Ata 21 PDF
Ata 21 PDF
Ata 21 PDF
ATA 21
** ON A/C 101-199
(2) Total Fresh Air Quantities:
! f * Qvs * Pc ! !
! - Q = ---------------- ! !
! 2.87 * Tc ! !
! ! !
! - Q = mass flow ! kg/s !
! - f = selected flow factor ! (0.8/1.0) !
! - Pc = cabin pressure ! mbar !
! - Tc = cabin temperature ! 297 K !
! - Qvs = normal volumetric flow at sea level ! 1.088 cbm/s !
! - 2.87 = constant factor ! !
The nominal values from the use of the above formula:
! ground kg/s cruise kg/s !
! normal flow (100%) ! 1.293 ! 0.96 !
! minimum flow ! 80 % of norm. ! 80 % of norm. !
! one pack off ! 60 % of norm. ! 60 % of norm. !
These nominal flows can vary by plus 5 % or minus 2 %.
! Total fresh air required from the APU: !
! hot day ! +38 DEG.C (100.4 DEG.F) ! 1.00 kg/s (Garrett) !
! hot day ! +38 DEG.C (100.4 DEG.F) ! 1.09 kg/s (APIC) !
! cold day ! -23 DEG.C (-9.4 DEG.F) ! 1.28 kg/s (Garrett) !
! cold day ! -23 DEG.C (-9.4 DEG.F) ! 1.49 kg/s (APIC) !
1. General
A. Cabin Air Distribution and Recirculation
The cabin air distribution system supplies conditioned air to the cabin and to the cockpit. The
Cockpit and cabin main supply ducts come from the mixer unit, which is the central element of
the distribution system. The air flows out of the cabin through the lower sidewall-panels (dado
panels) to the underfloor area. A part of the exhaust air of the cabin and the underfloor area is
mixed with fresh air from the air conditioning packs in the mixer unit. This recirculated air is
drawn by recirculation fans through recirculation filters to the mixer unit.
B. Cockpit Air Ventilation
The cockpit-air ventilation system supplies temperature controlled and conditioned air to the
cockpit. The airflow comes from the cabin air distribution system from the mixer unit in a
separate duct. The air flows from air outlets and individual air outlets into the cockpit.
1. General
A. Lavatory/Galley Ventilation
** ON A/C 001-002, 005-012, 021-025, 028-029, 031-099
The lavatory/galley ventilation system makes sure that the lavatories and galleys have a flow of
temperature controlled and conditioned air. Air flows from the cabin into the lavatories and
galleys. Air also flows into the lavatories from the cabin air distribution and recirculation system
through individual air outlets. The air flows from the lavatories, lavatory bowls and galleys into
an extraction duct in the area of the outflow valve and then out of the aircraft. An extraction fan
gives the necessary airflow.
** ON A/C 101-199, 201-300, 401-450, 901-999
The lavatory/galley ventilation system makes sure that the lavatories and galleys have a flow of
temperature controlled and conditioned air. Air flows from the cabin into the lavatories and
galleys. Air also flows into the lavatories from the cabin air distribution and recirculation system
through individual air outlets. The air flows from the lavatories and galleys into an extraction
duct in the area of the outflow valve and then out of the aircraft. An extraction fan gives the
necessary airflow.
Component Location
** ON A/C 021-025, 028-029, 031-099, 101-199, 201-300, 401-450
(Ref. Fig. Lavatory and Galley Ventilation System SHEET 1)
The duct temperature sensor 26HQ is installed upstream of the aft electronics rack 80VU. It
consists of a hermistor mounted in a stainless-steel tube with an electrical connector at the top.
If an overheat condition is detected.
The set temperature values are:
· increasing temperatures 62 deg.C (143.6 deg.F) +1 deg.C (+33.8 deg.F),
· decreasing temperatures 60 deg.C (140 deg.F) +1 deg.C (+33.8 deg.F).
The electric and electronic equipment is normally supplied with sufficient ventilation air from the
avionics equipment ventilation system (Ref. AMM D/O 21-26-00-00) .
On the ground in areas of extreme hot outside air temperatures, an additional ground cooling
system is necessary to protect the equipment from overheating. This system operates
independently from the aircraft cooling system.
General Arrangement
1. General
The (Cabin) Pressure Control and monitoring System (CPCS) makes sure that the pressure in the pressurized
fuselage is safe and comfortable for the passengers and crew. The Cabin Pressure Controllers (CPC) control
fully automatically the quantity of air that flows out of the fuselage through an outflow valve. A manual system
controls the CPCS if the automatic system is not active. Two safety valves are installed in the aft pressure
bulkhead which prevent that the pressure in the fuselage gets too high or too low.
2. Component Location
Safety Valve :-
5. Component Description
A. Flow Control Valve / Flow Control Unit
** ON A/C 001-002, 005-012, 021-025, 028-029, 031-099
(Ref. Fig. Flow Control Valve - General View SHEET 1)
The two air conditioning packs decrease the temperature and the water contained in the hot bleed air
from the pneumatic system. Heat exchangers decrease the temperature of the air. An air-cycle machine
first compresses the air and then expands it. A condenser condenses the water in the air and a water
extractor removes the water
2. Component Location
** ON A/C 001-002, 005-012, 021-025, 028-029, 031-099
(Ref. Fig. Air Cooling System - Component Location SHEET 1)
1. General
** ON A/C 001-002, 005-012, 021-025, 028-029, 031-099
The zone controller 8HK signals the required pack outlet temperature to the pack controllers
7HH (27HH). To get this temperature, the pack controller modulates the bypass valve 10HH
(30HH) and the ram air inlet/outlet flaps. This is done in a pre-determined sequence, and is a
compromise between the following:
· minimum ram-air flow,
· maintaining adequate heat transfer rates,
· sufficient pack flow.
A priority control overrides this ram-air optimization, if the compressor outlet temperature gets to
180 DEG.C (356.00 DEG.F). During takeoff and landing, the ram-air inlet doors are fully closed
to stop the ingestion of foreign matter.
** ON A/C 101-199, 201-300, 401-450, 901-999
The Air Conditioning System Controller 1 (ACSC1) 47HH in normal mode calculates the
required pack outlet temperature and transmits it to the ACSC2 (57HH). To get this
temperature, ACSC modulates the bypass valve 10HH (30HH) and the ram air inlet flap. This is
done in a pre-determined sequence, and is a compromise between the following:
· minimum ram-air flow,
· maintaining adequate heat transfer rates,
· sufficient pack flow.
A priority control overrides this ram-air optimization, if the compressor outlet temperature gets to
180 DEG.C (356.00 DEG.F). During takeoff and landing, the ram-air inlet doors are fully closed
to stop the ingestion of foreign matter.
The emergency ram-air inlet gives a flow of fresh air through the aircraft if there is a failure in
the two air conditioning packs. An actuator extends and retracts the emergency ram-air inlet. A
Check valve prevents the flow of air in the opposite direction. A Low Pressure (LP) ground
connection is installed for connection of a ground air supply.
1. General
** ON A/C 001-002, 005-012, 021-025, 028-029, 031-099
The pack temperature control system controls the pack outlet temperature and sets its maximum and minimum
limits. Two pack controllers control the system.
Each pack controller 7HH (27HH) controls the two major parameters of its related pack:
· the pack outlet temperature (through the water extractor outlet temperature),
· the ram-air cooling flow, which is kept to a minimum for fuel economy.
Each pack controller consists of two computers, one primary and one electrically independent secondary
computer. The primary computer is capable of modulating the system parameters to their full extent, thus
opitimizing the system performance. The secondary computer gives a reduced level of optimization when it
operates as a back-up in the event of the primary computer failure.
** ON A/C 101-199, 201-300, 401-450, 901-999
The pack temperature control system controls the pack outlet temperature and sets its maximum and minimum
limits. Two ACSC control the system.
Each ACSC 47HH (57HH) controls the two major parameters of its related pack:
· the pack outlet temperature (through the water extractor outlet temperature),
· the ram-air cooling flow, which is kept to a minimum for fuel economy.
Each ACSC consists of two indepent lanes.
E. Anti-ice Valve
** ON A/C 001-002, 005-012, 021-025, 028-029, 031-099
1. General
** ON A/C 001-002, 005-012, 021-025, 028-029, 031-099
The cockpit and cabin temperature control system controls the temperature in the cockpit and
cabin. You can set a different temperature for the cockpit and the cabin. The cabin is divided
into the FWD zone and the AFT zone. Hot trim air, which is used for temperature control in the
cockpit, the FWD cabin and the AFT cabin zones, is individually controlled under normal
conditions in pressure and quantity. A back-up is provided and will take over control in a failure
** ON A/C 101-199, 201-300, 401-450, 901-999
The cockpit and cabin temperature control system controls the temperature in the cockpit and
cabin. You can set a different temperature for the cockpit and the cabin. The cabin is divided
into the FWD zone and the AFT zone. The hot trim air is used for individual temperature control
in the cockpit, the FWD cabin and the AFT cabin zones.
2. Component Location
** ON A/C 001-002, 005-012, 021-025, 028-029, 031-099
3. System Description
** ON A/C 001-002, 005-012, 021-025, 028-029, 031-099
(Ref. Fig. Cockpit and Cabin Temperature Control - Block Diagram SHEET 1)