1BA3 Topic 13 Winter 2024 - Student Slides
1BA3 Topic 13 Winter 2024 - Student Slides
1BA3 Topic 13 Winter 2024 - Student Slides
Organizational Behaviour
Organizational Change
Why do Organizations Change?
External sources of pressure (eg.“E” & “T” issues; global competition; deregulation;
advanced technologies all bringing about changes in structure and strategy)
Internal sources of pressure (e.g.. “P” issues; lower productivity; internal conflict; strikes;
high absenteeism and turnover bringing about changes in structure and strategy)
Strategic and Structural Change Responses
business model changes or new business ventures changes impacting suppliers and/or customers
What Organizations Can Change
Three important points about the areas that organizations can change:
Change in one area very often calls for changes in other areas.
• E.g., change policy affects how things are done elsewhere
Change requires employees to learn new skills and change their attitudes.
• E.g., learn new computer software
Definition of Change?
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUHfVoQUj54
1. Unfreeze
Three-Step The recognition that some current state
of affairs is unsatisfactory
Employee attitude surveys, customer
surveys, and accounting data are often
used to anticipate problems and initiate
change before crises are reached
2. Change
Causes of Resistance
Politics and self-interest
Lack of trust
Strong emotions
Innovation requires:
Innovation is the process of Creativity refers to the production
developing and implementing Creative ideas and creative people. of novel but potentially useful
new ideas in an organization. People who will fight for new ideas. ideas.
Good communication.
The proper application of resources and
Idea champions are people who see The role of idea champion is often It involves sponsorship and
the kernel of an innovative idea and an informal and emergent role. support.
help guide it through to
The Knowing-Doing Gap