Breathing Pattern in Humans: Diversity and Individuality: Gila Benchetrit
Breathing Pattern in Humans: Diversity and Individuality: Gila Benchetrit
Breathing Pattern in Humans: Diversity and Individuality: Gila Benchetrit
In adult awake human subjects at rest, there exists a diversity in the breathing pattern not only in terms of tidal
volume and inspiratory and expiratory duration and derived variables (TTOT, VT/TI and TI/TTOT) but also in the
airflow profile. Besides this diversity, in every recording of ventilation at rest in steady-state condition breath-to-
breath fluctuations are observed in ventilatory variables. This variability is non random and may be explained either
by a central neural mechanism or by instability in the chemical feedback loops. Beyond this variability, each
individual appears to select one particular pattern among the infinite number of possible combination of ventilatory
variables and airflow profile. This one particular pattern appears to be a relatively stable characteristic of an adult
individual being reproducible in several conditions and above all, after a long period of time. Consequences of this
individuality of breathing pattern are discussed with regard to the selection of control subjects for a study and also
per se: are there physiological situations where differences may be observed solely because of the differences in the
pattern of breathing? © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Control of breathing, personal pattern of breathing; Mammals, humans; Pattern of breathing, variability, and
The objective of this article is an to attempt to relevance of the diversity and variability of these
review the concepts relating to the pattern of components.
breathing in adult awake human subjects at rest.
Indeed, changes in the rate and depth of breath-
ing have been used as indicators of the regulatory 1. Diversity in the pattern of breathing:
processes during respiration in the state of health description and hypotheses
and disease before any research was undertaken
1.1. Breathing frequency
to find the significance of the various components
of the breathing pattern and the physiological
The earliest data available on spontaneous
breathing frequency values are those of Quetelet
(1842) on 300 subjects and of Hutchinson (1850)
* Tel.: +33-4-76637106; fax: + 33-4-76637186. on 1714 adult subjects. These data appear to be
E-mail address: (G. Benchetrit). the most extensive so far published and show the
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124 G. Benchetrit / Respiration Physiology 122 (2000) 123–129
very wide frequency range (between 6 and 31 are widely used because of their physiological
breaths per minute) observed in adults. In addi- significance and relevance. However, being ratios,
tion, they have the merit of being obtained by the diversity in their values may be reduced if
observation and thus not being altered by the use both terms of the ratio vary in the same direction
of any measuring device. or, alternatively, may derive from the diversity of
The large range of breathing frequencies ob- one or both of the ratio terms. Thus, they are not
served in human subjects at rest led to a search to the most adequate descriptors of the diversity of
determine an optimal breathing frequency. the breathing pattern. Indeed, Proctor and Hardy
Whichever the variable to be minimized, it ap- (1949) reported that there were global qualitative
pears that, at rest, a large range of frequencies differences in the breathing pattern between peo-
fulfil the optimization criterion. Several studies ple but that single measurement of slopes, ratios
have examined this problem, a documented analy- or instantaneous flows failed to yield significant
sis of which is given by Poon (1991). differences between people. Benchetrit et al.
(1989) showed that when comparing breathing
1.2. Inspiratory and expiratory duration pattern at rest, the ensemble (VT, TI and TE) may
better characterize a pattern than any of the tradi-
The inspiratory and expiratory durations intro- tionally used single respiratory variables VT, TI,
duce an additional factor of diversity into the TE or the ratios VT/TI and TI/TTOT.
breathing pattern. For a given duration of res-
piratory cycle (TTOT) there may be several combi- 1.5. Flow profile
nations of inspiratory (TI) and expiratory (TE)
times within, however, the constraint that TI is Very shortly after the publication of Der Pneu-
less than TE (TI B TE). motachograms by Fleisch, Bretschger (1925) ana-
lyzed and classified patterns of pneumo-
1.3. Tidal 6olume tachograms and concluded that the optimal
airflow pattern minimizing mechanical work is
The diversity in tidal volume was first described rectangular with constant airflow rates during in-
by Dejours et al. (1961), the range of VT observed spiration and expiration.
in human subjects at rest being from 442 to 1549 Following Bretschger’s (Bretschger, 1925) study
ml. These values were neither related to the height the hypothesis of an optimal flow shape has been
of the subjects, the vital capacity, FEV1, nor to considered by several authors. An analysis of
the inspiratory and expiratory resistances. these studies and models is given by Hämäläinen
The devices used for measuring VT have been (1983). In addition to the mechanical work, work
blamed for introducing errors not only in the rate, mean squared volume acceleration, average
values of VT but also in the values of timing pressure, are among the minimization criteria
components of the breathing pattern. However, used. The rectangular or parabolic airflow curves
these errors appear to affect only the base line predicted by these models are not close to the
values and not the range of the diversity. Indeed, observed patterns of breathing at rest, although
in one of the most recent studies (Perez and breathing patterns in exercise, are indeed, of the
Tobin, 1985) conducted on 16 subjects the rectangular type. Thus, the related criteria are not
mean 9S.D. values of the respiratory variables able to explain individual variations in breathing
remained approximately the same whatever the pattern nor can they predict effects of added
instrumentation used for recording breathing. external loads. The flow profile was also analyzed
to determine, as in Proctor and Hardy (1949)
1.4. VT /TI and TI /TTOT subtitle to their article, the significance of the
normal pneumotachogram. The quantitative anal-
The drive and timing components of ventilation ysis performed by these authors, include measure-
introduced by Milic-Emili and Grunstein (1976), ments of acceleration, velocity and time
G. Benchetrit / Respiration Physiology 122 (2000) 123–129 125
relationships at various points during the cycle. In order to identify the system that is ‘able to
Patterns that seem quite similar in shape, when compare’ and to specify the structure of interrela-
submitted to such methods of quantitative analy- tionships within and between cycle’s variables
sis yield widely differing figures. One of the possi- recordings were made under various conditions.
ble explanations they proposed was that ‘the Autocorrelation function were calculated while
methods of quantitative analysis may not include breathing different gas mixtures, air; hypoxic
the fundamental characteristics of the pattern. (FIO2 = 0.14); hyperoxic (FIO2 = 1.0) and hyper-
Perhaps an analysis of the total shape of the curve capnic (FICO2 = 0.03), it was found that there were
is required’. Gray and Grodins (1951) have fur- no significant differences between these conditions
ther proposed that transformation of the tracings for a given subject and also there were no signifi-
to a completely non-dimensional form should be cant differences in the autocorrelation coefficients
the first step in analyzing the significance of their between subjects for a given gas mixture
shape as far as no two respiratory cycles yield (Benchetrit, 1976). Modarreszadeh et al. (1990)
identical curves with respect to both shape and reported a similar autoregressive structure for VI,
dimensions. Such methods of global flow profile TI and not for TE during stage II sleep. Liang et
analysis have been proposed by several authors al. (1996) observed that at constant end tidal PO2
(Bachy et al., 1986; Painter et al., 1987; Sato and and PCO2 the breath-to-breath variations in venti-
Robbins, 1998). These methods provide the possi- lation were not random and that the autocorrela-
bility of obtaining mean flow profiles under differ- tion in the sequence can usefully be described by
ent conditions and of comparing resting and a simple autoregressive model.
stimulated patterns. In addition to these studies on human subjects,
animal experiments were performed to clarify the
mechanisms contributing to the breath-to-breath
2. Breath-to-breath variations in the pattern of correlations seen in respiratory cycle characteris-
breathing tics. Whether the dependency between the charac-
teristics of successive breaths resides solely in a
Priban (1963) was the first to demonstrate that central neural mechanism or results in part from
the breath-to-breath fluctuations in respiratory instability in the chemical feedback loop is still
cycle variables were not purely random. He con- matter of debate.
cluded that, ‘‘it is not unlikely that some system It is noteworthy that breath-to-breath depen-
would be able to compare one breath to its prede- dency in respiratory variables suggested to Priban
cessor and adjust it or the following one with and Fincham (1965) that the respiratory con-
respect to frequency and volume and so produce troller may be an adaptive or a self-optimizing
the observed pattern of breathing’’. system which predicts the activity which will keep
Using mainly time-series analyses and statistical the performance of the respiratory system at its
models, several studies confirmed the non random minimum, the prediction being conditioned by the
nature of the fluctuations of the ventilatory vari- response of the system during previous breaths.
ables and showed that there was a significant
positive autocorrelation between Xn and Xn − 1, Xn
being the generic term of a series of VT or TTOT 3. Individuality of breathing pattern
(Benchetrit and Pham Dinh, 1974; Gallego et al.,
1985), TI or TE (Bolton and Marsh, 1984), VTI or The existence of the individuality of the breath-
VTE (Busso et al., 1996). The simplest autoregres- ing pattern has been observed by all the investiga-
sive model proposed was: tors who have had to perform several recordings
(Xn −X)=a(Xn − 1 −X) + on on one subject. Thus, from the observation of
where, X is the mean value of the series, a is a pneumotachograms, Proctor and Hardy (1949)
constant and o is the disturbance and should be reported that ‘‘the comparison of consecutive cy-
positive, negative or nil. cles or cycles taken on different days from records
126 G. Benchetrit / Respiration Physiology 122 (2000) 123–129
on any single subject impresses one with the con- tween individual variables and are designed to
sistency with which an individual pattern is repro- detect any kind of deviation from the hypothesis
duced’’. Morrow and Vosteen (1953) confirmed but not a specific alternative. This is similar to the
these observations and even suggested that sub- x 2 goodness-of-fit test in which no alternative
jects could be identified from ‘gross judgment’ of hypothesis is specified. On the other hand, be-
the pneumotachogram. It was Dejours et al., cause of the natural large variability of the de-
(1961) who introduced the concept of ‘la person- scriptive variables associated with each individual
nalité ventilatoire’, claiming that different people and the lack of models as to their variation, it is
breathe in different ways in terms of tidal volume, difficult to perform comparisons within individual
respiratory frequency and airflow shape, and that without reference to the between-individual vari-
this is a relatively stable characteristic of an adult ability. In the proposed similarity tests, this be-
individual. In addition, Golla and Antonovich tween individual variability is used precisely as the
(1929) found that some normal subjects had ha- basis for assessing whether the variability within
bitually a regular breathing pattern whilst others an individual of the descriptive variables is mean-
a habitually irregular one. We have also observed ingful or not.
(unpublished observation) this phenomenon and This test was applied to show similarity in the
found that the regular or irregular breathing pat- flow profile within an individual (i) on repeated
tern was reproducible for the same subjects under recordings, (ii) on recordings performed 4 years
the same conditions, and that the regular or irreg- apart and (iii) on recordings in seated and supine
ular nature of the breathing pattern is thus part of conditions. In addition, it was found that identical
the personnalité respiratoire. twins breathe in a more similar way than any
Several further studies have been carried out on other pair of individuals from the same popula-
this subject revealing the persistence of this res- tion. Considering conditions other than control, it
piratory personality under diverse conditions. In was found that the airflow shapes are maintained
these studies, the airflow shape was quantified by during hypoxia (simulated altitude of 4500 m),
a harmonic analysis providing eight variables, but they are significantly modified during exercise
which contained more than 95% of the power of (at 50% of their maximal oxygen consumption).
the original signal. However, these eight variables Comparison of airflow shapes at this level of
have no physiological ‘meaning’ or ‘correspon- exercise between normoxia and hypoxia (simu-
dence’, they merely quantify a shape. The ventila- lated altitude of 4500 m), showed resemblance
tory variables and the airflow shape were then which suggests that when exercising, subjects
compared using a test of similarity. For example, adopt another individuality unchanged by hy-
to assess the individuality of breathing pattern poxia. A summary of these studies is given by
over time, a multivariate statistical test was used Benchetrit and Guz (1993) and the topic has been
to compare differences between the first and sec- overviewed by Shea and Guz (1992).
ond recording within individuals with those differ- It was also shown that during resistive loading
ences observed between random pairs of some individual characteristics (flow profile and
recordings from the two studies on the same TI/TTOT were maintained despite being propor-
group of individuals. Thus, the test provides a tional to the loads changes in the other ventila-
result on the group and not of each individual. tory variables (Calabrese et al., 1998).
Such an analysis allows for differences within an These observations suggest that a resting indi-
individual, but implies that the individual has a vidual pattern, at least in the airflow profile, is
certain ‘trait’ that can be recognized amongst maintained over a certain extent of changes in the
other individuals. This is analogous to the fact minute ventilation, thereafter, there are also
that one can recognize a person’s face in a crowd, changes in the airflow profile. It has been hypoth-
even after a number of years, despite any changes esized, that the characteristics of the changes
which may have occurred in their facial appear- would be common to all subjects and a model was
ance. However, these tests are a comparison be- proposed where there will be a sudden change in
G. Benchetrit / Respiration Physiology 122 (2000) 123–129 127
the airflow profile at some value of ventilation, tory volume in 1 sec (FEV1) nor to their FEV1/
this value varying from one individual to another VC ratio. They also found that there was no
(Benchetrit et al., 1995). correlation between fR and the respiratory resis-
tance or compliance or resistance x compliance
4. Consequences of the diversity and individuality As to the flow profiles, in a tentative classifica-
of the breathing pattern tion (Benchetrit et al., 1987) it was found that no
noteworthy features attributable to differences in
4.1. How are control subjects to be chosen? size, weight, body surface area, sex or smoking
habits were observed in the clusters of flow
In most studies on ventilatory changes, control profiles.
experiments are carried out on subjects matched The selection of control subjects remains a mat-
by age, weight and sex. Given the diversity of the ter to be resolved. Whoever these control subjects
breathing pattern the question arises as to are, one reasonable comparison to be considered
whether this age and morphology matching yields would be that of the perturbation response
adequate control subjects. parameters (slope, delay etc). Indeed, changes be-
It has not been clearly established whether in tween the resting pattern and the perturbed pat-
adult human subjects, there is a relationship be- tern are likely to be similar in different individuals
tween these characteristics and the components of and to lead to elaborate a control response func-
the breathing pattern. Jammes et al. (1979) re- tion with which an ‘abnormal’ response function
ported a study on 235 subjects of both sexes aged may be compared.
between 6 and 80. They found no significant
sex-related differences in any group when VT, fR, 4.2. How important are these differences in
TI and TE were compared. Whereas the changes resting pattern?
with age in the range 6 – 25 were clearly obvious,
variations according to age in adults were less In addition to the question of the choice of
conclusive. They also compared the coefficient of control subjects, at least two situations may be
variation of these variables and found that they evoked where the differences in pattern of breath-
were independent of age. Tobin et al. (1983) ing are pertinent.
found that the mean values of ventilatory vari- 1. In a recent study Salerno et al. (1999) have
ables were not affected by age but the rhythmicity shown that methacholine induced bronchocon-
was more irregular in the elderly. Hudgel et al. striction was modulated by the amplitude of
(1993) reported a greater variability of breathing the tidal ventilation. In these experiments car-
characteristics in the elderly compared with that ried out on open chest dogs the two lungs were
in younger subjects during sleep but not during ventilated separately with different VT and
wakefulness. Whereas Hak et al. (1999) observed lungs ventilated with higher amplitudes always
that in elderly subjects without sleep disordered demonstrated lesser increases in resistance and
breathing the change in the coefficient of variation elastance during induced constriction. When
of ventilatory variables between wakefulness and mean bronchial pressure was kept constant,
sleep was similar to that reported in the younger the discrepancy in the contractile response be-
group of Hudgel et al. (1993). It is possible that tween the two lungs was again evident. This
some, if not all, of the discrepancies between these demonstrates that large VT inhibits airway
results may be explained by the diversity of smooth muscle contraction, regardless of mean
breathing pattern within the group of subjects. bronchial pressure. Although these observa-
Dejours et al. (1961) reported that the diversity tions were obtained during induced bron-
of VT and fR, of the subjects was related neither choconstriction, it may be suggested that
to their height, their vital capacity (VC), maximal airway contractility may also change with VT
inspiratory and expiratory volumes, forced expira- in normal lung. Thus, there may be ventilatory
128 G. Benchetrit / Respiration Physiology 122 (2000) 123–129
(in the broadest sense) differences between count when studying changes in ventilation and
subjects with high and low VT, ‘high’ and ‘low’ the individual results are as meaningful as the
needing to be defined. Intuitively, one would group results. However, until we find out why
define high and low VT according to the individuals do breathe in different ways, the
stature of the subject. One possible estimation method we adopt to take into account these rest-
would be the use of the ratio of VT to the vital ing patterns will proceed by trial and error and
capacity. For example, an individual using one thus remain empirical.
tenth of his vital capacity in tidal breathing
may be defined as having a low VT whereas an
individual using one fifth of his VC would References
have a high VT.
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