Week 01
Week 01
Week 01
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Respected Sir/Madam;
kindly use three/four points for each slide.
The nature of change
Meaning of change
To transform or convert
Today The
We Always Seek Change
It is not the strongest who have survived, nor the most intelligent, It
was those who were most responsive to Change
Change a job
Source: readytomanage.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/change-management-
Management of Change
Defining Management of Change
A conscious and concerted initiative by those who are in-charge
of the destiny of the business undertaking or firm
• technology used
• customer expectations or tastes
• Competition
• government legislation
• alterations in the economy, at home or abroad
• communications media
• societies’ value systems
• Supply and distribution chain
The case of dotcom
Rise and fall of the dotcom
Even in short periods, organizations have to cope with very different types of
1968 1970
• Peter Drucker • Alvin Toffler
• Described the way change • Accelerating speed of
forces disruptions in our change and how it is
routine life affecting technology and
Understanding Change management : Reflections
from the past
Strategic Windows Beings of Habit
1978 1983
• Derek Abell • Noel Tichy
• Importance of Entry and • We all have habit and we
Exit of a given strategy tend to repeat the same no
matter what ever changes
Understanding Change management : Reflections
from the past
Nothing fails like Occurrence Evaluation
1990 1991
• R. Pascale • Peter Schwartz
• Business needs to • Strategic Planning cannot
continuously invent be done in advance. We
something new to be tend to change or act based
successful. Hence changes on situations
are inevitable
Understanding Change management : Reflections
from the past
Strategic Anticipations Disruptive Technology
1996 1997
• Slywotzky • Christensen
• We can predict the future by • People tend to adopt
evaluating the current change when they adopt
situations and can change disruptive technology and
our self based on that try to adopt a technology
which makes their life
Understanding Change management : Reflections
from the past
Strategic Decay Complexity Theory
2000 Present
• Gary Hamel • Some Business Planners
• No matter how brilliant the • Multiple agents interact
idea is it is old after some together.
Managing Change: Examples success and failures
Examples of Change success and failures
The case of IBM: Key change issues
• Change can come from top and down
• Downsizing strategy
Examples of Change success and failures
McDonald: The change issues
Illuminate certain aspects of change.
Take us away from paying attention to certain aspects.
Objectives of understanding the image of change
Understand the importance of organizational images and mental models
•industry evolution
•diffusion of innovation
tipping points
Continuous and discontinuous change
Discontinuous change
Degree of change
Gradualist Paradigm
Intensity of
Intensity of
The concept of Punctuated equilibrium
A process of continuous gradual adjustment might be the ideal. Evidence
suggests that most organisations experience change as a discontinuous
process often referred to as a pattern of punctuated equilibrium
Discontinuous change
Degree of
Punctuated by short
periods of radical
(discontinuous) change
Long periods of
equilibrium during which
there is little change
Punctuated equilibrium
Involves long periods of low intensity incremental changes punctuated by short
bursts of high intensity discontinuous change
Deep structures act as forces for inertia that work to maintain the status
Strategy, leadership and culture at Brompton Bikes
Deep structures & tight and loose coupling
Deep structures are difficult to change
Football analogy
It would be difficult for one team to modify
the rules. A football club is tightly coupled with
the other clubs that play in the same league
Facebook overtook it
Lead times and time pressures
It is more difficult to manage change when the need for change is urgent.
2. Adaptation
4. Re-creation
Other banks reaction
Reactive to Citibank’s move Asda – 1990s
Implications of these different types of change
for change management practice
change managers