipatch” is
colored in red. Specific interactions occur only between unique blue
and red colored regions, which depend on the angles of alignment m
and n.
3.1.3 Objective
The objectives of this work are to 1) identify patch-antipatch pairs for
specific model proteins and determine the physical patch-antipatch parameters and 2)
analyze the impact of these highly attractive patch-antipatch pairs on the computation
of B22 at the atomistic level. Understanding the role of these patch-antipatch pairs will
give insight into the anisotropic nature of protein-protein interactions and the influence
interaction energies between protein molecules (82, 122). This method involves
simulation of two protein molecules modeled in full in atomistic detail and calculating
the energy of interactions for different angular configurations. This method is capable
of capturing the effects of geometric complementarity between the surfaces of protein
These patch-antipatch parameters are determined for two model proteins that exhibit
extensively studied in the literature and is known to exhibit salting-out behavior for a
wide range of pH values (123). Chymosin B, on the other hand, exhibits salting-in
behavior at pH values near its pI, which is thought to be due to the anisotropy of its
charge distribution (124). The structural data from the PDB files and physical
Table 3.1: Proteins studied for patch-antipatch analysis and their physical
attractions (primarily van der Waals interactions) between two protein molecules
represented in full atomistic detail. Protein structures were obtained from the atomic
coordinates contained in PDB files from the RCSB Protein Data Bank (www.pdb.org).
The protein molecules were assumed to be rigid bodies in their native conformation.
Because of the short-ranged nature of van der Waals attractions, these interactions are
sensitive to the local geometry of the surfaces. In fact, the level of detail used for the
protein structure has a profound effect on the magnitude of the van der Waals
important role in the “lock and key” mechanism that is intrinsic in the biological
the molecules. The interactions for a unique angular configuration were determined
by fixing one protein molecule at the origin and translating the second molecule
towards the first in fixed steps, with the interaction energy calculated at each step. For
orientations where attractions are strong, this leads to a potential with a larger well
ranged interactions (82, 122); a brief review of the model formulation is given here.
sum of the pairwise interactions between the atoms of the proteins, with solvent
effects implicitly taken into account. The interactions between atom pairs are modeled
based on the separation distances between the atoms. For atom pairs separated by a
where rij is the center-to-center separation distance between two volume elements dVi
and dVj, and AH is the Hamaker constant, which for protein-water-protein interactions
has been determined to be 3.1 kT (125). If two atoms are represented as spheres of
radii Ri and Rj, it can be shown from equation 3.3 that the interaction potential is (126)
The total free energy of interaction in the Lifshitz-Hamaker approach, WLH, is the sum
the continuum approximation for the solvent breaks down, and therefore equation 3.4
cannot be used. For this situation, the atomistic Lennard-Jones formulation is used to
where Uij is the interaction energy, rij is the center-to-center distance between two
atoms, ij is the size parameter, and ij is the strength of interaction parameter. The
total free energy of interaction in the Lennard-Jones approach, WLJ, is the sum of all
The parameters for the Lennard-Jones model were taken from the OPLS-AA force
field (127). The issue with utilizing equation 3.6 to model the dispersion interaction is
that the solvent molecules need to be included explicitly. To take into account effects
from solvation forces, an empirical parameter is introduced to correct the magnitude
of the Lennard-Jones contribution. It has been shown that a value of 0.50 for
energies for proteins (128). The total non-electrostatic interaction Wne is the sum of
in which the Lennard-Jones contribution WLJ is scaled by the empirical factor =
titratable amino acid residues and partial charges of the atoms. A pairwise screened
Coulombic potential was utilized in computing the electrostatic contribution to the
where qi and qj are the charges on the two interacting atoms, 0 is the permittivity of
free space, r is the dielectric constant of the solvent, and is the Debye parameter
that characterizes the length scale for screening of electrostatic interactions by the free
where ci is the concentration of the ion i, e is the elementary charge, and zi is the
valence of the ion i. Within this framework, the solvent is treated as a structureless
continuum in which its effects are characterized solely by its dielectric constant r,
The partial charges carried by each atom were taken from the OPLS-AA
force field. The effects of pH are reflected in the distribution of charges that are
assigned to ionizable amino acid residues. The protonation state of these residues for
a given pH depends on the pKa values of the titratable groups on the amino acids.
Because the folding of the protein places ionizable residues in environments different
from the solvent-exposed one typical of free amino acids, the local electrochemical
environment of such residues may be altered. These effects can alter the pKa values of
the side chains relative to those for the corresponding free amino acid. To address
these effects, pKa values were determined from the web server propKa (129, 130)
(http://propka.ki.ku.dk). From these pKa values and the known pH, the magnitudes of
approach (131, 132). The advantage of the method used in this work is that it provides
a simple and computationally faster method to account for the effect of protein shape
using the models described above, and integrating over all possible configurations.
Similar calculations using atomistic models of proteins have been made with more
elaborate approaches (133, 134). However, the emphasis in this work is on simulating
two protein molecules because B22 is by definition a dilute solution property that
characterizes the interactions between two molecules. Allowing for the relative
where W is the PMF, r12 is the center-to-center distance, and are the spherical
angles representing the translation of the second molecule relative to the first
molecule, and , , are the Euler angles denoting the rotation of the second
molecule. The potential of mean force W represents the interactions between the
molecules and is modeled as the sum of the contributions from the non-electrostatic
(van der Waals and solvation forces) Wne and electrostatic Welec contributions. It is a
function of both the relative orientation and center-to-center distance between two
molecules. Equation 3.11 can be rearranged by decomposing the radial integral and
where the orientation angles are collectively represented by . The first term in
brackets in Equation 3.12 represents the excluded volume contribution to B22 and is
at contact rc was approximated by linearly interpolating between the points in the PMF
(repulsion due to overlap). The second term is the distance-dependent integral, which
is referred to as the inner integral Iin, and is a direct measure of the energetic
contribution to B22 due to the interactions between molecules for a specific set of
orientation angles . To calculate Iin for a given , the cubic splines method was
used to interpolate the points of the PMF and then a one-dimensional Gaussian
quadrature from the Fortran subroutine library QUADPACK was used to perform the
represented as
3.13. Previous work (82, 84, 135–137) utilized Monte Carlo integration to compute
these integrals due to the irregular nature of the integrands. In this approach, N
different orientations are randomly sampled from the global configuration space. For
each of these configurations, unique values rc and Iin are computed. B22 is calculated
as the arithmetic average of all rc and Iin computed for all N sampled configurations
where V is the hypervolume of the configuration space that is explored. The full
The angle brackets in equation 3.16 denote the arithmetic mean of the integrand over
nature of Iin due to the Boltzmann weighting of the PMF combined with its
Because there are highly peaked regions in the Iin landscape due to highly attractive
patch-antipatch interactions, much of the sampling should focus on these regions since
they make the most significant contribution to B22. However, Monte Carlo integration
approximates the integral by determining the mean value of Iin and multiplying it by
the domain of integration. The linear averaging involved in this scheme weights the
contributions from each sampled individual configuration equally. Thus, the few tall
peaks that occupy a small fraction of the global configuration space skew the linear
configuration space of Iin is very large due to its high dimensionality, and therefore
there is always uncertainty in the identification of all the peaked regions. The
of the numerical method for computing the configuration integral, and ultimately B22.
integration method is proposed and utilized to compute B22. In this approach, B22 is
antipatch interactions. Configurations with well depths more attractive than -20 kT
The landscape of the integrand rc is expected to be relatively flat since physically the
random sampling of the global space is sufficient to yield adequate convergence using
requires a more careful and detailed integration procedure. Suppose there are Np
known unique patch-antipatch pairs and the central orientation for the ith patch-
orientation, which represents the size of the patch. The localized patch integration
is then performed where the domain of local integration is PA = [i-,i+] [i-
antipatch configuration, and the integral in the equation is referred to in what follows
as the configurational integral Iconfig. If all patch-antipatch pairs occupy distinct, non-
Carlo integration. However, instead of sampling the entire global configuration space,
the subregions that the patch-antipatch pairs occupy are excluded from the sampling.
By excluding the configurations that fall in the peaked regions and retaining the ones
that are low to moderately peaked, the Iin landscape is presumably flatter and therefore
3.3 Results
electrostatic interactions from 104 randomly sampled configurations for lysozyme and
chymosin B are shown in Figure 3.2. For each protein, most of the configurations
sampled are weakly to moderately attractive, with the modes of the histograms
occurring between -1 kT and -2 kT. The linear average of the well depths for each
protein is about -3 kT. However, for each of the proteins, relatively few strongly
interacting configurations were found, with the strongest configuration identified for
chymosin B having a well minimum of -16.6 kT. However, the question that arises is
whether all high complementary configurations have been identified from the initial
orientation sampling.
Figure 3.2: Histograms of the distribution of the short-ranged interaction well
minima for 104 randomly sampled configurations for () lysozyme
and () chymosin B. The inset histograms for each protein are meant
to magnify the tails of the distributions.
configurations. The histograms showing the distributions of the well depths for those
sampled orientations are presented in Figure 3.3. The shapes of the distributions are
similar to those for the 104 configurations initially sampled for each protein; however,
upon closer inspection of the tails of the histograms, more highly attractive
configurations were identified as a result of the increase in sampling. The results
indicate that not all patch-antipatch pairs were identified from the initial 104 random
therefore needed to adequately explore the configuration space and identify patch-
antipatch pairs. A sampling of 106 random configurations was performed and the
distributions of the well depths are shown in Figure 3.4. Once again more attractive
angular configurations were detected, with the largest well depths being -22.3 kT for
lysozyme and -27.1 kT for chymosin B. Thus, the challenge in the orientation
sampling is to be able to properly and effectively sample the tails of the well depth
distribution. It is interesting to note that more configurations with < -20 kT were
identified for chymosin B than for lysozyme even though the number of
configurations sampled was the same for both proteins. The configurations with < -
The relative frequencies of the well depth distribution for both proteins
histogram tails (Tables 3.3 and 3.4). The shapes of the histograms suggest that the
well depth variable for both proteins follows approximately a log normal probability
parameter, and is the scale parameter. The and parameters characterize the log
normal distribution and are computed from the unbiased estimators (141)
Because the log normal distribution is defined only for positive values of x, the well
The parameters for both proteins were determined from well depths computed from
the 106 sampled configurations and are shown in Table 3.2. The fits of the
distributions from these parameters are shown in Figure 3.5. For both proteins, the log
frequencies of the well depths in the peaked region of the histograms. However, this
distribution does not provide a good distribution of the tails of the histograms since the
attractive configurations.
Table 3.2: Log normal probability distribution function parameters for lysozyme
and chymosin B estimated from the 106 sampled configurations.
LYZ 0.975 0.652
CMS 1.067 0.628
Figure 3.3: Histograms of the distribution of the short-ranged interaction well
minima for 105 randomly sampled configurations for () lysozyme
and () chymosin B.
Figure 3.4: Histograms of the distribution of the short-ranged interaction well
minima for 106 randomly sampled configurations for () lysozyme
and () chymosin B. The largest well depth identified was on the
order of -20 kT.
Table 3.3: Absolute and relative frequencies of lysozyme well depths for different
Table 3.4: Absolute and relative frequencies of chymosin B well depths for
different sampling.
Figure 3.5: Comparison of relative frequencies of () lysozyme and () chymosin
B absolute well depths with respective fits from (–) log normal
probability distribution function. The fits are based on parameter
values of = 0.975, = 0.652 for lysozyme and = 1.067, = 0.628
for chymosin B.
Table 3.5: Ten most attractive angular configurations for short-range
interactions of lysozyme identified from 106 randomly sampled
1 1.191 0.975 5.309 1.505 4.201 -22.28
2 2.213 1.292 2.358 0.763 1.862 -20.70
3 3.513 1.002 4.286 0.681 1.800 -20.05
4 3.301 1.228 0.607 1.424 2.635 -23.32
5 5.211 0.575 4.674 1.283 5.123 -20.62
6 1.110 1.145 4.566 1.696 4.923 -21.09
7 3.276 1.010 2.392 0.831 2.138 -20.18
8 2.338 1.019 0.422 0.110 2.240 -22.36
9 1.776 2.791 4.207 1.594 4.237 -20.94
10 1.565 2.830 2.183 2.465 0.545 -19.98
Table 3.6: Thirty-five most attractive angular configurations for short-range
interactions of chymosin B identified from 106 randomly sampled
# kT
1 4.298 2.105 1.138 2.030 1.845 -23.63
2 4.074 1.347 4.930 2.051 2.096 -26.12
3 4.299 0.977 5.746 0.751 0.217 -20.97
4 3.909 1.157 5.566 0.448 5.185 -20.43
5 4.399 2.511 0.031 1.757 5.561 -20.94
6 4.084 0.746 0.395 2.584 5.010 -20.35
7 3.607 1.295 2.076 1.657 0.177 -21.27
8 5.884 1.458 3.317 0.997 5.614 -20.03
9 5.888 1.565 1.271 2.518 2.597 -20.58
10 3.599 2.140 5.977 0.252 0.706 -21.38
11 6.025 1.461 0.227 1.556 0.962 -20.77
12 6.233 1.303 4.536 1.702 1.704 -20.68
13 0.048 2.491 2.023 0.158 0.812 -20.59
14 3.026 1.342 2.839 2.825 0.116 -27.36
15 3.016 1.126 6.121 2.775 3.114 -22.30
16 1.168 2.841 3.861 1.119 2.824 -20.16
17 2.722 2.274 0.056 2.153 0.649 -21.12
18 2.694 0.945 6.057 2.047 5.737 -20.93
19 0.567 0.818 0.489 1.655 5.215 -21.06
20 0.994 2.640 3.606 2.428 4.930 -21.95
21 0.447 1.413 3.793 1.225 5.585 -21.55
22 0.512 1.594 2.939 1.809 0.381 -21.99
23 0.577 1.249 2.706 1.075 5.117 -21.63
24 1.122 2.518 1.715 1.153 0.248 -21.99
25 2.476 2.103 1.461 0.973 5.029 -20.36
26 0.870 2.331 3.964 1.604 3.330 -21.08
27 2.096 2.440 3.645 1.933 2.479 -21.26
28 2.495 1.400 0.534 1.085 4.471 -20.62
29 1.164 2.290 6.260 2.271 3.240 -20.56
30 1.802 2.312 4.456 1.532 3.731 -20.83
31 2.204 2.035 1.788 1.511 0.062 -20.00
32 1.644 2.268 0.733 1.815 2.108 -21.42
33 0.969 1.238 4.187 2.865 5.352 -21.18
34 1.084 1.130 2.555 1.397 3.987 -22.94
35 1.744 2.180 1.114 1.999 4.534 -21.30
Another issue that arises in the random orientation sampling is whether the
patch-antipatch pairs identified are sampled at the optimally aligned orientation that
represents the true well depth. To explore this, the first highly attractive configuration
for lysozyme in Table 3.5 (entry 1) was selected as a test case. Each individual
orientation angle for this configuration was varied within 0.20 radian around the
central orientation while holding the other angles fixed at their respective central
values. The response in the well depth to these variations is shown in Figure 3.6. If
the central orientation were at the true optimum alignment, the minimum in the
interaction energy profile would occur at a variation of 0 radian. However, Figure 3.6
indicates that this configuration is in fact not the optimally aligned one. A similar
result was obtained by Hloucha et al. (see Figure 2 in reference (78)). Thus, it can be
inferred that the orientations that are identified in the random sampling may not, in
a local sampling around the central orientation for each patch-antipatch configuration
was performed. This local sampling entailed sampling 105 random orientations
confined within the limits of 0.10 radian around each angle of the central orientation.
This local sampling procedure was performed for several of the patch-antipatch pairs
for lysozyme and chymosin B and the fined-tuned orientations are shown in Tables 3.7
and 3.8, respectively. When compared with the initial sampled configurations, the
differences in each of the angles are small, yet these small variations can lead to
substantial changes in the well depths. The most significant case is for the first patch-
antipatch pair for lysozyme, in which a configuration with a well depth on the order of
-40 kT was identified. Similar results can be seen for the chymosin B patch-antipatch
configurations in which the refinement led to a well-depth as high as -39 kT. The
interactions between patch-antipatch pairs for proteins are quite sensitive to small
change in the attraction. This sensitivity indicates that the region representing a given
patch-antipatch interaction is only a minute fraction of the global angular space and
Figure 3.6: Well depth as a function of the angles for the orientation listed in
entry 1 of Table 3.5. The largest change occurs when is decreased
by -0.02 radian, which indicates that the originally sampled
orientation is not the optimum alignment.
Table 3.7: Refined orientations for lysozyme identified from the local sampling in
0.10 radian around the central orientation in Table 3.4. The resulting
angular configurations are significantly more attractive than the
originally sampled orientations.
Table 3.8: Refined orientations for patch-antipatch pairs for chymosin B
identified from the local sampling in 0.10 radian around the central
orientation in Table 3.5.
3.3.2 Calculation of B22
The excluded volume contribution to B22 was first calculated using the
Monte Carlo integration approach, where the global configuration space was randomly
sampled and the center-to-center contact distance was calculated for each
configuration sampled. The final numerical values are presented and compared with
the theoretical hard sphere B22 values based on the equivalent sphere diameter of each
protein (Table 3.9). The values are comparable in magnitude, but the value is higher
when the protein is modeled atomistically than when it is represented as a hard sphere.
This result is consistent with the findings of Neal and Lenhoff (142), who
demonstrated that the magnitude of the excluded volume contribution depends on the
level of structural detail of the protein considered. They found that when protein
much as 40% greater than the result obtained when the protein is modeled as an ideal
sphere. The disparity in the excluded volume B22 predicted by the two representations
is attributed to the roughness of the protein surface. In the atomistic case, groups of
atoms that protrude on the surface limit the closeness of approach when two protein
distance leading to a greater excluded volume contribution to B22 than for the ideal
sphere representation.
included in the B22 calculations. As a starting point, only the short-ranged non-
electrostatic interactions were considered in the calculation. The B22 values based on
the excluded volume and van der Waals interactions calculated using Monte Carlo
integration are presented in Table 3.9. There are two symptoms of computational
challenges evident in these results. First, the B22 values computed for each protein do
not appear to converge even after 106 configurations are sampled and second, the final
measured values. To understand why the magnitudes of the computed B22 value are so
large, the histograms of the computed Iin values for the 106 configurations sampled for
lysozyme and chymosin B are shown in Figures 3.7 and 3.8, respectively. The range
of Iin computed spans many orders of magnitude, from as low as 1 101 Å3 to as high
as 1 1014 Å3. This wide range is due to the nature of the integrand in Iin;
configurations with large well depths are magnified as a result of the Boltzmann
weighting of the PMF. Because the Monte Carlo integration method takes the linear
average of all Iin values, the few configurations that have extremely large Iin values
contribute disproportionately to the mean value of Iin and consequently the integral is
overestimated. Thus, the linear averaging used in Monte Carlo integration cannot
Table 3.9: B22 calculated from 106 randomly sampled configurations based on
excluded volume contribution and both excluded volume and short-
range attraction. The value is the sphere equivalent diameter
determined from the empirical correlation of Neal and Lenhoff (142).
The error in the Monte Carlo estimate is calculated from equation
Total B22
4 2 4 2
Protein ( 10 ml mol/g ) (Å) ( 10 ml mol/g ) (ml mol/g2)
LYZ 2.997 ± 0.001 32.0 2.02 -0.24 ± 0.07
CMS 1.3990 ± 0.0005 42.9 0.783 -0.95 ± 0.59
Figure 3.7: Histogram of the computed Iin for the 106 randomly sampled
configurations for lysozyme. The inset shows an enlarged view of the
high-Iin tail of the distribution.
Figure 3.8: Histogram of the computed Iin for the 106 randomly sampled
configurations for chymosin B. The inset shows an enlarged view of
the high-Iin tail of the distribution.
To address the numerical issues associated with Monte Carlo integration, a
hybrid Monte Carlo/patch integration method was utilized to compute B22. Different
configurations of varying strengths for each protein, which included the highly
attractive patch-antipatch pairs, were selected and integrated within the limits of
radians around the central orientations using the DCUHRE integration routine. The
parameter directly determines the size of the subregion over which the interaction
energy is strongly attractive before it decays, and therefore represents the patch size.
Iconfig increases monotonically. This can be seen in Figure 3.9 in which Iconfig is
computed using the integration routine for the fourth lysozyme patch-antipatch pair
listed in Table 3.7. Thus, the size of a patch-antipatch pair cannot be determined
Iconfig was normalized by the hypervolume of integration v0 and the result was plotted
3.15 with the appropriate integration limits. This normalization filters the effect of the
hypervolume size in the integration and gives some indication of how the rate of
growth of the integral decreases due to the decay of the interaction potential. Figure
3.10 shows that at approximately = 0.10 radian the normalized integral decreases by
a factor of about 10 from its highest value. This significant decay would indicate that
the effects of the attraction on Iconfig dissipates and therefore = 0.10 radian
characterizes the patch size for this particular orientation. Although the patch size for
each patch-antipatch pair may be different, = 0.10 radian was chosen as a universal
Figure 3.9: Iconfig computed from the DCUHRE routine as a function of for
lysozyme patch-antipatch pair 4 in Table 3.7. Iconfig increases
monotonically as increases due to the increase in the hypervolume
of the integration.
Figure 3.10: Iconfig normalized by the volume of integration v0 as a function of
for lysozyme patch-antipatch pair 4 in Table 3.7. The normalized
integral decreases as is increased.
The localized integration was performed for the cases where only short-
range interactions were considered and where both short-range and electrostatic
interactions were included. The local integration represents the contribution of these
individual patch-antipatch regions to B22. The results of the integration, in units of Å3,
are plotted as a function of the total well depth (short-range and electrostatics) of the
configuration with the lowest energy minimum for each patch-antipatch pair in Figure
3.11 for lysozyme and in Figure 3.12 for chymosin B. The results were fitted using an
exponential regression model. There is some scatter in the results, which is to be
expected since there is variability in the shapes of the energy profiles and uncertainty
in the energy minima, and not all patch-antipatch interactions may be confined
completely within 0.10 radians. Despite this scatter, there is a consistent, well-
increases as the strength of interaction increases. The correlations for both proteins are
similar; both regressions have comparable preexponential factors, but the regressed fit
for chymosin B possesses a less negative exponent. The trends demonstrate that
increasing Iconfig. By knowing a patch-antipatch pair’s well depth, Figures 3.11 and
3.12 can be used to empirically estimate its contribution to B22 without the need for
Figure 3.11: Plot of the localized configuration integration for lysozyme as a
function of the total well depth. Iconfig was computed based on (+)
short-range interactions alone and () short-range interactions with
electrostatics. Integration was performed within the limits of 0.10
radian around the central orientation of each patch-antipatch
configuration using the DCUHRE routine. The regressed curve is
F(x)=0.0200 exp(-0.805x), R2=0.9941.
Figure 3.12: Plot of the localized configuration integration for chymosin B as a
function of the total well depth. Iconfig was computed based on ( )
short-range interactions alone and () short-range interactions with
electrostatics. Integration was performed within the limits of 0.10
radian around the central orientation of the configurations. The
regressed curve is F(x)=0.0195 exp(-0.770x), R2=0.9806.
The B22 contributions for the individual lysozyme pairs are presented in
Table 3.10, which include contributions resulting from the short-range interactions
alone and from both short-range and electrostatic interactions. The results show that
inclusion of electrostatics significantly reduces the attractions for most of the patch-
antipatch pairs, as indicated by the increased contribution to B22 as the ionic strength
represented by the patch-antipatch pairs for lysozyme are predominantly repulsive.
However, two of the ten patch-antipatch pairs with < -20 kT (entries 1 and 8 in Table
incorporated, which suggests that this particular pair possesses attractive electrostatics.
It is interesting to note that the configuration in entry 1 of Table 3.10, which is the -40
kT patch identified after local sampling refinement, has a contribution that is orders of
magnitude greater than those of the other pairs. The contribution by this lone patch-
antipatch pair would therefore overwhelm the contributions from the other patches if
pairs appear to show different behavior. Although some of the pairs exhibit repulsive
electrostatics, some of the configurations show the opposite trend. In fact, almost one-
third of the patch-antipatch pairs with < -20 kT were found to have increased B22
contributions when electrostatics are incorporated. Thus, chymosin B was not only
lysozyme, but also a greater percentage of the attractive patch-antipatch pairs possess
attractive electrostatics. For a few configurations, the differences are within the errors
of integration and may be statistically insignificant, but the results indicate that in
general there are smaller repulsive electrostatic effects for chymosin B than for
lysozyme. Given that the local integration for each pair occurs over a very small
portion of the global configuration space, the B22 contributions from these patch-
Table 3.10: Contributions to B22 from individual patch-antipatch pairs for
lysozyme based on short-range non-electrostatic interaction energies
alone and with electrostatics at pH 7. The contributions were
determined by integrating within ±0.10 radian around the central
orientation using the DCUHRE integration routine.
/kT (mol ml/g2) /kT (mol ml/g2) /kT (mol ml/g2) /kT (mol ml/g2)
-40.48 -4.37 101 -40.82 -8.00 101 -41.27 -1.06 102 -41.31 -1.13 102
-24.31 -5.54 10-5 -22.00 -8.51 10-6 -22.71 -1.60 10-5 -23.01 -2.10 10-5
-26.34 -6.06 10-4 -22.62 -1.48 10-5 -23.69 -4.03 10-5 -24.21 -6.65 10-5
-29.77 -2.01 10-2 -25.89 -1.12 10-3 -26.57 -2.17 10-3 -27.05 -3.35 10-3
-25.05 -2.09 10-4 -24.77 -9.72 10-5 -25.13 -2.01 10-4 -25.21 -2.13 10-4
-24.97 -9.14 10-5 -23.45 -2.58 10-5 -23.95 -4.45 10-5 -24.12 -5.32 10-5
-26.05 -7.08 10-4 -22.86 -2.92 10-5 -23.70 -6.90 10-5 -24.14 -1.05 10-4
-22.36 -3.02 10-5 -23.39 -5.02 10-5 -23.82 -6.68 10-5 -23.85 -6.90 10-5
-24.76 -2.69 10-4 -23.05 -5.60 10-5 -23.82 -1.11 10-4 -24.11 -1.47 10-4
-24.60 -3.69 10-4 -20.66 -7.46 10-6 -21.93 -2.45 10-5 -22.55 -4.40 10-5
-19.09 -1.43 10-6 -17.70 -1.19 10-6 -18.09 -1.58 10-6 -18.16 -1.74 10-6
-18.65 -1.17 10-6 -16.87 -2.12 10-7 -17.73 -4.24 10-7 -18.02 -5.67 10-7
-15.77 -1.24 10-7 -16.27 -1.85 10-7 -16.33 -2.26 10-7 -16.39 -2.30 10-7
-12.91 -1.62 10-8 -11.69 -5.02 10-9 -12.24 -8.39 10-9 -12.46 -1.03 10-8
-11.32 -1.84 10-9 -10.46 -1.00 10-9 -10.98 -1.54 10-9 -11.16 -1.74 10-9
-9.37 -7.58 10-10 -9.09 -5.72 10-10 -9.39 -7.64 10-10 -9.46 -8.16 10-10
-7.72 -3.30 10-10 -5.92 -4.95 10-11 -6.54 -1.01 10-10 -6.84 -1.35 10-11
Table 3.11: B22 contributions from individual patch-antipatch pairs for chymosin
B based on short-range non-electrostatic interaction energies alone
and with electrostatic interactions at pH 5. The contributions were
determined by integrating within 0.10 radian around the central
orientation using the DCUHRE integration routine.
/kT (mol ml/g2) /kT (mol ml/g2) /kT (mol ml/g2) /kT (mol ml/g2)
-26.88 -2.10 10-5 -27.66 -5.65 10-5 -27.12 -3.11 10-5 -27.00 -2.93 10-5
-39.11 -1.08 100 -37.43 -2.67 10-1 -37.87 -4.17 10-1 -37.98 -4.57 10-1
-26.90 -2.97 10-5 -25.74 -1.23 10-5 -25.87 -1.39 10-5 -25.94 -1.49 10-5
-25.38 -1.05 10-5 -24.41 -4.56 10-6 -24.85 -6.87 10-6 -24.92 -7.33 10-6
-25.22 -1.99 10-5 -23.83 -5.72 10-6 -24.64 -8.89 10-6 -24.68 -1.18 10-5
-24.89 -1.04 10-5 -25.15 -1.63 10-5 -25.14 -1.68 10-5 -25.09 -1.49 10-5
-25.83 -2.80 10-5 -24.56 -1.03 10-5 -25.15 -1.63 10-5 -25.23 -1.75 10-5
-28.84 -3.06 10-4 -28.71 -9.31 10-5 -28.80 -1.14 10-4 -28.83 -1.21 10-4
-22.89 -2.71 10-6 -23.30 -3.77 10-6 -23.19 -3.45 10-6 -23.19 -3.45 10-6
-24.69 -1.49 10-5 -22.58 -2.57 10-6 -23.76 -8.13 10-6 -23.94 -9.64 10-6
-25.66 -9.85 10-6 -25.78 -1.19 10-5 -25.84 -1.21 10-5 -25.80 -1.17 10-5
-27.06 -3.58 10-5 -23.60 -4.77 10-6 -25.27 -1.79 10-5 -25.59 -2.32 10-5
-25.32 -1.86 10-5 -25.27 -1.79 10-5 -25.53 -2.20 10-5 -25.54 -2.23 10-5
-35.50 -1.66 10-1 -35.73 -2.06 10-1 -35.72 -2.03 10-1 -35.68 -1.93 10-1
-33.06 -1.02 10-2 -32.66 -7.20 10-3 -32.83 -8.67 10-3 -32.84 -8.84 10-3
-24.05 -1.63 10-5 -23.40 -1.14 10-5 -24.02 -1.65 10-5 -24.05 -1.69 10-5
-25.77 -1.35 10-5 -25.96 -2.29 10-5 -25.74 -1.84 10-5 -25.65 -1.72 10-5
-25.16 -1.54 10-5 -24.65 -1.48 10-5 -24.72 -1.46 10-5 -24.71 -1.43 10-5
-23.76 -6.76 10-6 -22.68 -2.30 10-6 -23.42 -4.11 10-6 -23.49 -4.38 10-6
-28.02 -2.40 10-5 -25.70 -3.67 10-6 -26.99 -7.07 10-5 -27.20 -1.59 10-5
-28.02 -9.45 10-5 -26.44 -2.24 10-5 -27.22 -4.96 10-5 -27.32 -5.43 10-5
-27.12 -7.85 10-5 -25.34 -1.91 10-5 -26.46 -4.62 10-5 -26.65 -5.39 10-5
-27.48 -1.04 10-4 -26.47 -2.07 10-5 -27.37 -9.54 10-5 -27.45 -1.02 10-4
-27.09 -5.72 10-5 -28.20 -1.33 10-4 -27.94 -1.05 10-4 -27.83 -9.44 10-5
-22.51 -5.98 10-6 -21.88 -3.98 10-6 -22.17 -5.17 10-6 -22.21 -5.40 10-6
-28.43 -1.04 10-4 -27.31 -5.51 10-5 -27.73 -8.20 10-5 -27.79 -8.60 10-5
-28.19 -2.44 10-4 -30.39 -1.05 10-3 -30.08 -8.20 10-4 -29.89 -7.09 10-4
-23.66 -5.84 10-6 -21.99 -1.71 10-6 -22.67 -3.29 10-6 -22.81 -3.73 10-6
-23.99 -3.46 10-6 -24.60 -1.05 10-5 -24.30 -8.28 10-6 -24.22 -7.79 10-6
-25.02 -2.44 10-5 -23.55 -5.71 10-6 -24.22 -1.15 10-5 -24.35 -1.31 10-5
-24.60 -9.13 10-6 -24.72 -7.61 10-6 -24.75 -7.72 10-6 -24.73 -7.70 10-6
-27.89 -1.36 10-4 -28.63 -3.81 10-4 -28.16 -2.27 10-4 -28.04 -2.01 10-4
-25.59 -5.35 10-5 -23.72 -8.40 10-6 -24.32 -1.50 10-5 -24.41 -1.72 10-5
-27.15 -8.03 10-5 -26.21 -3.81 10-5 -26.52 -4.84 10-5 -26.54 -4.94 10-5
-38.82 -3.58 10-1 -37.64 -1.19 10-1 -38.08 -1.86 10-1 -38.19 -2.07 10-1
-19.34 -3.31 10-7 -18.35 -1.59 10-7 -18.78 -2.50 10-7 -18.83 -2.61 10-7
-16.16 -9.54 10-9 -16.71 -1.09 10-8 -16.70 -1.07 10-8 -16.73 -1.11 10-8
-14.78 -2.40 10-9 -14.32 -1.78 10-9 -14.54 -2.29 10-9 -14.56 -2.24 10-9
-13.06 -1.54 10-9 -12.76 -1.13 10-9 -12.88 -1.27 10-9 -12.91 -1.33 10-9
-10.33 -2.69 10-10 -9.88 -2.56 10-10 -9.93 -2.58 10-10 -9.98 -2.62 10-10
The background contribution from the non-patch-antipatch configurations
was accounted for using Monte Carlo integration. The subregions occupied by the
patch-antipatch pairs with < -20 kT were excluded in the orientation sampling. The
calculated background contributions to B22 are shown in Table 3.12 and 3.13. The
results show that that the two proteins have differing background B22 trends. The
background B22 is reduced when electrostatics are incorporated for lysozyme, but this
contribution increases as the electrostatics are screened. On the other hand, the
background B22 for chymosin B is enhanced when electrostatics are included. Typical
experimentally measured B22 values are on the order of 10-5 to 10-3 mol ml/g2.
configurations. This is due to the cumulative contribution from the configurations that
disproportionately impact the mean value Iin in the Monte Carlo averaging. It suggests
that Monte Carlo integration may not be suitable even for these moderate
configurations and that the same detailed integration procedure used for the patch-
moderate interactions.
Table 3.12: Background B22 for lysozyme based on short-range non-electrostatic
interactions alone and with addition of electrostatics at pH 7. Patch-
antipatch pairs with < -20 kT were excluded in the Monte Carlo
(mol ml/g2)
Non-electrostatics -0.10 ± 0.01
0.10M -0.046 ± 0.003
0.20M -0.060 ± 0.003
0.30M -0.078 ± 0.003
(mol ml/g2)
Non-electrostatics -0.055 ± 0.003
0.10M -0.070 ± 0.005
0.30M -0.062 ± 0.004
0.40M -0.061 ± 0.004
identified by specifying a cutoff well depth cutoff and determining the contributions to
B22 from the configurations with > cutoff by the Monte Carlo method. To estimate
cutoff, a useful benchmark is the unweighted average well depth from all the sampled
106 configurations, i.e. ≈ -3 kT, which corresponds to Iin 3.9×104 Å3. This value
can be seen as the baseline in the Iin landscape around which most of the peaks from
the weakly attractive configurations are scattered. Monte Carlo integration estimates
an integral I by the product of the mean value of a function f and the region of
integration v
For a function that is characterized as a peak within a domain, the mean value is the
average height that is located somewhere between the apex and base of the peak. The
Configurations with stronger attractions will have taller peaks in the Iin landscape and
therefore will have a greater Iin . Because there are peaks that disproportionately
influence the overall mean value of the Iin function, those peaks should be excluded in
the Monte Carlo averaging. Furthermore, because the baseline Iin defines the
determined by scaling its local integrated peak Iconfig by the subdomain of integration
For = 0.10 radian, the average hypervolume occupied by a patch-antipatch pair is v0
= 1.97 10-4. Furthermore, the empirical correlations of Iconfig from Figures 3.11 and
3.12 provide the functional relationship between Iconfig and /kT for both proteins
Substituting equations 3.27 and 3.28 into equation 3.26 gives the relationship between
a configuration’s mean value in the Iin landscape and /kT for a configuration. Using
the postulated condition that the weak configurations are ones that have Iin
3.9 104 Å3, it was determined that -7 kT satisfies this criterion. Therefore, it was
concluded that configurations that have > cutoff =-7 kT were appropriate for inclusion
for each orientation, therefore, this explicit approach was reserved for the strongest
patch-antipatch pairs with < -20 kT (Tables 3.10 and 3.11) and the remaining
integrals with moderate interactions were evaluated using the empirical correlations
for Iconfig for both proteins from equations 3.27 and 3.28. The individual contributions
relatively consistent even as the degree of sampling increases (Figures 3.2 to 3.4). It
was postulated that the relative frequency of the well depth distribution f provides an
where V is the total hypervolume of the global space equal to 323. As mentioned
previously, the relative frequency of /kT for both proteins is adequately described by
hypervolume of a single patch (which is set by the parameter), the absolute number
of moderate configurations N in this range can be approximated by
The total B22 contribution from the moderate configurations that have < cutoff is
strength increases. The background B22 contributions from the weak and moderate
components and the overall background contribution decreases. At each level of ionic
strength, configurations with weak interactions actually contribute more than the
repulsive electrostatics and these electrostatic effects have slightly more impact on B22
for lysozyme.
for chymosin B exhibits different behavior. The addition of
electrostatics increases the overall attraction. Although the weak contribution shows a
trend of increasing attraction as the ionic strength increases, the magnitude of the
moderate contribution increases when electrostatics are incorporated, indicating that it
is the moderately attractive configurations that are most responsible for this effect.
The net result is increased attraction due to offsetting the effect of repulsion by the
( 104mol ml/g2)
Weak Moderate Total
Non-electrostatics -10.3 -10.4 -20.7
0.10M -5.62 -5.45 -11.1
0.20M -7.76 -6.99 -14.8
0.30M -8.66 -8.58 -17.2
( 104mol ml/g2)
Weak Moderate Total
Non-electrostatics -3.66 -1.73 -5.39
0.10M -3.58 -2.04 -5.62
0.30M -3.65 -1.98 -5.63
0.40M -3.65 -1.76 -5.41
3.4 Discussion
The identification of patch-antipatch pairs for proteins is strongly
However, the degree of sampling is limited by the available computational power.
Present computing speeds readily allow sampling of order 106 angular configurations
magnitude greater than the sampling reported previously by Hloucha et al. for bovine
chymotrypsinogen (78). In their work, the strongest patch-antipatch pairs that were
identified possessed well depths between -13 kT and -15 kT. From this work, most of
well depths on the order of -20 kT led to significant numerical issues when Monte
Carlo integration was used. While this integration approach was found to be
appropriate for determining the excluded volume contribution to B22, it fails when the
energetic contributions are included. The convergence issues were addressed using a
functional relationship between the strength of attraction for a configuration and its
contribution to B22 was obtained. However, calculation of B22 could not be completed
for both proteins due to the skewed contributions from anomalously strong patch-
antipatch pairs that possessed well minima that were on the order of -30 kT to -40 kT
(Tables 3.10 and 3.11). This indicates that other effects need to be accounted for in
assumption was made where the effects of the solvent were accounted for by the
Lennard-Jones model. The hybrid method is capable of capturing surface
complementarity well, but the effect of strongly bound water molecules is lost.
was found to have a dominant B22 contribution that was orders of magnitude greater
could very well be eliminated by one or more strongly bound water molecules. Thus,
hydration effects cannot be neglected and are crucial in the accurate prediction of B22.
additional potential sources of uncertainty. First, there is the issue of whether all
space is large due to the degrees of freedom in defining the relative orientation of two
are in the optimally aligned orientation. While refinement was attempted by a local
sampling within 0.10 radian around the central orientations of the strongest
configurations, a different energy minimum may or may not be detected if the limits
are expanded. Once again, this issue is due to the size of the configuration space. The
are a cause for concern in calculating B22 using atomistic models. However, the
information on the fraction of the global angular space occupied by the different
levels of attractions is independent of the sample size taken, as shown by the
the size of the patch-antipatch pairs. A simplification was made in which all
configurations were assumed to be confined within 0.10 radian around their
performed using this assumption. Although the B22 contributions from the patch
integration approach are very much dependent on what is chosen for , it is has been
antipatch pairs occupy only a small fraction of the global configuration space. For =
0.10 radian, the subregion of the configurational hypervolume occupied by each patch-
antipatch pair is on average approximately 1.97 10-4, which is a very small portion of
3.5 Conclusions
A detailed numerical approach for computing B22 from atomistic models
of proteins was proposed and carried out. The issues this work has attempted to
address illustrate the difficulty and uncertainties of computing B22 at the atomistic
scale. The results highlight the influence of structure on the anisotropy of protein-
heterogeneity of the Iin function makes calculation of the B22 integral particularly
calculating B22 at the atomistic scale when compared to the Monte Carlo approach.
hydration effects to make accurate predictions of B22, which will require the use of
the B22 trends for lysozyme and chymosin B was captured by incorporating a screened
This approach provided a simple and computationally efficient way of accounting not
only for the charge distribution, but also the effect of shape on the electrostatic
were distinguished for the two proteins studied that agreed with experimental
observations. Simple colloidal models that do not account for this important feature
Chapter 4
The structural properties of proteins are complex, and it is this complexity that has a
macroscopic solution properties. The osmotic second virial coefficient, B22, provides
solution behavior for proteins. In this chapter, the findings and conclusions from this
work are summarized and recommendations for future investigations are put forth.
4.1 Conclusions
B22 values with the phase diagrams for the model protein ribonuclease A. Several
continuum models derived from classical theories for polymers and colloids were
qualitative correlation between B22 and phase behavior was found, quantitative
agreement could not be obtained using the continuum models. Phase equilibrium was
also predicted from osmotic virial coefficients using the osmotic virial equation
third virial coefficients along with B22 values were used in the phase equilibrium
calculations, the phase diagram predicted from this model only qualitatively agreed
The discrepancy of the results from the continuum models may be due to
the isotropic assumption inherent in each model and also the molecular nature of B22.
protein-protein interactions and therefore B22 is limited in its ability to predict phase
cannot be neglected, providing the most likely explanation for the inadequacy of the
continuum models studied. This finding justified the need for exploring molecular-
shown to provide a better description of protein phase behavior and much progress has
been made in understanding the phase diagrams predicted from these models.
Accounting for the specific interactions through incorporation of patches can explain
features of protein phase behavior not possible with isotropic models. However,
because of the large parameter space that is possible for different combinations of
patch parameters, much of the work in the literature has focused on simplified patch
The patch-antipatch parameters for two proteins were determined from
extensive atomistic simulations. Several new findings are reported in this thesis
beyond the work of Neal et al. (82) and Hloucha et al. (78). First, the orientational
sampling for identifying patch-antipatch pairs was increased from 104 configurations
refinements were performed to find the approximate energy minima, which in some
cases led to configurations with well depths as a high as -40 kT. The large size of the
pairs. However, the relative frequency distribution of interaction well depths was
estimate of the fraction of the configuration space that is occupied by the different
patch-antipatch pairs.
It has been shown in this work that the patch-antipatch pairs contribute
Monte Carlo integration approach was found to be unsuitable for evaluating the
patch-antipatch pairs gave rise to B22 contributions that were orders of magnitude
greater than typical experimental values. This discrepancy may largely be attributed
to the fact that hydration effects were neglected in the calculations. Hydration effects
are known to attenuate the interactions of patch-antipatch pairs and will have a
significant impact on the calculation of B22. Thus, further refinements are needed in
order to make accurate predictions of B22, which will allow for meaningful
captures the effect of surface complementarity between proteins, but the effect of
strongly bound water molecules is not generally accounted for. These water
molecules strongly bound to the protein provide additional steric hindrance that can
effectively inhibit the interactions between patch-antipatch pairs. Accounting for such
effects will require the use of such methods as molecular dynamics simulations where
interaction energies provided a simple way of accounting for the shape anisotropy of
the charge distribution in the calculation of B22. This approach was able to
qualitatively reflect the impact of this anisotropy on B22 for lysozyme and chymosin B.
However, this model is simplistic in its treatment of the electrostatics since it does not
compare how the magnitude of the electrostatic energies computed from the pairwise
screened Coulomb potential approach compares with the energies determined from
solving the Poisson-Boltzmann equation for the full protein geometry. Several
interaction virial coefficients B23, which characterize the association of two different
protein molecules. Experimental B23 data for protein mixtures have previously been
measured and reported in the literature (123, 143). Quantitative predictions for the
separation processes.
parameters determined from the atomistic simulations performed in this work should
be utilized in the simulation of the phase behavior for these proteins. Although
atomistic models of the kind used in Chapter 3 are, in principle, suitable for describing
appropriate for simulating phases such as liquids since these disordered states do not
The logical route towards this endeavor is through the use of molecular
Chapter 3. There are various standard molecular simulation techniques for predicting
phase behavior, which include the Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo (147–150) and grand
discussion of these techniques is beyond the scope of this work, but it is clear that
because of the strong attractions due to the specific patch interactions, particles may
sampling of the entire configuration space becomes prohibitively long and the system
will need to be implemented. Several biased methods have been reported to address
such issues, which include the bond-biased Monte Carlo method (153), association-
biased Monte Carlo method (154), and aggregation volume bias Monte Carlo method
(155). These methods improve upon standard simulation methods by biasing the
acceptance criterion for accepting trial moves that allow for more efficient sampling of
the configuration space. These biased methods should be utilized to simulate the
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Appendix A
of protein solutions from the osmotic virial equation is presented in this appendix.
This derivation is consistent with the one reported by Döbert et al. (156). The protein
solution is modeled as a binary mixture consisting of solvent (1) + protein (2) species.
It is assumed that there is no repartitioning of the salt species in the mixture. The
criterion for liquid-liquid equilibrium is the equality of the chemical potentials in the
mixture of both the solvent, 1, and the protein, 2, in each phase:
where I and II designate the light and dense phases, respectively. To determine the
chemical potentials for the species, it can be shown that the chemical potential of the
where is the chemical potential of the pure solvent, and is the partial molar
volume of the solvent. The osmotic virial equation in terms of protein mass
where R is the molar gas constant, MW is the molecular weight of the protein, and B2
and B3 are the second and third virial coefficients, respectively. Substituting equation
(B.3) into equation (B.2) yields the expression for the chemical potential of the solvent
To determine the chemical potential of the protein species, the Gibbs-Duhem relation
(97) is invoked
where N1 and N2 are the number of moles of the solvent and protein species,
where C is the constant of integration. To evaluate the derivative inside the integral of
where is the molar volume of the solution. For a binary system, is the sum of the
partial molar volumes of the solvent and protein weighted by their respective mole
fractions x1 and x2
Furthermore, a species mole fractions is the ratio of the number of moles of the
By appropriate substitutions of equations (B.7), (B.8), and (B.9) into equation (B.4),
Inserting equation (B.10) into equation (B.6), differentiating µ1 with respect to N1, and
integrating the result with respect to N2 yields the expression for µ2
The initial condition that when is used to find the integration constant
where is the chemical potential of the pure protein species. The integration
constant C is inserted back into equation (B.11), and 2 becomes
The chemical potentials can be expressed in terms of the protein volume fraction and
Using these relationships, the chemical potential of the solvent in equation (B.10) and
the chemical potential of the protein in equation (B.13) can be rewritten in terms of ,
For dilute concentrations of protein, it can be assumed that the mixture is ideal enough
that the partial molar volume of the protein is equal to its molar volume, = .
Applying the conditions represented in equation (B.1) yields the model for liquid-
liquid equilibrium
in which I and II are the concentration of protein in the light and dense liquid phases,
respectively. Equations (B.18) and (B.19) can be solved simultaneously to obtain the
equilibrium concentrations in the light and dense liquid phases, provided that the
physical properties of the protein (MW and ) are specified and the virial coefficients
Appendix B
This appendix contains the MATLAB source code for the calculation of
B222 from the Yukawa potential that is discussed in Chapter 2. The program utilizes
MATLAB’s numerical integration toolbox. In order to run this code, the numerical
integration toolbox needs to be in the same directory as the program files during
execution. This toolbox contains the functions implemented in the code for the
numerical integration of the third virial coefficient, which can be obtained from the
website http://www2.math.umd.edu/~jmr241/mfiles/nit/.
The file names and descriptions are given below. The range parameter b is
set at a value 35 in line 65 of the main driver file B222_Yukawa.m; however, this
value can be adjusted by the user. The user is also free to adjust the values of the
parameters in the file parameters.inp. Attached is a copy of the input files that are
needed. In principle, this code can be modified for any potential that possesses hard-
sphere repulsion with an attractive tail. It is left to the user to make such
File: parameters.inp – Input file which contains physical parameters
Temp 296
R 8.314
k 1.38E-23
Na 6.023E23
e 1.60E-19
epsr 78.54
eps0 8.85E-12
MW1 18.02
rho1 0.998
MW2 13700
rho2 4.5
sigma 3.1E-9
phi_c 0.5
File: B22_Data.dat – Input file which contains the experimental B22 data
File: B222_Yukawa.m – Main driver file for B222 calculation
clear all
close all
clear global
addpath nit
global T k Na e epsr eps0 MW1 V1 rho1 phi_c MW2 m s
%% Experimental Data
% Read in data
fid = importdata('parameters.inp');
% Constants
T = fid.data(1); % Temperature (K)
R = fid.data(2); % Molar gas constant (J/molK)
k = fid.data(3); % Boltzmann constant (J/K)
Na = fid.data(4); % Avogadro's number (1/mole)
e = fid.data(5); % Elementary charge (C)
epsr = fid.data(6); % Dielectric constant of solvent
eps0 = fid.data(7); % Permitivity constant
% Water Properties
MW1 = fid.data(8); % Molecular weight (g/mol)
rho1 = fid.data(9); % Density (g/ml)
V1 = MW1/rho1; % Molar volume (ml/mol)
% Protein Properties
MW2 = fid.data(10); % Molecular weight (g/mol)
rho2 = fid.data(11); % g/cm^3
V2 = MW2/rho2; % Molar volume (ml/mol)
s = fid.data(12); % Diameter (m)
m = (rho1*MW2)/(rho2*MW1);
phi_c = fid.data(13);
%% B22 Data
ydata = importdata('B22_Data.dat');
n = length(ydata);
%% Range Parameter
b = [35];
m = length(b);
%% B222 Calculation
syms x y r z
epsilon = zeros(n,m);
B3 = zeros(n,m);
Temp = zeros(n,m);
rmax = 5;
for j = 1:1:m
for i = 1:1:n
% Yukawa Epsilon Parameter Optimization
resid = @(eps) norm(B2(eps,b(j))- ydata(i));
epsilon(i,j) = fminsearch(resid,500);
C1 = 5/8;
C2 = -12*numint2((1-0.75*x+0.0625*x^3)*x^2*fx,x,1,2,y,0,1);
C3 = 36*[numint3(x*y*z*fx*fy,z,x-y,1,y,1,x,x,1,2) + ...
C4 = -12*[numint3(x*y*z*fx*fy*fz,z,1,x+y,y,1,x,x,1,2) + ...
numint3(x*y*z*fx*fy*fz,z,x-y,x+y,y,1,x-1,x,2,rmax) + ...
B3(i,j) = C1+C2+C3+C4;
Temp(i,j) = Tr;
%% Output results
format short
disp(' ')
format short eng
disp('3rd Virial Coefficient B222 (cm^6*mol/g^3):')
disp(' ')
B222 = B3.*[((2*pi*Na*s^3)/3).^2.*100^6.*(1/MW2^3)];
function F = B2(eps,b)
function F = f(r,eps,b)
% Function file that contains the Mayer cluster function for the
% Yukawa potential. This function is using in the function file B2.m
% for MATLAB's quadgk integration function.
w = -eps.*exp(-b.*(r.^(1/3)-1))./r.^(1/3);
F = 1 - exp(-w/T);