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A Technique to Correct Anterior-Posterior Tooth Discrepancy

for a Maxillary Immediate Complete Denture

Edmond A. Bedrossian, DDS, Armand Putra, BDS, MSD, & Kwok-Hung Chung, DDS, MS, PhD
Department of Restorative Dentistry, School of Dentistry, University of Washington, Seattle, WA

Keywords Abstract
Denture base; denture correction; denture
occlusion; denture rebasing; malocclusion.
This article describes a chairside technique to correct inappropriate occlusal vertical
dimension as well as the inaccurate anterior-posterior tooth set-up of a maxillary
immediate complete denture. When fabricating an immediate denture, the inability of
a wax-denture trial and the potential for unpredictable complications during surgery,
Edmond Armand Bedrossian, University of
compromised esthetics and function of an immediate complete denture may pose a
Washington School of Dentistry, Department
of Restorative Dentistry, Graduate
clinical problem, which needs instant correction. The technique described can provide
Prosthodontics, 1959 NE Pacific St., B-469,
an alternative method to correct and deliver a definitive immediate complete denture
Box 357456, Seattle, WA 98195-7456. on the day of surgery.
E-mail: Edmon1@uw.edu

Presented at the ACP Annual Session, 2016,

San Diego, CA and awarded third place at the
poster session.

The authors deny any conflicts of interest

related this paper.

Accepted July 25, 2017

doi: 10.1111/jopr.12713

An immediate complete denture (ICD) can be either a defini- nontraditional technique provides the coveted step of a wax
tive or a transitional prosthesis inserted immediately following try-in, the additional chairside time, fabrication of an interim
the removal of all unsalvageable remaining dentition. Several prosthesis, and increased cost of overall treatment may not be
procedures have been described for fabricating an ICD.1-3 As an ideal treatment consideration for most patients. Proper A-P
an ICD provides many advantages, the fabrication methods for position of the central incisors relative to the mandibular in-
a predictable treatment outcome is not always easily achieved, cisors has been shown to have importance for esthetics and
as the prosthesis cannot be completely assessed before inser- phonetics.9
tion. The inability of a preoperative evaluation of a wax-denture The potential need for alveoloplasty of the premaxilla may
trial, as well as potential complications during surgical proce- make the proper prediction of the A-P tooth position challeng-
dures, may readily effect the occlusal vertical dimension (OVD) ing, as the laboratory alveolar reduction on the stone model may
and anterior-posterior (A-P) position of the anterior maxillary be arbitrary.10 Sadowsky et al reported a technique for correc-
teeth, making an ICD challenging with potential functional and tion of improper A-P position of the anterior teeth by detaching
esthetic compromises.4 The dentist and patient may desire cer- the anterior segment from an ICD and a rebase procedure to
tain modifications of tooth arrangement and in these cases, the correct an incisal edge discrepancy.11 Inversely, if the anterior
appraisal must be deferred until the ICD can be placed.5 To plane is acceptable but the posterior is not, detaching the poste-
prevent or correct any of the aforementioned undesirable es- rior segment from the ICD and rebasing could possibly correct
thetic errors of the transitional prosthesis, alternative methods such a predicament; however, when the entire complete arch
for ICD fabrication have been recommended.6-8 Bouma et al8 tooth setup is in an inappropriate A-P tooth position, an alter-
described a process by “staging” the delivery of the ICD re- native approach may be necessary. The purpose of this paper is
moving the anterior and selected posterior teeth, fabricating an to present a chairside and laboratory technique to resolve inap-
interim removable partial prosthesis, and thereby allowing both propriate A-P and horizontal tooth position of a maxillary ICD
the dentist and patient to evaluate and establish OVD, esthet- delivering the definitive prosthesis on the same day of surgery
ics, and phonetics prior to delivery of the ICD. Although this fulfilling the patient’s expectations.

Journal of Prosthodontics 00 (2017) 1–5 

C 2017 by the American College of Prosthodontists 1
Immediate Complete Denture Correction Bedrossian et al

Figure 4 Horseshoe denture base and teeth.

Figure 1 Primary closure of extraction wounds.

Figure 5 Border molding with Wagner Tray.

Figure 2 Immediate postsurgical delivery of ICD at rest position.

Figure 3 Postsurgical ICD with inappropriate A-P tooth position and Figure 6 Horseshoe tooth setup attached to acrylic base with utility
OVD. wax.

Technique oral-antral communication, closed with the buccal fat pad at

the upper right tuberosity region (Fig 1). The prefabricated
Scenario: Ill-fitting ICD
ICD could not be seated completely owing to the lack of ade-
Following the surgical procedure, the maxillary arch was eden- quate sulcus depth and severe tissue undercut, resulting in an
tulated with severe anatomical irregularity following socket inappropriate overjet of anterior teeth and A-P tooth position
preservation procedure and an unexpected complication of an (Figs 2 and 3).

2 Journal of Prosthodontics 00 (2017) 1–5 

C 2017 by the American College of Prosthodontists
Bedrossian et al Immediate Complete Denture Correction

Figure 7 Intraoral verification of correct A-P tooth position and OVD.

Figure 10 Intaglio surface of new maxillary prosthesis.

Figure 8 Articulated master cast with correct A-P tooth position and

Figure 11 Rest position of new maxillary complete denture.

Figure 9 New maxillary complete denture with correct A-P tooth posi- Figure 12 Smile of new maxillary prosthesis with correct A-P tooth
tion. position and OVD.

1. Initial correction: After conducting a chairside clinical LLC, Albuquerque, NM) in water (70°C) and let sit
remount, remove the overextended flange and palate, for 1 minute. Once the material feels like a “well-
leaving only a horseshoe-shaped denture base and origi- tempered compound,” perform border molding and form
nal tooth setup (Fig 4). a custom tray (Fig 5).12 Make a final impression us-
2. Border molding and final impression: Place a thermo- ing regular body poly(vinyl siloxane) material (Aquasil
plastic tray (Wagner Thermoplastic Tray, Bigjawbone Ultra Monophase; Dentsply Intl, Milford, DE), pour a

Journal of Prosthodontics 00 (2017) 1–5 

C 2017 by the American College of Prosthodontists 3
Immediate Complete Denture Correction Bedrossian et al

master cast (Dentstone Golden; Heraeus, Cologne, Ger- the horseshoe tooth setup preserves the denture tooth position,
many), and fabricate an acrylic denture base (Ortho while allowing for the ease of manipulation and re-orientation
Resin; Lang Dental, Wheeling, IL) using the sprinkle-on to the appropriate A-P and vertical position. If an increased
technique.13 OVD remains, the intaglio of the horseshoe can be further re-
3. Correcting procedures: Place the maxillary tooth setup lieved, or a window in the registration base can be made to
intraorally in the appropriate overjet and A-P tooth po- facilitate tooth placement in the ideal relation to the ridge. This
sition, opposing the existing mandibular fixed implant- step is the most coveted step in this technique, as it allows
supported complete dental prosthesis, and attach the teeth for the desired wax denture try-in, providing the information
to the acrylic base using utility wax (White wax ropes necessary for both the patient and clinician to evaluate and fi-
square; Coltene/Whaledent Inc. Cuyahoga Falls, OH) nalize the proper esthetics, phonetics, and function of the newly
(Fig 6). Verify OVD, esthetics, phonetics, and function arranged tooth setup. Finally, sending the newly oriented reg-
of the newly positioned tooth setup (Fig 7). If the patient istration base and tooth setup to a nearby laboratory allows for
maintains an increased OVD, either reduce the registra- a short processing protocol for same day delivery of the tran-
tion base thickness or reduce the intaglio of the horseshoe sitional prosthesis. One drawback for this service would be the
tooth setup until the desired OVD is achieved. necessity for accessibility to a nearby laboratory. The authors’
4. Verification of correcting results: Transfer corrected best assessment of an alternative approach would be the use of
tooth setup to the articulator and secure the final ver- repair resin or dual-cure denture resin using a remount/reline jig
tical and A-P tooth position onto the acrylic base us- to fabricate a new prosthesis chairside; however, the outcome of
ing sticky wax (Sticky wax; Kerr Dental, Orange, CA) this material modification is uncertain. Another disadvantage
(Fig 8). Complete full-contour wax-up for processing. would be the prolonged chairside time during the delivery ap-
5. Processing the corrected denture: Use the compres- pointment; however, allowing the patient to leave the operatory
sion molding technique to process the acrylic denture with a well-fitting and esthetic prosthesis on the same day may
base material (Lucitone 199; Dentsply Intl) at 74°C for outweigh the extended delivery time.
2 hours and increase the temperature of the water bath
to 100°C to continuously process for 1 hour (Figs 9
and 10).14 Conclusions
6. Deliver and evaluate the adjusted prosthesis: Evaluate
esthetics and phonetic function intraorally (Figs 11 and This article proposes a new chairside technique with intensive
12). procedures to correct an ill-fitting interim denture immediately.
This technique allows for ease of correcting the A-P tooth
Discussion discrepancy into a more ideal position, thereby allowing for
delivery of a prosthesis on the same day of surgery to fulfill the
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