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The Professional Review Center for Agriculture

Review for Licensure Examination for Agriculturist


(2003- 2018)

Compiled by
Ruel Roy B. Cagmat, RB Cagmat Review Center

1. Which of the following judgement is not rejected?

a. Newly partuirated
b. Dead
c. Vaccinated
d. Diseased

2. Which of the following organ is less important in farm

a. Crop
b. Ceca
c. Ventriculus
d. Small intestine

3. Which of the following has the highest energy component?

a. Butter
b. Cream
c. Vegetable oil
d. Lard

4. What is the oldest method of reproductive technology

available for livestock?
a. Superovulation
b. Tissue culture
c. Embryo transfer
d. AI

5. Which of the following laboratory method is used for the

detection of Mastitic infection in milk?
a. Ash Method
b. Bobcock Method
c. Bromcrysol Green Method
d. Bromthymol Blue
e. Gentian Violet

6. Which of the following farm animals have diffused

a. Horse
b. Chicken
c. Cow
d. Sheep

7. Which of the following is considered as

“ browser”?
a. Colt
b. Buck
c. Ram
d. Bull

8. The following is/are functions of the stomach EXCEPT?

a. Nutrient Absorption
b. Storage of Ingested Feed
c. Mechanical Breakdown
d. Production of HCl, Enzymes and Mucus
e. None of the above

9. Which of the following animal undergoe induced ovulation?

a. Rabbit
b. Pig
c. Horse
d. Cow

10. What do you call the situation wherein the poultry

farm have infected chicken in the flock but not dead?
a. Mortality
b. Morbidity
c. Zoonosis
d. Infectivity

11. In which of the following farm animals where the

testes found inside the body of the animal?
a. Bull
b. Ram
c. Boar
d. Stallion

12. What is usually the main source of calcium in

a. Oyster shell
b. Calcium barbonate
c. Limestone
d. Bone meal

13. Which of the following hormonal relationship that

does not show feedback mechanism with target organs?
a. STH- long bones
b. FSH- estrogen
c. TSH- thyroxine
d. ACTH- glucoortcoids
14. Which of the following factors that is not
contributory to the parturition process in farm animals?
a. Elevated prostaglandins
b. Elevated prolactins
c. The fetal materials
d. Elevated estrogen and oxytocin

15. The following are true regarding milk content

a. 87% water
b. 13% total solid
c. 9% fat
d. 4% casien

16. In which of the following protein sources is not

included in poultry feeds/ diet?
a. Fish Meal
b. Ipil-ipil Meal
d. Bone meal

17. How many kilo/s of wastes does a normal pig defecate

in a day?
a. 1 kilo
b. 2.5 kilos
c. 5 kilos
d. 7 kilos
e. 10 kilos

18. What stage of the estrus cycle characterized by

receptivity of reproduction occurs?
a. Estrus
b. Metestrus
c. Proestrus
d. Diestrus

19. Which of the following farm animals has the lowest

a. Cattle
b. Carabao
c. Goat
d. Pig
e. Sheep

20. Two piggery farms are opposite each other separated

only be a small street. To prevent the entry and
transfer of disease causing microorganism from one
piggery farm to another, what is the primary action that
the farm owners should consider?
a. Foot bath at the entrance of the farm
b. Quarantine
c. Sanitation
d. Planting of windbreaks

21. What is the major factor/s affecting goat production

in the Philippines?
a. Climatic conditions
b. Diseases
c. Availability of feeds
d. Kidding mortality

22. Which of the following is not a practice in

collecting milk in dairy cattles?
a. Cleaning of the udder
b. Milking will only last for 5 minutes only
c. Check for mastitis
d. Slow and gentle milking

23. Serum is a liquid portion which is involved in blood

coagulation. Which is not a component of a serum?
a. Inorganic substances
b. Glucose
c. Thrombin
d. Cholesterol

24. What is known as growth hormone?

a. FSH
b. STH
c. LH
d. ADH

25. What is the basic unit of carbohydrates?

a. Amino acids
b. Sucrose
c. Galactose
d. Glucose

26. In old / adult animals, calcium deficiency will lead

a. Rickets
b. Ketosis
c. Osteomalacia
d. Arthritis

27. The following are water loss in animals except?

a. Vaporized H2O
b. Sweat
c. Urine
d. Feces

28. Which of the following is not part of the neuron?

a. Axon
b. Greymatter
c. Cell body
d. Dendrite

29. The skin with the attached hair of the sheep is

a. Wool
b. Fleece
c. Pelt
d. Nolls

30. It is a male horse castrated before reaching sexual

a. Gelding
b. Stag
c. Mare
d. Stallion

31. Temporary storage of sperm cells before ejaculation.

a. Epididymis
b. Prostate gland
c. Ampulla
d. Scrotum

32. Which of the following breeds of buffalo produces 5-

7 kg of milk per day?
a. Thai Buffalo
b. Philippine Buffalo
c. Murrah
d. Surti

33. An example of an improve grass effective for cattle

a. Star grass
b. Napier
c. Alabang X
d. Para grass

34. What do you call the watery portion of the milk?

a. Whey
b. Water
c. Cassein
d. Milk cream

35. What is the molecular weight of carbohydrates?

a. 200
b. 174
c. 1,467
d. 732

36. What breed of dairy cattle is suitable to Philippine

a. Murrah
b. Jersey
c. Brahman
d. Sahiwal

37. A milk constituent derived from blood amino acid

a. Immunoglobulin
b. Lecithen
c. Carotene
d. Glycerides

38. The following are true regarding milk content

a. 87% water
b. 13% total solid
c. 9% fat
d. 4% casein

39. The act of giving birth in mares is called?

a. Kindling
b. Foaling
c. Kidding
d. Lambing

40. Which of the following is not part of the neuron?

a. Axon
b. Greymatter
c. Cell body
d. Dendrite

41. What do you call the meat of cow less than one year
a. Veal
b. Cabrito
c. Beef
d. Chevon

42. What is the gestation period of cattles?

a. 150 days
b. 250 days
c. 280 days
d. 300 days
43. Pasteurella multocida causes what disease in
ruminants and the disease is characterized by the escape
of blood from the vessels and generalized presence of
pathogenic bacteria and the associated poison in the
a. Coccidiosis
b. Mange
c. Surra
d. Hemorrhagic septicaemia

44. What is the favorite food of the Filipinos?

a. Duck
b. Broiler
c. Beef
d. Pork

45. White Leghorn is a______

a. Breed
b. Variety
c. Line
d. Strain

46. How many basic purine and pyrimidine combination

will form an amino acid?
a. 60
b. 90
c. 120
d. 500

47. Which of the following farm animals has the lowest

dressing percentage ?
a. Swine
b. Beef
c. Goats
d. Carabeef

48. Which does not belong to the group?

a. Allantois
b. Amnion
c. Chorion
d. Chorioallantois

49. What breed of swine is also known as “ THE BELT”

a. Berkshire
b. Pietrain
c. Yorkshire
d. Hampshire

50. What is the floor space requirement of a 15 kg pig

in (m2)
a. .27
b. .46
c. .54
d. .72

51. Which of the following breeds of buffalo produces 5-

7 kg of milk per day?
a. Thai Buffalo
b. Philippine Buffalo
c. Murrah
d. Surti

52. What is the other term for slaughterhouses?

a. Slaughterhouse
b. Ranch
c. Corral
d. Abattoir
e. Abbattoire

53. Which microorganisms causes tatanus?

a. Leptospirosis
b. Bacillus
c. Clostridium
d. Trypanosoma

54. Which vitamin provides better eyesight?

a. Vitamin A
b. Vitamin B
c. Vitamin C
d. Vitamin D

55. What is the molecular weight of carbohydrates?

a. 200
b. 174
c. 1,467
d. 732

56. What breed of dairy cattle is suitable to Philippine

a. Murrah
b. Jersey
c. Brahman
d. Sahiwal

57. Which of the following has the highest energy

a. Butter
b. Cream
c. Vegetable oil
d. Lard
58. What species produces the balut ?
a. Chicken
b. Duck
c. Turkey
d. All of the above

59. Which of the following is the primary role of the

small intestine?
a. Storage of ingested food
b. Nutrient absorption
c. Water reabsorption
d. Reduction of particle size of ingesta

60. What compound is important in defense mechanisms?

a. Panthothenic acid
b. Ascorbic acid
c. Pyridoxine
d. Menadione

61. What do you call the meat coming from the deer?
a. Venison
b. Mutton
c. Veal
d. Chevon

62. This hormone helps in reducing urine volume by

increasing reabsorption of water in the collecting ducts
of the kidney
a. Leutotropic hormone
b. Lutienizing hormone
c. Melanophore stimulating hormone
d. Vasopressin

63. What do you call the watery portion of the milk?

a. Whey
b. Water
c. Cassein
d. Milk cream

64. What is the recommended floor type for cattle and

a. Slat
b. Monitor
c. Pave
d. None

65. Fresh meats are delivered in the following

establishments except ?
a. Hotels
b. Restaurant
c. Market
d. Processing plants

66. What structure is built at the center of ranch

operation to minimize the movement of stocks/ animals?
a. Fence
b. Race
c. Squeeze
d. Chute
e. Corral

67. The commercial cow-calf operations of the country

are located in_______
a. Pangasinan
b. Masbate
c. Bukidnon
d. All of the above

68. Fats are sources of essential fatty acids called?

a. Volatile Fatty Acids
b. Non-Volatile Fatty Acids
c. Essential Fatty Acids
d. Steroids

69. The “lub” and the “ dub” sound of the heart of the
animal can be heard using what instrument?
a. Sphingometer
b. Spectroscope
c. Ear
d. Stethoscope

70. Who is/are the scientist/s that hypothesized that

the DNA is a double helix structure?
a. James Watson and Francis Crick
b. Gregor Mendel
c. de vRies, Correns and Von Tshermark
d. Johannsen

71. What is the scientific name of broiler

a. Gallus gallus
b. Gallus domesticus
c. Coturniz coturnix
d. Coturnix japonica

72. Batangas Beef has become popular because of the good

quality cattle produced by what method?
a. Ad Libitum
b. Wagyu method
c. Supak method
d. Free- range
73. It is the outermost membrane of the fetal placenta
which is in contact with the maternal uterine endometrium
a. Chorion
b. Allantois
c. Amnion
d. Urachus
74. The primary reason why swine raisers go into AI?
a. Disease control
b. Handling of boar during transport
c. Faster genetic improvement
d. All of the above

75. _________is the site of implantation of the

fertilized ovum in livestock.
a. Infundibulum
b. Horn of uterus
c. Oviduct
d. Body of the uterus

76. In Artificial Insemination in boars, following

dilution, the semen should be stored at a temperature
a. 19 to 20 C
b. 14 to 15 C
c. 16 to 17 C
d. 21 to 25 C

77. A good replacement boar should have__________

a. 6 pairs of functional teats
b. 2 pairs of big testicles
c. Strong legs
d. All of the above

78. What is the most critical factor for successful

a. Temperature
b. Light Intensity
c. Relative Humidity
d. Managerial skills of farmers / workers

79. What is the first segment of the small intestine?

a. Doudenum
b. Jejunum
c. Ileum
d. Cecum

80. Which of the following milk product is without fat?

a. Skimmilk
b. Butter
c. Whey
d. Casein

81. White Leghorn is an example of __________breed

a. American
b. Mediterranean
c. English
d. Asian

82. The act of giving birth in mares is called?

a. Kindling
b. Foaling
c. Kidding
d. Lambing

83. Hypertrophy and Hyperplasia of the thyroid gland

cells have compensatory mechanisms to counteract the
deficiency of what mineral?
a. Calcium
b. Iodine
c. Potassium
d. Sodium

84. It is the feeding of gilts with high-energy ration

before breeding is termed as__________
a. Full feeding
b. Ad libitum feeding
c. Energy feeding
d. Flushing

85. These slaughterhouse can market their meat products

within the country only
a. A
b. AA
c. AAA
d. AB

86. The following are common pollutants inside the

poultry house except?
a. Carbon dioxide
b. Ammonia
c. Ammonium
d. Air humidity

87. Meat will be transported from Mindanao to Manila via

a cold storage boat. The travel will last for 3 days and
2 nights. Compute the shrinking percentage of the meat
when it arrives in Manila?
a. 10-20 %
b. 30-40 %
c. 50-60 %
d. 90-100 %

88. The largest breeds of cattle originated from what

a. Philippines
b. India
c. USA
d. Australia

89. What is the amount of water needed in slaughtering

of swine?
a. 7 gals/ head
b. 15 gals / head
c. 30 gals/ head
d. 60 gals/ head

90. Technical term wherein the animals are tied on a

a. Wallowing
b. Knoting
c. Tethering
d. Roping

91. What species produces the balut ?

a. Chicken
b. Duck
c. Quail
d. All of the above

92. What is the recommended floor type for cattle and

a. Slat
b. Monitor
c. Pave
d. All of the above is recommended



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