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Angelic Guarda MSC Thesis

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Submitted to the Graduate School

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I would like to thank my family and close friends for their continued support. I would also

like to thank Dr. Weiping Ren for providing this research opportunity and guidance throughout

the project.



LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................................................... vi

LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................................. vii

CHAPTER 1 – GENERAL INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 1

1.1 Brief Overview of Bone Anatomy and Physiology .............................................................. 1

1.2 Pathophysiology of Osteomyelitis ........................................................................................ 1

1.3 Antibiotic-loaded Bone Cements as Osteomyelitis Treatment ............................................. 3


P-DCPD CEMENT ....................................................................................................................... 5

2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 5

2.1.1 Brief Overview of Calcium Phosphate Cements as Drug Delivery Vehicles ................ 5

2.1.2 Advantages of P-DCPD Cement .................................................................................... 7

2.2 Materials and Methods .......................................................................................................... 9

2.2.1 Preparation of CPP powder and ACPP hydrogel ........................................................... 9

2.2.2. Preparation of TTCP powder ......................................................................................... 9

2.2.3 Preparation of Drug-loaded P-DCPD Cement Samples ............................................... 10

2.2.3 Setting Time and Injectability ...................................................................................... 10

2.2.4 Zeta Potential ................................................................................................................ 10

2.2.5 Mechanical Testing (Compressive Modulus and Compressive Strength) .................... 10

2.2.6 Cement Degradation ..................................................................................................... 10

2.2.7 Cumulative Drug Release and Drug Concentration ..................................................... 11

2.2.8 Statistical Analysis ....................................................................................................... 12

2.3 Results ................................................................................................................................. 12

2.3.1 Setting Time and Injectability ...................................................................................... 12

2.3.2 Zeta Potential ................................................................................................................ 13

2.3.3 Mechanical Testing (Compressive Modulus and Compressive Strength) .................... 14

2.3.5 Cement Degradation ..................................................................................................... 16

2.3.4 Cumulative Drug Release and Drug Concentration ..................................................... 18

2.4 Discussion ........................................................................................................................... 22


CEMENT...................................................................................................................................... 27

3.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 27

3.2 Materials and Methods ........................................................................................................ 27

3.2.1 Bacterial Culture ........................................................................................................... 27

3.2.2 Modified antibiotic minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) assay .......................... 27

3.2.3 Statistical Analysis ....................................................................................................... 28

3.3 Results ................................................................................................................................. 28

3.3.1 Drug-loaded P-DCPD Cement Discs ........................................................................... 28

3.3.2 Drug Eluent................................................................................................................... 30

3.3.3 Degraded P-DCPD Powder Discs ................................................................................ 32

3.4 Discussion ........................................................................................................................... 33


4.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 35

4.2 Materials and Methods ........................................................................................................ 35

4.2.1 Cell Seeding and Culture .............................................................................................. 35

4.2.2 Cell Proliferation Assay (MTT) ................................................................................... 35

4.2.3 Cell Toxicity Assay (LDH) .......................................................................................... 36

4.3 Results ................................................................................................................................. 36

4.3.1 Cell Proliferation (MTT) .............................................................................................. 36

4.3.2 Cytotoxicity (LDH) ...................................................................................................... 39

4.4 Discussion ........................................................................................................................... 42

CHAPTER 5 – CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK .................................................................. 44

APPENDIX: ABBREVIATIONS .......................................................................................................... 46

REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................................... 47

ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................................................. 51

AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL STATEMENT ............................................................................................. 53


Table 1. Setting time and injectability of EM-doped P-DCPD cement. ....................................... 12

Table 2. Setting time and injectability of antibiotic-loaded P-DCPD cements ............................ 12

Table 3. Zeta potential of EM-doped P-DCPD cement particles.................................................. 13

Table 4. Zeta potential of antibiotic-loaded P-DCPD cement particles........................................ 13

Table 5. Compressive strength and compressive modulus of EM-doped P-DCDP cement ......... 14

Table 6. Compressive strength and compressive modulus of antibiotic-loaded P-DCPD scaffolds.

........................................................................................................................................... 15


Figure 1. Stress-strain curves for antibiotic-loaded P-DCPD cement scaffolds. .......................... 14

Figure 2. Compressive modulus of antibiotic-loaded P-DCDP cement scaffolds. Asterisk (*)

denotes statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) to drug-free cement. Error bars
represent SD. ..................................................................................................................... 15

Figure 3. Compressive strength of antibiotic-loaded P-DCDP cement scaffolds. Asterisk (*)

denotes statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) to drug-free cement. Error bars
represent SD. ..................................................................................................................... 16

Figure 4. Degradation of EM-loaded P-DCDP cement scaffolds. Asterisk (*) denotes statistically
significant difference (p < 0.05) to drug-free cement. Error bars represent SD. .............. 16

Figure 5. Degradation of antibiotic-loaded P-DCDP cement scaffolds. Asterisk (*) denotes

statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) to drug-free cement. Error bars represent SD.
........................................................................................................................................... 17

Figure 6. In vitro degradation of antibiotic-loaded P-DCDP cement scaffolds. ........................... 17

Figure 7. Cumulative drug release of EM-doped P-DCPD cement. Asterisk (*) denotes statistically
significant difference (p < 0.05) between EM and all other groups. Error bars represent SD.
........................................................................................................................................... 18

Figure 8. Cumulative drug release of EM-doped P-DCPD cement for first 72 hours. Asterisk (*)
denotes statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) between EM and all other groups.
Error bars represent SD. .................................................................................................... 18

Figure 9. Eluent drug concentration of EM-doped P-DCPD cement. Asterisk (*) denotes
statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) between EM and all other groups. Error bars
represent SD. ..................................................................................................................... 19

Figure 10. Eluent drug concentration of EM-doped P-DCPD cement for the first 72 hours. Asterisk
(*) denotes statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) between EM and all other groups.
Error bars represent SD. .................................................................................................... 19

Figure 11. Cumulative drug release of antibiotic-doped P-DCPD cement. Asterisk (*) denotes
statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) between groups. Error bars represent SD. . 20

Figure 12. Eluent drug concentration of Van and Tob-doped P-DCPD cement. Asterisk (*) denotes
statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) between groups. Error bars represent SD. . 20

Figure 13. Eluent drug concentration of Van and Tob-doped P-DCPD cement for the first 72 hours.
Asterisk (*) denotes statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) between groups Error
bars represent SD. ............................................................................................................. 21

Figure 14. Individual eluent drug concentration of Van/Tob-doped P-DCPD cement. Asterisk (*)
denotes statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) between groups. Error bars represent
SD. .................................................................................................................................... 21

Figure 15. µ-CT scans of antibiotic-loaded P-DCPD cement discs. ............................................ 24

Figure 16. Antibiotic-loaded P-DCPD cement disc time course. ................................................. 29

Figure 17. EM-doped P-DCPD cement ZOI. Asterisk (*) denotes statistically significant difference
(p < 0.05) between EM and all other groups. Error bars represent SD. Error bars represent
SD. .................................................................................................................................... 29

Figure 18. Antibiotic-doped P-DCPD cements ZOI. Asterisk (*) denotes statistically significant
difference (p < 0.05) to Tob. Error bars represent SD. ..................................................... 30

Figure 19. Drug eluent-soaked paper discs for bacterial inhibition assay. ................................... 30

Figure 20. EM-doped P-DCPD eluent ZOI. ................................................................................. 31

Figure 21. Antibiotic-doped P-DCPD eluent ZOI. Error bars represent SD. ............................... 31

Figure 22. Degraded P-DCPD powder discs for bacterial inhibition assay. ................................. 32

Figure 23. Antibiotic-doped degraded P-DCPD powder discs ZOI. Asterisk (*) denotes statistically
significant difference (p < 0.05) to all other groups. Error bars represent SD. ................ 32

Figure 24. Impact of EM-doped P-DCPD eluent on cell proliferation. Asterisk (*) denotes
statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) to drug-free P-DCPD eluent. Error bars
represent SD. ..................................................................................................................... 36

Figure 25. Impact of EM-doped P-DCPD particles on cell proliferation. Asterisk (*) denotes
statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) to drug-free P-DCPD particles. Error bars
represent SD. ..................................................................................................................... 37

Figure 26. Impact of degraded EM-doped P-DCPD particles on cell proliferation. Line over bars
denotes no statistically significant difference between groups. Error bars represent SD. 37

Figure 27. Impact of antibiotic-doped P-DCPD eluent on cell proliferation. Line over bars denotes
no statistically significant difference between groups. Error bars represent SD. ............. 38

Figure 28. Impact of antibiotic-doped P-DCPD particles on cell proliferation. Line over bars
denotes no statistically significant difference between groups. Error bars represent SD. 38

Figure 29. Impact of degraded antibiotic-doped P-DCPD particles on cell proliferation. Line over
bars denotes no statistically significant difference between groups. Error bars represent SD.
........................................................................................................................................... 38

Figure 30. Impact of EM-doped P-DCPD eluent on cell toxicity. Asterisk (*) denotes statistically
significant difference (p < 0.05) to drug-free P-DCPD eluent. Error bars represent SD. . 39

Figure 31. Impact of EM-doped P-DCPD particles on cell toxicity. Asterisk (*) denotes statistically
significant difference (p < 0.05) to drug-free P-DCPD particles. Error bars represent SD.
........................................................................................................................................... 40

Figure 32. Impact of degraded EM-doped P-DCPD particles on cell toxicity. Line over bars
denotes no statistically significant difference between groups. Error bars represent SD. 40

Figure 33. Impact of antibiotic-doped P-DCPD eluent on cell toxicity. Asterisk (*) denotes
statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) to drug-free P-DCPD eluent. Error bars
represent SD. ..................................................................................................................... 40

Figure 34. Impact of antibiotic-doped P-DCPD particles on cell toxicity. Line over bars denotes
no statistically significant difference between groups. Error bars represent SD. ............. 41

Figure 35. Impact of degraded antibiotic-doped P-DCPD particles on cell proliferation. Asterisk
(*) denotes statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) to degraded drug-free P-DCPD
particles. Error bars represent SD. .................................................................................... 41



1.1 Brief Overview of Bone Anatomy and Physiology

Bone is hard, largely calcareous connective tissue that composes most of the human

skeleton [1]. In addition to performing protective and locomotive functions, bone plays an

important role in maintaining acid-base balance and mineral homeostasis, acts as a depot for

cytokines and growth factors, and hosts hematopoiesis within its marrow [2].

In order to adapt to changes in biomechanical stress, bone undergoes constant remodeling

during its lifetime. In this process, old, damaged bone is replaced with new bone which is

mechanically stronger [2]. This remodeling process is carried out by osteoblasts, which deposit

new bone, and osteoclasts, which break down old bone [2].

Bone can be classified into four general categories: long bones, short bones, flat bones and

irregular bones [2]. Examples of long bones include the humeri, femurs, and tibiae [2]. Long bones

are composed of a hollow shaft known as diaphysis, primarily made up of dense cortical bone that

surrounds the marrow space, and rounded ends known as epiphyses, which are composed of porous

trabecular bone surrounded by a relatively thin layer of cortical bone [2]. The inner surface of the

cortical bone is surrounded by the endosteum, a vascularized membranous structure, while the

outer cortical surface of the bone is surrounded by the periosteum, a fibrous connective tissue

sheath that contains nerve fibers, blood vessels, osteoclasts and osteoblasts [2].

1.2 Pathophysiology of Osteomyelitis

Osteomyelitis is defined as an inflammatory process in the bone and bone marrow caused

by bacteria that often results in local bone loss and necrosis; in short, the term implies infection of

the bone or joint where the infection can be limited to a portion of the bone or affect several regions

[3, 4]. Patients receiving joint replacements, also known as arthroplasties, are one of the groups

most vulnerable to infection: the incidence of osteomyelitis following arthroplasty ranges from

0.3% to 2.4% for total hip arthroplasties and 1% to 3% for total knee arthroplasties [3]. A

Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) study concluded that joint infection made up 25% of revision

arthroplasties in the knee and 15.4% of revision arthroplasties in the hip in the United States, where

the average individual hospitalization costs related to periprosthetic infection ranged from $25,692

to $31,753 [3]. In general, the overall incidence of osteomyelitis and consequent revision

arthroplasties may increase due to patient risk factors like diabetes, age, peripheral vascular

disease, intravenous drug use and immunodeficiency due to disease or treatment [3, 4].

Osteomyelitis can spread according to three general mechanisms: hematogenous spread,

infection associated with vascular or neurologic insufficiency and contiguous contamination [3].

Contiguous infection, the focus of this brief overview, is an infection spread from a contaminated

site, and the main mechanism in which osteomyelitis occurs in patients undergoing surgery where

there is direct contamination of bacteria in open fractures or via contaminated implants during

arthroplasty [3]. It is estimated that 80% to 90% of cases are caused by Staphylococcus aureus (S.

aureus) [3].

Once the bone is infected and the bacteria induce an acute inflammatory reaction, the

infection affects the periosteum and spreads within the bone resulting in necrosis [3]. In order to

fight the pathogen, leukocytes release cytokines and enzymes that break down infected tissue;

consequently, purulence consisting of dead leukocytes, host cells and bacteria fills intercellular

spaces around the infection and causes an abscess [4]. Lifting of the periosteum due to abscess

growth impairs blood supply to the affected area and results in segmental bone death known as a

sequestrum, and this vascular impairment isolates the focus of infection from the immune system

and systemic antibiotic treatments [3, 4]. Once in the chronic stage of infection, inflammatory cells

and their cytokine release stimulate bone resorption by osteoclasts, ingrowth of fibrous tissue and

the deposition of new bone in the surrounding area, where this newly deposited bone may form a

layer of living tissue around the necrotic, infected bone, known as involucrum [3]. Continuous

growth of the abscess may lead to excess purulence eventually escaping through an opening in the

bone known as sinus tract [3, 4].

1.3 Antibiotic-loaded Bone Cements as Osteomyelitis Treatment

It has been established that the success of osteomyelitis treatment is heavily reliant on the

debridement of infected tissue and removal of any necrotic bone prior to beginning an

antimicrobial treatment, with the purpose of leaving only healthy, viable tissue to accelerate the

restoration of function [4, 5]. Still, because it cannot be assumed that all necrotic tissue will be

successfully removed, debridement must be combined with antibiotic therapy [5]. However,

antibiotics are poor penetrators of necrotic bone, meaning that systemic administration of a high

enough dose to penetrate and clear the infection in the necrotic region will often result in toxicity

to the patient, and the antibiotic course typically lasts between 4 to 8 weeks [4, 5]. Consequently,

a material that allows the local delivery of antibiotics to the site of infection while also promoting

the regeneration of bone would be ideal for the treatment of this disease.

Poly-methylmethacrylate (PMMA) cement is the standard vehicle for localized antibiotic

delivery in osteomyelitis treatment; as an injectable space filler or in the form of beads, PMMA

cement can be combined with heat-stable antibiotics like vancomycin, tobramycin and gentamycin

[3, 6]. However, PMMA has several limitations as a drug delivery vehicle. Due to its high

exothermic property, PMMA can only be mixed with heat stable antibiotics, limiting its

application, and its drug elution is poor [3]. There are concerns regarding the toxicity of leached

MMA monomer from the cement, which may cause systemic effects like hypoxia as well as local

tissue toxicity [3]. Lastly, PMMA cement is non-biodegradable, meaning that it requires a second

surgical intervention for removal, increasing cost to the patient and the possibility of reinfection.

[3, 4]

These obstacles can be overcome by using biodegradable drug delivery vehicles like

calcium sulfate or, in particular, calcium phosphate cements [4]. These tailorable, biodegradable

materials boast a chemical composition similar to that of native bone tissue, are self-hardening and

can be injectable or molded as beads or scaffolds that can fit the shape of the defect [7]. Calcium

phosphate cements not only allow for the local delivery of a wider variety of antibiotics by

avoiding the issue of exothermic reaction, but also provide a promising scaffold for bone repair

and regeneration [4]. Thus, in the following chapter and throughout the rest of this thesis, the focus

will remain on calcium phosphate cements: their physicochemical properties, their applications

and limitations.



2.1 Introduction

2.1.1 Brief Overview of Calcium Phosphate Cements as Drug Delivery Vehicles

Calcium phosphate is present in bone tissue and teeth and has become a material of interest

in the repair of skeletal defects [7]. Calcium phosphate cements (CPC) are made up of one or more

solid calcium phosphate compounds combined with a liquid phase [7]. By mixing the powders and

liquid in a suitable ratio, one will obtain a self-setting paste that hardens at room temperature due

to the entrapment of crystals precipitated during the mixture reaction [7]. Commonly used calcium

phosphate compounds in the preparation of CPC include monocalcium phosphate monohydrate

(MCPM), dicalcium phosphate anhydrous (DCPA), dicalcium phosphate dihydrate (DCPD),

tetracalcium phosphate (TTCP), and amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP), among others. [7]

CPC can be divided into two categories according to its hydration products, which

ultimately depends on the pH of the cement paste: hydroxyapatite (HA) result at a pH above 7,

while DCPD result at a pH below 6 [7]. The resulting type of cement is what ultimately determines

its solubility both in vitro and in vivo [7]. While sintered HA bears great crystallographic and

compositional similarities to bone mineral, this type of cement is essentially inert non-

biodegradable [8]. DCPD cement, on the other hand, is fully resorbable in vivo and can stimulate

cellular repair at the molecular level, making it an appropriate material for the creation of bone

regeneration scaffolds and localized drug delivery in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders

like osteomyelitis [7]. DCPD cements are made up of the combination of an acidic calcium

phosphate component, like MCPM, with an alkaline calcium phosphate component like TTCP

along with a liquid phase, in many cases water [7]. Due to its excellent biodegradable properties,

DCPD has been the CPC of choice for this project.


In the context of the medical applications of DCPD cements, injectability is a crucial factor

because it allows the surgeon to inject the paste such that it can adapt to the shape of any bone

defect and then set in place [7]. The injectability of DCPD cements can be modified or improved

by adjusting the liquid-to-powder ratio and adding citrate ions or viscous polymer solutions;

particle shape also influences the result, with round particles generally improving injectability [7].

The cement setting and working time can also be adjusted via changes in its powder composition,

powder-to-liquid ratio and particle shape and size [7]. For any cementitious application, but

particularly in those in which the cement must be injectable, the setting and working time are

crucial factors: a long setting time prevents the cement from supporting stresses or solidifying its

shape within a feasible time interval, and a short working time eliminates the possibility of

adjustments in placement [7]. Thus, while there is no established standard for DCPD cement

setting and working times, the literature suggests 10-15 min as a suitable setting time and 6-10

min as a suitable working time [7].

If it is to be used for a clinical application, the cement in question should have a strength

and modulus comparable to the bone being replaced to prevent stress shielding and fractures or

complications [7]. However, DCPD cements are typically limited to low or non-load-bearing

applications due to the inherent brittleness and low strength of these type of cements [7]; thus,

there is great interest in improving the mechanical properties of DCPD cements.

Ideally, bone cements should also provide support for the deposition of bone matrix by

osteoprogenitor cells. With CPC in general, this process is affected not only by the scaffold’s

architecture but also by the rate at which the scaffold is resorbed, which should be slow enough to

allow new bone tissue to grow within the scaffold [7]. This resorption rate is directly related to the

scaffold’s crystallinity and porosity; cements with lower degree of crystallinity like DCPD are able

to resorb faster than HA cements [7]. While most CPC formulations have a porosity between 30%-

50% and permit the transport of nutrients and waste, the size of these pores is typically not large

enough to allow tissue ingrowth [7]. Thus, while osteoinductivity is desired, it is generally

accepted that DCPD cement can act as an osteoconductive material but not an osteoinductive one


The potential of DCPD cements as drug delivery vehicles is of great interest. Unlike

PMMA cements, DCPD cements can set at body temperature and are not as limited in the variety

of drugs, proteins or drug factors that can be incorporated into their matrix, making them attractive

candidates for the treatment of osteomyelitis [7]. Due to its micro/nanoporous structure, DCPD

cements can avoid burst drug release, though the release rate and amount of drug will ultimately

depend on the overall cement formulation as well as the physicochemical properties of the drug

itself [7].

Although DCPD cements can be produced in large quantities with relatively low cost and

have the potential to become an off-the-shelf product, there are several drawbacks associated with

this material. The poor mechanical properties of DCPD, specifically its high brittleness and

comparatively low strength, is one of its most notable limitations as well as the material’s lack of

osteoinductivity and finicky handling properties, which also present challenges in the clinical

setting [8].

2.1.2 Advantages of P-DCPD Cement

We defined a poly-dicalcium phosphate dihydrate (P-DCPD) cement as a formulation in

which amorphous calcium polyphosphate (ACPP) gel is used as the acidic calcium source in the

preparation of DCPD. The structure of calcium polyphosphate (CPP) differs from other calcium

phosphate minerals like HA or tricalcium phosphate in that CPP is composed of linear


polyphosphate chains [9]. The structure of CPP can be either amorphous or crystalline depending

on the processing settings [9]. CPP is eventually hydrolyzed into the naturally occurring calcium

orthophosphate [9]. The key molecular structural difference between P-DCPD and classic DCPD

is that P-DCPD is composed of interconnected P-DCPD crystal particles interlocked to the

polyphosphate chains, while the latter is composed of a packed DCPD crystal particles held by

weak mutual bonding [9]. The advantages of this new formulation are mainly due to the unique

microstructure being formed based on the new self-setting system of CPP gel matrix, and include

improved mechanical strength, good injectability and superior cohesion [9]. The combination of

moldability, self-setting nature, lack of noxious byproducts, biocompatibility, and potential for

osteoconduction make P-DCPD a promising material for dental and non-load-bearing orthopedic


The ability of linear CPP gel matrix to delay antibiotic release has been demonstrated by

Dion et al, where vancomycin release from CPP gel matrices was significantly reduced during the

first 2 to 4 h of elution, while retaining its bactericidal activity [9, 10]. Chehreganianzabi et al also

showed that loading antibiotic in fully formed CPP hydrogel enhances the antibiotic retention

within the matrix, resulting in reduced burst release of embedded drugs [11]. Therefore, in this

project, we propose a method to prepare injectable and self-setting antibiotic-loaded P-DCPD

cement via the reaction of CPP gel and TTCP to overcome the main limitations of CPC in

therapeutic applications, mainly, weak mechanical properties and drug burst release.

The purpose of this chapter is to investigate the effect of antibiotic loading on the

physicochemical characteristics and drug release behavior of P-DCPD. The cement samples were

loaded with erythromycin (EM), vancomycin (Van), tobramycin (Tob), and equal parts of

vancomycin and tobramycin (Van/Tob), all at same concentration (10% w/w). EM is a


hydrophobic antibiotic with reported ability to enhance bone formation [12, 13]. Van and Tob are

hydrophilic antibiotics widely used in the treatment of osteomyelitis [14, 15, 16]. Overall, these

antibiotics were selected due to their widespread use and effectiveness against infections caused

by methicillin-resistant forms of Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).

2.2 Materials and Methods

2.2.1 Preparation of CPP powder and ACPP hydrogel

Calcium phosphate monobasic monohydrate (Ca[H2PO4]2:H2O; Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis,

MO) was calcined for 10 h at 500 ℃ followed by melting for 1 h at 1200 ℃ to produce an

amorphous glass and quenched at room temperature for cooling. The material was hammered to

make small particles prior to grind in a planetary ball mill (Across International, Berkeley, NJ).

The resulting particles were sieved (Laboratory Test Sieves, Fisher Scientific, Pittsburg, PA)

continuously to segregate particles less than 75 μm. Prior to usage, CPP powders were stored in a

vacuum desiccator to avoid moisture absorption.

For hydrogel preparation, CPP powder was added to distilled water (0.1 g ml−1), stirred for

90 min at 700 rpm at room temperature (25 ℃) and suspended for 24 h until the produced gel

precipitated and the water phase become clear.

2.2.2. Preparation of TTCP powder

TTCP powder was prepared by solid-state reaction of DCPA (CaHPO4) and calcium

carbonate (CaCO3) (Sigma- Aldrich) by heating at 1500 °C for 18 h as stated in [17]. The resulting

particles were sieved (Laboratory Test Sieves, Fisher Scientific, Pittsburg, PA) continuously to

segregate particles less than 75 μm. Prior to usage, TTCP powders were stored in a vacuum

desiccator to avoid moisture absorption.


2.2.3 Preparation of Drug-loaded P-DCPD Cement Samples

P-DCPD cement was prepared by mixing CPP hydrogel with TTCP and sodium citrate

(Na3C6H5O7) (ADM Evolution Chemicals, Chicago, IL) (weight ratio of 1:0.87:0.15, w/w) along

with 240 μl gel supernatant at room temperature. P-DCPD cements were loaded with 10%

erythromycin (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, EM-P), 10% of vancomycin hydrochloride (NDC

Technologies, Dayton, OH, Van-P), 10% of tobramycin sulfate (X Gen Pharmaceuticals,

Horsehead, NY, Tob-P), and both 5% of Van and 5% Tob in combination (Van/Tob-P),

respectively, by mixing drug powders with CPP gel prior to adding TCPP for setting. P-DCPD

without drug loading was included as control.

2.2.3 Setting Time and Injectability

The setting time was measured using standard Gillmore needle method (Humboldt Mfg.

Co., Elgin, IL). The value of initial setting time was recorded.

2.2.4 Zeta Potential

The zeta potential of P-DCPD cement particles was measured with a Zetasizer (Nano-ZS;

Malvern Instruments, Malvern, UK) with built in Dispersion Technology Software.

2.2.5 Mechanical Testing (Compressive Modulus and Compressive Strength)

Cylindrical P-DCPD scaffolds (6 × 12 mm) were tested in axial compression using a

universal servo-hydraulic test machine (Instron 4302, MA) at a speed of 0.1 mm/s.

2.2.6 Cement Degradation

P-DCPD cement was molded into discs (8 × 3 mm). The discs were submerged in PBS

(Sigma-Aldrich) at room temperature for 28 days. Sample masses were measured prior to and post

immersion in PBS. Samples were allowed to dry in an oven at 60 °C for approximately 24 h before

recording their mass following immersion. Weight loss (%) was presented as:

Δ W = (W1 – W2)/W1 × 100

W1—weight before immersion, W2—weight after immersion

2.2.7 Cumulative Drug Release and Drug Concentration

P-DCPD cement was molded into discs (8 × 3 mm). The discs were submerged into PBS

at room temperature for 28 days. The supernatant was collected and replaced with fresh PBS at 2

h, 6 h, 1, 3, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. The collected supernatant aliquots were stored at 4 ℃ and also

used for cell culture experiments and antimicrobial activity assays.

EM concentration was determined at 485 nm using regular 96-well plates by adding 100

μl of 3 M sulfuric acid and 100 μl of supernatant to the plate and by heating it up to 50 ℃ for 30

min as well as by warming the plate reader up to the same degree in advance.

Van concentration was determined in UV plate by loading 100 μl of the sample solution in

the UV plate with ultra-pure water as the assay solution and absorbance reading at 295 nm.

The concentration of Tob eluted was measured as described in [18]. Briefly, to prepare

sample solutions for the measurement of Tob concentration, 500 μl of each drug elution aliquot

was mixed with 500 μl acetylacetone-formaldehyde solution in a glass tube, placed in a boiling

water bath for 20 min and cooled to room temperature. The mixture was then diluted to 5 ml with

distilled water. The fluorescent intensity of 100 μl of the sample solution was measured at 460 nm

after excitation at 360 nm and converted to concentration using a standard curve of known Tob


2.2.8 Statistical Analysis

Microsoft Excel was used in the statistical analysis. Mean and standard deviation were

calculated from the experiment results. One-way ANOVA was used to analyze the difference

between group means. Statistical significance was set to be p < 0.05.

2.3 Results

2.3.1 Setting Time and Injectability

Table 1. Setting time and injectability of EM-doped P-DCPD cement.


Setting time (min) (n = 1) 16 58

Injectability Intrusion (mm) (n = 4) 2.25±1.5 0.25±0.5*

As shown in Table 1, the addition of EM significantly extended EM-P setting time as

compared to P-DCPD. Nevertheless, EM-P cement is still injectable.

Table 2. Setting time and injectability of antibiotic-loaded P-DCPD cements

P-DCPD Van-P Tob-P Van/Tob-P

Setting time (min) (n=1) 16 14 77 12

Injectability (intrusion (mm) (n=4) 2.25±1.5 0.63±0.72 1.23±0.05 n/a

As shown in Table 2, Van-P and Van/Tob-P had a slightly reduced setting time as

compared to P-DCPD. However, Tob-P had a notably longer setting time. The injectability of P-

DCPD was slightly reduced compared to either Van-P or Tob-P (p > 0.05). However, the potential

for injectability still remains.


2.3.2 Zeta Potential

Table 3. Zeta potential of EM-doped P-DCPD cement particles.


Zeta potential(mV) (n=5) -26.58 ± 1.48 -24.8 ± 0.57

As shown in Table 3, the zeta potential of EM-P slightly increased as compared to control.

However, the difference was not statistically significant.

Table 4. Zeta potential of antibiotic-loaded P-DCPD cement particles.

P-DCPD Van-P Tob-P Van/Tob-P

Zeta potential
-26.58 ± 1.48 -27.42 ± 0.68 -21.16 ± 1.01* -23.44 ± 0.97*
(mV) (n=5)

Data from contact angle measurement showed that P-DCPD is highly hydrophilic, and its

hydrophilicity was not influenced by loading of the drugs (data not shown). As shown in Table 4,

Zeta potential of P-DCPD was not influenced by the addition of Van. However, the zeta potential

was significantly reduced in both Tob-P (-21.16 ± 1.01) and Van/Tob-P (-23.44 ± 0.97), as

compared to P-DCPD (-26.58 ± 1.48), (both p < 0.05). In addition, there is a significant difference

of zeta potential between Tob-P and Van-P (p < 0.05).


2.3.3 Mechanical Testing (Compressive Modulus and Compressive Strength)

Chart Title


Stress (MPa)

40 Tob-P
10 Van-P

0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025

Figure 1. Stress-strain curves for antibiotic-loaded P-DCPD cement scaffolds.

Table 5. Compressive strength and compressive modulus of EM-doped P-DCDP cement


Compressive strength (MPa) (n = 3) 53.09±8.64 60.67±2.54

Compressive modulus (MPa) (n = 3) 3170.72±165.37 2927.20 ±11.56

Fig. 1 shows the stress-strain curve from the axial compression test of one scaffold

from each group. As shown in Table 5, EM-P showed a slight increase in the mechanical strength

and a slight reduction of the compressive modulus to some extent. However, the changes were not

statistically significant. Our data indicates that EM doping at current concentration did not result

in inferior mechanical strength and its impact on the compressive modulus was very slight (Fig. 2,

Fig. 3).

Table 6. Compressive strength and compressive modulus of antibiotic-loaded P-DCPD scaffolds.

P-DCPD Van-P Tob-P Van/Tob-P

Compressive strength
53.09±8.64 22.79±2.95 60.11±0.22 42.12±0.98
(MPa) (n =3)

Our data indicates that Tob doping slightly increased the mechanical strength and the

compressive modulus, while Van doping significantly reduced the mechanical strength as well as

the compressive modulus (Table 6, Fig. 2, Fig. 3). It seems that the impact of reduction of

mechanical strength is in part minimized or improved by the addition of Tob in Van/Tob-P.

Compressive Modulus (MPa)

4000 n=3



2500 *

2000 ** n=3

1000 **


0 **
P-DCPD Van-P Van/Tob-P EM-P Tob-P
Figure 2. Compressive modulus of antibiotic-loaded P-DCDP cement scaffolds. Asterisk (*)
** cement. Error bars represent
denotes statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) to drug-free

70 n=3

Ultimate Compressive Strength




30 *



P-DCPD Van-P Van/Tob-P EM-P Tob-P

Figure 3. Compressive strength of antibiotic-loaded P-DCDP cement scaffolds. Asterisk (*)

denotes statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) to drug-free cement. Error bars represent

2.3.5 Cement Degradation

30 n=3

Figure 4. Degradation of EM-loaded P-DCDP cement scaffolds. Asterisk * (*) denotes

statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) to drug-free cement. Error bars represent
SD.Figure 3. Compressive strength of antibiotic-loaded P-DCDP cement scaffolds. Asterisk
(*) denotes
20 statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) to drug-free cement. Error bars
% Mass Loss

represent SD.




Figure 4. Degradation of EM-loaded P-DCDP cement scaffolds. Asterisk (*) denotes

statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) to drug-free cement. Error bars represent SD.

As shown in Fig. 4, embedding of EM at current concentration (10%) significantly

increased the cement degradation (24.97 %) as compared to P-DCPD (15.54%, p<0.05) and all

other groups.

25 n=3


% Mass Loss


P-DCPD Van/Tob-P Van-P Tob-P

Figure 5. Degradation of antibiotic-loaded P-DCDP cement scaffolds. Asterisk (*) denotes

statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) to drug-free cement. Error bars represent SD.

Figure 6. In vitro degradation of antibiotic-loaded P-DCDP cement scaffolds.Figure 5.

Degradation of antibiotic-loaded P-DCDP cement scaffolds. Asterisk (*) denotes
statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) to drug-free cement. Error bars represent SD.

Figure 6. In vitro degradation of antibiotic-loaded P-DCDP cement scaffolds.


As shown in Fig. 5, embedding of Tob at current concentration (10%) significantly slow

sdown the cement degradation (9.83%) as compared to P-DCPD (15.54%, p<0.05), and Tob-P

discs were visibly less degraded than other cement groups by the end of the four-week immersion

period (Fig. 6). Embedding of either Van or both Van/Tob slightly increased the cement

degradation (17.67% and 18.33%. respectively) but no statistical significance was found (Fig.5).

2.3.4 Cumulative Drug Release and Drug Concentration

Cumulative Drug Release n=3

100 *
% Drug Release

40 EM
20 *
10 *
0 *
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (d)

Figure 7. Cumulative drug release of EM-doped P-DCPD cement. Asterisk (*) denotes
statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) between EM and all other groups. Error bars
represent SD.

Cumulative Drug Release n=3

Figure 7.90Cumulative drug release of EM-doped P-DCPD cement. Asterisk (*) denotes
% Drug Relesed

80 significant difference (p < 0.05) between EM and all other groups. Error bars
represent70 SD.
40 n=3
30 *
20 *
10 *
0 24 48 72
Time (h)

Figure 8. Cumulative drug release of EM-doped P-DCPD cement for first 72 hours.
Asterisk (*) denotes statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) between EM and all other
groups. Error bars represent SD.

Figure 8. Cumulative drug release of EM-doped P-DCPD cement for first 72 hours.
Asterisk (*) denotes statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) between EM and all other
groups. Error bars represent SD.

Drug Concentration n=3


Drug Concentration (ug/ml)


2000 EM-P


0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (d)

Figure 9. Eluent drug concentration of EM-doped P-DCPD cement. Asterisk (*) denotes
statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) between EM and all other groups. Error bars
represent SD.

Drug Concentration n=3

Figure 2. Eluent drug concentration of EM-doped P-DCPD cement. Asterisk (*) denotes
5000significant difference (p < 0.05) between EM and all other groups. Error bars
represent SD.
Concentration (ug/ml)

Figure 10.
2500Eluent drug concentration
* of EM-doped P-DCPD cement for the first 72 hours.
Asterisk (*) denotes statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) between EM and all other
2000 EM-P
groups. Error bars represent SD.Figure 9. Eluent drug concentration of EM-doped P-DCPD
Asterisk (*) denotes statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) between EM and
all other1000
groups. Error bars represent SD.
0 20 40 60
Figure 3. Eluent drug concentration of EM-doped
Time (h) P-DCPD cement. Asterisk (*) denotes
statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) between EM and all other groups. Error bars
represent SD.
Figure 10. Eluent drug concentration of EM-doped P-DCPD cement for the first 72 hours.
Asterisk (*) denotes statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) between EM and all other
groups. Error bars represent SD.

No burst release of EM was observed, and >90% of EM was released after 28 days, as

shown in Fig.Figure 11. Cumulative drug release of antibiotic-doped P-DCPD cement. Asterisk (*)
7. Roughly 30% of EM was released within 72 hours (Fig. 8), followed by a
denotes statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) to Van-P. Error bars represent
SD.Figure 10. Eluent drug concentration of EM-doped P-DCPD cement for the first 72
sustained and hours.
zero Asterisk
order release ofstatistically
(*) denotes EM. Drug concentration
significant difference (p measurements
< 0.05) between EMover
and time show that
all other groups. Error bars represent SD.

EM concentration in solution is considerably higher than reported MIC values for S. aureus (≥8

μg/ml) [ 19] from the initial timepoint to the end of the immersion period (Fig. 9 and 10).

Cumulative Drug Release n=3

* *
100 **

% Drug Release
90 *
70 *
60 Van
50 *
30 Van (Van/Tob)
Tob (Van/Tob)
0 10 20
Time (d)

Figure 11. Cumulative drug release of antibiotic-doped P-DCPD cement. Asterisk (*)
denotes statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) to Van-P. Error bars represent SD.

Figure 11. Cumulative drug release of antibiotic-doped P-DCPD cement. Asterisk (*)
(p < 0.05) to Van-P. Error bars represent n
Drug Concentration
denotes statistically significant difference =3

Drug Concentration (ug/ml)


* * nVan
2000 *
* Tob
* * *
* *
0 *
0F 5 10 15 20 * 25
i* *
Time (d)
Figure 12. Eluent drug concentration of Van and Tob-doped P-DCPD cement.
Asterisk (*) denotes statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) between groups.
Error bars represent SD.

Drug Concentration
5000 * n=3

Concentration (ug/ml)
2500 *
2000 Van
1500 * Tob
0 20 40 60
Time (h)

Figure 13. Eluent drug concentration of Van and Tob-doped P-DCPD cement for the first
72 hours. Asterisk (*) denotes statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) between groups
Error bars represent SD.

Drug Concentration n=3

Figure 4. Eluent drug concentration of Van and Tob-doped P-DCPD cement for the first 72
5000 (*) denotes statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) between groups
Drug Concentration (ug/ml)

hours. Asterisk
Error bars represent SD.
3000 *
Figure 13. Eluent drug concentration of Van and Tob-doped P-DCPD cement Van for thenfirst
72 hours. Asterisk (*) denotes statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) between groups
* SD.
Error bars represent Tob (Van/Tob)
1000 * *

0 Fdrug concentration
Figure 5. Eluent 10 20Tob-doped P-DCPD cement for the first 72
of Van and
i * denotes statistically
hours. Asterisk (*) Time significant
(d) difference (p < 0.05) between groups
Error bars represent
g SD.
u eluent drug concentration of Van/Tob-doped P-DCPD cement.
Figure 14. Individual
Asterisk (*) denotes
r statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) between groups. Error bars
represent SD.
As shown in Fig. 11, a significant reduction of burst release of Van was observed. About
30% of Van was released within 72 hours (Fig. 13) followed by a sustained release where roughly
Figure 15. µ-CT Iscans of antibiotic-loaded P-DCPD cement discs.Figure 14. Individual
eluent drug concentration of Van/Tob-doped P-DCPD cement. Asterisk (*) denotes
60% of Van was released
statistically up todifference
significant day 28 (p (Fig. 11).
< 0.05) Likegroups.
between EM-P, thebars
Error eluted drug
represent SD. concentration from
Van-P was at all time points v
considerably higher than the reported MIC value for S. aureus strains
(≥8 μg/ml) [20] (Fig. 12,dFig. 13), however, Van concentration is still roughly half than EM
concentration at most timepointsa (Fig. 9). Less than 5% of Tob was released from Tob-P up to 28

days (Fig. 11), and there was a drastic difference in drug release % and concentration between

Van-P and Tob-P (Fig 12).

The release pattern of Van and Tob from Van/Tob-P was different than their release from

Van-P and Tob-P (Fig. 11). In the presence of Tob, a dramatic increase in burst release of Van was

observed and >90% was released within 72 hours and all of Van was released by day 14 (Fig. 11).

Tob release from Van/Tob-P was greater (<5%) than Tob release from Tob-P (<2%) (Fig. 11).

However, eluted Tob concentration at most timepoints from both Tob-P and Van/Tob-P were not

considerably higher than reported MIC values for S. aureus (5 μg/ml) [21] (Fig. 13, Fig. 14)

2.4 Discussion

In the first set of experiments, we aimed to characterize the effect antibiotic addition on the

physicochemical properties of P-DCPD. The setting time and injectability varied for all antibiotic

groups with respect to drug-free cement, but the most significant changes were the increase in

setting time observed in Tob-P and EM-P. This behavior is in accordance to the previous reports

where, in general, the addition of antibiotics tends to increase the setting time and reduce the

mechanical strength of cements [22, 23]. It has been established that the setting reaction of CPC

can be affected by the introduction of drugs to either the powder or liquid phase, where it can

manifest as changes in the crystal structure of the drug-free cement [24, 24]; Gbureck, Probst and

Thull noted that drug-free cement matrix consisted of needle like crystals, whereas antibiotic-

loaded cements displayed a cluster-like orientation in its crystal matrix in addition to extended

setting time [22, 24]. In particular, it is possible that the increased setting time is due to an

inhibitory effect in the crystal formation during the dissolution and precipitation process of the

cement [24]. While a small percentage of antibiotic concentration may only exhibit negligible

effects in cement performance, it has been reported that this possible setting inhibitory effect tends

to become more prominent with increments in antibiotic concentration [24]. In addition, these

changes in setting time can also manifest as changes in the rheological properties of the cement

paste; Gbureck, Probst and Thull mention liquefication and increased workability of the cement

paste after the addition of gentamycin [24], whereas in our experiments it can be seen that the

drastic increase in setting time for cement doped with tobramycin, a hydrophilic drug, also brought

improved injectability compared to other antibiotic-loaded cement groups. However, specific

interactions between the antibiotic and the cement matrix must be considered, as the injectability

of cement doped with erythromycin, a hydrophobic drug, was not improved despite its increased

setting time.

The zeta potential of a surface gives us insight regarding the electrostatic stabilization of

particles in liquid phase and subsequent behaviors like agglomerization or adsorption, as well as

an idea regarding the rheological properties of powder suspensions. [24]. A zeta potential with a

magnitude larger than 25 mV suggests a highly charged surface and stability of colloidal particles

in solution [25]. Therefore, the larger zeta potential magnitude of Van-P than that of P-DCPD

indicates a higher stability, which could be attributed to the electrostatic repulsion among particles.

On the other hand, Tob-P and Van/Tob-P have a lower magnitude, which indicates less adsorption

of cations like calcium ions on the cement surface.

As previously mentioned, the addition of antibiotics tends to reduce the mechanical

strength of doped cements [24]. Specifically, the addition of drugs may precipitate an increment

in cement porosity, which is known to drastically reduce mechanical strength [26]. While EM-P

and Tob-P showed improved mechanical properties with respect to P-DCPD, the addition of

vancomycin considerably weakened P-DCPD cement scaffolds. µ-CT scans of the cement discs

allow the qualitative assessment of disc structure, and it seems that while Tob-P discs have a

smoother surface and denser appearance, Van-P discs have a more irregular surface with larger

pores (Fig. 15). Other than a presumed increase in the porosity of Van-P, a possible explanation

for the reduction in compressive strength and compressive modulus may relate to the presence of

halogenous ions in the vancomycin hydrochloride, the specific drug with which the cement was

doped with. Ratier et al have reported weak mechanical properties of CPC loaded with tetracycline

hydrochloride, and suggest that chloride ions have a strong affinity for adsorption on calcium

phosphates that inhibits the formation of intermediate phases of the cement and ultimately weaken

the overall cement structure [27]. Thus, the presence of chloride ions may be a more disruptive

factor in the crystallization of the cement matrix than drug polarity with respect to the cement’s

liquid phase alone.

Figure 15. µ-CT scans of antibiotic-loaded P-DCPD cement discs.

It must also be noted that the stress-strain curves for drug-free and drug-loaded cements

present a toe-region not typically observed in inorganic materials like calcium phosphate cements;

however, we attribute this toe-region to the slightly uneven surface of the cement scaffolds which

may have caused the scaffolds to initially buckle in an irregular manner.

Degradation of DCPD cements in vitro can occur via dissolution, disintegration or

conversion of DCPD to a more basic species like HA. [28]. In particular, dissolution takes place

when DCPD is placed in a solution undersaturated in phosphate and calcium ions, which is what

results in cement mass loss. [28]. In turn, high degrees of dissolution lead to microstructural

changes in the cement that result in disintegration and further increases mass loss [28]. Dissolution

can only take place as long as the solution is not saturated with respect to DCPD. [28]. We found

that, compared to P-DCPD, EM-P had a significantly higher mass loss percentage while Tob-P

had a significantly lower mass loss percentage. It may be that, considering the polarity of either

antibiotic, specific drug interactions with the cement matrix as well as the medium in which the

samples were submerged could affect the dissolution of ions and therefore the resulting loss of


For any drug delivery device, drug release depends on the device’s microstructure, drug

solubility and the bond between the drug and the device matrix, as well as the mechanism and rate

of degradation of the device, if present [22]. Being that CPC matrix is formed by a network of

interlocking crystals, the cement’s structure is very porous, displaying open micro or nanoporosity

[22]. Furthermore, as previously mentioned, DCPD is known to have a much higher degradation

rate than HA cements, so changes in pore size during drug release may play a major role in the

kinetics of drug release [22]. In the case of our drug-loaded P-DCPD cements, and especially in

the instance of poorly water-soluble drugs like EM, the release is proportional to time and

controlled by matrix dissolution [22]. Although drug diffusion is an important mechanism

controlling drug liberation and can be effectively observed for all groups when in contact with a

solid medium like agar, dissolution is the main mechanism of drug release in solution for P-DCPD

cement. Therefore, in accordance to the disc degradation results, EM-P discs released more than

95% of EM in 28 days, whereas Tob-P discs did not exceed 5% release of Tob within the same

period of time. Interestingly, Van-P discs released approximately 76% of its drug content

throughout 28 days with a slightly more pronounced initial burst than that of EM-P, but Van/Tob-

P exhibited a much more drastic Van burst release and all of the Van within the disc was released

by day 14, implying that the presence of Tob could have a negative effect on the binding

interactions between Van and the cement matrix.




3.1 Introduction

Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is responsible for up to 90% of the cases of pyogenic

osteomyelitis, while Staphylococcus epidermidis (S. epidermidis) seems to mainly infect medical

devices like orthopedic hardware implants and catheters [3]. In addition to a thick cell wall, around

80 to 90% of S. aureus strains possess a protective capsule that provides the bacterium with

antiphagocytic properties by preventing the host to recognize the invading microorganism [4]. S.

aureus is especially threatening during bone infections due to its propensity to form biofilms and

difficulty to eradicate without prolonged treatment [4]. We assessed the drug-loaded P-DCPD

cements antibacterial efficacy via direct contact on agar plate through three different ways:

antibiotic-loaded P-DCPD cement discs, drug eluent-soaked paper discs, and P-DCPD cement

discs prepared with post-degradation powder. In this way, antibacterial efficacy could be assessed

taking into account diffusion and degradation drug release mechanisms.

3.2 Materials and Methods

3.2.1 Bacterial Culture

Planktonic cultures of Staphylococcus aureus (Xn29 strain) were grown overnight in Luria

Bertani broth (LB, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA) at 37 °C. Cultures were then diluted

in fresh media to an optical density (determined using a spectrophotometer at OD 600 nm)

corresponding to approximately 1.6 x e8 CFU ml−1 to constitute a modified MIC assay.

3.2.2 Modified antibiotic minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) assay

Agar diffusion assays were used to determine the release and potency of antibiotics from

drug-loaded P-DCDP cement discs over time. A bacterial lawn was prepared on LB agar plates

using 50 µl of planktonic culture Xn29 S. aureus. P-DCPD cement discs were transferred onto the

plates with sterile forceps and the plates incubated for 24 h at 37 °C. Zones of inhibition (ZOI)

were photographed and the discs were removed onto a freshly prepared lawn of bacteria every

other day until the ZOI was lost. The ZOI (radius, mm) was calculated using Image J (version

1.48) with the known petri dish diameter and metric ruler used for spatial calibration. All groups

were tested in duplicate.

3.2.3 Statistical Analysis

The software Microsoft Excel was used in the statistical analysis. Mean and standard

deviation were calculated from the experiment results. One-way ANOVA was used to analyze the

difference between group ZOI means. The statistical significance (p) < 0.05.

3.3 Results

3.3.1 Drug-loaded P-DCPD Cement Discs

Day 1 Day 4

Day 6 Day 11

Day 14 Day 16

Figure 16. Antibiotic-loaded P-DCPD cement disc time course.

P-DCPD Cement Disc n=3

12 *
10 *
ZOI (mm)

6 EM-P
0 5 10 15 20
Time (d)

Figure 17. EM-doped P-DCPD cement ZOI. Asterisk (*) denotes statistically
significant difference (p < 0.05) between EM and all other groups. Error bars
represent SD. Error bars represent SD.

P-DCPD Cement Disc n=3


ZOI (mm)
8 *
* Van-P
6 Van/Tob-P
4 *
0 5 10 15 20
Time (d)

Figure 18. Antibiotic-doped P-DCPD cements ZOI. Asterisk (*) denotes

statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) to Tob. Error bars represent SD.

Fig. 16 shows the agar ZOI for drug-loaded P-DCPD cement discs over a 20-day period.

Throughout the 20-day course, EM-P discs were markedly superior in the inhibition of bacterial
Figure 19. Drug eluent-soaked paper discs for bacterial inhibition assay.Figure 18.
growth, with statistically significant
Antibiotic-doped P-DCPDdifferences
cements ZOI.toAsterisk
other groups in statistically
(*) denotes ZOI radius for the last four
significant difference (p < 0.05) to Tob. Error bars represent SD.
timepoints (Fig. 17). Van-P discs showed an increased ZOI at the beginning but ultimately had

comparable ZOI radii to Tob-P and Van/Tob-P discs (Fig. 18).

3.3.2 Drug Eluent

Figure 19. Drug eluent-soaked paper discs for bacterial inhibition assay.

Figure 20. EM-doped P-DCPD eluent ZOI.Figure 19. Drug eluent-soaked paper discs for bacterial inhibition assay.

Eluent n=1


ZOI (mm)
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (d)

Figure 20. EM-doped P-DCPD eluent ZOI.

Eluent n=1
Figure 6. EM-doped P-DCPD eluent ZOI.
Figure 21.
7 Antibiotic-doped P-DCPD eluent ZOI.Figure 20. EM-doped P-DCPD
ZOI (mm)

eluent ZOI.
5 Van-P
4 Tob-P
Figure 7. EM-doped P-DCPD eluent ZOI. Van/Tob-P
0 10 20
Time (d)

Figure 21. Antibiotic-doped P-DCPD eluent ZOI.

Fig. 19 shows agar ZOI for paper discs soaked in drug-loaded P-DCPD cement disc eluent at

every collected timepoint over a 28-day period. Following a similar pattern to that of drug-loaded
Figure 22. Degraded P-DCPD powder discs for bacterial inhibition assay.Figure 21.
P-DCDP cementAntibiotic-doped
discs, EM-P eluent
P-DCPDshowed the largest and most sustained ZOI (Fig. 20), followed
eluent ZOI.

by Van-P eluent (Fig. 21). The bacterial inhibition from Van/Tob-P eluent had an initial ZOI

comparable to that of Van-P but saw a sharp decrease over time, and the bacterial inhibition from

Tob-P eluent was negligible (Fig. 21).


3.3.3 Degraded P-DCPD Powder Discs

Figure 22. Degraded P-DCPD powder discs for

bacterial inhibition assay.

Degraded Powder Disc
Figure 8. Degraded P-DCPD powder discs for
8.00 * inhibition assay.
Figure 23. Antibiotic-doped degraded P-DCPD
ZOI (mm)

powder discs ZOI. Asterisk (*) denotes
4.00 statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) to all
other groups. Error bars represent SD.Figure 22.
3.00 Degraded P-DCPD powder discs for bacterial
inhibition assay.
0.00 Figure 9. Degraded P-DCPD powder discs for
EM-P inhibition Van-P
bacterial assay. Tob-P Van/Tob-P
Figure 23. Antibiotic-doped degraded P-DCPD powder discs ZOI. Asterisk (*)
denotes statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) to all other groups. Error bars
represent SD.

Fig. 22 shows agar ZOI for discs pressed from drug-loaded P-DCPD powder recovered from

the 28-day degradation test. In accordance to bacterial inhibition results from drug-loaded cement
Figure 24. Impact of EM-doped P-DCPD eluent on cell proliferation. Asterisk (*)
denotes statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) to drug-free P-DCPD eluent.
discs and eluent,Error
EM-P produced
bars represent a statistically
SD.Figure significantly
23. Antibiotic-doped degradedlarger
powder other
discs groups (Fig.
ZOI. Asterisk (*) denotes statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) to all other
23). groups. Error bars represent SD.

3.4 Discussion

We tested the antibacterial efficacy of intact (non-degraded) cement discs by direct contact

with agar plate for zone inhibition assay. Bacterial growth was inhibited by both contact with drug

molecules exposed to the scaffold surface and the drug released from the scaffold matrix. EM-P

showed the strongest and most consistent zone inhibition throughout the entire study time frame

(20 days). We propose that the zone inhibition is expected to last longer, until the embedded EM

is completely released. The other drug-loaded cement groups showed strong zone inhibition on the

first two days. Both Van-P and Van/Tob-P maintained their bacterial inhibition activity for > 2

weeks. However, Van-P showed much strong zone inhibition than that of Van/Tob-P starting at

day 4 till 14 days (p<0.05). The zone inhibition activity from Tob-P was very limited within the

first 3 days, in part due to their very limited release and also to the slower degradation in dried


Furthermore, as shown in Fig. 19, eluents collected at given times showed a constant and

strong inhibitory effects of bacterial growth zone inhibition 28 day and up. This finding agrees

with what we observed for the EM release profile that indicated the EM was completely released

throughout 28 days. Eluents collected from both Van-P and Van/Tob-P showed similar zone

inhibition within the first 72 hours, although eluents from Van-P showed a much longer bacterial

growth inhibition up to 28 days than that of Van/Tob-P (p<0.05). Eluents from Van/Tob-P lost

their zone inhibition completely after 14 days. This finding agreed with what we observed for the

drug release profile that indicated the Van was completely released within 14 days. It also indicates

that the zone inhibition by eluents from Van/Tob-P is mainly caused by the Van in the eluents. In

agreement with the release profile of Tob in Fig. 11 and 12, a very limited release of Tob in the

eluents at all given times was not sufficient to inhibit bacterial growth.

To answer the question regarding if the degraded drug-loaded cements still retain some

bactericidal activity, we repeated the zone inhibition assay using the residue of cements after drug

elution up to 28 days. As shown in Fig. 22, the residues of degraded EM-P retain their strong zone

inhibition activity. We propose that zone inhibition does not entirely rely on drug released from

the cement disc but mainly on the contact surface on degrading scaffold surface via diffusion. This

further confirms our hypothesis that the bactericidal efficacy does not only depend on the amount

and rate of drug released, but also on the direct surface to surface contact with cells and bacteria.

Therefore, the degrading cements are expected to keep the drug efficacy until being completely




4.1 Introduction

The cytocompatibility of antibiotic-loaded P-DCPD cements was evaluated against

MC3T3-E1 murine pre-osteoblasts, which originate from C57BL/6 mouse calvaria. We assessed

the cytotoxicity of drug-loaded cement particles, drug-loaded cement particles after the 28-day

degradation period and drug release eluent at different concentrations, as well as the particles and

eluents impact on the cells’ ability to proliferate using LDH and MTT tests, respectively.

4.2 Materials and Methods

4.2.1 Cell Seeding and Culture

MC3T3 cells (ATCC, Manassas, VA) were cultured in a-modified minimum essential

medium (a-MEM, Invitrogen) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS, Invitrogen), 10

mM b-glycerophosphate (Sigma Aldrich), and 1% (v/v) mixture of penicillin and streptomycin

(Invitrogen). To assess the impact of direct contact with P-DCPD particles on cell growth and

cytotoxicity, particles were added to cell culture wells at different doses (0.1 µg/ml, 10/ml µg and

100 µg/ml, respectively). P-DCPD particles were sieved and inspected under optical microscope

to ensure <15 um particle size and UV-sterilized overnight prior to use. To assess the impact of

P-DCPD cements through indirect contact, drug release eluent from given timepoint was added to

cell culture wells at 10% v/v concentration. Cells cultured in the absence of cement particles or

eluent were included as controls and all groups were cultured in triplicate for three days.

4.2.2 Cell Proliferation Assay (MTT)

Cell proliferation was evaluated measuring the reduction of tetrazolium salts, which is

reduced by metabolically active cells. The resulting intracellular purple formazan can be

solubilized and quantified as a colorimetric assay following the manufacturer’s instructions

(ATCC, Manassas, VA). Fresh culture medium was used as a blank, and proliferation was

expressed as absorbance (OD).

4.2.3 Cell Toxicity Assay (LDH)

Cell toxicity was determined by measuring the release of LDH from dead or dying cells

into the culture medium by colorimetric method following the manufacturer’s instruction (Roche

Diagnostics BmbH, Indianapolis, IN). Fresh culture medium was used as a blank, and the total

cell lysate was used as a positive control. Cytotoxic activity was expressed as absorbance (OD).

4.3 Results

4.3.1 Cell Proliferation (MTT)

Eluent n=3

0.5 * *

* * P-DCPD
0.4 * * *
* * EM-P
2 h 6 h 1 d 2 d 3 d 7 d 14 d 21 d 28 d
Figure 24. Impact of EM-doped P-DCPD eluent on cell proliferation. Asterisk (*)
denotes statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) to drug-free P-DCPD eluent.
Error bars represent SD.

P-DCPD Particle n=3

0.6 *
Control P-DCPD EM-P 1 EM-P 10 EM-P 100

Figure 25. Impact of EM-doped P-DCPD particles on cell proliferation. Asterisk

(*) denotes statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) to drug-free P-DCPD
particles. Error bars represent SD.

Figure 26. Impact of degraded EM-doped P-DCPD particles on cell proliferation.

Line over bars denotesDegraded
no statisticallyP-DCPD
significant Particle n=3
difference between groups.
Error bars represent SD.Figure 25. Impact of EM-doped P-DCPD particles on cell
0.7 Asterisk (*) denotes statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) to
0.6P-DCPD particles. Error bars represent SD.

Control P-DCPD EM-P 1 EM-P 10 EM-P 100
Figure 26. Impact of degraded EM-doped P-DCPD particles on cell proliferation.
Line over bars denotes no statistically significant difference between groups.
Error bars represent SD.

Figure 27. Impact of antibiotic-doped P-DCPD eluent on cell proliferation. Line

over bars denotes no statistically significant difference between groups. Error bars
represent SD.Figure 26. Impact of degraded EM-doped P-DCPD particles on cell
proliferation. Line over bars denotes no statistically significant difference
between groups. Error bars represent SD.

Eluent n=3

0.6 P-DCPD
0.2 Van/Tob-P
2 h 6 h 1 d 2 d 3 d 7 d 14 d 21 d 28 d

Figure 27. Impact of antibiotic-doped P-DCPD eluent on cell proliferation. Line

over bars denotes no statistically significant difference between groups. Error bars
represent SD.

P-DCPD Particles n=3

Figure 10. Impact of antibiotic-doped P-DCPD eluent on cell proliferation. Line
over bars denotes no statistically significant difference between groups. Error bars

0.2Impact of antibiotic-doped P-DCPD particles on cell proliferation.
Figure 28.
Line over0bars denotes no statistically significant difference between groups.
Error bars represent SD.Figure 27. Impact of antibiotic-doped P-DCPD eluent on
cell proliferation. Line over bars denotes no statistically significant difference
between groups. Error bars represent SD.

11. Impact of antibiotic-doped P-DCPD particles

Figure 28. eluent onon
proliferation. Line
Line bars
over denotes no statistically
bars denotes significant
no statistically difference
significant between
difference groups.
between Error bars
Error barsSD.
represent SD.

Degraded P-DCPD Particles n=3

0.6Impact of degraded antibiotic-doped P-DCPD particles on cell
Figure 29.
0.5 Line over bars denotes no statistically significant difference

groups. Error bars represent SD.Figure 28. Impact of antibiotic-doped P-

DCPD particles on cell proliferation. Line over bars denotes no statistically
0.2 difference between groups. Error bars represent SD.

Figure 29. Impact of degraded antibiotic-doped P-DCPD particles on cell

proliferation. Line over bars denotes no statistically significant difference
between groups. Error bars represent SD.

Figure 30. Impact of EM-doped P-DCPD eluent on cell toxicity. Asterisk (*)
denotes statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) to drug-free P-DCPD eluent.

As shown in Fig. 24, the eluents from EM-P significantly inhibited cell growth at all time

points as compared to P-DCPD (p<0.05), while eluent from P-DCPD is safe and had no inhibitory

effects on cell growth. Embedding of EM-P particles only had a statistically significant effect on

viability at the highest concentration (Fig. 25). As shown in Fig. 27-29, the embedding of Van-P

and Tob-P particles and eluents did not inhibit the cell growth as compared to P-DCPD. Another

interesting question is whether degrading cement particles (28 days after drug eluting study and

majority of embedded antibiotics had been released) are still biocompatible and safe under the

same cell culture condition. As shown in Fig. 26 and 29, a similar cell growth pattern as observed

in non-degraded cements was found. Cement particles with or without antibiotics doping showed

the same proliferation pattern as the cement-free controls, even at higher concentration (100


4.3.2 Cytotoxicity (LDH)

Eluent n=3

1.6 *

0.8 Drug-free
0.6 * EM
2 h 6 h 1 d 2 d 3 d 7 d 14 d 21 d 28 d

Figure 30. Impact of EM-doped P-DCPD eluent on cell toxicity. Asterisk (*)
denotes statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) to drug-free P-DCPD eluent.
Error bars represent SD.

P-DCPD Particles n=3

OD 0.08 *
Control Drug-free EM 1 ug/ml EM 10 EM 100
ug/ml ug/ml

Figure 31. Impact of EM-doped P-DCPD particles on cell toxicity. Asterisk (*)
denotes statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) to drug-free P-DCPD
particles. Error bars represent SD.

Degraded P-DCPD Particle n=3

Figure 12. Impact of EM-doped P-DCPD particles on cell toxicity. Asterisk (*)
statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) to drug-free P-DCPD
particles. Error bars represent SD.


Figure 32. Impact of degraded EM-doped P-DCPD particles on cell toxicity. Line
over bars denotes no statistically significant difference between groups. Error bars
represent SD.Figure 31. Impact of EM-doped P-DCPD particles on cell toxicity.
Asterisk (*) denotes statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) to drug-free P-
DCPD particles.
0 Error bars represent SD.
Control Drug-free EM 1 ug/ml EM 10 EM 100
ug/ml ug/ml
Figure 13.
32. Impact of degraded
P-DCPD particles
P-DCPDon cell toxicity.
particles on cellAsterisk
over barsstatistically
denotes nosignificant
statisticallydifference (p difference
significant < 0.05) to between
P-DCPD Error bars
represent Error
SD. bars represent SD.

Eluent n=3
Figure 14. Impact of degraded EM-doped P-DCPD particles on cell toxicity. Line
over bars0.4
denotes no statistically significant difference between groups. Error bars
represent SD.
0.35 *
0.3 *
* Drug-free
0.25 *

Figure 33.0.2
Impact of antibiotic-doped
* P-DCPD eluent on cell toxicity. Asterisk (*)
denotes statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) to drug-free P-DCPD eluent.
Error bars represent SD.Figure 32. Impact of degraded EM-doped P-DCPD Tob
particles on
0.1cell toxicity. Line over bars denotes no statistically significant
0.05between groups. Error bars represent SD.
2 h 6 h 1 d 2 d 3 d 7 d 14 d 21 d 28 d
Figure 15. Impact of degraded EM-doped P-DCPD particles on cell toxicity. Line
Figure 33. Impact of antibiotic-doped P-DCPD eluent on cell toxicity. Asterisk
over bars denotes no statistically significant difference between groups. Error bars
(*) denotes statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) to drug-free P-DCPD
represent SD.
eluent. Error bars represent SD.

Figure 34. Impact of antibiotic-doped P-DCPD particles on cell toxicity. Line

over bars denotes no statistically significant difference between groups. Error bars

P-DCPD Particles n=3



Figure 34. Impact of antibiotic-doped P-DCPD particles on cell toxicity. Line

over bars denotes no statistically significant difference between groups. Error bars
represent SD.

Degraded P-DCPD
Figure 16. Impact of antibiotic-doped Particles
P-DCPD particles n=3
on cell toxicity. Line
over bars denotes no statistically significant difference between groups. Error bars
SD. *


Figure 35. Impact of degraded antibiotic-doped P-DCPD particles on cell

proliferation. Asterisk (*) denotes statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) to
degraded drug-free P-DCPD particles. Error bars represent SD.

Comparing EM-P eluent to P-DCPD eluent, a significant increase of LDH concentration

was only found in the eluent collected at 7, 14 and 21 days. (p<0.05). There is no significant

relationship between LDH concentration with the absolute EM concentration in the eluent samples

(Fig. 30). In agreement with the cell growth data, EM-P was not toxic as manifested by lower LDH

concentration than that of controls even at higher concentration (100 µg/ml) (Fig. 31, 32).

As compared to control, a slight reduction of LDH concentration was observed in all drug-

doped cement eluents. However, there is no significant statistical difference. Taken together, cells

exposed to the eluents at 10% had a lesser impact on cell growth and were not toxic to MC3T3

cells (Fig. 33). In agreement with the cell growth data, cement particles with or without drug

doping did not have cytotoxic impacts on cells as manifested by lower LDH concentration than

that of controls even at higher concentration (100 µg/ml) (Fig. 34, 35). We also noticed that cells

treated with lower concentration of antibiotics (1 µg/ml and 10 µg/ml particle) had much lower

LDH concentrations as compared to that of controls. (p<0.05).

However, treatment with cement particles from antibiotics doping group at highest

concentration (100 µg/ml) had a significant higher LDH concentration as compared to that of

cement free controls (p<0.05). However, no statistical difference was found among cement with

the type of antibiotics doped.

4.4 Discussion

The down regulation of cell growth by eluents from EM- cements could not be explained

by the cell toxic reaction. One possibility is that EM-P eluents stimulated cell differentiation

instead of cell growth that we reported before for the EM released from nanofiber materials [29],

where cell differentiation experiments were designed to test this hypothesis. EM-cement is

biocompatible and that is further supported by the direct contact culture models.

The same pattern of cell growth and LDH concentration was observed when cells exposed

to degrading EM-P (28 days after drug eluting study and >90% of embedded EM was released).

A similar cell growth pattern as observed in undegrading cements was found even at higher

concentration (100 µg/ml). However, treatment with EM-P particles at highest concentration (100

µg/ml) had a significant higher LDH concentration as compared to that of cement free controls

(p<0.05). Interestingly, a dose dependent reduction of LDH concentration was observed (p<0.05),

although the reason is not clear. We propose that calcium or phosphate ions and other components

released during cell culture (in addition to antibiotics released) might have some inhibitory effects

on LDH activity measurement.



In this study, the physicochemical characteristics and changes brought upon the addition

of antibiotics to P-DCPD cement matrices were assessed. We found that the addition of antibiotics

caused changes in cement setting time and injectability, often manifested as longer setting times

and most notably observed in the case of Tob-P and EM-P. Furthermore, the addition of drugs had

an impact on P-DCPD particles Zeta potential, particularly decreasing the magnitude of Tob-P and

Van/Tob-P Zeta potentials. While the addition of EM and Tob improved the mechanical properties

of P-DCPD cement, the addition of Van to the cement matrix caused a significant decrease in the

scaffolds’ compressive strength and compressive modulus. Regarding the impact of drug addition

to cement degradation rates, EM-P demonstrated a significant increase in mass loss percentage

over a four-week period while Tob-P degraded significantly less than drug-free cements. Similarly,

EM-P displayed sustained and efficient drug release, releasing more than 95% of its drug content

over a four-week period, while Tob-P did not dissolve enough to exceed 5% cumulative drug


Regarding antibacterial efficacy, EM-P displayed significantly stronger and longer-lasting

bacterial inhibition than other drug-loaded cements across all three experimental setups. However,

EM-P had an overall negative impact on pre-osteoblastic proliferation compared to other groups,

although it did not exert a drastic cytotoxic effect on the cells.

In conclusion, although the addition of antibiotics to P-DCPD cement matrix can

significantly compromise the scaffold’s mechanical and handling properties, these effects vary in

intensity between different antibiotics. Taken together, drug-loaded P-DCPD cements, and in

particular those doped with EM, can act as effective carriers for sustained bacterial inhibition,

although the possibility of modulating the cement’s drug release to render it even slower could

reduce any drastic cytotoxic effects on native cell populations.

Future work for this project includes investigation of the drugs’ molecular interactions with

CPP gel and its effects on cement crystalline structure using Raman spectroscopy and XRD,

respectively. In addition, the quantification of cement porosity with respect to drug addition using

µCT scanning could provide useful data to further characterize the cement’s drug release kinetics.

Lastly, the assessment of these drug-loaded P-DCPD cements on biofilm inhibition and eradication

is of great interest and will be pursued as well.


ACP: amorphous calcium phosphate
ACPP: amorphous calcium polyphosphate (
CPC: calcium phosphate cement
CPP: calcium polyphosphate (
DCPA: dicalcium phosphate anhydrous
DCPD: dicalcium phosphate dihydrate
EM: erythromycin
HA: hydroxyapatite
MCPM: monocalcium phosphate monohydrate
MIC: minimum inhibitory concentration
MRSA: methicillin-resistant forms of Staphylococcus aureus
P-DCPD: poly-dicalcium phosphate dihydrate
PMMA: poly-methylmethacrylate
Tob: tobramycin
TTCP: tetracalcium phosphate
Van: vancomycin
ZOI: zone of inhibition

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May 2020

Advisor: Dr. Weiping Ren

Major: Biomedical Engineering

Degree: Master of Science

Treatment of osteomyelitis remains a significant clinical challenge, with over 75% of cases

caused by commensal Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus). Calcium phosphate cements (CPC) − in

particular, dicalcium phosphate dihydrate (DCPD) cements − have been proposed as an alternative

to polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) cements as antibiotic delivery vehicles for the treatment of

contaminated bone defects due to their excellent osteoconductivity, similar mineral composition

to that of native bone tissue, and resorbability under physiological conditions. Unfortunately, there

is still no suitable solution to the problems of poor handling properties, low anti-washout

resistance, weak mechanical properties and burst drug release.

Polymeric DCPD (P-DCPD) is a new, injectable CPC obtained by the setting of calcium

polyphosphate (CPP) gel with tetracalcium phosphate (TTCP). P-DCPD represents a promising

bone cement alternative due to its strong mechanical properties, excellent anti-washout resistance

and controllable and sustained release of embedded drugs.

The purpose of this study is to assess the physicochemical properties of P-DCPD cement

loaded with erythromycin, vancomycin or tobramycin, as well as evaluate its bactericidal efficacy

against S. aureus and cytocompatibility with MC3T3 murine pre-osteoblasts at a 10% w/w drug-

loading concentration. The hypothesis is that the addition of antibiotics to P-DCPD cement matrix

will not significantly compromise the mechanical and handling properties of the cement while

inhibiting bacterial growth without exerting a drastic cytotoxic effect on pre-osteoblastic cells.

Graduate Education (MS)
Master of Science Biomedical Engineering, Wayne State University, Department of Biomedical
Engineering. College of Engineering: Dr. Weiping Ren
Undergraduate Education (BS)
Bachelor of Science – Biomedical Engineering, Lawrence Technological University, Southfield,

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