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"T" Test: DR - Shovan Padhy DM1 Yr (Senior Resident) Dept. of CP & T NIMS, Hyderabad

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“t” Test

Dr.Shovan padhy
DM 1st yr (Senior Resident)
Dept. Of CP & T
NIMS , Hyderabad
• Background
• Different versions of t-test
• Main usage of t-test
• t-test v/s z-test
• Assumptions of t-test
• Examples

• Introduced in 1908 by William Sealy Gosset.

• Gosset published his mathematical work under the pseudonym “Student”.

• Definition of t test: “ It’s a method of testing hypothesis about the mean of

small sample drawn from a normally distributed population when the
standard deviation for the sample is unknown.”
Assumptions of t-Test
• Dependent variables are interval or ratio.

• The population from which samples are drawn is normally distributed.

• Samples are randomly selected.

• The groups have equal variance (Homogeneity of variance).

• The t-statistic is robust (it is reasonably reliable even if assumptions are not
fully met.)
Applications of t test

• The calculation of a confidence interval for a sample mean.

• To test whether a sample mean is different from a hypothesized value.

• To compare mean of two samples.

• To compare two sample means by group.

Types of “t” test

• Single sample t test – we have only 1 group; want to test against a

hypothetical mean.

• Independent samples t test – we have 2 means, 2 groups; no relation

between groups, Eg: When we want to compare the mean of T/T group
with Placebo group.

• Paired t test – It consists of samples of matched pairs of similar units or one

group of units tested twice. Eg: Difference of mean pre & post drug
One Sample t-test

• It is used in measuring whether a sample value significantly differs from a

hypothesized value.

• For example, a research scholar might hypothesize that on an average it

takes 3 minutes for people to drink a standard cup of coffee.

• He conducts an experiment and measures how long it takes his subjects to

drink a standard cup of coffee.

• The one sample t-test measures whether the mean amount of time it took
the experimental group to complete the task varies significantly from the
hypothesized 3 minutes value.
Equation for a one-sample t-test
• 10 individuals had taken an exam and we want to test whether their
scores, all together, are significantly different from the score of 100.

•We need to calculate the degrees of freedom.

•Here, the degrees of freedom is simply the sample size minus one.
•Therefore, Degrees of freedom = n – 1 = 10 – 1 = 9
•Now, we will refer to a t table to determine the critical t value for 9 degrees
of freedom at the .05 level of significance.
•Looking at a t table, this value is 2.26 .
•Since our calculated t value of 4.61 is greater than the critical t value of
2.26, we can say that the scores of our sample of 10 individuals differ
significantly from the score of 100.
T table
Independent t test

• The independent sample t-test consists of tests that compare mean value(s)
of continuous-level (interval or ratio data), in a normally distributed data.
• The independent sample t-test compares two means.
• The independent samples t-test is also called unpaired t-test/ two sample t
• It is the t-test to be used when two separate independent and identically
distributed variables are measured.
• Eg: 1. Comparision of quality of life improved for patients who took drug
Valporate as opposed to patients who took drug Levetiracetam in
myoclonic seizures.
• 2.Comparasion of mean cholesterol levels in treatment group with
placebo group after administration of test drug.

• A random sample of each population is used.

• The random samples are each made up of independent observation.

• Each sample is independent of one another.

• The population distribution of each population must be nearly normal, or the

size of the sample is large.
Independent t test

To test the null hypothesis that the two population means, μ1 and μ2, are
• 1. Calculate the difference between the two sample means, x ̄1 − x 2̄ .
• 2. Calculate the pooled standard deviation: sp
• 3. Calculate the standard error of the difference between the means:
• 4. Calculate the T-statistic, which is given by T = x 1̄ − x 2̄ /S E (x ̄ 1 − x ̄ 2 )
• This statistic follows a t-distribution with n1 + n2 − 2 degrees of freedom.
• 5. Use tables of the t-distribution to compare your value for T to the t n1+n2−2
distribution. This will give the p-value for the unpaired t-test.
Equation for the independent
samples t-test
•The independent-Samples t-test procedure compares means
for two groups of cases.
• Suppose we have to compare the mean value of two groups, one with 7
subjects and the other with 5 subjects .
• These were their scores:

For an independent or between subjects’

t test: df = n1+ n2 - 2
•Now, take the absolute value of this, which is 0.44.
•Now, for the .05 probability level with 10 degrees of freedom, we see from the
table that the critical t score is 2.228 for a two-tailed test.
•Since the calculated t score is lower than the critical t score, the results are not
significant at the .05 probability level.
T table
Paired t test

• A paired t-test is used to compare two population means where you have
two samples in which observations in one sample can be paired with
observations in the other sample.
• A comparison of two different methods of measurement or two different
treatments where the measurements/treatments are applied to the same
• Eg: 1.pre-test/post-test samples in which a factor is measured before and
after an intervention,
• 2.Cross-over trials in which individuals are randomized to two
treatments and then the same individuals are crossed-over to the alternative
• 3.Matched samples, in which individuals are matched on personal
characteristics such as age and sex,
Paired t test

• Suppose a sample of “n” subjects were given an antihypertensive drug we

want to check blood pressure before and after treatment . We want to find
out the effectiveness of the treatment by comparing mean pre & post t/t.
• To test the null hypothesis that the true mean difference is zero, the
procedure is as follows:
1.Calculate the difference (di = yi − xi) between the two observations on each
2.Calculate the mean difference, d.
3.Calculate the standard error of the mean differences.S.E=S.D/√n
4. Calculate the t-statistic, which is given by T = d/S.E, Under the null
hypothesis, this statistic follows a t-distribution with n − 1 degrees of freedom.
5. Use tables of the t-distribution to compare your value for T to the t n−1
distribution. This will give the p-value for the paired t-test.
• A z-test is a statistical test used to determine whether two population means are
different when the variances are known and the sample size is large. The test
statistic is assumed to have a normal distribution with a known S.D.
• The z-test is a hypothesis test in which the z-statistic follows a normal
• The z-test is best used for greater than 30 samples because, under the central
limit theorem, as the number of samples gets larger, the samples are considered
to be approximately normally distributed. When conducting a z-test, the null
and alternative hypothesis, alpha and z-score should be stated.
• Next, the test statistic should be calculated, and the results and conclusion
• z-test is used to test hypotheses about means for large samples (N>100) with a
known variance,We use t-test when the sample size is small (N < 100) and the
population variance is unknown.
• Ex: Comparing the prevelance of disease in men versus women.
Thank you

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