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It states that every body in the universe attracts every other body with a force which is directly proportional
to the product of their masses and is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
1 mm
F  m1m 2 and F  2
so F  1 2 2 F12 F21
r r m1 m2
Gm1m 2
 F rˆ [G = Universal gravitational constant]
Note : This formula is only applicable for spherical symmetric masses or point masses.

Vector form of Newton's law of Gravitation :

Let r12 = Displacement vector from m1 to m2

r21 = Displacement vector from m2 to m1 m1 r12
 r12 r21
r21 = Gravitational force exerted on m2 by m1 r21
r1 m2

r12 = Gravitational force exerted on m1 by m2
 Gm1m 2  Gm1m 2  Z
r12   2
r21   r21
r21 r213
Negative sign shows that :

(i) The direction of F12 is opposite to that r̂21
(ii) The gravitational force is attractive in nature

 Gm1m 2  Gm1m 2   
Similarly F21 = – r 2 r̂ F
12 or 21   r
12  F12   F21
12 r123
The gravitational force between two bodies are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.

Gravitational constant "G"

• Gravitational constant is a scalar quantity.
• Unit : S I : G = 6.67 × 10–11 N–m2/kg2
CGS : 6.67 × 10–8 dyne–cm2/g2
Dimensions : M–1L3T–2
• The total gravitational force on one particle due to number of particles is the resultant of forces of
   
attraction exerted on the given particle due to individual particles i.e. F  F1  F2  F3  ............it means
the principle of superposition is valid.

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 9783197831 1
Gravitational Field Intensity [g or Eg]
Gravitational force acting per unit mass at any point in the gravitational field is

GMm GM  F  GM M
g 2
m  2 Vector form : g  of g   2 rˆ
r r m r

Gravitational field intensity is a vector quantity having dimension [LT–2] and unit N/kg.

• Since the force between two point masses is having the similar expression as that of force between two
point charges, we can write the gravitational field & gravitational potential in the same manner as the
electric field & electric potential.
• Notice gravitational force is always attractive and hence gravitational potential is always –ve. (for a
repulsive force potential is positive). This can be explained from the sign of Wext in moving the test
charge from  to the point under consideration.

• Since g points from B towards A potential increases as we move from A to B. Just like electric potential
gravitational potential also increases opposite to field direction.


(1) Point Charge Point Mass
(a) E g
r2 r2
kQ  GM
(b) v vG 
r r
(2) Uniform charged ring Ring of uniform mass distribution
kQx GMx
(a) E on axis g on axis
(r  x 2 )3/ 2
(r  x 2 )3/ 2

r r
E is max. when x = g is max. when x =
2 2
kQ kQ  GM  GM
(b) v on axis, at center vG  on axis, at center
r x 2 r 2
r x 2 r
(3) Uniform linear charge Uniform linear mass

(cos   cos  )
r  k  r
sin(   )
 r r 
k G
cos(  cos ) (sin   sin )
r r
( = mass per unit mass)

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 9783197831 2
(4) Infinite Linear charge Infinite linear mass
 
r2 r2
r1 r1
 

2K 2G
(a) E g
r r

r2   r2 
(b) VB – VA = – 2K ln  r  VB – VA = 2G ln  r 
 1  1
(5) Infinite Sheet of change Infinite Sheet of mass
 
E g  4G  2G
2 0 2
( = mass per unit area)
(6) Uniformly charged hollow sphere Hollow sphere of uniform mass
Charge Q, radius R Mass M , radius R
distance of field point from center r distance of field point from center r
Case I r > R
r P GM
R r2

E VG  
r2 r

Case II r < R
r g=0

E=0 vG 
(7) Electrostatics self energy of uniformly Gravitational self energy of uniform
charged thin spherical shell. thin spherical shell.

KQ 2 GM 2
U U
2R 2R

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 9783197831 3
(8) Uniformly charged solid sphere Uniformly solid sphere
mass M, radius R mass M, radius R
kQ 2 GM
E ,r  R g ,r  R
r2 r2

kQr GM
,r  R r, r  R
R3 R3
v ,r  R va  ,r  R
r r
kQ GM
(3R 3  r 2 ), r  R (3R 3  r 2 ), r  R
2R 3. 2R 3.

(9) Electrostatics self energy of uniformly Gravitational self energy of uniform

charged solid sphere solid sphere.
3 KQ 2 3 GM 2
U U
5 R 5 R


Gravitational Force Fg = ma if Re = Radius of Earth, Me = Mass of Earth.
GM e
then g  R 2 ...(i)

Variation in Acceleration due gravity

(a) Due to Altitude (height)

 2h 
[If h << Re,  gh = g 1  R 
 e

(b) Due to depth :

Assuming density of Earth remains same throughout. At depth d inside the Earth :

 d 
g d  g 1   valid for any depth
 Re 
N sO
(c) Due to Rotation of the Earth 2
g' = g – Re2 cos2 mZ
M r  mZ2r
g P
If latitude angle  = 0. m Re
W O 
It means at equator. g'min= ge = g – Re2
If latitude angle  = 90°.
It means at poles. g'max. = gp = g  gp > ge

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 9783197831 4
Minimum energy given to a particle in form of kinetic energy so that surface
it can just escape from Earth's gravitational field.
GM e m
Escape energy = R (–ve of P.E. at Earth’s surface) Me
e Re
GM e m 1 2GM e
Escape energy = Kinetic Energy  R  mv 2e  v e 
e 2 Re

2GM e 1
• ve  (In form of mass) If M = constant v e  2
Re e

• ve = 2gR e (In form of g) If g = constant ve  R e

• ve  R e (In form of density) If  = constant ve  Re
• Escape velocity does not depend on mass of body, angle of projection or direction of projection.
ve  m0 and ve  °
• Escape velocity at : Earth surface ve = 11.2 km/s Moon surface ve = 2.31 km/s
• Atmosphere on Moon is absent because root mean square velocity of gas particle is greater then
escape velocity. vrms > ve

Kepler found important regularities in the motion of the planets. These regularities are known as “Kepler’s
three laws of planetary motion”.
(a) First Law (Law of Orbits) : All planets move around the Sun in elliptical orbits, having the Sun at one
focus of the orbit.
(b) Second Law (Law of Areas) : A line joining any planet to the Sun sweeps out equal areas in equal
times, that is, the areal speed of the planet remains constant. According to the second law, when the
planet is nearest the Sun, then its speed is maximum and when it is farthest from the Sun, then its speed
is minimum. In figure if a planet moves from A to B in a given time–interval, and from C to D in the same
time– interval, then the areas ASB and CSD will be equal.

 r


dA J
 ...(iii)
dt 2m
Now, the areal speed dA/dt of the planet is constant, according to Kepler’s second law. Therefore,
according to eq. (iii), the angular momentum J of the planet is also constant, that is, the angular momentum
of the planet is conserved. Thus, Kepler’s second law is equivalent to conservation of angular momentum.

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 9783197831 5
(c) Third Law : (Law of Periods) : The square of the period of revolution (time of one complete revolution)
of any planet around the Sun is directly proportional to the cube of the semi–major axis of its elliptical
T 2  a3
So it is clear through this rule that the farthest planet from the Sun has largest period of revolution. The
period of revolution of the closest planet Mercury is 88 days, while that of the farthest dwarf planet Pluto
is 248 years.

Orbital velocity (v0) : A satellite of mass m moving in an orbit of radius r with speed v0 then required
centripetal force is provided by gravitation.

mv 20 GMm GM GM r m
Fcp = Fg  = 2
 v0   r  Re  h v0
r r r Re  h 

For a satellite very close to the Earth surface h << Re  r = Re

v0   gR e = 8 km/s

• If a body is taken at some height from Earth and given horizontal velocity of magnitude 8 km/sec then the
body becomes satellite of Earth.
• v0 depends upon : Mass of planet, Radius of circular orbit of satellite, g (at planet), Density of planet
• If orbital velocity of a nearby satellite becomes 2 v0 (or increased by 41.4%, or K.E. is doubled) then
the satellite escapes from gravitational field of Earth.
3 3
2r 2r 2 2r 2 4 2 3
Time Period of a Satellite T     T2  r  T2  r 3  r  R  h 
v0 GM R g GM

For Geostationary Satellite T = 24 hr, h = 36,000 km  6R e  r  7R e  , v0 = 3.1 km/s

GM e
For near by satellite v 0   8km / s

TNs = 2 = 84 minute = 1 hour 24 minute = 1.4 hr = 5063 s

1/ 2
2  R e  3
In terms of density TNs  1/ 2

 G  4 / 3R e   G

Time period of near by satellite only depends upon density of planet.

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 9783197831 6
For Moon
hm = 380,000 km and Tm = 27 days

2  R e  h  2  386400 103 
v om    1.04 km / sec
Tm 27  64  60  60

Energies of a Satellite:
1 GMm L2
Kinetic energy K.E.  mv 20  
2 2r 2mr 2
GMm L2
Potential energy P.E.     mv 20   2
r mr
mv02 GMm L2
Total mechanical energy T.E. = P.E. + K.E. = –  
2 2r 2mr 2

Essential Condition's for Satellite Motion

• Centre of satellite's orbit coincides with centre of Earth.
• Plane of orbit of satellite is passing through centre of Earth.

Special Points about Geo–Stationary Satellite

• All three essential conditions for satellite motion should be followed.
• It rotates in equatorial plane.
• Its height from Earth surface is 36000 km. (~6Re)
• Its angular velocity and time period should be same as that of Earth.
• Its rotating direction should be same as that of Earth (West to East).
• Its orbit is called parking orbit and its orbital velocity is 3.1 km./sec.
• Maximum latitude at which message can be received by geostationary satellite is

 Re 
  cos1  
 Re  h 

2hR 2e
• The area of earth's surface covered by geostationary satellite is S  R e2 
Re  h

Total mechanical energy (potential + kinetic) of a closed system is negative. The modulus of this total
mechanical energy is known as the binding energy of the system. This is the energy due to which system
is closed or different parts of the system are bound to each other.

Binding energy of satellite (system)

1 2 GMm L2 –P.E.
B.E. = – T.E., B.E. = mv 0   , Hence B.E. = K.E. = – T.E. =
2 2r 2mr 2 2

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 9783197831 7
Work done in changing the orbit of Satellite

GMm GMm  1 1 
W = Change in mechanical energy of system but E = so W = E2 – E1 =   
2r 2r  r1 r2 

Typical Example of Effect of Air Resistance on setallite

An artificial satellite (mass m) of a planet (mass M) revolves in a circular orbit whose radius is n times
the radius R of the planet. In the process of motion, the satellite experiences a slight resistance due to
cosmic dust. Assuming the force of resistance on satellite to depend on velocity as F = av2 where 'a'
is a constant, calculate how long the satellite will stay in the space before it falls onto the planet's
In this case,
Air resistance F = – av2, where orbital velocity v 
r = the distance of the satellite from planet's centre F = 
dt 
 GM  a dt
The work done by the resistance force dW = Fdx = Fvdt = ... (i)
r r r 3/ 2
dE d  GMm  GMm GMm
The loss of energy of the satellite = dE      2
 dE  dr ... (ii)
dr dr  2r  2r 2r 2
3/ 2

Since dE = –dW (work energy theorem) –

dr 
 GM  dt
2r 2 r 3/ 2

m R

dr m R n  1 
 t=–
2a GM 
nR r

a GM
  n 1  a mgR
For a body being projected tangentially from above earth’s surface, say at a h

distance r from earth’s center, the trajectory would depend on the velocity of r
projection v. R

Velocity Orbit

GM  2R 
1. velocity, v < Body returns to earth
r  r  R 

GM GM  2R 
2. v Body acquires an elliptical orbit with earth as
r r  r  R 

GM e
3. Velocity is equal to the critical velocity Circular orbit with radius r of the orbit, v =

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 9783197831 8
4. Velocity is between the critical and escape Body acquires an elliptical orbit with earth as
velocity of the orbit the near focus w.r.t. the point of projection.

2GM e GM e
r r

2GM e
5. v = vesc = Body just escapes earth’s gravity, along a parabolic path.

2GM e
6. v  v esc  Body escape earth’s gravity along a hyperbolic path.


Figure shows two particles moving due to mutually attractive gravitational
force about center of mass. Since there is no external force CM of system
remains fixed and time period of revolution must be same. Both bodies C.M.
have comparable mass and both are moving in circular orbit centre of mass
as shown in diagram
R1 R2

G  m1  m 2 
 m1R12
Angular momentum of the system about centre of mass. R1
C.M 
 mm  R2 F
L   1 2  R 2 2
m2 R2
 m1  m 2 


In deriving the formula T0 = 2   we have assumed that length of the pendulum L is much less than

the radius of the earth R so that 'g' always remains vertical. However, if length of pendulum is comparable
of the radius of earth, 'g' will not remain vertical but will be directed towards the centre of the earth.

2 1
T  2
 1 1  (< T0)
g  
L R 

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 9783197831 9
From this expression it is clear that:

(a) If L << R, (1/L) >> (1/R) so T = 2   which is expected.

(b) I f L >> R ( ) (1/L) << (1/R) so

R 6.4 106
T = 2  2
g 10
= 800 × 2 sec  83.8 minute
And it is also the maximum time period which an oscillating simple pendulum can have.
(c) If L is comparable to R (say L = R),

T  2  1hour.

Motion of a ball in a tunnel through the earth :

Case I : If the tunnel is along a diameter and the ball is released from the surface. The ball executes

M' O x
O 
F y
m m

(A) (B)

R R
so that T  2 ; T  2  
GM g

Which is same as that of a simple pendulum of infinite length and is equal to 84.6 minute.
Case II : If the tunnel is along a chord and ball is released from the surface. The motion is SHM with the
same time period.

A uniform sphere has a mass M and radius R. The pressure p inside the sphere, caused by
gravitational compression, as a function of the distance r from its centre can be found to be
1  r 2 / R 2  M 2 / R 4

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 9783197831 10

HCV Worked out Examples (Chapter No. 11 - Q.No. 1 to 8, 10)
1. A sphere of radius R has its centre at the origin. It has a uniform mass density o except that there is a
spherical hole of radius r = R/2 whose centre is at x = R/2 as in fig. (a) Find gravitational field at points
on the axis for |x| > R (b) Show that the gravitational field inside the hole is uniform, find its magnitude and

O x

2. A small body of mass m is projected with a velocity just sufficient to make it reach from the surface of a
planet (of radius 2R and mass 3M) to the surface of another planet (of radius R and mass M). The
distance between the centers of the two spherical planets is 6R. The distance of the body from the center
of bigger planet is ‘x’ at any moment. During the journey, find the distance x where the speed of the body
is (a) maximum (b) minimum. Assume motion of body along the line joining centres of planets.

HCV Exercises (Chapter No. 11 - Q.No. 1 to 15)

HCV Worked out Examples (Chapter No. 11 - Q.No. 9)

3. Two uniform spherical stars made of same material have radii R and 2R. Mass of the smaller planet is m.
They start moving from rest towards each other from a large distance under mutual force of gravity. The
collision between the stars is inelastic with coefficient of restitution 1/2.
(a) Find the kinetic energy of the system just after the collision.
(b) Find the maximum separation between their centres after their first collision.

4. A body is launched from the earth’s surface at an angle =30º to the horizontal at a speed
v0 = . Neglecting air resistance and earth’s rotation, find (a) the height to which the body will
rise. (b) the radius of curvature of trajectory at its top point.

HCV Exercises (Chapter No. 11 - Q.No. 16 to 21, 37,38)


HCV Worked out Examples (Chapter No. 11 - Q.No. 11)
5. Calculate the distance from the surface of the earth at which above and below the surface acceleration
due to gravity is the same.

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 9783197831 11
6. The Earth may be regarded as a spherically shaped uniform core of density 1 and radius R/2 surrounded
by a uniform shell of thickness R/2 and density 2. Find the ratio of if the value of acceleration due
to gravity is the same at surface as at depth R/2 from the surface.
HCV Exercises (Chapter No. 11 - Q.No. 6, 22 to 27, 34)

7. A particle is fired vertically from the surface of the earth with a velocity ke, where e is the escape
velocity and k < 1. Neglecting air resistance and assuming earth's radius as Re. Calculate the height to
which it will rise from the surface of the earth.
HCV Exercises (Chapter No. 11 - Q.No. 39)

HCV Worked out Examples (Chapter No. 11 - Q.No. 12)
8. A satellite is moving in a circular orbit around the earth. The total energy of the satellite is
E = – 2 ×105J. The amount of energy to be imparted to the satellite to transfer it to a circular orbit where
its potential energy is U= – 2 × 105J is equal to ________.

9. A satellite of mass m is orbiting the earth in a circular orbit of radius r. It starts losing energydue to small
air resistance at the rate of C J/ s. Then the time taken for the satellite to reach the earth is _______.

10. A satellite close to the earth is in orbit above the equator with a period of rotation of 1.5 hours. If it is
above a point P on the equator at some time, it will be above P again after time________.

11. A binary star has a period (T) of 2 earth years while distance L between its components having masses
M1 and M2 is four astronomical units. If M1 = MS where MS is the mass of sun, find the ratio M2/5MS.

12. A pair of stars rotates about a common center of mass. One of the stars has a mass M which is twice as
large as the mass m of the other. Their centres are at a distance d apart, d being large compared to the
size of either star. (a) Derive an expression for the period of rotation of the stars about their common
centre of mass in terms of d,m, G. (b) Compare the angular momentum of the two stars about their
common centre of mass by calculating the ratio Lm/ LM. (c) Compare the kinetic energies of the two stars
by calculating the ratio Km/KM.

13. A hypothetical spherical planet of radius R and its density varies as  = Kr, where K is constant and r is
the distance from the center. Determine the pressure caused by gravitational pull inside (r < R) the planet
at a distance r measured from its center.

HCV Exercises (Chapter No. - Q.No. 30 to 33, 36)

HCV Worked out Examples (Chapter No. 11 - Q.No. 13)
14. The minimum and maximum distances of a satellite from the centre of the Earth are 2R and 4 R respectively,
where R is the radius of Earth and M is the mass of the Earth. Find radius of curvature at the point of
minimum distance.
HCV Exercises (Chapter No. 11 - Q. No. 29)

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 9783197831 12
1. Mean solar day is the time interval between two successive noon when sun passes through zenith point
(meridian). Sidereal day is the time interval between two successive transit of a distant star through the
zenith point (meridian). If mean solar day is X minutes longer than the sidereal day. In other words,
distant stars would rise X minutes early every successive day. Find the nearest integer of X. [You may
assume circular orbit for the earth]

2. Assume that a geosynchronous communications satellite is in orbit at the longitude of Kota. You are in
Kota and want to pick up its signals. In what direction should you point the axis of your parabolic
antenna? The latitude of Kota is 30°N.

3. The fastest possible rate of rotation of a planet such that for which the gravitational force on material at
the equator barely provides the centripetal force needed for the rotation.. Show then that the corresponding

shortest period of rotation is given by T  3 , where  s the density of the planet, assumed to be

4. A satellite is orbiting the Earth of mass M in equatorial plane in a circular orbit having radius 2R and same
sense of rotation as that of the Earth. Find duration of time for which a man standing on the equator will
be able to see the satellite continuously. Assume that the man can see the satellite when it is above
horizon. Take Earth's angular velocity = .

5. A launching pad with a spaceship is moving along a circular orbit of the moon , whose radius R is triple
that of moon's radius Rm. The space ship leaves the launching pad with a relative velocity equal to the

launching pad's initial orbital velocity v 0 and the launching pad then falls to the moon . Determine the
angle  with the horizontal at which the launching pad crashes into the surface if its mass is twice that of
the spaceship m.
6. A body is launched from the earth’s surface at an angle =30° to the horizontal at a speed v0= .
Neglecting air resistance and earth’s rotation, find (a) the height to which the body will rise. (b) the radius
of curvature of trajectory at its top point.

7. A hypothetical planet of mass M has three moons each of equal mass m

‘m’ each revolving in the same circular orbit of radius R. The masses are
equally spaced and thus form an equilateral triangle. Find:
(i) the total P.E. of the system m m

(ii) the orbital speed of each moon such that they maintain this configuration.

8. A body moving radially away from a planet of mass M, when at distance r from the centre of planet,
explodes in such a way that two of its many fragments move in mutually perpendicular circular orbits
around the planet. What will be
(a) then velocity in circular orbits.
(b) maximum distance between the two fragments before collision and
(c) magnitude of their relative velocity just before they collide.

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 9783197831 13
9. A cord of length 64 m is used to connect a 100 kg astronaut to spaceship whose mass is much larger
than that of the astronaut. Estimate the value of the tension in the cord. Assume that the spaceship is
orbiting near earth surface. Assume that the spaceship and the astronaut fall on a straight line from the
earth centre. The radius of the earth is 6400 km.

10. Imagine a planet of mass M with a small moon of mass m and radius a orbiting it and keeping the same
face toward it. If the moon now approaches the planet, there will be a critical distance from the planet's
center at which loose material lying on the moon's surface will be lifted off. Show that this distance is
given by |rc = a(3M/m)1/3. This critical distance is called Roche's limit.

11. An astronaut in a circular orbit around earth observes a celestial body moving in a lower circular orbit
around earth in same plane as his orbit and in the same sense. He observes that the body moves at a
speed of 5 m/s relative to himself when it is closest to him. The minimum distance between him and the

body if he is moving at a speed of 5000 m/s is  km. Fill the value of in OMR sheet.
(Mass of earth = 6 × 1024 kg & round off the value of  to the nearest integer).

12. Two large spherical object of mass M each (uniformly distributed) are fixed as shown in figure. A small
point mass m is projected from point A heading towards center C2 of second sphere. The minimum
n GM
velocity of point mass so that it can reach upto second object at point B is then calculate n.
3 5R
[Neglect other gravitational forces]

C1 A B C2


13. Two point–like objects, each with mass m, are connected by a massless rope of length  . The objects
are suspended vertically near the surface of Earth, so that one object is hanging below the other. Then
the objects are released. Show that the tension in the rope is T  where M is the mass of the
Earth and R is its radius [  R] .

14. There is a crater of depth on the surface of the Moon (radius R). A projectile is fired vertically
upward from the crater with velocity, which is equal to the escape velocity v from the surface of the
Moon. Find the maximum height attained by the projectile. [IIT-JEE 2003]

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 9783197831 14
1. Choose the INCORRECT option.
(A) Inertial mass is a measure of difficulty of accelerating a body by an external force whereas the
gravitational mass is relevant in determining the gravitational force on it by an external mass.
(B) That the gravitational mass and inertia mass are equal is an experimental result
(C) That the acceleration due to gravity on earth is the same for all bodies is due to the equality of
gravitational mass and inertia mass.
(D) Gravitational mass of a particle like proton can depend on the present of neighbouring heavy objects
but the inertia mass cannot.

2. If the distance between the centres of Earth and Moon is D and mass of Earth is 81 times that of Moon.
At what distance from the centre of Earth gravitational field will be zero ?
D 2D 4D 9D
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 3 5 10

3. A mass is at the center of a square, with four masses at the corners as shown.

5M 3M 2M 3M 5M 3M 2M 3M

M M 2M 2M
(A) (B) (C) (D)
M 5M M 2M M 5M M 2M

Rank the choices according to the magnitude of the gravitational force on the center mass.
(A) FA = FB < FC = FD (B) FA > FB < FD < FC (C) FA = FB > FC = FD (D) None

4. A hollow spherical shell is compressed to half its radius. The gravitational potential at the centre
(A) increases
(B) decreases
(C) remains same
(D) during the compression increases then returns at the previous value.

5. A particle of mass M is at a distance a from surface of a thin spherical shell of equal mass and having
radius a.

(A) Gravitational field and potential both are zero at centre of the shell.
(B) Gravitational field is zero not only inside the shell but at a point outside the shell also.
(C) Inside the shell, gravitational field alone is zero.
(D) Neither gravitational field nor gravitational potential is zero inside the shell.

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 9783197831 15
6. At what altitude will the acceleration due to gravity be 25% of that at the earth’s surface (given radius
of earth is R)?
(A) R/4 (B) R (C) 3R/8 (D) R/2

7. Let  be the angular velocity of the earth’s rotation about its axis. Assume that the acceleration due to
gravity on the earth’s surface has the same value at the equator and the poles in absence of rotation of
earth. An object weighed at the equator gives the same reading as a reading taken at a depth d below
earth’s surface at a pole (d<<R) The value of d is
2 R 2 2 R 2 22 R 2 Rg
(A) (B) (C) (D)
g 2g g g
8. If the radius of the earth be increased by a factor of 5, by what factor its density be changed to keep the
value of g the same?
(A) 1/25 (B) 1/5 (C) 1/ 5 (D) 5
9. The mass and diameter of a planet are twice those of earth. What will be the period of oscillation of a
pendulum on this planet if it is a seconds pendulum on earth?
1 1
(A) 2 second (B) 2 2 seconds (C) second (D) second
2 2 2

10. A spherical uniform planet is rotating about its axis. The velocity of a point on its equator is V. Due to the
rotation of planet about its axis the acceleration due to gravity g at equator is 1/2 of g at poles. The
escape velocity of a particle on the pole of planet in terms of V is
(A) Ve = 2V (B) Ve = V (C) Ve = 2 V (D) Ve = 3 V

11. A (non-rotating) star collapses onto itself from an initial radius Ri with its mass remaining unchanged.
Which curve in figure best gives the gravitational acceleration 'ag' on the surface of the star as a function
of the radius of the star during the collapse?

b d

(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d

12. The escape velocity for a planet is ve. A tunnel is dug along a diameter of the planet and a small body
is dropped into it at the surface. When the body reaches the centre of the planet, its speed will be
ve v
(A) ve (B) (C) e (D) zero
2 2

13. Two planets A and B have the same material density. If the radius of A is twice that of B, then the ratio
of the escape velocity v is

(A) 2 (B) 2 (C) 1/ 2 (D) 1/ 2

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 9783197831 16

14. Two identical satellites are at the heights R and 7R from the Earth's surface. Then which of the following
statement is incorrect. (R = radius of the Earth)
(A) Ratio of total energy of both is 5
(B) Ratio of kinetic energy of both is 4
(C) Ratio of potential energy of both 4
(D) Ratio of total energy of both is 4 and ratio of magnitude of potential to kinetic energy is 2
15. A satellite of the earth is revolving in circular orbit with a uniform velocity V. If the gravitational force
suddenly disappears, the satellite will
(A) continue to move with the same velocity in the same orbit.
(B) move tangentially to the original orbit with velocity V.
(C) fall down with increasing velocity.
(D) come to a stop somewhere in its original orbit.
16. A satellite of mass m, initially at rest on the earth, is launched into a circular orbit at a height equal to the
radius of the earth. The minimum energy required is

3 1 1 3
(A) mgR (B) mgR (C) mgR (D) mgR
4 2 4 4

17. The figure shows the variation of energy with the orbit radius of a body in circular planetary motion. Find
the correct statement about the curves A, B and C



(A) A shows the kinetic energy, B the total energy and C the potential energy of the system.
(B) C shows the total energy, B the kinetic energy and A the potential energy of the system.
(C) C and A are kinetic and potential energies respectively and B is the total energy of the system.
(D) A and B are kinetic and potential energies and C is the total energy of the system.
18. A satellite can be in a geostationary orbit around earth at a distance r from the centre. If the angular
velocity of earth about its axis doubles, a satellite can now be in a geostationary orbit around earth if its
distance from the centre is
r r r r
(A) (B) (C) 1/3 (D)
2 2 2 (4) (2)1/3
19. An earth satellite is moved from one stable circular orbit to another larger and stable circular orbit.
The following quantities increase for the satellite as a result of this change
(A) gravitational potential energy (B) angular velocity
(C) linear orbital velocity (D) centripetal acceleration

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 9783197831 17
20. A double star system consists of two stars A and B which have time period TA and TB. Radius RA and
RB and mass MA and MB. Choose the correct option : [IIT-JEE 2006]
(A) If TA > TB then RA > RB (B) If TA > TB then MA > MB
2 3
 TA   R A 
(C)      (D) TA = TB
 TB   R B 

21. A planet of mass m is in an elliptical orbit about the sun (m << Msun) with an orbital period T. If A be
the area of orbit, then its angular momentum would be:
2mA mA
(A) (B) mAT (C) (D) 2mAT
T 2T
22. A satellite S is moving in an elliptical orbit around the earth. The mass of the satellite is very small
compared to the mass of the earth
(A) the acceleration of S is always directed towards the centre of the earth
(B) the angular momentum of S about the centre of the earth changes in direction, but its magnitude
remains constant
(C) the total mechanical energy of S varies periodically with time
(D) the linear momentum of S remains constant in magnitude
23. Two satellites A and B of same mass are orbiting around the earth in orbits of ratio R and 4R respectively.
The ratio of their areal velocities is:
(A) 1 : 2 (B) 1 : 4 (C) 1 : 8 (D) 1 : 16

 dA 
24. A planet revolves about the sun in elliptical orbit . The areal velocity   of the planet is
 dt 

4.0×1016m2/s. The least distance between planet and the sun is 2 × 1012 m. Then the maximum speed of

the planet in km/s is :

(A) 10 (B) 20 (C) 40 (D) None of these

25. A satellite of mass 5M orbits the earth in a circular orbit. At one point in its orbit, the satellite explodes
into two pieces, one of mass M and the other of mass 4M. After the explosion the mass M ends up
travelling in the same circular orbit, but in opposite direction. After explosion the mass 4M is
(A) In a circular orbit
(B) unbound
(C) elliptical orbit
(D) data is insufficient to determine the nature of the orbit.

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 9783197831 18
1. Two masses m1 and m2 (m1 < m2) are released from rest from a finite distance. They start moving under
their mutual gravitational attraction
(A) acceleration of m1 is more than that of m2
(B) acceleration of m2 is more than that of m1
(C) centre of mass of system will remain at rest in all the references frame
(D) total energy of system remains constant

2. A geostationary satellite is at a height h above the surface of earth. If earth radius is R


R h

(A) The minimum colatitude on earth upto which the satellite can be used for communication is
sin–1 (R/R+h)
(B) The maximum latitudes on earth upto which the satellite can be used for communication is
cos–1 (R/R+h)
(C) The area on earth escaped from this satellite is given as 2R2 (1+ sin)
(D) The area on earth escaped from this satellite is given as 2R2 (1+ cos)

3. When a satellite in a circular orbit around the earth enters the atmospheric region, it encounters small air
resistance to its motion. Then
(A) its kinetic energy increases
(B) its kinetic energy decreases
(C) its angular momentum about the earth decreases
(D) its period of revolution around the earth increases

4. A communications Earth satellite

(A) goes round the earth from east to west (B) can be in the equatorial plane only
(C) can be vertically above any place on the earth (D) goes round the earth from west to east

5. If a satellite orbits as close to the earth's surface as possible,

(A) its speed is maximum
(B) time period of its rotation is minimum
(C) the total energy of the 'earth plus satellite' system is minimum
(D) the total energy of the 'earth plus satellite' system is maximum

6. For a satellite to orbit around the earth, which of the following must be true?
(A) It must be above the equator at some time
(B) It cannot pass over the poles at any time
(C) Its height above the surface cannot exceed 36,000 km
(D) Its period of rotation must be  2 R / g where R is radius of earth

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 9783197831 19
7. Two satellites s1 & s2 of equal masses revolve in the same sense around a heavy planet in coplanar
circular orbit of radii R & 4R
(A) the ratio of period of revolution of s1 & s2 is 1 : 8.
(B) their velocities are in the ratio 2 : 1
(C) their angular momentum about the planet are in the ratio 2 : 1
(D) the ratio of angular velocities of s2 w.r.t. s1 when all three are in the same line is 9 : 5.

8. A solid sphere of uniform density and radius 4 units is located with its centre y
at the origin O of coordinates. Two spheres of equal radii 1 unit, with their
centres at A (–2, 0, 0) and B (2, 0, 0) respectively, are taken out of the solid
leaving behind spherical cavities as shown in figure. Then
(A) The gravitational field due to this object at the origin is zero A B
(B) The gravitational field at the point B (2, 0, 0) is zero
(C) The gravitational potential is the same at all points of circle y2+z2=36
(D) The gravitational potential is the same at all points on the circle y2+z2=4
9. The magnitudes of the gravitational field at distance r1 and r2 from the centre of a uniform, sphere of
radius R and mass M are F1 and F2 respectively. then
F1 r1 F1 r22
(A) F  r if r1 < R and r2 < R (B)  2 if r1 > R and r2 > R
2 2 F2 r1

F1 r13 F1 r12
(C)  3 if r1 < R and r2 < R (D)  2 if r1 < R and r2 < R
F2 r2 F2 r2

10. For a satellite to be geo–stationary, which of the following is/are essential conditions?
(A) It must always be stationed above the equator
(B) It must be rotated from west to east
(C) It must be about 36000 km above the Earth
(D) Its orbit must be circular, and not elliptical
11. A tunnel is dug along a chord of the Earth at a perpendicular distance R/2 from the Earth's centre. The
wall of the tunnel may be assumed to be frictionless. A particle is released from one end of the tunnel. The
pressing force by the particle on the wall, and the acceleration of the particle varies with x (distance of
the particle from the centre) according to :
Pressing Pressing
Force Force

(A) (B)
x x
x=R/2 x=R x=R/2 x=R

Acceleration Acceleration

(C) (D)
x x
x=R/2 x=R x=R/2 x=R

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 9783197831 20
12. A double star is a system of two stars of masses m and 2m, rotating about their centre of mass onlyunder
their mutual gravitational attraction. If r is the separation between these two stars then their time period
of rotation about their centre of mass will be proportional to :
(A) r3/2 (B) r (C) m1/2 (D) m–1/2

Paragraph for question nos. 13 to 14

Figure shows the orbit of a planet P round the sun S. AB and CD are
the minor and major axes of the ellipse.

13. If t1 is the time taken by the planet to travel along ACB and t2 the time along BDA, then
(A) t1 = t2 (B) t1 > t2 (C) t1 < t2 (D) nothing can be concluded

14. If U is the potential energy and K kinetic energy then |U| > |K| at
(A) Only D (B) Only C (C) both D & C (D) neither D nor C

Paragraph for question nos. 15 to 17

An Earth satellite is a body placed in a stable orbit about the Earth. These satellites are used for
communications, meteorology, Earth measurements (gravitation and magnetic fields), resource evaluation
(water, minerals), transmission of radio and TV signals, and as reference points for navigation.
Although most satellites are launched from ground based stations, more recently some have been placed
in orbit from one of NASA's space shuttles.
There are two requirements needed to place a satellite in a stable orbit at an insertion point C. (Figure).
It is first necessary to bring the satellite to that altitude and then the satellite must be given the necessary
orbiting velocity. The orbiting velocity for a circular orbit, also called the insertion velocity.

B Earth

15. What is insertion velocity for very small h (<<R)

½ ½ ½ ½
 GM   h   2GM   h   GM   2 h   GM   h 
(A)   1   (B)   1   (C)   1   (D)   1 
R  2R  R  2R  R  R 2R  2 R 

16. If velocity at insertion point is k times escape velocity of the satellite at the insertion height h, then mark
incorrect statement.
(A) For k =1 satellite moves in a circular orbit
(B) For k 1 satellite moves in an unbound orbit
(C) For k < 1 satellite may move in an elliptical orbit
(D) For k < 1 satellite can move in circular orbit

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 9783197831 21
17. A particle is projected from surface of Earth with velocity v, such that it’s total energy at height h becomes
same as the total energy of a satellite of same mass, moving in circular orbit of same height. Value of v is
½ ½ ½ ½
2GM  h  GM  h  2GM  h  GM  h 
(A) 1  (B) 1  (C) 1  (D) 1 
R  R h  R  Rh  R  R h  R  Rh 

Paragraph for Q. 18 to 20
A problem that has fascinated philosophers & scientists is how the universe began, if it had a beginning,
and how long ago it happened. Much has been learned in the last few decades about the conditions of the
early universe. Current thinking assumes that the universe began as a big–bang, at that time everything was
condensed into a very small space, where there were both extremely high densities & exceptionally high
temperatures (actually, it was beginning of space and time as we know them). Since that time the universe
has been in continuous expansion, so that the average density & temperature have been decreasing
continuously. The rate of expansion of the universe (that is, the rate at which galaxies are receding from
each other) is given by Hubble's Law, discovered in 1929 by the astronomer Edwin Hubble, it states that
the rate of separation of any two galaxies in the universe is directly proportional to their separation. Thus,
if we have two galaxies a distance R apart, their receding relative speed is given by v = HR where, H is
a proportionality factor called as Hubble's parameter. The currently accepted value for H is : 22 kms–1
MLyr–1 = 2.32 × 10–18 s–1 where one MLyr (mega light - year) is 9.46 × 1021 m.
18. If we define a time tH, which corresponds to the time when two galaxies have reached a separation of 2R
from R, using Hubble's Law, then tH is

1 ln ( 2) R H
(A) tH = (B) tH = (C) tH = (D) tH = ln (2)

19. Some recent observations by Hubble Space Telescope has fascinated astronomers and baffled the
scientists that even with the presence of gravitational attraction to retard the separation betweenthe galaxies,
it seems that they are accelerating which according to some scientists proves the existence of dark energy
which is supplying the increasing kinetic energy to accelerate the expansion. To measure the amount of dark
energy supply we need to calculate the rate at which separation velocity is increasing at different levels of
separation, find the ratio of relative acceleration at separation of R and 2R respectively.
(A) 2 : 1 (B) 1 : 1 (C) 1 : 2 (D) 1 : 4

20. There is a distance called as the horizon of the universe, which is equal to the farthest distance that can be
observed from earth, it corresponds to the time taken by light to reach earth almost very close to the age
of universe. The oldest & farthest objected observed from earth is near the constellation of ursa major.
It is a star like object called a quasar and is estimated to be at a distance of 1.3 × 1026 m, therefore we
see it as it was about how much years ago :
(A) 1.36 × 1010 years (B) 4.3 × 1017 years (C) 2.32 × 1018 years (D) 9.46 × 1021 years

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 9783197831 22
21. A satellite is in a circular equatorial orbit of radius 7000 km around the Earth. If it is transferred to a
circular orbit of double the radius
Column I Column II
(A) Angular momentum (P) Increases
(B) Area of Earth covered by satellite signal (Q) Decreases
(C) Potential energy (R) Becomes double
(D) Kinetic energy (S) Becomes half

22. In elliptical orbit of a planet, as the planet moves from aphelion position to perihelion position,
Column I Column II
(A) Speed of planet (P) Remains same
(B) Distance of planet from centre of Sun (Q) Decreases
(C) Potential energy (R) Increases
(D) Angular momentum about centre of Sun (S) Cannot say

23. Column I Column II

(A) Kinetic energy of a particle in (P) work done by gravitational force
gravitational field is increasing should be positive
(B) Potential energy of a particle in (Q) work done by external force
gravitational field is increasing should be non zero
(C) Mechanical energy of a particle in (R) work done by gravitational force in
gravitational field is increasing should be negative
(S) cannot say anything

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 9783197831 23
1. A planet in a distant solar system is 10 times more massive than the earth and its radius is 10 times
smaller. Given that the escape velocity from the earth is 11 km s–1, the escape velocity from the surface
of the planet would be [AIEEE-2008]
–1 –1 –1 –1
(1) 11 km s (2) 110 km s (3) 0.11 km s (4) 1.1 km s

2. The height at which the acceleration due to gravity becomes (where g = the acceleration due to
gravity on the surface of the earth) in terms of R, the radius of the earth, is [AIEEE-2009]
(1) 2 (2) (3) 2 R (4) 2R

3. Two bodies of masses m and 4 m are placed at a distance r. The gravitational potential at a point on the
line joining them where the gravitational field is zero is : [AIEEE-2011]
4Gm 6Gm 9Gm
(1) zero (2) – (3) – (4) –
r r r

4. Two particles of equal mass ‘m’go around a circle of radius R under the action of their mutual gravitational
attraction. The speed of each particle with respect to their centre of mass is : [AIEEE 2011]
Gm Gm Gm Gm
(1) (2) (3) (4)
4R 3R 2R R

5. The mass of a spaceship is 1000 kg. It is to be launched from the earth's surface out into free space. The
value of 'g' and 'R' (radius of earth) are 10 m/s2 and 6400 km respectively. The required energy for this
work will be : [AIEEE 2012]
11 8
(1) 6.4 × 10 Joules (2) 6.4 × 10 Joules
(3) 6.4 × 109 Joules (4) 6.4 × 1010 Joules

6. What is the minimum energy required to launch a satellite of mass m from the surface of a planet of mass
M and radius R in a circular orbit at an altitude of 2R? [JEE Main 2013]
5GmM 2GmM GmM GmM
(1) (2) (3) (4)
6R 3R 2R 3R

7. Four particles, each of mass M and equidistant from each other, move along a circle of radius R under
the action of their mutual gravitational attration. the speed of each particle is : [JEE Main 2014]
(2) 2 2

1 2 2  (4)
2 R

1 2 2 
8. From a solid sphere of mass M and radius R, a spherical portion of radius R/2 is removed, as shown in
the figure. Taking gravitational potential V = 0 at r = , the potential at the centre of the cavity thus
formed is (G = gravitational constant) [JEE Main 2015]
(1)  (2) 
R 3R
(3)  (4) 
R 2R

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 9783197831 24
9. A satellite is revolving in a circular orbit at a height 'h' from the earth's surface (radius of earth R ; h << R).
The minimum increase in its orbital velocity required, so that the satellite could escape from the earth's
gravitational field, is close to : (Neglect the effect of atmosphere.) [JEE Main 2016]

(1) gR (2) gR / 2 (3) gR  

2  1 (4) 2gR

10. The variation of acceleration due to gravity g with distance d from centre of the earth is best represented
by (R = Earth's radius) : [JEE Main 2017]

g g g g
(1) d (2) d (3) d (4) d

11. The energy required to take a satellite to a height ‘h’ above Earth surface (radius of Earth = 6.4 × 103
km) is E1 and kinetic energy required for the satellite to be in a circular orbit at this height is E2. The value
of h for which E1 and E2 are equal, is: [JEE Main-2019]
(1) 1.28 × 104 km (2) 1.6 × 103 km (3) 6.4 × 103 km (4) 3.2 × 103 km

12. A satellite of mass M is in a circular orbit of radius R about the centre of the earth. A meteorite of the
same mass, falling towards the earth, collides with the satellite completely inelastically. The speeds of
the satellite and the meteorite are the same, just before the collision. The subsequent motion of the
combined body will be : [JEE Main-2019]
(1) in a circular orbit of a different radius (2) in an elliptical orbit
(3) in the same circular orbit of radius R (4) such that it escapes to infinity

13. Four identical particles of mass M are located at the corners of a square of side ‘a’. What should be their
speed if each of them revolves under the influence of others gravitational field in a circular orbit circumscribing
the square? [JEE Main-2019]

(1) 1.41 (2) 1.21 (3) 1.35 (4) 1.16
a a a a

14. The temperature, at which the root mean square velocity of hydrogen molecules equals their escape
velocity from the earth, is closest to :
[Boltzmann Constant kB = 1.38×10–23 J/K Avogadro Number NA = 6.02×1026 /kg Radius of Earth :
6.4×106 m Gravitational acceleration on Earth = 10 ms–2] [JEE Main-2019]
(1) 800 K (2) 10 k (3) 650 K (4) 3×105 K

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 9783197831 25
15. A rocket has to be launched from earth in such a way that it never returns. If E is the minimum energy
delivered by the rocket launcher, what should be the minimum energy that the launcher should have if
the same rocket is to be launched from the surface of the moon? Assume that the density of the earth
and the moon are equal and that the earth’s volume is 64 times the volume of the moon.
[JEE Main-2019]
(1) (2) (3) (4)
4 16 64 32

16. A solid sphere of mass ‘M’ and radius ‘a’ is surrounded by a uniform concentric spherical shell of
thickness 2a and mass 2M. The gravitational field at distance ‘3a’ from the centre will be:
[JEE Main-2019]
(1) (2) (3) (4)
3a 2 9a 2 9a 2 3a 2
17. A test particle is moving in a circular orbit in the gravitational field produced by a mass density (r) = .
Identify the correct relation between the radius R of the particle’s orbit and its period T :
(1) T/R2 is a constant (2) T2/R3 is a constant (3) TR is a constant (4) T/R is a constant
[JEE Main-2019]

18. A satellite of mass m is launched vertically upwards with an initial speed u from the surface of the earth.
After it reaches height R (R = radius of the earth), it ejects a rocket of mass so that subsequently the
satellite moves in a circular orbit. The kinetic energy of the rocket is (G is the gravitational constant; M is
the mass of the earth): [JEE Main-2020]
m  2 113 GM  3m  5GM 
(1) u   (2)  u  
10  200 R  8  6R 
 2 119 GM  m 2GM 
(3) 5m  u   (4)  u  
 200 R  20  3R 

19. Consider two solid spheres of radii R1 = 1m, R2 = 2m and masses M1 and M2, respectively. The
gravitational field due to sphere  and  are shown. The value of M is: [JEE Main-2020]

1 1 2 1
(1) (2) (3) (4)
6 3 3 2
NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 9783197831 26
20. The mass density of a spherical galaxy varies as over a large distance ‘r’ from its centre. In that
region, a small star is in a circular orbit of radius R. Then the period of revolution, T depends on R as :
[JEE Main-2020]
(1) T  R (2) T2  (3) T2  R3 (4) T2 R

21. The height ‘h’ at which the weight of a body will be the same as that at the same depth ‘h’ from the
surface of the earth is (Radius of the earth is R and effect of the rotation of the earth is neglected) :
[JEE Main-2020]
5R R R 3R R 5
(1) (2) (3) (4) R–R
2 2 2 2

22. A satellite Ls moving in a low nearly circular orbit around the earth. Its radius is roughly equal to that of
the earth’s radius Re. By firing rockets attached to it, its speed is instantaneously increased in the direction
of its motion so that it become larger. Due to this the farthest distance from the centre of the earth
that the satellite reaches is R. Value of R is: [JEE Main-2020]
(1) 3Re (2) 4Re (3) 2.5Re (4) 2Re
 r2 
23. The mass density of a planet of radius R varies with the distance r from its centre as (r) = p0  1  2 .
 R 
Then the gravitational field is maximum at : [JEE Main-2020]
3 1 5
(1) r = R (2) r = R (3) r = R (4) r = R
4 3 9

24. On the x-axis and at a distance x from the origin, the gravitational field due to a mass distribution is given
by x 2  a 2 3/ 2 in the x-direction. The magnitude of gravitational potential on the x-axis at a distance x,
 
taking its value to be zero at infinity, is : [JEE Main-2020]
2 3/ 2 2 1/2
(1) A  x  a
 (2) A  x  a
 (3) x 2  a 2 1/2 (4) x 2  a 2 3/ 2
   
25. A body is moving in a low circular orbit about a planet of mass M and radius R. The radius of the orbit
can be taken to be R itself. Then the ratio of the speed of this body in the orbit to the escape velocity
from the planet is: [JEE Main-2020]

(1) (2) 1 (3) 2 (4) 2

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 9783197831 27
26. The value of the acceleration due to gravity is g1 at a height h = (R = radius of the earth) from the
surface of the earth. It is again equal to g1 at a depth d below the surface of the earth. The ratio   equals:
[JEE Main-2020]
1 5 4 7
(1) (2) (3) (4)
3 9 9 9
a 2b 3
27. A physical quantity z depends on four observables a, b, c and d, as z = . The percentages of error
c d3
in the measurement of a, b, c and d are 2%, 1.5%, 4% and 2.5% respectively. The percentage of error
in z is: [JEE Main-2020]
(1) 13.5% (2) 16.5% (3) 12.25% (4) 14.5%

28. The acceleration due to gravity on the earth’s surface at the poles is g and angular velocity of the earth
about the axis passing through the pole is . An object is weighed at the equator and at a height h above
the poles by using a spring balance. If the weights are found to be same, then h is : (h j”R, where R Ls the
radius of the earth) [JEE Main-2020]
R 2 2 R 2 2 R 2 2 R 2 2
(1) (2) (3) (4)
g 4g 2g 8g

29. A satellite is in an elliptical orbit around a planet P. It is observed that the velocity of the satellite when
it is farthest from the planet is 6 times less than that when it is closest to the planet. The ratio of
distances between the satellite and the planet at closest and farthest points is : [JEE Main-2020]
(1) 1 : 6 (2) 3 : 4 (3) 1 : 3 (4) 1 : 2

30. Two planets have masses M and 16 M and their radii are a and 2a, respectively. The separation between
the centres of the planets is 10a. A body of mass m is fired from the surface of the larger planet towards
the smaller planet along the line joining their centres. For the body to be able to reach at the surface of
smaller planet, the minimum firing speed needed is : [JEE Main-2020]
GM 2 3 5GM GM GM
(1) (2) (3) 4 (4) 2
ma 2 a a a

31. Two stars of masses m and 2m at a distance d rotate about their common centre of mass in free space.
The period of revolution is : [JEE Main-2021]
1 d3 d3 1 3Gm 3Gm
(1) (2) 2 (3) (4) 2
2 3Gm 3Gm 2 d 3 d3

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 9783197831 28
32. Four identical particles of equal masses 1kg made to move along the circumference of a circle of radius
1 m under the action of their own mutual gravitational attraction. The speed of each particle will be :
[JEE Main-2021]

1  2 2  G 1  2 2 
 2 2  1 1  2 2  G
(1) (2) (3) (4)
2 2 2

33. Consider two satellites S1 and S2 with periods of revolution 1 hr. and 8hr. respectively revolving around
a planet in circular orbits. The ratio of angular velocity of satellite S1 to the angular velocity of satellites S2
is : [JEE Main-2021]
(1) 8 : 1 (2) 1 : 4 (3) 2 : 1 (4) 1 : 8

34. A body weighs 49 N on a spring balance at the north pole. What will be its weight recorded on the same
weighing machine, if it is shifted to the equator ? [JEE Main-2021]
(Use g = = 9.8 ms–2 and radius of earth, R = 6400 km)
(1) 49 N (2) 48.83 N (3) 49.83 N (4) 49.17 N

35. Two satellites A and B of masses 200kg and 400kg are revolving round the earth at height of 600 km
and 1600 km respectively. If TA and TB are the time periods of A and B respectively then the value of
TB – TA : [JEE Main-2021]

[Given : radius of earth = 6400km, mass of earth = 6 × 1024 kg]

(1) 1.33 × 103 s (2) 3.33 × 102 s
(3) 4.24 × 103 s (4) 4.24 × 102 s

36. A solid sphere of radius R gravitationally attracts a particle placed at 3R form its centre with a force F1.
Now a spherical cavity of radius   is made in the sphere (as shown in figure) and the force becomes
F2. The value of F1 : F2 is : [JEE Main-2021]

(1) 25 : 36 (2) 36 : 25 (3) 50 : 41 (4) 41 : 50

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 9783197831 29
37. Given below are two statements : one is labeled as Assertion A and the other is labelled Reason R.
[JEE Main-2021]
Assertion A : The escape velocities of planet A and B are same. But A and B are of unequal mass.
Reason R : The product of their mass and radius must be same, M1R1 = M2R2
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given
below :
(1) Both A and R are correct but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(2) A is correct but R is not correct
(3) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A
(4) A is not correct but R is correct

38. The initial velocity vi required to project a body vertically upward from the surface of the earth to reach
a height of 10R, where R is the radius of the earth, may be described in terms of escape velocity ve such
that vi =  ve . The value of x will be ________. [JEE Main-2021]

39. Find the gravitational force of attraction between the ring and sphere as shown in the diagram, where the
plane of the ring is perpendicular to the line joining the centres. If 8 R is the distance between the
centres of a ring (of mass ‘m’) and a sphere (mass ‘M’) where both have equal radius ‘R’.
[JEE Main-2021]

8 GmM 2 2 GmM 1 GmM 8 GmM

(1) . (2) . 2 (3) .2 (4) .
9 R 3 R 3 8 R 27 R 2

40. Assume that a tunnel is dug along a chord of the earth, at a perpendicular distance (R/2) from the earth’s
centre, where ‘R’ is the radius of the Earth. The wall of the tunnel is frictionless. If a particle is released
in this tunnel, it will execute a simple harmonic motion with a time period : [JEE Main-2021]
2R g 1 g R
(1) (2) (3) (4) 2
g 2 R 2 R g
41. A planet revolving in elliptical orbit has : [JEE Main-2021]
(A) a constant velocity of revolution.
(B) has the least velocity when it is nearest to the sun.
(C) its areal velocity is directly proportional to its velocity.
(D) areal velocity is inversely proportional to its velocity.
(E) to follow a trajectory such that the areal velocity is constant.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below :
(1) A only (2) D only (3) C only (4) E only

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 9783197831 30
42. In the reported figure of earth, the value of acceleration due to gravity is same at point A and C but it is
smaller than that of its value at point B (surface of the earth). The value of OA : AB will be x : y. The value
of x is .......... [JEE Main-2021]

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 9783197831 31

1. A spherically symmetric gravitational system of particles has a mass density [IIT-JEE 2008]
 for r  R
 0
 0 for r  R
where 0 is a constant. A test mass can undergo circular motion under the influence of the gravitational
field of particles. Its speed V as a function of distance r (0 < r < ) from the centre of the system is
represented by

(A) (B) (C) (D)

r r R r R r

2. Statement – 1 : An astronaut in an orbiting space station above the Earth experiences weightlessness.
Statement – 2 : An object moving around the Earth under the influence of Earth’s gravitational force
is in a state of ‘free-fall’. [IIT-JEE 2008]
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is Not a correct explanation for Statement-1
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False
(D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True
3. Gravitational acceleration on the surface of a planet is g, where g is the gravitational acceleration on
the surface of the earth. The average mass density of the planet is times that of the earth. If the escape
speed on the surface of the earth is taken to be 11 kms–1, the escape speed on the surface of the planet
in kms–1 will be : [IIT-JEE 2010]

4. A binary star consists of two stars A (mass 2.2 MS) and B ( mass 11 MS) where Ms is the mass of the sun.
They are separated by distance d and are rotating about their centre of mass, which is stationary. The
ratio of the total angular momentum of the binary star to the angular momentum of star B about the centre
of mass is : [IIT-JEE 2010]

5. A thin uniform annular disc (see figure) of mass M has outer radius 4R and inner radius 3R. The work
required to take a unit mass from point P on its axis to infinity is : [IIT-JEE 2010]



(A) 2GM 4 2  5
  (B) 

4 2  5 (C) 
 
2 1
NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 9783197831 32
6. A satellite is moving with a constant speed 'V’ in a circular orbit about the earth. An object of mass ‘m’
is ejected from the satellite such that it just escapes from the gravitational pull of the earth. At the time of
its ejection, the kinetic energy of the object is [IIT-JEE 2010]
1 2 3 2
(A) mV (B) mV2 (C) mV (D) 2mV2
2 2

7. Two spherical planets P and Q have the same uniform density , masses MP and MQ, with surface areas
A and 4A, respectively. A spherical planet R also has uniform density and its mass is (MP + MQ) . The
escape velocities from the planets P, Q and R, are VP, VQ and V respectively. Then
[IIT-JEE 2012]
(A) VQ > VR > VP (B) VR > VQ > VP (C) VR/VP = 3 (D) VP /VQ =

8. Two bodies, each of mass M, are kept fixed with a separation 2L. A particle of mass m is projected from
the midpoint of the line joining their centres, perpendicular to the line. The gravitational constant is G. The
correct statement(s) is (are) :- [IIT-JEE 2013]
(A) The minimum initial velocity of the mass m to escape the gravitational field of the two bodies
is 4
(B) The minimum initial velocity of the mass m to escape the gravitational field of the two bodies
is 2
(C) The minimum initial velocity of the mass m to escape the gravitational field of the two bodies
(D) The energy of the mass m remains constant

9. A planet of radius R   (radius of Earth) has the same mass density as Earth. Scientists dig a well
of depth on it and lower a wire of the same length and of linear mass density 10–3kgm –1 into it. If
the wire is not touching anywhere, the force applied at the top of the wire by a person holding it in
place is (take the radius of Earth = 6× 106 m and the acceleration due to gravity of Earth is 10 ms–2)
[IIT-JEE 2015]
(A) 96 N (B) 108 N (C) 120 N (D) 150 N

10. A bullet is fired vertically upwards with velocity v from the surface of a spherical planet. When it reaches
its maximum height, its acceleration due to the planets gravity is 1/4th of its value at the surface of the
planet. If the escape velocity from the planet is Vesc  v N , then the value of N is (ignore energy loss
due to atmosphere) [IIT-JEE 2015]

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 9783197831 33
11. A large spherical mass M is fixed at one position and two identical point masses m are kept on a line
passing through the centre of M (see figure). The point masses are connected by a rigid massless rod of
length  and this assembly is free to move along the line connecting them. All three masses interact only
through their mutual gravitational interaction. When the point mass nearer to M is at a distance r  3
 M 
from M, the tension in the rod is zero for m  k   . The value of k is [IIT-JEE 2015]
 288 
M m m
r 

12. A rocket is launched normal to the surface of the Earth, away from the Sun, along the line joining the Sun
and the Earth. The Sun is 3 × 105 times heavier than the Earth and is at a distance 2.5 × 104 times larger
than the radius of the Earth. The escape velocity from Earth's gravitational field is ve = 11.2 km s–1. The
minimum initial velocity (vs) required for the rocket to be able to leave the Sun-Earth system is closest to
(Ignore the rotation and revolution of the Earth and the presence of any other planet)
[IIT-JEE 2017]
(A) vs = 22 km s–1 (B) vs = 42 km s–1
(C) vs = 62 km s–1 (D) vs = 72 km s–1

13. A planet of mass M, has two natural satellites with masses m1 and m2 The radii of their circular orbits are
R1 and R2 respectively. Ignore the gravitational force between the satellites. Define v1, L1, K1 and T1 to
be, respectively, the orbital speed, angular momentum, kinetic energy and time period of revolution of
satellite 1; and v2 , L2 , K2 and T2 to be the corresponding quantities of satellite 2. Given m1/m2 = 2
and R1 / R2 =1/4, match the ratios in List-I to the numbers in List-II. [JEE-ADVANCE-2018]
List - I List - II
v1 1
P. v2 (1)
Q. L2 (2) 1

R. K2 (3) 2

S. T2 (4) 8
Codes :
(A) 4 2 1 3 (B) 3 2 4 1
(C) 2 3 1 4 (D) 2 3 4 1

14. Consider a spherical gaseous cloud of mass density (r) in free space where r is the radial distance from
its center. The gaseous cloud is made of particles of equal mass m moving in circular orbits about the
common center with the same kinetic energy K. The force acting on the particles is their mutual gravitational
force. If (r) is constant in time, the particle number density n(r) = (r)/m is
[G is universal gravitational constant] [IIT-JEE 2019]
K K 3K K
(A) (B) (C) (D)
6r m 2 G
2r m2 G
r m 2 G
r m 2 G

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 9783197831 34

 G  0 R 3  1 8  ˆ  2G0 R î
1. g  (x  (R / 2)) 2 x 2  i, g =

6   3

2Gm 2
2. 2R, 3R[3 – 3 ] 3. (a) (b) 4R
 7  5 1
4. (a) h =   1 R , (b) 1.125 R 5. R

 2  2

Rek2 GMm  1 1 
6. 7/3 7. 8. 1 × 105J 9. t   
1 k2 2C  R e r 
10. 1.6 hours if it is rotating from west to east, 24/17 hours if it is rotating from east to west
2d 3/2 1 2
11. 3 12. (a) T  , (b) 2, (c) 2 13. K G(R 4  r 4 )
3Gm 4
14. 8R/3

 2
1. 4 2. cot–1  3    350 to vertical
 7

3. T 4.  GM 
G 3  e 
 8R 
3  7 
5. cos   6. (a) h    1 R, (b) 1.13R
10  2 
 

3Gm  m  G m  GM 2GM
7. (i)    m  , (ii)  M 8. (a) ; (b) r 2 ; (c)
R  3  R 3  r r

9. T = 3 × 10–2 N 10. rc= a (3 M/m)1/3

11. 8 12. 8 14. h = 99.5 R

1. D 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. D 6. B 7. A
8. B 9. B 10. A 11. B 12. B 13. A 14. A
15. B 16. D 17. D 18. C 19. A 20. D 21. A
22. A 23. A 24. C 25. B

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 9783197831 35
1. AD 2. ABC 3. AC 4. BD 5. ABC 6. AD 7. ABD
8. ACD 9. AB 10. ABCD 11. BC 12. AD 13. B 14. C
15. A 16. A 17. B 18. B 19. C 20. A
21. (A)  P; (B)  P; (C)  PS; (D)  QS;
22. (A)  R; (B)  Q; (C)  Q; (D)  P;
23. (A)  S; (B)  R; (C)  Q;

1. 2 2. 4 3. 4 4. 1 5. 4 6. 1 7. 4
8. 1 9. 3 10. 4 11. 4 12. 2 13. 4 14. 2
15. 2 16. 1 17. 4 18. 3 19. 1 20. 4 21. 1
22. 1 23. 3 24. 3 25. 1 26. 2 27. 4 28. 3
29. 1 30. 2 31. 2 32. 4 33. 1 34. 2 35. 1
36. 3 37. 2 38. 10 39. 4 40. 4 41. 4 42. 4


1. C 2. A 3. 3 4. 6 5. A 6. B 7. BD
8. BD 9. B 10. 2 11. 7 12. B 13. B 14. B

NUCLEUS-92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) India 324005, Mob. 9358006181, 9783197831 36

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