Islamic Ethics 1
Islamic Ethics 1
Islamic Ethics 1
Ethics in Islam is known as akhlaq (plural of
khuluq) which means character, nature,
disposition. In daily use, the word akhlaq is
interchangeably used with morals and
ethics to describe good or bad actions.
Al-Ghazzali states that man consists of two
aspects, khalq and khulq. Khalq refers to
the physical form of man, while khulq
(which is the singular form of akhlaq) refers
to the spiritual aspect of man. Thus, akhlaq
from al-Ghazzali’s point of view is rooted in
the soul and manifested through man’s
actions. A good soul will produce right
action and vice versa.
The term khuluq in the Qur’an:
• “This is no other than a customary device
of the ancients.” al-Shu‘ara’ 26:137.