Role - of - Curriculum - Coordinator 3
Role - of - Curriculum - Coordinator 3
Role - of - Curriculum - Coordinator 3
It is derived from Latin word “currere” which means “to run”. It is a runway or blue print of an
educational programme.
According to Bevis (1989), curriculum defined as “ those transactions and interactions that
take place between students and teachers and among students with the intent that learning take
It is the learning opportunities and the learning activities that faculty plan and implement in
various settings for a particular group of students for a specific period or time in order to attain
the objectives.( Florence Nightingale International Foundation).
- Minimum M.Sc. in respective field.
- Had undergone special training in field of curriculum development.
- Previous work experience as curriculum coordinator at school level and block or district
Licensure. Instructional coordinators must be licensed to work in public schools. Some States
require a teaching license, whereas others require an education administrator license.
Experience alone is not enough along with that the certification from university that have
undergone to this special course.
Other qualifications. Instructional coordinators must have a good understanding of how to
teach specific groups of students and expertise in developing educational materials. As a result,
many people become instructional coordinators after working for several years as teachers.
Also beneficial is work experience in an education administrator position, such as a principal or
assistant principal, or in another advisory role, such as a master teacher, department chair or
lead teacher.
- Should have special degree or diploma in special language like Hindi, English.
- Undergone various workshop, conferences and education program of in-service in the
field of curriculum development
Instructional coordinators must be able to make sound decisions about curriculum options and
to organize and coordinate work efficiently. They should have strong interpersonal and
communication skills. Familiarity with computer technology also is important for instructional
coordinators, who are increasingly involved in gathering technical information for students and
The Planning Coordinator provides leadership in planning and evaluation of programs and
services by:
❖Coordinating the development, implementation and monitoring of the agency’s outcome based
service delivery planning cycle, including the oversight of the strategic and operational plans
❖Coordinating the program and agency planning, goal setting, monitoring and evaluation
❖Facilitating discussion of goals and measures
❖Facilitating the development and maintenance of systems and processes for the ongoing
measurement of success and opportunities
❖Implementing systems and processes to collect and analyse data, trends and other related
information that impacts the agency, its community and programs
❖Collecting and analyzing data to support the ongoing planning cycles
❖Collecting analyzing and reporting the progress and outcomes achieved by the agency and its
programs for funders, clients, board and other organizations.
❖Coordinates the development of curriculum objectives for the area: monitors the
implementation and evaluation of these objectives.
❖ Coordinates the process for selection of textbooks, equipment and instructional supplies for the
curriculum area.
⮚ Supervise all projects and efficient working of all team members and clients and assist to
identify and resolve all issues efficiently for all the projects .
⮚ Coordinate with implementation manager and monitor all phases of projects and maintain all
project objectives within required time frames and budget requirements .
⮚ Prepare an installation guide and maintain status of all plans and design and efficient schedule.
⮚ Maintain schedule for implementation projects and document all processes and recommend
improvements to same.
⮚ Coordination and preparation of course materials.
⮚ Administration of the departmental placement examination including supervision and
enforcement of proper student placement.
⮚ Organization and coordination of departmental curriculum workshops.
⮚ Coordination and supervision of curriculum –wide enhancement projects ( e.g oral
assessment )
⮚ Clear communication between instructor and coordinators , graduate student teachers and
faculty .
⮚ Orientation for first time graduate student teachers
⮚ Coordination of faculty class visits.
⮚ Through regular meetings with instructors, the coordinator monitors the effectiveness of
materials and assessment instruments.
⮚ Coordination of assessment procedures , the coordinator coordinates the implementation and
scoring of assessment instruments in all sections.
⮚ Update and feedback.
⮚ Conducts curriculum meetings for area as required.
⮚ Attends curriculum and other professional conferences.
⮚ Provides support and guidance to teachers in handling of day-to-day problems of instruction
and implementation of curriculum.
⮚ Promotes innovation within the curriculum area.
⮚ Works with curriculum committees to ensure successful completion of all phases of the
curriculum cycle.
⮚ Works with curriculum committees in organizing and coordinating appropriate meeting
in order for effective continuity and articulation of the curriculum throughout the district.
Evaluation of curriculum presents the final stage inside cyclic process of improvement and
development of curriculum.
Purposes of evaluation-
Evaluation of curriculum can be made through evaluation of many different aspects as:-
● Kumari Neelam. Management of Nursing Services & Education; edition-1st: Pee Vee
publishers;2011. 407-409.
● Neeraja KP. Communication and Educational Technology, Edition-1st ; Jaypee
Publisher; 2011. 191-92.
● Neeraja K.P.Text book of Nursing Education; Edition-1 st ; Jaypee brothers
● Sudha R. Nursing Education principle concepts. 1ed.New Delhi:Jaypee brothers
publishers; 2013. 332-33.
▪ cordinator.htm.