Free Electron Theory 2015-16 (VTU) PDF
Free Electron Theory 2015-16 (VTU) PDF
Free Electron Theory 2015-16 (VTU) PDF
Thermal velocity:
The ionic cores, though they fixed in the lattice frame, will be vibrating constantly
about their respective mean positions. The vibration is because of thermal agitation. The
thermal agitation also causes the conduction
electrons to keep moving constantly inside the
metal. The velocity with which the free electrons
keep moving due to thermal agitation is called
thermal velocity. Due to such a motion, they
undergo incessant collisions with the lattice points,
i.e., the ionic cores.
When an electron collides with the lattice, the direction to which it had confined
its motion prior to the collision is abandoned, and it starts moving in a different direction.
Since collision is a random process, the two directions do not have any interrelation. This
is the kind of randomness in the motion of a free electron. Thus in the absence of an
electric field, though the free electrons in motion, it does not give rise to a current due to
the randomness in their motion.
As per laws of kinetic theory of gases, the energy associated with each electron at
a temperature T will be kT , where k is the Boltzmann constant. It is related to the
kinetic energy through the relation,
3 1
kT mvth2
2 2
Drift velocity:
When an electric field is applied, there will be a net displacement in the randomly
moving free electron positions with time in a direction opposite to the direction of the
field. This displacement in unit time is called drift velocity which will be constant for the
free electrons in the steady state and accounts for a current in the direction of field.
If m is the mass of the electron, vd is the drift velocity and is the mean collision
time, then the resistance force Fr offered to its motion is given by
mv d
If e is the charge on the electron and E is the strength of the applied field then the driving
force acting on the electron is,
F = eE
mv d
In the steady state, Fr = F, i.e., eE
The drift velocity v d is given by v d
Density of states:
The Fermi function gives us only the probability of occupation of a quantum
energy state by a single electron. The ability of a metal to conduct electricity depends on
how many quantum energy states are available to for electrons and what are the energies
of those states. In physics, a quantum state is characterized by a set of quantum numbers
and represented by an Eigen function. It is not an easy
task to list the energies of so many states individually,
instead of this, we find the number of states in a unit
volume of the sample having energies in the range E and
E+dE. We write this number as N(E)dE, where N(E) is
called the density of states at energy E. this unit of N(E)
is states per cubic meter per electron volt (m-3eV-1).
We know that the permitted energy levels for
electrons in a solid material will be in terms of bands. Let
the energy band be spread in an energy interval between
E1 and E2 in the material. Consider an infinitesimal small increment dE at arbitrary
energy value E in the band. Since dE is an infinitesimally
small increment in E, we can assume that N(E) remains
constant between E and E+dE. Then the number of energy
levels in the range E and E+dE is obtained by evaluating the
product of N(E) and dE.
N ( E ) dE 3 2 m E 1 / 2 dE
As per the above equation it is clear that, the number of energy
states in an energy interval dE is proportional to E . A plot
of N(E) verses E gives the curve of parabola
Fermi-Dirac distribution:
In a metal, in the absence of an electric field, free electrons move at random,
similar to the behavior of the electron gas. Since electrons are indistinguishable particles,
they are known as fermions or Fermi particles. Hence, such an electron gas obeys Fermi–
Dirac statistics. The Fermi – Dirac statistics describes the behavior of free electron gas,
taking into account of quantum theory and Pouli’s exclusion principle. The highest
energy level occupied by electrons at absolute zero temperature is known as Fermi
energy level which divides the occupied states from the unoccupied states. The
probability of energy level E F by an electron at temperature T is given by
F (E) E E F / K BT
Where F(E) is
1 e
the Fermi factor, E F energy of Fermi level and K B is the
Boltzmann’s constant. The probability function F(E) lies
between 0 and 1 depending on the energy E and the
temperature T and below the Fermi energy EF all the
energy levels occupied by electrons. Each level occupied by two electrons, one with the
spin up and the other with the spin down. All the energy levels above EF are vacant.
Fermi factor:
At temperatures above absolute zero, though the material will be receiving
thermal energy from the surroundings, the amount of thermal energy supplied will be
quite small. At ordinary temperatures, the electrons which are in energy levels far below
the Fermi level cannot absorb this energy. It is because, there is no availability of vacant
higher energy levels into which the electrons can come into if their energies increase only
by a small amount. However, near the Fermi level there are unoccupied higher energy
levels which lie above the occupied energy levels. Those are the energy levels into which,
the electrons from the energy levels near Fermi level could get into after absorbing
thermal energy.
Though such thermal excitations seem to be random, the resulting distribution of
electrons in various energy levels after excitation will be not random but a systematic
one. The distribution is always governed by a statistical function once the system is in
thermal equilibrium.
The probability N(E) that a given energy state with energy E is occupied at a steady state
temperature T is given by
F (E) E E F / K BT
1 e
Where F(E) is the Fermi factor and K B is the Boltzmann’s constant.
v k ------------------ (7)
From Eq (6) and (7)
eE eE c
v c ----------------- (8)
m m
If the number of electrons per unit volume (electron density) is n, then the current
density J is given by
J n(e)v ------------------ (9)
From Eq (8) and (9) we get
eE c ne 2 E c
J n ( e)
m m
J E (Ohm’s law)
Where the electrical conductivity is given by
ne 2 c
Merits of quantum free electron theory:
The quantum free electron theory has been successful in according for many
experimental facts which the classical free electron theory failed to account for.
1. It is successfully explains the electrical and thermal conductivity of metals.
2. Phenomenon of thermionic emission can be explained by this theory.
Intrinsic semiconductors:
If a semiconductor is sufficiently pure, then it
is known as intrinsic semiconductor. Ex: pure Ge,
pure Si etc
At low temperatures all, the valence
electrons are bound to the atoms through covalent
bonds. But at higher temperatures when thermal
energy (kT) becomes comparable with the bond
energy, some of the covalent bonds will be broken
and electron hole pairs will be generated. The
electrons can occupy conduction band and holes
will be created in the valance band. Each broken covalent bond generates one electron
and a hole pair. Thus the electron and hole density in an intrinsic semiconductor will be
equal and will be depending on the number of broken covalent bonds.
Let dn be the number of electrons per unit volume available between energy
interval E and E+dE in the conduction band.
dn =Zc(E)Fn(E)dE------------------ (1)
where Zc(E)dE is the density of states in the energy interval E and E+dE and F(E) is the
Fermi-Dirac distribution function which represents the probability that a state of energy E
occupied by an electron.
If Ec is the energy at the bottom of the conduction band, the density of electrons in the
conduction band can be calculated by integrating eq.(1) i.e.
ne Z E F E dE -------------------(2)
C n
since the probability of electrons occupying the upper level of conduction band reduces
to zero at infinity, the upper limit of integration is therefore taken as infinity.
We know that the density of states within the enrgy interval E and E+dE is given by
Probability os an electron occupying an energy state E is given by
Fn E
------------------------ (5)
1 e kT
Where E F is the energy of the Fermi level which lies exactly at the centre of the
forbidden energy gap in intrinsic semi conductor. i.e.
EF C ---------------------- (6)
Where EV is the energy corresponding to the top of the valance band.
Substituting the values of Zc(E)dE and F(E) from Eq(4) and Eq(5)
* 2 E E C
3 1/ 2
n e 3 ( 2m e ) E E F dE ---------------------- (7)
EC h
1 e kT
For all possible temperatures E EC >>kT
Then the term 1 in the denominator of the integrand can be neglected so that
E EC 1 / 2
ne 3 ( 2me* ) 2 E EF dE
EC h
e kT
= ( 2 m * 2 kT
e ) e E E E C 1/ 2
e kT
h3 C
Let E EC x E EC x
dE = dx when E EC , x 0
By substituting the above we have
ne 3 (2me* ) 2 e kT x e kT
1/ 2
h 0
E F EC x
4 3
3 (2me* ) 2 e kT x e kT dx ---------------------- (8)
1/ 2
h 0
From gamma function
x e kT
dx kT
1/ 2 3/ 2
Hence, ne 3
(2me* ) 2 e kT
kT 3 / 2
h 2
3/ 2 E F EC
2me* kT
ne 2 2 e kT
---------------------- (9)
Hole concentration in Intrinsic Semiconductors:
Let dp be the number of holes per unit volume available between energy interval
E and E+dE in the valence band
dp =Zv(E)Fp(E)dE------------------ (1)
where Zv(E)dE is the density of states in the energy interval E and E+dE and Fp(E) is the
probability of existence of a hole in an energy state E.
F p E 1 Fn E 1
1 e kT
F p E
1 e kT
F p E e kT ------------------(2)
Density of holes in the valence band is given by
Z V E dE 3 (2mh* ) 2 E 1 / 2 dE
Since EV is the energy of the top of the valence band, then
Z V E dE (2mh* ) 2 EV E dE ---------------------- (3)
1/ 2
Substituting the values of Z V E dE and F p E from Eq (3) and (2) in Eq (1), we get
dp ( 2 m * 2
h ) EV E
1/ 2
e kT
dE ---------------------- (4)
The total number of holes in the valence band can be obtained by integrating Eq. (4)
EV 3
p 3 (2mh* ) 2 EV E e kT dE --------------------- (5)
1/ 2
4 3
p 3 (2m h* ) 2 e kT EV E 1 / 2 e kT dE
Let EV E x E EV x
dE = - dx when E EV , x 0
By substituting the above we have
EF 0 EV x
p 3 (2mh* ) 2 e kT x e kT
1/ 2
h 0
From gamma function
x e kT
dx kT
1/ 2 3/ 2
Hence, p 3 (2mh* ) 2 e kT
kT 3 / 2
h 2
3/ 2 EV E F
2m h* kT
p 2 2 e kT
---------------------- (9)
p NV e kT
---------------------- (10)
3/ 2
2mh* kT
Where N V 2 2 is effective density of holes in the valence band edge.
3/ 2
For silicon N V 2.8 10 25
m 3
Intrinsic conductivity:
Consider an intrinsic semiconductor to which a
potential difference V is applied. It establishes an electric
field E and the charge carriers are forced to drift in the
respective directions to constitute an electric current I. the
drift velocity acquired by the charge carrier is
Vd E ----------------------- (1)
Where is the mobility of charge carriers.
Let n be the concentration of electrons in the semiconductor. Then the current density due
to an electron is
J n neVd
nen E
Where n is the mobility of the electron.
Similarly, current density due to holes is J p pe p E
Where p is the hole concentration and p is the mobility of the hole.
Total current density J J n J p
J ne n E pe p E
= n n p p eE ----------------------- (2)
But total current density J E ----------------------- (3)
Where is total conductivity.
A exp(Eg / 2kT)
Where A N c N v 2 e(n p ) is a constant ----------------------- (8)
Eq (3) shows that for any arbitrary value of EF, the product of n and p is a constant. This
conclusion is known as the law of mass action. The electron and hole concentrations in an
extrinsic semiconductor are given by expressions similar to Eq(1) and Eq (2). Thus for an
n- type semiconductor,
nn = Nc exp [-(E c - E F )/kT] ----------------------- (4)
pn = N v exp E F E v / kT ----------------------- (5)
nn pn N c N v exp(Eg / kT) ----------------------- (6)
nn pn ni2 ----------------------- (7)
The above relation represents law of mass action.
For a p-type semi conductor, the above relation becomes
n p p p ni2 ----------------------- (8)
The above Eqs (7) & (8) imply that the product of majority and minority carrier
concentrations in an extrinsic semiconductor at a particular temperature is equal to the
square of intrinsic carrier concentration at that temperature.