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Ubud is a district; formerly was a kingdom. It has become a famous tourist resort

nowadays. The development of this village a with the arrival of Walter spies, a noscow

born, German artist, in the years of twenties; he established an art group called Pita Maha.

Later Rudolf bonnet, a Dutch painter was appointed by the institution of the museum to

manage the traditional painting gallery in this village, which is now known as Puri Lukisan

museum. here the best traditional paintings are kept. Ubud is also famous for the Campuan

river. Campuan means the meeting of two rivers. also, in the southern part of Ubud about

1 km we can find a new object is the monkey forest. in this place we can see a lot of

monkeys, are like at Sangeh.

It is located in the district of Sukawati, Gianyar regency about 15 km from

Denpasar. Batuan is well known for traditional dances such as Gambuh, Mask a so on.

Batuan is also famousits traditional painting that is very different from her paintings in

Bali. Here we also can find wovem product. Mr at is famous dancer in this village. He has

gone abroad for eral days. Redently we can find a lot of art shops or home.

The visitors are crowdes enough especially the visitors who to see or to buy

traditional paintings or who want to Balinese dancer there.

It is about 14 km form Denpasar. Sukawati market is very busy every day especially

in the morning when people (mainly women) sell and buy all kinds of goods there such as.

Fruits, cakes, vegetables, ceremonial implements and so on. Not so far from Sukawati

market there is an art market a place where the artisans sell handicrafts at reasonable prices.

The unique of this market is visited by mostly art shop owners and hawkers. Who look for
handicrafts because in this place they are cheaper? Almost all kinds of Balinese souverirs

are found here and buyers must arrive here very early between 06 am – 10 am. Besides

that, in the village of Sukawati we also can find the people make tample of dancing

implements and leather puppet.

It is located in the village of Bedulu, Blahbatuh district Gianyar regency. In the

beginning in this place only known by the local before announced the public in 1923. Its

history can’t be detected but it can be proved that it was built in 11th between 950 and 1050

AD. Most probably around the year 1000AD. When Bali was ruled by king udayana. In

side I shaped is found several niches. Perhaps they are used by the accepts to put their be

longings while they were meditating. At one of ends of this cave there is a Ganesa statue,

the God or science. And in other part we can find a triple lingga, the symbol of male

sovereignty (sourinti). In front of the cave is the bathing place devided into 3 parts, by

walls and decorated by 6 big stone statues. This place was found in 1954. The name of Goa

Gajah derived from the book written by Mpu Prapanca in 1365 “Negaa Kerta Gama” which

tell us about the name of 2 places Bedulu and Goa Gajah (Elephant Cave).

It is located in the village of Tampaksiring not so far from Tampaksiring Market.

Before arriving to this object, we must go down a lot step stairways. The object it self after

the river of Pakerisan.

Gunung kawi is an ancient monument that was made on the 11th century. The

ancient monument was carved on the wall of hard stone. It is believed as the burial of

Erlangga younger brother whose name is Anak Wungsu. It is sometimes considered as the
burial of King Prime Minister and by the local people is considered as priest house on that


The visitors are crowdes enough either domestic or foreign visitors or students who

want study about archaeological object.

Tirta Empul is the real name of the tample and its water springs. But more people

brefer calling it Tampaksiring. According to the legend of the local this spring wan created

when the Lord of Heaven. Indra had to fight against a demon King Naya Denawa. And his

blow then pierced the earth then created the springs. The springs of Tirta Empul are

believed to be sacred so it is not allowed for the people to bathe there. But in the lower part

of the tample there arevseveral place for bathing. According to stone document that read

by DR Stutterheim this temple was built in 960 AD.

Close to the springs on a hill there is a palace of the first president of Indonesia

Sukarno and formerly was the rest house of teh Colonial officers. Tampak Siring is also

famous for bone carwings, hanger’s key that made of wood.

The visitors are crowded enough either domestic or foreign visitors.


Tengenan is one of the original villages in Bali Island, they called themselves Bali Age.

This village is very famous in Bali because the system of their community is very different

from other villages in Bali. Here we can find the people make famous clothes called

“Kambenueringsing” with traditional colours. And the unique ceremonies here such as:

i. Rejang Dance with gambelan slonding. Gambelan selonding only can find in this

village in Bali.
ii. Perang Pandan is attraction or Mekare-kare is a ceremony in which men have to

fight each other by using pandanus palm leaves as weapons.

It is located in the village of Besakih, Rendang district and Karangasem regency. Besakih

temple is the biggest temple among temples in bali. The history of Besakih began in 13th

century. When a priest Resi Markandhya led a ceremony of the five netals or Panca Datu

such as: gold, silver, iron, copper and precicus stone on the slopes of mount Agung. Then

the people built a temple in this place called Pura Basukian. The main temple festivals such


i. The Panca Walikrama festival (once every 10 years).

ii. The Eka Dasa Rudra (once every 100 years).

iii. The Betara Turun Kabeh (every full moon of the tenth month of Balinese calender)

In Besakih temple there tree main temples:

i. Batu Madeg temple represents Wisny as preserver.

ii. Kiduling Kreteg temple represents Brahma as creator

iii. Penataran Agung temple represents Siwa as dissolver

➢ Lead – led – led = memimpin

➢ Precious stone = Batu nulis

➢ Dissolver = pelebur

➢ Copper = tembaga

➢ Slope = lereng

➢ Preserver = pemelihara
It is located in the village of Pancasari, Baturiti district, Tabanan regency. It is about

49 km from Denpasar. The name of Bedugul derived from the name of the temple there.

This place is very interesting. The weather is rather cold. It is good to take a rest there.

Bedugul is the centre of flowers and vegetables. There we can find a lot of hotel, restaurant.

For the visitors who want to pay golft there is also a golf course. It is about 5 km to the

north of Pancasari market. There is also a botanical garden there. Nowadays the lake of

Beratan is often used for water ski.

The visitors are crowded enough either domestic or foreign visitor.

10. Tanah Lot

It is located in the village of Braban,Kediri district, Tabanan regency. It is about 29

km from Denpasar. The temple it self is located in a huge black rock. The temple was built

in 16th centurymen Dang Hyang Nirartha made along trip to the south parts of Bali island.

He suggested the people around that village there is a huge make which dwell peace fully

in one of the shrines.

The temple festival takes place on Rabu Wage Langkir according a Balinese

calender. The visitors are crowded enough ti visit this temple every either domestic or

foreign visitors.

➢ Huge = Besar

➢ Black rock = Batu Karang

➢ Take Place = Berlangsung

➢ Suggest = menyarankan

➢ Dwell = bertempat tinggal

It is located at the top of a rocky clirf at Pecatu Village, Kuta district Badung

regency. It is about 30 km from Denpasar.

This temple was built, most probably, in 976 AD, when Balines under the rule of

Warmadewa and his fa,ily. This place was used by Dang Hyang Nirartha, to release from

the cycle of life and death (moksa) in Balinese language is called Ngaluhur. This temple is

often used by mystics to prestise meditation. The temple festival takes place on Selasa

Kliwon Kedangsia.


It is located in the village of Mengwi, Mengwi district, Badung regency. It is about

18 km from Denpasar.

This temple was built in 1634 by I Gusti Agung Anom, the King of Mengwi. In the

inner yard we can see nine multi-tiered roofed Merus. Two of the tiered roofed Merus are

for the Lord Mount Agung and mount Batukaru while the only one seven tiered roofed.

This is the celebration of a temple’s anniversary. Some temple celebrates their

odalan (Temple festibal) every 210 days and some temples celebrate template festival once

a year according to Balinese calender. A temple festival usually begins with the preparation

of the offerings by the women, while the man prepares the sites and decoration.

Cock fighting is held on the first day as a part of the sacrifice for neutralizing the

negative influences from the natural and super natural worlds. It should be done just for

three rounds to drop the animal’s blood on the ground. Temple festival is sometimes

followed by a procession to the sea or to a nearly holy spring to purify the temple’s

paraphernalis. When the main ceremony takes place women preparing various offerings

and men begin to play the gambelan music and the priest conduet the ceremony

accompanied by sared dances. All of these are held at the inner yard. An odalan is a good

time for people to meet each other.

A celebration of the creation of the universe, held on wenesday of the pawukon’s

11th week (Dunggulan), this day symbolize the victory at goodness (Dharma) over the evils

(A Dharma). The supreme god (Sang Hyang Widhi) is worshipped, all ancestral sprite is

invited to descend to the earth. To stay with their descendate for just a while. For this

people place the decorated long bambo poles (Penjor) along the roads, each with a shrine

full of offerings, cake, fruits and flowers. People often make this shrine very high, so that

te decorated (Lamak) hanging is also very long until one its end touch the ground. One day
before Galungan is called Penampahan (slaughter) on which the men kill pigs and cook

food for all members of family and while the women prepare of the offerings and decorate

the family temple. Is the main ceremony (at Galungan Day) people pray at family temple,

to thank to God for their giving of life and prosperity

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