Crop Protection
Crop Protection
Crop Protection
DIRECTION: Encircle the letter of the best answer from the choices given.
1. The author of the milestone of Philippine Entomology is
a. Antonio S. Sedeno c. Emiliana N. Bernardo
b. Julio C. Martinez d. Bernardo P. Gabriel
2. This starling was successfully introduced in 1849 from Southern China to control the locust
a. Martinez c. neither a nor b
b. Aetheopsar cristalellus d. both a and b
3. He was the first Filipino to obtain a doctoral degree in entomology in 1922
a. L.B. Uichanco c. L.B. Sanchez
b. G.O. Ocfemia d. S.M. Cendana
4. The first monographic treatment of Philippine mosquitoes by Delfinado in 1966 included all genera except
a. Anopheles c. Culex
b. Aedes d. Malaria
5. He was the first Filipino Acarologist who spearheaded the research on mites in the Philippines in 1961
a. F.F. Sanchez c. C.R. Baltazar
b. L.C. Rimando d. V.P. Gapud
6. This is the study of insects
a. entomology c. entomophobia
b. entomologists d. pathology
7. The earliest insect found during the Middle Devonian period, Rhyniella praecursor, belong to the insect order
a. Thysanura c. Collembola
b. Protura d. Diplura
8. The nearest relative of the class Insecta is
a. Class Crustacea c. Class Chilopoda
b. Class Diplura d. Class Diplopoda
9. When the mouthparts are directed anteriad, this is known as
a. prognathous c. opisthognathous
b. hydrognathous d. agnathous
10. The lateral sides of the middle segment of the insect thorax is known as
a. mesosternum c. mesonotum
b. pleuron d. mesopleuron
11. The ventral portion of the thorax and abdomen is known as
a. sternum c. sternopleuron
b. sternites d. pleurites
12. This group of insecticides inhibits the cholinesterase enzyme of insect pests
a. IGRs c. chlorinated hydrocarbons
b. carbamates d. microbial insecticides
13. The use of oil is a ________ type of method against insect pests
a. physical c. cultural
b. chemical d. mechanical
14. The part of the mouthparts without a palpus
a. Labium c. mandibles
b. maxilla d. all of the above
15. The anteriomost vein of an insect forewing is
a. jugum c. anal
b. costa d. radial
46. IPM employs a variety of tactics, and the least type of method that could be used is
a. cultural method c. HPR
b. chemical method d. autocidal
47. The type of metamorphosis for exopterygotes is
a. holometabola c. ametabola
b. paurometabola d. hemimetabola
48. The type of metamorphosis for endopterygots is
a. holometabola c. ametabola
b. paurometabola d. hemimetabola
49. A category of pest cause no significant damage under the conditions currently prevailing, however, this can be
a key or occasional pest if conditions in the field are disrupted
a. key c. potential
b. occasional d. migrant
50. Term used for non-resident pests
a. key c. potential
b. occasional d. migrant
51. Pests that are focal point of pest management systems
a. key c. potential
b. occasional d. migrant
52. Part-time pests
a. key c. potential
b. occasional d. migrant
53. Prediction technology is useful to prevent this pest’s outbreak
a. key c. potential
b. occasional d. migrant
54. Majority of the seeds entering the seedbank in agricultural land came from
a. annual weeds c. biennial
b. perennial d. both of a and b
55. This method involves manipulation of the cultural management practices to suppress the weeds
a. mechanical c. chemical
b. cultural d. none
56. Buthachlor or Machete Ec belongs to this group of herbicide
a. triazines c. ureas
b. amides d. uraclis
57. An adjuvant or surfactants that improve absorption of herbicide by raising the humidity or spray film and leaf
a. emulsifiers c. dispersing agent
b. humectants d. fertilizer additives
58. Among the invertebrates, only insects have this characteristic
a. segmentation c. antennae
b. wings d. 3 pair of jointed legs
59. From which characrter was the name “Arthropoda” derived?
a. segmentation c. antennae
b. wings d. jointed legs
75. A control method whereby synthetic toxic substances or bioactive plant products are used to combat pest
a. Use of resistant varieties c. Chemical control
b. Cultural control d. IGR
76. An unwanted organism which competes with man for food and shelter or threatens their health comfort or
a. Pest c. Weed
b. Insect d. Pathogens
77. The relative amount of heritable qualities in plants that influence the ultimate degree of damages by the pest
a. Host plant resistance c. Tolerance
b. Insecticide resistance d. Host evasion
78. The man-directed control of insect pests by employing the use of natural enemies
a. Mechanical control c. Biological control
b. Cultural control d. Microbial control
79. The term given for crop destruction, injury or loss of value caused by the feeding activity of different pests.
a. Characteristic damage c. Infection
b. Pest infestation d. All of the above
80. The pest density at which artificial control measures should be applied to prevent pest population increases or
pest outbreak
a. Economic injury level c. Economic threshold level
b. Equilibrium level d. Average population
81. A toxic substance which is readily available and kills pest instantly
a. Insecticides c. Rodenticide
b. Pesticides d. Weedicide
82. The collective term for parasitic and predatory insets
a. Phytophagous insects c. Polyphagous insects
b. Entomophagous insects d. none of the above
83. The symptom of stemborer damage during the reproductive stage of the rice plant characterized by the pale
appearance of the unfilled grains
a. Deadheart c. Wilting
b. Whitehead d.. False smut
84. The most destructive avian pest that attacks rice and other small grains
a. Philippine weaver c. Philippine oriole
b. Philippine eagle d. None of these
85. A vertebrate pest which is a perennial problem in crop production that usually demands a unified, coordinated
and sustained community action to gain an effective control.
a. Birds c. Rodents
b. Snakes d. Snails
86. Grassy weeds (Poaceae) locks similar to sedges except that their stem called culm is:
a. Triangular c. Polyhedral
b. Cylindrical d. Hexagonal
87. The hairy membranous outgrowth in between leafsheat and leaf blade in grasses is called
a. Leaf blade c. Ligule
b. Petiole d. Auricle
88. Diseased plant is a
a. Host c. both a and b
b. Suscept d. Pathogen
118. Published the first book on pytobacteriology “bacteria in relation to plant diseases”
a. Thomas Jonathan Burril c. Erwin Frank Smith
b. Charlotte Elliot d. Martinus Willem
119. Main means of reproduction of bacteria
a. Budding c. Binary fission
b. Spore d. Transverse fission
120. Where protein synthesis occurs
a. Lysosomes c. Mesosomes
b. Ribosomes d. Chromosomes
121. Five-carbon sugar compound of DNA
a. Ribose c. Maltose
b. Deoxyribose d. Dextose
122. The building blocks of proteins
a. fatty acids c. Nucleic acid
b. Peptides d. Amino acid
123. Metabolic pathway that converts glucose to pyruvate
a. Glycolysis c. Hydrolysis
b. Gluconeugenesis d. Photosynthesis
124. Organism that use organic compounds as source of hydrogen atoms or electrons
a. Autotrops c. Heterotrophs
b. Lithotrophs d. Organotrophs
125. A group of pathogens that infect a set of plant varieties
a. Species c. Pathovar
b. Race d. Blovar
126. A virus that infects bacteria
a. Prophage c. Bacteriophage
b. Baculovirus d. Macrophage
127. A microbial product other than an enzyme which causes abvious damage to plant tissues, and which is known
with reasonable confidence to be involved in disease development
a. Phytoalexin c. Cutin
b. Phytotoxin d. Suberin
128. Toxin produced by Erwinia syringae pv syringae
a. Syringomycin c. Amylovorin
b. Phaseolotoxin d. Tabtoxin
129. Hormone involved in fruit ripening
a. Cytokinin c. Ethylene
b. Giberillin d. Indole acetic acid
130. Yellowing caused by some factor other than light, such as by a virus or mycoplasma
a. Gummosis c. Chlorosis
b. Chlorophyllosis d. Mottling
131. A general necrosis caused by the rapid growth and advance of the causal bacteria through leaves and stems
a. Wilt c. Blight
b. Blast d. Rot
132. Refers to the control of pest by living organisms under either natural or artificial environment
a. Cultural Control c. Behavior Control
b. Biological Control d. Autocidal Control
133. Interaction between two organisms where both are adversely affected is called
a. Competition c. Amensalism
b. Parasitism d. Commensalism
147. The insecticide is said to be extremely toxic if the color of the container label is:
a. Blue c. Green
b. Red d. Yellow
148. The name of the disease caused by fungus Clavicecps purpurea?
a. Ergot c. Bacterial Wilt
b. Late blight d. Club root
149. Rye may induce affliction called:
a. Leprosy c. Divine Punishment
b. St. Anthony’s Fire d. Tetanus
150. He wrote the first textbook in Plant Pathology:
a. Julius Kuhn c. Franz Unger
b. Heinrich Anton de Bay d. Pier Antonio mcheli
151. Submicroscopic entities which could pass through bacterial-proof filters are called:
a. Viroids c. mycoplasma
b. bacteria d. viruses
152. These pathogens are known to cause the cadang-cadang of coconut
a. bacteria c. spiroplasma
b. viroids d. mycoplasma
153. Pierre Marie Alexis Millardet formulated this substance, which became the foundation of chemical disease
control of plant diseases.
a. fungicide c. pesticides
b. Bordeaux mixture d. benlate
154. The type of insecticide highly compatible for IPM.
a. None selective insecticide c. Selective insecticides
b. Fumigants d. persistent insecticides
155. Which of the following is NOT a definition of plant disease:
a. a physiological malfunctioning caused by animate objects
b. any deviation from normal growth or structure of plants that is sufficiently
c. a malfunctioning process caused by continuous irritation
d. any agent which causes a disease
156. This refers to an organisms which has the ability to be a parasite although it is ordinarily a saprophyte
a. pathogen c. facultative parasite
b. obligate parasite d. saprophyte
157. The insects, termites, can be best controlled by the use of:
a. Selective insecticide c. Persistent insecticide
b. Broad spectrum insecticide d. Fumigant
158. The expression of a diseased plant with certain characteristics:
a. Symptoms c. conditions
b. signs d. indications
159. This refers to the pathogen associated with the infected plant
a. pathogen c. facultative parasitic
b. obligate parasite d. saprophyte
160. The type of resistance the plant has if the insect is immediately killed after feeding.
a. None preference c. Tolerance
b. Antibiosis d. mechanical basis of resistance
161. When a peanut plant has a root and stem rot disease, which leads to wilting, the wilting symptoms are
classified as: a. Primary symptoms c. Localized symptoms
b. Secondary symptoms d. Systematic symptoms
162. The overdevelopment of plant cells, tissue or plant parts is termed as __________
a. hyperplastic symptoms c. necrotic symptoms
b. local symptoms d. systematic symptoms
163. This symptoms is also called a lesion.
a. spot c. blight
b. blast d. hypertrophy
164. This refers to an extensive, usually sudden death of host tissue
a. Hypertrophy c. Blast
b. Blight d. Spot
165. The rotting of seedlings prior to emergence is called:
a. damping off c. blight
b. blast d. resetting
166. The four rules of proof that are used in identifying certain plant diseases
a. the Central Dogman c. Koch’s Rules
b. Koch’s Postulate d. the disease Proofs
167. Conditions caused by inanimate agents are also called:
a. symptoms c. diseases
b. physiological disorders d. maladies
168. What are viroids?
a. Ultramicroscopic, obligately parasitic entities that are made up of a nucleic acid core and a protein coat.
b. Tiny entities composed of stable and free ribonucleic acids that can infect plant cells.
c. unicellular microorganisms that reproduce asexually by binary fission.
d. non-motile, nonspore-forming, polymorphic microorganisms that lack cell walls and are bound by a
triple-layered unit membrane.
169. These pathogens are commonly disseminated by insects
a. Ultramicroscopic, obligately parasitic entities that are made up of a nucleic acid core and a protein
b. Tiny entities composed of stable and free ribonucleic acids that can infect plant cells.
c. unicellular microorganisms that reproduce asexually by binary fission.
d. non-motile, non-spore-forming, polymorphic microorganisms that lack cell walls and are bound by a
triple-layered unit membrane.
170. It is the only genus of plant pathogenic bacteria that produces spores.
a. Xanthomonas c. Agrobacterium
b. Pseudomonas d. Streptomyces
171. The primary reproductive structures of fungi are
a. Filaments c. Mycelium
b. Spores d. Fungus
172. The casual organism of the root knot of most vegetables:
a. Plasmodiophora brassicae c. Meloidogyne incognita
b. Radopholus similes d. Phytophythora infestans
173. What statements is true about biotypes?
a. Pathogens of the same biotype are morphologically identical
b. The biotype is genetically homogenous
c. Biotypes differ in the cultivar or host variety infected
d. If an organism from one biotype mates with one from another biotype, no new biotype is
188. The term for the larval stage of the insects in the order Lepidoptera
a. Grubs c. Pupa
b. Caterpillar d. Immature stage
189. Leathery, horny and membranous part of the insect body.
a. Mouth c. Wings
b. Abdomen d. Legs
190. The part of the insect body which is constricted with forcep like cerci.
a. Wings c. Abdomen
b. Mouth d. Legs
191. The forewing is leathery while the hind legs are modified for jumping.
a. Odonata c. Ephemeroptera
b. Orthoptera d. Phasmatodea
192. The forewings are highly sclerotized
a. Phthirhaptera c. Strepsiptera
b. Coleoptera d. Neuroptera
193. The gestation period of rodents
a. 25 days c. 21 days
b. 30 days d. 31 days
194. A quick acting poison which cause death to rats shortly after ingestion.
a. Acute poison c. Anticoagulant
b. Chronic d. None of the above
195. The order category in insect classification where most of the representative insects are natural enemies.
a. Coleoptera c. Hemiptera
b. Diptera d. Hymenoptera
196. The pathogen that gained worldwide recognition especially during the 1960s because of its extreme
effectiveness in controlling lepidopterous pests especially diamondback moth.
a. Fungi c. Bacteria
b. Virus d. Nematodes
197. This type of pheromone ants have:
a. Alarm pheromone c. Dispersal phenomones
b. aggregation pheromones d. Trail phermones
198. The type of resistance the plant has if the insect is immediately killed after feeding.
a. None preference c. Tolerance
b. Antibodies d. Mechanical basis of resistance
199. An example of systematic insecticide
a. Dipel c. Furadan 3G
b. Pennant d. Vegetox 50 SP
200. The insect termites can be best controlled by the use of:
a. Selective insecticide c. Persistent insecticide
b. Broad spectrum insecticide d. Fumigant