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Week 7 8

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RKUD3030: Methods of Da'wah

6.1 Divine Origin (Rabbaniyyah) and
Humanity (Insaniyyah)

i. Divine Origin (Rabbaniyyah):

 Concept of Rabbaniyyah:
 Its Origin: Islamic Da’wah is based on
revelation. (42: 51-52). (4: 136), (5:50), (53: 1-4).
 Its Source: Divine origin, not from man. (3:79),
(69: 40-47).
 Validity: (authority, and legality) God
promised to take care of it. (75: 16, 19). (15:9).

RKUD3030: Methods of Da'wah

 Its core contents and aim: the call to Tawhid
(the concept of the Oneness of Allah)
 full understanding of Tawhid (Tawhid
Rububiyyah, Uluhiyyah and al-Asma’ wa al-
Sifat) and avoiding from any form of
association of God with other creations of
God (Shirk).
 To live according to Sharia.

RKUD3030: Methods of Da'wah

 i) Islam is not a man-made religion.
 ii) The Qur’an and Sunnah as primary
 iii) The content of Islamic da‘wah mainly
focuses on the submission of God.

RKUD3030: Methods of Da'wah

ii. Humanity (Insaniyyah):
 The da‘wah should be conducted on the basis of
insaniyyah (humanity); to aware the need of
human being such as eating, resting,
marrying etc. Because:
o Its Prophet: (9:128), (25: 7).
o Its audience: It addresses human.
o Its aim: (Happiness, and enjoyment). To
keep mankind on the right path (fitrah); to
achieve justice, truth, well-being,
saintliness, and beauty..
o Understanding the revelation.
RKUD3030: Methods of Da'wah
6.2 Easy (taysir) and
moderation (wasatiyyah)

i. Easy (facilitation, and uncomplicated) (2:185)

(2:286) (5:6), (22:78).
 The Prophet said “Make it easy, don’t make
it difficult. Tell good news, and don’t make
people run away from you” ( ‫ﯾﺴﯿﺮوا وﻻ ﺗﻌﺴﺮوا‬
‫ ) وﺑﺸﺮوا وﻻ ﺗﻨﻔﺮوا‬Bukhari & Muslim

RKUD3030: Methods of Da'wah

 Using simple language that is easily
understood by targeted group, don’t use
bombastic and rhetoric language
 Hadith (‫ – ) ﺧﺎطﺒﻮا اﻟﻨﺎس ﻋﻠﻰ ﻗﺪر ﻋﻘﻮﻟﮭﻢ‬Talk to
people on the level of their mind means
to understand the culture, the language,
the habits of those people in order to
address something which is common and
easy for them to do.

RKUD3030: Methods of Da'wah

ii. Moderation -wasatiyyah- (the
avoidance of excess or extreme)
 Moderation is the justice, it is the best choice, the middle.
 Avoid excess or extreme in da’wah eg.
 The stress is more on SUBSTANCE rather than FORM.
 Moderation in the Worldview:
 Moderation in Worship: Islam stands in the middle between
those which completely deny the divine side, such as Buddhism,
which confines its teachings to the human ethical side alone, and
those which devote all their teachings to worship in seclusion
from the practical productive daily life of their followers, as in
the monastic orders of Christianity (62:9-10). + Individual and
public rights.
 Moderation in Ethics: Not idealism; neither liberalism.
RKUD3030: Methods of Da'wah
 Give good example on moderation enjoin by
Islam to its followers and don’t become the
agents to spread narrow mindedness in
understanding Islam
 Observe the Rukhsah in Islam

RKUD3030: Methods of Da'wah

6.3 Universality (al-‘Alamiyyah)
(7:158), (25:1), (34:28),

 Islam is a universal religion which came to all

 It is not restricted in its call to any particular
race or any particular time in history.
 All Muslims in the world are worshipping only
One God, belief in the Prophethood of
Muhammad who brought to them the
revelations. Facing same KIBLAH.

RKUD3030: Methods of Da'wah

 Universal character of da’wah is one of the
important element of the message of Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) as the Seal of the Prophet.
 The message of the holy Qur’an is for every
 The usage of general terms ( ‫ﯾﺎ أﯾﮭﺎ اﻟﻨﺎس – ﯾﺎ أﯾﮭﺎ اﻟﺬﯾﻦ‬
..‫ ﯾﺎ أھﻞ اﻟﻜﺘﺎب‬،‫ ﯾﺎ ﺑﻨﻲ آدم‬،‫) أﻣﻨﻮا‬
 Therefore, Da’wah is a universal responsibility
which is for every mankind not only to the
Muslim or the elites etc

RKUD3030: Methods of Da'wah

6.4 Public Interest (al-Maslahah)
 Islah (order, conciliation, formation) ~ Fasad
(disorder, destruction, deformation)
 Maslahah : what is in the best interest of the
religion, public, Ummah and those
 Maslaha al-‘ammah (the common good) to
the entire creation of God and not only to
 Da‘wah is concerned with man’s fate and
welfare. ‫أﯾﻧﻣﺎ وﺟدت اﻟﻣﺻﻠﺣﺔ ﻓﺛﻣﺔ ﺣﻛم ﷲ‬

RKUD3030: Methods of Da'wah

6.5 Reality (al-Waqi’iyyah)

 Simply means is not idealism ..

 A very important feature of Islam which must
be observed.
 Two Shahadah..
 Reality of human..
 Consider Reality of women in Sharia..
 Reality in the necessity (dharurah). Pork)
 Reality in giving fatwa.

RKUD3030: Methods of Da'wah

6.7 Comprehensiveness (al-Shumuliyyah)

 Islam is a complete way of life, offering

guidance for all spheres of life (16:89)
 Da’wah Islamiyyah is for everyone and to
every aspects of human life
 spiritual / religious needs
 social needs
 Nothing has been singled out (overlooked)
 Prophethood of Muhammad is for every
single man until the end of the world
RKUD3030: Methods of Da'wah
6.8 Balance/Equilibrium (Tawazun),
(7:31), (25:67), (28:77)

 Islam is a balance religion..

 Spiritual and physical..
 This word and hereafter..
 Individual right and
public/community right

RKUD3030: Methods of Da'wah

6.9 Clarity (2:2)

 Nothing is complicated in Islam

 Islam is a straight forward religion compare
to other religions (Trinity etc.).
 Da‘wah is clear in terms of its message and
 It seeks to remove any misunderstanding and
conflict through means of preaching, dialogue
and debate in gracious manners.

RKUD3030: Methods of Da'wah

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