Experiment-7: AIM: Write A Program To Implement Link State Routing Algorithm
Experiment-7: AIM: Write A Program To Implement Link State Routing Algorithm
Experiment-7: AIM: Write A Program To Implement Link State Routing Algorithm
To find shortest path, each node need to run the famous Dijkstra algorithm. This famous
algorithm uses the following steps:
Step-1: The node is taken and chosen as a root node of the tree, this creates the tree
with a single node, and now set the total cost of each node to some value based on the
information in Link State Database
Step-2: Now the node selects one node, among all the nodes not in the tree like
structure, which is nearest to the root, and adds this to the tree.The shape of the tree gets
changed .
Step-3: After this node is added to the tree, the cost of all the nodes not in the tree
needs to be updated because the paths may have been changed.
Step-4: The node repeats the Step 2. and Step 3. until all the nodes are added in the
1. #include <stdio.h>
2. #include <string.h>
3. int main()
4. {
5. int count,src_router,i,j,k,w,v,min;
6. int cost_matrix[100][100],dist[100],last[100];
7. int flag[100];
8. printf("\n Enter the no of routers");
9. scanf("%d",&count);
10. printf("\n Enter the cost matrix values:");
11. for(i=0;i<count;i++)
12. {
13. for(j=0;j<count;j++)
14. {
15. printf("\n%d->%d:",i,j);
16. scanf("%d",&cost_matrix[i][j]);
17. if(cost_matrix[i][j]<0)cost_matrix[i][j]=1000;
18. }
19. }
20. printf("\n Enter the source router:");
21. scanf("%d",&src_router);
22. for(v=0;v<count;v++)
23. {
24. flag[v]=0;
25. last[v]=src_router;
26. dist[v]=cost_matrix[src_router][v];
27. }
28. flag[src_router]=1;
29. for(i=0;i<count;i++)
30. {
31. min=1000;
32. for(w=0;w<count;w++)
33. {
34. if(!flag[w])
35. if(dist[w]<min)
36. {
37. v=w;
38. min=dist[w];
39. }
40. }
41. flag[v]=1;
42. for(w=0;w<count;w++)
43. {
44. if(!flag[w])
45. if(min+cost_matrix[v][w]<dist[w])
46. {
47. dist[w]=min+cost_matrix[v][w];
48. last[w]=v;
49. }
50. }
51. }
52. for(i=0;i<count;i++)
53. {
54. printf("\n%d==>%d:Path taken:%d",src_router,i,i);
55. w=i;
56. while(w!=src_router)
57. {
58. printf("\n<--%d",last[w]);w=last[w];
59. }
60. printf("\n Shortest path cost:%d",dist[i]);
61. }
62. }
Link State protocols in comparison to Distance Vector protocols have:
1. It requires large amount of memory.
2. Shortest path computations require many CPU circles.
3. If network use the little bandwidth ; it quickly reacts to topology changes
4. All items in the database must be sent to neighbors to form link state packets.
5. All neighbors must be trusted in the topology.
6. Authentication mechanisms can be used to avoid undesired adjacency and problems.
7. No split horizon techniques are possible in the link state routing.