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Motors Price List: L P39 Rev. 01 W.E.F. 26th Sept 2019

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LP39 Rev. 01 w.e.f. 26th Sept 2019


Safe Area Motors ● Hazardous Area Motors ● Special Purpose Motors ● Crane & Hoist Duty Motors

General Purpose Motors for Safe Area Hazardous Area Motors

● IE2 series ● Flame Proof Motors Ex(d) in
● Premium Efficiency IE2 & IE3 efficiencies
IE3 series motors ● Non-Sparking Motors Ex(nA)
in IE2 efficiency

Special Purpose Motors High Efficiency Large

● Brake Motors Frame Motors with DCCA
● Crane & Hoist Duty Motors
● Slip Ring Motors
● Cane Unloader Motors
● Tex le Motors

MV Motors upto 1000 kW

● Safe Area Motors: upto 11kV
IE4 Super Premium ● Non Sparking Motors Ex(nA): upto 6.6kV
Efficiency Motors

Note: For IE4 motors and MV motors, kindly contact our nearest sales office.

LV Motors: An Introduc on 1

Safe Area Motors 2

IE2 Series Safe Area Motors 2-3
IE3 Series Safe Area Motors 4-5

Flame Proof Motors: Type Ex(d) 6

FLP Motors: Standard Range 6
FLP Motors: Efficiency Values Complying to IE2 Class 7-8
FLP Motors: Efficiency Values Complying to IE3 Class 9-10

Special Purpose Motors 11

Crane & Hoist Duty Motors 11
Crane Duty Slip Ring Motors 12

Cash Extras for Addi onal Features 13-19

The 18th century saw the advent of various technologies that led With a con nuous endeavor towards innova on and customer
to the Industrial Revolu on. Machines started replacing manual centricity, Bharat Bijlee since 1946 has developed a wide range
labour with an intent to increase produc vity. Today, we are in of motors to suit various applica ons. Adherence to stringent
a world where technology is advancing at an unprecedented rate quality norms in our manufacturing process ensures successful
and the backbone of this advancement is the most reliable and opera on of our motors during their lifespan. With an in - house
sustainable set of drivers. As one of the emerging na ons, India is design team and state-of-the-art manufacturing facility, we have
progressively adop ng technologies and systems that guarantee developed the skill, exper se and competence to manufacture highly
the next level of performance. Electric motors are the prime movers customized motors and also for the most severe of applica ons. Owing
for a large part of industry. It is hence impera ve to have the most to our emphasis on customer sa sfac on in all aspects of product
efficient and reliable motors to drive all possible applica ons. and service, we are the most trusted brand in the industry.

Why Bharat Bijlee?

Preferred brand across various sectors viz cement, Most stable opera on on all applica ons
construc on, steel, food and beverages, water and (illustra on depicted below)
wastewater, sugar, dis lleries, paper, oil and gas,
mining, power, chemical
The most suitable solu ons to extremely
Track record of over 4 million motors harsh and severe applica ons
working successfully in the industry

Customized motors designed and manufactured Motors conform to relevant IS/IEC standards
to suit applica on specific needs and other statutory requirements

The manufacturing facility for our en re por olio is located across a 1,70,000 sq. metres campus in Airoli, Navi Mumbai.
This is supported by an extensive sales and service network across the country and a central ServiceLINE desk.

Compressor Conveyor

Pump Agitator

Separators Blower/Fan

Mixers Crushers

Screens Centrifuge

Foot mounted (B3 construc on) 3 Phase Squirrel Cage Induc on Motors suitable for 415V ±10%, 50Hz ±5%,
Combined Varia on ±10%, Insula on Class F, with temperature rise limited to Class B, Degree of Protec on IP55,
Method of Cooling: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled, Duty S1, Ambient Temperature 50°C, Conforms to IS/IEC 60034 & IS: 12615.

3000 rpm 2 Pole: Cast Iron Construc on 1500 rpm 4 Pole: Cast Iron Construc on
KW HP Frame Type Reference LP39 KW HP Frame Type Reference LP39
1.50 2.00 90S 2H09S243CT000 19,620 1.10 1.50 90S 2H09S423CT000 19,400
2.20 3.00 90L 2H09L273CT000 23,940 1.50 2.00 90L 2H09L473CT000 23,320
3.70 5.00 100L 2H10L233CT000 30,520 2.20 3.00 100L 2H10L473CT000 28,060
5.50 7.50 132S 2H13S2G3CT000 52,630 3.70 5.00 112M 2H11M473CT000 35,570
7.50 10.00 132S 2H13S2N3CT000 58,110 5.50 7.50 132S 2H13S4K3CT000 50,600
9.30 12.50 160M 2H16M233CT000 91,890 7.50 10.00 132M 2H13M4T3CT000 57,460
11.00 15.00 160M 2H16M253CT000 98,610 9.30 12.50 160M 2H16M4C3CT000 92,670
15.00 20.00 160M 2H16M263CT000 1,09,020 11.00 15.00 160M 2H16M4K3CT000 94,190
18.50 25.00 160L 2H16L293CT000 1,36,790 15.00 20.00 160L 2H16L4T3CT000 1,15,420
22.00 30.00 180M 2H18M233CT000 1,54,220 18.50 25.00 180M 2H18M473CT000 1,56,050
30.00 40.00 200L 2H20L2A3CT000 2,31,900 22.00 30.00 180L 2H18L483CT000 1,67,590
37.00 50.00 200L 2H20L273CT000 2,73,590 30.00 40.00 200L 2H20L45300000 2,23,400
45.00 60.00 225M 2H22M253CT000 3,52,060 37.00 50.00 225S 2H22S43300000 2,87,150
55.00 75.00 250M 2H25M23300000 4,73,550 45.00 60.00 225M 2H22M45300000 3,24,380
75.00 100.00 280S 2H28S23300000 5,91,080 55.00 75.00 250M 2H25M43300000 4,37,290
90.00 120.00 280M 2H28M25300000 6,74,960 75.00 100.00 280S 2H28S42300000 5,44,570
110.00 150.00 315S 2H31S23300000 8,94,590 90.00 120.00 280M 2H28M45300000 6,19,930
125.00 170.00 315M 2H31M2A300000 10,29,640 110.00 150.00 315S 2H31S41300000 7,71,430
132.00 180.00 315M 2H31M23300000 10,78,580 125.00 170.00 315M 2H31M4A300000 8,83,830
150.00 200.00 315L 2H31L2A300000 11,62,860 132.00 180.00 315M 2H31M43300000 9,08,980
160.00 215.00 315L 2H31L25300000 11,83,650 150.00 200.00 315L 2H31L4A300000 10,15,540
180.00 240.00 315L 2H31L2B300000 12,44,910 160.00 215.00 315L 2H31L45300000 10,61,140
200.00 270.00 355L 2H35L2A300000 14,49,560 180.00 240.00 315L 2H31L46300000 11,22,690
250.0 335.00 355L 2H35L21300000 15,70,580 200.00 270.00 315L 2H31L47300000 12,81,190
315.0 425.00 355L 2H35L23300000 17,10,910 250.00 335.00 355L 2H35L41300000 15,50,010
315.00 425.00 355L 2H35L43300000 18,12,000
355.00 475.00 355L 2H35L45300000 22,03,930

3000 rpm 2 Pole: Aluminium Construc on 1500 rpm 4 Pole: Aluminium Construc on
KW HP Frame Type Reference LP39 KW HP Frame Type Reference LP39
0.37 0.50 71 2H0712A300000 11,610 0.37 0.50 71 2H07143300000 11,680
0.55 0.75 71 2H07123300000 14,300 0.55 0.75 80 2H080433AT000 14,740
0.75 1.00 80 2H080213AT000 14,770 0.75 1.00 80 2H080453AT000 15,250
1.10 1.50 80 2H080233AT000 16,190 1.10 1.50 90S 2H09S423AT000 18,480
1.50 2.00 90S 2H09S243AT000 18,690 1.50 2.00 90L 2H09L473AT000 22,640
2.20 3.00 90L 2H09L273AT000 23,940 2.20 3.00 100L 2H10L473AT000 26,720
3.70 5.00 100L 2H10L233AT000 29,630 3.70 5.00 112M 2H11M473AT000 33,880
5.50 7.50 132S 2H13S2G3AT000 49,190 5.50 7.50 132S 2H13S4K3AT000 47,290
7.50 10.00 132S 2H13S2N3AT000 54,410 7.50 10.00 132M 2H13M4T3AT000 55,790

Frames 71 to 132 are with Alumunium body with Terminal Box position as Top only.
Frames 90 to 132 can be offered in Cast Iron construction with Terminal Box on Top as standard. TB on LHS or RHS can be offerred
on request.
Frames 160 and above are in Cast Iron construction with TB on TOP as standard. TB on LHS or RHS can be offerred on request.

* GST extra as applicable at the me of delivery.

LP39 Rev. 01 w.e.f. 26th Sept 2019

Foot mounted (B3 construc on) 3 Phase Squirrel Cage Induc on Motors suitable for 415V ±10%, 50Hz ±5%,
Combined Varia on ±10%, Insula on Class F, with temperature rise limited to Class B, Degree of Protec on IP55,
Method of Cooling: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled, Duty S1, Ambient Temperature 50°C, Conforms to IS/IEC 60034 & IS: 12615.

1000 rpm 6 Pole: Cast Iron Construc on 750 rpm, 8 pole, Cast Iron Construc on
kW HP Frame Type Reference LP39 kW HP Frame Type Reference LP39
0.75 1.00 90S 2H09S633CT000 18,980 0.37 0.5 90S 2H09S813CT000 19,180
1.10 1.50 90L 2H09L653CT000 21,250 0.55 0.75 90L 2H09L853CT000 20,990
1.50 2.00 100L 2H10L633CT000 29,360 0.75 1 100L 2H10L813CT000 22,950
2.20 3.00 112M 2H11M653CT000 34,250 1.1 1.5 112M 2H10L833CT000 25,490
3.70 5.00 132S 2H13S6G3CT000 49,540 1.5 2 112M 2H11M813CT000 30,840
5.50 7.50 132M 2H13M6T3CT000 60,750 2.2 3 132S 2H13S8B3CT000 46,390
7.50 10.00 160M 2H16M633CT000 91,960 3.7 5 160M 2H16M813CT000 75,110
9.30 12.50 160L 2H16L663CT000 1,00,840 5.5 7.5 160M 2H16M833CT000 93,820
11.00 15.00 160L 2H16L673CT000 1,12,350 7.5 10 160L 2H16L863CT000 118990
15.00 20.00 180L 2H18L633CT000 1,52,610 9.3 12.5 180M 2H18M833CR000 1,70,070
18.50 25.00 200L 2H20L633CT000 2,10,090 11 15 180L 2H18L873CR000 1,79,350
22.00 30.00 200L 2H20L653CT000 2,25,940 15 20 200L 2H20L843CR000 2,48,010
30.00 40.00 225M 2H22M643CT000 3,25,760 18.5 25 225S 2H22S823CR000 3,24,070
37.00 50.00 250M 2H25M63300000 4,38,030 22 30 225M 2H22M833CR000 3,89,580
45.00 60.00 280S 2H28S61300000 5,27,320 30 40 250M 2H25M813CT000 5,26,040
55.00 75.00 280M 2H28M63300000 6,00,890 37 50 280S 2H28S823CT000 6,85,980
75.00 100.00 315S 2H31S61300000 7,32,810 45 60 280M 2H28M853CT000 7,92,630
90.00 120.00 315M 2H31M63300000 9,21,590
110.00 150.00 315M 2H31M65300000 10,23,110
125.00 170.00 315L 2H31L6A300000 11,30,530
132.00 180.00 315L 2H31L67300000 12,04,680
750 rpm, 8 pole, Aluminium Construc on
150.00 200.00 315L 2H31L6B300000 12,06,720 kW HP Frame Type Reference LP39
160.00 215.00 315L 2H31L69300000 12,36,520 0.37 0.5 90S 2H09S813AT000 19,180
180.00 240.00 355L 2H35L6A300000 14,08,670 0.55 0.75 90L 2H09L853AT000 20,990
200.00 270.00 355L 2H35L61300000 15,05,040 0.75 1 100L 2H10L813AT000 22,950
250.00 335.00 355L 2H35L63300000 16,53,050 1.1 1.5 100L 2H10L833AT000 25,490
1.5 2 112M 2H11M813AT000 30,840
2.2 3 132S 2H13S8B3AT000 46,390

1000 rpm 6 Pole: Aluminium Construc on

kW HP Frame Type Reference LP39
0.37 0.50 80 2H080613AT000 15,930
0.55 0.75 80 2H080633AT000 16,390
0.75 1.00 90S 2H09S633AT000 18,430
1.10 1.50 90L 2H09L653AT000 20,240
1.50 2.00 100L 2H10L633AT000 28,500
2.20 3.00 112M 2H11M653AT000 32,700
3.70 5.00 132S 2H13S6G3AT000 48,100
5.50 7.50 132M 2H13M6T3AT000 60,750

Frames 71 to 132 are with Alumunium body with Terminal Box position as Top only.
Frames 90 to 132 can be offered in Cast Iron construction with Terminal Box on Top as standard. TB on LHS or RHS can be offerred on
Frames 160 and above are in Cast Iron construction with TB on TOP as standard. TB on LHS or RHS can be offerred on request.

* GST extra as applicable at the me of delivery.

LP39 Rev. 01 w.e.f. 26th Sept 2019

Foot mounted (B3 construc on) 3 Phase Squirrel Cage Induc on Motors suitable for 415V ±10%, 50Hz ±5%,Combined Varia on
±10%, Insula on Class F with temperature rise limited to Class B, Degree of Protec on IP55, Ambient Temperature 50°C, Duty S1,
Method of Cooling: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled, Conforms to IS/IEC 60034 & IS: 12615

3000 rpm, 2 Pole: Cast Iron Construc on 1500 rpm, 4 Pole: Cast Iron Construc on
kW HP Frame Type Reference LP39 kW HP Frame Type Reference LP39
0.75 1.00 80 3H0802B3CT000 19,220 0.55 0.75 80 3H0804B3CT000 17,800
1.10 1.50 80 3H0802E3CT000 21,980 0.75 1.00 80 3H0804E3CT000 20,820
1.50 2.00 90S 3H09S2B3CT000 22,890 1.10 1.50 90S 3H09S4B3CT000 22,240
2.20 3.00 90L 3H09L2E3CT000 27,140 1.50 2.00 90L 3H09L4E3CT000 26,100
3.70 5.00 100L 3H10L2B3CT000 35,470 2.20 3.00 100L 3H10L4B3CT000 32,090
5.50 7.50 132S 3H13S2C3CT000 59,400 3.70 5.00 112M 3H11M4B3CT000 40,200
7.50 10.00 132S 3H13S2H3CT000 63,470 5.50 7.50 132S 3H13S4C3CT000 57,120
9.30 12.50 160M 3H16M2B3CT000 1,19,610 7.50 10.00 132M 3H13M4H3CT000 66,500
11.00 15.00 160M 3H16M2E3CT000 1,25,880 9.30 12.50 160M 3H16M4E3CT000 1,11,340
15.00 20.00 160M 3H16M2H3CT000 1,33,240 11.00 15.00 160M 3H16M4H3CT000 1,15,000
18.50 25.00 160L 3H16L2M3CT000 1,57,200 15.00 20.00 160L 3H16L4M3CT000 1,34,000
22.00 30.00 180M 3H18M2B3CT000 1,87,010 18.50 25.00 180M 3H18M4B3CT000 1,83,210
30.00 40.00 200L 3H20L2B3CT000 2,65,530 22.00 30.00 180L 3H18L4E3CT000 1,97,660
37.00 50.00 200L 3H20L2E3CT000 3,08,550 30.00 40.00 200L 3H20L4B3CT000 2,52,890
45.00 60.00 225M 3H22M2B3CT000 3,87,010 37.00 50.00 225S 3H22S4B3CT000 3,26,850
55.00 75.00 250M 3H25M2E3CT000 5,23,150 45.00 60.00 225M 3H22M4E3CT000 3,72,080
75.00 100.00 280S 3H28S2E3CT000 6,54,500 55.00 75.00 250M 3H25M4B3CT000 4,94,340
90.00 120.00 280M 3H28M2H3CT000 7,53,280 75.00 100.00 280S 3H28S4B3CT000× 6,00,490
110.00 150.00 315S 3H31S2E3CT000 9,51,210 90.00 120.00 280M 3H28M4H3CT000× 7,01,890
132.00 180.00 315L 3H31L2H3CT000 Refer Sales Office 110.00 150.00 315S 3H31S4G3CT000 8,36,000
150.00 200.00 315L 3H31L2K3CT000 Refer Sales Office 132.00 180.00 315M 3H31M4K3CT000 9,92,750
160.00 215.00 315L 3H31L2M3CT000 Refer Sales Office 160.00 215.00 315L 3H31L4P3CT000 12,54,750
180.00 240.00 355L 3H35L2A3CT000 14,60,970 200.00 270.00 315L 3H31L4W3CT000 14,02,500
200.00 270.00 355L 3H35L2B3CT000 15,29,550 225.00 300.00 355L 3H35L4B3CT000 17,19,890
225.00 335.00 355L 3H35L2C3CT000 16,38,730 250.00 335.00 355L 3H35L4E3CT000 17,75,640
250.00 335.00 355L 3H35L2E3CT000 17,22,160 315.00 422.00 355L 3H35L4H3CT000 20,06,830
280.00 375.00 355L 3H35L2G3CT000 18,48,000

3000 rpm, 2 Pole: Aluminium Construc on 1500 rpm 4 Pole: Aluminium Construc on
kW HP Frame Type Reference LP39 kW HP Frame Type Reference LP39
1.50 2.00 90S 3H09S2B3AT000 22,220 1.10 1.50 90S 3H09S4B3AT000 21,180
2.20 3.00 90L 3H09L2E3AT000 26,600 1.50 2.00 90L 3H09L4E3AT000 24,930
3.70 5.00 100L 3H10L2B3AT000 35,470 2.20 3.00 100L 3H10L4B3AT000 31,480
5.50 7.50 132S 3H13S2C3AT000 54,000 3.70 5.00 112M 3H11M4B3AT000 39,030
7.50 10.00 132S 3H13S2H3AT000 57,700 5.50 7.50 132S 3H13S4C3AT000 54,400
7.50 10.00 132M 3H13M4H3AT000 63,940

Cast Iron construc on Motors are with Top TB as standard feature, can be offered with RHS, LHS T Box on request
Aluminum construc on motors are offered with Top TB only.
Motors are with Inverter grade winding with 6 leads.

*GST extra as applicable at the me of delivery.

LP39 Rev. 01 w.e.f. 26th Sept 2019

Foot mounted (B3 construc on) 3 Phase Squirrel Cage Induc on Motors suitable for 415V ±10%, 50Hz ±5%,Combined Varia on
±10%, Insula on Class F with temperature rise limited to Class B, Degree of Protec on IP55, Ambient Temperature 50°C, Duty S1,
Method of Cooling: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled, Conforms to IS/IEC 60034 & IS: 12615

1000 rpm, 6 Pole: Cast Iron Construc on 750 rpm, 8 pole, Cast Iron Construc on
kW HP Frame Type Reference LP39 kW HP Frame Type Reference LP39
0.37 0.50 80 3H0806B3CT000 18,640 0.37 0.5 90S 3H09S853CT000 22,090
0.55 0.75 80 3H0806E3CT000 20,000 0.55 0.75 90L 3H09L863CT000 24,160
0.75 1.00 90S 3H09S6B3CT000 24,580 0.75 1 100L 3H10L833CT000 26,340
1.10 1.50 90L 3H09L6E3CT000 28,050 1.10 1.5 100L 3H10L853CT000 28,890
1.50 2.00 100L 3H10L6B3CT000 35,840 1.50 2 112M 3H11M833CT000 36,670
2.20 3.00 112M 3H11M6B3CT000 39,390 2.20 3 132S 3H13S8G3CT000 54,740
3.70 5.00 132S 3H13S6C3CT000 59,130 3.70 5 160M 3H16M823CT000 86,380
5.50 7.50 132M 3H13M6H3CT000 69,730 5.50 7.5 160M 3H16M843CT000 1,07,050
7.50 10.00 160M 3H16M6B3CT000 1,08,240 7.50 10 160L 3H16L883CT000 1,36,860
9.30 12.50 160L 3H16L6E3CT000 1,20,730 9.30 12.5 180M 3H18M873CT000 1,95,600
11.00 15.00 160L 3H16L6H3CT000 1,29,110 11.00 15 180L 3H18L893CT000 2,06,280
15.00 20.00 180L 3H18L6B3CT000 1,80,290 15.00 20 200L 3H20L853CT000 2,52,530
18.50 25.00 200L 3H20L6B3CT000 2,36,490 18.50 25 225S 3H22S823CT000 3,72,680
22.00 30.00 200L 3H20L6E3CT000 2,60,880 22.00 30 225M 3H22M833CT000 4,48,040
30.00 40.00 225M 3H22M6B3CT000 3,62,570 30.00 40 250M 3H25M813CT000 6,04,960
37.00 50.00 250M 3H25M6B3CT000 4,87,760 37.00 50 280S 3H28S823CT000 7,88,910
45.00 60.00 280S 3H28S6B3CT000 5,92,900 45.00 60 280M 3H28M853CT000 9,11,530
55.00 75.00 280M 3H28M6E3CT000 6,81,520
75.00 100.00 315S 3H31S6B3CT000 8,06,190
90.00 120.00 315M 3H31M6E3CT000 10,01,000
750 rpm, 8 pole, Aluminium Construc on
110.00 150.00 315M 3H31M6H3CT000 11,55,000
kW HP Frame Type Reference LP39
132.00 180.00 315L 3H31L6M3CT000 13,15,490
0.37 0.5 90S 3H09S853AT000 22,090
160.00 215.00 355L 3H35L6B3CT000 13,80,500
0.55 0.75 90L 3H09L863AT000 24,160
180.00 240.00 355L 3H35L6C3CT000 15,91,870
0.75 1 100L 3H10L833AT000 26,340
200.00 270.00 355L 3H35L6E3CT000 17,55,930
1.10 1.5 100L 3H10L853AT000 28,890
250.00 335.00 355L 3H35L6H3CT000 19,31,770
1.50 2 112M 3H11M833AT000 36,670
2.20 3 132S 3H13S8G3AT000 54,740

1000 rpm, 6 Pole: Aluminium Construc on

kW HP Frame Type Reference LP39
0.75 1.00 90S 3H09S6B3AT000 21,370
1.10 1.50 90L 3H09L6E3AT000 28,050
1.50 2.00 100L 3H10L6B3AT000 35,840
2.20 3.00 112M 3H11M6B3AT000 38,640
3.70 5.00 132S 3H13S6C3AT000 56,310
5.50 7.50 132M 3H13M6H3AT000 69,730

Cast Iron construc on Motors are with Top TB as standard feature, can be offered with RHS, LHS T Box on request
Aluminum construc on motors are offered with Top TB only.
Motors are with Inverter grade winding with 6 leads.

*GST extra as applicable at the me of delivery.

LP39 Rev. 01 w.e.f. 26th Sept 2019

Foot mounted (B3 construc on) 3 Phase Squirrel Cage Induc on Motor, 415V ±10%, 50Hz ±5%, Combined Varia on ±10%,
Insula on Class F, with temperature rise limited to Class B, Degree of Protec on IP55, Duty S1, Ambient Temperature 45°C,
Method of Cooling: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled, Conforms to IS/IEC 60034-1, IS/IEC 60079-1:2007, Gas Group IIA, IIB.

3000 rpm, 2 Pole 1500 rpm, 4 Pole

kW HP Frame Type Reference LP39 kW HP Frame Type Reference LP39
0.37 0.50 80 MD0802A300000 27,490 0.37 0.50 80 MD0804A300000 26,970
0.55 0.75 80 MD0802B300000 30,460 0.55 0.75 80 MD08041300000 29,510
0.75 1.00 80 MD08021300000 31,400 0.75 1.00 80 MD08043300000 30,730
1.1 1.50 80 MD08023300000 34,940 1.1 1.50 90 L MD09L43300000 35,030
1.5 2.00 90 L MD09L23300000 37,050 1.5 2.00 90 L MD09L45300000 38,130
2.2 3.00 90 L MD09L25300000 49,000 2.2 3.00 100 L MD10L43300000 48,430
3.7 5.00 100 L MD10L21300000 62,210 3.7 5.00 112M MD11M43300000 60,750
5.5 7.50 132M MD13S2B300000 88,700 5.5 7.50 132M MD13S4B300000 83,800
7.5 10.00 132M MD13S2E300000 97,180 7.5 10.00 132M MD13M4K300000 95,340
9.3 12.50 132M MD13M2N300000 1,51,230 9.3 12.50 160M MD16M4A300000 1,51,470
11 15.00 160M MD16M21300000 1,78,330 11 15.00 160M MD16M4C300000 1,54,550
15 20.00 160M MD16M25300000 2,08,230 15 20.00 160L MD16L4K300000 1,89,620
18.5 25.00 160L MD16L27300000 2,36,350 18.5 25.00 180L MD18L43300000 2,12,310
22 30.00 180L MD18L21300000 2,79,660 22 30.00 180L MD18L47300000 2,52,220
30 40.00 200L MD20L23300000 3,76,890 30 40.00 200L MD20L43300000 3,39,810
37 50.00 200L MD20L25300000 4,88,230 37 50.00 225S MD22S41300000 4,41,520
45 60.00 225M MD22M23300000 6,16,730 45 60.00 225M MD22M43300000 5,55,480
55 75.00 250M MD25M21300000 7,49,360 55 75.00 250M MD25M41300000 6,81,540
75 100.00 280S MD28S21300000 9,46,240 75 100.00 280S MD28S41300000 8,59,540
90 120.00 280M MD28M23300000 10,19,460 90 120.00 280M MD28M43300000 8,76,080

1000 rpm, 6 Pole 750 rpm, 8 Pole

kW HP Frame Type Reference LP39 kW HP Frame Type Reference LP39
0.37 0.50 80 MD08061300000 30,890 0.37 0.50 90L MD09L83300000 36,620
0.55 0.75 80 MD08063300000 31,990 0.55 0.75 90L MD09L85300000 39,590
0.75 1.00 90L MD09L63300000 37,220 0.75 1.00 100L MD10L81300000 48,680
1.10 1.50 90L MD09L65300000 38,260 1.10 1.50 100L MD10L83300000 56,640
1.50 2.00 100L MD10L63300000 54,800 1.50 2.00 112M MD11M81300000 67,710
2.20 3.00 112M MD11M63300000 63,840 2.20 3.00 132M MD13S8B300000 89,200
3.70 5.00 132M MD13S6B300000 84,550 3.70 5.00 160M MD16M81300000 1,44,050
5.50 7.50 132M MD13M6N300000 1,02,570 5.50 7.50 160M MD16M83300000 1,68,660
7.50 10.00 160M MD16M63300000 1,61,850 7.50 10.00 160L MD16L87300000 2,05,430
9.30 12.50 160L MD16L66300000 1,79,780 9.30 12.50 180L MD18L81300000 2,60,620
11.00 15.00 160L MD16L67300000 1,97,580 11.00 15.00 180L MD18L83300000 2,74,680
15.00 20.00 180L MD18L61300000 2,59,710 15.00 20.00 200L MD20L83300000 3,70,760
18.50 25.00 200L MD20L61300000 3,21,740 18.50 25.00 225S MD22S81300000 4,60,210
22.00 30.00 200L MD20L63300000 3,48,870 22.00 30.00 225M MD22M83300000 6,04,930
30.00 40.00 225M MD22M62300000 5,71,710 30.00 40.00 250M MD25M81300000 7,42,950
37.00 50.00 250M MD25M60300000 7,03,700 37.00 50.00 280S MD28S82300000 9,53,320
45.00 60.00 280S MD28S61300000 8,37,050 45.00 60.00 280M MD28M85300000 9,73,520
55.00 75.00 280M MD28M63300000 9,02,260

All motors are with T Box on top.

Frames 112 & 132 can be offered wth T Box on RHS on request.
Frames 160 to 280 can be offered with T Box on RHS/LHS on request.
For higher ra ngs refer to IE2 Series Motors.

*GST extra as applicable at the me of delivery.

LP39 Rev. 01 w.e.f. 26th Sept 2019

FLP MOTORS: Efficiency Values Complying to IE2 Class
Foot mounted (B3 construc on) 3 Phase Squirrel Cage Induc on Motor, 415V ±10%, 50Hz ±5%, , Combined Varia on ±10%,
Insula on Class F, with temperature rise limited to Class B, Degree of Protec on IP55, Duty S1, Ambient Temp 45°C,
Method of Cooling: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled, Conforms to IS/IEC:60034-1, IS/IEC 60079-1:2007, IE2 Efficiency Class, Gas Group IIA, IIB.

3000 rpm 2 Pole 1500 rpm 4 Pole

kW HP Frame Type Reference LP39 kW HP Frame Type Reference LP39
0.37 0.50 80 2J0802A300000 31,630 0.37 0.50 80 2J08041300000 31,070
0.55 0.75 80 2J0802B300000 35,350 0.55 0.75 80 2J08043300000 34,290
0.75 1.00 80 2J08021300000 36,430 0.75 1.00 80 2J08045300000 35,650
1.10 1.50 80 2J08023300000 40,810 1.10 1.50 90L 2J09L42300000 40,790
1.50 2.00 90L 2J09L24300000 42,640 1.50 2.00 90L 2J09L47300000 44,500
2.20 3.00 90L 2J09L27300000 57,310 2.20 3.00 100L 2J10L47300000 58,730
3.70 5.00 100L 2J10L23300000 72,830 3.70 5.00 112M 2J11M47300000 71,710
5.50 7.50 132S 2J13S2G300000 1,02,770 5.50 7.50 132S 2J13S4K300000 98,080
7.50 10.00 132S 2J13S2N300000 1,13,380 7.50 10.00 132M 2J13M4T300000 1,12,340
9.30 12.50 160M 2J16M23300000 1,92,660 9.30 12.50 160M 2J16M4C300000 1,64,670
11.00 15.00 160M 2J16M25300000 1,93,690 11.00 15.00 160M 2J16M4K300000 1,74,000
15.00 20.00 160M 2J16M26300000 2,32,520 15.00 20.00 160L 2J16L4T300000 2,11,920
18.50 25.00 160L 2J16L29300000 2,64,520 18.50 25.00 180L 2J18L47300000 2,47,360
22.00 30.00 180L 2J18L23300000 3,10,890 22.00 30.00 180L 2J18L48300000 2,83,730
30.00 40.00 200L 2J20L2A300000 4,23,650 30.00 40.00 200L 2J20L45300000 3,85,460
37.00 50.00 200L 2J20L25300000 5,49,680 37.00 50.00 225M 2J22M43300000 5,02,040
45.00 60.00 225M 2J22M25300000 6,94,640 45.00 60.00 225M 2J22M45300000 6,35,940
55.00 75.00 250M 2J25M23300000 8,55,820 55.00 75.00 250M 2J25M43300000 7,79,160
75.00 100.00 280M 2J28M23300000 10,50,270 75.00 100.00 280S 2J28S42300000 9,52,650
90.00 120.00 280M 2J28M25300000 11,30,530 90.00 120.00 280M 2J28M45300000 9,71,090
110.00 150.00 315S 2J31S23300000 13,46,550 110.00 150.00 315S 2J31S41300000 11,60,760
125.00 170.00 315M 2J31M2A300000 15,37,310 125.00 170.00 315M 2J31M4A300000 13,35,980
132.00 180.00 315M 2J31M23300000 15,53,030 132.00 180.00 315M 2J31M43300000 14,04,620
150.00 200.00 315L 2J31L2A300000 17,06,430 150.00 200.00 315L 2J31L4A300000 14,46,590
160.00 215.00 315L 2J31L25300000 17,60,740 160.00 215.00 315L 2J31L45300000 14,74,900
180.00 240.00 315L 2J31L2B300000 21,11,010 180.00 240.00 315L 2J31L46300000 17,65,520
#200 270.00 315L 2J31L47300000 21,05,780

All motors are with T Box on top as standard feature.

Frames 112 & 132 can be offered with T Box on RHS on request.
Frames 160 to 280 can be offered with T Box on RHS/LHS on request.
# This ra ng is suitable for Ambient Temperature 40° C.

*GST extra as applicable at the me of delivery.

LP39 Rev. 01 w.e.f. 26th Sept 2019

FLP MOTORS: Efficiency Values Complying to IE2 Class
Foot mounted (B3 construc on) 3 Phase Squirrel Cage Induc on Motor, 415V ±10%, 50Hz ±5%, Combined Varia on ±10%,
Insula on Class F, with temperature rise limited to Class B, Degree of Protec on IP55, Duty S1, Ambient Temperature 45°C,
Method of Cooling: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled, Conforms to IS/IEC:60034-1, IS/IEC 60079-1:2007, IE2 Efficiency Class, Gas Group IIA, IIB.

1000 rpm 6 Pole 750 rpm, 8 pole

kW HP Frame Type Reference LP39 kW HP Frame Type Reference LP39
0.37 0.50 80 2J08061300000 36,120 0.37 0.5 90L 2J09L83300000 39,430
0.55 0.75 80 2J08063300000 37,060 0.55 0.75 90L 2J09L85300000 42,680
0.75 1.00 90L 2J09L63300000 43,200 0.75 1 100L 2J10L81300000 51,630
1.10 1.50 90L 2J09L65300000 44,460 1.10 1.5 100L 2J10L83300000 60,100
1.50 2.00 100L 2J10L63300000 64,380 1.50 2 112M 2J11M81300000 72,080
2.20 3.00 112M 2J11M65300000 74,830 2.20 3 132S 2J13S8B300000 95,250
3.70 5.00 132S 2J13S6G300000 99,130 3.70 5 160M 2J16M81300000 1,54,130
5.50 7.50 132M 2J13M6T300000 1,20,150 5.50 7.5 160M 2J16M83300000 1,67,510
7.50 10.00 160M 2J16M63300000 1,85,900 7.50 10 160L 2J16L86300000 2,15,810
9.30 12.50 160L 2J16L66300000 2,14,850 9.30 12.5 180L 2J18L83300000 3,40,150
11.00 15.00 160L 2J16L67300000 2,27,700 15.00 20 200L 2J20L84300000 4,84,340
15.00 20.00 180L 2J18L63300000 2,91,280 18.50 25 225S 2J22S82300000 6,01,290
18.50 25.00 200L 2J20L63300000 3,65,670 22.00 30 225M 2J22M83300000 7,91,370
22.00 30.00 200L 2J20L65300000 3,96,660 30.00 40 250M 2J25M81300000 9,71,930
30.00 40.00 225M 2J22M64300000 6,50,270 37.00 50 280S 2J28S82300000 12,47,250
37.00 50.00 250M 2J25M63300000 7,98,650 45.00 60 280M 2J28M85300000 13,40,480
45.00 60.00 280S 2J28S61300000 9,27,550
55.00 75.00 280M 2J28M63300000 10,00,460
75.00 100.00 315S 2J31S61300000 11,73,170
90.00 120.00 315M 2J31M63300000 13,75,710
110.00 150.00 315M 2J31M65300000 15,08,250
125.00 170.00 315L 2J31L6A300000 17,84,690
132.00 180.00 315L 2J31L67300000 18,28,240
150.00 200.00 315L 2J31L6B300000 21,39,370
160.00 215.00 315L 2J31L69300000 23,03,440

All motors are with T Box on top as standard feature.

Frames 112 & 132 can be offered with T Box on RHS on request.
Frames 160 to 280 can be offered with T Box on RHS/LHS on request.

*GST extra as applicable at the me of delivery.

LP39 Rev. 01 w.e.f. 26th Sept 2019

FLP MOTORS: Efficiency Values Complying to IE3 Class
Foot mounted (B3 construc on) 3 Phase Squirrel Cage Induc on Motor, 415V ±10%, 50Hz ±5%, , Combined Varia on ±10%,
Insula on Class F, with temperature rise limited to Class B, Degree of Protec on IP55, Duty S1, Ambient Temp: 45°C,
Method of Cooling: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled, Conforms to IS/IEC:60034-1, IS/IEC 60079-1:2007, IE3 Efficiency Class, Gas Group IIA, IIB.

3000 rpm, 2 pole 1500 rpm, 4 pole

kW HP Frame Type Reference LP39 kW HP Frame Type Reference LP39
1.5 2 90L 3J09L2B300000 50,710 1.1 1.5 90L 3J09L4B300000 47,590
2.2 3 90L 3J09L2E300000 65,330 1.5 2 90L 3J09L4E300000 52,250
3.7 5 100L 3J10L2B300000 83,030 2.2 3 100L 3J10L4B300000 70,300
5.5 7.5 132S 3J13S2C300000 1,17,160 3.7 5 112M 3J11M4B300000 81,750
7.5 10 132S 3J13S2H300000 1,29,250 5.5 7.5 132S 3J13S4C300000 1,11,810
9.3 12.5 160M 3J16M2B300000 2,19,630 7.5 10 132M 3J13M4H300000 1,28,070
11 15 160M 3J16M2E300000 2,20,810 9.3 12.5 160M 3J16M4E300000 1,91,020
15 20 160M 3J16M2H300000 2,61,820 11 15 160M 3J16M4H300000 1,98,360
18.5 25 160L 3J16L2M300000 3,01,550 15 20 160L 3J16L4M300000 2,41,570
22 30 20L 3J20L25300000 3,50,780 18.5 25 20L 3J20L4A300000 2,87,200
30 40 22M 3J22M23300000 4,76,370 22 30 20L 3J20L43300000 3,19,840
37 50 22M 3J22M25300000 5,95,290 30 40 22M 3J22M43300000 4,36,460
45 60 25M 3J25M21300000 7,09,300 37 50 25M 3J25M4A300000 5,80,190
55 75 28S 3J28S2A300000 9,67,430 45 60 25M 3J25M41300000 6,79,180
75 100 28S 3J28S2E300000 11,31,830 55 75 28S 3J28S42300000 8,45,760
90 120 28M 3J28M2H300000 12,66,560 75 100 28S 3J28S4B300000 10,11,700
90 120 28M 3J28M4H300000 10,70,010

All motors are with T Box on top.

Frames 112 & 132 can be offered with T Box on RHS on request.
Frames 160 to 280 can be offered with T Box on RHS/LHS on request.

*GST extra as applicable at the me of delivery.

LP39 Rev. 01 w.e.f. 26th Sept 2019

FLP MOTORS : Efficiency Values Complying to IE3 Class
Foot mounted (B3 construc on) 3 Phase Squirrel Cage Induc on Motor, 415V ±10%, 50Hz ±5%, Combined Varia on ±10%,
Insula on Class F, with temperature rise limited to Class B, Degree of Protec on IP55, Duty S1, Ambient Temperature 45°C,
Method of Cooling: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled, Conforms to IS/IEC:60034-1, IS/IEC 60079-1:2007, IE3 Efficiency Class, Gas Group IIA, IIB.

1000 rpm, 6 pole 750 rpm, 8 pole

kW HP Frame Type Reference LP39 kW HP Frame Type Reference LP39
0.75 1 90L 3J09L6B300000 49,250 0.37 0.5 90L 3J09L85300000 60,670
1.1 1.5 90L 3J09L6E300000 53,210 0.55 0.75 90L 3J09L86300000 62,300
1.5 2 100L 3J10L6B300000 72,140 0.75 1 100L 3J10L83300000 79,730
2.2 3 112M 3J11M6B300000 85,310 1.1 1.5 100L 3J10L85300000 82,650
3.7 5 132S 3J13S6C300000 1,13,010 1.5 2 112M 3J11M83300000 93,680
5.5 7.5 132M 3J13M6H300000 1,36,970 2.2 3 132S 3J13S8B300000 1,24,400
7.5 10 160M 3J16M6B300000 2,03,740 3.7 5 160M 3J16M82300000 1,95,660
9.3 12.5 160L 3J16L6E300000 2,11,510 5.5 7.5 160M 3J16M84300000 2,32,110
11 15 160L 3J16L6H300000 2,66,410 7.5 10 160L 3J16L88300000 2,43,300
15 20 20L 3J20L63300000 3,29,630
18.5 25 20L 3J20L65300000 4,10,630
22 30 22M 3J22M62300000 4,42,180
30 40 25M 3J25M60300000 7,02,280
37 50 25M 3J25M6B300000 8,92,510
45 60 28S 3J28S6B300000 10,06,470
55 75 28M 3J28M6E300000 11,06,220

All motors are with T Box on top.

Frames 112 & 132 can be offered with T Box on RHS on request.
Frames 160 to 280 can be offered with T Box on RHS/LHS on request.

*GST extra as applicable at the me of delivery.

LP39 Rev. 01 w.e.f. 26th Sept 2019

Foot mounted (B3 construc on) 3 Phase Squirrel Cage Induc on Motors suitable to operate on DOL supply: 415V ±10%, 50Hz±5%
Combined Varia on ±10%, Insula on Class F, Degree of Protec on IP55, Ambient Temperature 45°C, Method of Cooling:
Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled, 150 Starts/Stops per hour, Duty S4, CDF 40% conforms to IS/IEC 60034

1500 rpm, 4 Pole 1000 rpm, 6 Pole

kW HP Frame Type Reference LP39 kW HP Frame Type Reference LP39
0.55 0.75 71 MC071433 14,250 0.37 0.50 71 MC071633 15,890
0.75 1.00 80 MC080413 15,840 0.55 0.75 80 MC080613 17,110
1.10 1.50 80 MC080433 15,950 0.75 1.00 80 MC080633 17,290
1.50 2.00 90S MC09S433 17,640 1.10 1.50 90L MC09L6A3 19,300
2.20 3.00 90L MC09L453 19,220 1.50 2.00 90L MC09L653 21,410
3.70 5.00 100L MC10L453 27,640 2.20 3.00 100L MC10L653 28,260
5.50 7.50 112M MC11M453 32,360 3.70 5.00 112M MC11M653 34,630
7.50 10.00 132S MC13S4G3 47,580 5.50 7.50 132S MC13S6G3 49,570
9.30 12.50 132M MC13M4P3 58,510 7.50 10.00 132M MC13M6T3 58,080
11.00 15.00 160M MC16M4A3 82,020 9.30 12.50 160M MC16M633 87,590
15.00 20.00 160M MC16M4F3 88,200 11.00 15.00 160L MC16L663 1,03,160
18.50 25.00 160L MC16L4P3 1,03,930 13.00 17.50 160L MC16L673 1,08,820
22.00 30.00 180L MC18L473 1,51,040 17.00 23.00 180L MC18L633 1,57,430
30.00 40.00 200L MC20L433 2,20,860 22.00 30.00 200L MC20L633 2,04,370
37.00 50.00 225S MC22S413 2,62,710 30.00 40.00 225M MC22M623 2,84,510
45.00 60.00 225M MC22M433 3,25,830 37.00 50.00 250M MC25M603 4,30,180
55.00 75.00 250M MC25M413 4,29,990 45.00 60.00 280S MC28S613 5,48,120
75.00 100.00 280S MC28S413 5,30,000 52.00 70.00 280M MC28M633 6,21,810
90.00 120.00 280M MC28M433 5,91,280 70.00 95.00 315S MC31S613 7,63,820
110.00 150.00 315S MC31S413 7,96,670 85.00 115.00 315M MC31M633 9,60,950
132.00 160.00 315M MC31M433 8,82,210 102.00 135.00 315M MC31M653 10,70,450
160.00 215.00 315L MC31L453 10,56,370 125.00 167.00 315L MC31L673 12,43,620
180.00 250.00 315L MC31L463 11,14,030 150.00 200.00 315L MC31L693 12,94,520
200.00 270.00 315L MC31L473 12,47,860

750rpm, 8 Pole
kW HP Frame Type Reference LP39
0.55 0.75 90S MC09S813 19,900
0.75 1.00 90L MC09L853 20,330
1.10 1.50 100L MC10L813 23,800
1.50 2.00 100L MC10L833 28,990
2.20 3.00 112M MC11M833 44,510
3.70 5.00 132S MC13S8G3 70,090
5.50 7.50 160M MC16M833 88,200
7.50 10.00 160L MC16L873 1,17,410
9.30 12.50 180M MC18M813 1,40,460
11.00 15.00 180L MC18L833 1,57,830
15.00 20.00 200L MC20L833 2,22,350
18.50 25.00 225S MC22S813 2,69,690
22.00 30.00 225M MC22M833 3,25,530 Frames 71-132 are with Aluminium body with T Box on Top.
30.00 40.00 250M MC25M813 4,37,750
Frame 160 is with Cast Iron Body with T Box on Top.
37.00 50.00 280S MC28S823 5,59,480
45.00 60.00 280M MC28M853 6,49,080 Frames 180 -225 are with Cast Iron body with T Box on RHS.
55.00 75.00 315S MC31S813 7,76,970 (TOP/LHS T Box can be offered on request)
75.00 100.00 315M MC31M833 9,77,540 Frames 250 and above are with Cast Iron body with T Box on top.
90.00 120.00 315M MC31M853 10,98,290 (RHS / LHS T Box can be offered on request)
110.00 150.00 315L MC31L873 11,59,720 Frames 90-132 can also be offered with Cast Iron body with T Box
132.00 180.00 315L MC31L893 13,58,220 on Top, RHS or LHS can be offered on request.

LP39 Rev. 01 w.e.f. 26th Sept 2019

B3 construc on, 3 Phase Slipring Induc on Motor, 415V±10%, 50Hz ±5% Combined Varia on ±10%,
Insula on for Stator/Rotor: class F/F, Degree of Protec on IP55, Ambient Temperature 45°C, Method of Cooling:
Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled, Duty S4, CDF 40%, 60 Starts / Stops per hour conforms to IS/IEC 60034

1000 rpm, 6 Pole

kW HP Frame Type Reference LP39
1.10 1.50 100L MP10L61300000 76,130
1.50 2.00 100L MP10L62300000 80,430
2.40 3.20 112M MP11M62300000 86,120
3.30 4.40 112M MP11M64300000 95,990
4.00 5.30 132M MP13M61300000 99,500
5.50 7.50 132M MP13M66300000 1,16,100
7.00 9.40 160L MP16L61300000 1,44,860
10.00 13.40 160L MP16L65300000 1,88,070

Note: Cash Extra Price Calcula ons:

1. This LP39 Rev.01 supercedes all our earlier Price Lists. a) Wherever cash extras are in percentage please add to the list
2. Prices men oned are maximum recommended selling prices and price and then apply discount.
are subject to change without no ce. b) Where cash extras are in absolute values please add them to the
3. Prices are exclusive of GST; GST will be extra as prevailing at the discounted net price i.e. a er applying the discount.
me of dispatch. (No discount applicable on absolute values)
4. KW and HP are indicated, kW is binding and HP is approximate. *GST extra as applicable at the me of delivery.
5. Product upgrada on is a con nuous process, hence data in this
price list is subject to change without prior no ce.
For latest informa on please contact our Sales Office.

LP39 Rev. 01 w.e.f. 26th Sept 2019

Sr. No. FEATURES Cash Extras / Percentage Extra
Construc on (Moun ng Posi on)
(a) B3, B6, B7, B8, V5 and V6 Nil
Standard Flange / Face moun ng
(B5, V1, V18, V19, B14 : B14 is ll 132 frame)
(i) 63 to 160 Frame 3%
(ii) 180 Frame and above 5%
(c) Foot cum Flange / Face moun ng (B35 / B34: B34 is ll 132 frame)
(i) 63 to 160 Frame 3%
(ii) 180 Frame and above 5%

1.02 Canopy
(a) Top plate cowl for V1 construc on 5% Subject to max. Rs. 5,000/-
(b) FRP Canopy
For Safe Area: 90 and above
5% subject to max. Rs. 9,000/-
For Flameproof: 160 and above
(for other frames: Refer Sales office)

1.03 Sha Extension / Material

(a) Single / double non std sha , if dia or extn is less than or equal to standard 5%
Single / double non standard sha extension with length restricted to
(b) 10%
2.5 mes standard
(c) Any other Diameter / Extension Refer to Sales Office
(d) EN19, EN24 / EN57 material, 45C8 10%
(e) Stainless Steel Sha material (SS304, SS316, SS410, SS416) 15%
(f) Other material (if any) Refer to Sales Office

1.04 Water Flingers: Rubber Material

(i) Frame 132 to 180 850/-
(ii) Frame 200 & 225 1,000/-
(iii) Frame 250 2,750/-
Water Flinger of other than rubber material Refer to Sales Office

LP39 Rev. 01 w.e.f. 26th Sept 2019

Sr. No. FEATURES Cash Extras / Percentage Extra
1.05 Pain ng
(a) Paint Type
5% (subjected to max Rs. 5,000/-)
(i) For Safe Area Motors: Other than Acrylic Paint (if safe area motor is required with AAP,
then standard shade will be 632)

5% (subjected to max Rs. 5,000/-)

For Hazardous Area Motors (Ex'd', Ex 'nA'): Other than
(ii) (hazardous area motors are offered with
Acid Alkali Proof Paint
Acid Alkali Proof paint as standard feature)
(Epoxy gel coat on winding overhang and SS nameplate is standard feature for Hazardous Area Motors i.e. Ex'd', Ex 'nA' motors)
(b) Paint Shade
(i) For Safe Area Motors: Other than RAL 5000 5% (subjected to max Rs. 7,000/-)
(ii) For Hazardous Area Motors (Ex'd', Ex 'nA'): Other than 632 shade 5% (subjected to max Rs. 7,000/-)
(c) Paint Thickness ( for AAP type paint )
(i) For Addi onal paint thickness, more than 70 micron and upto 120 micron Nil
(ii) For addi onal paint thickness, more than 121 micron and upto 170 micron 7%
(iii) For addi onal paint thickness, more than 171 micron and upto 220 micron 10%
(iv) For addi onal paint thickness, more than 221 micron and upto 270 micron 15%

1.06 Ingress Protec on: IP

(i) IP56 / IP65 / IP66 5%

1.07 Non Sparking Motors (Type 'nA') 7.5% For the selected frame

1.08 Impregna on Schemes Fr. 63-225 Fr. 250-280 Fr. 315 and Above
(a) Inverter Grade Winding 8% 8% Nil
(b) Only VPI 5% 5% Nil
(c) Motors for Inverter Duty: 500 to 690 V (Scheme III Insula on) 10%

1.09 Forced Cooling (Fan with motor and Cowl)

(a) Frame 132, 160 25% With max of Rs. 6,500/-
(b) Frame 180 to 200 22% With max of Rs. 16,000/-
(c) Frame 225 12% With max of Rs. 26,000/-
(d) Frame 250 12% With max of Rs. 26,000/-
(e) Frame 280 12% With max of Rs. 30,000/-
(f) Frame 315 12% With max of Rs. 35,000/-
(g) Frame 355 12% With max of Rs. 42,000/-
(h) Frame 400 12% With max of Rs. 52,000/-

1.10 Provision for Encoder Moun ng 5% ; Minimum Rs. 3000/- ; Maximum Rs. 7,500/-

LP39 Rev. 01 w.e.f. 26th Sept 2019

Sr. No. FEATURES Cash Extras / Percentage Extra
1.11 Space Heater: safe area and hazardous area motors
Note: Space Heater is a Standard feature for DCCA Motors
(a) Frame 90 to 160…safe area With max of Rs. 2,000/-
(b) Frame 180…for safe area With max of Rs. 3,250/-
(c) Frame 200 to 280…for safe area With max of Rs. 3,800/-
(d) Frame 315 and 355…for safe area With max of Rs. 4,200/-
71, 80 : Rs. 2450
90, 100 & 112 : Rs. 3260
132 : Rs. 3480
(e) Cash Extras for PESO Approved Space Heaters
160 to 200 : Rs. 3870
225 to 280 : Rs. 5330
315 & 355 : Rs. 7310

1.12 Sealing Box for FLP Motors

(Mandatorily to be considered for applica ons in Oil Mines and Coal Mines)
(a) Frame 90 to 132 Rs. 1,650/-
(b) Frame 160 and above Rs. 2,200/-

1.13 Cable Glands: For Safe and Hazardous Area Motors Per Gland
Double Compression Gland
Safe Area: Hazardous Area (80 frame):
(a) Frame 56 to 80 (Star connected) Rs. 1,300/- Rs. 1,300/-
(Only single run can be given in these frames)
Safe Area: (2Run) Hazardous Area: (1Run)
(b) Frame 90 to 132
Rs. 1,300/- per gland Rs. 1,500/- per gland
Safe Area: Hazardous Area:
(c) Frame 160 to 225 - DOL (2Runs)
Rs. 2,400/- Rs. 2,800/-
Safe Area: Hazardous Area:
(d) Frame 250 to 315 - DOL (2Runs)
Rs. 3,800/- Rs. 4,800/-
(e) Frame 355 to 450: DOL (2Runs) Safe Area only: Rs. 4,500/-

1.14 Provision for fitment of external brake

On NDE side (e.g. EMCO): Providing Brake moun ng arrangement only 15% Upto frame 200
(without brake)

1.15 Low Vibra on -IS 12075:2008 / IEC 60034-14:2007

(a) Reduced Vibra on
(b) Special Vibra on 20%

LP39 Rev. 01 w.e.f. 26th Sept 2019

Sr. No. FEATURES Cash Extras / Percentage Extra
1.16 Bearings (Online Greasing Arrangement is standard
(a) Roller Bearing at DE Side in place of ball bearing feature in motors where Roller bearings are used)
(i) Frame 112 & 132 (pre-greased, no OLGA provided) Rs. 1,800/-
(ii) Frame 160, 180 Rs. 1,800/-
(iii) Frame 200 Rs. 3,500/-
(iv) Frame 225 to 250 Rs. 5,000/-
(v) Frame 280 to 315 Rs. 7,000/-
(vi) Frame 355 Rs. 14,000/-
(vii) Frame 400 Rs. 21,000/-
(viii) Frame 450 Rs. 31,000/-
(b) Hybrid Bearing
(i) NDE - Frame 132 Rs. 13,000/-
(ii) NDE - Frame 160-180 Rs. 15,700/-
(iii) NDE - Frame 200-225 Rs. 17,500/-
(c) Insulated Bearings
(i) NDE - Frame 250, 280, 315 Rs. 33,600/-
(ii) NDE - Frame 355, 400 Rs. 47,000/-
(iii) NDE - Frame 450 Rs. 85,000/-

1.17 Other Miscellaneous Features

(a) One size Higher T Box (for fr 132 & 160: 4%); for all other frames it is 2%
(b) Cast Iron T Box 2%
(c) C I Fan (where plas c fan is standard) 2%
(d) S.S. Hardware (only for safe area motors) 2% with maximum Rs. 4,000/-
Seaworthy / export packing case for home market
(e) 5% subject to Rs. 6000/-
(Without fumiga on cer ficate)
(f) Longer Flying leads (length not exceeding 1.5mtr) 2.5% subject to max. Rs. 5,000/-
(g) Longer Flying leads (length exceeding 1.5mtr and less than 3m) 3% subject to max. Rs. 7,500/-
(h) Extra Name Plate / Tag Plate Rs. 400/-

1.18 Miscellaneous Mechanical Features:

(a) Direc on Arrow Plate Rs. 400/-
(b) Spreader box (frames 180-315 Frame) for safe area Motors 2%
For Safe Area: Frame 160 to 200: Rs. 1,250/-
(c) On Line Greasing Arrangement
For FLP & Ex'nA': Frame 180 to 200: Rs. 1,250/-
(d) SPM Nipples provision: for safe area motors (for 250 frame onwards) 2% subject to Rs. 5,000/-
Fr 63 to 100: Rs. 800/-
Fr 112 to160: Rs. 1,600/-
High Temperature Grease (Molykote HP 300)
(e) Fr 180 to 280: Rs. 11,000/-
(For other grade High Temperature Grease, refer to Sales Office)
Fr 315 to 355: Rs. 19,000/-
(f) Fr 400 to 450: Rs. 49,000/-
3, 4 cable Run T Box 5% For 355 Frame and above

1.19 Motor with Fabricated body 15%

LP39 Rev. 01 w.e.f. 26th Sept 2019

Sr. No. FEATURES Cash Extras / Percentage Extra

1.20 10% over LP of FLP motor of respec ve

Flameproof Motors with ATEX, IECEX approval
efficiency level.

112 & 132 : Rs. 5380/-

Cash Extra for Atex Approved Space Heaters
1.21 160 & 225 : Rs. 6110/-
Cash Extra for Atex Approved Thermistors (3Nos.) Rs. 3800/-

1.22 Motors suitable for Zone 21 / Zone 22 Refer Sales Office

LP39 Rev. 01 w.e.f. 26th Sept 2019

Sr. No. FEATURES Cash Extras / Percentage Extra
2.01 Base voltage between 250 -550 V
(a) 415 V, 50 Hz Nil
(b) Non Standard Voltage 220 / 550 V, 50Hz / 60Hz 5%
(c) Dual voltage with 1:2 ra o example 220/440V 5%

Insula on Class 'H' (DC wire and VPI is standard feature for
2.02 10%
motors with H class insula on)

2.03 Thermistors / Thermostats (90 Frame onwards)

(a) Set of 3 nos PTC Thermistors without controller Rs. 2,400/-
(b) Set of 6 nos PTC Thermistors without controller Rs. 4,800/-
(c) Thermostats per unit Rs. 600/-

2.04 Mul speed Motors (safe area only)

(a) Single tapped winding upto 8 pole 10% over IE2 safe area
(b) Dual speed with separate winding or polarity above 8 pole 17.5% over IE2 safe area
(c) Motors single speed with 10, 12, 16 Poles 15% over IE2 safe area

2.05 Intermi ent Duty Motors (for motors other than standard MC series) 10%

2.06 RTD: (safe area only)

(a) RTD (Simplex: 3 nos: 1 per phase): for safe area 250 frame and above;
Rs. 6000/-
(b) However it is a standard for DCCA motors.

(c) Rs. 10,000/- 250 frame onwards

RTD (Simplex: 6 nos: 2 per phase): for safe area motors
(Not for hazardous area motors)
Rs. 12,000/- 250 frame onwards
RTD (Duplex: 3 Nos: 1 per phase): for safe area motors
(Not for hazardous area motors)
Rs. 24,000/- 250 frame onwards
RTD (Duplex: 6Nos: 2 per phase): for safe area motors
(Not for hazardous area motors)

2.07 BTD (safe area only)

(a) BTD: Simplex: 2 nos for safe area 250 frame and above; However it is a
Rs. 7,000/-
(b) standard feature for DCCA motors.

(c) Rs. 9,000/- Frame 250 onwards

BTD: Duplex: 2 nos for safe area Frame 250 and above
(Not for hazardous area motors).


3.01 Rou ne Tes ng
(a) Frame 63 to 132 Rs. 2,200/-
(b) Frame 160 to 225 Rs. 3,500/-
(c) Frame 250 and above Rs. 5,000/-

LP39 Rev. 01 w.e.f. 26th Sept 2019

Sr. No. FEATURES Cash Extras / Percentage Extra
3.02 TYPE Test
(a) Frame 63 to 132 Rs. 5,500/-
(b) Frame 160 to 225 Rs. 10,000/-
(c) Frame 250 to 315 Rs. 14,000/-
(d) Frame 355 and above Rs. 16,000/-

3.03 Combined Tes ng

for both Safe and Hazardous Area Motors in
presence of approved test house
(a) Frame 63 to 132 Rs. 1,60,000/-
(b) Frame 160 - 225 Rs. 1,75,000/-
(c) Frame 250 - 315 Rs. 1,80,000/-
(d) Frame 355 and above Rs. 2,00,000/-
(e) Motor tes ng with Inverter Drive (Safe Area) Rs. 60,000/- With BBL cer fica on only.

3.04 Noise and Vibra on Test

(a) Frame 63 to 132 Rs. 750/-
(b) Frame 160 to 225 Rs. 800/-
(c) Frame 250 and above Rs. 1,000/-

Rs. 2,500/- Minimum charge for this test will

be for Rs. 7500/- i.e it is for min 3 nos
3.05 (a) Sha UT Test (per unit) sha s; For any quan ty more than
3 nos the said charge will apply.
Rs. 5,000/- Minimum charge for this test will be
for Rs. 10000/- i.e it is for min 2 nos
(b) Sha DP or LPT Test (per unit)
sha s; For any quan ty more than
2 nos the said charge will apply.

Rs.7,000/- Minimum charge for this test will\ be

for Rs. 14000/- i.e it is for min 2 nos;
3.06 Body DP or LPT Test For any quan ty more than 2 nos the
said charge per motor will apply.

3.07 Documenta on Charges (Technical/Commersial) Per Ra ng

(a) Documents for approval / submission Rs. 1,600/-
(b) Reproducible tracing copies for final submission Rs. 5,800/-
(c) Marine Motors' documenta on Rs. 15,000/-

3.08 Longer Core length 10%

Cash Extra Price Calcula ons.

a) Wherever cash extras are in percentage please add to the list price and then apply discount.
b) Where cash extras are in absolute values please add them to the discounted net price i.e. a er applying the discount.
(No discount applicable on absolute values)
*GST extra as applicable at the me of delivery.

LP39 Rev. 01 w.e.f. 26th Sept 2019


Regional Offices


Authorised Service Centre: Motors

Service Centre: Servo Motors

Faridabad Panipat
New Delhi
Bhiwadi, Alwar
Udaipur Rewa

Ahmedabad Bhopal
Baroda Indore
Bilaspur Ramgarh
Rajkot Ankleshwar
Surat Nagpur Jamshedpur
Vapi Raipur


Mumbai Bhuvaneshwar

Pune Visakhapattanam
Mumbai T: +91 22 6145 7200
Secunderabad Pune T: 7410011272 / 7410011271
Ahmedabad T: +91 79 6604 9200
New Delhi T: +91 11 2581 6931 / 6932 / 6933
Hubli Indore T: +91 731 2524 474 / 2514 486
Bengaluru Ludhiana T: +91 161 2775 692 / 93
Jaipur T: +91 141 2377 223
Veppadai Kolkata T: +91 33 2443 2368 / 2382 / 2383
Coimbatore Bengaluru T: +91 80 2559 2646 / 2137 / 2681
Chennai T: +91 44 2815 4794 / 4793
Secunderabad T: +91 40 2780 1791 / 2781 4512
Coimbatore T: +91 422 4204314

For any enquiries please write to motorlvsales@bharatbijlee.com

With effect from 26th Sept 2019

+91 22 - 2763 7290 | serviceline@bharatbijlee.com

Customer Service Helpdesk for Industrial Systems


Electric Mansion, 6th Floor, No. 2, MIDC Thane-Belapur Road, Airoli,
Appasaheb Marathe Marg, Navi Mumbai 400 708
Prabhadevi, Mumbai 400 025 T: +91 22 2763 7200 / +91 22 2760 0401

T: +91 22 2430 6237 / 6375

E: info@bharatbijlee.com
CIN: L31300MH1946PLC005017 www.bharatbijlee.com

Product improvement is a continuous process and technical information herein is subject to change.

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