Report of Alior Bank Group 31.03.2017 PDF
Report of Alior Bank Group 31.03.2017 PDF
Report of Alior Bank Group 31.03.2017 PDF
Net interest income 640 385 1 946 049 412 494 55,2%
Net fee and commission income 137 258 331 134 87 261 57,3%
Trading result & other 90 293 403 515 79 538 13,5%
Net impairment allowance and write-downs -211 616 -799 887 -175 745 20,4%
General administrative expenses -489 266 -1 566 560 -276 614 76,9%
Profit before tax 117 527 691 414 106 261 10,6%
Net profit 82 405 618 077 80 102 2,9%
Total net cash flow 406 394 -492 969 -1 224 681 -133,2
Loans and advances to customers 48 402 943 46 278 414 32 738 033 47,8%
Amounts due to customers 50 516 894 51 368 701 35 802 241 41,1%
Total equity 6 312 724 6 202 913 3 601 592 75,3%
Total assets 60 419 868 61 209 545 42 025 695 43,8%
Earnings/losses per share (PLN) 0,64 6,05 1,11 -42,6%
Capital adequacy ratio 14,40% 13,65% 13,51% 6,6%
Tier 1 12,15% 11,29% 10,57% 14,9%
in EUR’000
Net interest income 149 305 444 740 94 698 57,7%
Net fee and commission income 32 002 75 676 20 033 59,7%
Trading result & other 21 052 92 217 18 260 15,3%
Net impairment allowance and write-downs -49 338 -182 802 -40 346 22,3%
General administrative expenses -114 072 -358 014 -63 503 79,6%
Profit before tax 27 401 158 012 24 395 12,3%
Net profit 19 213 141 252 18 389 4,5%
Total net cash flow 94 750 -112 661 -281 155 -133,7%
Loans and advances to customers 11 470 435 10 460 763 7 669 861 49,6%
Amounts due to customers 11 971 395 11 611 370 8 387 743 42,7%
Total equity 1 495 977 1 402 105 843 780 77,3%
Total assets 14 318 183 13 835 792 9 845 772 45,4%
Earnings/losses per share (PLN) 0,15 1,38 0,26 -42,8%
Capital adequacy ratio 14,40% 13,65% 13,51% 6,6%
Tier 1 12,15% 11,29% 10,57% 14,9%
The following exchange rates were applied to translate the selected items of the interim condensed consolidated financial statements into EUR:
a) as at 31.03.2017 r.
- balance sheet items - at the average EUR exchange rate expressed in PLN, announced by the NBP as at 31.03.2017 – 4.2198;
- income statement and cash flow statement items - at the average EUR exchange rate expressed in PLN, constituting the arithmetic mean of
the average exchange rates announced by the NBP as at the end of each month - 4,2891;
b) as at 31.12.2016 r.
- balance sheet items - at the average EUR exchange rate expressed in PLN, announced by the NBP as at 31.12.2016 – 4.4240;
- income statement and cash flow statement items - at the average EUR exchange rate expressed in PLN, constituting the arithmetic mean of
the average exchange rates announced by the NBP as at the end of each month - 4,3747;
c) as at 31.03.2016 r.
- balance sheet items - at the average EUR exchange rate expressed in PLN, announced by the NBP as at 31.03.2016 – 4.2684;
- income statement and cash flow statement items - at the average EUR exchange rate expressed in PLN, constituting the arithmetic mean of
the average exchange rates announced by the NBP as at the end of each month - 4,3559;
Interim condensed consolidated
financial statements
of Alior Bank Spółka Akcyjna Group
This version of our report is a translation from the original, which was prepared in Polish language. All possible care has been taken
to ensure that the translation is an accurate representation of the original. However, in all matters of interpretation of information,
views or opinions, the original language version of our report takes precedence over this translation
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements ............................................. 6
Interim condensed consolidated income statement ................................................ 6
Interim condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income ...................... 6
Interim condensed consolidated statement of financial position ............................... 7
Interim condensed statement of changes in consolidated equity .............................. 8
Interim condensed consolidated statement of cash flows ........................................ 9
Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements ..........................10
1. Information about the Bank and the Group..............................................10
1.1 Overview ............................................................................................10
1.2 Duration and scope of business activities ................................................10
1.3 Shareholders of Alior Bank Spółka Akcyjna ..............................................10
1.4 Information on the composition of the Bank’s Management and
Supervisory Boards ..............................................................................11
1.5 Information about the Alior Bank S.A. Group ...........................................12
1.6 Approval of the interim condensed consolidated financial statements ..........14
1.7 Seasonal or cyclical nature of operations .................................................14
2. Accounting policies ...............................................................................14
2.1 Basis for preparation ............................................................................14
2.2 Accounting principles ............................................................................15
3. Operating segments .............................................................................19
Notes to the interim condensed consolidated income statement .............................22
4. Net interest income ..............................................................................22
5. Net fee and commission income .............................................................23
6. Trading result ......................................................................................23
7. Net result realized on other financial instruments .....................................24
8. Net other operating income ...................................................................24
9. General administrative expenses ............................................................24
10. Net impairment allowance and write-downs .............................................25
11. Corporate income tax ...........................................................................25
12. Earnings per share ...............................................................................26
Notes to the interim condensed consolidated statement of financial position ............26
13. Cash and balances with the central bank .................................................26
14. Available-for-sale financial assets ...........................................................26
15. Loans and advances to customers ..........................................................29
16. Amounts due from banks ......................................................................32
17. Other assets ........................................................................................33
18. Amounts due to customers ....................................................................33
19. Amounts due to banks ..........................................................................35
20. Provisions ...........................................................................................36
21. Other liabilities ....................................................................................36
22. Financial assets and financial liabilities held for trading .............................37
23. Hedge accounting ................................................................................40
24. Subordinated liabilities ..........................................................................41
26. Fair value ............................................................................................44
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
1.01.2017 - 1.01.2016 -
31.03.2017 31.03.2016
The notes presented on pages 10-60 constitute an integral part of these interim condensed consolidated
financial statements.
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
Cash and balances with the Central Bank 13 1 781 276 1 082 991
Financial assets held for trading 22 386 509 419 551
Available-for-sale financial assets 14 6 516 511 9 357 734
Investment securities held to maturity 14 1 966 1 954
Derivative hedging instruments 23 61 477 71 684
Amounts due from banks 16 516 907 1 366 316
Loans and advances to customers 15 48 402 943 46 278 414
Assets pledged as collateral 29 493 387 366 984
including: pledged assets 157 175 29 783
Property, plant and equipment 483 779 485 796
Intangible assets 531 100 516 444
Asset held for sale 455 679
Income tax asset 11 565 473 531 063
Deferred 565 473 531 063
Other assets 17 678 085 729 935
The notes presented on pages 10-60 constitute an integral part of these interim condensed consolidated
financial statements.
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
Exchange Retained
Other Non-
Share Supplementary Revaluation differences on earnings/
Okres 1.01.2017 - 31.03.2017 reserves Net profit controlling Total equity
capital capital reserve revaluation of accumulated
foreign units losses
As at 1 January 2017 1 292 578 4 185 843 183 957 -71 615 -22 -7 085 618 278 979 6 202 913
Transfer of the previous year result - - - - - 618 278 -618 278 - -
Comprehensive income - - - 27 334 72 - 82 361 44 109 811
net profit - - - - - - 82 361 44 82 405
other comprehensive income - - - 27 334 72 - - - 27 406
As at 31 March 2017 1 292 578 4 185 843 183 957 -44 281 50 611 193 82 361 1 023 6 312 724
Share Supplementary Other reserves Revaluation earnings/ Non-controlling
Okres 1.01.2016 - 31.03.2016 Net profit Total equity
capital capital reserve accumulated interests
As at 1 January 2016 727 075 2 279 843 184 735 15 215 -3 657 309 648 1 240 3 514 099
Transfer of the previous year result - - - - 309 648 -309 648 - -
Comprehensive income - - - 7 391 - 80 227 -125 87 493
net profit - - - - - 80 227 -125 80 102
other comprehensive income - - - 7 391 - - - 7 391
Transfer from undistributed profits - 311 415 - - -311 415 - - -
As at 31 March 2016 727 075 2 591 258 184 735 22 606 -5 424 80 227 1 115 3 601 592
The notes presented on pages 10-60 constitute an integral part of these interim condensed consolidated financial statements.
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
Operating activities
Profit before tax for the year 117 527 106 261
Adjustments: 26 104 30 747
Unrealized foreign exchange gains/losses -2 871 -1 317
Dividends 0 74
Amortization/depreciation of tangible and intangible assets 43 873 24 342
Change in tangible and intangible assets impairment write-down 3 618 3 451
Change in provisions -18 516 4 197
The gross profit after adjustments but before increase/decrease in operating
143 631 137 008
Change in loans and receivables -1 567 011 -1 849 578
Change in financial assets available for sale 2 841 223 -1 754 968
Change in financial assets held in maturity -12 0
Change in financial assets held for trading 33 042 30 771
Change in assets pledged as collateral -126 403 402 207
Change in derivative hedging assets 10 207 -21 863
Change in non-current assets held for sale 224 206
Change in other assets 16 728 -17 379
Change in deposits -856 487 1 910 171
Change in issued debt 32 444 0
Change in financial liabilities held for trading -4 172 28 806
Change in derivative hedging liabilities 6 133 507
Change in other liabilities and other comprehensive income -49 637 -6 801
Cash from operating activities before income tax 479 909 -1 140 913
Income tax paid -2 180 -55 505
Net cash flow from operating activities 477 729 -1 196 418
Investing activities
Outflows: -78 281 -72 383
Purchase of property, plant and equipment -48 603 -15 802
Purchase of intangible assets -29 678 -56 581
Inflows: 20 619 1 362
Disposal of property, plant and equipment 20 619 1362
Net cash flow from investing activities -57 662 -71 021
Financing activities
Outflows: -13 673 -1 320
Repayment of long-term liabilities 0 -13 619
Interest expense – subordinated loan -13 673 12 299
Inflows: 0 44 078
Subordinated liabilities incurred 0 44 078
Net cash flow from financing activities -13 673 42 758
Total net cash flow 406 394 -1 224 681
incl. exchange gains/(losses) -27 925 -5 161
Balance sheet change in cash and cash equivalents 406 394 -1 224 681
Cash and cash equivalents, opening balance 1 709 243 2 202 212
Cash and cash equivalents, closing balance 2 115 637 977 531
Additional disclosures on operating cash flows
Interests received 884 313 780 426
Interests paid -284 454 -193 091
The notes presented on pages 10-60 constitute an integral part of these interim condensed consolidated financial
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
1.1 Overview
Alior Bank Spółka Akcyjna (“the Bank”, “the Parent Company”) is the parent company of the
Alior Bank Spółka Akcyjna Group (“the Group”). The Bank, with its registered office in Warsaw,
at ul. Łopuszańska 38D, is entered in the register of businesses maintained by the District
Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, 13th Business Department of the National Court Register
under the number KRS 0000305178. The parent company was assigned a tax identification
number NIP: 107-001-07-31 and the statistical number REGON: 141387142.
Since 14 December 2012, the Bank has been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (ISIN:
Alior Bank SA is a universal lending and deposit-taking bank which renders services to
individuals, legal persons and other entities which are Polish and foreign persons. The Bank’s
core activities include maintaining bank accounts, granting loans and advances, issuing
banking securities and the purchase and sale of foreign currency. The Group also conducts
brokerage activities, consulting and financial agency services and renders other financial
services. The information on companies belonging to the Group is presented in point 1.5. of
this section. As stated in the Articles of Association, Alior Bank operates on the territory of the
Republic of Poland and the European Economic Area. However, the Bank mainly provides
services to customers from Poland. The share of foreign customers in the total number of the
Bank’s customers is negligible
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
Shareholders’ Meeting and the share capital of Alior Bank, in accordance with the notifications
received by Alior Bank under Art. 69 of the Public Offering Act.
In accordance with the Management Board’s best knowledge, in the period from submitting the
previous periodic report there were no changes in the structure of shareholdings with at least
5% of the total number of voting rights apart from those referred to above.
As at 31 March 2017 and 31 December 2016, the composition of the Bank’s Management
Board was as follows:
In the reporting period, there were no changes in the composition of the Bank’s Management
Members of the Management Board of the Alior Bank being shareholders for 9 May
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
In the period from the publication of the previous financial report, the percentage of share in
the share capital of the Bank held by the Management Board Members indicated in the above
table did not change.
The composition of the Bank’s Supervisory Board as at 31 March 2017 and December 2016
was as follows:
In the reporting period, there were no changes in the composition of the Bank’s Supervisory
Thus, in accordance with the Bank’s Management Board’s best knowledge, Members of the
Supervisory Board of Alior Bank S.A. no longer hold any of the Bank’s shares.
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
As at 31 March 2017 the Alior Bank SA Group is composed of the following companies: Alior
Bank SA as the parent company and subsidiaries in which the Bank holds majority interests. In
the reporting period, the were no changes in the structure of the Alior Bank SA Group.
The condensed consolidated financial statements comprise the financial statements of the Bank
and the financial statements of the following companies. The Bank evaluated its exercise of
control in accordance with the provisions of IFRS 10 and defined its status as a parent
company towards the companies listed below. All subsidiaries are consolidated under the
acquisition accounting method.
1. Alior Services Sp. z o.o. its objectives are : (i)using sales opportunities for products and
non-financial services; (ii)extending the offer for Private Banking customers and making it
more attractive in order to strengthen the competitive position.
The Company’s operations: (i) seeking out and gaining external partners for cooperation in
offering non-banking services; (ii) arranging business relationships for customers and
external partners. Alior Services Sp. z o.o. is also dealing with the debt collection.
2. The core business activities of Centrum Obrotu Wierzytelnościami Sp. z o.o. comprise
trading in receivables purchased from the Bank. The Company was established for the
purpose of optimizing the process of sale of receivables by the Bank. In the first quarter of
2017, the Company began work on project of activity in debt collection sector.
3. The core business operations of Alior Leasing Sp. z o.o. comprise financing fixed assets in
the form of operating and finance lease and lease loans. On 30 January 2017 Alior Leasing
sp. Z o.o. Has acquired 100% of shares of the entity: Serwis Ubezpieczeniowy sp. z o.o. On
March 1, 2017, the District Court for Kraków-Środmieście in Cracow, IX Business
Department, entered into the register of entrepreneurs the change of the owner of this
4. The business activities of Meritum Services ICB S.A. comprise providing IT and computer
services and other activities in the area of IT. In 2015, the Company’s operations were
extended to include the activities of insurance agents and brokers, activities associated
with risk assessment and loss adjustment, and other activities auxiliary to insurance and
pension funding.
5. NewCommerce Services Sp. z o.o. will perform tasks associated with MyWallet (on the
Polish market and potentially on other markets on which the Deutsche Telekom Group
operates) and conduct activities in respect of selling non-bank products, including granting
access to a new generation shopping platform in cooperation with retail partners.
6. Money Makers S.A., established in 2010, is a Company whose activities focus on services
related to asset management. The Bank cooperates with its subsidiary Money Makers in
three areas: asset management (managing individual customer portfolios / private
banking), offers of insurance equity funds, and Alior SFIO subfund management. As part of
its development plans, the Company transformed from a brokerage house into an
investment fund company at the beginning of July 2015. On 23 June 2015, the Polish
Financial Supervision Authority unanimously granted Money Makers S.A. consent to conduct
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
7. Absource Sp. z o.o. its objectives are: (i) service activity in IT technologies and computer
technologies; (ii) activity connected with the consulting in the computer science; (iii)
activity associated with the software. Absource sp. z o.o. is concentrating on the service
delivery of making the computer software available.
The Group’s operations are not affected by any material events of a seasonal or cyclical
2. Accounting policies
Statement of compliance
These interim condensed consolidated financial statements of the Alior Bank Spółka Akcyjna
Group for the first quarter of 2017 have been prepared in accordance with the International
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
Going concern
The interim condensed consolidated financial statements of the Alior Bank Spółka Akcyjna
Group have been prepared on the assumption that the Group will continue in operation as a
going concern for a period of at least 12 months after the balance sheet date, i.e. after
31 March 2017.
As at the date of approval of these interim condensed financial statements, the Bank’s
Management Board is not aware of any circumstances that would have an adverse effect on
the Group’s operations for any reasons.
These financial statements include the requirements of all International Accounting Standards,
International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union and related
interpretations that have been issued and effective for annual periods beginning on after 1
January 2017.
These interim condensed consolidated financial statements do not take into account
amendments, standards and interpretations that are awaiting approval by the European Union
or have been approved by the European Union, but have entered or will enter into force after
the balance sheet date. The scope of these amendments, standards and interpretations has
been presented in the consolidated financial statements of the Alior Bank Group for 2016 .
With respect to standards and interpretations that have been endorsed by the European Union
but entered into or will become effective only after the balance sheet date, the Group has not
applied the possibility of their early application.
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
Published Standards and Interpretations, which have been issued but not yet in force
and have not been applied previously
On 24 July 2014, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) published a new
International Financial Reporting Standard – IFRS 9, Financial Instruments, binding for
annual periods starting on or after 1 January 2018, which will replace the existing
International Accounting Standard 39, Financial Instruments: Recognition and
Measurement. By Regulation no. 2016/2067 of 22 November 2016, the European
Commission adopted the International Financial Reporting Standard 9, Financial
Instruments (IFRS 9) in the version published by IASB on 24 July 2014.
IFRS 9 introduces a new financial asset impairment model based on the “expected loss”
concept, changes in the principles of classification and measurement of financial
instruments (in particular financial assets) and a new approach to hedge accounting.
In March 2016, the Group began the project of implementing IFRS 9, actively involving the
Bank’s business units responsible for the areas of accounting, financial reporting and risk
management, and business, IT and organizational departments.
The Group is at the stage of designing necessary solutions for the individual requirements
based on the results of a gap analysis and general methodological assumptions adopted.
The Group plans to complete the design works by the end of the third quarter of 2017.
Information on the impact of applying the standard for presentation and measurement of
financial instruments were presented in Note 2.4 of the consolidated financial statements of
Alior Bank Group for 2017, made public on March 9, 2017.
The standard applies to annual periods starting on or after 1 January 2018 – by the date of
approving these financial statements, not endorsed by the EU.
The principles set out in IFRS 15 will apply to all contracts resulting in revenue. The new
standard introduces the core principle that revenue must be recognized when the goods or
services are transferred to the customer, at the transaction price. Any bundled goods or
services that are distinct must be separately recognized, and any discounts or rebates on
the transaction price must generally be allocated to the separate elements. When the value
of revenues varies for any reason, under the new standard the variable amounts must be
recognized as revenues providing that it is highly probable that the recognition of the
revenues will not be reversed in the future as a result of remeasurement. Additionally,
according to IFRS 15 costs incurred to secure contracts with customers have to be
capitalized and amortized over the period when the benefits of the contract are consumed.
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
The above amendments may result in changes in accounting for deferred revenue and will
require additional disclosures in the financial statements.
Standards and interpretations that are not yet endorsed by the European Union:
Amendments to IAS 12, Recognition of Deferred Tax Assets for Unrealized Losses
They were published by the International Accounting Standards Board on 19 January 2016
and are effective for annual periods starting on or after 1 January 2017. The amendments
to IAS 12 clarify the requirements for recognizing deferred tax assets on unrealized losses
on debt instruments measured at fair value. The amendments introduce guidance on the
identification of deductible temporary differences. In particular, the standard confirms that
a decrease below cost in the carrying amount of debt instruments with a fixed interest rate
measured at fair value the tax base of which remains on the level of their cost, results in
deductible temporary differences arising regardless of whether the instrument holder
intends to hold it or sell it.
The Group believes that the application of this amended standard will not have a significant
effect on the financial statements in the period of its first application.
They were published by the International Accounting Standards Board on 29 January 2016
and are effective for annual periods starting on or after 1 January 2017. The amendments
to IAS 7 introduce the requirement of disclosing changes in liabilities arising from financing
activities in the statement of cash flows, including both changes arising from cash flows
and non-cash changes. To satisfy the requirement, the standard prescribes reconciliation of
the opening and closing balances of the individual liabilities presented in the statement of
financial position which qualify as financing activities in the statement of cash flows.
The Group believes that the application of this amended standard will not have a significant
effect on the financial statements in the period of its first application.
They apply to annual periods starting on 1 January 2018. Amendments are introduced to 3
standards: IFRS 1 as regards specifying short-term exemption for first-time adopters of
IFRS within the scope of IFRS 7, IAS 19 and IFRS 10; IFRS 12 as regards clarifying the
objective of the standard. The amendments shall apply retrospectively to annual periods
starting on or after 1 January 2017; IAS 28 as regards measuring associates or joint
ventures at effective fair value.
The Group believes that the application of this amended standard will not have a significant
effect on the financial statements in the period of its first application.
The amendments were published by the International Accounting Standards Board on April
12, 2016 and are effective for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2018.
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
The Group believes that applying the standard will not have a significant impact on the
financial statements during its initial application.
The amendment introduces, among other things, guidance on the fair value measurement
of liabilities related to share-based payments settled in cash, guidance on changing the
classification of share-based transactions settled in cash to share-based transactions settled
in equity instruments and guidance on recognizing employees’ taxation liabilities in respect
of share-based transactions. The amendment will apply to financial statements prepared
after 1 January 2018.
In the Group’s opinion, applying amendments to IFRS 2 will not have a significant impact on
the financial statements during its initial application.
The standard applies to annual periods starting on or after 1 January 2019 – by the date of
approving these financial statements, not endorsed by the EU. The new standard sets the
principles for recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosures concerning leases.
All lease transactions result in the lessee obtaining the right to use an asset and a liability
arising from the obligation to pay. Thus, IFRS 16 cancels the classification into operating
and finance leases in accordance with IAS 17 and introduces one accounting model for
leases on the part of the lessee. The lessee will be obliged to recognize: (a) assets and
liabilities for all lease transactions concluded for a period of more than 12 months, except
for situations when a given asset is of low value; and (b) depreciation of the leased asset
separately from interest on the lease liability in the statement of profit or loss.
In the Group’s opinion, applying the new standard will not affect the recognition,
presentation, measurement or disclosure of assets under operating leases and the
corresponding liabilities in the financial statements of the Bank as a lessee.
The amendments apply to annual periods starting on 1 January 2018. The amendments
address the issue of applying the new standard IFRS 9, Financial Instruments, before
implementing the new standard concerning insurance operations on which the IASB is
currently working. In order to prevent temporary fluctuations of results in connection with
implementing IFRS 9, amendments to IFRS 4 introduce two acceptable approaches: overlay
approach and deferral approach.
The amended standard allows:
- companies that issue insurance contracts to recognize in OCI rather than profit or loss, the
volatility that may arise when IFRS 9 is applied before the forthcoming insurance contracts
Standard is issued;
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
- temporary exemption from IFRS 9 until 2021 for companies whose predominant activity is
related to insurance.
The companies which defer application of IFRS 9 will apply the currently binding IAS 39.
Applies to annual periods starting on 1 January 2018. The amendments clarify that
transferring an asset to or from investment property requires change in use. The conclusion
that there was a change in use must be based on evidence.
This applies to annual periods starting on 1 January 2018. The IFRIC applies to foreign
currency transactions or a part of these transactions when they are denominated or
measured in foreign currencies. The interpretation provides guidance both for a single
payment and for multiple payments made. The objective of the guidance is to reduce
diversity in practice.
3. Operating segments
The Group divides its operations into the following business segments for the purpose of
management accounting:
• retail segment;
• business segment;
• treasury activity;
• reconciliation items
The Group provides services to retail (individual) and business customers, offering them a full
range of banking services.
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
The basic element of segment analysis is the profitability of the Retail Segment and Business
Segment. The profitability includes:
margin revenue decreased by financing costs (a rate at which a branch makes
settlements with the Interbank Transactions Office);
commission income;
income from treasury and foreign exchange exchange transactions concluded by
other operating income and expenses.
Revenues of the retail segment also include revenues from the sale of brokerage products
(such as revenues from maintaining brokerage accounts, agency services in trading in
securities and revenue from distribution of investment fund units).
Revenues of the business segment also include revenues from the car loans portfolio.
The Treasury Activity segment covers the results on managing the global position – the
liquidity and currency positions – arising from the activities of the Bank.
Reconciliation items include:
internal net interest income/(expenses) calculated on net impairment losses;
commission costs not allocated to business units (including cash management fees, ATM
sharing commission, domestic and foreign transfers);
other operating income and expenses not related directly to business segments.
Results and volumes by segments for the first quarter ended 31 March 2017
Retail Corporate
Segment report Treasury corporate Other Total Bank
customers customers
External interest income 530 644 73 905 35 836 640 385 0 640 385
external income 613 043 242 774 37 565 893 381 0 893 381
external expense -82 399 -168 869 -1 729 -252 996 0 -252 996
Internal interest income -81 630 98 923 -17 293 0 0 0
internal income 39 850 160 780 526 318 726 948 0 726 948
internal expense -121 480 -61 857 -543 611 -726 948 0 -726 948
Net interest income 449 014 172 828 18 543 640 385 0 640 385
Fee and commission income 77 796 92 167 324 170 287 45 030 215 317
Fee and commission expense -36 838 -21 233 -4 992 -63 063 -14 996 -78 059
Net fee and commission income 40 957 70 934 -4 668 107 224 30 034 137 258
Dividend income 0 0 0 0 0 0
Trading result 1 226 9 893 61 780 72 899 0 72 899
Net gain (realized) on other financial
27 801 40 770 -68 116 454 0 454
Other operating income 45 454 2 109 -107 47 457 -15 138 32 319
Other operating expenses -3 315 -3 -3 -3 321 -12 058 -15 379
Net other operating income 42 139 2 106 -110 44 135 -27 195 16 940
Total result before impairment losses 561 137 296 532 7 428 865 097 2 839 867 936
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
Impairment losses -127 019 -82 852 0 -209 871 -1 745 -211 616
Total result after impairment losses 434 118 213 680 7 428 655 226 1 094 656 320
General administrative expenses -396 684 -140 713 -1 396 -538 793 0 -538 793
Gross profit (loss) 37 434 72 967 6 032 116 433 1 094 117 527
Income tax 0 0 0 0 -35 122 -35 122
Net profit (loss) 37 434 72 967 6 032 116 433 -34 028 82 405
Assets 34 859 455 24 965 270 29 671 59 854 395 565 474 60 419 869
Liabilities 34 825 469 19 226 318 9 183 54 060 969 46 176 54 107 145
Results and volumes by segments for the first quarter ended 31 March 2016
Retail Corporate
Segment report Treasury corporate Other Total Bank
customers customers
External interest income 255 914 125 637 30 617 412 168 326 412 494
external income 343 153 190 441 129 305 662 899 343 663 242
external expense -87 239 -64 804 -98 688 -250 731 -17 -250 748
Internal interest income 7 833 -687 -2 436 4 710 -4 710 0
internal income 136 140 60 135 271 320 467 595 -3 567 464 028
internal expense -128 307 -60 822 -273 756 -462 885 -1 143 -464 028
Net interest income 263 747 124 950 28 181 416 878 -4 384 412 494
Fee and commission income 56 077 65 751 32 121 860 16 110 137 970
Fee and commission expense -25 299 -10 703 -6 917 -42 918 -7 791 -50 709
Net fee and commission income 30 778 55 049 -6 885 78 942 8 319 87 261
Dividend income 0 0 0 0 0 0
Trading result 6 10 623 47 688 58 317 0 58 317
Net gain (realized) on other financial
22 995 25 410 -37 795 10 610 0 10 610
Other operating income 25 853 1 095 -8 26 940 -11 725 15 215
Other operating expenses -1 995 -8 -43 -2 046 -2 558 -4 604
Net other operating income 23 858 1 088 -51 24 895 -14 284 10 611
Total result before impairment losses 341 383 217 120 31 138 589 641 -10 348 579 293
Impairment losses -115 503 -64 578 0 -180 081 4 336 -175 745
Total result after impairment losses 225 880 152 542 31 138 409 560 -6 012 403 548
General administrative expenses -218 878 -77 640 -769 -297 287 0 -297 287
Gross profit (loss) 7 002 74 902 30 369 112 273 -6 012 106 261
Income tax 0 0 0 0 -26 159 -26 159
Net profit (loss) 7 002 74 902 30 369 112 273 -32 171 80 102
Assets 25 151 197 16 537 884 23 252 41 712 333 313 362 42 025 695
Liabilities 25 200 977 13 185 524 6 713 38 393 214 30 889 38 424 103
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
1.01.2017 - 1.01.2016 -
4.2 Net interest income by product 31.03.2017 31.03.2016
Interest expense from financial instruments measured at amortized cost including the
-123 260 -139 447
effective interest rate method
Interest income comprises mainly interest on loans , interest and discount on bonds and
interest from transactions IRS/ CIRS. Interest expenses relate mainly to term deposits for
retail banking customers and interest expenses from transactions IRS/ CIRS.
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
1.01.2017 - 1.01.2016 -
31.03.2017 31.03.2016
costs of card and ATM transactions, including costs of cards issued -31 889 -15 056
commissions paid under contracts for performing specific operations -4 382 -2 259
Due to the acquisition of the demerged business of Bank BPH SA, the acquired assets included
custody operations which are currently being continued.
6. Trading result
1.01.2017 - 1.01.2016 -
31.03.2017 31.03.2016
The result on foreign exchange transactions includes the results on: forex, SWAP (FX swap and
CIRS with capital exchange), FX forward, currency options and revaluation of assets and
liabilities expressed in foreign currencies.
The result on interest rate transactions includes the results on: interest rate swaps, FRA, and
result on interest rate options (CAP/FLOOR).
The result on other financial instruments is the result on trading in equity securities, the result
on commodity derivatives (including forwards and futures), the result on options for exchange
indices, index baskets and commodities and the result on short sale.
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
1.01.2017 - 1.01.2016 -
31.03.2017 31.03.2016
1.01.2017 - 1.01.2016 -
31.03.2017 31.03.2016
1.01.2017 - 1.01.2016 -
31.03.2017 31.03.2016
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
1.01.2017 – 1.01.2016 -
31.03.2017 31.03.2016
1.01.2017 - 1.01.2016 -
11.2 Effective tax rate calculation
31.03.2017 31.03.2016
Profit before tax 117 527 106 261
Income tax at 19% 22 331 20 190
Non-tax deductible expenses 14 810 6 042
Representation costs 40 49
State Fund for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities 427 271
Impairment losses on loans in the part not covered with deferred tax 1 60
Prudential fee to Bank Guarantee Fund 3 271 1 154
The tax on certain financial institutions 9 410 3 914
Other 1 661 594
Non-taxable revenues -1 845 -153
Release of loan impairment allowances in the part not covered with the deferred tax -417 -1
Other -1 428 -152
Recognition of tax loss 62 81
Recognition of assets due to the contribution of receivables to a debt collection company 33 0
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
Other -269 0
Accounting tax recognized in the income statement 35 122 26 159
Effective tax rate 29,88% 24,62%
1.01.2017 - 1.01.2016 -
31.03.2017 31.03.2016
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
Impairment Impairment
Gross amount Gross amount
allowance allowance
Bonds issued by companies 90 584 21 446 94 861 21 446
The schedules below show the hierarchy of the measurement methods of available-for-sale
financial assets measured at fair value as at 31 March 2017 and comparative data as at
31 December 2016.
• to level 2 – instruments for which prices are not directly observable, but the prices used for
measurement are based on market quotations.
The group includes NBP bills and commercial debt securities. The fair value is determined
based on the discounted future cash flows method which assumes that the profitability curves
will be based on quotations of profitability of securities on the interbank market. Debt
commercial securities are measured based on profitability curves adjusted by the credit
spread, if the spread can be determined on the basis of observable market quotations, e.g.
based on quotations of credit swaps. This level also includes debt commercial securities quoted
on the stock markets and characterized by low trading volumes on the stock market.
• to level 3 – instruments for which at least one of the factors which impact the price is not
observable on the market.
This group shows the Bank’s position in debt commercial securities whose fair value is
impacted not only by the parameters resulting from market quotations, but also by the credit
spread amount, which is not observable. Spread is determined based on the primary market
price or the price at the moment of concluding the transaction. It is subject to periodical
revaluation in the periods when reliable market quotations occur or prices are obtained from
transactions that are comparable in terms of volume. The amount of spread also changes on
the basis of information about changes in the issuer’s financial standing. As at the end of the
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
first quarter of 2017, sensitivity of valuation of such assets to credit spread increases of 1 base
point amounted to PLN - 90 thousand.
In reporting period the Group did not reclassify financial instruments between the levels.
14.5 Fair value As at 31.03.2017 As at 31.12.2016
Valuation of available for sale financial assets by level 6 516 511 9 357 734
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
Impairment allowances and IBNR at the end of the period 3 206 081 2 108 194
The provision for losses incurred but not reported (IBNR) amounted to: PLN 324, 067 thousand
as at 31 March 2017, PLN 307,028 thousand as at 31 December 2016.
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
Loans in CHF comprised 0.48% of the total amount of loan receivables as at 31 March 2017
and 0.52% as at 31 December 2016.
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
The two tables above present the loan balance at its nominal value.
In the reporting period the Group sold receivables for a total gross amount of PLN 112,513
thousand, the provision recorded for the loans portfolio amounted to PLN 87, 565 thousand,
and the result on sales amounted to PLN – 1, 713 thousand
In 2016, the Group sold loans for a total gross amount of PLN 506, 468 thousand, the
provision recorded for the loans portfolio amounted to PLN 401, 196 thousand, and the result
on sales amounted to PLN 1, 212 thousand. All the benefits and risks were transferred to the
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
The security deposits granted relate to security transferred to other banks under the
settlements related to CSA (Credit Support Annex).
17.2 Change in the balance of other assets impairment allowances As at 31.03.2017 Stan 31.03.2016
The receivables related to the sale of goods and services cover mainly fees from insurance
companies for servicing insurance.
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
In the first quarter of 2017, the Group issued own securities amounted to PLN 269,
994 thousand , securities purchased before maturity amounted to PLN 31,554 thousand.
In 2016 the Group issued own securities amounted to PLN 1,106,334 thousand; securities
purchased before maturity amounted to PLN 148, 587 thousand.
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
20. Provisions
Provisions for Provisions for off- The provision
Provisions for Total
retirement and balance sheet for
disputed claims provisions
pension benefits liabilities restructuring
As at 1 January 2016 8 700 10 754 17 586 249 775 286 815
Provisions recorded 596 0 4 824 0 5 420
Provisions released -434 -21 -5 951 0 -6 406
Provisions utilized -317 0 0 -18 189 -18 506
Other changes 1 044 0 -68 0 976
The provision for old age and disability allowance is recognized for each employee based on an
actuarial valuation prepared by an independent actuarial company. The basis for determining
the value of the provision is the expected value of the old age or disability allowance which the
Group commits to paying based on the Remuneration Regulations.
In accordance with IAS 19, the financial discount rate to calculate the provision was
determined based on the market rate of return on Treasury bonds, whose currency and
maturity dates are similar to those prevailing for the Group’s liabilities under employee
In the financial statements prepared as at 31.12.2016, the Alior Bank informed about the
establishment of a restructuring provision for payments of statutory severance bonuses in
connection with employment terminations under group redundancies for the so called
Additional Compensation arising from the arrangement concluded with the trade unions and
the provision for costs related to the restructuring of the branch network and leaving in too
close proximity to franchise facilities( it includes the costs of compensation and expenses
related to the physical leaving the facility and returning it to its original state).
The table below shows the details of restructuring provision:
As at 31.03.2017 As at 31.12.2016
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
Taxation, customs duty, social and health insurance payables and other public
40 785 39 139
Settlements with insurers comprise insurance premiums relating to the cover granted by the
Group to its Customers under insurance contracts (concluded by the Bank with insurers and
offered to its Customers).
As of 31 March 2017 and 31 December 2016, there were no such liabilities in respect of which
the Group did not settle its payment liabilities resulting from the contracts concluded.
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
≤ 1W 22 170 4 542
> 1W ≤ 1M 27 709 30 133
> 1M ≤ 3M 34 189 36 112
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
The schedule below shows the hierarchy of measurement methods of financial instruments
held for trading measured at fair value as at 31 March 2017 and comparative data as at
31 December 2016.
In accordance with IFRS 13, the Group classified:
to level 1 – all securities for which quotations are available from active financial markets;
to level 2 – instruments for which prices are not directly observable, but the prices used for
measurement are based on market quotations.
To instruments of this level the discounted cash flows method is used, on the assumption that
yield curves are based on interbank market quotations (including: deposit rates, rates from:
FRA, OIS, IRS, basis swap, fx swap transactions; foreign exchange rates).
to level 3 – instruments for which at least one of the factors which impact the price is not
observable on the market.
Instruments at this level include option instruments, including options embedded in certificates
issued by the Bank as well as options in the interbank market to secure positions under
embedded options. Fair value is determined on the basis of an internal model, including both
observable (e.g. base price, second option quotes) and unobservable (eg volatility, correlation
between underlying instruments in stock options). Model parameters are determined by
statistical analysis. As of March 31, 2017, a negative change in the valuation of option
instruments as a result of a change in the price of underlying instruments by 1% amounted to
PLN 90 thousand. zł
In the period from 1 January to 31 March 2017, there were no movements of financial
instruments between the fair value hierarchy levels.
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
The valuation and result realized on derivative transactions are presented in the trading result.
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
rate interest. The hedged items are measured under amortized cost and the hedging items
are measured at fair value.
23.1 Hedging instruments (nominal value) As at 31.03.2017 As at 31.12.2016
Interest rate transactions 8 869 200 6 969 200
SWAP 8 869 200 6 969 200
On 26 September 2014, the Bank issued F-series bonds with a total nominal value of PLN 321,
700 thousand. The bonds were issued for a period of 10 years (redemption date: 26
September 2024), and they bear interest based on 6M WIBOR. In accordance with the CRR
Regulation, the bonds satisfy the conditions for being included in Tier 2 capital. On 28 October
2014, the Bank received the PFSA’s consent to include the bonds in the Tier 2 capital
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
calculation. As at 31 March 2017 and 31 December 2016, the carrying amount of the bonds
was PLN 321,961 thousand, and PLN 325,915 thousand respectively.
On 31 March 2015, the Bank issued G-series bonds with a total nominal value of PLN 192,950
thousand. The bonds were issued for a period of 6 years (the redemption date is 31 March
2021) and the interest rate is based on 6M WIBOR. In accordance with the CRR Regulation,
the bonds satisfy the conditions for being included in Tier 2 capital. The carrying amount of the
bonds as at 31 March 2017 and 31 December 2016 was 192,979 and PLN 195,551 thousand
On 4 December 2015, the Bank issued I- and I1-series bonds with a total nominal value of
PLN 183,350 thousand. The bonds were issued for a period of 6 years (the redemption date is
6 December 2021) and the interest rate is based on 6M WIBOR. In accordance with the CRR
Regulation, the bonds satisfy the conditions for being included in Tier 2 capital. The carrying
amount of the bonds as at 31 March 2017 and 31 December 2016 was 186,408and PLN 184,
076 thousand respectively.
On 30 June 2015, in connection with the business combination with Meritum Bank, Alior Bank
entered into the rights and obligations arising from the subordinated bonds issued by Meritum
- B-series bonds (with the code ISIN PLMRTMB00026) with a total nominal value of PLN 67,
200 thousand issued on 29 April 2013 under the Program of Issuing Subordinated Bonds of
Meritum Bank for a period of 8 years (the redemption date is 29 April 2021). The interest rate
on the bonds is based on 6M Wibor. On 28 June 2013, the PFSA gave its consent to including
the bonds in the Bank’s Tier 2 capital. As at 31 March 2017, the carrying value of the bonds
was PLN 68,987 and as at 31 December 2016 was PLN 67,706 thousand respectively,
- C-series bonds (marked with the code ISIN PLMRTMB00034) with a total nominal value of
PLN 80,000 thousand issued on 21 October 2014 for a period of 8 years (the redemption date
is 21 October 2022). The interest rate on the bonds is based on 6M Wibor. In accordance with
the CRR Regulation, the bonds satisfy the conditions for being included in Tier 2 capital. As at
31 March 2017, the carrying value of the bonds was PLN 81,588 thousand and as at 31
December 2016 was PLN 80,401 thousand respectively.
On 4 February 2016, the Bank issued EUR001-series bonds with a total nominal value of
EUR 10 million. The bonds were issued for a period of 6 years (the redemption date is
4 February 2022) and the interest rate is based on 6M LIBOR. In accordance with the CRR
Regulation, the bonds satisfy the conditions for being included in Tier 2 capital. As at 31 March
2017, the carrying value of the bonds was PLN 42,587 thousand and as at 31 December 2016
was PLN 45,331 thousand respectively.
On 27 April 2016, the Bank issued P1A-series subordinated bonds with a total nominal value of
PLN 150,000 thousand. The bonds were issued for a period of 6 years (the redemption date is
16 May 2022) and the interest rate is based on 6M WIBOR. In accordance with the CRR
Regulation, the bonds satisfy the conditions for being included in Tier 2 capital. As at 31 March
2017, the carrying value of the bonds was PLN 152,829 thousand and as at 31 December
2016 was PLN 150,961 thousand respectively.
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
On 29 April 2016, the Bank issued, P1B-series subordinated bonds with a total nominal value
of PLN 70,000 thousand. The bonds were issued for a period of 8 years (the redemption date is
16 May 2024) and the interest rate is based on 6M WIBOR. In accordance with the CRR
Regulation, the bonds satisfy the conditions for being included in Tier 2 capital. As at 31 March
2017, the carrying value of the bonds was PLN 71,253 thousand and as at 31 December 2016
was PLN 70,425 thousand respectively.
As at As at
31.03.2017 31.12.2016
25. Equity
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent 6 311 701 6 201 934
Share capital 1 292 578 1 292 578
Supplementary capital 4 185 843 4 185 843
Other reserves 183 957 183 957
Retained earnings / (accumulated losses) 611 193 -7 085
Revaluation reserve -44 281 -71 615
On measurement of available for sale assets -40 237 -62 892
Valuation of financial assets available for sale -40 663 -62 892
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
Alior Bank SA adjusts the measurement of its derivative instruments by counterparty credit
risk. The amount of the adjustment is equivalent to the change in the measurement of
derivatives resulting from any party’s default (the Bilateral Credit Value Adjustment). The
BCVA adjustment as at 31 March 2017 amounted to PLN -. -26,876 thousand. The total
amount of the BCVA adjustment comprises the CVA adjustment (reflecting counterparty
insolvency risk only) in the amount of PLN – 29,650 thousand, and the DVA adjustment
(reflecting the risk of the Bank’s insolvency) in the amount of PLN + 2,733 thousand. The
BCVA adjustment as at 31 December 2016 amounted to PLN -12,558 thousand. The total
amount of the BCVA adjustment comprises the CVA adjustment (reflecting counterparty
insolvency risk only) in the amount of PLN -13,001 thousand, and the DVA adjustment
(reflecting the risk of the Bank’s insolvency) in the amount of PLN +413 thousand.
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
The amount of such adjustment is calculated based on the estimates of the following
parameters: PD (Probability of Default), LGD ( Loss Given Default), Expected Exposure (EE)
and Expected Negative Exposure (NEE).PD and LGD are estimated by the Bank using internal
models based on market quotations of credit risk. Counterparty exposures are calculated
taking into account the current valuation and its projection calculated based on the expected
changes in market conditions. Additionally, the estimations of credit risk adjustments take into
account mutual liabilities of the parties to the transaction resulting from hedging agreements.
As at 31.03.2017 As at 31.12.2016
Financial Instrument
hierarchy level Carrying amount Fair value Carrying amount Fair value
Cash and balances with the Central Bank level 1 1 781 276 1 781 276 1 082 991 1 082 991
Loans and advances to customers: level 3 48 402 943 47 390 621 46 278 414 45 577 846
Loans for the purchase of securities 139 284 136 856 125 117 125 165
Consumer loans 14 413 245 14 127 299 13 957 120 14 016 117
Consumer finance loans 1 388 993 1 361 436 1 256 762 1 246 010
Working capital loans 291 526 291 526 293 951 294 734
Credit card loans 604 367 604 368 970 319 985 514
Housing loans 8 729 547 8 173 201 8 407 632 7 874 080
Other mortgage loans 836 081 829 922 833 485 791 519
Working capital loans 11 305 891 11 232 908 10 749 077 10 682 290
Car loans 126 866 126 866 131 971 135 064
Investment loans 8 157 037 8 096 134 7 511 955 7 391 158
Acquired receivables (factoring) 807 962 807 962 794 087 794 975
Reverse Repo/ BSB 909 245 909 244 680 780 680 780
Lease receivables 411 447 411 447 280 808 280 808
Other receivables 256 124 256 123 234 287 228 536
Amounts due from Banks level 2 516 907 516 907 1 366 316 1 366 316
Assets pledged as collateral level 1 493 387 493 387 366 984 366 984
Other assets level 3 624 193 624 193 697 791 697 791
Amounts due to 51 053 846 51 051 362 51 797 341 51 792 302
Banks level 2
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
Received Loan
181 502 181 502 180 954 180 954
Other liabilities 176 163 176 163 164 710 164 710
Customers level 3
Current deposits 26 439 809 26 439 809 25 791 089 25 791 089
Term deposits 20 813 932 20 813 932 22 288 222 22 288 222
Own issue of banking securities 2 801 116 2 798 632 2 768 672 2 763 633
Other liabilities level 3 462 037 462 037 520 718 520 718
Subordinated liabilities level 3 1 160 970 1 160 970 1 164 794 1 164 794
Other liabilities level 3 596 069 596 069 769 029 769 029
For the remaining financial instruments, the Group assumes that the fair value approximates
the carrying amount. This applies to the following items: cash and balances with the Central
Bank, assets held for sale, other financial assets and other financial liabilities.
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
Measurement method
As at 31.03.2017 unobservable
input data
Measurement method
As at 31.12.2016 unobservable
input data
As at 31 March 2017 and 31 December 2016 , the capital adequacy ratio and Tier 1 ratio were
calculated in accordance with the Regulation of the European Parliament and Council (EU) No.
575/2013 dated 26 June 2013 on prudential requirements for credit institutions and
investment firms, amending Regulation (EU) No. 648/2012 (“CRR Regulation”).
Total own funds for the capital adequacy ratio 6 800 704 6 346 932
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
Following the recommendation of the PFSA for the sector in 2017, the Bank is obliged to keep
the capital requirement ratio CET1 of at least 10.25% and a total of at least 13.25% of the
Balance sheet and off balance sheet exposures in credit risks, by classes
As at 31.03.2017 As at 31.12.2016
Governments and central banks 8 247 032 1 385 682 10 045 408 1 317 479
Institutions 1 580 548 579 695 1 751 428 657 698
Enterprises 12 720 783 7 646 543 13 488 650 7 128 295
Retail 26 888 924 14 854 550 25 159 847 14 297 952
Secured on real estates 19 357 279 11 262 697 19 017 656 11 872 068
Other 7 335 807 5 020 052 7 705 293 5 101 728
Total 76 130 373 40 749 219 77 168 282 40 375 220
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
≤ 1W 42 585 14 869
> 1W ≤ 1M 11 730 217 173
> 1M ≤ 3M 97 462 93 300
> 3M ≤ 6M 176 496 60 988
> 6M ≤ 1Y 265 182 233 649
> 1Y ≤ 2Y 299 304 365 396
> 2Y ≤ 5Y 214 522 182 922
> 5Y ≤ 10Y 284 174 304 378
> 10Y ≤ 20Y 18 316 31 891
> 20Y 19 728 0
Off-balance sheet liabilities granted in respect of guarantees 1 429 499 1 504 566
Off-balance sheet liabilities granted in respect of guarantees 13 819 306 12 979 086
The Group offers to its individual customers contingent liabilities in respect of renewable
checking account overdraft facilities, which are granted for an indefinite period; at the same
time, close monitoring of cash inflows to the account is conducted.
Contingent liabilities in respect of credit cards are granted to individual customers for a period
of three years.
The Group grants contingent liabilities to business customers in respect of:
current account limits for a period of 12 months;
guarantees, for a maximum period of 6 years;
credit cards for a period of up to 3 years;
loans launched in tranches for a period of up to 2 years.
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
The guarantee amounts shown in the table above reflect the maximum possible loss which
would be disclosed as at the reporting date had all customers defaulted.
In addition to assets pledged as collateral, which are presented in the statement of financial
position separately and which the recipient may sell or exchange for another security, the Bank
held the following other assets pledged as collateral which did not meet this criterion:
As at 31.03.2017 As at 31.12.2016
Treasury bonds blocked with BFG 214 736 204 411
Deposits as derivative transactions (ISDA) collateral 154 920 145 141
93 28
Amounts due to customers 119 544 128 703
Provisions 3 3
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
Loans and advances to customers 22 0
Total assets 22 0
Financial liabilities held for trading 2 0
Amounts due to customers 36 441 56 176
1.01.2017 - 1.01.2016 -
Parent company
31.03.2017 31.03.2016
Fee and commission income 3 0
Total 3 0
1.01.2017 - 1.01.2016 -
Subsidiaries of the parent company
31.03.2017 31.03.2016
Interest income 85 0
Interest expense -842 -154
Fee and commission income 31 7
1.01.2017 - 1.01.2016 -
Joint control by persons related to the Group
31.03.2017 31.03.2016
Interest expense -209 -1 425
Fee and commission income 2 10
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
All transactions with related entities are conducted in accordance with the regulations relating
to banking products, on an arm’s length basis.
The interest rates on loans granted to related entities fell within the range of 9,9 % to 14%,
and the interest rates on deposits were within the range of from 0% to 2,1%.
The table below presents significant transactions with the Treasury and its related entities in
accordance with the exception contained in IAS 24.25.
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
Amounts due to customers 10 144 999 9 145
Provisions 5 3 2
Amounts due to customers 7 564 842 6 722
Provisions 5 5 0
The total remuneration of the Bank's Supervisory Board members and Management Board
members performing their duties from 1 January to 31 March 2017, recognized in the
Bank Group's profit and loss account for this period amounted to PLN 8,885 thousand (in the
period from 1 January to 31 March 2016 amounted to PLN 3,873 thousand).
For the members of the Bank's Management Board, the cost of remuneration also includes
variable remunerations paid in cash.
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
These programs are a continuation of the programs described in Alior Bank's financial
statement as at 31.12.2016.
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
market risk, also covering the banking book interest risk, liquidity risk, foreign exchange
risk and risk of commodity prices;
credit risk;
operational risk.
The detailed risk management policies have been presented in the annual consolidated
financial statements of the Alior Bank S.A. Group for the financial year from 1 January to 31
December 2016, published on 9 March 2017 and available on the Alior Bank S.A. website.
Liquidity risk
The maturity analysis of assets and liabilities as at the end of first quarter of 2017 by
contractual dates is presented in the table below (amounts in PLN millions).
Assets 9 798 827 2 092 6 182 6 757 8 414 17 820 23 115 75 006
Loans and advances to customers 7 692 813 2 075 2 933 4 960 7 190 15 510 20 170 61 345
Liabilities and Equity -28 954 -7 074 -4 720 -4 431 -3 792 -1 876 -1 876 -7 188 -61 092
Amounts due to banks -159 -154 -2 -1 -16 -172 -89 -140 -733
Amounts due to customers -28 795 -5 027 -4718 -4284 -3256 -1 510 -229 -57 -47 876
Balance-sheet gap -19 156 -6 726 -2 627 1 751 2 965 5 356 15 944 15 927 13 914
Accumulated balance-sheet
-19 156 -25 402 -28 029 -26 278 -23 313 -17 957 -2 013 13 914
Derivative instruments - inflows 0 5 564 1 266 921 875 676 377 62 9 741
Derivative instruments - outflows 0 -5 563 -1 267 -914 -871 -673 -369 -60 -9 717
Total gap -4 983 -6 244 -2 619 1 818 3 214 5 520 15 974 16 100 28 781
Total accumulated gap -4 983 -11 227 -13 845 -12 028 -8 814 -3 293 12 681 28 781
The maturity analysis of assets and liabilities as at the end of 2016 by contractual dates is
presented in the table below (amounts in PLN millions).
Assets 11 582 3 860 1 662 2 804 4 739 7 958 18 107 26 056 76 768
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
Liabilities and Equity -29 558 -7 407 -4 911 -4 179 -3 527 -3 353 -1 550 -7 005 -61 490
Amounts due to customers -29 495 -5 287 -4 771 -4 026 -3 004 -1 870 -219 -7 -48 679
Own issues 0 -76 -139 -151 -507 -1 301 -1 239 -677 -4 090
Balance-sheet gap -17 976 -3 547 -3 249 -1 375 1 212 4 605 16 557 19 051 15 278
Accumulated balance-
-17 976 -21 523 -24 772 -26 147 -24 935 -20 330 -3 773 15 278
sheet gap
Derivative instruments -
0 5 473 1 894 671 1 215 740 423 63 10 479
Derivative instruments -
0 -5 474 -1 875 -669 -1 181 -735 -411 -62 -10 407
Derivative instruments -
0 -1 19 2 34 5 12 1 72
Guarantee and financial lines 13 745 7 12 19 119 107 13 8 14 029
Total gap -4 230 -3 543 -3 217 -1 354 1 366 4 717 16 582 19 061 29 381
Total accumulated gap -4 230 -7 773 -10 990 -12 345 -10 979 -6 261 10 320 29 381
Credit risk
Up to 1 from 1 to 3 from 3 months from 1 year
As at 31.12.2016 than 5 Total
month months to 1 year to 5 years
Amounts due from customers not
3 438 191 678 195 123 723 122 210 14 706 4 377 025
Retail segment 1 580 729 450 354 16 649 34 255 850 2 082 837
Corporate segment 1 857 462 227 841 107 074 87 955 13 856 2 294 188
Amounts due from customers
232 692 203 988 503 287 794 932 35 067 1 769 966
Retail segment 60 407 80 626 284 694 406 091 7 501 839 319
Corporate segment 172 285 123 362 218 593 388 841 27 566 930 647
Total amount due from customers 3 670 883 882 183 627 010 917 142 49 773 6 146 991
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
Up to 1 from 1 to 3 from 3 months from 1 year
As at 31.12.2016 than 5 Total
month months to 1 year to 5 years
Amounts due from customers not
2 187 184 537 232 119 213 130 302 3 250 2 977 180
Retail segment 1 519 443 404 861 12 907 33 458 539 1 971 208
Corporate segment 667 741 132 370 106 305 96 844 2 711 1 005 972
Amounts due from customers
172 927 137 080 521 604 722 184 14 023 1 567 817
Retail segment 51 155 81 415 289 363 364 528 4 668 791 129
Corporate segment 121 772 55 665 232 240 357 656 9 355 776 688
Total amount due from customers 2 360 111 674 312 640 817 852 486 17 273 4 544 998
Alior Bank has completed the process of taking over the assets of demerged business of Bank
BPH. The last phase of the merger was completed - an operational merger involving the
transfer of over 2,700,000 data of clients of acquired part of Bank BPH to Alior Bank's IT
systems took place during 24 to 26 March of 2017.
The process was completed less than five months after the legal merger and thus it is the
fastest merger in Poland.
The operational merger, ending integration process, means full unification of customer service
in access to outlets and transaction systems by transferring data and product handling to Alior
Bank's IT systems.
On March 10, 2017, an agreement was signed between Alior Bank SA and its subsidiary Alior
Leasing Sp. z o.o. concerning the package of agreements for financing current operations As a
result of this agreement, the Bank's total exposure to Alior Leasing increased to PLN 869,000
Adoption and approval of Alior Bank SA Capital Group strategy. For the years 2017-
On March 13, 2017, the Management Board of Alior Bank SA decided to publish the main
assumptions of "Alior Bank Strategy for 2017-2020" approved by the Bank's Supervisory
On March 14, 2017 the Supervisory Board of Alior Bank SA adopted a resolution on the issue
to the members of the Management Board of deferred financial instruments under the
Management Options Scheme for 2013, 2014 and 2015 . Pursuant to § 23 par. 2 point 11 of
the Statute of the Bank, in relation to the Policy of variable components of remuneration of
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
persons occupying managerial positions in Alior Bank SA And pursuant to Resolution No.
28/2012 of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Alior Bank SA Of 19 October 2012 on the
conditional increase of the Bank's share capital and the issue of subscription warrants, the
Company granted consent for the issuance of deferred warrants and the phantom shares
assigned to them as a result of the adjustment of the Program in connection with the issue of
pre-emptive shares:
- 78,626 series A subscription warrants with a par value of PLN 61.84 and 46,542 phantom
shares with a par value of PLN 50.43.
- 84,374 series B subscription warrants with a par value of PLN 64.65 and 46,000 phantom
shares with a par value of PLN 52.72.
- 94,060 C series subscription warrants with a par value of PLN 66,06 and 47,63 phantom
shares with a par value of PLN 53.87.
Information about final settlement of purchase price between Alior Bank and Bank
BPH Bank
Transaction parties have not reached agreement on final settlement of purchase price. The
Share Purchase Agreement provides for the resolution of the discrepancy between Alior Bank
and the Sellers of Bank BPH by an expert which is an audit firm appointed in accordance with
the provisions of the Share Purchase Agreement.
On March 23, 2017, Alior Bank SA received a letter from the FSA on an individual
recommendation to increase its own funds by retaining the entire profit reached by the Bank in
the period from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016.
The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, convened for April 21, 2017, continued
after adjournment on May 8, 2017 apart from resolutions of order nature, it passed
resolutions of changes in Alior Bank’s Supervisory Board, ie the resolution of the dismissal of
Mr.Stanisław Ryszard Kaczoruk from the composition of Alior Bank’s Supervisory Board and
the resolution of the appointment to the Supervisory Board of Alior Bank Mr. Roman Pałac. In
addition, the Extraordinary General Meeting decided to order a break in the session until May
19, 2017.
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
The Public Issue Scheme allows the issuance of bonds to ensure a safe level of capital ratio
The terms and conditions of issue of each Bond series will contain provisions regarding their
classification as equity components in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) No
575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 on prudential
requirements for credit institutions and investment firms and amending Regulation (EU) No
648/2012 (O. J. EU L 176 of 27.6.2013, p. 1).
At the same time, the Supervisory Board authorized the Bank’s Management Board to
determine the final terms and conditions for issuing particular Bond series issued under the
Issue Scheme, allotting the Bonds to investors and taking all other necessary actions aimed at
carrying out the Issue Scheme.
On 12 April 2016, the Polish Financial Supervision Authority approved the Bank’s prospectus
prepared in connection with: (i) public offerings on the territory of the Republic of Poland of up
to 800,000 unsecured, subordinated bearer bonds with PLN 1,000 par value each, issued under
the Public Issue Scheme of Alior Bank S.A. Subordinated Bonds; and (ii) the intention to seek
the admission and introduction of up to 800 000 Bonds to trading on the regulated market
maintained by Giełda Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie S.A. in the Catalyst system.
In the first quarter of 2017 there were no subordinated bonds issued under the Public Issue
40. Rating
On 16 February 2017 Fitch Ratings Ltd. has maintained issuer rating assigned to Alior Bank
SA on 5 September 2013 unchanged at BB with a stable outlook.
In its report, Fitch indicated that the evaluation of the profitability of Alior Bank at the level of
"BB" reflects the rapid credit expansion and a higher appetite for credit risk than the
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed consolidated financial statements
(in PLN’000)
Definitions of the Fitch ratings are available on the Agency’s website:,
where ratings, criteria and methodologies are also published.
1.Alior Bank will be continue achieving high sales volumes of cash loans and mortgages (for
individuals) and operating and investment loans (for business clients) while maintaining the
desired high net interest margins and acceptable and manageable risk costs
2.the predicted value of the synergies that Alior Bank intends to achieve in connection with the
acquisition of the demerged business of Bank BPH during 2017 will amount to about PLN 167
million, while the estimated cost of integration incurred by the Bank within this period amount
to PLN 195 million approximately.
3.the scale of demand for banking services, as well as the Bank's ability to meet its financial
obligations in a timely manner, depends to a large extent on their financial condition. Apart
from the macroeconomic situation of the country, the economic situation of many customer
groups also depends on the economic policy pursued. Both the slowdown of growth of the
Polish economy and the change in the legal regulations of the functioning of enterprises may
have a negative impact on the financial standing of selected Bank clients. The Bank's loan
portfolio includes the exposure related to the financing of several projects implemented by
companies operating on the market of renewable energy sources. The Bank follows up the
financial situation of the aforementioned entities, regulatory changes and the market situation
of the Thanks to the conservative funding structures applied by Bank, most projects have a
prospective repayment capacity. The total value of the write-offs created for the above
exposures amounted to PLN 46.7 million as at 31 March 2017.
The deterioration of the condition of the borrowers operating on the aforementioned market
may required to create additional write-offs in the future
Interim condensed seperate
financial statements
of the Alior Bank Spółka Akcyjna
Interim condensed separate financial statements .................................................62
Interim condensed separate income statement ....................................................62
Interim condensed separate statement of comprehensive income...........................62
Interim condensed separate statement of financial position ...................................63
Interim condensed separate statement of changes in equity ..................................64
Interim condensed separate statement of cash flows ............................................65
1. Basis for preparation ............................................................................66
2. Accounting principles ............................................................................66
3. Off-balace sheet items ..........................................................................67
4. Transactions with related entities ...........................................................67
5. Events significant for the Bank's operations after the balance sheet date ....67
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed seperate financial statements
(in PLN’000)
1.01.2017- 1.01.2016-
31.03.2017 31.03.2016
Interest income 891 414 662 899
Weighted average number of ordinary shares 129 257 763 72 088 316
Profit/loss on fair valuation of financial assets available for sale 41 685 11 218
The notes presented on pages 66-67 constitute an integral part of these interim condensed financial
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed seperate financial statements
(in PLN’000)
Cash and balances with the Central Bank 1 781 276 1 082 991
Financial assets held for trading 386 509 419 551
Available-for-sale financial assets 6 516 511 9 357 734
The notes presented on pages 66-67 constitute an integral part of these interim condensed financial
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed seperate financial statements
(in PLN’000)
Exchange Retained
Supplementary Revaluation differences on earnings/ Total
1.01.2017 - 31.03.2017 Share capital reserves Net profit
capital reserve revaluation of accumulated equity
foreign unit losses
As at 1 January 2017 1 292 578 4 184 953 184 894 -71 615 -22 632 075 632 075 6 854 938
Transfer of the previous year result - - - - - -632 075 -632 075 -1 264 150
Comprehensive income - - - 38 801 72 0 85 807 124 680
Net profit - - - - - - 85 807 85 807
Other comprehensive income - - - 38 801 72 - 38 873
Share issue - - - - - - 0 0
As at 31 March 2017 1 292 578 4 184 953 184 894 -32 814 50 632 075 85 807 6 347 543
Share Supplementary Revaluation earnings/
1.01.2016- 31.03.2016 reserves Net profit Total equity
capital capital reserve accumulated
As at 1 January 2016 727 075 2 280 668 184 894 15 215 0 311 415 3 519 267
Transfer of the previous year result - 311 415 - - - -311 415 0
Comprehensive income - - - 7 391 - 83 646 91 037
Net profit - - - - 83 646 83 646
Gains and losses from business - - - 7 391 7 391
As at 31 March 2016 727 075 2 592 083 184 894 22 606 0 83 646 3 610 304
The notes presented on pages 66-67 constitute an integral part of these interim condensed financial statements.
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed seperate financial statements
(in PLN’000)
The notes presented on pages 66-67 constitute an integral part of these interim condensed financial
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed seperate financial statements
(in PLN’000)
Statement of compliance
These interim condensed separate financial statements of Alior Bank Spółka Akcyjna for
the first quarter of 2017 have been prepared in accordance with the International
Accounting Standard 34 “Interim Financial Reporting” as adopted by the European Union
as of 30 September 2016.
These interim condensed separate financial statements comply with the requirements of
the International Accounting Standard (IAS) 34 concerning interim financial reporting.
These interim financial statements have been prepared in a condensed form and do not
include all disclosures required in the annual financial statements.
Going concern
The interim condensed separate financial statements of Alior Bank Spółka Akcyjna have
been prepared based on the assumption that the Bank will continue in operation as a
going concern for a period of at least 12 months after the balance sheet date, i.e. after
31 March 2017.
As at the date of approval of these interim condensed financial statements, the Bank’s
Management Board is not aware of any circumstances that would have an adverse effect
on the Bank’s operations for any reasons.
2. Accounting principles
The accounting principles are presented in detail in the annual financial statements of
Alior Bank S.A. for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2016, published on
9 March 2017 and available on the Alior Banku S.A. website, except for the changes
described in Note 2.2 to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements.
The Alior Bank S.A. Group
Interim condensed seperate financial statements
(in PLN’000)
Amounts due to customers 11 788 40 267
Financial liabilities held for trading 931 125
Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost due to customers 1 171 854
1.01.2017- 1.01.2016-
31.03.2017 31.03.2016