Initiationofmechanical Ventilationinpatients Withdecompensatedrespiratory Failure
Initiationofmechanical Ventilationinpatients Withdecompensatedrespiratory Failure
Initiationofmechanical Ventilationinpatients Withdecompensatedrespiratory Failure
Mechanical ventilation Endotracheal intubation COPD
Acute respiratory distress syndrome Heart failure Ventilator weaning
No Disclosures.
Section of Hospital Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, UC Davis Medical Center,
4150 V Street, Suite 3400, Sacramento, CA 95817, USA; b Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care,
and Sleep Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, UC Davis Medical Center, 4150 V Street,
Suite 3400, Sacramento, CA 95817, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:
Table 1
Ventilator-induced lung injury
Injury Cause Clinical Implications Tips to Avoid
Barotrauma Alveolar or bronchial Pneumothorax, LTVV
rupture leading to pneumomediastinum, Avoid dynamic
air leak subcutaneous hyperinflation (allow
emphysema exhalation before
initiation of next
Volutrauma Alveolar edema, Diffuse alveolar damage Early initiation and
inflammation, (indistinguishable maintenance of LTVV
surfactant from ARDS) Maintain
dysfunction from patient-ventilator
overdistension synchrony
of alveoli
Atelectrauma Damage from Diffuse alveolar damage Open lung strategy
repeated collapse (indistinguishable (PEEP)
and reexpansion from ARDS) LTVV
of alveoli Minimize respiratory
rate as physiologically
Oxygen toxicity Oxygen free-radical Alveolar damage, cilia Target FiO2 <0.6 to
formation leading inhibition maintain tolerable
to cellular injury oxygen delivery
Use PEEP to aid
Data from Marini JJ. Dynamic hyperinflation and auto-positive end-expiratory pressure: lessons
learned over 30 years. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2011;184(7):756–62; and Santamaria JD, Tobin
AE, Reid DA. Do we practise low tidal-volume ventilation in the intensive care unit? A 14-year
audit. Crit Care Resusc 2015;17(2):108–12.
In patients with ARF secondary to ARDS, opinion may be shifting away from NIPPV
toward the use of high-flow nasal cannula. Frat and colleagues13 recently published a
trial comparing NIPPV to high-flow and standard oxygen delivery systems, demon-
strating an absolute decrease in endotracheal intubation of w25% and decrease
in mortality of w14% for high-flow nasal cannula. NIPPV allows unregulated tidal
volumes and is limited by leak in the amount of positive end expiratory pressure
(PEEP) it can deliver, which may partially explain these findings. However, a recent
study demonstrated a reduction in intubation rates and 90-day mortality in patients
with ARDS when NIPPV delivery was through a helmet as opposed to a mask.14
Although this modality is not available currently, it demonstrates that NIPPV for
ARDS may still have a future.
NIPPV and high-flow nasal cannula should be used with caution as a bridge to defin-
itive therapy. Providers should have a low threshold for initiation of invasive MV
if noninvasive modalities are unlikely to adequately support the patient before their
underlying failure can resolve.
unable to meet their oxygenation or ventilation needs; or the expected trajectory sug-
gests impending respiratory failure.
Altered level of consciousness, whether from CO2 narcosis, drugs, or a neurologic
insult, leads to impaired gag and cough reflexes, which can lead to aspiration of oral
and gastric contents into the lower airway. Evaluation of the gag reflex is often pre-
formed to assess a patient’s ability to protect his or her airway, but may be an unre-
liable metric. Up to 37% of healthy individuals can have an absent gag reflex.15
Even if a gag reflex is intact, vocal cord paralysis or incomplete glottis closure can
lead to aspiration of oral contents. It is the authors’ recommendation to perform a
gag reflex assessment, but to place it in the context of the patient’s global level of
arousal, and the cause and expected course of the derangement. An easily reversible
cause such as narcotic overdose may be amenable to short-term noninvasive tempo-
rizing measures while rapidly working to correct the cause of the depressed senso-
rium, whereas altered level of consciousness from an acute stroke would warrant a
lower threshold to intubate because of the expectation of a protracted course.
There are no consensus vital sign, laboratory value, or physical examination criteria
to indicate initiation of invasive MV. Absolute, single data point thresholds to prompt
endotracheal intubation, such as oxygen saturation, arterial blood gas, and blood
pressure, are of little use, especially in patients with chronic respiratory disease. A
common and dangerous example is a patient with developing ARDS who has a
high minute ventilation due to increased dead space and work of breathing. A pulse
oximetry reading of 90% while receiving 4 L/min of supplemental oxygen via nasal
cannula should be interpreted as a sign of respiratory failure. Alternatively, the same
oxygen saturation in a patient with severe COPD may represent their baseline level
of oxygenation. Physical examination signs of impending respiratory failure (eg,
increased respiratory rate, use of accessory muscles of breathing, and paradoxic thor-
acoabdominal movements during inspiration) may be more predictive of respiratory
failure. Oxygen saturation and arterial partial pressure of oxygen should always be
interpreted in the context of a patient’s work of breathing and the amount of noninva-
sive support he or she is receiving, and one should have a lower threshold to intubate
patients with deterioration who are already receiving high levels of noninvasive
Last, the expected clinical course should factor into the decision to intubate. As
mentioned above, quickly reversible causes (eg, narcotic overdose) or diseases
amenable to non-invasive management (ie, COPD and cardiogenic pulmonary edema)
may warrant avoiding MV.16,17 Other diseases such as ARDS typically have a longer
course until resolution, such that NIPPV should not be used to delay intubation
when failure appears imminent.
What is the role of the hospitalist during the periendotracheal intubation period?
the duration of effect of induction medication is short (and often shorter than that of the
paralytic). This effect is particularly apparent in patients with underlying liver impair-
ment receiving rocuronium, in which clearance can be impaired. Table 2 describes
common medications used in endotracheal intubation and both their expected and
adverse effects.
The choice of induction medications should depend on the acute disease state.
Factors that influence this decision include concern for elevated intracranial pressure,
recent intubation (especially if with etomidate), bronchospasm, intravascular volume
status, renal/hepatic function, and hyperkalemia.18 Because intubating providers
are often not afforded the time for a thorough chart review, concise communication
of information from hospitalist to the intubating provider is key to appropriate selection
of induction medications.
Cardiac preload is decreased during initiation of MV secondary to positive pressure
ventilation and decreased sympathetic tone from induction medications. Decreased
preload is a benefit for patients with decompensated congestive heart failure, but
for patients with normal cardiac function, especially those in hypovolemic or distribu-
tive shock, the decrease in preload may lead to immediate and severe hypotension.
Hospitalists should anticipate hypotension during and after intubation and be ready
to administer resuscitative volume and/or vasopressors. The authors’ practice is to
have resuscitative fluids with a pressure bag accessing a large-bore intravenous
line, as well as immediate access to push-dose vasopressors (epinephrine or phenyl-
ephrine) to prevent hemodynamic collapse.
After endotracheal intubation, the Society of Critical Care Medicine guidelines
recommend choosing non-benzodiazepines such as propofol or dexmedetomidine.19
Analgesics such as fentanyl should be used primarily for the treatment of pain and not
sedation, or to decrease respiratory drive in patients with severe air hunger. Hospital-
ists should order sedation and analgesia before intubation to ensure that these med-
ications are available to start immediately following intubation and before induction
medications wear off. These guidelines also recommend titration of sedative medica-
tions to “light” rather than “deep” sedation to decrease ICU stay and improve
outcomes, unless contraindicated (eg, patient with ARDS may require deep sedation
to achieve low tidal volume ventilation [LTVV] goals).19
What factors should be considered when choosing the initial settings and mode of
mechanical ventilation?
Mounting evidence supports the use of LTVV (tidal volumes of 6–8 mL per kilogram of
predicted body weight) for all patients receiving invasive MV.20 There is no compelling
evidence to support any specific mode of tidal volume delivery over another. Plateau
pressure should be maintained less than 30 cm H2O to reduce the risk of barotrauma
(eg, pneumothorax) and prevent excessive alveolar distention. The fraction of inspired
oxygen (FiO2) should initially be set at 1.0, but rapidly decreased to nontoxic levels of
oxygen. For most patients, FiO2 titration can be guided by peripheral oxygen saturation
to avoid the delay of waiting for arterial blood gas–derived partial pressure of oxygen.
PEEP should be applied initially at 5 cm H2O and increased approximately every 15 mi-
nutes as needed using the ARDSnet PEEP-FiO2 titration tables.21 After intubation, res-
piratory rate and minute ventilation should be rapidly adjusted to achieve disease-
specific minute ventilation goals (Table 3), while avoiding breath stacking (incomplete
exhalation before initiation of the next breath resulting in hyperinflation). An initial rate
set to achieve a minute ventilation of 8 to 10 L/min will generally prevent extremes of
hypoventilation and hyperventilation in most patients. Frequent testing of arterial
Table 2
Commonly used medications to facilitate endotracheal intubation
Signoff et al
Pretreatment Medication Mechanism Onset/Duration Advantage Adverse Effects
Fentanyl Rapid-acting synthetic opioid 1 min/30 min Decreased hypertensive Hypotension
response to intubation Thoracic and abdominal
Blunts sympathetic muscular rigidity (rare)
response to intubation
Sufentanil Rapid-acting synthetic opioid More rapid onset and Rapid onset, short Hypotension
shorter duration than duration
Midazolam GABA-A receptor agonist 2 min/3–5 min Amnestic Hypotension
Lidocaine Class IB antidysrhythmic with 1–2 min/10-20 min Inhibits cough/gag reflex Hypotension
local anesthetic properties Theoretic benefit if intra-
cranial pressure (ICP) is of
Table 3
Mechanical ventilation goals for the management of common causes of acute respiratory
Heart Failure
MV can be used for more than administration of supplemental oxygen in decompen-
sated heart failure. PEEP has numerous beneficial effects in heart failure:
Decreased preload through reducing venous return
Decreased hypoxemic pulmonary vasoconstriction
Decreased extravascular lung water thus improving pulmonary edema
Improved cardiac oxygen delivery
Decreased afterload through increased intrathoracic pressure and decreased
transmural pressure.16,22
The net effects of optimized MV settings in the acute setting are improved cardiac
output and decreased myocardial oxygen consumption.23 These effects of MV should
also be considered during the weaning phase. Heart failure is the most common cause
of failed extubation in all patients, not just those intubated for this indication.16 With-
drawal of even small amounts of PEEP and mechanical support upon extubation can
result in substantial increases in work of breathing, afterload, and preload that may
result in unanticipated extubation failure. Pharmacologic optimization of preload
with diuretics or ultrafiltration, afterload with short-acting vasodilators such as intrave-
nous hydralazine or nitroprusside, and augmentation of contractility with inotropic
medications may be necessary to liberate selected patients from MV. In some cases,
spontaneous breathing trials (SBTs) with supplemental oxygen supplied via a T-piece
attached to the end of the endotracheal tube may help to identify patients that require
additional hemodynamic optimization before or during extubation.
What are the common pitfalls in the early management of mechanical ventilation?
Hospitalists should be aware of several early pitfalls to avoid the need for rescue later
in the hospital course. Hospitalists should identify the cause of the failure to set appro-
priate goals. For example, recent data have documented low rates of ARDS recogni-
tion even among intensivists, with only one-third of providers recognizing ARDS the
first day diagnostic criteria were met, and only 60% ever recognizing the condition
when present.31 Not surprisingly, studies have documented remarkably low rates of
adherence LTVV in patients with ARDS, even in patients with severe disease.26,31,32
Given the life-saving benefits of LTVV in patients with ARDS, clinicians should thus
maintain high suspicion for the diagnosis of ARDS and a low threshold for the use
of LTVV.20,33–35
Initiation of Mechanical Ventilation 511
The easiest and most common intervention to improve hypoxemia for an intubated
patient is to increase the FiO2. Although this may be appropriate for mild to moderate
hypoxemia, oxygen free-radical formation can occur when the FiO2 increases beyond
w0.60. Hyperoxia, use of excessive FiO2, has been shown to have insidious, delete-
rious effects in multiple clinical scenarios: heart failure/myocardial ischemia,36–38
and post–cardiac arrest.30,39 Many physicians in clinical practice aim for physiologi-
cally normal targets, but Panwar and colleagues30 recently showed that lower targets
(oxygen saturation targets of 88%–92%) are tolerable in the short term. Aside from the
benefits of avoiding free radical damage, targeting lower oxygen saturation w88% to
92% aids the clinician in detecting worsening hypoxemia. This range represents the
upper inflection point of the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve where worsening
gas exchange will immediately lead to lower oxygen saturation, resulting in immediate
recognition of deterioration at the bedside. For patients with oxygen saturations
greater than 96%, deteriorating alveolar gas exchange will have a minimal effect of
the oxygen saturation, potentially delaying identification and intervention.
In contrast to increasing the FiO2, titration of PEEP is often overlooked as a modality
to improve oxygenation through increasing functional residual capacity and thus sur-
face area and time available for gas exchange. ARDSnet tables for PEEP-FiO2 titration
prescribe recommended pressures for a given FiO2 and are an easy, online-accessible
tool to guide the optimization of these parameters.21
PVA, colloquially referred to as “bucking the vent,” occurs in nonparalyzed patients
requiring MV when patient respiratory demands are not met by ventilator support.40
This paradigm falsely suggests inadequate ventilator support as the cause, but it is
important to recognize that titrating support to patient demand may lead to injurious
ventilator settings. The clinician must find compromise in this complicated and
dynamic relationship.
weakness develops in more than 25% of patients intubated for a week or more. Symp-
toms last weeks to months, but can persist indefinitely.41 Data supporting early mobi-
lization are mixed, but adverse effects are low, and so the authors recommend
initiation as early as the patient can safely tolerate.41
How do you wean patients from the ventilator using spontaneous breathing trials and
the rapid shallow breathing index?
For many patients, the process of liberating from the ventilator begins immediately af-
ter intubation; however, unstable patients with ongoing severe shock or patients
requiring high levels of MV support should not have SBTs performed because this
may lead to clinical deterioration. SBTs, 30- to 120-minute trials on “minimal” venti-
lator support to assess readiness to wean from the ventilator, are recommended
daily.42 What constitutes “minimal” support is a topic of debate, because no support
(ie, T-piece trial), minimal PEEP (ie, CPAP), and PEEP with inhalation assistance to
overcome the resistance of the endotracheal tube are all used in practice.43,44 Even
small amounts of mechanical ventilator support and low levels of PEEP can offset
up to 30% of the work of breathing.45 A recent consensus statement by the American
College of Chest Physicians/American Thoracic Society recommends the use of inspi-
ratory support rather than T-piece for SBTs in patients admitted greater than
24 hours.42 This recommendation is based upon a large, but heterogeneous group
of studies that demonstrate shorter ICU length of stay associated with inspiratory sup-
port SBTs, but without a change in the overall time on MV.
During an SBT, failure is identified by worsening hypoxemia, tachypnea, tachy-
cardia, hypotension, or respiratory distress (defined as accessory muscle use, para-
doxic abdominal muscle use, diaphoresis, or dyspnea). Passing an SBT suggests
readiness to wean MV, but does not guarantee successful extubation, and 10% to
20% of patients who pass an SBT will require repeat endotracheal intubation.46
The rapid shallow breathing index (RSBI), the ratio of tidal volume in liters to the res-
piratory rate, is also used to assess readiness for extubation, typically as a complement
to an SBT. In the original report, an RSBI of less than 105 conferred a 78% chance of
successful extubation.47 A subsequent meta-analysis demonstrated only slight added
value of an RSBI less than 105 if the SBT is passed. The benefit of the RSBI is predicting
extubation failure as the likelihood ratio for failure is 2.3 if the RSBI is greater than 105.48
Before extubation, patients should have intact cough and gag reflexes to assure the
ability to prevent aspiration after extubation.49 The underlying reason for the patient’s
respiratory failure should be treated, and improving hemodynamic stability on
decreasing or no vasoactive medications should be present. Diuresis should be
considered before extubation in patients, especially those with underlying heart failure
or ARDS.47,50,51 Cabello and colleagues52 found heart failure to be the cause of failed
extubation in 42% of patients. Wiedemann and colleagues50 found that a fluid-
conservative management strategy focused on diuresis in hemodynamically stable
patients with ARDS resulted in 2.5 fewer days of MV compared with patients managed
with a more traditional, fluid-liberal strategy.
Although clinicians should not delay extubation to avoid the numerous potential com-
plications associated with extubation failure, patients who fail extubation (require
Initiation of Mechanical Ventilation 513
unplanned NIPPV or reintubation) are at higher risk for prolonged hospital stay and
increased mortality.53 Certain high-risk patients, defined as those with heart failure,
COPD, age greater than 65 years old, resting hypercapnia, and those with high
severity of illness scores, benefit from immediate postextubation ventilation
Preemptive use of NIPPV in patients at increased risk of extubation failure who
otherwise appear ready to liberate does not carry the aforementioned risks of failure
and portends improved outcome when compared with simple oxygen supplementa-
tion methods. The two main options for postextubation respiratory support are
high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) and NIPPV. Traditionally, NIPPV is considered for pa-
tients with COPD and heart failure, and although most data supporting efficacy come
from studies of BiPAP, CPAP may also play a role especially in patients that experi-
ence discomfort from pressure support delivered through a mask. A recent publication
by Hernández and colleagues54 showed less respiratory failure and reintubation in
patients receiving HFNC compared with venturi mask after extubation. HFNC may
be a good option for patients intolerant of, or with contraindications to, NIPPV.
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