Tension and Compression Test
Measurements are taken of
both the specimen’s initial
cross-sectional area, A0, and
the gauge-length distance L0
between the punch marks.
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Stress-Strain Diagram
Elastic Behavior
Proportional Limit-
beyond which stress and
strain are no longer
Elastic Limit – if load is
removed specimen will
return to its original shape
Yielding – considerable
elongation occur with no
noticeable increase of
tensile force
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Stress-Strain Diagram
Plastic Behavior
Strain hardening – when
yielding has ended, an
increase in load can be
supported by the specimen
until it reaches the ultimate
Necking - Up to the ultimate
stress, as the specimen
elongates, its cross-sectional
area will decrease. The
stress–strain diagram tends
to curve downward until the
specimen breaks at the
fracture stress. ndb2020 2/6/2020
Poisson’s Ratio
• For a slender bar subjected to axial loading:
x = y =z = 0
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Generalized Hooke’s Law
• For an element subjected to multi-axial loading,
the normal strain components resulting from the
stress components may be determined from the
principle of superposition. This requires:
1) strain is linearly related to stress
2) deformations are small
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Dilatation: Bulk Modulus
• Relative to the unstressed state, the change in volume is
( )
e = 1 − (1 + x ) 1 + y (1 + z ) = 1 − 1 + x + y + z
= x + y +z
1 − 2
x + y + z )
= dilatation (change in volume per unit volum e)
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Shearing Strain
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Example 2.10
• Determine the average angular
deformation or shearing strain of
the block.
• Apply Hooke’s law for shearing stress
and strain to find the corresponding
shearing stress.
A rectangular block of material with
modulus of rigidity G = 90 ksi is • Use the definition of shearing stress to
bonded to two rigid horizontal plates. find the force P.
The lower plate is fixed, while the
upper plate is subjected to a horizontal
force P. Knowing that the upper plate
moves through 0.04 in. under the action
of the force, determine a) the average
shearing strain in the material, and b)
the force P exerted on the plate.
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• Determine the average angular deformation
or shearing strain of the block.
0.04 in.
xy tan xy = xy = 0.020 rad
2 in.
P = 36.0 kips
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Relation Among E, , and G
• An axially loaded slender bar will
elongate in the axial direction and
contract in the transverse directions.
• An initially cubic element oriented as in
top figure will deform into a rectangular
parallelepiped. The axial load produces a
normal strain.
• If the cubic element is oriented as in the
bottom figure, it will deform into a
rhombus. Axial load also results in a shear
• Components of normal and shear strain are
= (1 + )
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Sample Problem 2.5
ndb2020 2/6/2020
• Apply the generalized Hooke’s Law to • Evaluate the deformation components.
find the three components of normal
B A = x d = + 0.533 10−3 in./in. (9 in.) )
x y z B A = +4.8 10−3 in.
x = + − −
C D ( )
= z d = + 1.600 10−3 in./in. (9 in.)
1 1
= (12 ksi ) − 0 − (20 ksi )
10 106 psi 3 C D = +14.4 10−3 in.
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Saint-Venant’s Principle
• Loads transmitted through rigid
plates result in uniform distribution
of stress and strain.
• Saint-Venant’s Principle:
Stress distribution may be assumed
independent of the mode of load
application except in the immediate
vicinity of load application points.
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