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Posttest CROP PROT

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1. A population of life forms that is identical in all inheritable traits

a. biotype b. pathovar
c. pathogenic race d. special form
2. A group that is made up of one or more biotypes with morphologically identical members
a. biotype b. pathovar
c. pathogenic race d. special form
3. The following are mechanisms of fungal variations except
a. mutation b. parasexual process
c. heterokaryosis d. transformation
4. Major mean of spreading air-borne pathogens such as fungal spores
a. insects b. wind
c. water d. man
5. The deposition of inoculum in an infection court
a. dissemination b. survival
c. inoculation d. penetration
6. This refers to the naked spores that are produced asexually by fungal pathogens.
a. asci b. sporangia
c. pycnidia d. conidia
7. Group of fungal pathogens that do not produce either sexual or asexual spores.
a. Basidiomycetes b. Imperfect Fungi
c. Sterile Fungi d. Ascomycetes
8. A structure that supports the basidiospore.
a. basidium b. sporangiophore
c. conidiophore d. none of the above
9. The following are examples of pseudofungi under Kingdom Chromista except
a. Pythium b. Phytophthora
c. Rhizoctonia d. Peronosclerospora
10. The following are examples of true fungi except
a. white rusts b. powdery mildew
c. smuts d. bread molds
11. The earliest recorded account of a locust swarm in the Philippines was in
a. 1521 b. 1569 c. 1593 d. 1858
12. Sericulture (silk production from silkworms) was introduced in the Philippines by a Spanish priest, Padre Antonio
Sedeno in this year
a. 1521 b. 1569 c. 1593 d. 1858
13. In 1902, this institution was organized which involved the control of migratory locust
a. Bureau of Agric. b. Dept. of Agric. c. Ministry of Agric. d. Pest Control Center
14. The first government entomologist in the Philippines was
a. Semper b. Sanchez c. Cuming d. Banks
15. This person contributed to the knowledge of Philippine fauna more than any other individual in his time (early
1900’s). He published 400 papers on Philippine insects.
a. Ledyard b. Uichanco c. Mackie d. Baker
16. A biological control organism that consumes many preys in its lifetime
a. predator b. parasitoid c. parasite d. symbiont
17. The collective term for parasitic and predatory insects is
a. phytophagous insects b. entomophagous insects c. polyphagous insects d. all of these
18. A very good egg parasitoid, Trichogramma evanescens belongs to order
a. Diptera b. Hemiptera c. Lepidoptera d. Hymenoptera
19. Which of the following insect species is destructive?
a. Bombyx mori b. Apis mellifera c. Scirpophaga innotata d. Laccifer lacca
20. In Philippine folklore, fireflies are associated with the so-called “not like ours”. Fireflies belong to order
a. Coleoptera b. Diptera c. Lepidoptera d. Hymenoptera
21. In cicada, what structure constitutes the beak that encloses the stylets?
a. labrum b. mandible c. maxilla d. labium
22. An insect is a borer which means that the most anterior portions of its anatomy are in mouthparts. What do you
suppose is its type of head connection in relation to the thoracic region?
a. hypognathous b. prognathous c. opisthognathous d. a and b
23. The “father” of American Entomology was.
a. Say b. Peck c. Harris d. Fitch
24. In the Philippines, the first written record of a Philippine insect was made by
a. Semper b. Cuming c. Pigafetta d. Sedeno
25. The first record of Philippine insects was made in
a. Leyte b. Laguna c. Panay island d. Palawan
26. The “father” of Philippine Entomology or the first Filipino instructor in Entomology was
a. Gapud b. Uichanco c. Baltazar d. Rimando
27. The earliest observation of a locust swarm in the Philippines was in
a. Leyte b. Laguna c. Panay island d. Palawan
28. Wrote “Historia Plantarum” where several diseases of grains, trees and vegetables were recorded:

a. Pliny the Elder

b. Homer
c. Theophrastus
d. Aristotle
e. none of the above
29. Claviceps purpurea which causes ergot of rye produces:
a. sclerotium
b. conidia
c. chlamydospores
d. oospore
e. all of the above
30. A festival in nonor of the rust gods Robigus and Robigo:
a. Robigusia
b. Robigo Festival
c. Robigalia
d. Robig Festival
e. none of the above
31. Credited for his “Autogenetic Theory of Disease”
a. Hooke
b. Tillet
d. Micheli
e. Fabricius
32. Symptom characterized by sunken, necrotic area with cracked borders that may appear on leaves, fruits, stems
and branches:

a. scab d. callus
b. canker
c. phyllody
33. A symptom where there is shortening of internodes of shoots or crowding of foliage:
a. savoying
b. rosetting
c. sarcody
d. phyllody
34. The following are diseases classified according to affected plant organ except one:
a. root diseases
b. anthracnose diseases
c. foliar diseases
d. floral diseases
35. The inherent ability of the plant to overcome the effects of the pathogen:
a. tolerance
b. resistance
c. virulence
d. none of the above
36. Signs of fungal pathogens
a. spores
b. sclerotia
c. mycelium
d. all of the above
37. A mineral deficiency where plants produced subnormal roots, erect leaves which take
on reddish or purplish tints:
a. nitrogen deficiency
b. sulfur deficiency
c. phosphorus deficiency
d. none of the above
38. A condition when plants are exposed to little amount of sunlight:
a. scorching
b. etiolation
c. black heart
d. none of the above
39. A condition commonly observed in water-logged and poorly aerated storage areas:
a. black heart
b. blotching
c. scalding
d. water-soaking
40. A nitrogen-deficient plant may exhibit:
a. poor seed production
b. premature leaf fall
c. chlorotic leaves
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
41. Which one of these insect control methods is cultural approach?
a. handpicking b. pest-free planting material c. use of screen d. use of trap
42. Which one of these pest control methods is mechanical control?
a. rat snap trap b. heating c. cooling d. use of sound
43. Which one of these pest control methods is physical control?
a. mechanical trap b. screen house c. sanitation d. handpicking
44. Planting of pest resistant crop variety is considered as
a. cultural control b. biological control c. host plant resistance d. genetic control
45. The use of Trichogramma spp. in the control of insect pests is
a. genetic control b. biological control c. Cypermethrin d. physical control
46. The brown plant hoppers, Nilaparvata lugens, cause this disease in rice
a. bug burn b. white head c. dead heart d. ragged stunt
47. The rice black bugs, Scotinophara coarctata, can cause this damage in rice
a. bug burn & white head c. bug burn & tungro
b. bug burn & dead heart d. dead heart and burn
48. The damage caused by rice stem borers at vegetative stage is called
a. white head b. bug burn c. dead heart d. wilting
49. Which species of rice bugs is most abundant in the field?
a. Leptocorisa acuta c. Leptocorisa cheninsis
b. Leptocorisa oratorius d. Leptocorisa linearis
50. The Asiatic corn borers, Ostrinia furnacalis, is most abundant in corn during the
a. wet season b. dry season c. wet and dry seasons d. summer period
51. Pheromones are compounds that operate their effects
a. intraspecifically (same species)
b. interspecifically (different species)
c. non-specifically
d. specifically
52. Allelochemicals (alomones and kairomones) are compounds that operate their effects
a. specifically
b. interspecifically (different species)
c. non-specifically
d. intraspecifically (same species)
53. Insect hormones, pheromones, attractants, repellents, deterrents, alomones and kairomones are collectively
referred to as
a. synomones b. allelochemicals c. stimulants d. behavior modifying chemicals
54. The utilization of bacteria, fungi, viruses and other microorganisms in a process that is similar to insecticides is
collectively referred to as
a. biological control b. chemical control c. biopesticide control d. none of the above
55. Which one of these control methods in mango is best recommended against fruit flies?
a. sterile male technique b. bagging c. insecticide spraying d. intercropping
56. Which one of these insecticides is used in banana against corm weevils, nematodes, trunk borers, aphids, and
other insect pests?
a. Furadan b. Lorsban c. treated polyethylene bags d. Cypermethrin
57. Which one of these chemicals is most safe to humans, animals and wildlife in controlling lepidopterous insect
pests in crucifers?
a. Cypermethrin b. Marshal c. Furadan d. insect growth regulators
58. Which one is considered as the first strategy against major insect pests of rice?
a. pest resistant and high yielding varieties c. molluscicide
b. insecticides d. Trichogramma spp.
59. Which of the following seldom fly
a. rice weevil b Khapra beetle
c. flat grain beetle d. cowpea weevil
60. Which of following stored product pests cause damage only during their larval stage
a. Angoumois grain moth b. Khapra beetle
c. Rice moth d. all of them
61. Which of the following characteristics distinguishes Oryzaephilus mercator from O. surinamensis.
a. can not tolerate low temperatures
b.with 6 tooth-like projections on each side of the thorax
c. infest dried fruits and chocolates
d. larvae yellow to brown in color
62. The cowpea bean weevil lays eggs on
a. leaves of the plant b. bean pods
c. seeds of legumes d. b & c only
63.The scientific name of the golden apple snail is
a. Pomacea reticulata b. Pomacea canaliculata
c.Pomacea caliculata d. Pomacea oryzae
64. The golden apple snail was introduced into the Philippines
a. between 1980 and1982 b. between 1982 and 1984
c. between 1986 and 1988 d. in 1980
65. The golden apple snail originated from
a. Malaysia b. Vietnam c. Thailand d. South America
66. The purpose of the importation of the golden apple snail into the Philippines
a. as food for human beings b. as predators of insect pests
c. as decoration in ponds d. to get rid of the native snails
67. The most destructive stage of the golden apple snail is when its size is
a. 60-80 mm b. 90-100 mm c. 10-40 mm d. 100-120 mm
68. A chrysomelid beetle used as predator of Lantana camara in Mindanao in 1985.
a. Uroplata girardi b. Cactoblastis cactorum
c. Cyrtobagous salviniae d. Pareuchates pseudoinsulata
69. A lepidopteran which came from Argentina and was used as predator against the prickly pear cactus, Opuntia
stricta, in Australia.
a. Uroplata girardi b. Cactoblastis cactorum
c. Cyrtobagous salviniae d. Pareuchates pseudoinsulata
70. It refers to the use of existing and locally occurring natural enemies against weeds
a. augmentative approach b. classical approach
c. inoculative approach d. native approach
71. The other term for fungal pathogens which are used as biological control agents against weeds
a. biological herbicides b. bioherbicides
c. mycoherbicides d. all of these
72. The first fungal pathogen which is a liquid formulation of Phytophthora palmivora and was commercially made
available in the US in 1981 to control the strangler vine, Morrenia odorata.
a. De Vine b. Collego c. B. thuringiensis d. B. bassiana
73 . The average age of female rats ready for reproduction
a. 1 month b. 1.5 month c. 2 months d. 3 months
74. The average number of young produce per female rat per delivery
a. 4 b. 6 c. 8 d. 10
75. The average gestation period of rat
a. 21 days b. 25 days c. 30 days d. 35 days
76. Which of the following is the most preferred food of rats
a. rice b. corn c. sugarcane d. peanuts
77. You wish to apply 160 liters of spray solution to a 1.0 ha area. If you will use Deliver 5 EC at a recommended
concentration of 0.04%. How many liters of Deliver 5Ec will you use?
a. 0.28 b. 1.28 c. 2.28 d. 1.04
78. If you will apply 160 liters of spray solution/ha. how many tank loads will you apply if I tankload is equal to 16
a. 5 b. 10 c. 15 d. 20
79. If you will use Sevin 70WP at the rate of 0.75 kg a.i./ha to control insect pests infesting tomatoes how many
kilograms of this insecticide will you use to treat an area of 0.5 ha?
a. 0.300 b. 0.436 c. 0.536 c. 0.636
80. Furadan 3G is applied at the rate of 0.50 kg a.i/ha to control corn seedling maggots and corn borer. How many
kilograms of this insecticide will you use for a 0.50 hectar area?
a. 5.33 b. 6.33 c. 7.33 d. 8.33
81 . An acids that are secreted by red onions conferring resistance to onion smudge.
a. protocatechnic acid b. nucleic acid
c. phenolics d. none of the above
82. These are dead cells formed rapidly by the host as induced structural defense.
a. abscission layer b. cork layers
c. gums d. tyloses
83. This results in the confinement or even death of the pathogens as it becomes surrounded by dead cells
a. immunity b. tyloses
c. hypersensitivity d. tomatine
84. Currently, the strawberry plantations in Mountain Province are infested with

a. black bugs b. red spider mites c. leafminers d. fruit flies

85. Insects serve various roles in the ecosystem. This particular activity of insects is beneficial to man and
a. feeding on important food plant crops b. feeding on old clothes, books and magazines
c. feeding on various insect pests in the field d. transmitting disease-causing organisms
86. The name Arthropoda is derived from Greek words referring to this character of this
group of invertebrates:
a. 2 pairs of wings b. jointed/segmented legs c. 2 antennae d. segmented bodies
87. These fungi are placed in kingdom Chromista
a.watermolds b. downy mildews
c. white rust d. all of the above
88. The root knot nematode is
a. Meloidogyne sp. b. Heterodera sp.
c. Rhodococcus sp. d. Acidovorax sp.
89. The following are the characteristics of plant viruses except
a. ultramicroscopic b. obligate
c. has NA and protein coat d. possess well-defined cells
90. These are cultural methods of controlling diseases, except
a. crop rotation b. use of chemicals
c. sanitation d. rouging
91. These pathogen can survive as saprophytes, except
a. fungi b. bacteria
c. virus d. none
92. The first organic herbicide belongs to what chemical family of herbicides?
a. phenoxys b. diphenyl ethers c. phenols d. triazines
93. Which among the following does not describe what weeds are?
a. unwanted b. harmful c. important d. out-of-place
94. Which among the following is not true about the characteristics of weeds?
a. rapid vegetative growth c. reproduce efficiently
b. not adapted to competition d. cause damage even at low densities
95. Weeds that originate from other areas and are introduced to the area where they are found
a. endemic b. exotic c. native d. local
96. Weeds that grow and complete their life cycle under dry or wet condition of the soil
a. lowland b. aquatic c. floating d. upland
97. Lowland weeds with their roots attached to the soil but the shoots are aerial/above-water
a. submerged b. emerged c. floating d. aquatic
98. The innate property of a chemical to produce harm
a. toxicity b. hazard c. selectivity d. resistance
99. The risk of likelihood of an adverse effect due to exposure to a harmful chemical
a. toxicity b. hazard c. selectivity d. resistance
100. The component of a pesticide which is responsible for its toxic effect
a. acid equivalent b. active ingredient c. inert ingredient d. surfactant
Answer Key
Crop Protection

1. A 11. D 21. D 31. C 41. D 51. A 61. A 71. D 81. A 91. C

2. C 12. C 22. B 32. B 42. C 52. B 62. D 72. A 82. B 92. A
3. D 13. A 23. A 33. B 43. B 53. D 63. B 73. B 83. C 93. C
4. B 14. D 24. C 34. B 44. A 54. C 64. B 74. C 84. B 94. B
5. C 15. D 25. D 35. D 45. C 55. B 65. D 75. A 85. C 95. B
6. D 16. A 26. B 36. C 46. B 56. A 66. A 76. A 86. C 96. D
7. C 17. D 27. D 37. C 47. D 57. D 67. C 77. B 87. D 97. B
8. A 18. D 28. C 38. B 48. C 58. A 68. A 78. B 88. A 98. A
9. C 19. C 29. A 39. A 49. D 59. C 69. B 79. C 89. D 99. D
10.A 20. A 30. C 40. D 50. B 60.D 70. A 80. D 90. B 100. B

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