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Continent Lesson Plan

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Teacher: Miss Nemec

School: Boston Valley Elementary 

Subject Area: Social Studies 
Grade Level: 3rd Grade
Date: 11/14/2019
Continent Lesson Plans

1. Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) Addressed: 

NYS Social Studies Standards:

#3 Geography
Theme 3: People, Places, Environment 

Literacy Curriculum Standards:

3R7. Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
3W6: Research to Build and Present Knowledge

2. Objectives:

 After reading an article on a continent, the students will use their knowledge of that continent to
create a poster of facts.

3. Anticipatory Set:

Students will be engaged by brainstorming what they already know about the 7 continents
during a think-pair-share activity. Students will be asked to share their partner’s response. We
will revisit facts they already know to get them excited to learn more.

4. a. Procedures:

Purpose: Today we will be learning how to gather information and work in a small group to
display our knowledge of a continent.


As a class we will discuss what it means to work in a group and go over the directions sheet
to make sure the students are aware of what they will be doing in the groups.

Students will be assigned to groups based on their reading levels:

 There will be 7 groups of 3 students
 Each group will be given a Continent (South America, North America, Europe, Asia,
Africa, Australia, or Antarctica)

In their groups:
 Together, the groups will take turns reading the article on their continent.
 Then, they will highlight three facts that they found interesting from the article.
 Next, they will begin their poster by first putting on a title.
 Then the students will write their three facts onto their posters.
 Last, they will decorate their posters with drawings that represent what the have learned.

b. Closure:

After determining the students have finished their posters, they will share with their
classmates what they have learned by presenting on the assigned continent.

c. Brain Compatible Learning Strategies:

-Graphic organizers
-Cooperative learning

5. Plan for Differentiated Instruction: 

Basic Level (Students will…):

Students at the basic level with be paired together in a group. They will receive
an article that meets their reading level and will also be provided with an adult for
extra support.

Intermediate Level (Students will…):

Intermediate level students will be working with other intermediate students. They
will be provided an article that meets their reading level and an adult will be
circling the room to assist the students if they need help.

Advanced Level (Students will…):

Advanced level students will be paired together and provided with a higher level
article about their assigned continent. These students will be working as a group

6. Assessment (i.e. Formative, Summative, or Feedback Mechanism) 

Students will be informally assessed during the lesson through teacher monitoring and
discussion. Students will hand in their posters so the teacher can check for

      7. Resources:

-continent article

-poster paper

-direction sheet

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