Week 14: Da Wah Through Interfaith Dialogues and Engagements
Week 14: Da Wah Through Interfaith Dialogues and Engagements
Week 14: Da Wah Through Interfaith Dialogues and Engagements
RKUD3030:Methods of Da'wah
Literal meaning of Dialogue
Dialogue: is an English word originated from Greek
‘dialectic’ which means ‘discourse’
RKUD3030:Methods of Da'wah
Technical meaning of Inter-Faith Dialogue
RKUD3030:Methods of Da'wah
General points about Dialoque
In a dialogue, there are differences in
views, perceptions and ideas towards the
issue being discussed among the
The purposes of dialogue are to listen, to
learn, to know and exchange ideas that
might benefit some or all parties involved.
Dialogue is built on responsive
characteristics based on tolerance, good
deeds, sound mind and thinking as well as
confidence and balance in all aspects.
RKUD3030:Methods of Da'wah
In other words, each participant must possess
certain characteristics such as the ability to
adapt, respond, be courteous in interacting and
communicating each idea and suggestion.
Dialogue instills a high level of consciousness
in oneself and a willingness to accept our own
mistake due to lack of knowledge and
RKUD3030:Methods of Da'wah
Objectives of Inter-Religious Dialogue
i. To affirm the truth, and to stimulate thinking
(19: 41 – 46.)
ii. To further understand the reality of a religion
iii. To Reduce tension among religious adherents
iv. To achieve global peace
Islamic Guidelines for Dialogue
First: Sincere intention; Focus on goals and objectives.
Second: Mutual Respect (6:108)
Third: Justice and Honesty (5:8)
Fourth: Repudiation of Fanaticism and
Hatred (60: 8 - 9)
It must be based on Knowledge and reason. (3:65 - 66)
RKUD3030:Methods of Da'wah
General Rules (Regulations) of Dialogue
i- Inter-faith dialogue needs to focus on two
First, dialogue within the same religious
community (intra-religion)
and second, between other religious
communities (inter-religion)