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Captek™ are crowns and bridges that mimic and surpass natural teeth in esthetic and function.
The basis for Captek™ esthetics is duplicating the color of the inner structures of a natural tooth, the pulp and
Captek™ structural basis is a strong, shock absorbing and biocompatible internal structure for a crown or
A unique advanced nano technology of gold composites provides the desired color background as well as a
complex mechanism that protects natural teeth and implants, and not less importantly - the porcelain.
The gold composite is a highly biocompatible material with no base metal and oxides, that protects the gingiva
from harmful bacteria.

Captek™ unique technologies are the result of years of intensive research.
Since 1972 Dr. Itzhak Shoher and Mr. Aharon Whiteman have engaged in research of prosthodontic and
esthetic dental materials.
Their research was driven by their desire to provide superior crowns and bridges to their patients beyond
those available in the commercial dental market.
Through the years they have developed multiple dental technologies and materials, to name a few RPS
(Reenforced porcelain system/Inzoma) and the Renaissance system.
Their aim was to develop materials that will be highly biocompatible, will provide exceptionally good esthetics
and will be practical with everyday dental treatments.
Three intensive research years yielded phenomenal new developments in the field of the gold and platinum
group metallurgy – the Captek™.
First generation Captek™ was introduced to the international dental community in 1993.
Captek™ has been marketed by Precious Chemicals since 1996.
In the following years Precious Chemicals has developed multiple additional products that provide multiple
solutions to exceptional high demands. 
The newest and most significant member of the Captek™ family being the Captek Nano™ which was
introduced in 2007.
It provides solutions to long bridges as well as implant-supported restorations as well as advanced properties
for esthetic challenges.
To date, close to 10 million Captek™ units were done in the USA alone.
A world known prosthodontist in the field of esthetic dentistry, Dr. Itzhak Shoher, collaborated with Aharon
Whiteman CDT,  in research of dental materials for many years


Captek™ is an ideal alternative to a conventional dental crown. This unique scientific breakthrough enables
the creation of natural looking, long-lasting crowns and bridges that, most importantly, are healthier for the
surrounding gums.
The Captek™ technology is the outcome of over 30 years of research by its inventors.
The two inventors; an internationally renowned Prosthodontist and world-class dental technician, worked
together with the sole purpose of developing the best restoration for their own patients.

It is unique in its composition.

By creating a composite metal from noble metals exclusively, the beneficial
characteristics of the different noble metals were preserved.
Therefore there will never be formation of oxides, allergies,or inflammatory response.
Captek™ is composed purely from high noble metals.
It is unique in its long lasting esthetics
Captek™ does not change over time. There will never be any corrosion and will not deteriorate over time, for
the pure gold and platinum content. Porcelain will be unaffected and the gigiva will remain healthy therefore
the optical esthetics of the final crown will last for many years.
It is unique in its physical properties.
Captek™ enjoys the advantages of gold, with the strength of the Palladium and Platinum. For centuries, gold
has been known as the preferred material for dental restorations. Captek's advanced technology combines all
the advantages of high-purity gold, without sacrificing the strength. 
It is unique in its fabrication and performance. 
The Captek™ coping is created directly on a refractory die, without casting or milling. 
This exceptional technique allows great accuracy, and custom design.
Years of research and patient satisfaction have proven that Captek™ crowns are durable, accurate, resistant to
harmful bacteria and plaque, and – as is apparent to the viewer - attractive. high-purity gold, without
sacrificing the strength.


The Captek™ system includes several lines of products that compliment each other.
Captek™ materials provide a restorative answer to a wide range of challenging clinical situations.

Captek Classical
The classical Captek™ coping for ceramo-metal crowns has been in the market since 1993.
A pure noble metals combination comes in two thicknesses for anterior and posterior teeth.
88% Gold 4.2% Platinum 4.5% palladium

Captek Posterior
Captek™ classic coping for any posterior tooth restoration, with a final thickness of 0.35 mm.

Captek Anterior
The classical Captek™ coping designed for anterior teeth, with a final thickness of 0.25 mm

Captek Nano
Captek Nano™ has been introduced in 2007 specially designed for advanced applications.
This is the new advanced Captek™ materials utilizing the latest in Nano technologies.
84% Gold 5.3% platinum 7.2% palladium
Nano Bridge and Implant
Strong Captek™ coping specifically designed to provide an ideal base for metal-ceramic bridges of any length, and for implant
restorations, single or multiple units. A final coping thickness of 0.28mm.

Nano Universal
Provides an ideal base for all single unit crowns. A final coping thickness of 0.23mm.

Nano Esthetic Zone

An even thinner metal coping allows porcelain esthetics for anterior teeth, without compromising any of the Captek™
advantages. A final coping thickness that is ≤ 0.2mm.

Captek Bridge
Captek™ for bridges has a composition and thickness which are ideal for long or short span bridges.
Captek™ copings are connected to a bridge by specific soldering technique. The fabrication allows no casting
distortion for a perfect passive fit.

InConnect Bridge
Captek™ system uses its own one of a kind bridge connection products, to create long stable and strong bridges.

Captek™ Classic 88% Gold 4.2% Platinum 4.5% palladium

Captek Nano™  84% Gold 5.3% platinum 7.2% palladium

Captek Kits

Captek Basic Kit

The Captek basic box kit includes all the products and instruments needed to fabricate a Captek crown or bridge.

Calibration kit
High Temperature Calibration for Captek “P” & “G.” The Captek
Calibration system is extremely accurate high temperature
indicator in order to ensure precise firing processes with
various furnaces.
Low Temperature Calibration
Low Temperature Calibration for UCP, Bonder,
Inflow and Pontic Cover LT2. The Captek
Calibration system is extremely accurate high temperature
indicator in order to ensure precise firing processes with
various furnaces.

Captek Wax Kit

Adjustment Kit

Restoring Gold Color Kit

A kit to restore the gold color of the coping or margin including Inflow materials.

Polishing Kit
Die Preparation

Duplicating Flask
Flask for duplicating master dies.

Polyvinyl Siloxane (silicone) for precise duplications of master

Capsil Relief Spray

Used to relieve surface tension in the duplicating molds.

Refractory die investment.
Applied to the refractory die to adhere the CAPTEK™ “P” material to the die.


P Anterior
P wax strip. CAPTEK™ wax and metal sheets used to form anterior copings

G Anterior
G wax strip. CAPTEK™ wax and metal sheets used to form anterior copings

Bridge & Implant P Strip

CAPTEK™ wax and metal sheets used to form the copings for bridge and impant.
Bridge & Implant G Strip
CAPTEK™ wax and metal sheets used to formthe copings for bridge and implants.

Margin "P"
A thick wax and metal sheet for large metal collars and build-ups during the “P” layer process.

Fabrication Materials

Captek Basic Kit

The Captek basic box kit includes all the products and instruments needed to fabricate a Captek crown or bridge.

P Press- Pneumatic Adapter

For initial adapting of the wax “P” layer to the refractory die.
Captek Adapting Instrument
For adapting and shaping the wax “P” & “G” material and readapting CAPTEK™ copings.

Applied to the refractory die to adhere the CAPTEK™ “P” material to the die.

Calibration kit
High Temperature Calibration for Captek “P” & “G.” The Captek
Calibration system is extremely accurate high temperature
indicator in order to ensure precise firing processes with
various furnaces.

Captek Experiences
Captek was developed by a Prosthodontist and a world class dental technician to provide their patients with
the optimal crowns and bridges.Now Captek is available worldwide for you to benefit your patients with.
Captek is a unique metal gold composite coping for a PFM fixed partial denture. Resulting in esthetic, healthy,
strong and long lasting crowns and bridges, you can successfully place in all cases, either natural teeth or
Dentist News

Captek™ is a unique material with unique qualities, unknown in any other dental material. It is composed of
only high noble metals such as Gold, Platinum and Palladium. Its unmatched composition and structure allows
Captek™ to exhibit characteristics that are exclusive to it.

Esthetics Gingival Health Oxide Free Thin and Strong Excellent Fit

Shock Absorbtion Perio Crown Porcelain Bonder

Captek™ crown is a natural looking, highly esthetic crown. The Captek™ crown is
well known for giving predictable beautiful results. The Captek™ crowns and
bridges have the lively color and contours of natural teeth. Captek™ is an esthetic
solution for all patients.
The Captek™ coping has a gold, yellow-orange color.
Gold color provides the most natural color as the background for the porcelain.
Dental dentin has a yellow-orange color naturally; a vital pulp produces a warm red background. The color of
the Captek™ coping provides a natural looking crown, which blends with the natural colors of the oral cavity.
Therefore the gold color of the Captek™ coping provides the perfect base for any type of veneering; porcelain,
acrylic or composite.

Captek™ has a predictable esthetic result.

The coping will not produce oxides under any circumstances, and will not react with the color of the porcelain.
The color of the metal and the porcelain does not change after porcelain firing, repeatable firings, or time. The
color will not change after it is placed, and will not react with the gingiva.
Captek™ crowns will not create a dark gingival line around them. The dark shadow seen when using
conventional metal copings is a result of oxide formation. Captek™ does not produce any oxides, therefore will
not create dark shadowing around it. The Captek™ metal has a goldish color to it, giving a warmer, more
pleasant edge to the crown, then conventional metals which are grey in color.

Captek™ achieves better gingival health around it. Captek™ material has a positive
effect on the gingiva, promotes its health and maintains its natural appearance.
The gingiva is not only unaffected by Captek™, but has a positive effect.
There is less gingivitis and recession around a Captek™ crown.
In several researches Captek™ crowns have exhibited a unique feature. Around the Captek™ metal there was
less bacterial attachment. This trait might be explained by the exceptional three dimensional structure of the
composite metal.

Around the Captek™ margins there has been proven to be less bacterial accumulation then around natural
teeth or other crown systems. Clinically it is evident that there is less gingival inflammation compare to any
other crown system.

Captek™ is fabricated solely from precious metals, which do not react in the oral environment. There are no
oxide formations by the Captek™ metal, no oxides to penetrate the surrounding gingiva. The Captek™ coping
will not create a reaction in the gingiva, there will not be a darken line around it.

Captek™ metal coping is the only coping for PFM that has no oxide formation.
Captek™ is composed of pure noble metals, which do not react with the
surroundings and do not form oxides.
Captek™ is a unique metal coping made of high noble precious metals, primarily gold. Its special internal
structure and composition will resist oxide formation, even beyond pure gold, as seen in research. This
exceptional property maintains the porcelain natural characteristics and original color and luster.

Absence of oxides is a major advantage to all surrounding structures from the gingiva to the porcelain. Oxides
from crown’s margins penetrate the adjacent gingiva, causing discoloration and in some cases even an
inflammatory reaction. Oxide formation on the regular crown margins make the surface rough causing more
plaque accumulation, which will lead to gingivitis that may advance to periodontitis. The oxide free surface of
Captek™ ensures that no such reactions will occur.
In conventional crown systems metals oxidize, during porcelain firing causing overall grayish look especially in
the margin areas. Over time, even when in the oral environment the metals continue to oxidize, and further
discoloration of the porcelain by dispersion of oxide molecules. Captek™ metals do not oxide in the oral cavity
and under any oral circumstances, preserving the original color of the crown and porcelain.

Captek™ metal coping comes in various thicknesses ranging from 0.175 mm to 0.3
It is exceptionally thin while maintaining the strength of a PFM coping.
Captek™ provides an esthetic strong, durable crown even in smaller, thinner teeth. With its one of a kind
structure and composition, the Captek™ crown can be thinner then conventional metals allowing greater
creativity to the technician. Captek™ crowns can be conservative with minimal thickness crowns.

Captek™ is a composite metal, composed of a matrix and filler. Captek™ coping has the unique internal
reinforcing skeleton made primarily of platinum group metals. The Captek™ skeleton allows the coping to be
as thin as 50 microns (0.05mm) at the margins without losing stability.
The exceptional thin Captek™ metal coping allows more room for porcelain, especially where high esthetic in
required. This property is very advantages where space for esthetics is limited, and the demand for esthetics is
Captek™ crown and bridges are as strong and in some comparisons surpasses conventional PFM. As seen in a
BU study the Captek™ crowns and bridges had superior strength to conventional metal crowns, and in more
recent studies were more superior to metal free restorations as well.
Captek™ unique strength ensures long term service for patients.

Captek™ achieves accuracy at the preparation margins, beyond any other PFM or
full coverage restoration. Captek™ cement space can be adjusted as desired.
Captek™ is made directly on the tooth die, providing the most superior precise fit. In the Captek™ technology
a metal impregnated wax is applied to a refractory die directly, to build and design the final metal coping. This
method results in a highly accurate coping. Other PFM technologies are made in indirect methods that
introduce inaccuracies.

Captek™ can be swedged and burnished to achieve excellent precision. The Captek™ coping can be swedged
prior to porcelain application. With different swedge spacers the desired tightness to the tooth and the space
for cement can be easily achieved.
Captek™ maintains its accuracy through porcelain firing thanks to its internal reinforcing skeleton.
Universities studies have shown an excellent fit at the margin after cementation of 14.5-18 microns in single
crowns and bridges

Shock Absorbtion
The exceptional shock absorbing qualities derives from Captek’s unique three
layers structure. Shock absorption protects the veneering porcelain as well as the
tooth abutment, natural or implant.
Forces of mastication and everyday function produce vibration shocks, which harm porcelain and the crown
supporting structure, weather implant or natural tooth. Unprotected porcelain may chip and crack during
function. Captek™ protects its porcelain by absorbing masticatory and impact vibrations that advance from the
impact site to the inner layers. When an implant or a restored tooth structure is exposed to continuous shock
vibrations, their structure is weakened, and the periodontium might be affected.
The inner and outer layers of Captek™ are 25 micron thick each, 97% gold and 3% silver. These layers are
highly elastic and resilient and absorb very well the shock vibrations that travel through the porcelain.
The resilient elements of the Captek™ intermediate composite metal layer contribute to the shock inhibition of
the crown.
The shock absorbing property greatly prolongs the life expectancy of the final crown and bridge.

Perio Crown
Captek crowns and bridges are kind to the periodontal tissues. Captek is a highly
biocompatible material, with a precise polished margin and a shock absorbing
resilient substructure.
1. Biocompatibility. Captek™ has a high noble metal composition, and a unique composite metal structure that
provides high biocompatibility to the oral cavity. Captek™ is composed of solely high noble metals with
exceptional high purity that does not oxides under any oral circumstances, and does not corrode over time.
Captek™ has a composite metal structure that produces micro-electrical bi-polar stimulation which seems to
positive simulate the tissue cells around it.
2. Accuracy. The minimal gap and high smoothness of the Captek™ crown margin eliminates tissue irritation
that is so often found around other crown materials.
3. Shock Absorption. Captek™ exclusive structure with its shock absorbing property, protects the supporting
bone around the tooth or implant

Porcelain Bonder
Captek UCP (Universal Coupler for Porcelain) offers extraordinary bond strength to
porcelain. A perfect tuned down gold color background for porcelain. And a light
scattering effect to simulate the optics of natural teeth.
Captek™ system uses a one of a kind bonding mechanism between the Captek™ materials and porcelain (or
composite). The Captek™ porcelain bonder, the UCP has gold and platinum micro-filaments extensions on the
Captek™ surface. The micro extensions provide exceptional mechanical bond strength. Captek™ has a pure
high noble metal composition, which does not produce any oxides, therefore requires a different method of
bonding to porcelain. This Captek™ bonding material replaces the conventional grey oxide layer used for
bonding in other PFMs, and surpasses it in its bond strength. UCP creates a bond between the Captek™ coping
and porcelain that is unbreakable.
The elasticity of the UCP layer diminishes ceramo-metal stresses caused by COE difference that often accounts
for porcelain cracking and chipping.

UCP on Captek™ provides a color background for the final crown that is the closest to a natural tooth, thanks
to its goldish tones that closely resembles the color of dentin close to the pulp.
UCP contributes to the Captek™ crowns natural beautiful appearance, with its color and light scattering effect.
Light reflecting from a Captek™ crown, gets scattered by the micro-structure of the UCP layer, in a similar way
of natural teeth. Light is broken and scattered from natural teeth, by the enamel prisms and dentin tubuli, and
by the UCP in Captek

Clinical Procedures
Tooth Preparation

Margin Placement
• Doctors choice:
– Margins may be placed equi, sub and/or supra gingival.

Note: Margin placement many times will dictate the desired coping design
much like a standard PFM. With sub or equi gingival margin placement, the
extreme health potential of CaptekTM will help to protect the restored
tooth, maximize bacterial plaque control, encourage long term tissue
stability and eliminate dark lines over time.
Axial Wall Reduction

 Reduction: 1-1.5 mm
 Taper: Less than 22 degrees.
 Height: Posterior 4 mm/Anterior 3 mm

Note: As with standard preparation protocol, when normal prep height

and taper are lacking, resistance and form can be achieved with more
parallel axial walls and/or with retention groves.

Occlussal Reduction
• 1.5 mm minimum

Note: Maximum porcelain strength and idealized functional anatomy are

achieved with at least 1.5 mm of restoration thickness. Use of occlusal
clearance taps (I.E. Prep CheckTM, Commonsense Dental Products or
Flexible Clearance TabsTM, KerrLab) is reported as being helpful for
validating posterior clearance.

Clinical Procedures
Margin Design

A preferred gingival finish line in a veriety of cases. A chamfer finish line can be the finish line of choice in a variety of cases.
Preferred by many dentists, easy to achieve, created by most burs used with rounded edges. The chamfer can accept
different crown materials and designs. This finish line can be used for metal margins, as well as porcelain margins, as long as
space permits.
Recommended - metal finish line.   

Shoulder Bevel
The shoulder bevel finish line is a finish line design for tooth preparation in which the gingival floor meets the external axial
surfaces at approximately a right angle with a slanted edge. This finish line is usually preferred when a metal collar is
planned, to lower stress concentrations on the porcelain at the margins. 
Recommended – Metal collar.
Deep Chamfer
The chamfer finish line has a curved angle between the gingival floor and the axial surfaces. The deep chamfer allows more
space for porcelain, giving the technician more freedom to create an esthetic restoration.
Recommended – Porcelain margin or metal margin.

The shoulder finish line is a design for tooth preparation in which the gingival floor meets the external axial surfaces at
approximately a right angle. This is recommended when porcelain is at the margins, usually allowing more space as well. The
finish line of choice when a porcelain butt margin is required.
Recommended – Porcelain margins.
Knife Edge
The Knife edge finish line design is a long slanted edge, typically used in a periodontally involved tooth or where tooth wall
reduction is limited. This preparation while conservative on tooth structure is more limiting with the crown design.
Recommended – metal finish line or metal collar.

Clinical Procedures
Coping Design

Margin Chamfer
The Captek Coping is finished in a thinned metal margin to allow for porcelain to the margins.
Metal Margin Chamfer
The Captek coping is in uniform width all the way to the contours of the crown's margins. This allows for good porcelain
support, ability to polish the margin for better gingival response and long term survival.

Shoulder Bevel Metal Collar

A metal collar can be made with the Captek material on all preparation types. This metal margin is recommended in all
periodontally involved cases, where gingival health is important. The metal collar can be fabricted to any desired height.
Chamfer Porcelain Margin
In a tooth that a porcelain margin is asked for, a cut back in the Captek coping can be made, to different depths.

Shoulder Metal Cut back

Captek can be cut back to allow porcelain margins, in a shoulder preparation. This allows seamless esthetics between the
tooth structure and the crown.

Metal Bevel
Captek coping can be thinned in the margin to 50 microns. This allows good esthetics even in a bevel preparation.
Shoulder Margin
It is possible to use Captek on any preparation type, from long bevel to a deep shoulder. Captek can be thinned at the
margin to allow superior esthetics.

Clinical Procedures

Any type of cement can be used with Captek.
Advised to regard the Captek crown as any ceramo-metal crown.
Surface Conditioning: 
Light (20 to 40 lbs.) aluminum oxide (50 um) abrading of internal
surface is needed when:
– Preparation lacks resistance and retention form.
– Molar crowns
– Bonding

Final Cementation:
– Light lining of cement is all that is needed.
– Seat crown with steady and light pressure.

Try in
• Expect an extremely accurate fit that is:
– Passive yet complete
– Seats without pressure

Note: Minor modifications can be made to Captek's internal surface. Fit

checker is recommended to identify specific areas that might be binding.
In the rare occasion that major adjustments are necessary, it is recommended
to re-impress and send case to laboratory for evaluation

Die Fabrication

Anterior Tooth
Posterior Tooth


Die Duplication
The master die is duplicated using Capsil duplicating material. Then poured with Capvest to make a refractory die.

Anterior Tooth
Posterior Tooth

315 315
315 315

1a. 1p.
P application. Captek P material is cut in approximate size, Captek P material is cut in approximate size, and placed on
and placed on the refractory die the refractory die.

Bridge Work Fabrication


The single Captek copings are fabricated.

The pontic is waxed, and aligned between the copings


Pontic area is cast using a noble metal


The pontic is covered with Pontic Cover™.

Connection areas are covered with Inconnect™.


The bridge is fired into one piece in the porcelain furnace.


UCP and porcelain are applied on the bridge.
UCP Application


The Captek coping margins are finished.


UCP™ adhesive is applied on the coping.

UCP™ powder is sprayed on the coping.


The coping is fired in a porcelain furnace.

Coping Build Up

P material can be added to any shape in the P stage.


P strips can be added as margin collars or occlusal collars.


P can be shaped to a gingival collar.

The coping should be shaped to support the porcelain.

Natural Teeth


Case 1
Patient came with a complaint of unsatisfying esthetics in left central and lateral with existing crowns. Both
were replaced by Captek crowns.



Natural Teeth


Case 1
Patient came with a complaint of unsatisfying esthetics in left central and lateral with existing crowns. Both
were replaced by Captek crowns.


Case 2

Natural Teeth


Case 1
Patient came with a complaint of unsatisfying esthetics in left central and lateral with existing crowns. Both
were replaced by Captek crowns.



Case 2

Case 3

Case 4a

Natural Teeth


Case 1
Patient came with a complaint of unsatisfying esthetics in left central and lateral with existing crowns. Both
were replaced by Captek crowns.



Case 2

Case 3

Case 4a


Case 4b

Natural Teeth



Case 1
Patient came with a complaint of unsatisfying esthetics in left central and lateral with existing crowns. Both
were replaced by Captek crowns.


Case 2

Case 3


Case 4a

Case 4b

Case 5

Dentist FAQ
When should Captek be indicated?
The new Captek Nano™ group of materials have been made stronger and more versatile and
can be used for any crown or bridge application. Using nano technology, Captek engineers
have developed three distinct materials: Nano Bridge & Implant™ for all areas and high-stress
uses where in the past only cast PFMs could be used, Universal for bicuspids and anteriors
requiring strength and esthetics, and Nano Esthetic Zone™ for incisors and lower cuspids
where an extra thin coping provides esthetic advantages. Captek Nano™ materials offer the
same unrivaled fit & health and life-like esthetics Captek™ has always been known for. Please
visit [our Website, page] for complete details on Captek Nano™ materials, their specifications
and uses.

What type of preparation do I need for Captek?

Captek crowns and bridges can be made for any type of preparation, as lonf as basic dental
principales are being kept. The Captek material can be as thin as 50 microns at the margins
or as thick as a wide metal collar. All as preffered and indicated for the specific case and

How do I know I am really getting Captek?

The Captek Company provides Identalloy certificates to each Captek Certified Dental Lab. The
certificates are to be made available for every Captek case you request, either delivered with
the case or upon your request, even for Captek crowns and bridges that have been
outsourced for fabrication. For additional assurance, you can call the Captek Company directly
to inquire about your dental lab’s status.

How to find a technician that makes Captek?

Captek™ copings provide advanced and unique properties that can only be delivered by labs
trained and Certified by the Captek™ Company. We would be happy to direct you to multiple
labs that would be able to meet your needs. Additionally, we can help your current lab
provide you with genuine Captek crowns and bridges through one of our outsourcing
partners. They would provide Certified Captek copings for your ceramist to apply porcelain.

How do you know if the Lab is making Captek™?

Captek™ crowns and bridge frameworks can only be fabricated by dental labs trained and
Certified by Captek Company technicians. Labs are requested to provide an Identalloy Sticker
with each Captek™ case to certify authenticity. We would be happy to assure you by email or
phone that your lab is authorized to fabricate Captek™ or is using an outsourcing partner to
obtain genuine Captek™ copings.

How many Captek materials are there?

Using nano technology, Captek has been re engineered for three distinct purposes. The first
Captek Nano material, and the strongest, is Bridge & Implant. At .275 mm thick, it can be
used for any span bridge over implants or natural abutments, canilever bridges, precision
attachments, and for all high stress occlusions such as bruxers for all teeth. At .25 mm thick,
Captek Universal is perfect for bicuspids forward, blending strength with esthetic needs. Can
Captek’s new extra thin Esthetic Zone (EZ), at about .2 mm, is perfect for incisors and lower
cuspids where esthetic demands are the highest. All Captek Nano materials have the same
best fit, unmatched plaque inhibition, and ease of use Captek is known for.

Why is Captek esthetically superior to all-ceramic restorations?

Captek offers complete color control, no matter the underlying tooth structure.

• Warm gold color mimics the vitality of living tooth structures, whereas ceramic cores are too
transparent and grayish, or too white, which grossly increases the chroma.

• Patented reflective surface refracts and reflects light. This ability to capture and scatter
reflected light adds a superior vitality and blending in effect.
• Captek supports beautiful crown color and tissue color as well *

• More conservative preparation

• Helps make even the whitest bleached shade look vital

Research from Harvard indicated that the tissue surrounding Captek™ crowns had the closest
appearance to the gingivae of the adjacent natural teeth when compared to all-ceramics,
aluminum and metal cores.*

Is Captek™ indicated for combination cases with all-ceramics or veneers?

Yes. Captek™ is an ideal esthetic solution for combination cases. Captek provides a perfect
canvas that breathes life into full coverage restorations and makes it easy to match with
surrounding veneers.

Is Captek strong enough for molars?

Yes. The original Captek tested at Boston University was found to have the same porcelain
load-to-failure strength as non precious, semi precious, and high noble PFMs. However,
Captek’s new Bridge & Implant material is as much as 30% stronger. The compressive
strength of all Captek materials is maintained when total occlusal thickness is at least 1.5 mm.
Accounting for the possibility of super eruption, why we suggest occlusal reduction of 2 mm.

Can Captek be used for bridges?

Yes. Captek labs report they have more success with Captek bridges than any other material.
That’s because Captek internal frames don’t distort like other materials when porcelain is
baked. In addition to the precise passive fit, Captek bridges measured for load-to-porcelain
failure and found to be as strong as PFM and zirconia bridges are now even stronger. Captek’s
new Nano Bridge & Implant material is strong enough to support long-span bridges of any
length over natural or implant abutments, and strong enough to support a single pontic

Can a metal collar be used with Captek?

Yes. Captek metal collars are ideal on the linguals where reduction is minimal and for
interproximals to help with caries prevention. And because bevel and feather margins end at
point of zero reduction, buccal metal collars make it easier to obtain a proper emergence
profile and eliminate thin margin porcelain that can chip. You can also count on Captek metal
collars to remain esthetic when placed sub gingivally. That’s because Captek has been
formulated to match the color of live dentin.

Should Captek™ be considered for patients with or without periodontal conditions?

Yes. Captek™ is a healthy solution for all patients who need to keep their soft tissues healthy
over time. In fact, Captek is considered by some to be the “Perio- Crown™”. Captek induces a
healthy tissue response around it, and can be placed sub-gingivally.


Captek™ was developed by a Prosthodontist and a world class dental technician

to provide their patients with the optimal crowns and bridges. Now Captek™ is
available worldwide for you to benefit your patients with.

Captek™ is a unique metal gold composite coping for a PFM fixed partial denture.
Resulting in esthetic, healthy, strong and long lasting crowns and bridges, you can
successfully place in all cases, either natural teeth or implants.
Captek™ is a highly biocompatible crown, designed to look naturally beautiful, strong and durable, and still be
a healthy choice for your mouth.
Captek™ is a unique material with unique qualities, unknown in any other dental material. It is composed of
only high noble metals such as Gold, Platinum and Palladium. Fabricated to give the best results for a natural
feel with any tooth crown.

Patient FAQ
Where can I find a dentist in my area that offers Captek?
It couldn’t be easier. Simply send us an email with your zip code. We will be happy to provide
you with a list of doctors in your area that offer genuine Certified Captek.

If I am allergic to metals, will I be allergic to Captek?

Traditional crowns include impurities that can irritate gums and cause systemic sensitivities. In
contrast, Captek only uses the purest forms of noble metals and is hypo allergenic. Unlike
older technologies, Captek does not form dark oxides that can cause inflammation and dark &
receding gums. In fact, Captek is the only dental material shown to actually improve
periodontal health.

How do I know my doctor is actually providing Captek?

Captek can only be provided by Captek trained and Certified Dental Laboratories. We provide
each Certified Laboratory with identification tags, Identalloy Stickers, that inform your doctor
the product being provided is genuine Certified Captek.

Is Captek healthier than other types of Crowns?

Captek is the only dental material that actually promotes healthy gums. Research has shown
that Captek fits better than other materials and doesn’t corrode like traditional metals with
porcelain. When a crown doesn’t fit well it is like having spurs sticking into the gums. Captek
eliminates that. Corrosion can be even worse, often leading to inflammation and gum
recession. Corrosion causes toxic byproducts to migrate into the gums and bacterial plaque to
hide in corroded surfaces. Captek never corrodes and produces no byproducts, remaining
pure for life. The result is a decrease in bacterial plaque and healthier gums.


How does Captek compare to All ceramic esthetics?

Captek offers complete color control, no matter the underlying tooth structure.

 Warm gold color mimics the vitality of living tooth structures, whereas ceramic cores
are too transparent and grayish, or too white, which grossly increases the chroma.

 Patented reflective surface refracts and reflects light. This ability to capture and scatter
reflected light adds a superior vitality and blending in effect

 Captek covers dark roots or tooth structure. Captek can give beautiful esthetics
regardless of the color of the abutment, tooth or root. 

 Captek supports beautiful crown color as well as the tissue color and health.

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