T.9.1.4 Punching Shear To EUROCODE2: RAPT User Manual
T.9.1.4 Punching Shear To EUROCODE2: RAPT User Manual
T.9.1.4 Punching Shear To EUROCODE2: RAPT User Manual
The critical perimeter is defined at a point 1.5 d from the loaded area. The code has limits defining acceptable loaded
areas. To comply with the code the
1. Shape must be within the following limits (where d is the effective depth of the slab)
circular, with diameter < 3.5 d
rectangular, with perimeter < 11 d and the ratio of length to breadth < 2
any shape, the limiting dimensions being fixed by analogy with the shape mentioned above.
2. Loaded area can not have its critical perimeter intersect with another critical perimeter from another load.
If the loaded area does not comply with the conditions above (ie for wall or rectangular column supports) then the
following diagram will define the critical perimeter.
Figure T.9.3
Moment Transfer
The total design shear force is calculated from
Vsd = total design shear force
u = the perimeter of the critical section
b = a coefficient which takes account of the effects of eccentricity of loading. (Moment transfer to
= 1.50 for corner columns
= 1.40 for edge columns
= 1.15 for internal columns
The shear resistance of slabs are calculated as follows
τRd varies according to concrete strength f ck ie
fckck 12 16 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
τRd 0.18 0.22 0.26 0.30 0.34 0.37 0.41 0.44 0.48
(ie P/A)
fyd = design yield stress of the reinforcement
The maximum design shear resistance for a slab containing shear reinforcement is (per unit length of critical
Acrit = the area within the critical perimeter
Aload = the area within the loaded area.
ρw = reinforcement ratio taken from clause and
RAPT assumes that (Acrit - Aload) = 1.5 x u
It should be noted that RAPT assumes that all loads are applied at the top and centre of the members. If this is not the
case then the designer should ensure that their design accounts for this condition. ie Add hanging shear reinforcement
to transfer the load to the top and torsion reinforcement to transfer the load to the centre of the member.
Note: ACI318 and AS3600 limit the effective depth to 0.8D for beam shear calculations. Thus in
theory it is possible to design the shear requirements for a beam assuming that tensile
reinforcement exists at 0.8D when there is no tension reinforcement at all. Users should
acknowledge this and consider placing some tension reinforcement in the tension face when these
parameters occur.
Critical Sections
For all code types RAPT places the critical shear section at 0.8D from the face of the columns.
1. the required spacing of 3 bar sizes (relevant bar specifications used for each code)
2. when minimum STIRRUP spacing is controlling
3. when no stirrups are required
4. the shear steel area divided by the shear steel spacing, Asv/s, required for strength ie before spacings are
5. the web shear width used, bv
The width of the ducts for the shear width, bv, are assumed to be
RAPT conservatively assumes all ducts detailed are within the web width.
RAPT calculates the required shear reinforcement based on the maximum reinforcement in the tension face for each
moment region as calculated from "Detail Flexural Reinforcement".
A warning will also be printed if a section fails in beam shear due to crushing of the compressive strut of the truss
model, ie if V* > φVu.max.
Other decisions made by the program are
The decompression bending moment is calculated taking due account of secondary bending moments.
If the principal tensile failure check does not need to be made at the flange / web junction ie. the neutral axis of the
gross-section does not lie within the flange, then the principal tensile force is still calculated at the flange / web
junction but is not compared with the force calculated at the centroid.
Both the current and previous Australian codes, American, British and South African codes do not require principal
tensile stress checks to be made for sections which are not prestressed.
The maximum principal tensile stress does not necessarily occur at the centroidal axis, where the maximum vertical
shearing stress occurs. For I-sections the junction of the flange and the web is frequently the critical location. ACI 318
(ref 23) and AS1481 both state that the check at the web / flange intersection need only be made when the neutral
axis lies within the flange itself.
Principal tensile failure is sudden and is very rarely preceded by a noticeable crack forming in the web of the member.
The calculation of the applied ultimate shear force, Vt required to induce the allowable principal tensile stress proceeds
as follows.
We define Vt as the shear force we need to apply to the cross-section in order to produce, in combination with the
applied service loads, a principal tensile stress equal to the tensile strength of the concrete. The assumption is made
that the applied bending moment does not increase with an increase in the applied shear force. This simplification is
not strictly correct. However the shear force we calculate, V t, when compared to the applied ultimate shear force, V*,
will yield a measure of the factor of safety for the loads as applied to the section.
If we set the principal tensile stress, s1 equal to the code maximum allowable stress (tensile positive)
(i) clause (T.9.9)
(ii) CP65
ACI318 =
R11.4.2 0.33
0100 =
clause 0.23 √f'cu
(v) clause
(vi) clause
The applied longitudinal axial stress is given by
Vt = the shear force to cause principal tensile cracking.
Q = first moment of area above or below the cut with respect to the centroidal axis.
I = second moment of area of the total cross-section
t = shear width of the section at the cut
= bv ie. allowance must be made for the presence of prestressing ducts crossing the shear plane.
bv = bw - 0.5 Σdd AS3600 clause 8.2.6
= bw - Σdd BS8110 clause 4.3.8 for ungrouted tendons
= bw - 0.667 Σdd BS8110 clause 4.3.8 for grouted tendons
= bw ACI318 gives no adjustment for tendons in the web width.
(tensile +ve)
multiply through by s1 / s1
Figure T.9.4
Figure T.9.5
The vertical component of the prestressing force, Pv, must be included as an additional force component. P v is
calculated by multiplying the prestress force by the inclination of the tendon (in radians). In the usual case this will
increase the shear capacity of the section as shown in figure T.9.5. As a general rule where the sign of V* and P v are
opposite then Pv increases the sections shear capacity.
In summary for principal tensile failure to occur
φVt < V*
φ is the capacity reduction factor for shear of 0.70. AS3600 table 2.3
Partial safety factors are used BS8110. Table 2.2 gives a γm factor of 1.25
φ is the capacity reduction factor for shear of 0.85. ACI318 clause 9.3.22
Equation T.9.13 is the equation used by RAPT to calculate the Principal Tensile Failure shear force. If necessary RAPT
will calculate this value at the centroid and web / flange intersection. (As discussed prior). RAPT will present the
results in the Detailed Shear Report. Each code uses different notation to describe the same shear force. Below is a
summary of the different code notation.
(i) firstly initiate a flexural crack, Vo. This will occur under the load which will cause
decompression of the extreme tensile fibre. The decompression bending moment,
Mo, must therefore be calculated. For reinforced sections decompression occurs as
soon as the section is loaded therefore Mo = 0. For prestressed sections Mo is
influenced by the effect of the prestressing overcoming the applied loads. Also for
continuous prestressed beams the effects of secondary actions must also be
accounted for.
The longitudinal stress at the extreme tensile fibre (at decompression) is found by
Due account must be taken here of any secondary bending moments if they exist.
If the assumption is made that the ratio of the shear force and the bending moment remains constant for
all loadings states and for simple and continuous spans we may state that the shear force at the
decompression moment will be
(ii) then to cause the crack to develop into an inclined tensile crack extending a distance
do. The formulation of the empirical equation for this capacity is based on extensive
experimental work considering the many variables which effect the shear strength.
For normal design this formula reduces to
Vuc may be considered as the shear capacity of the compressive member at the top of an equivalent
concrete truss where the compressive members are comprised of concrete and the tensile members are of
steel as shown in figure T.9.6 and T.9.7.
the greater of the depth to the centroid of the outermost layer of steel or
do =
0.8 times the overall depth of the section.
β1 = the larger of 1.1 and 1.6 - do / 2000
β2 = 1 or
N* can be applied by users in Input Screen using the Axial forces option.
As a general rule when the inclination of the tendon is of opposite sign to the applied ultimate shear force,
V*, then Pv will add to the shear capacity of the beam.
L = do / TAN θ
The number of stirrup legs crossing this projected length will be
= do / (s tanθ)
If the assumption is made that all the stirrups are at yield then the tensile force resisted by the stirrups will be
Vus =
Asv = the area of the stirrups per spacing s
fsy.f = the yield stress of the stirrups
The angle of the inclined crack, q, is dependent upon the level of shear present with respect to the shear capacity of
the cross-section. For lightly stressed sections this approaches 30 degrees and for heavily stressed sections 45
degrees. For intermediate percentages we may linearly interpolate between the two limits.
φVumin = the design strength in shear when minimum stirrups are provided ie where the area of
stirrups per spacing s equals
Asv / s = 0.35 bv / fsy.f
φVu.max = the design strength in shear when the diagonal compressive strut of the truss model
crushes. This is given by the following empirical formula
φVu.max = f ( 0.2 f'c bv do + Pv )
The total design strength in shear is then given by the summation of the shear strength of the concrete, given by the
minimum of the principal tensile strength and the flexural shear strength, plus the capacity of the stirrups. Therefore
for failure to occur
AS3600 provides rules for the detailing of the stirrups where they are required. Note that in some situations regardless
of whether the applied ultimate shear force is less than the design strength in shear, stirrups must be provided.
Figure T.9.6
Figure T.9.7
d = effective depth (distance from the extreme compression fibre to the centroid of the
steel area (Aps + As) in the tension zone).
where <1
See BS8110 Clause
SABS 0100 Clause
BS8110 and SABS 0100 do not give any indication of what to do for Axial Tension forces for reinforced members or
axial Tension / Compression forces for prestressed members. RAPT uses the AS3600 formula for these cases (AS3600
Clause or see section T.9.2.3 in this manual).
For BS8110 Vumax = 0.8 √fcu or 5 N/mm2 whichever is the lesser. (This includes an allowance of 1.25 for gm.)
For SABS 0100 Vumax = 0.75 √fcu or 4.75 N/mm2 whichever is the lesser. (This includes an allowance of 1.25 for γm.)
Shear reinforcement
RAPT assumes that the lesser of Vco and Vcr is equal to Vc. RAPT will calculate the required shear ties depending on the
size of the applied shear in comparison to the shear capacity of the member. RAPT gives the user two forms of results
• If V > Vc + 0.4 bv d
dt = depth from the extreme compression fibre either to the longitudinal bars or to the centroid of the
tendons, whichever is greater.
For reinforcement detailing rules the user should refer to the code.
Vc is not greater than 0.291√f'c bw d
Vci need not be taken less than 1.7 √f'c bw d
yt = distance from centroidal axis of gross section, neglecting reinforcement, to extreme fibre in
I = moment of inertia of section resisting externally applied factored loads.
fpe = compressive stress in concrete due to effective prestress forces (after losses) at extreme fibre
of section where tensile stress is caused by externally applied loads.
fd = stress due to unfactored dead load, at extreme fibre of section where tensile stress is caused by
externally applied loads.
Vi = factored shear force at section due to externally applied loads occurring simultaneously with
Mmax= maximum factored moment at section due to externally applied loads
Vd = shear force at section due to unfactored dead load.
Axial Compression / Tension
For Axial Compression, the above equations are modified so that M m is substituted for Mu and Vud/Mu is not limited to
h = member thickness
but Vc shall not be greater than
Vs = 0.667√f'c bw d
Shear Reinforcement
If Vu exceeds fVc then ties must be provided as follows
For spacings and detailing users should refer to the code for specifics.