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Management of Nursing Educational Institution: Introduction

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Management of Nursing Educational Institution

The concept of management is associated with the phenomenon of group activity. It includes the
management of man, money, material, activity and time.
It also involves the management functions such as planning, organizing, directing, recruiting, staffing,
budgeting, and staff development.
There are different courses offered in nursing such as ANM, GNM, B.Sc.(N), M.Sc.(N), and PhD (N.)
The INC SNC and the University with which an institution is affiliated plays a vital role in establishing and
maintenance of standards in nursing education.


It includes four main steps-
1) Planning
2) organizing
3) Staffing
4) Budgeting
Planning is the basic or primary function of management. No other function can be executed without
performing planning function because objectives are set up in planning.
It is a process deciding in advance:
 What to do
 When to do
 How to do
 Where to do
 Who to do
 It provides direction for future.
 It is goal oriented and starts with the determination of objectives. We cannot think of planning
without objectives.
 It is futuristic/forward looking -Planning is never done for the past.
 It is a continuous process -planners keep making changes in the plans according to the requirement of
the company.
 It is intellectual process -planning process forces managers to think differently so it makes the
managers innovative and creative.
 It is a group activity.

TYPES OF PLANNING -: There are four type of Planning

1. Strategic planning
2. Operational planning
3. Standing planning
4. Single-use planning

1. STRATEGIC PLANNING: - This is long term planning for five to ten years. It takes into consideration
the totality of the educational activities ex.-Detail analysis of strength, weakness, opportunities and threats
(SWOT) of organization both internal and external environment.

2. OPERATIONAL PLANNING: - It is also called current use plan or short-term planning normally extend
to a period of one to three years. It takes into consideration primarily short-term objective and are concerned
with day to day activity ex.- planning for details budgeting and it should be done within given period.
3. STANDING PLANNING: - Standing plans is a business plan that is used many times and it is used for
longer period of time and help the employee in decision making ex.-ongoing policies(define boundaries in
insurance policy), procedure(sequence of actions to achieve an objectives, registration for class), rules(no
smoking in class).
4. SINGLE-USE PLANNING: - These plans have single use or one time use for accomplishing specific
objectives ex.-advertising campaign for a new product launch.
Setting the goals and objectives

Generate the alternative course

Analysing and evaluating the alternatives

Choosing the best

 More effective
 Faster achievement of goals
 Give strength to business
 Improve efficiency of managerial function
 It serves as an integral part of other administrative functions (POSDCORB-Formulated by the Luther
Gulick in administrative management theory).
 It depends upon facts and information; reliable information is not possible.
 It said to be a time consuming because it takes long time to evaluate the alternatives and select the
best one
 It is expensive process -planning process involves lot of cost because it is an intellectual process and
companies need to hire the professional experts to carry on this process.
 Unplanned procedures produce chaos -sometimes managers have false sense that plans have worked
successfully in past so these will be working in future also, so many unknown factors may lead to
failure of plan in future.
 It is the second managerial function after planning process.
 It is structural framework of relationship which refers to the formal grouping of teachers and
activities to facilitate achievement of the objectives.
 A group of people who form a business, together in order to achieve a particular aim.
 A well-defined grouping of work facilitates better administration and efficiency(capacity).
 It helps for the optimum use of human resources
 Better coordination and communication among employee
 It facilitates for the expansion and growth.
STEPS INVOLVED IN ORGANIZING: -There are four basic elements of management of organization.
 IDENTIFICATION AND GROUPING OF WORK: -The organising function begins with the
division of total work into smaller units. Each unit of total work is called a job and an individual in
the organization is assigned one job only. The division of work into smaller jobs leads to
specialization because jobs are assigned to individuals according to their qualifications and
capabilities. For example, in a bank every individual is assigned a job. One cashier accept cash, one
cashier makes payments, one person issues cheque books, one person receives cheques, etc. with
division of work into jobs the banks work very smoothly and systematically.

 GROUPING THE JOBS AND DEPARTMENTALISATION: -After dividing the work, similar jobs
are grouped together and put under one department.

 ASSIGNMENT OF DUTIES: -In this each individual is assigned a duty matching to his skill and
qualification and it clearly defines the responsibilities related to the job.

 ESTABLISHING REPORTING RELATIONSHIP: -In which employees have to perform the job and
to perform the job every individual needs some authority. So, in the fourth step of the organizing
process all the individuals are assigned some authority matching to the job they have to perform.
 Promote upward mobility
 Easy strategic planning
 Improve employee training
 Refine the decision-making process.
 It will lead to poor communication and coordination across functional units
 Lack of understanding across departments
 Focus more on their own goals and neglect the overall company objectives
Staffing is the process of recruiting the employees by evaluating their skills, knowledge and then offering
them specific job roles accordingly.
Staffing refers to finding the right person for the right job having right qualification, at the right time.
 To understand function of organization
 To identify, develop and introduce training and development activities.
 To recruit, select and appoint right person to the right job.
 To build coordination, better communication, trust and cooperation among all members.
 To evaluate performance and motivate employees.
It is a process by which an organization should move from its current manpower position to its desired
manpower position. (according to EW Vetter)
PURPOSE: - The purpose of the HRP in the education institution is-
 To assess the present and the future demand and requirement.
 To improve the standard, skill, knowledge, ability, discipline, etc
 To make the best use of its human resources
 To estimate the cost of human resources
 To foresee the impact of technology on work
 To assess the employee turnover and make the arrangement for minimizing the turnover
It is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The process begins when new
recruits are sought and ends when their applicants are submitted.
In an educational institution, the teaching staffs are the primary staff, whereas the administrative staffs are
the supporting staff, both are to be recruited and placed.
 Size of the institution
 Number of departments
 Courses offered
 Specialization offered
 Employment condition in the community
 Rate of growth of institution
 Cultural, economic and legal forces, etc.
SOURCES OF RECRUITMENT: - The sources may internal and external.
(1) Internal sources: -These include personnel, who are already working in the institution, that is its present
working force. Whenever any vacancy arises in the institution, somebody within the institution is upgraded,
transferred and promoted for the new position.
(2) External sources: -These sources lie outside the institution, they usually include:
 Young and fresh graduates.
 The unemployed.
 Retired experienced person.
a) Direct method - In this method scouting, manned exhibits and waiting lists are used.
 Scouting - The management of the institution sends recruiters to the colleges or educational
and training institutions.
 Manned exhibits – In which sending recruiters to seminars and conventions.
 Waiting lists – It includes those candidates who have indicated their interest in jobs.
b) Indirect method – It involves mostly advertising in newspaper, on the radio, in trade and professional
journals, magazines. Senior posts are largely filled by such methods when they cannot be filled by

c) Third party method – These include the use of commercial or private employment agencies, state
agencies, placement offices of colleges and professional associations, seminars for college professors
and friends and relatives.
SELECTION: - It starts from the point, where the recruitment is over or ends.
The selection process begins only after an adequate number of applicants have been secured through the
recruitment. It chooses the applicant, who is most likely to perform well in the job. This procedure securing
relevant information about an applicant.
INDUCTION AND ORIENTATION: - Induction is the process of introducing the newcomer to his
company, it leads to reduction of such anxieties and help to introduce the new employee and each other.
orientation is the process of helping the newcomer to align with his new position, responsibilities and work
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT: -Training is a short-term process and development is a long-term
process and preparing employees for future position and improve their skills to handle the critical situations.
It involves improving the effectiveness of organization, the person and team within them.
PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL: - It is also called behavioural assessment, it is used in every organization
to evaluates an employee’s performance, qualification, skills, achievements, and growth.
It is derived from English word budgettee which means “sac or pouch”.
According to Taylor: “It is a financial plan of government for a definitive period.”
 To evaluate financial performance
 To control cost
 To identify problem area
 To facilitative effective solution
 Personal budget - A budget type focusing on expenses for self or for home, usually involves an
income to budget.

 Marketing budget - An estimate of the funds needed for promotion, advertising, and public relations
in order to market the product or service.

 Capital budget or investment budget - Used to determine whether an organization’s long-term

investments such as new machinery, replacement machinery, new plants, new products, and research
development projects are worth pursuing.
 Service cost
 Market price
 Capacity of organization
 Changing demand of client
 External and internal economic environment
 Improve standard performance of organization
 Gives control over your money – It is said that you control your money not your money controls you.
 Keep focused on your money goals – Budgeting avoid spending unnecessarily money on items that
do not contribute to attaining your financial goals.
 Enables to save for expected and unexpected costs – Budgeting allows to plan to set money for
emergency potential problems.
 Required skills and experience for successful budgetary control.
 Its time consuming and expensive if the program budget is incorrect, it can lead to increase in cost.
 Organization development may be ignored.
 Danger of overbudgeting
The concept of management is associated with the phenomenon of group activity. Everywhere in a modern
society, we find a group of people working in all spheres of human activity. Management is the process of
efficiently getting activities completed with and through other people. Educational administration includes
the techniques and procedures employed in operating the educational organization in accordance with
established policies. It is same in administration of nursing educational institution. Administration of nursing
educational institution such as college of nursing and school of nursing include maintenance management
and developmental management.

Nursing education has been tremendous improvement over these years of its journey in practice as well as in
education aspects. Still the main part of the regulatory bodies and institutions is not increasing the
production of nursing professionals but make them competent in their profession so as to make them
visionary leaders lifting the banner of nursing- the Nobel Profession.
R Sudha Nursing Education, First Edition, Jaypee Publishers 2013. Pg.no.-344-355
BT Basavanthappa Nursing Administration, second edition, Jaypee Publishers 2009. Pg. no.-119-183,

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