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Transgenic crops: Priorities and strategies for India

Article  in  Current science · March 2005


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Shripad Bhat
Indian Agricultural Research Institute


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Transgenic crops: Priorities and strategies for

S. R. Bhat* and V. L. Chopra

Development of plant transformation technology is impacting crop improvement options in unprece-

dented ways. While the new technology promises greater efficiency and precision to plant breeding,
to be effective, its application needs to be carefully planned on a case-by-case basis. Transgenic
crops, in this context, have the additional dimension of biosafety consideration and hence their de-
velopment and deployment demands greater care. Here we discuss the various factors that need to
be considered while prioritizing crops and traits for transgenic improvement and show how intelli-
gent use of some of the strategies can help alleviate biosafety concerns associated with commer-
cialization of transgenics.

DEVELOPMENT of transgenic crops during the 1990s is an the farmers, consumers and the environment are also taken
important landmark in the history of crop improvement. into consideration before approval of transgenics for commer-
Since the first commercial release in 1994, transgenic crops cial cultivation. Transgenic crop variety development thus
have registered steady increase in area (67.7 mha, 2003) involves additional time, cost and expertise. In view of
and have slowly spread across nations (18 countries, 2003)1. these, it is imperative to prioritize the crops and traits to
The concept of dramatic alteration of crop traits through be engineered, and strategies to be adopted for improvement
direct introduction of one or a few genes (or DNA sequences) via transformation. In this article we shall consider the
has aroused great interest and raised hopes of radical altera- priorities for India.
tion of crops to suit new environments and end-uses. Thanks Transgenic crops should not be viewed in isolation, but
to ready availability of new tools and techniques, creation should form a part of the overall National Agricultural Policy.
of transgenic event is today within the reach of any modest Thus, transgenic crops should contribute to long-term national
laboratory. This power of plant transformation, coupled goals, namely to (i) ensure enhanced food production, (ii)
with the vast available information about genes, has attracted provide nutritional security, (iii) operate sustainable agri-
new recruits to plant-improvement efforts from among cultural technologies, (iv) generate employment, (v) reduce
plant biologists. To take full benefit of these developments, regional imbalances in growth and (vi) minimize gender
plant breeding programmes will need to intelligently in- inequity. A number of factors are relevant for priority set-
tegrate plant molecular biology techniques. This requires ting for commercial purposes. These can be grouped under
active collaboration between plant breeders and plant mole- two broad heads, namely those related to economic and social
cular biologists for developing transgenic crops of commer- aspects, and those concerning biosafety.
cial value.
Transgenic crops, however, have not found ready accep- Target crops for transgenic improvement
tance among public at large. The ability to transfer and
express genes from any organism into plants transgressing For transgenics to make significant impact, it is necessary
the sexual barrier, has raised concerns about the possible that the crops chosen are of national importance. Thus
hazards to human beings and the environment. Therefore, crops that contribute the most to our food and nutritional
in all countries, transgenic crops are subjected to elaborate security (e.g. rice, wheat, chickpea, pigeonpea, groundnut,
tests to assess the risks, and to ensure safety, before they mustard, tomato, peas, cauliflower, banana, etc.) should
are approved for commercial cultivation. These tests include be accorded high priority. Similarly, commercial crops such
assessment of hazards to humans (allergenicity and toxicity), as sugarcane and cotton that provide rural employment and
animals, non-target organisms and the environment. In occupy large area also deserve high priority. In view of
addition, overall economic benefits of trait engineering to strong opposition to transgenic produce in some major
importing countries in Europe and in Japan, the international
S. R. Bhat is in the National Research Centre on Plant Biotechnology, trade opportunities should be kept in mind while selecting
Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110 012, India and V. L.
crops for transgenic improvement. The case of rice is relevant
Chopra is in Yojana Bhawan, New Delhi 110 001, India.
*For correspondence. (e-mail: srbhat22@rediffmail.com) in this context. The Basmati rice trade is a major foreign

These are the authors’ personal views and do not in any way suggest exchange earner for India (about US$ 800 m per annum)2.
the views of the office they hold. Therefore, it is prudent to keep on hold the cultivation of

886 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 88, NO. 6, 25 MARCH 2005


transgenic Basmati and to keep the Basmati-belt free from products (sugar, refined oil) should raise less concern.
transgenic rice. This measure will be necessary to avoid inad- Products eaten raw and those used to feed children would
vertent mixture of transgenic and non-transgenic seeds during need highest assurance. Thus priority-setting based on
cultivation, transport or trade. this factor alone will be non-edible crops > fodder crops >
Biosafety concerns are the major reasons for non-adoption crops subjected to industrial processing and purification >
of transgenic crops in most countries. These concerns in- crops eaten after cooking > crops consumed raw.
clude transgene movement to other varieties and wild
relatives leading to possible development of super weeds, Target traits for modification
erosion of genetic diversity and ecological disturbances.
Similarly, there is widespread apprehension that transgene Target traits for genetic engineering would be automati-
products could be toxic or allergenic to humans and ani- cally related to crop priorities and major breeding objec-
mals. Also, transgenic crops (e.g. pest-resistant varieties) tives. Opinion survey among plant breeders, as conducted
could have adverse impact on non-target organisms. by Grover and Pental3, is one way to prioritize traits for
Emergence of more virulent forms of pests and pathogens genetic engineering. This, however, needs to be tempered
is also an important concern. Therefore, the traits to be altered with other considerations such as technical feasibility.
and strategies to be adopted should be carefully considered Currently, the transgenic approach is feasible to engineer
to minimize the biosafety risks. traits that are controlled by one or a few major genes.
Quantitative traits like yield are not easily amenable to
Breeding behaviour of the crop improvement through transformation (see exception below).
Further, traits that can be routinely modified via conven-
Biology of the crop assumes significance from the transgene tional breeding need not be targetted for transformation.
movement perspective. If the crop is vegetatively propa- Availability of molecular markers to track genes controlling
gated and does not normally produce seeds (e.g. banana, complex traits has further reduced the need for transgenic
potato, sugarcane), the probability of transgene escape is approach to crop improvement. This, however, does not
limited. Similarly, in crops that are highly self-pollinated
mean that the transgenic approach is unimportant. Since
(e.g. rice, wheat, groundnut, chickpea), transgene movement
genes can be sourced from any organism for plant trans-
will be highly restricted. On the other hand, in cross-polli-
formation, novel traits can be engineered with ease. From
nated crops (such as maize, pearl millet, mustard), preventing
a practical viewpoint, therefore, such deficiencies that se-
transgene movement poses serious challenge. Therefore,
verely limit crop production and for which conventional ap-
crop priority from the transgene movement angle will be
proaches are inadequate, should be accorded high priority
vegetatively propagated > self-pollinated > cross-pollina-
for transgenic improvement.
ted. Biotechnology offers novel ways to modify breeding
Resistance to pests is generally lacking in many crops.
behaviour of crops and thereby allows effective options to
Chemical control measures are hazardous and environ-
address concerns of transgene movement (see later).
mentally non-sustainable. At present, Bt-transgenics have
proved to be highly effective in management of lepidopteran
Presence of wild relatives of the crop pests of several crops4. Other genes such as lectins, pro-
There is considerable inter-breeding among crop varieties tease inhibitors, etc. have also shown promise4. Similarly,
and their wild relatives in areas where they coexist. Therefore, viruses inflict heavy crop losses and pose severe challenge to
if transgenic crops are grown in centres of crop origin/ management, as chemical control measures are not avail-
diversity, there is likelihood of transgene escape to the able to confine their spread. Conventional breeding has
wild relatives. The exact consequences of such gene escape not been successful in addressing complex traits such as tol-
on biodiversity are difficult to predict, and will depend on erance to various abiotic stresses, such as water stress
the trait conferred by the transgene and the environment. (flood and drought), temperature stress (heat and cold),
Therefore, in most countries, transgenic crops are not de- and salt stress. Knowledge of basic biochemical pathways
ployed in areas where there are wild relatives growing in and identification of key regulatory genes of stress-
nature. India being one of the major centres of crop diversity, response pathways will be crucial for tackling these prob-
it will be prudent to take this aspect into consideration lems. Encouraging reports on salt and cold tolerance
while prioritizing crops for transgenic improvement. Wher- through genetic engineering in tomato5,6, Brassica napus7,8,
ever necessary, adequate countermeasures should be incorpo- etc. point to the relevance of transgenic approach for en-
rated in the transgenic crops to prevent transgene escape. gineering these traits. Thus transgenic crop development
could profit from an emphasis on engineering biotic and
Consumption pattern of the crop abiotic stress tolerance.
Addressing malnutrition is a national priority. However,
The way a particular crop is used is also highly relevant. it is a complex issue and a variety of strategies can be
If the produce is not eaten (e.g. cotton), the concerns of pursued to tackle this problem. Improving nutritional compo-
toxicity are minimal. Similarly, highly processed and purified sition of common foodstuff can be helpful, but not suffi-
CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 88, NO. 6, 25 MARCH 2005 887

cient, towards this endeavour. Genetic engineering offers and animals, transgenic plants bearing a small piece of
elegant ways to fortify food with vitamins and minerals, the viral genome would not evoke serious biosafety concerns.
as demonstrated with rice9,10, canola11 and tomato12. There- This also applies to extension of shelf-life of fruits and
fore, although not a priority in the strict sense, nutritional vegetables through antisense expression of gene sequences
enrichment via transgenics has become feasible and is receiv- derived from the same or related plants. This approach
ing international support. does not abolish normal plant metabolism, but lowers the
Shelf-life of vegetables and fruits is short in our tropical rate of specific metabolic steps in the ripening process. Fur-
climate and a sizable part of the harvest is lost during ther, many crops contain antinutritional compounds or aller-
transport and marketing. Inadequate infrastructure and gens. Antisense or gene silencing strategies are effective
services (roads, power supply and cold stores) aggravate in eliminating such compounds. Thus transgenic crop variety
the problem. These traits are not readily amenable to breed- development using such gene sequences and strategies
ing improvement. The transgenic approach has shown great should be given high priority.
promise for engineering this trait13,14. Since vegetable and Current methods of transformation require the use of
fruit cultivation is labour-intensive and many farmers selection markers (antibiotic or herbicide resistance, ability
with small holding are involved in vegetable cultivation, to utilize special metabolites) to eliminate untransformed
transgenic crops will be highly relevant to improving farm cells. However, the marker genes have no utility in culti-
employment and income. Thus genetic engineering of crops vation or in the commercial products. In fact, constitutive
for slow ripening should receive high priority. expression of marker gene products is a drain on plant meta-
Heterosis breeding is an important approach to productivity bolism and there is considerable opposition to their use.
enhancement of most crops. Production of commercial Fortunately, now strategies are available to eliminate the
hybrid seeds in crop plants bearing hermaphrodite flowers marker genes after transgenic plants have been produced.
requires special genetic stocks, where sexuality (male Such strategies can be incorporated in the beginning of
sterile and bisexual) of the plant can be controlled. Cyto- the transgenic variety development programme to minimize
plasmic male sterility, a trait under the control of mito- biosafety concerns. Since plastids are transmitted from
chondrial–nuclear gene interactions, is used in most crops. the maternal side in most plants, plastid transformation has
However, such stocks are not readily available in all crops been advocated for restricting transgene spread. However,
and creation of such stocks is difficult. Genetic engineering there are now reports that a transgene present in the plastid
approach is highly relevant in this respect, as demonstrated genome can rapidly relocate itself into the nuclear ge-
in Brassica. nome16,17. Moreover, transgene expression in transplas-
Engineering male sterility can also be helpful in trans- tomic plants is generally high and may not be desirable in
gene containment. Since pollen is the major route through most situations. Considering the above, the generally advo-
which transgenes escape to other varieties and wild rela- cated plastid transformation is not warranted in all situations.
tives, keeping transgenics in a male sterile background So far we have examined priorities considering one
can significantly lower transgene spread. This is particularly factor at a time and have presented a broad framework for
feasible in crops where seed is not the commercial product. decision-making. For preparing a final list of crops for
For example, in vegetable crops such as brinjal and tomato, commercial development of transgenics, it is important that
the important commodity is the fruit. Engineering partheno- all relevant factors are considered together. A case-by-case
carpy (fruit set without pollination) is feasible and relatively approach with appropriate weights for each factor will be
simple15. Thus linking together genes for parthenocarpy needed to arrive at the right decision. We illustrate this
and male sterility with genes for other traits (e.g. slow with the example from potato. We have stated earlier that
ripening, nutrient fortification), will allow development the transgenic approach may not be considered where the
of environmentally-safe transgenic crops. desired improvement could be achieved through conven-
tional breeding. In potato, a gene conferring broad spectrum
resistance to late blight disease has been transferred from
Genes and strategies the wild species, Solanum bulbocastanum to the cultivated
species through somatic hybridization18. This gene can
The genes used and the strategies employed assume sig- now be incorporated into any potato variety through con-
nificance from biosafety perspective. In general, if the ventional breeding and would not attract biosafety regula-
DNA sequences utilized are derived from non-pathogenic tion. This gene has recently been cloned and makes the
organisms or do not code for any product, they pose less transgenic approach feasible to achieve the same goal19.
concern. Genetic engineering for virus resistance is an However, such a transgenic variety will have to undergo
exception in that transgenic plants expressing viral genome biosafety testing. Potato is a tetraploid and is vegetatively
sequences resist attack by the corresponding viruses. In propagated. Most of the varieties are highly heterozygous.
particular, gene silencing strategies have been shown to Transfer of genes through conventional backcross breeding
be effective. Since produce from plants infected with viruses into already established varieties will be a Herculean task.
is widely consumed and has caused no harm to humans Similarly, the gene conferring resistance against apple
888 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 88, NO. 6, 25 MARCH 2005

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Note added in proof: Recently, Celis et al. (Nature, USA, 2004, 101, 886–890.
2004, 432, 222–225) engineered nematode resistance into
a male sterile line of potato for safe deployment in the
Centre of Potato Diversity in Peru. Received 10 February 2004; revised accepted 4 January 2005

CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 88, NO. 6, 25 MARCH 2005 889

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