System of Particles and Rotational Motion
System of Particles and Rotational Motion
System of Particles and Rotational Motion
System of Particles
and Rotational Motion
Å For rotation about a fixed axis, the direction of the vector ω
dt does not change with time. Its magnitude may, however
or p = constant. change from instant to instant.
This is the law of conservation of the total linear For the more general rotation, both the magnitude and the
momentum of a system of particles. direction of ω may change from instant to instant.
Å If the total external force acting on the system is zero, the Å Angular acceleration α is defined as the rate of change of
centre of mass moves with a constant velocity, i.e. moves dω
angular velocity, i.e. α = .
uniformly in a straight line like a free particle. dt
If the axis of rotation is fixed, the direction of ω and hence
Vector Product of Two Vectors that of α is also fixed.
Å A vector product of two vectors a and b is a vector c such
that Torque and Angular Momentum
(i) magnitude of c = c = ab sinθ, where a & b are the Å The turning effect of the force about the axis of rotation is
magnitudes of a & b and θ is the angle between the called torque or moment of force.
two vectors. Å If a force F acts on a single particle at a point whose
(ii) c is perpendicular to the plane containing a and b. position vector with respect to the origin is given by vector
Å Vector product of two vectors a and b is not commutative. r, then moment of force is given by
i.e. a × b = − (b × a) τ = r×F
Å Vector products are distributive with respect to vector Å The magnitude of τ is given as τ = rF sin θ
addition, i.e. a × ( b + c) = a × b + a × c (a) When θ = 0° or 180°, then τ = 0 (minimum).
Å The vector product among cartesian unit vectors (b) When θ = 90°, then τ = rF (maximum).
$i, $j and k$ are given as Å The moment of force is a vector quantity.
$i × $i = 0, $j × $j = 0, The quantity angular momentum can be referred to as
k$ × k$ = 0,
Equilibrium of a Rigid Body Centre of Gravity
Å A rigid body is said to be in equilibrium, if both of its If a body is supported on a point such that the total
linear momentum and angular momentum remain same gravitational torque about this point is zero, then this
with time. point is called centre of gravity of the body.
Å If total force or vector sum of all forces acting on the body Σmiri = 0
is zero, then linear momentum of the body remains
constant, so the body is in translatory equilibrium, i.e. Moment of Inertia
and Radius of Gyration
F1 + F2 + ......... + Fn = ∑ Fi = 0 Å Moment of inertia is the analogue of mass in rotational
i =1
Å If the total torque, i.e. the vector sum of the torques on the
The moment of inertia ( I) of a body about an axis is
rigid body is zero, then angular momentum of the body
defined as the sum of the products of the mass of the
remains constant, so the body is in rotational equilibrium.
particles of the body and the square of the respective
i.e. τ1 + τ 2 ......... + τ n = ∑ τi = 0 distance of the particles from the axis of rotation.
i =1 I = m1r12 + m2r22 + … + mnrn2 = Σ miri2
i =1
Å A pair of equal and opposite forces with parallel lines of
action is known as a couple. A couple produces rotation where, m1 , m2 … , mn are the masses of n-particles and
without translation. r1 , r2 , … , rn be their distances from axis of rotation.
Å For a couple with forces − F and F acting at A and B points Å The radius of gyration of a body about an axis is defined
with position vectors r1 and r2 with respect to some origin O as the distance from the axis of a mass point whose mass is
as shown in figure. equal to the mass of whole body and whose moment of
inertia is equal to the moment of inertia of the body about
A N B the axis of rotation. It is denoted by k.
O r1 F I
Planar body
d1 d2
F1 F2 Y
P(x, y)
(i) Force F1 is usually some weight to be lifted. It is called
the load and its distance from fulcrum d1 is called the X
load arm.
(ii) Force F2 is the effort applied to lift the load and distance ∴ I Z = IX + I Y
d 2 of the effort from the fulcrum is the effort arm. where, IX , I Y and I Z are the moments of inertia about the
At equilibrium, load arm × load = effor × effort arm X, Y and Z-axes, respectively.
⇒ F1 d1 = F2 d 2
Theorem of Parallel Axes
The above equation expresses the principle of moments for
a lever. Å It states that “ the moment of inertia of a body about any
F axis is equal to the moment of inertia of the body about a
Å The ratio 1 is called the mechanical advantage ( MA ). parallel axis passing through the centre of mass plus the
product of the mass of the body and the square of the
F1 d 2
MA = = distance between the two parallel axes.”
F2 d1
Å Two such axes are shown in figure for a body of mass M. If Kinematic Equations
a is the distance between the axes and I CM and I 0 are the
respective moments of inertia about these axes, then of Rotational Motion
Z Z′ Å The kinematic equations for rotational motion with
uniform angular acceleration are given below
(i) ω = ω 0 + αt (ii) θ − θ 0 = ω 0t + αt 2
a 2
(iii) ω 2 − ω 20 = 2α (θ − θ 0 )
O O′
Y where, θ 0 & ω 0 are initial angular displacement & angular
velocity, θ & ω are final angular displacement & angular
velocity and α is angular acceleration.
Conservation of Angular Momentum
If the external torque on the rotating body is zero, then
I 0 = I CM + Ma 2 angular momentum on the body is conserved. This is law of
conservation of angular momentum.
Moment of Inertia of Some
Regular Shaped Bodies As, =0
Å Moment of inertia of the rod about an axis passing
L = constant, Iω = constant or I1ω1 = I 2ω 2
Ml 2
through its centre and perpendicular to rod, I =
12 Rolling Motion
Moment of inertia of the rod about an axis perpendicular Å When a body performs translation motion as well as
to the length of the rod and passing through its end, rotational motion, then this type of motion is known as
Ml 2 rolling motion.
I′ =
3 Å Kinetic Energy of Rolling Motion A body rotating about
where, l is the length of the rod. its axis with angular velocity ω and its centre of mass
Å Moment of inertia of a thin circular ring about an axis moving with velocity v CM , then kinetic energy of rolling is
through its centre and perpendicular to its plane, given as
I c = MR 2 KE rolling = KE translational + KE rotational
1 1 1 k2
Moment of inertia about any diameter of the ring, = Mv CM 2
+ Iω 2 = Mv CM 2
1 + 2
1 2 2 2
I d = MR 2
2 Å Various physical quantities of a body, rolling on an
where, R is the radius of the circular disc. inclined plane without slipping are listed below
Moment of inertia of a circular disc about an axis passing g sinθ
(i) Acceleration of the body, a =
Mastering NCERT
— ω A B A B
2 O
Initially After
(a) v A > vB > vC (b) v A < vB < vC
(c) v A = vB > vC (d) v A = vB < vC Such that the rim is vertical. If you leave one string,
24 Point masses m1 and m2 are placed at the opposite the rim will tilt. Now, keeping the rim in vertical
ends of a rigid rod of length L and negligible mass. position with both the strings in one hand, put the
The rod is to be set rotating about an axis wheel in fast rotation around the axle with the other
perpendicular to it. The position of point P on this rod hand. Then, leave one string, say B, from your hand.
through which the axis should pass, so that the work What will happen, if we leave string B?
required to set the rod rotating with angular velocity (a) The rim will stop rotating
ω 0 is minimum, is given by CBSE AIPMT 2015 (b) The rim will rotate in a vertical plane and the plane of
ω0 rotation will precesses about string A
(c) The rim will rotate in a horizontal plane
m1 P m2 (d) String at A is twisted
x (L – x)
28 A force F is applied on a single particle P as shown in
the figure. Here, r is the position vector of the particle.
(a) x =
m1 L m
(b) x = 1 L The value of torque τ is
m1 + m2 m2 Z
m2 m2 L
(c) x = L (d) x = τ F
m1 m1 + m2
25 The angular momentum L of a single particle can be r
represented as O Y
(a) r × p (b) rp sin θ n$
(c) rp ⊥ n$ (d) Both (a) and (b) X
O O′ R
X 40
(a) 4 MR 2 (b) MR 2
(a) I Z = I Z ′ + Ma 2 (b) I Z ′ = I Z + Ma 2 37
(c) 10MR 2 (d) MR 2
(c) I Z = I Z ′ + 2Ma 2 (d) I Z ′ = I Z + 2Ma 2 9
63 The moment of inertia of a uniform cylinder of length radius of a thin cylinder of the same mass such that its
l and radius R about its perpendicular bisector is I. moment of inertia about its axis is also I, is
What is the ratio l/ R such that the moment of inertia JEE Main 2019
is minimum? JEE Main 2017 (a) 16 cm (b) 14 cm
3 3 3 (c) 12 cm (d) 18 cm
(a) (b) 1 (c) (d)
2 2 2 65 Find ratio of radius of gyration of a disc and ring of
same radii at their tangential axis in plane.
64 Let the moment of inertia of a hollow cylinder of
length 30 cm (inner radius
5` 5 2
10 cm and outer radius 20 cm) about its axis be I. The (a) (b) (c) 1 (d)
6 3 3
r1 Z′
d1 D
1 v Y
v 2 a
(a) Angular momentum L1 of particle 1about A is mv( d1 ) (a) The moment of inertia of cube about Z-axis is
⊗. I Z = I X + IY
(b) Angular momentum L2 of particle 2 about A is mvr2 . (b) The moment of inertia of cube about Z′-axis is
(c) Total angular momentum of the system about A is ma 2
IZ ' = IZ +
L = mv( r1 + r2 ) . 2
(d) Total angular momentum of the system about A is (c) The moment of inertia of cube about Z ′′-axis is
L = mv(d 2 − d1 ) ⊗. ma 2
where, represents a unit vector coming out of the = IZ +
page and ⊗ represents a unit vector going into the
(d) I X ≠ IY
115 A man standing on a platform holds weights in his III. Matching Type
outstretched arms. The system rotates freely about a
central vertical axis. If he now draws the weights 119 Match the examples given in Column I with the type
inwards close to his body, then choose the incorrect of motion they are executing in Column II and select
statement. the correct answer from the codes given blow. There
(a) The angular velocity of the system will increase. is no information about nature of surfaces of bodies as
(b) The angular momentum of the system will decrease. given.
(c) The kinetic energy of the system will increase. Column I Column II
(d) He will have to expand some energy to draw the
116 A uniform rod kept vertically on the ground falls from A. 1. Rolling
rest. Its foot does not slip on the ground, then choose
the incorrect statement. A block over an
inclined plane
(a) No part of the rod can have acceleration greater than g
in any position.
(b) At any position of the rod, different points on it have
different accelerations. B. 2. Translation
(c) Any particular point on the rod has different A cylinder over
accelerations for different positions of the rod an inclined plane
(d) The maximum acceleration of any point on the rod, at
any position, is 1.5 g.
117 A ring rolls without slipping on a horizontal surface. C. 3. Rotation
At any instant, its position is as shown in the figure.
A spinning top
D. 4. Precession
A O C v Earth-Sun system
(a) 2 1 3 4 (b) 2 3 1 2
(c) 3 1 2 1 (d) 3 1 2 4
Which of the following statement is incorrect? 120 Match the Column I (rotation of different bodies)
(a) Section ABC has greater kinetic energy than section with Column II (their moment of inertia) and select
ADC. the correct answer from the codes given below.
(b) Section BC has greater kinetic energy than
section CD. Column I Column II
(c) Section BC has the same kinetic energy as
A. Thin circular ring of radius R 1. MR 2 / 2
section DA. having axis perpendicular to
(d) None of the above the plane and passing through
118 Sphere is in pure accelerated rolling motion in the
figure shown, choose the correct statement. B. Thin circular ring of radius R 2. ML2 /12
having axis passing through its
C. Thin rod of length L about an 3. MR 2
(a) 4 3 2 1 (b) 1 2 3 4 (a) 2 1 4 3 (b) 1 3 4 2
(c) 1 3 2 4 (d) 2 1 3 4 (c) 4 3 2 1 (d) 2 3 4 1
139 The density of a non-uniform rod of length 1m is given 141 The variation of angular
by ρ( x ) = a (1 + bx 2 ) , where a and b are constants position θ of a point on a
and 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. The centre of mass of the rod will rotating rigid body with time t
is shown in figure. t1 t2 t3
be at
O t
3( 2 + b) 4 ( 2 + b) In which direction, the body is
(a) (b)
4( 3 + b) 3( 3 + b) rotating?
3( 3 + b ) 4(3 + b ) (a) Clockwise
(c) (d)
4(2 + b ) 3( 2 + b ) (b) Anti-clockwise
(c) May be clockwise or anti-clockwise
140 A merry-go-round, made of a ring like platform of (d) None of the above
radius R and mass M, is revolving with angular speed
142 A disc of radius R is rotating with an angular speed
ω. A person of mass M is standing on it. At one
instant, the person jumps off the round, radially away ω 0 about a horizontal axis. It is placed on a horizontal
from the centre of the round (as seen from the table. The coefficient of kinetic friction is µ k . What
round). The speed of the round afterwards is was the velocity of its centre of mass before being
(a) 2ω (b) ω
brought in contact with the table?
ω ω 0R
(c) (d) 0 (a) ω 0 R (b) Zero (c) (d) 2ω 0 R
2 2
> Mastering NCERT with MCQs
1 (c) 2 (b) 3 (d) 4 (c) 5 (c) 6 (c) 7 (d) 8 (b) 9 (a) 10 (b)
11 (b) 12 (a) 13 (c) 14 (a) 15 (a) 16 (d) 17 (a) 18 (d) 19 (b) 20 (a)
21 (d) 22 (c) 23 (c) 24 (d) 25 (d) 26 (c) 27 (b) 28 (b) 29 (d) 30 (c)
31 (a) 32 (b) 33 (a) 34 (c) 35 (c) 36 (b) 37 (a) 38 (c) 39 (c) 40 (c)
41 (d) 42 (d) 43 (a) 44 (c) 45 (a) 46 (c) 47 (b) 48 (b) 49 (c) 50 (a)
51 (a) 52 (b) 53 (d) 54 (d) 55 (b) 56 (b) 57 (b) 58 (b) 59 (b) 60 (d)
61 (a) 62 (a) 63 (d) 64 (a) 65 (a) 66 (a) 67 (d) 68 (d) 69 (c) 70 (d)
71 (a) 72 (c) 73 (c) 74 (a) 75 (c) 76 (a) 77 (c) 78 (d) 79 (d) 80 (d)
81 (c) 82 (d) 83 (c) 84 (b) 85 (a) 86 (d) 87 (a) 88 (a) 89 (d) 90 (b)
91 (a) 92 (c) 93 (a) 94 (b)
1 ∴ The fourth particle must be placed at the point
m × 0 + m × 1 + 2m × ( −2, − 2, − 2 ).
xCM = 9 (a) We can think of the L -shape to consist of 3 squares
m + m + 2m
each of length 1 m as shown in figure.
2m 1
xCM = = m The mass of each square is 1 kg as the lamina is uniform.
4m 2 The centres of masses C1 , C 2 and C 3 of the squares are (by
m1 y1 + m2 y2 + m3 y3 symmetry) their geometric centres and have coordinates
yCM =
m1 + m2 + m3 (1/2, 1/2), (3/2, 1/2) and (1 / 2, 3 / 2 ), respectively.
We take the masses of the squares to be concentrated at 14 (a) As the balls were initially at rest and the forces of
these points. The centre of mass of the whole L-shape attraction are internal, then their centre of mass (CM)
( X , Y ) is the centre of mass of these mass points. will always remain at rest.
Y So, vCM = 0
2m As CM is at rest, they will meet at CM. Hence, they will
(0, 2) F E (1, 2) meet at l/2 from any initial positions.
C3 15 (a) As per the question, two particles A and B are
D (1,1) B (2, 1) initially at rest, move towards each other under a mutual
force of attraction. It means that, no external force is
C1 C2 1 m applied on the system. Therefore, Fext = 0
X So, there is no acceleration of CM. This means velocity
(0, 0) O A
(2, 0) of the CM remain constant.
As, initial velocity of CM, vi CM = 0 ⇒ final velocity
[1(1/ 2) + 1(3 / 2) + 1 (1/ 2)] kg -m 5 of CM, v f CM = 0
Hence, X = = m
(1 + 1 + 1) kg 6 So, the speed of centre of mass of system will be zero.
[1(1/ 2) + 1(1/ 2) + 1(3 / 2)] kg - m 5 16 (d) We choose origin as shown in the figure.
Y = = m
(1 + 1 + 1) kg 6 Y
So, position vector of COM is 2 O
rCOM = X COM x$ + YCOM y$
13 5 B
= Lx $ + Ly$
8 8 Since, RA = RB
18 (d) Given, A = 2i + j − k, B = − $i − $j + 2k$
$ $ $ vA = vB
$i $j k$ Also, RC < R A or RB
∴ Vector product, A × B = 2 1 −1 ⇒ vA = vB > vC
−1 −1 2 24 (d) The position of point P on this rod through which
the axis should pass, so that the work required to set the
= i$ ( 2 − 1) − $j ( 4 − 1) + k$ ( − 2 + 1) = i$ − 3$j − k$ rod rotating with minimum angular velocity ω 0 , is their
centre of mass, we have,
19 (b) Given, P = 2i$ − 3$j + k$ ,
m1 x = m2 ( L − x )
Q = − 4 $i + 6$j − 2k$ ⇒ m1 x = m2 L − m2 x
$i $j k$ m2 L
⇒ ( m1 + m2 )x = m2 L ⇒ x =
∴ P×Q = 2 −3 1 m1 + m2
−4 6 −2 26 (c) Angular momentum of a particle about a point is
given by L = r × p = m( r × v )
∴ PQ sin θ = $i ( 6 − 6 ) − $j ( − 4 + 4 ) + k$ (12 − 12 ) For LO , LO
(Q P × Q = PQ sin θ )
⇒ PQ sin θ = 0
⇒ sin θ = 0 v
∴ θ = 0° 90°
20 (a) Given, A = 2i + j + k and B = i$ − $j + 2k$
$ $ $
$i $j k$ | L | = ( mvr sin θ ) = m ( Rω ) ( R ) sin 90° = mR 2ω
∴ A ×B= 2 1 1 = constant
1 −1 2 Direction of LO is always upwards, therefore LO is
constant, both in magnitude as well as direction.
⇒ A × B = ( 2 + 1) $i − ( 4 − 1)$j + ( −2 − 1)k$ For LP ,
= 3$i − 3$j − 3k$ | LP | = ( mvr sin θ ) = ( m ) ( Rω ) ( l ) sin 90° = ( mRlω ).
∴ | A × B | = 32 + ( − 3 )2 + ( − 3 )2 = 3 3 LP
∴ Unit vector perpendicular to vector A and B is given
Hints & Explanations
A ×B 3$i − 3$j − 3k$ 1 $ $ $ v
n$ = = = ( i − j − k)
|A × B | 3 3 3 R
22 (c) Given, ω = 3i$ − 4 $j − k$ and r = 5$i − 6$j + 6k$
Magnitude of LP will remains constant but direction of
As, linear velocity, v = ω × r LP keeps on changing, i.e. it varies with time.
$i ^
j k$ 27 (b) The rim keeps rotating in a vertical plane and the
plane of rotation turns around the string A, i.e. the axis of
= 3 − 4 −1
rotation of the rim or its angular momentum precesses
5 −6 6 about the string A.
28 (b) If a force acts on a single particle at a point P whose 39 (c) Mechanical advantage of a lever system is given as
position with respect to origin O is given by the position d 2 (effort arm)
vector r as shown in given figure, the moment of the MA =
d1 (load arm)
force acting on the particle with respect to the origin O
is defined as the vector product. Q d 2 > d1
τ = r × F ⇒ | τ | = r F sin θ So, MA > 1
40 (c) Let x be the distance from centre, then
29 (d) Given, r = i$ − $j + k$
For rotational equilibrium,
and F = 7$i + 3$j − 5 k$ M 1 g × rA = M 2 g × x
$i $j k$
∴ τ = r × F = 1 −1 1 M1g 2m M2g
7 3 −5
( 40 × 10 ) × 2 = ( 60 × 10 ) x
= ( 5 − 3 ) i$ − ( −5 − 7 ) $j + [ 3 − ( −7 )] k$ ⇒
8 4
x= = m
⇒ τ = 2 $i + 12 $j + 10 k$ 6 3
4 2
33 (a) Given, force, F = αi$ + 3$j + 6k$ So, 60 kg boy has to be displaced = 2 − = m.
3 3
and r = 2$i − 6$j − 12k$ 41 (d) As the weight w balances the normal reactions.
As, angular momentum about origin is conserved. x d–x
i.e. τ = constant A B
Torque, τ = 0 ⇒ r × F = 0
$i $j N1 N2
k$ w
⇒ 2 − 6 −12 = 0 So, w = N1 + N 2 …(i)
α 3 6 Now, balancing torque about the CM,
i.e. anti-clockwise momentum = clockwise momentum
⇒ ( −36 + 36 )$i − (12 + 12α )$j + ( 6 + 6α )k$ = 0
⇒ N1x = N 2 ( d − x )
⇒ 0$i − 12(1 + α )$j + 6(1 + α )k$ = 0
Putting the value of N 2 from Eq. (i), we get
⇒ (1 + α ) = 0 ⇒ α = − 1 N1x = ( w − N1 ) ( d − x )
So, value of α for which angular momentum about ⇒ N 1 x = wd − wx − N 1 d + N 1 x
origin is conserved is −1.
w( d − x )
34 (c) Angular momentum of the pendulum about the ⇒ N1d = w( d − x ) ⇒ N1 =
suspension point O is L = ( r × v )m
w (d − x )
O O O So, the normal reaction on A is .
42 (d) Point G is the centre of gravity of the cardboard and
l it is so located that the total torque on it due to forces
L L m1 g , m2 g ⋅⋅⋅ mn g is zero.
vrad r Ltan r r It means τ Mg = Σ τ i = Σ ri × mi g = 0.
v τ of reaction R, i.e τ R about CG is also zero as it is at
vtan LradL
Then, v can be resolved into two components, radial ∴ CG could be defined as the point, where the total
component v rad and tangential component v tan . Due to gravitational torque on the body is zero.
Hints & Explanations
v rad , L will be tangential and due to v tan , L will be 43 (a) Taking the moment of forces about centre of
radially outwards as shown in the figure. gravity G
So, net angular momentum will be as shown in figure, 16 cm
whose magnitude will be constant (| L| = mvr ) but its 1.5 g G 2.5 g
direction will change as shown in the figure.
37 (a) If we take clockwise torque, then magnitude of total x (16– x)cm
torque is τ net = τ F 1 + τ F 2 + τ F 3 i.e. . g x = 2.5g (16 − x ) ⇒ 3 x = 80 − 5 x
0 = − F1 r − F2 r + F3 r ⇒ 8 x = 80
⇒ F3 = F1 + F2 ∴ x = 10 cm
44 (c) Figure below shows the rod AB, the positions of the For rotational equilibrium, taking the moments of the
knife edges K 1 and K 2 , the centre of gravity of the rod forces about A, 2 2 F1 − (1/ 2 ) w = 0 …(iii)
is at G and the suspended weight is at P. Now, w = 20 × g = 20 × 9.8 N = 196 N
From Eq. (i), N = 196.0 N
R1 R2 From Eq. (iii), reaction force of wall,
A B F1 = w / 4 2 = 196.0/ 4 2 = 34.6 N
K1 K2
From Eq. (ii), F = F1 = 34.6 N
w1 w ∴ Reaction force of floor, F2 = F 2 + N 2
2 MR 2
⇒ I=M [from Eq. (i)] 56 (b) I disc about the axis along its diameter = …(i)
2π 4
Using radius of gyration, I = Mk 2 …(ii)
⇒ I= R
4π 2 Comparing Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get k = .
52 (b) As two solid spheres are equal in masses, so
58 (b) Using the parallel axes theorem,
mA = mB
1/ 3
4 3 4 R ρ Tangent
⇒ πR A ρ A = πRB3 ρB ⇒ A = B (axis-1)
3 3 RB ρ A
The moment of inertia of a solid sphere about diameter, Diameter (axis-2)
2 C
2 I R
I= mR 2 ⇒ A = A (as mA = mB )
5 I B RB
2/ 3 2/ 3
I A ρB I ρ MR 2
∴ = ⇒ B = A I tan = I dia + MR 2 = + MR 2
I B ρA I A ρB 2
53 (d) The angle between the rods will not make any 3
= MR 2
difference. 2
∴ Net moment of inertia, I = I1 + I 2 ML2
59 (b) For thin uniform rod, ICM =
Ml 2 Ml 2 Ml 2 12
= + =
12 12 6 (about middle point)
54 (d) Moment of inertia of an outer disc about the axis A
through centre is
MR 2
= + M ( 2R )2 L/3 L/6 L/2
1 9 B
= MR 2 4 + = MR 2
Hints & Explanations
−2 11π × 180 = =
= 11π rads = 80π 80π
θ = 4000 π
= 1980 degs θ 4000π
∴ Number of revolution, n = = = 2000
68 (d) Total angular displacement in 36 rotation, 2π 2π
θ = 36 × 2π 71 (a) Given, ω = 100 rad s −1 and τ = 100 N-m
Using ω 22 − ω12 = 2αθ, we get ∴ Power of the engine, P = τω = 100 × 100
(ω / 2 ) − ω = 2α(36 × 2π)
2 2
…(i) = 10 × 103 W = 10 kW
Similarly, 02 − (ω / 2 )2 = 2α ( n × 2π) …(ii) 72 (c) Work done required to bring an object to rest is
given as
Dividing Eq. (i) by Eq. (ii), we get
1 2
3 W = Iω
− ω2 2
4 36
= ⇒ n = 12 where, I is the moment of inertia and ω is the angular
−ω2 / 4 n
Hence, ceiling fan will make 12 more rotations before Since, here all the objects spin with the same ω, this
coming to rest. means, W ∝I
69 (c) (i) We shall use ω = ω 0 + αt 2
As, I A (for a solid sphere) = MR 2
Hints & Explanations
τ T = 50 × × 4π = 50 π = 157 N
α1 = (as τ = Iα) 4
79 (d) Given, ( KE ) A = ( KE )B
and α2 = 1 1
I2 ∴ I A ω 2A = I B ω B2
2 2
Their corresponding ratio is Since, I B > I A , so ω B < ω A
2 1 1
MR 2 ⇒ LA ω A = LB ω B [Q L = Iω]
α1 I 2 5 2
= = = 2 2
α 2 I1 MR 2 5
⇒ LB > LA
80 (d) Moment of inertia of a rotating solid sphere about its 84 (b) I is the moment of inertia of each discs.
symmetrical (diametric) axis is given as I = mR 2 Total angular momentum before contact,
5 Li = Iω1 + Iω 2 = I (ω1 + ω 2 )
Rotational kinetic energy of solid sphere is Total angular momentum after contact, L f = Iω + Iω
1 1 2 1 L f = 2Iω, where ω is the final angular velocity of the
K r = Iω 2 = × mR 2ω 2 = mR 2ω 2
2 2 5 5 combined system.
Angular velocity, ω = vCM R According to conservation of angular momentum,
As, we know that external torque, L f = Li ⇒ 2Iω = I (ω1 + ω 2 )
dL ω + ω2
τ ext = ⇒ ω= 1 …(i)
dt 2
where, L is the angular momentum. Now, loss in energy
Since, in the given condition, τ ext = 0 = total rotational kinetic energy before contact − total
rotational kinetic energy after contact
⇒ = 0 or L = constant 1 1 1
dt = Iω12 + Iω 22 − ( I1 + I 2 ) ⋅ ω 2
2 2 2
Hence, when the radius of the sphere is increased 2
1 2 1 2 1 ω1 + ω 2
keeping its mass same, only the angular momentum = Iω1 + Iω 2 − ⋅ 2I
remains constant. But other quantities like moment of 2 2 2 2
inertia, rotational kinetic energy and angular velocity 1 1 I
changes as they are related to R which is increasing = Iω12 + Iω 22 − ⋅ (ω12 + ω 22 + 2ω1ω 2 )
2 2 4
with time. 1
= I[ 2ω12 + 2ω 22 − ω12 − ω 22 − 2ω1ω 2 ]
81 (c) Moment of inertia of the insect-disc system, 4
1 I I
MI = MR 2 + mx2 = [ω12 + ω 22 − 2ω1ω 2 ] = (ω1 − ω 2 )2
2 4 4
where, m = mass of insect 85 (a) As there is no external torque, so if the girl bends
and x = distance of insect from centre. her hands, her moment of inertia about the rotational
Clearly, as the insect moves along the diameter of the axis will decrease. By conservation of angular
disc. Moment of inertia first decreases and then momentum,
increases. L = Iω = constant. So in order to keep L constant, if I is
By conservation of angular momentum, decreasing, then ω will increase.
i.e. Iω = constant, i.e. when moment of inertia 86 (d) By the conservation of angular momentum, we
increases, then angular velocity decreases and know that Iω = constant.
vice-versa. Therefore, angular speed first increases and As the acrobat bends his body, then moment of inertia I
then decreases. will decrease
82 (d) Given, ω1 = 3π rad s −1 , I1 = I and hence ω of acrobat will increase as no external
75 3 torque is acting on the acrobat.
I2 = I1 = I , ω 2 = ?
100 4 87 (a) When a body rolls down without slipping along an
As, I 2 ω 2 = I1ω1 inclined plane of inclination θ, it rotates about a
I I horizontal axis through its centre of mass and also its
∴ ω 2 = 1 × ω1 = 1 × 3π centre of mass moves.
I2 75I1
100 As it rolls down, it suffers loss in gravitational potential
energy which provides translational energy and due to
Hints & Explanations
ω 2 2
h C 2
1 2 1 2 v v
v ⇒ mgh = mv + mk [Q I = mk 2 , ω = ]
2 2 R R
1 1 1 2 k2
Thus, Mgh = I ( v2 / R 2 ) + Mv2 mgh = mv 1 + 2
2 2 2 R
(where, v = velocity of centre of mass)
1 2
v ( M + I / R 2 ) = Mgh or v2 =
2 1 + k2 / R2
2Mgh 2gh
or v2 = = where, k and R are the radius of gyration and radius of
M + ( I / R ) 1 + ( I / MR 2 )
object, respectively.
Note that velocity v is independent of the mass of the Alternate Method
rolling body.
Suppose moment of inertia, I = xmR 2 …(i)
R 2
For solid sphere, moment of inertia, I = mR 2 …(ii)
Thus, from Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
h 2
θ Since, the ratio of translational energy to the total
2gh energy can be written as
For a ring, k2 = R2 ⇒ vring = = gh
1+ 1 1 2
Kt 2
For a solid cylinder, k 2 = R 2 / 2 , = …(iii)
Kt + Kr 1 2 k2
2gh 4 gh mvCM 1 + 2
vcylinder = = 2 R
1 + (1/ 2 ) 3
where, k is called the radius of gyration.
For a solid sphere, k 2 = 2R 2 / 5, I I
As, k= or k 2 =
2gh 10gh m m
vsphere = =
1 + ( 2/ 5 ) 7 From Eq. (i), we get
From the results obtained, it is clear that among the xmR 2
k2 = = xR 2
three bodies, the sphere has the greatest and the ring has m
the least velocity of the centre of mass at the bottom of the
Substituting the value of k 2 in Eq. (iii), we get
inclined plane.
Kt 1 1
94 (b) Translational kinetic energy of a rolling body is = =
Kt + Kr xR 2 1 + x
1 2 1 + 2
Kt = mvCM …(i) R
2 Kt 1 5
Total kinetic energy of a rolling body Here, x = ⇒ = =
= Rotational kinetic energy (K r ) + Translational kinetic 5 K t + K r 1 + (2 / 5) 7
energy(K t ) 95 (d) The centre of mass of a body may lie on or outside the
1 2 1 2 body.
= Iω + mvCM …(ii)
2 2
For a solid sphere, moment of inertia about its diametric
axis, I = MR 2
Substituting the value of I in Eq. (ii), we get (a) (b)
12 2 1 2
Kt + Kr = MR ω + mvCM
2 Hence, in Fig. (a), centre of mass is on the body and in
25 2 Fig. (b), centre of mass does not lie on the body.
2 The centre of mass of an object is the average position
2 vCM 1 2
= MR + mvCM of all the parts of the system, weighted according to
25 R 2 their masses. Therefore, centre of mass of body lie at
[Q vCM = Rω ] the geometric centre of body.
Hints & Explanations
103 (d) Statement IV is incorrect and it can be corrected as, conserved. Velocity of rolling body at any instant
The shape of rigid body must not change on application of depends upon mass of its own.
force. So, statement IV is correct, but I, II and III are
Rest statements are correct. incorrect.
104 (d) Statement IV is incorrect and it can be corrected as, 108 (d) According to figure, the disc rotates with angular
velocity ω about its symmetry axis passing through O.
Moment of inertia changes with axis of rotation. C
Rest statements are correct.
105 (a) Using sign convention, we can take anti-clockwise O
moment (or torque) as positive, while clockwise moment r
(or torque) as negative.
At bottom point A, the linear velocity due to rotation is About A, |L| = mv d1 − mvd 2 as d 2 > d1 ,
exactly opposite to the translational velocity vCM , i.e. total angular momentum will be inward.
v rot = rω = vCM Hence, L = m v ( d 2 − d1 ) ⊗
The point A will be instantaneously at rest, if vCM = rω , Thus, statement given in option (d) is correct, rest are
i.e. v A = 0 when vCM = rω. incorrect.
Hence, for the disc, the condition for rolling without
112 (c) We know that, torque on a system of particles,
slipping is vCM = rω.
τ = r × F = rF sin θ n$ ...(i)
At the top point C of the disc, linear velocity due to
rotational motion and the translational velocity vCM are where, θ is angle between r and F and n$ is a unit vector
in the same direction, parallel to level surface. perpendicular to both r and F.
Therefore, vC = v rot + vCM = vCM + vCM = 2vCM = 2rω (a) When forces act radially, from a point on the axis
At B and D, linear velocity due to rotation and the θ = 0°, hence | τ | = 0 [from Eq. (i)]
translational velocity vCM are perpendicular to each (b) When forces are acting on the axis of rotation,
other. So, r = 0, | τ | = 0 [from Eq. (i)]
vB = vD = | v rot + vCM | = vCM
+ vCM
+ vCM
cos 90° (c) When forces are acting perpendicular to the axis of
= 2vCM = 2rω
θ = 90°, | τ | = rF [from Eq. (i)]
Therefore, vB = vD < vC (d) When torque by forces are equal and opposite,
So, statements I and III are correct but II and IV are τ net = τ1 − τ 2 = 0
incorrect. Thus, statement given in option (c) is incorrect, rest
109 (d) In the given situation, projectile could be considered are correct.
as rigid body before explosion and after explosion, as its 113 (b)
fragments are considered as system of particles. Thus,
the concept of CM is applicable to both. (a) Consider the below diagram, where r > r′
Since, the explosion is due to internal forces, so the Torque τ about Z-axis,
motion of CM after explosion will follow the same τ = r × F, which is along k$
parabolic path as it would have followed if there was no
Z F Z′
Thus, statement given in option (d) is correct, rest are
incorrect. r′
r P
110 (a) For a general rotational motion ,where axis of
rotation is not symmetric, angular momentum L and
angular velocity ω need not be parallel. (b) τ′ = r ′ × F, which is along− k$
For rotational motion about a fixed axis, angular velocity
(c) | τ| Z = Fr⊥ = magnitude of torque about Z-axis
ω and angular momentum L are not always parallel.
where r⊥ is perpendicular distance between F and
For a general translational motion, momentum p = mv,
hence pand v are always parallel.
Similarly, |τ|Z ′ = F r⊥′
For a general translational motion, acceleration a and Clearly, r⊥ > r⊥′ ⇒ | τ| Z > | τ | Z ′
velocity v are not always parallel.
(d) We are always calculating resultant torque about a
Thus, statement given in option (a) is correct, rest are common axis. Hence, total torque τ ≠ τ + τ ′,
incorrect. because τ and τ ′ are not about common axis.
111 (d) The angular momentum L of a particle with respect Thus, statement given in option (b) is correct, rest are
to origin is defined to be L = r × p , where r is the
Hints & Explanations
position vector of the particle and pis the linear
momentum. 114 (b)
The direction of L is perpendicular to both dr and pby (a) Theorem of perpendicular axes is applicable only
for lamina (plane) objects, i.e. I Z ≠ I X + IY .
right hand rule.
(b) As, Z ′ || Z and distance between them
For particle 1, L1 = r1 × mv, is out of plane of the paper
2 a
and perpendicular to r1 and p(mv). = a =
Similarly L2 = r2 × m ( − v ) is into the plane of the paper 2 2
and perpendicular to r2 and − p. Now, by theorem of parallel axes
Hence, total angular momentum a ma 2
IZ ′ = IZ + m = IZ +
L = L1 + L2 = r1 × mv + ( − r2 × mv ) 2 2
(c) Z ′′ is not parallel to Z, hence theorem of parallel Let hydrogen atom be at origin, i.e. position vector of it,
ma 2 r1 = 0
axes cannot be applied, i.e. I Z′ ≠ I Z +
2 ∴ Position vector of chlorine atom,
(d) As, X and Y -axes are symmetrical. . × 10−10 m
r2 = 127
Hence, I X = IY Position vector of the centre of mass is given by
Thus, statement given in option (b) is correct, rest m r + m2 r2
are incorrect. rCM = 1 1
m1 + m2
115 (b) When a man standing on a rotating platform holds
weights in his outstretched arms, draws the weights . × 10−10
m × 0 + 35.5 m × 127
inwards close to his body, then angular velocity increases. m + 35.5 m
According to law of conservation of angular . × 10−10
35.5 × 127
momentum, L = Iω = constant, therefore when angular =
velocity increases, then moment of inertia of the system 36.5
will decrease, so that L remains constant. = 1235
. × 10−10 m
Thus, statement given in option (b) is incorrect, rest are = 124
. Å
from hydrogen atom on the line joining H and Cl atoms.
116 (a) The statement given in option (a) is incorrect and it
124 (b) The speed of the centre of mass of the (trolley +
can be corrected as,
child) system will remain unchanged, i.e. v. Because the
Due to rotation, lower part has acceleration greater state of any system can be changed only by external
than g. force and the forces involved in running on the trolley
Rest statements are correct. are internal forces.
117 (c) Since, the velocity at point B ( 2v ) is more than that 125 (d) We know that, p = px $i + p y $j + p z k$
at D (zero) or A( 2v). Thus, it can be concluded that,
and r = x$i + y$j + zk$
upper portion is moving faster than lower portion. $i $j
Therefore, section ABC and BC has greater kinetic k$
energy than section ADC, CD or DA. L = r × p= x y z
Thus, statement given in option (c) is incorrect, rest are px p y p z
If particle remains in xoy-plane, then z = 0 and p z = 0.
118 (a) As we know that, frictional force will be in the $i $j k$
opposite direction to the direction of motion. Thus, the
given figure can be shown as ⇒ L= x y 0 = k$ ( xp y − ypx )
px p y 0
v So, angular momentum has only z-component.
g s in 126 (c) The given situation is as shown below
m m
1 v
Let the mass of hydrogen atom = m [Q using triangle law of vector addition]
∴ Mass of chlorine atom = 35.5 m = r21 mvi$
H which is independent of choice of origin and has same
m 35.5 m value or constant at any point in space.
127 (b) Moment of force about centre of gravity is zero. Distance between mid-point E and new centre of
Total mass of the car = 1800 kg gravity
2 N2 2 N1
( DE ) = 50 − 45 = 5 cm
Distance between 12 cm mark and the new centre of
(CD) = 45 − 12 = 33 cm
G From principle of moments in equilibrium,
Mg × DE = m1 g × CD = ( 2 × 5 ) g × CD
0.75 m 1.05 m M × 5 = 10 × 33 ⇒ M = 66 g
1800 g
∴ Mass of the metre stick is 66 g.
132 (c) Work done = ∆K = Change in rotational kinetic
N 1 = reaction by front-one wheel
energy + Change in linear
N 2 = reaction by rear-one wheel
kinetic energy
g = 9.8 ms −2 1 2 1
= mvCM + Iω 2 [Q I = mr2 and vCM = rω]
For vertical equilibrium, 2 N 1 + 2 N 2 = 1800 g 2 2
⇒ N 1 + N 2 = 900 g …(i) = mvCM
= 100 × ( 20 × 10−2 )2 = 4 J
Taking moments about G,
133 (b) Angle of inclination, θ = 30°
− 2N 2 ( 0.75 ) + 2 N 1 (105
. )= 0
Speed of centre of mass, u = 5 ms −1
⇒ N 2 = N1 …(ii) N
R f
From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
7 θ
N 1 + N 1 = 900 g s in θ
5 mg
mg cos θ
5 mg
⇒ N1 = × 900 g = 375 g θ
⇒ N 2 = 525 g Acceleration of the cylinder rolling up the inclined
⇒ N 1 = 375 × 9.8 = 3675 N g sin θ
plane is given by the formula, a = −
⇒ N 2 = 525 × 9.8 = 5145 N 1+ k 2 / R 2
2gh where, k = radius of gyration of cylinder.
128 (a) Using velocity at lowest point, v =
1 + k2 / R2 Negative sign indicates that acceleration is downwards.
For a cylinder, moment of inertia,
k2 2
As, for sphere is R and for hollow cylinder is R, 1 R2
R 2
5 I = mk 2 = mR 2 ⇒ k 2 =
2 2
we get vsphere is largest.
9.8 × sin 30° 9.8 × 1/ 2 9.8 −2
129 (d) From law of conservation of angular momentum, ∴ a=− = =− ms
R / 2
2 3/ 2 3
L1 = L2 1 +
Iω R2
⇒ I1ω1 = I 2ω 2 ⇒ ω 2 = 1 1
I2 Using third equation of motion, v2 = u 2 + 2as
I1 × 40 200
⇒ ω2 = = = 100 rpm 9.8
2 2 0 = ( 5 )2 + 2 − × s
I1 3
25 × 3
130 (d) Given, τ = 180 N-m and ω = 200 rads −1 .
Hints & Explanations
∴ s= = 3.83 m
Power, P = τω = 180 × 200 = 36 kW 2 × 9.8
131 (a) Let total mass of the metre stick be M kg.. 134 (d) A bangle is in the form of a ring as shown in the
A B below diagram. The centre of mass lies at the centre,
O 12 cm 45 cm 50 cm 100 which is outside the body (boundary).
33 cm
m1g Mg
135 (c) Centre of mass of a system lies towards the part of the
∫ xa (1 + bx ) ⋅ dx
system, having bigger mass. In the diagram, lower part is
heavier, hence CM of the system lies below the ⇒ R= 0
horizontal diameter i.e., at C.
∫ a (1 + bx ) ⋅ dx
Hollow sphere 0
Air L
ax2 abx4
+ aL2 abL4
R/2 A +
2 4 0
B = L
= 2 4
abx3 abL3
C aL +
R/2 ax + 3
D 3 0
Sand a ab
136 (b) The initial velocity is vi = ve$ y and after reflection = 2 4 [Q given, L = 1m]
from the wall, the final velocity is v f = − ve$ y . The a+
trajectory is described as position vector r = ye$ y + ae$ z .
3( 2 + b )
Hence, the change in angular momentum is =
r × m ( v f − v j ) = 2mvae$ x . 4(3 + b )
dω 140 (a) As no external torque acts on the system, angular
137 (d) We know that, angular acceleration, α =
dt momentum should be conserved.
where, ω is angular velocity of the disc. Hence, Iω = constant ...(i)
Given, ω = constant where, I is moment of inertia of the system and ω is
dω 0 angular velocity of the system.
⇒ α= = =0
dt dt From Eq. (i), I1 ω1 = I 2 ω 2
Hence, angular acceleration is zero. where, ω1 and ω 2 are angular velocities before and after
138 (b) In the given diagram, when the small piece Q is
removed and glued to the centre of the plate, the mass ⇒ Iω = × ω 2
comes closer to the Z-axis, i.e. the axis of rotation and 2
hence moment of inertia decreases. (as mass reduced to half, hence moment of inertia also
reduced to half)
139 (a) Coordinate of centre of mass of non-uniform body is ⇒ ω 2 = 2ω
given as,
141 (b) As the slope of θ-t graph is positive and positive
∫ xdm slope indicates anti-clockwise rotation.
∫ dm 142 (b) Before being brought in contact with the table, the
where, dm = ρ( x )dx disc was in pure rotational motion, hence vCM = 0.
Here, ρ( x) = a (1 + bx2 )
Hints & Explanations